Table of contents for issues of Mathematics of Computation

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Volume 67, Number 221, January, 1998
Volume 69, Number 229, January, 2000
Volume 69, Number 230, April, 2000
Volume 69, Number 231, July, 2000
Volume 69, Number 232, October, 2000
Volume 70, Number 233, January, 2001
Volume 70, Number 234, April, 2001
Volume 70, Number 235, July, 2001
Volume 70, Number 236, October, 2001
Volume 71, Number 237, January, 2002
Volume 71, Number 238, April, 2002
Volume 71, Number 239, July, 2002
Volume 71, Number 240, October, 2002
Volume 72, Number 241, January, 2003
Volume 72, Number 242, April, 2003
Volume 72, Number 243, July, 2003
Volume 72, Number 244, October, 2003
Volume 73, Number 245, January, 2004
Volume 73, Number 246, April, 2004
Volume 73, Number 247, July, 2004
Volume 73, Number 248, October, 2004
Volume 74, Number 249, January, 2005
Volume 74, Number 250, April, 2005
Volume 74, Number 251, July, 2005
Volume 74, Number 252, October, 2005
Volume 75, Number 253, January, 2006
Volume 75, Number 254, April, 2006
Volume 75, Number 255, July, 2006
Volume 75, Number 256, October, 2006
Volume 76, Number 257, January, 2007
Volume 76, Number 258, April, 2007
Volume 76, Number 259, July, 2007
Volume 76, Number 260, October, 2007
Volume 77, Number 261, January, 2008
Volume 77, Number 262, April, 2008
Volume 77, Number 263, July, 2008
Volume 77, Number 264, October, 2008
Volume 78, Number 265, January, 2009
Volume 78, Number 266, April, 2009
Volume 78, Number 267, July, 2009
Volume 78, Number 268, October, 2009
Volume 80, Number 275, July, 2011
Volume 84, Number 292, 2015

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 67, Number 221, January, 1998

          Anders Björn and   
                    Hans Riesel   Factors of generalized Fermat numbers.
                                  With microfiche supplement . . . . . . . 441--446

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 69, Number 229, January, 2000

             R. H. Nochetto and   
                 A. Schmidt and   
                       C. Verdi   A posteriori error estimation and
                                  adaptivity for degenerate parabolic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--24
        Dietmar Kröner and   
                Mario Ohlberger   A posteriori error estimates for upwind
                                  finite volume schemes for nonlinear
                                  conservation laws in multi dimensions    25--39
              Bruno Franchi and   
               Maria Carla Tesi   A finite element approximation for a
                                  class of degenerate elliptic equations   41--63
                 Einar Haug and   
                 Ragnar Winther   A domain embedding preconditioner for
                                  the Lagrange multiplier system . . . . . 65--82
               Matthias Wiedmer   Finite element approximation for
                                  equations of magnetohydrodynamics  . . . 83--101
             So-Hsiang Chou and   
                        Qian Li   Error estimates in $L^2$, $H^1$ and
                                  $L^\infty$ in covolume methods for
                                  elliptic and parabolic problems: A
                                  unified approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--120
              Daniele Boffi and   
              Franco Brezzi and   
                 Lucia Gastaldi   On the problem of spurious eigenvalues
                                  in the approximation of linear elliptic
                                  problems in mixed form . . . . . . . . . 121--140
                   Zhimin Zhang   Ultraconvergence of the patch recovery
                                  technique II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--158
                    Qun Lin and   
                   Ningning Yan   Global superconvergence for Maxwell's
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--176
              Dongwoo Sheen and   
               Ian H. Sloan and   
            Vidar Thomée   A parallel method for
                                  time-discretization of parabolic
                                  problems based on contour integral
                                  representation and quadrature  . . . . . 177--195
                  Z. Wiener and   
                      Y. Yomdin   From formal numerical solutions of
                                  elliptic PDE's to the true ones  . . . . 197--235
             G. N. Milstein and   
                M. V. Tretyakov   Numerical algorithms for semilinear
                                  parabolic equations with small parameter
                                  based on approximation of stochastic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--267
               David Hunter and   
                   Geno Nikolov   On the error term of symmetric
                                  Gauss--Lobatto quadrature formulae for
                                  analytic functions . . . . . . . . . . . 269--282
                   Liqun Qi and   
                     Defeng Sun   Improving the convergence of
                                  non-interior point algorithms for
                                  nonlinear complementarity problems . . . 283--304
                     Avram Sidi   Extrapolation methods and derivatives of
                                  limits of sequences  . . . . . . . . . . 305--323
                  Svein Mossige   The Postage Stamp Problem: An algorithm
                                  to determine the $h$-range on the
                                  $h$-range formula on the extremal basis
                                  problem for $k=4$  . . . . . . . . . . . 325--337
               Stefan Johansson   On fundamental domains of arithmetic
                                  Fuchsian groups  . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--349
                 R. Lercier and   
                      F. Morain   Computing isogenies between elliptic
                                  curves over $F_{p^n}$ using Couveignes's
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351--370
      Stéphane Louboutin   Computation of relative class numbers of
                                  CM-fields by using Hecke $L$-functions   371--393
               Guillaume Hanrot   Solving Thue equations without the full
                                  unit group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395--405
             William Butske and   
              Lynda M. Jaje and   
             Daniel R. Mayernik   On the equation
                                  $\sum_{p|N}\frac1p+\frac1N = 1$,
                                  pseudoperfect numbers, and perfectly
                                  weighted graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--420
     Jean-Marc Deshouillers and   
  François Hennecart and   
               Bernard Landreau   7373170279850  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--439
             Marcel G. de Bruin   Book review: \em Orthogonal Rational
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--442

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 69, Number 230, April, 2000

                Ivo Babuska and   
                 John E. Osborn   Can a finite element method perform
                                  arbitrarily badly? . . . . . . . . . . . 443--462
           James H. Bramble and   
          Joseph E. Pasciak and   
         Panayot S. Vassilevski   Computational scales of Sobolev norms
                                  with application to preconditioning  . . 463--480
                Sergey I. Repin   A posteriori error estimation for
                                  variational problems with uniformly
                                  convex functionals . . . . . . . . . . . 481--500
         Vladimir Shaidurov and   
                   Lutz Tobiska   The convergence of the cascadic
                                  conjugate-gradient method applied to
                                  elliptic problems in domains with
                                  re-entrant corners . . . . . . . . . . . 501--520
      Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and   
                     Manil Suri   Uniform $hp$ convergence results for the
                                  mortar finite element method . . . . . . 521--546
                J. B. Burie and   
                      M. Marion   Adaptive multilevel methods in space and
                                  time for parabolic problems-the periodic
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--581
                   Hailiang Liu   Convergence rates to the discrete
                                  travelling wave for relaxation schemes   583--608
         C. González and   
                    C. Palencia   Stability of Runge--Kutta methods for
                                  quasilinear parabolic problems . . . . . 609--628
                 Goong Chen and   
               Yuanhua Deng and   
                Wei-Ming Ni and   
                   Jianxin Zhou   Boundary element monotone iteration
                                  scheme for semilinear elliptic partial
                                  differential equations, Part II:
                                  Quasimonotone iteration for coupled
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629--652
                       Hyek Yoo   Semi-discretization of stochastic
                                  partial differential equations on
                                  $\mathbb{R}^1$ by a finite-difference
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653--666
           James H. Bramble and   
          Joseph E. Pasciak and   
            Apostol T. Vassilev   Uzawa type algorithms for nonsymmetric
                                  saddle point problems  . . . . . . . . . 667--689
                    Gert Vegter   The apolar bilinear form in geometric
                                  modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--720
                A. Bultheel and   
     C. Díaz-Mendoza and   
    P. González-Vera and   
                       R. Orive   On the convergence of certain Gauss-type
                                  quadrature formulas for unbounded
                                  intervals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--747
       Silvia Dassié and   
             Marco Vianello and   
               Renato Zanovello   A new summation method for power series
                                  with rational coefficients . . . . . . . 749--756
            Raymond Couture and   
                Pierre L'Ecuyer   Lattice computations for random numbers  757--765
                  David C. Terr   A modification of Shanks' baby-step
                                  giant-step algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 767--773
                Gene Ward Smith   Some polynomials over $\mathbb{Q}(t)$
                                  and their Galois groups  . . . . . . . . 775--796
        Gerard van der Geer and   
           Marcel van der Vlugt   Tables of curves with many points  . . . 797--810
           Toshihiro Kumada and   
                Hannes Leeb and   
           Yoshiharu Kurita and   
               Makoto Matsumoto   New primitive $t$-nomials $(t = 3,5)$
                                  over $GF(2)$ whose degree is a Mersenne
                                  exponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811--814
                 H. G. Grundman   Explicit resolutions of cubic cusp
                                  singularities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815--825
                    C. J. Smyth   Salem numbers of negative trace  . . . . 827--838
             Alain Togbé   On the solutions of a family of quartic
                                  Thue equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839--849
  István Gaál and   
              Günter Lettl   A parametric family of quintic Thue
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851--859
                Carter Bays and   
              Richard H. Hudson   Zeroes of Dirichlet $L$-functions and
                                  irregularities in the distribution of
                                  primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861--866
            Douglas E. Iannucci   The third largest prime divisor of an
                                  odd perfect number exceeds one hundred   867--879

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 69, Number 231, July, 2000

                 Jinchao Xu and   
                     Aihui Zhou   Local and parallel finite element
                                  algorithms based on two-grid
                                  discretizations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 881--909
            Richard S. Falk and   
                        Tong Tu   Locking-free finite elements for the
                                  Reissner--Mindlin plate  . . . . . . . . 911--928
                  Dan-Ping Yang   Analysis of least-squares mixed finite
                                  element methods for nonlinear
                                  nonstationary convection-diffusion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929--963
                M. Farhloul and   
                 S. Nicaise and   
                      L. Paquet   A mixed formulation of Boussinesq
                                  equations: Analysis of nonsingular
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965--986
              Laurent Gosse and   
          François James   Numerical approximations of
                                  one-dimensional linear conservation
                                  equations with discontinuous
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987--1015
            Norbert Hofmann and   
Thomas Müller-Gronbach and   
                   Klaus Ritter   Optimal approximation of stochastic
                                  differential equations by adaptive
                                  step-size control  . . . . . . . . . . . 1017--1034
                D. Calvetti and   
                G. H. Golub and   
                W. B. Gragg and   
                     L. Reichel   Computation of Gauss--Kronrod quadrature
                                  rules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035--1052
         Ilya M. Spitkovsky and   
                    Darryl Yong   Almost periodic factorization of certain
                                  block triangular matrix functions  . . . 1053--1070
         Jean-Pierre Dedieu and   
                      Mike Shub   Multihomogeneous Newton methods  . . . . 1071--1098
               J. P. Dedieu and   
                        M. Shub   Newton's method for overdetermined
                                  systems of equations . . . . . . . . . . 1099--1115
           Andreas Griewank and   
                  Jean Utke and   
                 Andrea Walther   Evaluating higher derivative tensors by
                                  forward propagation of univariate Taylor
                                  series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117--1130
              Divakar Viswanath   Random Fibonacci sequences and the
                                  number $1.13198824\dots$ . . . . . . . . 1131--1155
              Peter Borwein and   
            Michael Mossinghoff   Rudin--Shapiro-like polynomials in $L_4$ 1157--1166
                    P. G. Walsh   A polynomial-time complexity bound for
                                  the computation of the singular part of
                                  a Puiseux expansion of an algebraic
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167--1182
                    P. G. Walsh   Irreducibility testing over local fields 1183--1191
       Emmanuel Halberstadt and   
                    Alain Kraus   On the modular curves $Y_E(7)$ . . . . . 1193--1206
                  T. Fukuda and   
                     K. Komatsu   On a unit group generated by special
                                  values of Siegel modular functions . . . 1207--1212
              Christian Friesen   Class group frequencies of real
                                  quadratic function fields: The degree
                                  $4$ case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213--1228
                Henri Cohen and   
  Xavier-François Roblot   Computing the Hilbert class field of
                                  real quadratic fields  . . . . . . . . . 1229--1244
               R. Scheidler and   
                       A. Stein   Voronoi's algorithm in purely cubic
                                  congruence function fields of unit rank
                                  $1$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1266
             Oliver Schirokauer   Using number fields to compute
                                  logarithms in finite fields  . . . . . . 1267--1283
                Carter Bays and   
              Richard H. Hudson   A new bound for the smallest $x$ with
                                  $\pi(x) > \mathrm{li}(x)$ . . . . . . . . 1285--1296
                R. P. Brent and   
             R. E. Crandall and   
                 K. Dilcher and   
                 C. Van Halewyn   Three new factors of Fermat numbers  . . 1297--1304
                 William Layton   Book review: \em Handbook of numerical
                                  analysis, Vol. VI, Numerical methods for
                                  solids (Part 3), Numerical methods for
                                  fluids (Part 1)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305--1306
                   Chi-Wang Shu   Book review: \em Dynamic Multilevel
                                  Methods and the Numerical Simulation of
                                  Turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307--1307
              Valeria Simoncini   Book review: \em Numerical linear
                                  algebra for high-performance computers   1307--1309
                  G. W. Stewart   Book review: \em ARPACK Users' Guide,
                                  Solution of Large-Scale Eigenvalue
                                  Problems with Implicitly Restarted
                                  Arnoldi Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1309--1311
                Walter Gautschi   Book review: \em Computational
                                  Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311--1312
                 Arjeh M. Cohen   Book review: \em Computational methods
                                  in commutative algebra and algebraic
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312--1314
                     Gary Walsh   Book review: \em The Mathematics of
                                  Ciphers, Number Theory and RSA
                                  Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1314--1315

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 69, Number 232, October, 2000

         Susanne C. Brenner and   
                   Li-Yeng Sung   Lower bounds for nonoverlapping domain
                                  decomposition preconditioners in two
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1339
                 Lori Badea and   
                   Junping Wang   An additive Schwarz method for
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 1341--1354
M. Lukácová-Medvid'ová and   
               K. W. Morton and   
                    G. Warnecke   Evolution Galerkin methods for
                                  hyperbolic systems in two space
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355--1384
                 Cheng Wang and   
                   Jian-Guo Liu   Convergence of gauge method for
                                  incompressible flow  . . . . . . . . . . 1385--1407
            Christopher Beattie   Galerkin eigenvector approximations  . . 1409--1434
                   E. B. Davies   A hierarchical method for obtaining
                                  eigenvalue enclosures  . . . . . . . . . 1435--1455
            Elena Celledoni and   
                  Arieh Iserles   Approximating the exponential from a Lie
                                  algebra to a Lie group . . . . . . . . . 1457--1480
                      Shoufu Li   Stability and $B$-convergence properties
                                  of multistep Runge--Kutta methods  . . . 1481--1504
         Michael S. Floater and   
              J. M. Peña   Monotonicity preservation on triangles   1505--1519
                Jieqing Tan and   
                      Shuo Tang   Bivariate composite vector valued
                                  rational interpolation . . . . . . . . . 1521--1532
        Stefano Serra Capizzano   Korovkin tests, approximation, and
                                  ergodic theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1533--1558
            Charles H. Tong and   
                       Qiang Ye   Analysis of the finite precision
                                  bi-conjugate gradient algorithm for
                                  nonsymmetric linear systems  . . . . . . 1559--1575
               J. I. Aliaga and   
                D. L. Boley and   
               R. W. Freund and   
            V. Hernández   A Lanczos-type method for multiple
                                  starting vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 1577--1601
                    Jin Qi-nian   On the iteratively regularized
                                  Gauss--Newton method for solving
                                  nonlinear ill-posed problems . . . . . . 1603--1623
           Jean-Marc Couveignes   Isomorphisms between Artin--Schreier
                                  towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1625--1631
               Alexander Hulpke   Conjugacy classes in finite permutation
                                  groups via homomorphic images  . . . . . 1633--1651
                      F. Thaine   Families of irreducible polynomials of
                                  Gaussian periods and matrices of
                                  cyclotomic numbers . . . . . . . . . . . 1653--1666
                  Jerzy Browkin   Computing the tame kernel of quadratic
                                  imaginary fields . . . . . . . . . . . . 1667--1683
               Paul van Wamelen   Poonen's question concerning isogenies
                                  between Smart's genus $2$ curves . . . . 1685--1697
             Robert Gallant and   
             Robert Lambert and   
                 Scott Vanstone   Improving the parallelized Pollard
                                  lambda search on anomalous binary curves 1699--1705
                 Niklas Broberg   Some examples related to the
                                  $abc$-conjecture for algebraic number
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1707--1710
                Everett W. Howe   Higher-order Carmichael numbers  . . . . 1711--1719
              Andreas Stein and   
                 H. C. Williams   Explicit primality criteria for
                                  $(p-1)p^n-1$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721--1734
                   Kenji Koyama   On searching for solutions of the
                                  Diophantine equation $x^3 + y^3 +2z^3 =
                                  n$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735--1742
              Panos M. Pardalos   Book review: \em Iterative methods for
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1743--1743

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 70, Number 233, January, 2001

                    T. Tiihonen   Shape calculus and finite element method
                                  in smooth domains  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--15
                 Jinchao Xu and   
                     Aihui Zhou   A two-grid discretization scheme for
                                  eigenvalue problems  . . . . . . . . . . 17--25
               Albert Cohen and   
            Wolfgang Dahmen and   
                  Ronald DeVore   Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic
                                  operator equations: Convergence rates    27--75
               Paul Houston and   
                Endre Süli   Adaptive Lagrange--Galerkin methods for
                                  unsteady convection-diffusion problems   77--106
             Sergey Korotov and   
       Michal Krízek and   
        Pekka Neittaanmäki   Weakened acute type condition for
                                  tetrahedral triangulations and the
                                  discrete maximum principle . . . . . . . 107--119
                A. M. Davie and   
                   J. G. Gaines   Convergence of numerical schemes for the
                                  solution of parabolic stochastic partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 121--134
            Arturo Kohatsu-Higa   Weak approximations. A Malliavin
                                  calculus approach  . . . . . . . . . . . 135--172
             A. L. Dontchev and   
               William W. Hager   The Euler approximation in state
                                  constrained optimal control  . . . . . . 173--203
          Aeyoung Park Jang and   
                  Seymour Haber   Numerical indefinite integration of
                                  functions with singularities . . . . . . 205--221
               S. A. Sauter and   
                        C. Lage   Transformation of hypersingular
                                  integrals and black-box cubature . . . . 223--250
             G. Mastroianni and   
                    G. Monegato   Error estimates in the numerical
                                  evaluation of some BEM singular
                                  integrals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--267
                Sangwoo Heo and   
                        Yuan Xu   Constructing fully symmetric cubature
                                  formulae for the sphere  . . . . . . . . 269--279
       J. C. Santos-León   Error bounds for interpolatory
                                  quadrature rules on the unit circle  . . 281--296
                A. Papageorgiou   Fast convergence of quasi-Monte Carlo
                                  for a class of isotropic integrals . . . 297--306
                  M. D. Buhmann   A new class of radial basis functions
                                  with compact support . . . . . . . . . . 307--318
         Jean-Pierre Dedieu and   
                      Mike Shub   On simple double zeros and badly
                                  conditioned zeros of analytic functions
                                  of $n$ variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--327
Jérôme Dégot   A condition number theorem for
                                  underdetermined polynomial systems . . . 329--335
             Jia-Juan Liang and   
               Kai-Tai Fang and   
         Fred J. Hickernell and   
                       Runze Li   Testing multivariate uniformity and its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337--355
                 Peter Gaal and   
              Solomon W. Golomb   Exhaustive determination of $(1023, 511,
                                  255)$-cyclic difference sets . . . . . . 357--366
             Emmanuel Peyre and   
                 Yuri Tschinkel   Tamagawa numbers of diagonal cubic
                                  surfaces, numerical evidence . . . . . . 367--387
            Daniel J. Bernstein   Enumerating solutions to
                                  $p(a)+q(b)=r(c)+s(d)$  . . . . . . . . . 389--394
                Christian Batut   Classification of quintic eutactic forms 395--417
               Christophe Doche   On the spectrum of the Zhang--Zagier
                                  height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--430
              Hedi Daboussi and   
                Joël Rivat   Explicit upper bounds for exponential
                                  sums over primes . . . . . . . . . . . . 431--447
                  Stanley Osher   Book review: \em Level set methods and
                                  fast marching methods: evolving
                                  interfaces in computational geometry,
                                  fluid mechanics, computer vision, and
                                  materials science  . . . . . . . . . . . 449--451

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 70, Number 234, April, 2001

           James H. Bramble and   
                   Xuejun Zhang   Uniform convergence of the multigrid
                                  V-cycle for an anisotropic problem . . . 453--470
                       Pat Ryan   Eigenvalue and eigenfunction error
                                  estimates for finite element
                                  formulations of linear hydroelasticity   471--487
          Trygve K. Nilssen and   
              Xue-Cheng Tai and   
                 Ragnar Winther   A robust nonconforming $H^2$-element . . 489--505
                    P. Monk and   
                   L. Demkowicz   Discrete compactness and the
                                  approximation of Maxwell's equations in
                                  $\mathbb{R}^3$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--523
           Javier de Frutos and   
       Rafael Muñoz-Sola   On error estimates for Galerkin spectral
                                  discretizations of parabolic problems
                                  with nonsmooth initial data  . . . . . . 525--531
       Theodoros Katsaounis and   
         Charalambos Makridakis   Finite volume relaxation schemes for
                                  multidimensional conservation laws . . . 533--553
              Laurent Gosse and   
         Athanasios E. Tzavaras   Convergence of relaxation schemes to the
                                  equations of elastodynamics  . . . . . . 555--577
               Jian-Guo Liu and   
                       Weinan E   Simple finite element method in
                                  vorticity formulation for incompressible
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--593
               Jian-Guo Liu and   
                   Zhouping Xin   Convergence of the point vortex method
                                  for $2$-D vortex sheet . . . . . . . . . 595--606
                  Pascal Laubin   Optimal order collocation for the mixed
                                  boundary value problem on polygons . . . 607--636
              Zhongxiao Jia and   
                  G. W. Stewart   An analysis of the Rayleigh--Ritz method
                                  for approximating eigenspaces  . . . . . 637--647
                      A. Melman   Extreme eigenvalues of real symmetric
                                  Toeplitz matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . 649--669
        Borislav D. Bojanov and   
            Dimitar K. Dimitrov   Gaussian extended cubature formulae for
                                  polyharmonic functions . . . . . . . . . 671--683
          G. W. Wasilkowski and   
                H. Wozniakowski   On the complexity of stochastic
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--698
                Tim Gutzmer and   
             Jens Markus Melenk   Approximation orders for natural splines
                                  in arbitrary dimensions  . . . . . . . . 699--703
                Marek Beska and   
                Karol Dziedziul   Saturation theorems for interpolation
                                  and the Bernstein--Schnabl operator  . . 705--717
             Michael J. Johnson   The $L_{2}$-approximation order of
                                  surface spline interpolation . . . . . . 719--737
                  Karsten Urban   Wavelet bases in
                                  $\mathbf{H}(\mathrm{div})$ and
                                  $\mathbf{H}(\mathbf{curl})$  . . . . . . 739--766
                  Tiejun Li and   
                   Fengshan Bai   Minimizing multi-homogeneous Bézout
                                  numbers by a local search method . . . . 767--787
                       R. Shail   A class of infinite sums and integrals   789--799
            Igor E. Shparlinski   On the uniformity of distribution of the
                                  RSA pairs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801--808
                    Edlyn Teske   On random walks for Pollard's rho method 809--825
               Antoine Joux and   
                Reynald Lercier   ``Chinese & Match'', an alternative to
                                  Atkin's ``Match and Sort'' method used
                                  in the SEA algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 827--836
             Schehrazad Selmane   Quadratic extensions of totally real
                                  quintic fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837--843
             Schehrazad Selmane   Tenth degree number fields with quintic
                                  fields having one real place . . . . . . 845--851
                 C. Charnes and   
                   U. Dempwolff   The eight dimensional ovoids over GF(5)  853--861
                Zhenxiang Zhang   Finding strong pseudoprimes to several
                                  bases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863--872
                   Jon Grantham   Frobenius pseudoprimes . . . . . . . . . 873--891
                   Florian Luca   On a conjecture of Erd\Hos and Stewart   893--896

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 70, Number 235, July, 2001

                W. Hoffmann and   
               A. H. Schatz and   
              L. B. Wahlbin and   
                      G. Wittum   Asymptotically exact a posteriori
                                  estimators for the pointwise gradient
                                  error on each element in irregular
                                  meshes. Part 1: A smooth problem and
                                  globally quasi-uniform meshes  . . . . . 897--909
              Franco Brezzi and   
               Donatella Marini   Error estimates for the three-field
                                  formulation with bubble stabilization    911--934
             Andrea Toselli and   
            Olof B. Widlund and   
            Barbara I. Wohlmuth   An iterative substructuring method for
                                  Maxwell's equations in two dimensions    935--949
              Thomas Y. Hou and   
                  Pingwen Zhang   A new stabilizing technique for boundary
                                  integral methods for water waves . . . . 951--976
                J. Thomas Beale   A convergent boundary integral method
                                  for three-dimensional water waves  . . . 977--1029
                  M. Ganesh and   
                   O. Steinbach   Boundary element methods for potential
                                  problems with nonlinear boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031--1042
                     Haitao Fan   Existence of discrete shock profiles of
                                  a class of monotonicity preserving
                                  schemes for conservation laws  . . . . . 1043--1069
                   Leon Q. Brin   Numerical testing of the stability of
                                  viscous shock waves  . . . . . . . . . . 1071--1088
                B. Jüttler   Hermite interpolation by Pythagorean
                                  hodograph curves of degree seven . . . . 1089--1111
              H. N. Mhaskar and   
            F. J. Narcowich and   
                     J. D. Ward   Spherical Marcinkiewicz--Zygmund
                                  inequalities and positive quadrature . . 1113--1130
          Alexander G. Ramm and   
          Alexandra B. Smirnova   On stable numerical differentiation  . . 1131--1153
                  Y. H. Dai and   
                        Y. Yuan   A three-parameter family of nonlinear
                                  conjugate gradient methods . . . . . . . 1155--1167
                 Dario Bini and   
        Gianna M. Del Corso and   
           Giovanni Manzini and   
                Luciano Margara   Inversion of circulant matrices over
                                  $\mathbf{Z}_m$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169--1182
                 Amparo Gil and   
              Javier Segura and   
                  Nico M. Temme   On nonoscillating integrals for
                                  computing inhomogeneous Airy functions   1183--1194
         Yoshinori Miyazaki and   
            Yasushi Kikuchi and   
              DongSheng Cai and   
                 Yasuhiko Ikebe   Error analysis for the computation of
                                  zeros of regular Coulomb wave function
                                  and its first derivative . . . . . . . . 1195--1204
                  Javier Segura   Bounds on differences of adjacent zeros
                                  of Bessel functions and iterative
                                  relations between consecutive zeros  . . 1205--1220
           G. C. Kokkorakis and   
              J. A. Roumeliotis   Power series expansions for Mathieu
                                  functions with small arguments . . . . . 1221--1235
                     Greg Stein   Using the theory of cyclotomy to factor
                                  cyclotomic polynomials over finite
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237--1251
     Theodoulos Garefalakis and   
                 Daniel Panario   The index calculus method using
                                  non-smooth polynomials . . . . . . . . . 1253--1264
                   Brian D. Boe   Geometry of the Jantzen region in
                                  Lusztig's conjecture . . . . . . . . . . 1265--1280
                  Jerzy Browkin   Continued fractions in local fields, II  1281--1292
                   Claus Fieker   Computing class fields via the Artin map 1293--1303
                Sam Northshield   On iterates of Möbius transformations on
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305--1310
      A. J. van der Poorten and   
          H. J. J. te Riele and   
                 H. C. Williams   Computer verification of the
                                  Ankeny--Artin--Chowla Conjecture for all
                                  primes less than $100000000000$  . . . . 1311--1328
            Stefan Battiato and   
                   Walter Borho   Breeding amicable numbers in abundance.
                                  II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329--1333
                 Mark Ainsworth   Book review: \em $p$- and $hp$-finite
                                  element methods. Theory and applications
                                  in solid and fluid mechanics . . . . . . 1335--1337
                   Chi-Wang Shu   Book review: \em Spectral methods in
                                  Matlab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1337--1338
                Raytcho Lazarov   Book review: \em Generalized difference
                                  methods for differential equations.
                                  Numerical analysis of finite volume
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1338--1340
             Rozwitha März   Book review: \em Computer methods for
                                  ordinary differential equations and
                                  differential-algebraic equations . . . . 1340--1342
                   Ernst Hairer   Book review: \em Geometric integration:
                                  numerical solution of differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1342--1344
             Rozwitha März   Book review: \em Dynamical systems and
                                  numerical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 1344--1346
                 Brian Suchomel   Book review: \em Computer solution of
                                  large linear systems . . . . . . . . . . 1346--1348
            Harald Niederreiter   Book review: \em Character sums with
                                  exponential functions and their
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348--1348
                    P. G. Walsh   Book review: \em The algorithmic
                                  resolution of Diophantine equations  . . 1349--1352

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 70, Number 236, October, 2001

         Carsten Carstensen and   
               Stefan A. Funken   A posteriori error control in low-order
                                  finite element discretisations of
                                  incompressible stationary flow problems  1353--1381
                  Elsa Liberman   A posteriori error estimator for a mixed
                                  finite element method for
                                  Reissner--Mindlin plate  . . . . . . . . 1383--1396
             Claudio Canuto and   
                  Roland Masson   Stabilized wavelet approximations of the
                                  Stokes problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397--1416
                     L. Halpern   A spectral method for the Stokes problem
                                  in three-dimensional unbounded domains   1417--1436
                  Houde Han and   
                     Weizhu Bao   Error estimates for the finite element
                                  approximation of linear elastic
                                  equations in an unbounded domain . . . . 1437--1459
          Gabriel N. Gatica and   
                  Salim Meddahi   A dual-dual mixed formulation for
                                  nonlinear exterior transmission problems 1461--1480
      Stéphane Descombes   Convergence of a splitting method of
                                  high order for reaction-diffusion
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1481--1501
                  J.-P. Kauthen   The numerical solution of
                                  integral-algebraic equations of index
                                  $1$ by polynomial spline collocation
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503--1514
             H. Faßbender   The parameterized $SR$ algorithm for
                                  symplectic (butterfly) matrices  . . . . 1515--1541
                     L. Bos and   
               M. A. Taylor and   
                  B. A. Wingate   Tensor product Gauss--Lobatto points are
                                  Fekete points for the cube . . . . . . . 1543--1547
               Ronald Cools and   
                James N. Lyness   Three- and four-dimensional $K$-optimal
                                  lattice rules of moderate trigonometric
                                  degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549--1567
        Harald Niederreiter and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   On the distribution of inversive
                                  congruential pseudorandom numbers in
                                  parts of the period  . . . . . . . . . . 1569--1574
        John B. Friedlander and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   On the distribution of the power
                                  generator  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1589
        John B. Friedlander and   
             Carl Pomerance and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   Period of the power generator and small
                                  values of Carmichael's function  . . . . 1591--1605
                      Sami Omar   Localization of the first zero of the
                                  Dedekind zeta function . . . . . . . . . 1607--1616
                      F. Thaine   Jacobi sums and new families of
                                  irreducible polynomials of Gaussian
                                  periods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1617--1640
            Sebastian Pauli and   
  Xavier-François Roblot   On the computation of all extensions of
                                  a $p$-adic field of a given degree . . . 1641--1659
                   Samir Siksek   Sieving for rational points on
                                  hyperelliptic curves . . . . . . . . . . 1661--1674
            E. Victor Flynn and   
    Franck Leprévost and   
         Edward F. Schaefer and   
           William A. Stein and   
              Michael Stoll and   
            Joseph L. Wetherell   Empirical evidence for the Birch and
                                  Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures for modular
                                  Jacobians of genus $2$ curves  . . . . . 1675--1697
               David P. Roberts   Density of cubic field discriminants . . 1699--1705
             Takashi Fukuda and   
                Keiichi Komatsu   On Iwasawa $\lambda_3$-invariants of
                                  cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor   1707--1712
             David A. Clark and   
               Norman C. Jarvis   Dense admissible sequences . . . . . . . 1713--1718
            David H. Bailey and   
            David J. Broadhurst   Parallel integer relation detection:
                                  Techniques and applications  . . . . . . 1719--1736
               Pamela A. Cutter   Finding prime pairs with particular gaps 1737--1744
            Jörg Richstein   Verifying the Goldbach conjecture up to
                                  $4\cdot 10^{14}$ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1745--1749
                  Martin Arnold   Book review: \em Nonholonomic motion of
                                  rigid mechanical systems from a DAE
                                  viewpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1751--1753
                  Ya-xiang Yuan   Book review: \em Trust-region methods    1753--1754
                      L. Elsner   Book review: \em Fast reliable
                                  algorithms for matrices with structure   1754--1755
           Preda Mihailescu and   
                  F. Pappalardi   Book review: \em Elliptic curves in
                                  cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1755--1759

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 71, Number 237, January, 2002

          Patrice Coorevits and   
               Patrick Hild and   
           Khalid Lhalouani and   
                  Taoufik Sassi   Mixed finite element methods for
                                  unilateral problems: convergence
                                  analysis and numerical studies . . . . . 1--25
                   Weinan E and   
                   Jian-Guo Liu   Projection method III: Spatial
                                  discretization on the staggered grid . . 27--47
              Samuel Albert and   
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
           Donald A. French and   
               Todd E. Peterson   A posteriori error estimates for general
                                  numerical methods for Hamilton--Jacobi
                                  equations. Part I: The steady state case 49--76
              Jerry Markman and   
                 I. Norman Katz   Convergence of an iterative algorithm
                                  for solving Hamilton--Jacobi type
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--103
              Xue-Cheng Tai and   
                     Jinchao Xu   Global and uniform convergence of
                                  subspace correction methods for some
                                  convex optimization problems . . . . . . 105--124
         C. González and   
               A. Ostermann and   
                C. Palencia and   
                  M. Thalhammer   Backward Euler discretization of fully
                                  nonlinear parabolic problems . . . . . . 125--145
           James H. Bramble and   
          Joseph E. Pasciak and   
                 Olaf Steinbach   On the stability of the $L^2$ projection
                                  in $H^1(\Omega)$ . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--156
             Carsten Carstensen   Merging the Bramble--Pasciak--Steinbach
                                  and the Crouzeix--Thomée criterion for
                                  $H^1$-stability of the $L^2$-projection
                                  onto finite element spaces . . . . . . . 157--163
                    Bin Han and   
                  Rong-Qing Jia   Quincunx fundamental refinable functions
                                  and quincunx biorthogonal wavelets . . . 165--196
                  Klaus Neymeyr   A geometric theory for preconditioned
                                  inverse iteration applied to a subspace  197--216
         Attahiru Sule Alfa and   
                Jungong Xue and   
                       Qiang Ye   Accurate computation of the smallest
                                  eigenvalue of a diagonally dominant
                                  $M$-matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--236
              Natasa Krejic and   
                 Zorana Luzanin   Newton-like method with modification of
                                  the right-hand-side vector . . . . . . . 237--250
                 Yuri Levin and   
                 Adi Ben-Israel   Directional Newton methods in $n$
                                  variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--262
                I. H. Sloan and   
                  A. V. Reztsov   Component-by-component construction of
                                  good lattice rules . . . . . . . . . . . 263--273
               Kai-Tai Fang and   
              Chang-Xing Ma and   
                   Peter Winker   Centered $L_2$-discrepancy of random
                                  sampling and Latin hypercube design, and
                                  construction of uniform designs  . . . . 275--296
                    Hannes Leeb   Asymptotic properties of the spectral
                                  test, diaphony, and related quantities   297--309
                    Norman Gray   Automatic reduction of elliptic
                                  integrals using Carlson's relations  . . 311--318
Louis-Sébastien Guimond and   
             Jirí Patera   Proving the deterministic period
                                  breaking of linear congruential
                                  generators using two tile quasicrystals  319--332
Maria Isabel González Vasco and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   Security of the most significant bits of
                                  the Shamir message passing scheme  . . . 333--342
               Timothy Kohl and   
             Daniel R. Replogle   Computation of several cyclotomic Swan
                                  subgroups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343--348
            W. R. Oudshoorn and   
                 M. van der Put   Lie symmetries and differential Galois
                                  groups of linear equations . . . . . . . 349--361
                 Igor A. Semaev   Special prime numbers and discrete logs
                                  in finite prime fields . . . . . . . . . 363--377
                  D. R. Stinson   Some baby-step giant-step algorithms for
                                  the low Hamming weight discrete
                                  logarithm problem  . . . . . . . . . . . 379--391
            S. D. Galbraith and   
               S. M. Paulus and   
                    N. P. Smart   Arithmetic on superelliptic curves . . . 393--405
                    John Abbott   Sparse squares of polynomials  . . . . . 407--413
         Anastasios Simalarides   Upper bounds for the prime divisors of
                                  Wendt's determinant  . . . . . . . . . . 415--427
  István Gaál and   
                  Michael Pohst   On the resolution of relative Thue
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--440
          Chris K. Caldwell and   
                    Yves Gallot   On the primality of $n! \pm 1$ and $2
                                  \times 3 \times 5 \times \dotsm \times p
                                  \pm 1$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--448
                    Tony Forbes   Fifteen consecutive integers with
                                  exactly four prime factors . . . . . . . 449--452
              H. N. Mhaskar and   
            F. J. Narcowich and   
                     J. D. Ward   Corrigendum to ``Spherical
                                  Marcinkiewicz--Zygmund inequalities and
                                  positive quadrature''  . . . . . . . . . 453--454

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 71, Number 238, April, 2002

              Paul Castillo and   
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
      Dominik Schötzau and   
               Christoph Schwab   Optimal a priori error estimates for the
                                  $hp$-version of the local discontinuous
                                  Galerkin method for
                                  convection--diffusion problems . . . . . 455--478
                Walter Zulehner   Analysis of iterative methods for saddle
                                  point problems: a unified approach . . . 479--505
             Susanne C. Brenner   Convergence of the multigrid $V$-cycle
                                  algorithm for second-order boundary
                                  value problems without full elliptic
                                  regularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--525
              Gerard R. Richter   On the stability of a family of finite
                                  element methods for hyperbolic problems  527--535
    Alfredo Bermúdez and   
       Rodolfo Rodríguez   Analysis of a finite element method for
                                  pressure/potential formulation of
                                  elastoacoustic spectral problems . . . . 537--552
                  Laurent Gosse   Localization effects and measure source
                                  terms in numerical schemes for balance
                                  laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553--582
           Nicolas Fournier and   
   Sylvie Méléard   A stochastic particle numerical method
                                  for $3$D Boltzmann equations without
                                  cutoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--604
         Roswitha März and   
Antonio R. Rodríguez-Santiesteban   Analyzing the stability behaviour of
                                  solutions and their approximations in
                                  case of index-$2$ differential-algebraic
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--632
                 G. Everest and   
             I. Gaál and   
              K. Györy and   
                C. Röttger   On the spatial distribution of solutions
                                  of decomposable form equations . . . . . 633--648
               George Boros and   
                 Victor H. Moll   Landen transformations and the
                                  integration of rational functions  . . . 649--668
            Robert Schaback and   
                Holger Wendland   Inverse and saturation theorems for
                                  radial basis function interpolation  . . 669--681
               Leyla Daruis and   
 Pablo González-Vera and   
             Olav Njåstad   Szeg\Ho quadrature formulas for certain
                                  Jacobi-type weight functions . . . . . . 683--701
                 Reiji Suda and   
                Masayasu Takami   A fast spherical harmonics transform
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703--715
                 David M. Hough   Asymptotic estimation of Gaussian
                                  quadrature error for a nonsingular
                                  integral in potential theory . . . . . . 717--727
                   Andreas Enge   Computing discrete logarithms in
                                  high-genus hyperelliptic Jacobians in
                                  provably subexponential time . . . . . . 729--742
         Peter Dräxler and   
            Klara Kögerler   An algorithm for finding all
                                  preprojective components of the
                                  Auslander--Reiten quiver . . . . . . . . 743--759
             Manfred Göbel   Finite SAGBI bases for polynomial
                                  invariants of conjugates of alternating
                                  groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761--765
              Peter Borwein and   
                  Kevin G. Hare   Some computations on the spectra of
                                  Pisot and Salem numbers  . . . . . . . . 767--780
                 Frank Emmerich   Average equidistribution and statistical
                                  independence properties of digital
                                  inversive pseudorandom numbers over
                                  parts of the period  . . . . . . . . . . 781--791
              Andreas Stein and   
                    Edlyn Teske   The parallelized Pollard kangaroo method
                                  in real quadratic function fields  . . . 793--814
               Diane Meuser and   
              Margaret Robinson   The Igusa local zeta functions of
                                  elliptic curves  . . . . . . . . . . . . 815--823
              Harvey Dubner and   
                    Yves Gallot   Distribution of generalized Fermat prime
                                  numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825--832
                  Harvey Dubner   Repunit R49081 is a probable prime . . . 833--835
              Andreas Stein and   
                    Edlyn Teske   Explicit bounds and heuristics on class
                                  numbers in hyperelliptic function fields 837--861
                  Joshua Holden   Comparison of algorithms to calculate
                                  quadratic irregularity of prime numbers  863--871
              Myra B. Cohen and   
        Charles J. Colbourn and   
                Lee A. Ives and   
                Alan C. H. Ling   Kirkman triple systems of order $21$
                                  with nontrivial automorphism group . . . 873--881
           Andrew Granville and   
                 Carl Pomerance   Two contradictory conjectures concerning
                                  Carmichael numbers . . . . . . . . . . . 883--908

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 71, Number 239, July, 2002

          Douglas N. Arnold and   
              Daniele Boffi and   
                Richard S. Falk   Approximation by quadrilateral finite
                                  elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909--922
                 Ville Havu and   
         Juhani Pitkäranta   Analysis of a bilinear finite element
                                  for shallow shells I: Approximation of
                                  inextensional deformations . . . . . . . 923--943
         Carsten Carstensen and   
             Sören Bartels   Each averaging technique yields reliable
                                  a posteriori error control in FEM on
                                  unstructured grids. Part I: Low order
                                  conforming, nonconforming, and mixed FEM 945--969
         Sören Bartels and   
             Carsten Carstensen   Each averaging technique yields reliable
                                  a posteriori error control in FEM on
                                  unstructured grids. Part II: Higher
                                  order FEM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971--994
           Vladimir Druskin and   
                   Shari Moskow   Three-point finite-difference schemes,
                                  Padé and the spectral Galerkin method. I.
                                  One-sided impedance approximation  . . . 995--1019
  Heinrich Freistühler and   
                Christian Rohde   Numerical computation of viscous
                                  profiles for hyperbolic conservation
                                  laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1042
                 V. Girault and   
                    L. R. Scott   Hermite interpolation of nonsmooth
                                  functions preserving boundary conditions 1043--1074
            Donald J. Estep and   
               Andrew M. Stuart   The dynamical behavior of the
                                  discontinuous Galerkin method and
                                  related difference schemes . . . . . . . 1075--1103
              Xue-Cheng Tai and   
                     Paul Tseng   Convergence rate analysis of an
                                  asynchronous space decomposition method
                                  for convex minimization  . . . . . . . . 1105--1135
                  Pierre Dusart   Estimates of $\theta(x;k,l)$ for large
                                  values of $x$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137--1168
             M. C. De Bonis and   
           B. Della Vecchia and   
                 G. Mastroianni   Approximation of the Hilbert Transform
                                  on the real line using Hermite zeros . . 1169--1188
                 Beatrice Meini   Efficient computation of the extreme
                                  solutions of $X+A^*X^{-1}A=Q$ and
                                  $X-A^*X^{-1}A=Q$ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189--1204
                  David W. Boyd   On a problem of Byrnes concerning
                                  polynomials with restricted
                                  coefficients, II . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205--1217
               Andreas Enge and   
                  Andreas Stein   Smooth ideals in hyperelliptic function
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1219--1230
              Karl Entacher and   
              Thomas Schell and   
                    Andreas Uhl   Efficient lattice assessment for LCG and
                                  GLP parameter searches . . . . . . . . . 1231--1242
             Hyun Kwang Kim and   
                   Jung Soo Kim   Evaluation of zeta function of the
                                  simplest cubic field at negative odd
                                  integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243--1262
               D. W. Farmer and   
                       K. James   The irreducibility of some level $1$
                                  Hecke polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . 1263--1270
              Jesse Ira Deutsch   A computational approach to Hilbert
                                  modular group fixed points . . . . . . . 1271--1280
                 Keith Matthews   Thue's theorem and the diophantine
                                  equation $x^2-Dy^2=\pm N$  . . . . . . . 1281--1286
                    Denis Simon   Solving norm equations in relative
                                  number fields using $S$-units  . . . . . 1287--1305
             A. Paszkiewicz and   
                    A. Schinzel   On the least prime primitive root modulo
                                  a prime  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307--1321
                  H. Dubner and   
                  T. Forbes and   
                 N. Lygeros and   
                  M. Mizony and   
                  H. Nelson and   
                  P. Zimmermann   Ten consecutive primes in arithmetic
                                  progression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323--1328
           Toshihiro Kumada and   
                Hannes Leeb and   
           Yoshiharu Kurita and   
               Makoto Matsumoto   Corrigenda to ``New primitive
                                  $t$-nomials $(t=3,5)$ over $GF(2)$ whose
                                  degree is a Mersenne exponent,'' and
                                  some new primitive pentanomials  . . . . 1337--1338
                   Chi-Wang Shu   Book review: \em Time-dependent partial
                                  differential equations and their
                                  numerical solution . . . . . . . . . . . 1329--1329
                Lars B. Wahlbin   Book review: \em Foundations of
                                  computational mathematics  . . . . . . . 1329--1330
              Lars Eldén   Book review: \em Templates for the
                                  solution of algebraic eigenvalue
                                  problems, a practical guide  . . . . . . 1330--1331
                  Luminita Vese   Book review: \em Geometric partial
                                  differential equations and image
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1331--1332
                 Arjeh M. Cohen   Book review: \em Fundamental problems of
                                  algorithmic algebra  . . . . . . . . . . 1333--1333
            Harald Niederreiter   Book review: \em Cryptography and
                                  computational number theory  . . . . . . 1334--1334

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 71, Number 240, October, 2002

                Ivo Babuska and   
                   Jan Chleboun   Effects of uncertainties in the domain
                                  on the solution of Neumann boundary
                                  value problems in two spatial dimensions 1339--1370
         Christine Bernardi and   
   Frédéric Hecht   Error indicators for the mortar finite
                                  element discretization of the Laplace
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371--1403
        Ricardo H. Nochetto and   
                Lars B. Wahlbin   Positivity preserving finite element
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405--1419
                   Zhimin Zhang   Derivative superconvergent points in
                                  finite element solutions of harmonic
                                  functions --- A theoretical
                                  justification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421--1430
              Ulisse Stefanelli   Analysis of a variable time-step
                                  discretization of the three-dimensional
                                  Frémond model for shape memory alloys . . 1431--1453
          Gabriel N. Gatica and   
                  Norbert Heuer   Conjugate gradient method for dual-dual
                                  mixed formulations . . . . . . . . . . . 1455--1472
               Tai-Lin Wang and   
               William B. Gragg   Convergence of the shifted $QR$
                                  algorithm for unitary Hessenberg
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1496
          Johnson C. M. Fok and   
                  Benyu Guo and   
                       Tao Tang   Combined Hermite spectral-finite
                                  difference method for the Fokker--Planck
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497--1528
                M. P. Calvo and   
                    C. Palencia   Avoiding the order reduction of
                                  Runge--Kutta methods for linear initial
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 1529--1543
             Nikolai Bakaev and   
            Alexander Ostermann   Long-term stability of variable stepsize
                                  approximations of semigroups . . . . . . 1545--1567
                     Avram Sidi   New convergence results on the
                                  generalized Richardson extrapolation
                                  process GREP$^{(1)}$ for logarithmic
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1569--1596
            Winfried Kohnen and   
              Michael Kuß   Some numerical computations concerning
                                  spinor zeta functions in genus
                                  $\boldsymbol{2}$ at the central point    1597--1607
                I. H. Sloan and   
                  F. Y. Kuo and   
                         S. Joe   On the step-by-step construction of
                                  quasi--Monte Carlo integration rules
                                  that achieve strong tractability error
                                  bounds in weighted Sobolev spaces  . . . 1609--1640
         Fred J. Hickernell and   
                   Xiaoqun Wang   The error bounds and tractability of
                                  quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms in infinite
                                  dimension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1641--1661
                Shuhong Gao and   
              Alan G. B. Lauder   Hensel lifting and bivariate polynomial
                                  factorisation over finite fields . . . . 1663--1676
     Joachim von zur Gathen and   
            Jürgen Gerhard   Polynomial factorization over $\mathbb
                                  {F}_2$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1677--1698
                Zhenxiang Zhang   A one-parameter quadratic-base version
                                  of the Baillie--PSW probable prime test  1699--1734
      Stéphane Louboutin   Computation of class numbers of
                                  quadratic number fields  . . . . . . . . 1735--1743
         Ana-Cecilia de la Maza   Bounds for the smallest norm in an ideal
                                  class  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1745--1758
                A. Campillo and   
            J. I. Farrán   Symbolic Hamburger--Noether expressions
                                  of plane curves and applications to AG
                                  codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1759--1780
             A. Paszkiewicz and   
                    A. Schinzel   Numerical calculation of the density of
                                  prime numbers with a given least
                                  primitive root . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1781--1797
        John B. Friedlander and   
             Carl Pomerance and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   Corrigendum to ``Period of the power
                                  generator and small values of
                                  Carmichael's function''  . . . . . . . . 1803--1806
                  Nico M. Temme   Book review: \em Asymptotics and
                                  Mellin--Barnes integrals . . . . . . . . 1799--1799

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 72, Number 241, January, 2003

    Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   Overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for
                                  indefinite time harmonic Maxwell
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--15
             Andrew Knyazev and   
                   Olof Widlund   Lavrentiev regularization $+$ Ritz
                                  approximation $=$ uniform finite element
                                  error estimates for differential
                                  equations with rough coefficients  . . . 17--40
                  Rob Stevenson   A stable, direct solver for the gradient
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--53
                  Rob Stevenson   An analysis of nonconforming multi-grid
                                  methods, leading to an improved method
                                  for the Morley element . . . . . . . . . 55--81
               Z. Belhachmi and   
                F. Ben Belgacem   Quadratic finite element approximation
                                  of the Signorini problem . . . . . . . . 83--104
             L. Vardapetyan and   
                   L. Demkowicz   Full-wave analysis of dielectric
                                  waveguides at a given frequency  . . . . 105--129
       Ramaz Botchorishvili and   
            Benoit Perthame and   
                 Alexis Vasseur   Equilibrium schemes for scalar
                                  conservation laws with stiff sources . . 131--157
       Yen-Hsi Richard Tsai and   
             Yoshikazu Giga and   
                  Stanley Osher   A level set approach for computing
                                  discontinuous solutions of
                                  Hamilton--Jacobi equations . . . . . . . 159--181
               Albert Cohen and   
         Sidi Mahmoud Kaber and   
      Siegfried Müller and   
                   Marie Postel   Fully adaptive multiresolution finite
                                  volume schemes for conservation laws . . 183--225
                   Hailiang Liu   The $l^1$ global decay to discrete
                                  shocks for scalar monotone schemes . . . 227--245
                  A. J. Roberts   A holistic finite difference approach
                                  models linear dynamics consistently  . . 247--262
            Howard C. Elman and   
                  Alison Ramage   A characterisation of oscillations in
                                  the discrete two-dimensional
                                  convection-diffusion equation  . . . . . 263--288
                Othmar Koch and   
         Ewa B. Weinmüller   The convergence of shooting methods for
                                  singular boundary value problems . . . . 289--305
                   Lung-An Ying   Convergence study of the Chorin--Marsden
                                  formula  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--333
               Ming-Jun Lai and   
             Larry L. Schumaker   Macro-elements and stable local bases
                                  for splines on Powell--Sabin
                                  triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335--354
                 Marko Huhtanen   Orthogonal polyanalytic polynomials and
                                  normal matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . . 355--373
               Tai-Lin Wang and   
               William B. Gragg   Convergence of the unitary $QR$
                                  algorithm with a unimodular Wilkinson
                                  shift  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--385
                 Colin Percival   Rapid multiplication modulo the sum and
                                  difference of highly composite numbers   387--395
Enrique González-Jiménez and   
          Josep González   Modular curves of genus $2$  . . . . . . 397--418
                     Avram Sidi   A convergence and stability study of the
                                  iterated Lubkin transformation and the
                                  $\theta$-algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 419--433
                  Annegret Weng   Constructing hyperelliptic curves of
                                  genus $2$ suitable for cryptography  . . 435--458
         Reinhold Hübl and   
                  Irena Swanson   Normal cones of monomial primes  . . . . 459--475
                 Berit Skjernaa   Satoh's algorithm in characteristic $2$  477--487
            Patrick J. Costello   New amicable pairs of type $(2,2)$ and
                                  type $(3,2)$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489--497
   Michael J. Jacobson, Jr. and   
               Hugh C. Williams   New quadratic polynomials with high
                                  densities of prime values  . . . . . . . 499--519
      A. J. van der Poorten and   
          H. J. J. te Riele and   
                 H. C. Williams   Corrigenda and addition to ``Computer
                                  verification of the
                                  Ankeny--Artin--Chowla conjecture for all
                                  primes less than $100000000000$''  . . . 521--523

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 72, Number 242, April, 2003

             So-Hsiang Chou and   
                 Do Y. Kwak and   
                   Kwang Y. Kim   Mixed finite volume methods on
                                  nonstaggered quadrilateral grids for
                                  elliptic problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 525--539
               Zhiming Chen and   
                  Thomas Y. Hou   A mixed multiscale finite element method
                                  for elliptic problems with oscillating
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--576
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
            Mitchell Luskin and   
               Chi-Wang Shu and   
                Endre Süli   Enhanced accuracy by post-processing for
                                  finite element methods for hyperbolic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--606
             Yuki Matsuzawa and   
             Takashi Suzuki and   
                Takuya Tsuchiya   Finite element approximation of
                                  $H$-surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607--617
               T. P. Mathew and   
                       G. Russo   Maximum norm stability of difference
                                  schemes for parabolic equations on
                                  overset nonmatching space-time grids . . 619--656
                       Ping Lin   Theoretical and numerical analysis for
                                  the quasi-continuum approximation of a
                                  material particle model  . . . . . . . . 657--675
      Gerard L. G. Sleijpen and   
       Jasper van den Eshof and   
                      Paul Smit   Optimal a priori error bounds for the
                                  Rayleigh--Ritz method  . . . . . . . . . 677--684
             Michael S. Floater   One-to-one piecewise linear mappings
                                  over triangulations  . . . . . . . . . . 685--696
              M. N. Spijker and   
                S. Tracogna and   
                  B. D. Welfert   About the sharpness of the stability
                                  estimates in the Kreiss matrix theorem   697--713
                    Ren-Cang Li   On perturbations of matrix pencils with
                                  real spectra, a revisit  . . . . . . . . 715--728
           Sheon-Young Kang and   
           Israel Koltracht and   
              George Rawitscher   Nyström--Clenshaw--Curtis quadrature for
                                  integral equations with discontinuous
                                  kernels  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--756
               Jianwei Dian and   
              R. Baker Kearfott   Existence verification for singular and
                                  nonsmooth zeros of real nonlinear
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757--766
               Masaaki Sugihara   Near optimality of the sinc
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--786
              Peter Borwein and   
         Michael J. Mossinghoff   Newman polynomials with prescribed
                                  vanishing and integer sets with distinct
                                  subset sums  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787--800
                    Shuhong Gao   Factoring multivariate polynomials via
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 801--822
                   Xiaoqun Wang   Strong tractability of multivariate
                                  integration using quasi--Monte Carlo
                                  algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823--838
                 Oliver D. King   A mass formula for unimodular lattices
                                  with no roots  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839--863
           Takeyoshi Kogiso and   
                  Go Miyabe and   
           Miyuki Kobayashi and   
                  Tatsuo Kimura   Relative invariants of some $2$-simple
                                  prehomogeneous vector spaces . . . . . . 865--889
                Marc Conrad and   
             Daniel R. Replogle   Nontrivial Galois module structure of
                                  cyclotomic fields  . . . . . . . . . . . 891--899
                       Qiang Wu   On the linear independence measure of
                                  logarithms of rational numbers . . . . . 901--911
             René Schoof   Class numbers of real cyclotomic fields
                                  of prime conductor . . . . . . . . . . . 913--937
                 Mariano Garcia   The first known type $(7,1)$ amicable
                                  pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939--940
                Henri Cohen and   
      Francisco Diaz y Diaz and   
                 Michel Olivier   Constructing complete tables of quartic
                                  fields using Kummer theory . . . . . . . 941--951
               Antoine Joux and   
                Reynald Lercier   Improvements to the general number field
                                  sieve for discrete logarithms in prime
                                  fields. A comparison with the Gaussian
                                  integer method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953--967
                  Tsuyoshi Itoh   A computation of minimal polynomials of
                                  special values of Siegel modular
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969--973
         J. William Hoffman and   
            James J. Madden and   
                     Hong Zhang   Pseudozeros of multivariate polynomials  975--1002
             Ku-Young Chang and   
                   Soun-Hi Kwon   The class number one problem for some
                                  non-abelian normal CM-fields of degree
                                  $48$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003--1017
         Richard Blecksmith and   
                 John Brillhart   Linear quintuple-product identities  . . 1019--1033
            David Applegate and   
            Jeffrey C. Lagarias   Lower bounds for the total stopping time
                                  of $3x + 1$ iterates . . . . . . . . . . 1035--1049
             Giovanni Resta and   
         Jean-Charles Meyrignac   The smallest solutions to the
                                  diophantine equation $x^6 + y^6 = a^6 +
                                  b^6 + c^6 + d^6 + e^6$ . . . . . . . . . 1051--1054
                  Nico M. Temme   Book review: \em Asymptotic
                                  approximations of integrals  . . . . . . 1055--1055
                John Strikwerda   Book review: \em Collected lectures on
                                  the preservation of stability under
                                  discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055--1056

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 72, Number 243, July, 2003

              Yunqing Huang and   
                     Jinchao Xu   A conforming finite element method for
                                  overlapping and nonmatching grids  . . . 1057--1066
                Pedro Morin and   
        Ricardo H. Nochetto and   
            Kunibert G. Siebert   Local problems on stars: A posteriori
                                  error estimators, convergence, and
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067--1097
     Erwin Hernández and   
       Rodolfo Rodríguez   Finite element approximation of spectral
                                  problems with Neumann boundary
                                  conditions on curved domains . . . . . . 1099--1115
            F. Ben Belgacem and   
                      Y. Renard   Hybrid finite element methods for the
                                  Signorini problem  . . . . . . . . . . . 1117--1145
                   Zhimin Zhang   Finite element superconvergence on
                                  Shishkin mesh for $2$-D
                                  convection-diffusion problems  . . . . . 1147--1177
             Ilaria Perugia and   
          Dominik Schötzau   The $hp$-local discontinuous Galerkin
                                  method for low-frequency time-harmonic
                                  Maxwell equations  . . . . . . . . . . . 1179--1214
            Caroline Lasser and   
                 Andrea Toselli   An overlapping domain decomposition
                                  preconditioner for a class of
                                  discontinuous Galerkin approximations of
                                  advection-diffusion problems . . . . . . 1215--1238
                   Robert Kirby   On the convergence of high resolution
                                  methods with multiple time scales for
                                  hyperbolic conservation laws . . . . . . 1239--1250
         Günther Grün   On the convergence of entropy consistent
                                  schemes for lubrication type equations
                                  in multiple space dimensions . . . . . . 1251--1279
                    R. Hiptmair   Analysis of multilevel methods for eddy
                                  current problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281--1303
         S. Serra Capizzano and   
                E. Tyrtyshnikov   How to prove that a preconditioner
                                  cannot be superlinear  . . . . . . . . . 1305--1316
                    Yu-Hong Dai   A family of hybrid conjugate gradient
                                  methods for unconstrained optimization   1317--1328
           A. Böttcher and   
                  M. Embree and   
                  V. I. Sokolov   The spectra of large Toeplitz band
                                  matrices with a randomly perturbed entry 1329--1348
                    Jungho Yoon   $L_p$-error estimates for ``shifted''
                                  surface spline interpolation on Sobolev
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349--1367
                       Xuli Han   Piecewise quadratic trigonometric
                                  polynomial curves  . . . . . . . . . . . 1369--1377
                 Rick Kreminski   Newton--Cotes integration for
                                  approximating Stieltjes (generalized
                                  Euler) constants . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379--1397
             Andreas Rieder and   
                Thomas Schuster   The approximate inverse in action II:
                                  convergence and stability  . . . . . . . 1399--1415
              J. E. Cremona and   
                       D. Rusin   Efficient solution of rational conics    1417--1441
           Richard P. Brent and   
             Samuli Larvala and   
                Paul Zimmermann   A fast algorithm for testing
                                  reducibility of trinomials mod $2$ and
                                  some new primitive trinomials of degree
                                  $3021377$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1443--1452
                  Josef Leydold   Short universal generators via
                                  generalized ratio-of-uniforms method . . 1453--1471
    Nick A. Howgrave-Graham and   
            Phong Q. Nguyen and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   Hidden number problem with hidden
                                  multipliers, timed-release crypto, and
                                  noisy exponentiation . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1485
             Gregory P. Dresden   Sums of heights of algebraic numbers . . 1487--1499
                   Hong You and   
                     Sheng Chen   The tame kernel of imaginary quadratic
                                  fields with class number $2$ or $3$  . . 1501--1509
               Bettina Eick and   
             Gretchen Ostheimer   On the orbit-stabilizer problem for
                                  integral matrix actions of polycyclic
                                  groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511--1529
          Florian Heß and   
            Sebastian Pauli and   
               Michael E. Pohst   Computing the multiplicative group of
                                  residue class rings  . . . . . . . . . . 1531--1548
                Paul M. Jenkins   Odd perfect numbers have a prime factor
                                  exceeding $10^{7}$ . . . . . . . . . . . 1549--1554
        Richard E. Crandall and   
             Ernst W. Mayer and   
          Jason S. Papadopoulos   The twenty-fourth Fermat number is
                                  composite  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1555--1572
                    Denis Talay   Book review: \em Finite Markov chains
                                  and algorithmic applications . . . . . . 1573--1574
                  Martin Burger   Book review: \em Computational methods
                                  for inverse problems . . . . . . . . . . 1574--1575
                Lars B. Wahlbin   Book review: \em The finite element
                                  method for elliptic problems . . . . . . 1575--1576

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 72, Number 244, October, 2003

          Constantin Bacuta and   
           James H. Bramble and   
                     Jinchao Xu   Regularity estimates for elliptic
                                  boundary value problems in Besov spaces  1577--1595
         Nikolai Yu. Bakaev and   
        Vidar Thomée and   
                Lars B. Wahlbin   Maximum-norm estimates for resolvents of
                                  elliptic finite element operators  . . . 1597--1610
           Francesca Fierro and   
                 Andreas Veeser   On the a posteriori error analysis for
                                  equations of prescribed mean curvature   1611--1634
                 Ville Havu and   
         Juhani Pitkäranta   Analysis of a bilinear finite element
                                  for shallow shells. II: Consistency
                                  error  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1635--1653
                  Tianxiao Zhou   Stabilized hybrid finite element methods
                                  based on the combination of saddle point
                                  principles of elasticity problems  . . . 1655--1673
                          Bo Li   Finite element analysis of a class of
                                  stress-free martensitic microstructures  1675--1688
                  Song Wang and   
                      Zi-Cai Li   A nonconforming combination of the
                                  finite element and volume methods with
                                  an anisotropic mesh refinement for a
                                  singularly perturbed
                                  convection-diffusion equation  . . . . . 1689--1709
           Barbara Kaltenbacher   V-cycle convergence of some multigrid
                                  methods for ill-posed problems . . . . . 1711--1730
                Xu-Dong Liu and   
              Thomas C. Sideris   Convergence of the ghost fluid method
                                  for elliptic equations with interfaces   1731--1746
             Kirill Kopotun and   
              Marian Neamtu and   
                    Bojan Popov   Weakly nonoscillatory schemes for scalar
                                  conservation laws  . . . . . . . . . . . 1747--1767
                    B. Cano and   
                A. Durán   Analysis of variable-stepsize linear
                                  multistep methods with special emphasis
                                  on symmetric ones  . . . . . . . . . . . 1769--1801
                    B. Cano and   
                A. Durán   A technique to construct symmetric
                                  variable-stepsize linear multistep
                                  methods for second-order systems . . . . 1803--1816
   Philippe P. Pébay and   
               Timothy J. Baker   Analysis of triangle quality measures    1817--1839
                      S.-H. Lui   A pseudospectral mapping theorem . . . . 1841--1854
    Gradimir V. Milovanovic and   
            Miodrag M. Spalevic   Error bounds for Gauss--Turán quadrature
                                  formulae of analytic functions . . . . . 1855--1872
                Scott N. Kersey   On the problems of smoothing and
                                  near-interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . 1873--1885
          Peter Fleischmann and   
         Markus Chr. Holder and   
                   Peter Roelse   The black-box Niederreiter algorithm and
                                  its implementation over the binary field 1887--1899
              P. B. Borwein and   
               C. G. Pinner and   
                 I. E. Pritsker   Monic integer Chebyshev problem  . . . . 1901--1916
             R. J. Stroeker and   
                    N. Tzanakis   Computing all integer solutions of a
                                  genus $1$ equation . . . . . . . . . . . 1917--1933
      Alfred J. van der Poorten   A Note on NUCOMP . . . . . . . . . . . . 1935--1946
                Roger Alexander   Index-doubling in sequences by Aitken
                                  extrapolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1947--1961
                        W. Bley   Computation of Stark--Tamagawa units . . 1963--1974
              John W. Jones and   
               David P. Roberts   Septic fields with discriminant $\pm 2^a
                                  3^b$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1975--1985
         Joachim von zur Gathen   Irreducible trinomials over finite
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1987--2000
                      M. K. Bos   Coding the principal character formula
                                  for affine Kac--Moody lie algebras . . . 2001--2012
             Klaus Bongartz and   
               Thomas Fritzsche   On minimal disjoint degenerations for
                                  preprojective representations of quivers 2013--2042
                   A. Stoimenow   On the unknotting number of minimal
                                  diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2043--2057
                Jeffrey J. Holt   The minimal number of solutions to
                                  $\phi(n) = \phi(n+k)$  . . . . . . . . . 2059--2061
              Peter Borwein and   
               Petr Lisonek and   
                 Colin Percival   Computational investigations of the
                                  Prouhet--Tarry--Escott Problem . . . . . 2063--2070
        Karsten Blankenagel and   
               Walter Borho and   
                 Axel vom Stein   New amicable four-cycles . . . . . . . . 2071--2076
             D. E. Iannucci and   
                    R. M. Sorli   On the total number of prime factors of
                                  an odd perfect number  . . . . . . . . . 2077--2084
            Zhenxiang Zhang and   
                       Min Tang   Finding strong pseudoprimes to several
                                  bases. II  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2085--2097
        M. J. Jacobson, Jr. and   
    Á. Pintér and   
                    P. G. Walsh   A computational approach for solving
                                  $y^2 = 1^k + 2^k + \cdots + x^k$ . . . . 2099--2110

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 73, Number 245, January, 2004

              Huo-Yuan Duan and   
                 Guo-Ping Liang   Nonconforming elements in least-squares
                                  mixed finite element methods . . . . . . 1--18
                  Jianguo Huang   Numerical solution of the elastic
                                  body-plate problem by nonoverlapping
                                  domain decomposition type techniques . . 19--34
                    Qiya Hu and   
                        Jun Zou   Substructuring preconditioners for
                                  saddle-point problems arising from
                                  Maxwell's equations in three dimensions  35--61
         D. Aregba-Driollet and   
                R. Natalini and   
                        S. Tang   Explicit diffusive kinetic schemes for
                                  nonlinear degenerate parabolic systems   63--94
                 Ben-yu Guo and   
                  Cheng-long Xu   Mixed Laguerre--Legendre pseudospectral
                                  method for incompressible fluid flow in
                                  an infinite strip  . . . . . . . . . . . 95--125
 Isaías Alonso-Mallo and   
                  Nuria Reguera   Discrete absorbing boundary conditions
                                  for Schrödinger-type equations. Practical
                                  implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--142
         Snorre H. Christiansen   Discrete Fredholm properties and
                                  convergence estimates for the electric
                                  field integral equation  . . . . . . . . 143--167
                Yves Nievergelt   Perturbation analysis for circles,
                                  spheres, and generalized hyperspheres
                                  fitted to data by geometric total
                                  least-squares  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--180
                   Thomas Sauer   Lagrange interpolation on subgrids of
                                  tensor product grids . . . . . . . . . . 181--190
                  S. B. Damelin   Asymptotics of recurrence coefficients
                                  for orthonormal polynomials on the
                                  line---Magnus's method revisited . . . . 191--209
                   Gerald Moore   Laguerre approximation of stable
                                  manifolds with application to connecting
                                  orbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--242
                   G. Criscuolo   A note on a paper by G. Mastroianni and
                                  G. Monegato  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--250
               Hirofumi Tsumura   Evaluation formulas for Tornheim's type
                                  of alternating double series . . . . . . 251--258
            Stefan Heinrich and   
         Fred J. Hickernell and   
                  Rong-Xian Yue   Optimal quadrature for Haar wavelet
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--277
               J. N. Lyness and   
              T. Sòrevik   Four-dimensional lattice rules generated
                                  by skew-circulant matrices . . . . . . . 279--295
         Cornelius Greither and   
Xavier-François Roblot and   
              Brett A. Tangedal   The Brumer--Stark conjecture in some
                                  families of extensions of specified
                                  degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--315
           G. J. van der Heiden   Factoring polynomials over finite fields
                                  with Drinfeld modules  . . . . . . . . . 317--322
      Julián Aguirre and   
  Fernando Castañeda and   
              Juan Carlos Peral   High rank elliptic curves with torsion
                                  group $\mathbb{Z}/(2\mathbb{Z})$ . . . . 323--331
            Kamal Khuri-Makdisi   Linear algebra algorithms for divisors
                                  on an algebraic curve  . . . . . . . . . 333--357
                 Bill Allombert   An efficient algorithm for the
                                  computation of Galois automorphisms  . . 359--375
                Sunghan Bae and   
               Hwanyup Jung and   
                    Jaehyun Ahn   Class numbers of some abelian extensions
                                  of rational function fields  . . . . . . 377--386
                  Mark L. Bauer   The arithmetic of certain cubic function
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--413
                   Mark Watkins   Real zeros of real odd Dirichlet
                                  $L$-functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--423
                   Pieter Moree   Chebyshev's bias for composite numbers
                                  with restricted prime divisors . . . . . 425--449
               Pieter Moree and   
          Herman J. J. te Riele   The hexagonal versus the square lattice  451--473
                    T. Goto and   
                     S. Shibata   All numbers whose positive divisors have
                                  integral harmonic mean up to
                                  $\mathbf{300}$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475--491
         Hugh L. Montgomery and   
          Ulrike M. A. Vorhauer   Greedy sums of distinct squares  . . . . 493--513
               Robert M. Freund   Book review: \em A mathematical view of
                                  interior-point methods in convex
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--516

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 73, Number 246, April, 2004

           Alfred H. Schatz and   
                Lars B. Wahlbin   Asymptotically exact a posteriori
                                  estimators for the pointwise gradient
                                  error on each element in irregular
                                  meshes. Part II: The piecewise linear
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517--523
              Yunqing Huang and   
                Zhongci Shi and   
                   Tao Tang and   
                     Weimin Xue   A multilevel successive iteration method
                                  for nonlinear elliptic problems  . . . . 525--539
              Xiaobing Feng and   
                  Andreas Prohl   Analysis of a fully discrete finite
                                  element method for the phase field model
                                  and approximation of its sharp interface
                                  limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--567
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
             Guido Kanschat and   
          Dominik Schötzau   The local discontinuous Galerkin method
                                  for the Oseen equations  . . . . . . . . 569--593
                   Lung-An Ying   Finite difference method for a
                                  combustion model . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--611
           Georgios Akrivis and   
                Michel Crouzeix   Linearly implicit methods for nonlinear
                                  parabolic equations  . . . . . . . . . . 613--635
              Sheldon Axler and   
              Pamela Gorkin and   
                      Karl Voss   The Dirichlet problem on quadratic
                                  surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637--651
                Alan George and   
              Khakim D. Ikramov   Gaussian elimination is stable for the
                                  inverse of a diagonally dominant matrix  653--657
              Silvia Bertoluzza   Substructuring preconditioners for the
                                  three fields domain decomposition method 659--689
         Joan-Josep Climent and   
               Carmen Perea and   
            Leandro Tortosa and   
                 Antonio Zamora   Sequential and parallel synchronous
                                  alternating iterative methods  . . . . . 691--717
         Yoshinori Miyazaki and   
             Nobuyoshi Asai and   
            Yasushi Kikuchi and   
              DongSheng Cai and   
                 Yasuhiko Ikebe   Computation of multiple eigenvalues of
                                  infinite tridiagonal matrices  . . . . . 719--730
               George Kvernadze   Approximating the jump discontinuities
                                  of a function by its Fourier--Jacobi
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--751
       Paul N. Swarztrauber and   
               William F. Spotz   Spherical harmonic projectors  . . . . . 753--760
                Antonella Zanna   Recurrence relations and convergence
                                  theory of the generalized polar
                                  decomposition on Lie groups  . . . . . . 761--776
                 Mireille Bossy   Optimal rate of convergence of a
                                  stochastic particle method to solutions
                                  of 1D viscous scalar conservation laws   777--812
                Piotr Gajda and   
                 Youming Li and   
            Leszek Plaskota and   
        Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski   A Monte Carlo algorithm for weighted
                                  integration over $\mathbb{R}^d$  . . . . 813--825
         Peter Mathé and   
                       Gang Wei   Quasi-Monte Carlo integration over
                                  $\mathbb{R}^d$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827--841
               Kai-Tai Fang and   
                     Gennian Ge   A sensitive algorithm for detecting the
                                  inequivalence of Hadamard matrices . . . 843--851
       Friedrich Pillichshammer   A lower bound for rank $2$ lattice rules 853--860
              B. Datskovsky and   
                    P. Guerzhoy   Searching for Kummer congruences in an
                                  infinite slope family  . . . . . . . . . 861--868
                  Imin Chen and   
                  Chris Cummins   Elliptic curves with nonsplit mod $11$
                                  representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--880
                Manuel Breuning   On equivariant global epsilon constants
                                  for certain dihedral extensions  . . . . 881--898
      Philip B. McLaughlin, Jr.   New frameworks for Montgomery's modular
                                  multiplication method  . . . . . . . . . 899--906
                   Mark Watkins   Class numbers of imaginary quadratic
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907--938
                  Joshua Holden   First-hit analysis of algorithms for
                                  computing quadratic irregularity . . . . 939--948
                   Tadej Kotnik   Computational estimation of the order of
                                  $\zeta (\frac{1}{2}+it)$ . . . . . . . . 949--956
           Michael Filaseta and   
               Andrzej Schinzel   On testing the divisibility of lacunary
                                  polynomials by cyclotomic polynomials    957--965
              P. B. Borwein and   
                 R. A. Ferguson   A complete description of Golay pairs
                                  for lengths up to 100  . . . . . . . . . 967--985
          Kevin A. Broughan and   
                A. Ross Barnett   The holomorphic flow of the Riemann zeta
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987--1004
       Alessandro Conflitti and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   On the multidimensional distribution of
                                  the subset sum generator of pseudorandom
                                  numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005--1011
                    Koji Suzuki   An estimate for the number of integers
                                  without large prime factors  . . . . . . 1013--1022
             A. O. L. Atkin and   
                D. J. Bernstein   Prime sieves using binary quadratic
                                  forms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023--1030
                  Jerzy Browkin   Some new kinds of pseudoprimes . . . . . 1031--1037
             David Gottlieb and   
                 Sigal Gottlieb   Book review: \em High-order methods for
                                  incompressible fluid flow  . . . . . . . 1039--1040
                     Paul Tseng   Book review: \em Lectures on modern
                                  convex optimization: analysis,
                                  algorithms and engineering applications  1040--1040

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 73, Number 247, July, 2004

             Susanne C. Brenner   Convergence of nonconforming $V$-cycle
                                  and $F$-cycle multigrid algorithms for
                                  second order elliptic boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041--1066
             Susanne C. Brenner   Korn's inequalities for piecewise $H^1$
                                  vector fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067--1087
                       Jun Zhao   Analysis of finite element approximation
                                  for time-dependent Maxwell problems  . . 1089--1105
                  W. Dahmen and   
                B. Faermann and   
               I. G. Graham and   
               W. Hackbusch and   
                   S. A. Sauter   Inverse inequalities on
                                  non-quasi-uniform meshes and application
                                  to the mortar element method . . . . . . 1107--1138
                 Jinchao Xu and   
                   Zhimin Zhang   Analysis of recovery type a posteriori
                                  error estimators for mildly structured
                                  grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139--1152
                  C. Carstensen   All first-order averaging techniques for
                                  a posteriori finite element error
                                  control on unstructured grids are
                                  efficient and reliable . . . . . . . . . 1153--1165
               Zhiming Chen and   
                       Jia Feng   An adaptive finite element algorithm
                                  with reliable and efficient error
                                  control for linear parabolic problems    1167--1193
                    Alan Demlow   Piecewise linear finite element methods
                                  are not localized  . . . . . . . . . . . 1195--1201
                  Bruno Despres   Lax theorem and finite volume schemes    1203--1234
              K. H. Karlsen and   
             C. Klingenberg and   
                  N. H. Risebro   A relaxation scheme for conservation
                                  laws with a discontinuous coefficient    1235--1259
                         Mao Ye   Existence and asymptotic stability of
                                  relaxation discrete shock profiles . . . 1261--1296
          Ivan P. Gavrilyuk and   
         Wolfgang Hackbusch and   
            Boris N. Khoromskij   Data-sparse approximation to the
                                  operator-valued functions of elliptic
                                  operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297--1324
           Mohamed El-Gamel and   
             John R. Cannon and   
                 Ahmed I. Zayed   Sinc--Galerkin method for solving linear
                                  sixth-order boundary-value problems  . . 1325--1343
              D. P. Dryanov and   
                 M. A. Qazi and   
                   Q. I. Rahman   Local behaviour of polynomials . . . . . 1345--1364
              Allal Guessab and   
             Gerhard Schmeisser   Convexity results and sharp error
                                  estimates in approximate multivariate
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1384
              J. M. Peña   A stable test to check if a matrix is a
                                  nonsingular $M$-matrix . . . . . . . . . 1385--1392
                 Carlos M. Mora   Numerical simulation of stochastic
                                  evolution equations associated to
                                  quantum Markov semigroups  . . . . . . . 1393--1415
          Bernard Deconinck and   
              Matthias Heil and   
          Alexander Bobenko and   
             Mark van Hoeij and   
                 Marcus Schmies   Computing Riemann theta functions  . . . 1417--1442
         Richard P. Groenewegen   Bounds for computing the tame kernel . . 1443--1458
                     Nils Bruin   Visualising Sha[2] in Abelian surfaces   1459--1476
             Arjeh M. Cohen and   
            Scott H. Murray and   
                   D. E. Taylor   Computing in groups of Lie type  . . . . 1477--1498
     Joachim von zur Gathen and   
            Michael Nöcker   Computing special powers in finite
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1499--1523
            David S. Dummit and   
          Brett A. Tangedal and   
            Paul B. van Wamelen   Stark's conjecture over complex cubic
                                  number fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525--1546
             Felix Lazebnik and   
                Andrew Thomason   Orthomorphisms and the construction of
                                  projective planes  . . . . . . . . . . . 1547--1557
         Pedro Berrizbeitia and   
                    T. G. Berry   Biquadratic reciprocity and a Lucasian
                                  primality test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559--1564
      Marc Deléglise and   
              Pierre Dusart and   
  Xavier-François Roblot   Counting primes in residue classes . . . 1565--1575
             Christine Bernardi   Book review: \em Chebyshev polynomials   1577--1577
                    Tariq Aslam   Book review: \em Level set methods and
                                  dynamic implicit surfaces  . . . . . . . 1578--1578
                Jeremy Levesley   Book review: \em Radial basis functions:
                                  theory and implementations . . . . . . . 1578--1581
                H. Niederreiter   Book review: \em Cryptographic
                                  applications of analytic number theory   1581--1582
               Igor Shparlinski   Book review: \em RSA and public-key
                                  cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582--1582

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 73, Number 248, October, 2004

              Nicolas Neuss and   
              Christian Wieners   Criteria for the approximation property
                                  for multigrid methods in nonnested
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1583--1600
                 I. Babuska and   
                   S. A. Sauter   Algebraic algorithms for the analysis of
                                  mechanical trusses . . . . . . . . . . . 1601--1622
                    Alan Demlow   Localized pointwise error estimates for
                                  mixed finite element methods . . . . . . 1623--1653
              Huo-Yuan Duan and   
                 Guo-Ping Liang   A locking-free Reissner--Mindlin
                                  quadrilateral element  . . . . . . . . . 1655--1671
                   M. Amara and   
      E. Chacón Vera and   
                    D. Trujillo   Vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation
                                  for Stokes problem . . . . . . . . . . . 1673--1697
        Maxim A. Olshanskii and   
                 Arnold Reusken   Grad-div stabilization for Stokes
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699--1718
             J. L. Guermond and   
                       Jie Shen   On the error estimates for the
                                  rotational pressure-correction
                                  projection methods . . . . . . . . . . . 1719--1737
           James H. Bramble and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   A new approximation technique for
                                  div-curl systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 1739--1762
                    Paola Pozzi   ${L}^2$-estimate for the discrete
                                  Plateau Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1763--1777
             Xavier Antoine and   
           Christophe Besse and   
               Vincent Mouysset   Numerical schemes for the simulation of
                                  the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation
                                  using non-reflecting boundary conditions 1779--1799
            I. Alonso-Mallo and   
                    B. Cano and   
                    J. C. Jorge   Spectral-fractional step Runge--Kutta
                                  discretizations for initial boundary
                                  value problems with time dependent
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1801--1825
                Xiaobai Sun and   
Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí   Spectral division methods for block
                                  generalized Schur decompositions . . . . 1827--1847
            Marcelo Queiroz and   
      Joaquim Júdice and   
              Carlos Humes, Jr.   The symmetric eigenvalue complementarity
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849--1863
             Jerry Eriksson and   
     Mårten E. Gulliksson   Local results for the Gauss--Newton
                                  method on constrained rank-deficient
                                  nonlinear least squares  . . . . . . . . 1865--1883
         Fred J. Hickernell and   
               Ian H. Sloan and   
        Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski   On tractability of weighted integration
                                  over bounded and unbounded regions in
                                  $\mathbb{R}^s$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1885--1901
         Fred J. Hickernell and   
               Ian H. Sloan and   
        Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski   On strong tractability of weighted
                                  multivariate integration . . . . . . . . 1903--1911
                    Bin Han and   
            Thomas P.-Y. Yu and   
                    Bruce Piper   Multivariate refinable Hermite
                                  interpolant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1913--1935
           Iván Area and   
        Dimitar K. Dimitrov and   
              Eduardo Godoy and   
          André Ronveaux   Zeros of Gegenbauer and Hermite
                                  polynomials and connection coefficients  1937--1951
     Christian Lécot and   
                Wolfgang Wagner   A quasi--Monte Carlo scheme for
                                  Smoluchowski's coagulation equation  . . 1953--1966
                    J. Dick and   
                      F. Y. Kuo   Reducing the construction cost of the
                                  component-by-component construction of
                                  good lattice rules . . . . . . . . . . . 1967--1988
                 Ichiro Shimada   Rational double points on supersingular
                                  $K3$ surfaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989--2017
                 Arthur Baragar   Canonical vector heights on K3 surfaces
                                  with Picard number three--- An argument
                                  for nonexistence . . . . . . . . . . . . 2019--2025
               Neal Koblitz and   
              Alfred J. Menezes   Obstacles to the torsion-subgroup attack
                                  on the decision Diffie--Hellman Problem  2027--2041
  Pilar Fernandez-Ferreiros and   
       M. Angeles Gomez-Molleda   Deciding the nilpotency of the Galois
                                  group by computing elements in the
                                  centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2043--2060
                  Karim Belabas   On quadratic fields with large $3$-rank  2061--2074
              Petteri Kaski and   
Patric R. J. Östergård   The Steiner triple systems of order $19$ 2075--2092
               Garikai Campbell   Points on $y=x^2$ at rational distance   2093--2108
           G. J. van der Heiden   Addendum to ``Factoring polynomials over
                                  finite fields with Drinfeld modules''    2109--2109
                Lars B. Wahlbin   Book review: \em Finite element methods
                                  and $B$-splines  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2111--2113
                    A. Bultheel   Book review: \em Solving nonlinear
                                  equations with Newton's method . . . . . 2113--2114

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 74, Number 249, January, 2005

          Andrei Draganescu and   
             Todd F. Dupont and   
               L. Ridgway Scott   Failure of the discrete maximum
                                  principle for an elliptic finite element
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--23
            Dietrich Braess and   
                  Pingbing Ming   A finite element method for nearly
                                  incompressible elasticity problems . . . 25--52
            Vivette Girault and   
  Béatrice Rivi\`ere and   
                Mary F. Wheeler   A discontinuous Galerkin method with
                                  nonoverlapping domain decomposition for
                                  the Stokes and Navier--Stokes problems   53--84
        Ohannes Karakashian and   
         Charalambos Makridakis   Convergence of a continuous Galerkin
                                  method with mesh modification for
                                  nonlinear wave equations . . . . . . . . 85--102
       Theodoros Katsaounis and   
                 Chiara Simeoni   First and second order error estimates
                                  for the Upwind Source at Interface
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--122
    Alfredo Bermúdez and   
   Rodolfo Rodríguez and   
                  Pilar Salgado   Numerical treatment of realistic
                                  boundary conditions for the eddy current
                                  problem in an electrode via Lagrange
                                  multipliers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--151
           Martin J. Gander and   
               Laurence Halpern   Absorbing boundary conditions for the
                                  wave equation and parallel computing . . 153--176
                  Olivier Vacus   Mathematical analysis of absorbing
                                  boundary conditions for the wave
                                  equation: the corner problem . . . . . . 177--200
               L. Ferracina and   
                  M. N. Spijker   An extension and analysis of the
                                  Shu--Osher representation of
                                  Runge--Kutta methods . . . . . . . . . . 201--219
Gu$\eth$björn F. Jónsson and   
             Stephen A. Vavasis   Accurate solution of polynomial
                                  equations using Macaulay resultant
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--262
             Ivan G. Ivanov and   
           Vejdi I. Hasanov and   
                    Frank Uhlig   Improved methods and starting values to
                                  solve the matrix equations $X\pm
                                  A^*X^{-1}A=I$ iteratively  . . . . . . . 263--278
               Dorota Dabrowska   Recovering signals from inner products
                                  involving prolate spheroidals in the
                                  presence of jitter . . . . . . . . . . . 279--290
                   Emil Catinas   The inexact, inexact perturbed, and
                                  quasi-Newton methods are equivalent
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--301
                  Chris Connell   A solution to certain polynomial
                                  equations with applications to nonlinear
                                  fitting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--319
           Richard D. Neidinger   Directions for computing truncated
                                  multivariate Taylor series . . . . . . . 321--340
            C. F. Bracciali and   
                     Xin Li and   
                   A. Sri Ranga   Real orthogonal polynomials in frequency
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--362
                    Holger Then   Maaß cusp forms for large eigenvalues . . 363--381
               Georges Rhin and   
                       Qiang Wu   On the absolute Mahler measure of
                                  polynomials having all zeros in a
                                  sector. II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--388
            Abdolali Basiri and   
               Andreas Enge and   
     Jean-Charles Faug\`ere and   
             Nicolas Gürel   The arithmetic of Jacobian groups of
                                  superelliptic cubics . . . . . . . . . . 389--410
                   J. Miret and   
                  R. Moreno and   
                     A. Rio and   
                       M. Valls   Determining the $2$-Sylow subgroup of an
                                  elliptic curve over a finite field . . . 411--427
                  P. Gaudry and   
               É. Schost   Modular equations for hyperelliptic
                                  curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--454
                Amod Agashe and   
              William Stein and   
B. Mazur with an Appendix by J. Cremona   Visible evidence for the Birch and
                                  Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for modular
                                  abelian varieties of analytic rank zero  455--484
             Marston Conder and   
         Peter Dobcsányi   Applications and adaptations of the low
                                  index subgroups procedure  . . . . . . . 485--497
                Kenji Koike and   
                  Annegret Weng   Construction of CM Picard curves . . . . 499--518
                Douglas Enright   Book review: \em Mathematical and
                                  computational methods for compressible
                                  flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Lothar Reichel   Book review: \em Numerical methods . . . ??

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 74, Number 250, April, 2005

        Ricardo H. Nochetto and   
                   Jae-Hong Pyo   Error estimates for semi-discrete gauge
                                  methods for the Navier--Stokes equations 521--542
                 Shangyou Zhang   A new family of stable mixed finite
                                  elements for the $3$D Stokes equations   543--554
          Ivan P. Gavrilyuk and   
           Volodymyr L. Makarov   Algorithms without accuracy saturation
                                  for evolution equations in Hilbert and
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--583
              Gerard Awanou and   
                   Ming-Jun Lai   Trivariate spline approximations of $3$D
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . 585--601
                   Hongkai Zhao   A fast sweeping method for Eikonal
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603--627
                    Z. Wang and   
                        R. Wong   Linear difference equations with
                                  transition points  . . . . . . . . . . . 629--653
          Ken'ichiro Tanaka and   
           Masaaki Sugihara and   
                   Kazuo Murota   Numerical indefinite integration by
                                  double exponential sinc method . . . . . 655--679
          Ivan P. Gavrilyuk and   
         Wolfgang Hackbusch and   
            Boris N. Khoromskij   Data-sparse approximation to a class of
                                  operator-valued functions  . . . . . . . 681--708
                   Xingping Sun   Strictly positive definite functions on
                                  the unit circle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 709--721
                  S.-L. Qiu and   
                    M. Vuorinen   Some properties of the gamma and psi
                                  functions, with applications . . . . . . 723--742
       Francis J. Narcowich and   
             Joseph D. Ward and   
                Holger Wendland   Sobolev bounds on functions with
                                  scattered zeros, with applications to
                                  radial basis function surface fitting    743--763
               Christian Lubich   On variational approximations in quantum
                                  molecular dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 765--779
              Yao-Lin Jiang and   
             Richard M. M. Chen   Computing periodic solutions of linear
                                  differential-algebraic equations by
                                  waveform relaxation  . . . . . . . . . . 781--804
               Muhammed I. Syam   Conjugate gradient predictor corrector
                                  method for solving large scale problems  805--818
                   Xinlong Zhou   Subdivision schemes with nonnegative
                                  masks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819--839
               Bahman Kalantari   An infinite family of bounds on zeros of
                                  analytic functions and relationship to
                                  Smale's bound  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841--852
                Yingquan Wu and   
    Christoforos N. Hadjicostis   On solving composite power polynomial
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853--868
                 Zhonggang Zeng   Computing multiple roots of inexact
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
                 Chris Hurlburt   Computing isogeny covariant differential
                                  modular forms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905--926
             Wilfrid Keller and   
            Jörg Richstein   Solutions of the congruence $a^{p-1}
                                  \equiv 1 \pmod {p^r}$  . . . . . . . . . 927--936
             Christian Wittmann   $p$-class groups of certain extensions
                                  of degree $p$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937--947
                   Samir Siksek   On standardized models of isogenous
                                  elliptic curves  . . . . . . . . . . . . 949--951
               Hwanyup Jung and   
                Sunghan Bae and   
                    Jaehyun Ahn   Determinant formulas for class numbers
                                  in function fields . . . . . . . . . . . 953--965
                  Jerzy Browkin   Tame kernels of cubic cyclic fields  . . 967--999
           Richard P. Brent and   
             Samuli Larvala and   
                Paul Zimmermann   A primitive trinomial of degree 6972593  1001--1002
                  Kevin G. Hare   More on the total number of prime
                                  factors of an odd perfect number . . . . 1003--1008
                Zhenxiang Zhang   Finding $C_3$-strong pseudoprimes  . . . 1009--1024
                  Yong-Gao Chen   Five consecutive positive odd numbers,
                                  none of which can be expressed as a sum
                                  of two prime powers  . . . . . . . . . . 1025--1031
             Ronald H. W. Hoppe   Book review: \em Finite element methods
                                  for Maxwell's equations  . . . . . . . . ??
                Raytcho Lazarov   Book review: \em Higher-order finite
                                  element methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    David Levin   Book review: \em Practical extrapolation
                                  methods: theory and applications . . . . ??
                Karl Meerbergen   Book review: \em The Lanczos method:
                                  evolution and application  . . . . . . . ??
               Igor Shparlinski   Book review: \em Report on global
                                  methods for combinatorial isoperimetric
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Endre Suli   Book review: \em Adaptive finite element
                                  methods for differential equations . . . ??
            Alf van der Poorten   Book review: \em Automatic sequences.
                                  Theory, applications, generalizations    ??

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 74, Number 251, July, 2005

             Bruce P. Ayati and   
                 Todd F. Dupont   Convergence of a step-doubling Galerkin
                                  method for parabolic problems  . . . . . 1053--1065
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
             Guido Kanschat and   
          Dominik Schötzau   A locally conservative LDG method for
                                  the incompressible Navier--Stokes
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067--1095
                   Hongsen Chen   Pointwise error estimates of the local
                                  discontinuous Galerkin method for a
                                  second order elliptic problem  . . . . . 1097--1116
                  A. Bergam and   
                C. Bernardi and   
                     Z. Mghazli   A posteriori analysis of the finite
                                  element discretization of some parabolic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117--1138
          Steffen Börm and   
               Stefan A. Sauter   BEM with linear complexity for the
                                  classical boundary integral operators    1139--1177
                Mario Bebendorf   Efficient inversion of the Galerkin
                                  matrix of general second-order elliptic
                                  operators with nonsmooth coefficients    1179--1199
                     Yinnian He   Optimal error estimate of the penalty
                                  finite element method for the
                                  time-dependent Navier--Stokes equations  1201--1216
                Adam M. Oberman   A convergent difference scheme for the
                                  infinity Laplacian: construction of
                                  absolutely minimizing Lipschitz
                                  extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217--1230
             Serge Kräutle   A domain decomposition method using
                                  efficient interface-acting
                                  preconditioners  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231--1256
                   Qiang Du and   
                        Lili Ju   Approximations of a Ginzburg--Landau
                                  model for superconducting hollow spheres
                                  based on spherical centroidal Voronoi
                                  tessellations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1257--1280
                 M. T. Nair and   
                      Shine Lal   A finite dimensional realization of the
                                  mollifier method for compact operator
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281--1290
                Yves Achdou and   
              Bruno Franchi and   
                Nicoletta Tchou   A partial differential equation
                                  connected to option pricing with
                                  stochastic volatility: Regularity
                                  results and discretization . . . . . . . 1291--1322
            Charles K. Chui and   
                 Qingtang Jiang   Balanced multi-wavelets in $\mathbb
                                  {R^s}$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323--1344
                    Bin Han and   
            Thomas P.-Y. Yu and   
                   Yonggang Xue   Noninterpolatory Hermite subdivision
                                  schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1345--1367
            Charles K. Chui and   
                 Qingtang Jiang   Refinable bivariate quartic
                                  $C^2$-splines for multi-level data
                                  representation and surface display . . . 1369--1390
                   Jianxin Zhou   Instability analysis of saddle points by
                                  a local minimax method . . . . . . . . . 1391--1411
           William W. Hager and   
                  Soonchul Park   Global convergence of SSM for minimizing
                                  a quadratic over a sphere  . . . . . . . 1413--1423
                  Pedro Freitas   Integrals of polylogarithmic functions,
                                  recurrence relations, and associated
                                  Euler sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425--1440
                  Zhongxiao Jia   The convergence of harmonic Ritz values,
                                  harmonic Ritz vectors and refined
                                  harmonic Ritz vectors  . . . . . . . . . 1441--1456
                  Kok Seng Chua   Real zeros of Dedekind zeta functions of
                                  real quadratic fields  . . . . . . . . . 1457--1470
         Simon R. Blackburn and   
        Domingo Gomez-Perez and   
            Jaime Gutierrez and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   Predicting nonlinear pseudorandom number
                                  generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471--1494
                 Holger Brenner   Computing the tight closure in dimension
                                  two  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1495--1518
        Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and   
                  Akinari Hoshi   Families of cyclic polynomials obtained
                                  from geometric generalization of
                                  Gaussian period relations  . . . . . . . 1519--1530
                    Denis Simon   Solving quadratic equations using
                                  reduced unimodular quadratic forms . . . 1531--1543
              Ariel Pacetti and   
    Fernando Rodriguez Villegas   Computing weight $2$ modular forms of
                                  level $p^2$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545--1557
              Joshua Knauer and   
            Jörg Richstein   The continuing search for Wieferich
                                  primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559--1563
                 John L. Simons   On the nonexistence of $2$-cycles for
                                  the $3x+1$ problem . . . . . . . . . . . 1565--1572
                  Jerzy Browkin   Erratum to ``Some new kinds of
                                  pseudoprimes'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573--1573

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 74, Number 252, October, 2005

           James H. Bramble and   
            Tzanio V. Kolev and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   The approximation of the Maxwell
                                  eigenvalue problem using a least-squares
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1598
            W. Dörfler and   
                   M. Ainsworth   Reliable a posteriori error control for
                                  nonconforming finite element
                                  approximation of Stokes flow . . . . . . 1599--1619
                   Zhimin Zhang   Superconvergence of spectral collocation
                                  and $p$-version methods in one
                                  dimensional problems . . . . . . . . . . 1621--1636
                Erik Burman and   
                  Alexandre Ern   Stabilized Galerkin approximation of
                                  convection-diffusion-reaction equations:
                                  discrete maximum principle and
                                  convergence  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1637--1652
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
        Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan   Error analysis of variable degree mixed
                                  methods for elliptic problems via
                                  hybridization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1653--1677
    Ricardo G. Durán and   
              Ariel L. Lombardi   Error estimates on anisotropic ${\cal
                                  Q}_1$ elements for functions in weighted
                                  Sobolev spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1679--1706
             Bjorn Engquist and   
                   Yen-Hsi Tsai   Heterogeneous multiscale methods for
                                  stiff ordinary differential equations    1707--1742
                 C. Clavero and   
               J. L. Gracia and   
                   E. O'Riordan   A parameter robust numerical method for
                                  a two dimensional reaction-diffusion
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1743--1758
              P. A. Farrell and   
               E. O'Riordan and   
                 G. I. Shishkin   A class of singularly perturbed
                                  semilinear differential equations with
                                  interior layers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1759--1776
               Chun-Hua Guo and   
                Peter Lancaster   Algorithms for hyperbolic quadratic
                                  eigenvalue problems  . . . . . . . . . . 1777--1791
                  Bilal Chanane   Computation of the eigenvalues of
                                  Sturm--Liouville problems with parameter
                                  dependent boundary conditions using the
                                  regularized sampling method  . . . . . . 1793--1801
                  Daniela Rosca   Locally supported rational spline
                                  wavelets on a sphere . . . . . . . . . . 1803--1829
                O. Kounchev and   
                      H. Render   Polyharmonic splines on grids
                                  $\mathbb{Z} \times a \mathbb{Z}^{n}$ and
                                  their limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831--1841
     C. Díaz-Mendoza and   
    P. González-Vera and   
         M. Jiménez-Paiz   Strong Stieltjes distributions and
                                  orthogonal Laurent polynomials with
                                  applications to quadratures and Padé
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1843--1870
              Rong-Xian Yue and   
             Fred J. Hickernell   Strong tractability of integration using
                                  scrambled Niederreiter points  . . . . . 1871--1893
                    J. Dick and   
                  F. Y. Kuo and   
          F. Pillichshammer and   
                    I. H. Sloan   Construction algorithms for polynomial
                                  lattice rules for multivariate
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1895--1921
               Christophe Doche   Even moments of generalized
                                  Rudin--Shapiro polynomials . . . . . . . 1923--1935
                     W. Luh and   
             J. Müller and   
               S. Ponnusamy and   
                   P. Vasundhra   Polynomial series expansions for
                                  confluent and Gaussian hypergeometric
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1937--1952
             Michael Drmota and   
      Bernhard Gittenberger and   
                Thomas Klausner   Extended admissible functions and
                                  Gaussian limiting distributions  . . . . 1953--1966
               D. W. Farmer and   
                    S. Lemurell   Deformations of Maass forms  . . . . . . 1967--1982
                 Mark Bauer and   
                Edlyn Teske and   
                  Annegret Weng   Point counting on Picard curves in large
                                  characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983--2005
    Valérie Flammang and   
                   Georges Rhin   Algebraic integers whose conjugates all
                                  lie in an ellipse  . . . . . . . . . . . 2007--2015
          Johannes Buchmann and   
                 Arthur Schmidt   Computing the structure of a finite
                                  abelian group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017--2026
               I. M. Isaacs and   
         Dikran B. Karagueuzian   Involutions and characters of upper
                                  triangular matrix groups . . . . . . . . 2027--2033
                      G. Harman   On the greatest prime factor of $p-1$
                                  with effective constants . . . . . . . . 2035--2041
             Pedro Berrizbeitia   Sharpening ``Primes is in P'' for a
                                  large family of numbers  . . . . . . . . 2043--2059
             Graham Everest and   
                     Helen King   Prime powers in elliptic divisibility
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2061--2071
           Igor Shparlinski and   
                 Arne Winterhof   A hidden number problem in small
                                  subgroups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2073--2080
                  Takao Komatsu   An algorithm of infinite sums
                                  representations and Tasoev continued
                                  fractions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2081--2094
                Vivette Girault   Book review: \em Numerical analysis for
                                  fluids, Part 3. Finite element methods
                                  for incompressible viscous flow  . . . . 2095--2097
          Anders Björn and   
                    Hans Riesel   Table errata to ``Factors of generalized
                                  Fermat numbers'' . . . . . . . . . . . . 2099--2099
               Bahman Kalantari   Corrigendum to ``An infinite family of
                                  bounds on zeros of analytic functions
                                  and relationship to Smale's bound''  . . 2101--2101

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 75, Number 253, January, 2006

          Kent-Andre Mardal and   
                 Ragnar Winther   An observation on Korn's inequality for
                                  nonconforming finite element methods . . 1--6
            John W. Barrett and   
              Harald Garcke and   
           Robert Nürnberg   Finite element approximation of a phase
                                  field model for surface diffusion of
                                  voids in a stressed solid  . . . . . . . 7--41
               Zhiming Chen and   
                    Guanghua Ji   Sharp $L^1$ a posteriori error analysis
                                  for nonlinear convection-diffusion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--71
            Susanna Gebauer and   
             Ralf Kornhuber and   
               Harry Yserentant   Hierarchical decomposition of domains
                                  with fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--90
        Raimund Bürger and   
      Aníbal Coronel and   
      Mauricio Sepúlveda   A semi-implicit monotone difference
                                  scheme for an initial-boundary value
                                  problem of a strongly degenerate
                                  parabolic equation modeling
                                  sedimentation-consolidation processes    91--112
            Mario Ohlberger and   
                 Julien Vovelle   Error estimate for the approximation of
                                  nonlinear conservation laws on bounded
                                  domains by the finite volume method  . . 113--150
                     Leping Sun   Stability analysis for delay
                                  differential equations with multidelays
                                  and numerical examples . . . . . . . . . 151--165
                Jialin Hong and   
                 Hongyu Liu and   
                       Geng Sun   The multi-symplecticity of partitioned
                                  Runge--Kutta methods for Hamiltonian
                                  PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--181
                Steven J. Ruuth   Global optimization of explicit
                                  strong-stability-preserving Runge--Kutta
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--207
            Blaise Faugeras and   
 Jérôme Pousin and   
             Franck Fontvieille   An efficient numerical scheme for
                                  precise time integration of a
                                  chemical system  . . . . . . . . . . . . 209--222
               James Demmel and   
                    Plamen Koev   Accurate and efficient evaluation of
                                  Schur and Jack functions . . . . . . . . 223--239
                Gensun Fang and   
                      Xuehua Li   Comparison theorems of Kolmogorov type
                                  and exact values of $n$-widths on
                                  Hardy--Sobolev classes . . . . . . . . . 241--258
                 Maurice Hasson   Wavelet-based filters for accurate
                                  computation of derivatives . . . . . . . 259--280
     C. Díaz-Mendoza and   
    P. González-Vera and   
     M. Jiménez Paiz and   
       F. Cala Rodríguez   Orthogonal Laurent polynomials
                                  corresponding to certain strong
                                  Stieltjes distributions with
                                  applications to numerical quadratures    281--305
             Joris Van Deun and   
           Adhemar Bultheel and   
     Pablo González Vera   On computing rational Gauss--Chebyshev
                                  quadrature formulas  . . . . . . . . . . 307--326
                     Avram Sidi   Extension of a class of periodizing
                                  variable transformations for numerical
                                  Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327--343
                  V. Y. Pan and   
                   M. Kunin and   
              R. E. Rosholt and   
                       H. Kodal   Homotopic residual correction processes  345--368
              James A. Muir and   
             Douglas R. Stinson   Minimality and other properties of the
                                  width-$w$ nonadjacent form . . . . . . . 369--384
      Julián Aguirre and   
               Mikel Bilbao and   
              Juan Carlos Peral   The trace of totally positive algebraic
                                  integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--393
            Alfred G. Noël   Some remarks on Richardson orbits in
                                  complex symmetric spaces . . . . . . . . 395--417
              Joshua Holden and   
                   Pieter Moree   Some heuristics and results for small
                                  cycles of the discrete logarithm . . . . 419--449
                Zhenxiang Zhang   Notes on some new kinds of pseudoprimes  451--460
            Jeffrey B. Farr and   
                    Shuhong Gao   Gröbner bases and generalized Padé
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461--473
              Peter Borwein and   
               Stephen Choi and   
                      Frank Chu   An old conjecture of Erdos--Turán on
                                  additive bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475--484
                  Jean Cougnard   Normal integral bases for $A_4$
                                  extensions of the rationals  . . . . . . 485--496
           Andrew Granville and   
                Peter Pleasants   Aurifeuillian factorization  . . . . . . 497--508
               Ernst Hairer and   
                 Gerhard Wanner   Book review: \em Simulating Hamiltonian
                                  Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--510

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 75, Number 254, April, 2006

           Georgios Akrivis and   
     Charalambos Makridakis and   
            Ricardo H. Nochetto   A posteriori error estimates for the
                                  Crank--Nicolson method for parabolic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--531
       Jesús Carrero and   
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
          Dominik Schötzau   Hybridized globally divergence-free LDG
                                  methods. Part I: The Stokes problem  . . 533--563
  Jérémie Szeftel   A nonlinear approach to absorbing
                                  boundary conditions for the semilinear
                                  wave equation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--594
              John Goodrich and   
            Thomas Hagstrom and   
                    Jens Lorenz   Hermite methods for hyperbolic
                                  initial-boundary value problems  . . . . 595--630
                   Eskil Hansen   Runge--Kutta time discretizations of
                                  nonlinear dissipative evolution
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--640
                 Laurent O. Jay   Specialized Runge--Kutta methods for
                                  index $2$ differential-algebraic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641--654
         Willem Hundsdorfer and   
                Steven J. Ruuth   On monotonicity and boundedness
                                  properties of linear multistep methods   655--672
             Eduardo Cuesta and   
           Christian Lubich and   
                 Cesar Palencia   Convolution quadrature time
                                  discretization of fractional
                                  diffusion-wave equations . . . . . . . . 673--696
        Tsogtgerel Gantumur and   
                  Rob Stevenson   Computation of differential operators in
                                  wavelet coordinates  . . . . . . . . . . 697--709
         Larry L. Schumaker and   
               Tatyana Sorokina   Smooth macro-elements on
                                  Powell--Sabin-12 splits  . . . . . . . . 711--726
                 Annie Cuyt and   
                Jieqing Tan and   
                      Ping Zhou   General order multivariate Padé
                                  approximants for pseudo-multivariate
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727--741
                     H. S. Jung   Hermite and Hermite--Fejér interpolation
                                  for Stieltjes polynomials  . . . . . . . 743--766
                   Jared Tanner   Optimal filter and mollifier for
                                  piecewise smooth spectral data . . . . . 767--790
                  Zhong-Zhi Bai   Structured preconditioners for
                                  nonsingular matrices of block two-by-two
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791--815
                      A. Melman   Computation of the Newton step for the
                                  even and odd characteristic polynomials
                                  of a symmetric positive definite
                                  Toeplitz matrix  . . . . . . . . . . . . 817--832
                Plamen Koev and   
                   Alan Edelman   The efficient evaluation of the
                                  hypergeometric function of a matrix
                                  argument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833--846
              Rekha P. Kulkarni   A new superconvergent collocation method
                                  for eigenvalue problems  . . . . . . . . 847--857
               Kai-Tai Fang and   
           Dietmar Maringer and   
                    Yu Tang and   
                   Peter Winker   Lower bounds and stochastic optimization
                                  algorithms for uniform designs with
                                  three or four levels . . . . . . . . . . 859--878
          Tapani Matala-aho and   
Keijo Väänänen and   
                  Wadim Zudilin   New irrationality measures for
                                  $q$-logarithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879--889
          Kevin A. Broughan and   
                A. Ross Barnett   Linear law for the logarithms of the
                                  Riemann periods at simple critical zeta
                                  zeros  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891--902
                Dirk Nuyens and   
                   Ronald Cools   Fast algorithms for
                                  component-by-component construction of
                                  rank-$1$ lattice rules in
                                  shift-invariant reproducing kernel
                                  Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903--920
         Grégoire Lecerf   Sharp precision in Hensel lifting for
                                  bivariate polynomial factorization . . . 921--933
  Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans and   
               Jörg Jahnel   The Diophantine equation $x^4 + 2 y^4 =
                                  z^4 + 4 w^4$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935--940
           André Weilert   Two efficient algorithms for the
                                  computation of ideal sums in quadratic
                                  orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941--981
              Scott Contini and   
                Ernie Croot and   
            Igor E. Shparlinski   Complexity of inverting the Euler
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983--996
                Geon-No Lee and   
                   Soun-Hi Kwon   CM-fields with relative class number one 997--1013
                    Koji Suzuki   Approximating the number of integers
                                  without large prime factors  . . . . . . 1015--1024
                I. P. Gavrilyuk   Book review: \em Collocation methods for
                                  Volterra integral and related functional
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Jean Michel   Book review: \em Handbook of
                                  computational group theory . . . . . . . ??
                 Raf Vanderbril   Book review: \em Inverse eigenvalue
                                  problems: Theory, algorithms, and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 75, Number 255, July, 2006

         Carsten Carstensen and   
                 R. H. W. Hoppe   Error reduction and convergence for an
                                  adaptive mixed finite element method . . 1033--1042
              Pingbing Ming and   
                   Zhong-ci Shi   Analysis of some low order quadrilateral
                                  Reissner--Mindlin plate elements . . . . 1043--1065
           Johnny Guzmán   Pointwise error estimates for
                                  discontinuous Galerkin methods with
                                  lifting operators for elliptic problems  1067--1085
               Thomas P. Wihler   Locking-free adaptive discontinuous
                                  Galerkin FEM for linear elasticity
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087--1102
              Manuel Castro and   
    José M. Gallardo and   
            Carlos Parés   High order finite volume schemes based
                                  on reconstruction of states for solving
                                  hyperbolic systems with nonconservative
                                  products. Applications to shallow-water
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103--1134
               E. O'Riordan and   
              M. L. Pickett and   
                 G. I. Shishkin   Parameter-uniform finite difference
                                  schemes for singularly perturbed
                                  parabolic diffusion-convection-reaction
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135--1154
                  Johan Lie and   
             Marius Lysaker and   
                  Xue-Cheng Tai   A variant of the level set method and
                                  applications to image segmentation . . . 1155--1174
         Ismet Özdemir and   
          Ö. Faruk Temizer   The boundaries of the solutions of the
                                  linear Volterra integral equations with
                                  convolution kernel . . . . . . . . . . . 1175--1199
                  M. Z. Liu and   
                 Z. W. Yang and   
                          Y. Xu   The stability of modified Runge--Kutta
                                  methods for the pantograph equation  . . 1201--1215
            Sotirios E. Notaris   Integral formulas for Chebyshev
                                  polynomials and the error term of
                                  interpolatory quadrature formulae for
                                  analytic functions . . . . . . . . . . . 1217--1231
              Arieh Iserles and   
       Syvert P. Nòrsett   Quadrature methods for multivariate
                                  highly oscillatory integrals using
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1258
            Michael Griebel and   
            Henryk Wozniakowski   On the optimal convergence rate of
                                  universal and nonuniversal algorithms
                                  for multivariate integration and
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1259--1286
                    Bin Han and   
                  Rong-Qing Jia   Optimal $C^2$ two-dimensional
                                  interpolatory ternary subdivision
                                  schemes with two-ring stencils . . . . . 1287--1308
                  B. C. Carlson   Table of integrals of squared Jacobian
                                  elliptic functions and reductions of
                                  related hypergeometric $R$-functions . . 1309--1318
              Angela Kunoth and   
                     Jan Sahner   Wavelets on manifolds: An optimized
                                  construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1349
                  Delin Chu and   
                      Moody Chu   Low rank update of singular values . . . 1351--1366
                Lyonell Boulton   Limiting set of second order spectra . . 1367--1382
           S. Tanabé and   
                 M. N. Vrahatis   On perturbation of roots of homogeneous
                                  algebraic systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1383--1402
            Izaskun Garrido and   
                  Barry Lee and   
         Gunnar E. Fladmark and   
               Magne S. Espedal   Convergent iterative schemes for time
                                  parallelization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403--1428
            William La Cruz and   
José Mario Martínez and   
                  Marcos Raydan   Spectral residual method without
                                  gradient information for solving
                                  large-scale nonlinear systems of
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429--1448
             Alexander Barvinok   Computing the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial
                                  of a rational simplex  . . . . . . . . . 1449--1466
               J. N. Lyness and   
             Tor Sòrevik   Five-dimensional $K$-optimal lattice
                                  rules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467--1480
               Andrew R. Booker   Quadratic class numbers and character
                                  sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1481--1492
      Konstantinos A. Draziotis   Integer points on the curve $Y^2 = X^3
                                  \pm p^k X$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1493--1505
               Claus Fieker and   
               Michael E. Pohst   Dependency of units in number fields . . 1507--1518
                  Lesseni Sylla   The nonexistence of nonsolvable octic
                                  number fields ramified only at one small
                                  prime  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1519--1526
    Valérie Flammang and   
               Georges Rhin and   
Jean-Marc Sac-Épée   Integer transfinite diameter and
                                  polynomials with small Mahler measure    1527--1540
              Daniel Berend and   
                   Shahar Golan   Littlewood polynomials with high order
                                  zeros  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1541--1552
             H. G. Grundman and   
               L. E. Lippincott   Computing the arithmetic genus of
                                  Hilbert modular fourfolds  . . . . . . . 1553--1560
                 Martine Girard   The group of Weierstrass points of a
                                  plane quartic with at least eight
                                  hyperflexes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1561--1583
     Konstantinos Draziotis and   
             Dimitrios Poulakis   Practical solution of the Diophantine
                                  equation $y^2 = x(x + 2^a p^b)(x - 2^a
                                  p^b)$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1585--1593
                      Barry Lee   Book review: \em Finite elements and
                                  fast iterative solvers: with
                                  applications in incompressible fluid
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Harald Niederreiter   Book review: \em Probability and
                                  computing: randomized algorithms and
                                  probabilistic analysis . . . . . . . . . ??

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 75, Number 256, October, 2006

         Carsten Carstensen and   
                     W. Liu and   
                         N. Yan   A posteriori FE error control for
                                  $p$-Laplacian by gradient recovery in
                                  quasi-norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1599--1616
                Jicheng Jin and   
                    Shi Shu and   
                     Jinchao Xu   A two-grid discretization method for
                                  decoupling systems of partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1617--1626
                Omar Lakkis and   
         Charalambos Makridakis   Elliptic reconstruction and a posteriori
                                  error estimates for fully discrete
                                  linear parabolic problems  . . . . . . . 1627--1658
             Carlo Lovadina and   
                  Rolf Stenberg   Energy norm a posteriori error estimates
                                  for mixed finite element methods . . . . 1659--1674
          Gabriel N. Gatica and   
         Francisco-Javier Sayas   An a priori error analysis for the
                                  coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin
                                  and boundary element methods . . . . . . 1675--1696
    Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   The convergence of V-cycle multigrid
                                  algorithms for axisymmetric Laplace and
                                  Maxwell equations  . . . . . . . . . . . 1697--1719
                  Volker Elling   A possible counterexample to well
                                  posedness of entropy solutions and to
                                  Godunov scheme convergence . . . . . . . 1721--1733
                Bojan Popov and   
                Ognian Trifonov   Order of convergence of second order
                                  schemes based on the minmod limiter  . . 1735--1753
                 Jianfeng Zhang   Rate of convergence of finite difference
                                  approximations for degenerate ordinary
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1755--1778
            Robert Sinclair and   
                  Minoru Tanaka   Jacobi's last geometric statement
                                  extends to a wider class of Liouville
                                  surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1779--1808
             Christophe Berthon   Numerical approximations of the
                                  10-moment Gaussian closure . . . . . . . 1809--1831
      Clément Mouhot and   
               Lorenzo Pareschi   Fast algorithms for computing the
                                  Boltzmann collision operator . . . . . . 1833--1852
                   Shuai Lu and   
           Sergei V. Pereverzev   Numerical differentiation from a
                                  viewpoint of regularization theory . . . 1853--1870
           Helmut Harbrecht and   
                  Rob Stevenson   Wavelets with patchwise cancellation
                                  properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871--1889
                Dirk Laurie and   
              Johan de Villiers   Orthogonal polynomials for refinable
                                  linear functionals . . . . . . . . . . . 1891--1903
                         Yi Jin   On efficient computation and asymptotic
                                  sharpness of Kalantari's bounds for
                                  zeros of polynomials . . . . . . . . . . 1905--1912
         Peter Mathé and   
           Sergei V. Pereverzev   Regularization of some linear ill-posed
                                  problems with discretized random noisy
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1913--1929
         Dorin Ervin Dutkay and   
          Palle E. T. Jorgensen   Iterated function systems, Ruelle
                                  operators, and invariant projective
                                  measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1931--1970
             Tatjana Eisner and   
                     Hans Zwart   Continuous-time Kreiss resolvent
                                  condition on infinite-dimensional spaces 1971--1985
                    Ren-Cang Li   Lower bounds for the condition number of
                                  a real confluent Vandermonde matrix  . . 1987--1995
                 K. G. Hare and   
                    C. J. Smyth   The monic integer transfinite diameter   1997--2019
                       S. Gurak   On the minimal polynomial of Gauss
                                  periods for prime powers . . . . . . . . 2021--2035
             Thorsten Kleinjung   On polynomial selection for the general
                                  number field sieve . . . . . . . . . . . 2037--2047
             Antonio Cafure and   
               Guillermo Matera   Fast computation of a rational point of
                                  a variety over a finite field  . . . . . 2049--2085

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 76, Number 257, January, 2007

                  Wang Ming and   
                     Jinchao Xu   Nonconforming tetrahedral finite
                                  elements for fourth order elliptic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--18
                    Alan Demlow   Local a posteriori estimates for
                                  pointwise gradient errors in finite
                                  element methods for elliptic problems    19--42
                   Kwang Y. Kim   A posteriori error analysis for locally
                                  conservative mixed methods . . . . . . . 43--66
              Fatih Celiker and   
              Bernardo Cockburn   Superconvergence of the numerical traces
                                  of discontinuous Galerkin and Hybridized
                                  methods for convection-diffusion
                                  problems in one space dimension  . . . . 67--96
                       JaEun Ku   A least-squares method for second order
                                  noncoercive elliptic partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 97--114
                 Yinnian He and   
                     Weiwei Sun   Stabilized finite element method based
                                  on the Crank--Nicolson extrapolation
                                  scheme for the time-dependent
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . 115--136
              Huo-Yuan Duan and   
               Shao-Qin Gao and   
            Roger C. E. Tan and   
                 Shangyou Zhang   A generalized BPX multigrid framework
                                  covering nonnested V-cycle methods . . . 137--152
              Pingbing Ming and   
                  Pingwen Zhang   Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale
                                  method for parabolic homogenization
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--177
                  Long Chen and   
                Pengtao Sun and   
                     Jinchao Xu   Optimal anisotropic meshes for
                                  minimizing interpolation errors in
                                  $L^p$-norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--204
         C. González and   
                  M. Thalhammer   A second-order Magnus-type integrator
                                  for quasi-linear parabolic problems  . . 205--231
       Bishnu P. Lamichhane and   
            Barbara I. Wohlmuth   Biorthogonal bases with local support
                                  and approximation properties . . . . . . 233--249
                  Volker Elling   A Lax--Wendroff type theorem for
                                  unstructured quasi-uniform grids . . . . 251--272
    Mihály Kovács   On the convergence of rational
                                  approximations of semigroups on
                                  intermediate spaces  . . . . . . . . . . 273--286
              Zhong-Zhi Bai and   
              Gene H. Golub and   
                   Chi-Kwong Li   Convergence properties of preconditioned
                                  Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting
                                  methods for non-Hermitian positive
                                  semidefinite matrices  . . . . . . . . . 287--298
                   R. Caira and   
                  F. Dell'Accio   Shepard--Bernoulli operators . . . . . . 299--321
         Ramunas Garunkstis and   
             Jörn Steuding   On the distribution of zeros of the
                                  Hurwitz zeta-function  . . . . . . . . . 323--337
             Nathanial P. Brown   Quasi-diagonality and the finite section
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--360
                   Helen Avelin   Deformation of $\Gamma_0(5)$-cusp forms  361--384
        Daniel J. Bernstein and   
     Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr. and   
                  Jonathan Pila   Detecting perfect powers by factoring
                                  into coprimes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--388
            Daniel J. Bernstein   Proving primality in essentially quartic
                                  random time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389--403
               Bernd C. Kellner   On irregular prime power divisors of the
                                  Bernoulli numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . 405--441
        Daniel J. Bernstein and   
           Jonathan P. Sorenson   Modular exponentiation via the explicit
                                  Chinese remainder theorem  . . . . . . . 443--454
   Stéphane R. Louboutin   Efficient computation of root numbers
                                  and class numbers of parametrized
                                  families of real abelian number fields   455--473
                  P. Gaudry and   
            E. Thomé and   
        N. Thériault and   
                        C. Diem   A double large prime variation for small
                                  genus hyperelliptic index calculus . . . 475--492
                      F. Morain   Implementing the asymptotically fast
                                  version of the elliptic curve primality
                                  proving algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 493--505
             Andrew D. Loveless   A compositeness test that never fails
                                  for Carmichael numbers . . . . . . . . . 507--507

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 76, Number 258, April, 2007

              Daniel Arroyo and   
            Alexei Bespalov and   
                  Norbert Heuer   On the finite element method for
                                  elliptic problems with degenerate and
                                  singular coefficients  . . . . . . . . . 509--537
              Xiaobing Feng and   
                 Yinnian He and   
                       Chun Liu   Analysis of finite element
                                  approximations of a phase field model
                                  for two-phase fluids . . . . . . . . . . 539--571
         Susanne C. Brenner and   
                 Fengyan Li and   
                   Li-yeng Sung   A locally divergence-free nonconforming
                                  finite element method for the
                                  time-harmonic Maxwell equations  . . . . 573--595
           James H. Bramble and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   Analysis of a finite PML approximation
                                  for the three dimensional time-harmonic
                                  Maxwell and acoustic scattering problems 597--614
        Tsogtgerel Gantumur and   
           Helmut Harbrecht and   
                  Rob Stevenson   An optimal adaptive wavelet method
                                  without coarsening of the iterands . . . 615--629
                Natalia Kopteva   Maximum norm error analysis of a 2d
                                  singularly perturbed semilinear
                                  reaction-diffusion problem . . . . . . . 631--646
             Todd F. Dupont and   
                    Yingjie Liu   Back and forth error compensation and
                                  correction methods for semi-Lagrangian
                                  schemes with application to level set
                                  interface computations . . . . . . . . . 647--668
                   N. V. Krylov   A priori estimates of smoothness of
                                  solutions to difference Bellman
                                  equations with linear and quasi-linear
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--698
                  H. Holden and   
              K. H. Karlsen and   
                  N. H. Risebro   Convergent difference schemes for the
                                  Hunter--Saxton equation  . . . . . . . . 699--744
            A. G. Werschulz and   
                H. Wozniakowski   Tractability of quasilinear problems II:
                                  Second-order elliptic problems . . . . . 745--776
                    T. Sengadir   Discretisation of an infinite delay
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777--793
                 Sun-Mi Kim and   
                 Lothar Reichel   Anti-Szeg\Ho quadrature rules  . . . . . 795--810
                Robert S. Maier   The 192 solutions of the Heun equation   811--843
         Knut Mòrken and   
                 Martin Reimers   An unconditionally convergent method for
                                  computing zeros of splines and
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845--865
         Michael S. Floater and   
                      Tom Lyche   Two chain rules for divided differences
                                  and Fa\`a di Bruno's formula . . . . . . 867--877
       Alfredo Deaño and   
                  Javier Segura   Transitory minimal solutions of
                                  hypergeometric recursions and
                                  pseudoconvergence of associated
                                  continued fractions  . . . . . . . . . . 879--901
                Kai Bittner and   
                  Karsten Urban   On interpolatory divergence-free
                                  wavelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903--929
              Kirill A. Kopotun   Univariate splines: Equivalence of
                                  moduli of smoothness and applications    931--945
              Felipe Cucker and   
                Huaian Diao and   
                      Yimin Wei   On mixed and componentwise condition
                                  numbers for Moore--Penrose inverse and
                                  linear least squares problems  . . . . . 947--963
          G. W. Wasilkowski and   
                H. Wozniakowski   The power of standard information for
                                  multivariate approximation in the
                                  randomized setting . . . . . . . . . . . 965--988
             Vasile Sinescu and   
                    Stephen Joe   Good lattice rules based on the general
                                  weighted star discrepancy  . . . . . . . 989--1004
             James S. Kraft and   
         Lawrence C. Washington   Heuristics for class numbers and lambda
                                  invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005--1023
               Georges Rhin and   
                       Qiang Wu   On the smallest value of the maximal
                                  modulus of an algebraic integer  . . . . 1025--1038
  Lassina Dembélé   Quaternionic Manin symbols, Brandt
                                  matrices, and Hilbert modular forms  . . 1039--1057
        Hiroki Sumida-Takahashi   Computation of the $p$-part of the ideal
                                  class group of certain real abelian
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1071
               Gabriela Olteanu   Computing the Wedderburn decomposition
                                  of group algebras by the Brauer--Witt
                                  theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073--1087
               Justin W. L. Wan   Book review: \em Practical Fourier
                                  analysis for multigrid methods . . . . . 1089--1091

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 76, Number 259, July, 2007

              Xiaobing Feng and   
         Ohannes A. Karakashian   Fully discrete dynamic mesh
                                  discontinuous Galerkin methods for the
                                  Cahn--Hilliard equation of phase
                                  transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093--1117
                Erik Burman and   
                  Alexandre Ern   Continuous interior penalty $hp$-finite
                                  element methods for advection and
                                  advection-diffusion equations  . . . . . 1119--1140
            Michael Griebel and   
               Karl Scherer and   
      Marc Alexander Schweitzer   Robust norm equivalencies for diffusion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141--1161
         Christophe Berthon and   
  Frédéric Coquel   Nonlinear projection methods for
                                  multi-entropies Navier--Stokes systems   1163--1194
                   M. Amara and   
      D. Capatina-Papaghiuc and   
                    D. Trujillo   Stabilized finite element method for
                                  Navier--Stokes equations with physical
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1195--1217
                  Adimurthi and   
          Siddhartha Mishra and   
           G. D. Veerappa Gowda   Convergence of Godunov type methods for
                                  a conservation law with a spatially
                                  varying discontinuous flux function  . . 1219--1242
            Wolfgang Dahmen and   
           Helmut Harbrecht and   
             Reinhold Schneider   Adaptive methods for boundary integral
                                  equations: Complexity and convergence
                                  estimates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243--1274
                  M. S. Min and   
                S. M. Kaber and   
                      W. S. Don   Fourier--Padé approximations and
                                  filtering for spectral simulations of an
                                  incompressible Boussinesq convection
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1275--1290
            Boris N. Khoromskij   Structured data-sparse approximation to
                                  high order tensors arising from the
                                  deterministic Boltzmann equation . . . . 1291--1315
                 V. Didenko and   
                   E. Venturino   Approximation methods for the
                                  Muskhelishvili equation on smooth curves 1317--1339
          J. A. C. Weideman and   
                L. N. Trefethen   Parabolic and hyperbolic contours for
                                  computing the Bromwich integral  . . . . 1341--1356
             Aicke Hinrichs and   
                    Erich Novak   Cubature formulas for symmetric measures
                                  in higher dimensions with few points . . 1357--1372
          Zbynek Sír and   
              Bert Jüttler   ${C}^2$ Hermite interpolation by
                                  Pythagorean Hodograph space curves . . . 1373--1391
          C. Beltrán and   
                    L. M. Pardo   On the probability distribution of
                                  condition numbers of complete
                                  intersection varieties and the average
                                  radius of convergence of Newton's method
                                  in the underdetermined case  . . . . . . 1393--1424
               Habib Ammari and   
          Roland Griesmaier and   
                   Martin Hanke   Identification of small inhomogeneities:
                                  Asymptotic factorization . . . . . . . . 1425--1448
                 Amparo Gil and   
              Javier Segura and   
                  Nico M. Temme   Numerically satisfactory solutions of
                                  hypergeometric recursions  . . . . . . . 1449--1468
              Richard Brent and   
             Colin Percival and   
                Paul Zimmermann   Error bounds on complex floating-point
                                  multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469--1481
            Miodrag M. Spalevic   On generalized averaged Gaussian
                                  formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1483--1492
             Arthur Baragar and   
               Ronald van Luijk   K3 surfaces with Picard number three and
                                  canonical vector heights . . . . . . . . 1493--1498
            Thomas Ransford and   
  Jérémie Rostand   Computation of capacity  . . . . . . . . 1499--1520
                  Jim Hoste and   
            Patrick D. Shanahan   Computing boundary slopes of $2$-bridge
                                  links  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1521--1545
                Jean-Paul Cerri   Euclidean minima of totally real number
                                  fields: Algorithmic determination  . . . 1547--1575
            Yusuke Chishiki and   
               Takeshi Goto and   
                     Yasuo Ohno   On the largest prime divisor of an odd
                                  harmonic number  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1577--1587
                    John Voight   Quadratic forms that represent almost
                                  the same primes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1589--1617
                Neil Calkin and   
               Jimena Davis and   
                Kevin James and   
            Elizabeth Perez and   
               Charles Swannack   Computing the integer partition function 1619--1638
         Jean-Paul Allouche and   
         Christiane Frougny and   
                  Kevin G. Hare   On univoque Pisot numbers  . . . . . . . 1639--1660
        Vahid Dabbaghian-Abdoly   Constructing representations of higher
                                  degrees of finite simple groups and
                                  covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1661--1668
         Björn Assmann and   
                   Bettina Eick   Testing polycyclicity of finitely
                                  generated rational matrix groups . . . . 1669--1682
               Michael Beck and   
                  Eric Pine and   
              Wayne Tarrant and   
           Kim Yarbrough Jensen   New integer representations as the sum
                                  of three cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683--1690
                     Ron Fedkiw   Book review: \em The immersed interface
                                  method. Numerical solutions of PDEs
                                  involving interfaces and irregular
                                  domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1691--1691
                   Lung-an Ying   Book review: \em Partial differential
                                  equations and the finite element method  1693--1694
              Ivan P. Gavrilyuk   Book review: \em Variational analysis in
                                  Sobolev and BV spaces  . . . . . . . . . 1695--1696
               Igor Shparlinski   Book review: \em A computational
                                  introduction to number theory and
                                  algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697--1698

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 76, Number 260, October, 2007

          Douglas N. Arnold and   
            Richard S. Falk and   
                 Ragnar Winther   Mixed finite element methods for linear
                                  elasticity with weakly imposed symmetry  1699--1723
                    Alan Demlow   Sharply localized pointwise and
                                  $W_\infty^{-1}$ estimates for finite
                                  element methods for quasilinear problems 1725--1741
             Annalisa Buffa and   
         Snorre H. Christiansen   A dual finite element complex on the
                                  barycentric refinement . . . . . . . . . 1743--1769
                     Jun Hu and   
                   Zhong-Ci Shi   Two lower order nonconforming
                                  rectangular elements for the
                                  Reissner--Mindlin plate  . . . . . . . . 1771--1786
                     Aaron Solo   Sharp estimates for finite element
                                  approximations to elliptic problems with
                                  Neumann boundary data of low regularity  1787--1800
                  S. Pernet and   
                   X. Ferrieres   HP a-priori error estimates for a
                                  non-dissipative spectral discontinuous
                                  Galerkin method to solve the Maxwell
                                  equations in the time domain . . . . . . 1801--1832
    Tomás Vejchodsky and   
             Pavel Solín   Discrete maximum principle for
                                  higher-order finite elements in $1$D . . 1833--1846
         Sören Bartels and   
                  Andreas Prohl   Constraint preserving implicit finite
                                  element discretization of harmonic map
                                  flow into spheres  . . . . . . . . . . . 1847--1859
                 Guy Barles and   
              Espen R. Jakobsen   Error bounds for monotone approximation
                                  schemes for parabolic
                                  Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equations  . . 1861--1893
          Ivan P. Gavrilyuk and   
           Volodymyr L. Makarov   An exponentially convergent algorithm
                                  for nonlinear differential equations in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1895--1923
   Björn Sjögreen and   
        Katarina Gustavsson and   
        Reynir Levi Gudmundsson   A model for peak formation in the
                                  two-phase equations  . . . . . . . . . . 1925--1940
          Philippe Chartier and   
               Ernst Hairer and   
                 Gilles Vilmart   Numerical integrators based on modified
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1941--1953
             Daan Huybrechs and   
              Stefan Vandewalle   The construction of cubature rules for
                                  multivariate highly oscillatory
                                  integrals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1955--1980
              Gasper Jaklic and   
               Jernej Kozak and   
             Marjeta Krajnc and   
                     Emil Zagar   On geometric interpolation by planar
                                  parametric polynomial curves . . . . . . 1981--1993
              Yves Tourigny and   
                 Nigel P. Smart   A multidimensional continued fraction
                                  based on a high-order recurrence
                                  relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995--2022
                Dante Manna and   
                 Victor H. Moll   Rational Landen transformations on
                                  $\mathbb{R}$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2023--2043
      Eugenio P. Balanzario and   
     Jorge Sánchez-Ortiz   Zeros of the Davenport--Heilbronn
                                  counterexample . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2045--2049
                Jeffrey Stopple   Computing $L$-functions with large
                                  conductor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2051--2062
                  Ariel Pacetti   On the embedding problem for $2^+S_4$
                                  representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2063--2075
                     Josef Dick   The construction of extensible
                                  polynomial lattice rules with small
                                  weighted star discrepancy  . . . . . . . 2077--2085
        Richard J. McIntosh and   
               Eric L. Roettger   A search for Fibonacci--Wieferich and
                                  Wolstenholme primes  . . . . . . . . . . 2087--2094
                Zhenxiang Zhang   Two kinds of strong pseudoprimes up to
                                  $10^{36}$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2095--2107
                Pace P. Nielsen   Odd perfect numbers have at least nine
                                  distinct prime factors . . . . . . . . . 2109--2126
                    David Brink   Prime decomposition in the
                                  anti-cyclotomic extension  . . . . . . . 2127--2138
                 R. de Haan and   
         M. J. Jacobson Jr. and   
                 H. C. Williams   A fast, rigorous technique for computing
                                  the regulator of a real quadratic field  2139--2160
        Reinier Bröker and   
              Peter Stevenhagen   Efficient CM-constructions of elliptic
                                  curves over finite fields  . . . . . . . 2161--2179
         M'Hammed El Kahoui and   
                    Said Rakrak   Structure of Gröbner bases with respect
                                  to block orders  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2181--2187
               Komei Fukuda and   
           Anders N. Jensen and   
                Rekha R. Thomas   Computing Gröbner fans  . . . . . . . . . 2189--2212
            Kamal Khuri-Makdisi   Asymptotically fast group operations on
                                  Jacobians of general curves  . . . . . . 2213--2239
                  Kevin G. Hare   New techniques for bounds on the total
                                  number of prime factors of an odd
                                  perfect number . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2241--2248
          Kevin A. Broughan and   
                A. Ross Barnett   Corrigendum to ``The holomorphic flow of
                                  the Riemann zeta function''  . . . . . . 2249--2250
              Huo-Yuan Duan and   
               Shao-Qin Gao and   
            Roger C. E. Tan and   
                 Shangyou Zhang   Errata to ``A generalized BPX multigrid
                                  framework covering nonnested $V$-cycle
                                  methods''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2251--2251
               Beatrice Riviere   Book review: \em Computational methods
                                  for multiphase flows in porous media . . 2253--2255
         Jackie (Jianhong) Shen   Book review: \em Deblurring images:
                                  Matrices, spectra, and filtering . . . . 2256--2258

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 77, Number 261, January, 2008

           James H. Bramble and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   Analysis of a finite element PML
                                  approximation for the three dimensional
                                  time-harmonic Maxwell problem  . . . . . 1--10
        Vidar Thomée and   
                Lars B. Wahlbin   On the existence of maximum principles
                                  in parabolic finite element equations    11--19
             Dmitriy Leykekhman   Uniform error estimates in the finite
                                  element method for a singularly
                                  perturbed reaction-diffusion problem . . 21--39
             Giancarlo Sangalli   Robust a-posteriori estimator for
                                  advection-diffusion-reaction problems    41--70
           Christoph Schwab and   
                  Rob Stevenson   Adaptive wavelet algorithms for elliptic
                                  PDE's on product domains . . . . . . . . 71--92
              Nicolas Besse and   
            Michel Mehrenberger   Convergence of classes of high-order
                                  semi-Lagrangian schemes for the
                                  Vlasov--Poisson system . . . . . . . . . 93--123
    François Delarue and   
        Stéphane Menozzi   An interpolated stochastic algorithm for
                                  quasi-linear PDEs  . . . . . . . . . . . 125--158
               Simon Malham and   
                   Jitse Niesen   Evaluating the Evans function: Order
                                  reduction in numerical methods . . . . . 159--179
                 Ben-Yu Guo and   
            Zhong-Qing Wang and   
            Hong-Jiong Tian and   
                   Li-Lian Wang   Integration processes of ordinary
                                  differential equations based on
                                  Laguerre--Radau interpolations . . . . . 181--199
         Emmanuil H. Georgoulis   Inverse-type estimates on $hp$-finite
                                  element spaces and applications  . . . . 201--219
                   Peter Oswald   A counterexample concerning the
                                  $L_2$-projector onto linear spline
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--226
                  Rob Stevenson   The completion of locally refined
                                  simplicial partitions created by
                                  bisection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--241
                   Carlos Zuppa   Modified Taylor reproducing formulas and
                                  \em h-p clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--264
                    Weiming Cao   An interpolation error estimate in
                                  $\mathcal{R}^2$ based on the anisotropic
                                  measures of higher order derivatives . . 265--286
              Rong-Qing Jia and   
                   Song-Tao Liu   ${C}^1$ spline wavelets on
                                  triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--312
            Lyonell Boulton and   
            Peter Lancaster and   
           Panayiotis Psarrakos   On pseudospectra of matrix polynomials
                                  and their boundaries . . . . . . . . . . 313--334
                    Ren-Cang Li   On Meinardus' examples for the conjugate
                                  gradient method  . . . . . . . . . . . . 335--352
                 D. A. Bini and   
                Y. Eidelman and   
               L. Gemignani and   
                     I. Gohberg   The unitary completion and QR iterations
                                  for a class of structured matrices . . . 353--378
              Goetz Alefeld and   
                   Xiaojun Chen   A regularized projection method for
                                  complementarity problems with
                                  non-Lipschitzian functions . . . . . . . 379--395
                Jens Keiner and   
                   Daniel Potts   Fast evaluation of quadrature formulae
                                  on the sphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--419
          Christine Choirat and   
                 Raffaello Seri   Statistical properties of generalized
                                  discrepancies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--446
       Venkatesan Guruswami and   
             Anindya C. Patthak   Correlated algebraic-geometric codes:
                                  Improved list decoding over bounded
                                  alphabets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--473
                       S. Gurak   Explicit values of multi-dimensional
                                  Kloosterman sums for prime powers, II    475--493
               Jonathan Bayless   The Lucas--Pratt primality tree  . . . . 495--502
                   M. Bauer and   
         M. J. Jacobson Jr. and   
                     Y. Lee and   
                   R. Scheidler   Construction of hyperelliptic function
                                  fields of high three-rank  . . . . . . . 503--530
            Don Coppersmith and   
       Nick Howgrave-Graham and   
                  S. V. Nagaraj   Divisors in residue classes,
                                  constructively . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531--545
                J. M. Chick and   
                   G. H. Davies   The evaluation of $\kappa_3$ . . . . . . 547--550
             Jason E. Gower and   
        Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr.   Square form factorization  . . . . . . . 551--588
              Niels Möller   On Schönhage's algorithm and subquadratic
                                  integer gcd computation  . . . . . . . . 589--607
                     Paul Tseng   Book review: \em Control perspectives on
                                  numerical algorithms and matrix problems 609--610

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 77, Number 262, April, 2008

              C. Carstensen and   
                         Jun Hu   A posteriori error analysis for
                                  conforming MITC elements for
                                  Reissner--Mindlin plates . . . . . . . . 611--632
          Joachim Schöberl   A posteriori error estimates for Maxwell
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--649
            Dietrich Braess and   
          Joachim Schöberl   Equilibrated residual error estimator
                                  for edge elements  . . . . . . . . . . . 651--672
               Junqing Chen and   
                   Zhiming Chen   An adaptive perfectly matched layer
                                  technique for $3$-D time-harmonic
                                  electromagnetic scattering problems  . . 673--698
               Yingda Cheng and   
                   Chi-Wang Shu   A discontinuous Galerkin finite element
                                  method for time dependent partial
                                  differential equations with higher order
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--730
            Thirupathi Gudi and   
              Neela Nataraj and   
                  Amiya K. Pani   An $hp$-local discontinuous Galerkin
                                  method for some quasilinear elliptic
                                  boundary value problems of nonmonotone
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--756
                    Qun Lin and   
                      Jichun Li   Superconvergence analysis for Maxwell's
                                  equations in dispersive media  . . . . . 757--771
         Sören Bartels and   
                     Joy Ko and   
                  Andreas Prohl   Numerical analysis of an explicit
                                  approximation scheme for the
                                  Landau--Lifshitz--Gilbert equation . . . 773--788
                 A. El Hajj and   
                    N. Forcadel   A convergent scheme for a non-local
                                  coupled system modelling dislocations
                                  densities dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 789--812
     Snorre H. Christiansen and   
                 Ragnar Winther   Smoothed projections in finite element
                                  exterior calculus  . . . . . . . . . . . 813--829
               Young-Ju Lee and   
                 Jinbiao Wu and   
                 Jinchao Xu and   
               Ludmil Zikatanov   A sharp convergence estimate for the
                                  method of subspace corrections for
                                  singular systems of equations  . . . . . 831--850
       Jean-Pierre Bourgade and   
                 Francis Filbet   Convergence of a finite volume scheme
                                  for coagulation-fragmentation equations  851--882
            Zhong-qing Wang and   
                     Ben-yu Guo   Jacobi rational approximation and
                                  spectral method for differential
                                  equations of degenerate type . . . . . . 883--907
                 A. Ambroso and   
                 C. Chalons and   
                  F. Coquel and   
               E. Godlewski and   
            F. Lagouti\`ere and   
              P.-A. Raviart and   
                      N. Seguin   Coupling of general Lagrangian systems   909--941
              Mapundi Banda and   
                  Axel Klar and   
           Lorenzo Pareschi and   
              Mohammed Sea\"\id   Lattice-Boltzmann type relaxation
                                  systems and high order relaxation
                                  schemes for the incompressible
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . 943--965
               Karl Deckers and   
             Joris Van Deun and   
               Adhemar Bultheel   Rational Gauss--Chebyshev quadrature
                                  formulas for complex poles outside
                                  $[-1,1]$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967--983
    Gradimir V. Milovanovic and   
        Miodrag M. Spalevic and   
             Miroslav S. Pranic   Maximum of the modulus of kernels in
                                  Gauss--Turán quadratures  . . . . . . . . 985--994
                   Joost Rommes   Arnoldi and Jacobi--Davidson methods for
                                  generalized eigenvalue problems $A x =
                                  \lambda B x$ with singular $B$ . . . . . 995--1015
               Gero Hecklin and   
Günther Nürnberger and   
         Larry L. Schumaker and   
               Frank Zeilfelder   A local Lagrange interpolation method
                                  based on $C^{1}$ cubic splines on
                                  Freudenthal partitions . . . . . . . . . 1017--1036
                   Yi Jiang and   
           William W. Hager and   
                        Jian Li   The generalized triangular decomposition 1037--1056
         Vincent Y. B. Chen and   
         William Y. C. Chen and   
                 Nancy S. S. Gu   The Abel Lemma and the $q$-Gosper
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057--1074
            Vassil Dimitrov and   
             Laurent Imbert and   
              Pradeep K. Mishra   The double-base number system and its
                                  application to elliptic curve
                                  cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075--1104
               Amnon Besser and   
                     Rob de Jeu   $\mathbf{Li}^{\boldsymbol{(p)}}$-service? An algorithm for computing $\boldsymbol{p}$-adic polylogarithms  1105--1134
             So Ryoung Park and   
                 Jinsoo Bae and   
               Hyun Gu Kang and   
                    Iickho Song   On the polynomial representation for the
                                  number of partitions with fixed length   1135--1151
        Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and   
              Akinari Hoshi and   
                  Yuichi Rikuna   Noether's problem and
                                  $\mathbb{Q}$-generic polynomials for the
                                  normalizer of the $8$-cycle in $S_8$ and
                                  its subgroups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1153--1183
              Karim Belabas and   
      Francisco Diaz y Diaz and   
               Eduardo Friedman   Small generators of the ideal class
                                  group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185--1197
               Preda Mihailescu   Fast convolutions meet Montgomery  . . . 1199--1221
                      Imin Chen   On the equation $s^2 + y^{2p} =
                                  \alpha^3$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223--1227

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 77, Number 263, July, 2008

          Douglas N. Arnold and   
              Gerard Awanou and   
                 Ragnar Winther   Finite elements for symmetric tensors in
                                  three dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1251
              Yunqing Huang and   
                     Jinchao Xu   Superconvergence of quadratic finite
                                  elements on mildly structured grids  . . 1253--1268
                   Yanping Chen   Superconvergence of mixed finite element
                                  methods for optimal control problems . . 1269--1291
               J. Guzmán   Local and pointwise error estimates of
                                  the local discontinuous Galerkin method
                                  applied to the Stokes problem  . . . . . 1293--1322
                       Jaeun Ku   Weak coupling of solutions of
                                  first-order least-squares method . . . . 1323--1332
                    Qiya Hu and   
                    Shi Shu and   
                        Jun Zou   A mortar edge element method with nearly
                                  optimal convergence for
                                  three-dimensional Maxwell's equations    1333--1353
        Ferenc Izsák and   
          Davit Harutyunyan and   
        Jaap J. W. van der Vegt   Implicit a posteriori error estimates
                                  for the Maxwell equations  . . . . . . . 1355--1386
             J. L. Guermond and   
                   Jie Shen and   
                  Xiaofeng Yang   Error analysis of fully discrete
                                  velocity-correction methods for
                                  incompressible flows . . . . . . . . . . 1387--1405
             Edward J. Fuselier   Sobolev-type approximation rates for
                                  divergence-free and curl-free RBF
                                  interpolants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1407--1423
           Jan S. Hesthaven and   
                Robert M. Kirby   Filtering in Legendre spectral methods   1425--1452
                 Zhen-Huan Teng   Modified equation for adaptive monotone
                                  difference schemes and its convergent
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453--1465
                 Xiliang Lu and   
                   Ping Lin and   
                   Jian-Guo Liu   Analysis of a sequential regularization
                                  method for the unsteady Navier--Stokes
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467--1494
Francisco Guillén-González and   
Juan Vicente Gutiérrez-Santacreu   Unconditional stability and convergence
                                  of fully discrete schemes for $2D$
                                  viscous fluids models with mass
                                  diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1495--1524
                J. Fontbona and   
       S. Méléard   A random space-time birth particle
                                  method for $2$D vortex equations with
                                  external field . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525--1558
       Peter Bürgisser and   
              Felipe Cucker and   
                    Martin Lotz   The probability that a slightly
                                  perturbed numerical analysis problem is
                                  difficult  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559--1583
               C. Brezinski and   
               M. Redivo-Zaglia   Rational extrapolation for the PageRank
                                  vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1585--1598
                J. S. Brauchart   Optimal logarithmic energy points on the
                                  unit sphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1599--1613
                  B. C. Carlson   Power series for inverse Jacobian
                                  elliptic functions . . . . . . . . . . . 1615--1621
              Xuan-Yong Zhu and   
                    Wen-Feng Qi   On the distinctness of modular
                                  reductions of maximal length sequences
                                  modulo odd prime powers  . . . . . . . . 1623--1637
                  J. E. Cremona   Unimodular integer circulants  . . . . . 1639--1652
              Peter Huggins and   
            Bernd Sturmfels and   
               Josephine Yu and   
               Debbie S. Yuster   The hyperdeterminant and triangulations
                                  of the $4$-cube  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1653--1679
              Peter Borwein and   
               Ron Ferguson and   
         Michael J. Mossinghoff   Sign changes in sums of the Liouville
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1681--1694
                   Shahar Golan   Equal moments division of a set  . . . . 1695--1712
                   Tadej Kotnik   Computational estimation of the constant
                                  $\beta (1)$ characterizing the order of
                                  $\zeta (1+it)$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1713--1723
                  Scott Ahlgren   On the irreducibility of Hecke
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725--1731
                      H. Kadiri   Short effective intervals containing
                                  primes in arithmetic progressions and
                                  the seven cubes problem  . . . . . . . . 1733--1748
           Patrick Costello and   
                Michael Osborne   Periodicity of the parity of a partition
                                  function related to making change  . . . 1749--1754
                  A. Bostan and   
                  F. Morain and   
                   B. Salvy and   
               É. Schost   Fast algorithms for computing isogenies
                                  between elliptic curves  . . . . . . . . 1755--1778
                   Helen Avelin   Computations of Eisenstein series on
                                  Fuchsian groups  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1779--1800
                   Harald Meyer   Primitive central idempotents of finite
                                  group rings of symmetric groups  . . . . 1801--1821
              Akinari Hoshi and   
                  Yuichi Rikuna   Rationality problem of three-dimensional
                                  purely monomial group actions: the last
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1823--1829
              Maxime Augier and   
                 Shalom Eliahou   Parity-regular Steinhaus graphs  . . . . 1831--1839
               Weiling Yang and   
                     Fuji Zhang   Links and cubic $3$-polytopes  . . . . . 1841--1857
               Takeshi Goto and   
                     Yasuo Ohno   Odd perfect numbers have a prime factor
                                  exceeding $10^8$ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859--1868
                 K. G. Hare and   
                    C. J. Smyth   Corrigendum to ``The monic integer
                                  transfinite diameter'' . . . . . . . . . 1869--1869

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 77, Number 264, October, 2008

              Gerard R. Richter   On the order of convergence of the
                                  discontinuous Galerkin method for
                                  hyperbolic equations . . . . . . . . . . 1871--1885
          Bernardo Cockburn and   
                    Bo Dong and   
           Johnny Guzmán   A superconvergent LDG-hybridizable
                                  Galerkin method for second-order
                                  elliptic problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1887--1916
             Mark Ainsworth and   
                 Richard Rankin   Robust a posteriori error estimation for
                                  the nonconforming Fortin--Soulie finite
                                  element approximation  . . . . . . . . . 1917--1939
          Dylan M. Copeland and   
    Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   A mixed method for axisymmetric div-curl
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1941--1965
                M. Costabel and   
                   M. Dauge and   
                   L. Demkowicz   Polynomial extension operators for
                                  $H^1$, $\boldsymbol {\mathit H}({\mathbf
                                  curl})$ and $\boldsymbol {\mathit
                                  H}({\mathbf div})$\,-\,spaces on a cube  1967--1999
          Andrei Draganescu and   
                 Todd F. Dupont   Optimal order multilevel preconditioners
                                  for regularized ill-posed problems . . . 2001--2038
        Sashikumaar Ganesan and   
             Gunar Matthies and   
                   Lutz Tobiska   Local projection stabilization of equal
                                  order interpolation applied to the
                                  Stokes problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2039--2060
                    Qun Lin and   
            Hung-Tsai Huang and   
                      Zi-Cai Li   New expansions of numerical eigenvalues
                                  for $-\Delta u = \lambda \rho u$ by
                                  nonconforming elements . . . . . . . . . 2061--2084
           R. Bruce Kellogg and   
              Torsten Linss and   
                  Martin Stynes   A finite difference method on
                                  layer-adapted meshes for an elliptic
                                  reaction-diffusion system in two
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2085--2096
                     Yinnian He   The Euler implicit/explicit scheme for
                                  the $2$D time-dependent Navier--Stokes
                                  equations with smooth or non-smooth
                                  initial data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2097--2124
        Vladimir B. Andreev and   
                Natalia Kopteva   Pointwise approximation of corner
                                  singularities for a singularly perturbed
                                  reaction-diffusion equation in an
                                  $L$-shaped domain  . . . . . . . . . . . 2125--2139
               Christian Lubich   On splitting methods for
                                  Schrödinger--Poisson and cubic nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equations . . . . . . . . . . 2141--2153
           V. Cortés and   
              J. M. Peña   A stable test for strict sign regularity 2155--2171
               Zeng Xin Wei and   
                 Guo Yin Li and   
                      Li Qun Qi   Global convergence of the
                                  Polak--Ribi\`ere--Polyak conjugate
                                  gradient method with an Armijo-type
                                  inexact line search for nonconvex
                                  unconstrained optimization problems  . . 2173--2193
                       Qiang Ye   Computing singular values of diagonally
                                  dominant matrices to high relative
                                  accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2195--2230
               Wei-Jun Zhou and   
                    Dong-Hui Li   A globally convergent BFGS method for
                                  nonlinear monotone equations without any
                                  merit functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231--2240
             Franz Peherstorfer   Positive quadrature formulas III:
                                  asymptotics of weights . . . . . . . . . 2241--2259
             Stamatis Koumandos   Monotonicity of some functions involving
                                  the gamma and psi functions  . . . . . . 2261--2275
       Alfredo Deaño and   
              Javier Segura and   
                  Nico M. Temme   Identifying minimal and dominant
                                  solutions for Kummer recursions  . . . . 2277--2293
         Michael S. Floater and   
                      Tom Lyche   Divided differences of inverse functions
                                  and partitions of a convex polygon . . . 2295--2308
            Leszek Plaskota and   
    Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski and   
                      Yaxi Zhao   The power of adaption for approximating
                                  functions with singularities . . . . . . 2309--2338
              Gabriele Nebe and   
                  Chaoping Xing   A Gilbert--Varshamov type bound for
                                  Euclidean packings . . . . . . . . . . . 2339--2344
                 Josef Dick and   
   Friedrich Pillichshammer and   
         Benjamin J. Waterhouse   The construction of good extensible
                                  rank-1 lattices  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2345--2373
         Fredrik Strömberg   Computation of Maass waveforms with
                                  nontrivial multiplier systems  . . . . . 2375--2416
            Reinier Bröker   A $p$-adic algorithm to compute the
                                  Hilbert class polynomial . . . . . . . . 2417--2435
                Geon-No Lee and   
                   Soun-Hi Kwon   The zeros of Dedekind zeta functions and
                                  class numbers of CM-fields . . . . . . . 2437--2445
  István Gaál and   
                  Michael Pohst   Solving resultant form equations over
                                  number fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2447--2453
                 Mark Bauer and   
             Michael A. Bennett   Prime factors of consecutive integers    2455--2459

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 78, Number 265, January, 2009

          Bernardo Cockburn and   
       Johnny Guzmán and   
                   Haiying Wang   Superconvergent discontinuous Galerkin
                                  methods for second-order elliptic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--24
         Alexandre L. Madureira   A multiscale finite element method for
                                  partial differential equations posed in
                                  domains with rough boundaries  . . . . . 25--34
                  Long Chen and   
              Michael Holst and   
                     Jinchao Xu   Convergence and optimality of adaptive
                                  mixed finite element methods . . . . . . 35--53
Kenneth Hvistendahl Karlsen and   
          Siddhartha Mishra and   
            Nils Henrik Risebro   Well-balanced schemes for conservation
                                  laws with source terms based on a local
                                  discontinuous flux formulation . . . . . 55--78
               Q. T. Le Gia and   
                I. H. Sloan and   
                        T. Tran   Overlapping additive Schwarz
                                  preconditioners for elliptic PDEs on the
                                  unit sphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79--101
              P. A. Farrell and   
               E. O'Riordan and   
                 G. I. Shishkin   A class of singularly perturbed
                                  quasilinear differential equations with
                                  interior layers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--127
                 Ben-yu Guo and   
                  Tian-jun Wang   Composite generalized Laguerre--Legendre
                                  spectral method with domain
                                  decomposition and its application to
                                  Fokker--Planck equation in an infinite
                                  channel  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--151
               Owe Axelsson and   
            Evgeny Glushkov and   
              Natalya Glushkova   The local Green's function method in
                                  singularly perturbed
                                  convection-diffusion problems  . . . . . 153--170
             Pallavi Mahale and   
                M. Thamban Nair   A simplified generalized Gauss--Newton
                                  method for nonlinear ill-posed problems  171--184
               D. Bennequin and   
               M. J. Gander and   
                     L. Halpern   A homographic best approximation problem
                                  with application to optimized Schwarz
                                  waveform relaxation  . . . . . . . . . . 185--223
                   Wenchang Sun   Local sampling theorems for spaces
                                  generated by splines with arbitrary
                                  knots  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--239
                     Avram Sidi   Asymptotic expansions of Gauss--Legendre
                                  quadrature rules for integrals with
                                  endpoint singularities . . . . . . . . . 241--253
               T. M. Larsen and   
                D. Erricolo and   
              P. L. E. Uslenghi   New method to obtain small parameter
                                  power series expansions of Mathieu
                                  radial and angular functions . . . . . . 255--274
              Robert Osburn and   
              Carsten Schneider   Gaussian Hypergeometric series and
                                  supercongruences . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--292
               Moody T. Chu and   
                    Shu-Fang Xu   Spectral decomposition of real symmetric
                                  quadratic $\lambda $-matrices and its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--313
               A. Languasco and   
                  A. Zaccagnini   On the constant in the Mertens product
                                  for arithmetic progressions. II:
                                  Numerical values . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--326
           Arturas Dubickas and   
               Jonas Jankauskas   On Newman polynomials which divide no
                                  Littlewood polynomial  . . . . . . . . . 327--344
        Laurent Busé and   
               Bernard Mourrain   Explicit factors of some iterated
                                  resultants and discriminants . . . . . . 345--386
         Kanat Abdukhalikov and   
                Rudolf Scharlau   Unimodular lattices in dimensions $14$
                                  and $15$ over the Eisenstein integers    387--403
                  Kevin G. Hare   Tiles in quasicrystals with quartic
                                  irrationality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405--420
                Graeme L. Cohen   Superharmonic numbers  . . . . . . . . . 421--429
                  Bernhard Heim   Congruences for the Ramanujan function
                                  and generalized class numbers  . . . . . 431--439
                 Adam Logan and   
               Ronald van Luijk   Nontrivial elements of Sha explained
                                  through K3 surfaces  . . . . . . . . . . 441--483
           Andrew V. Sutherland   A generic approach to searching for
                                  Jacobians  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485--507
                Shuhong Gao and   
                 Daqing Wan and   
                 Mingsheng Wang   Primary decomposition of
                                  zero-dimensional ideals over finite
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--521
              Yoshiyuki Kitaoka   A statistical relation of roots of a
                                  polynomial in different local fields . . 523--536
                     Jordi Quer   Fields of definition of building blocks  537--554
             Tuomas Hakkarainen   On the computation of class numbers of
                                  real abelian fields  . . . . . . . . . . 555--573
      Josep González and   
                Jordi Gu\`ardia   Genus two curves with quaternionic
                                  multiplication and modular Jacobian  . . 575--589
              Michael Eisermann   Bimonotone enumeration . . . . . . . . . 591--613
          Keith R. Matthews and   
          John P. Robertson and   
                      Jim White   Corrigenda to ``Calculation of the
                                  regulator of ${\mathbf Q}(\sqrt {D})$ by
                                  use of the nearest integer continued
                                  fraction algorithm'' . . . . . . . . . . 615--616
                 Hyun Kwang Kim   Errata to ``Evaluation of zeta function
                                  of the simplest cubic field at negative
                                  odd integers'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--618

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 78, Number 266, April, 2009

              Rob Stevenson and   
                  Manuel Werner   A multiplicative Schwarz adaptive
                                  wavelet method for elliptic boundary
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619--644
           Klaus Deckelnick and   
                  Gerhard Dziuk   Error analysis for the elastic flow of
                                  parametrized curves  . . . . . . . . . . 645--671
                     Jun Hu and   
                   Zhong-Ci Shi   Analysis for quadrilateral MITC elements
                                  for the Reissner--Mindlin plate problem  673--711
                   Hengguang Li   A-priori analysis and the finite element
                                  method for a class of degenerate
                                  elliptic equations . . . . . . . . . . . 713--737
              Luka Grubisic and   
               Jeffrey S. Ovall   On estimators for eigenvalue/eigenvector
                                  approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--770
               Zhiqiang Cai and   
                    Yanqiu Wang   An error estimate for two-dimensional
                                  Stokes driven cavity flow  . . . . . . . 771--787
           Victorita Dolean and   
Frédéric Nataf and   
                     Gerd Rapin   Deriving a new domain decomposition
                                  method for the Stokes equations using
                                  the Smith factorization  . . . . . . . . 789--814
                   Jie Shen and   
                   Li-Lian Wang   On spectral approximations in elliptical
                                  geometries using Mathieu functions . . . 815--844
           Arnaud Debussche and   
               Jacques Printems   Weak order for the discretization of the
                                  stochastic heat equation . . . . . . . . 845--863
           Laurence Halpern and   
  Jérémie Szeftel   Nonlinear nonoverlapping Schwarz
                                  waveform relaxation for semilinear wave
                                  propagation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865--889
                     Jinyuan Du   On the collocation methods for singular
                                  integral equations with Hilbert kernel   891--928
                  Gil Ariel and   
             Bjorn Engquist and   
                   Richard Tsai   A multiscale method for highly
                                  oscillatory ordinary differential
                                  equations with resonance . . . . . . . . 929--956
                   S. Maset and   
                     M. Zennaro   Unconditional stability of explicit
                                  exponential Runge--Kutta methods for
                                  semi-linear ordinary differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957--967
       B. de la Calle Ysern and   
 G. López Lagomasino and   
                     L. Reichel   Stieltjes-type polynomials on the unit
                                  circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969--997
                 Huiyuan Li and   
                        Yuan Xu   Discrete Fourier analysis on a
                                  dodecahedron and a tetrahedron . . . . . 999--1029
           Adhemar Bultheel and   
 Ruymán Cruz-Barroso and   
               Karl Deckers and   
     Pablo González-Vera   Rational Szeg\Ho quadratures associated
                                  with Chebyshev weight functions  . . . . 1031--1059
              Kevin A. Broughan   Evaluating Jacquet's $\mathbf {\rm
                                  GL}(n)$ Whittaker function . . . . . . . 1061--1072
             Thomas R. Hagedorn   Computation of Jacobsthal's function
                                  $h(n)$ for $n < 50$.  . . . . . . . . . . 1073--1087
                   Andreas Enge   The complexity of class polynomial
                                  computation via floating point
                                  approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089--1107
             Eric D. Driver and   
                  John W. Jones   A targeted Martinet search . . . . . . . 1109--1117
                    V. Flammang   Trace of totally positive algebraic
                                  integers and integer transfinite
                                  diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119--1125
            Donald Jason Gibson   A covering system with least modulus
                                  $25$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127--1146
                 Mark W. Coffey   Asymptotic estimation of
                                  $\xi^{(2n)}(1/2)$: On a conjecture of
                                  Farmer and Rhoades . . . . . . . . . . . 1147--1154
                    John Voight   Shimura curves of genus at most two  . . 1155--1172
                    Roger Oyono   Non-hyperelliptic modular Jacobians of
                                  dimension $3$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1173--1191
                 A. Paszkiewicz   A new prime $p$ for which the least
                                  primitive root $({\rm mod} p)$ and the
                                  least primitive root $({\rm mod} p^2)$
                                  are not equal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193--1195
           Richard P. Brent and   
                Paul Zimmermann   Ten new primitive binary trinomials  . . 1197--1199
                   L. Hajdu and   
               T. Kovács   Parallel LLL-reduction for bounding the
                                  integral solutions of elliptic
                                  Diophantine equations  . . . . . . . . . 1201--1210
                M. Bullejos and   
                  J. C. Rosales   Proportionally modular diophantine
                                  inequalities and the Stern--Brocot tree  1211--1226
  Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans and   
               Jörg Jahnel   New sums of three cubes  . . . . . . . . 1227--1230
                Daniel B. Szyld   Book review: \em An introduction to
                                  iterative Toeplitz solvers . . . . . . . 1231--1232
           Levent Tunçel   Book review: \em Optimization algorithms
                                  on matrix manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1236

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 78, Number 267, July, 2009

            Alexander Weiss and   
            Barbara I. Wohlmuth   A posteriori error estimator and error
                                  control for contact problems . . . . . . 1237--1267
         Sören Bartels and   
           Christian Lubich and   
                  Andreas Prohl   Convergent discretization of heat and
                                  wave map flows to spheres using
                                  approximate discrete Lagrange
                                  multipliers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269--1292
           Christoph Schwab and   
                  Rob Stevenson   Space-time adaptive wavelet methods for
                                  parabolic evolution problems . . . . . . 1293--1318
               Ian H. Sloan and   
                Holger Wendland   Inf-sup condition for spherical
                                  polynomials and radial basis functions
                                  on spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1331
           T. Gallouët and   
                  R. Herbin and   
            J.-C. Latché   A convergent finite element-finite
                                  volume scheme for the compressible
                                  Stokes problem. Part I: The isothermal
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1333--1352
              Mika Juntunen and   
                  Rolf Stenberg   Nitsche's method for general boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353--1374
                Seungil Kim and   
              Joseph E. Pasciak   The computation of resonances in open
                                  systems using a perfectly matched layer  1375--1398
       Yiorgos-Sokratis Smyrlis   Applicability and applications of the
                                  method of fundamental solutions  . . . . 1399--1434
          Victor D. Didenko and   
               Bernd Silbermann   Computational approach to solvability of
                                  refinement equations . . . . . . . . . . 1435--1466
                     Erwan Faou   Analysis of splitting methods for
                                  reaction-diffusion problems using
                                  stochastic calculus  . . . . . . . . . . 1467--1483
               Eskil Hansen and   
            Alexander Ostermann   Exponential splitting for unbounded
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485--1496
             David I. Ketcheson   Computation of optimal monotonicity
                                  preserving general linear methods  . . . 1497--1513
              Jian-Feng Cai and   
              Stanley Osher and   
                    Zuowei Shen   Linearized Bregman iterations for
                                  compressed sensing . . . . . . . . . . . 1515--1536
               Say Song Goh and   
          Tim N. T. Goodman and   
                      S. L. Lee   Hybrid spline frames . . . . . . . . . . 1537--1551
          Ken'ichiro Tanaka and   
           Masaaki Sugihara and   
                   Kazuo Murota   Function classes for successful DE--Sinc
                                  approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1553--1571
               Kwong-Ip Liu and   
                 Josef Dick and   
             Fred J. Hickernell   A multivariate fast discrete Walsh
                                  transform with an application to
                                  function interpolation . . . . . . . . . 1573--1591
                     Avram Sidi   Variable transformations and
                                  Gauss--Legendre quadrature for integrals
                                  with endpoint singularities  . . . . . . 1593--1612
             J. A. Ezquerro and   
         M. A. Hernández   An improvement of the region of
                                  accessibility of Chebyshev's method from
                                  Newton's method  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1613--1627
                  Sheehan Olver   On the convergence rate of a modified
                                  Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1629--1645
             Dmitrii Kouznetsov   Solution of $F(z+1)=\exp \big(F(z)\big)$
                                  in complex $z$-plane . . . . . . . . . . 1647--1670
                    Gui-Hua Lin   Combined Monte Carlo sampling and
                                  penalty method for Stochastic nonlinear
                                  complementarity problems . . . . . . . . 1671--1686
                O. N. Karpenkov   Constructing multidimensional periodic
                                  continued fractions in the sense of
                                  Klein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1687--1711
     Mathieu Dutour Sikiric and   
      Achill Schürmann and   
                Frank Vallentin   Complexity and algorithms for computing
                                  Voronoi cells of lattices  . . . . . . . 1713--1731
     Géza Kós and   
        Péter Ligeti and   
           Péter Sziklai   Reconstruction of matrices from
                                  submatrices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1733--1747
               Anton Leykin and   
                  Frank Sottile   Galois groups of Schubert problems via
                                  homotopy computation . . . . . . . . . . 1749--1765
                   J. Miret and   
                  R. Moreno and   
                     A. Rio and   
                       M. Valls   Computing the $\ell$-power torsion of an
                                  elliptic curve over a finite field . . . 1767--1786
             Masaaki Harada and   
           Akihiro Munemasa and   
                   Boris Venkov   Classification of ternary extremal
                                  self-dual codes of length $28$ . . . . . 1787--1796
             Takashi Fukuda and   
                Keiichi Komatsu   On the Iwasawa $\lambda$-invariant of
                                  the cyclotomic $\mathbb {Z}_2$-extension
                                  of $\mathbb {Q}(\sqrt p)$  . . . . . . . 1797--1808
                   Andreas Enge   Computing modular polynomials in
                                  quasi-linear time  . . . . . . . . . . . 1809--1824
                  John Cullinan   A computational approach to the
                                  $2$-torsion structure of abelian
                                  threefolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825--1836
           Arturas Dubickas and   
         Michael J. Mossinghoff   Lower bounds for $Z$-numbers . . . . . . 1837--1851
                 Ke-Jian Wu and   
                    Zhi-Wei Sun   Covers of the integers with odd moduli
                                  and their applications to the forms $x^m
                                  - 2^n$ and $x^2 - F_{3n}/2$  . . . . . . 1853--1866
               Daniela Calvetti   Book review: \em Matrix methods in data
                                  mining and pattern recognition . . . . . 1867--1868

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 78, Number 268, October, 2009

                   Jan Maes and   
                   Peter Oswald   Multilevel finite element
                                  preconditioning for $\sqrt {3}$
                                  refinement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869--1890
                 David Mora and   
       Rodolfo Rodríguez   A piecewise linear finite element method
                                  for the buckling and the vibration
                                  problems of thin plates  . . . . . . . . 1891--1917
             Todd F. Dupont and   
                  Itir Mogultay   A symmetric error estimate for Galerkin
                                  approximations of time-dependent
                                  Navier--Stokes equations in two
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1919--1927
             Ramiro Acevedo and   
              Salim Meddahi and   
       Rodolfo Rodríguez   An $\boldsymbol {E}$-based mixed
                                  formulation for a time-dependent eddy
                                  current problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1929--1949
               M. Asadzadeh and   
               A. H. Schatz and   
                    W. Wendland   A new approach to Richardson
                                  extrapolation in the finite element
                                  method for second order elliptic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1951--1973
            Kassem Mustapha and   
                 William McLean   Discontinuous Galerkin method for an
                                  evolution equation with a memory term of
                                  positive type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1975--1995
                 Jiequan Li and   
              Huazhong Tang and   
            Gerald Warnecke and   
                    Lumei Zhang   Local oscillations in finite difference
                                  solutions of hyperbolic conservation
                                  laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997--2018
  István Gyöngy and   
                 Nicolai Krylov   First derivatives estimates for
                                  finite-difference schemes  . . . . . . . 2019--2046
                 Erwan Faou and   
                Tony Leli\`evre   Conservative stochastic differential
                                  equations: Mathematical and numerical
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2047--2074
             G. N. Milstein and   
                M. V. Tretyakov   Solving parabolic stochastic partial
                                  differential equations via averaging
                                  over characteristics . . . . . . . . . . 2075--2106
           J. Cermák and   
               J. Jánsky   On the asymptotics of the trapezoidal
                                  rule for the pantograph equation . . . . 2107--2126
              Jian-Feng Cai and   
              Stanley Osher and   
                    Zuowei Shen   Convergence of the linearized Bregman
                                  iteration for $\ell_1$-norm minimization 2127--2136
                  Ping Zhou and   
                 Annie Cuyt and   
                    Jieqing Tan   General order multivariate Padé;
                                  approximants for Pseudo-multivariate
                                  functions. II  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2137--2155
         Edward J. Fuselier and   
       Francis J. Narcowich and   
             Joseph D. Ward and   
                Grady B. Wright   Error and stability estimates for
                                  surface-divergence free RBF interpolants
                                  on the sphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2157--2186
          J. Arias de Reyna and   
                 J. van de Lune   High precision computation of a constant
                                  in the theory of trigonometric series    2187--2191
                   Qiu-Ming Luo   Fourier expansions and integral
                                  representations for the
                                  Apostol--Bernoulli and Apostol--Euler
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2193--2208
            Jun-ichi Tamura and   
             Shin-ichi Yasutomi   A new multidimensional continued
                                  fraction algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 2209--2222
                 M. Griebel and   
                      S. Knapek   Optimized general sparse grid
                                  approximation spaces for operator
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2223--2257
                   Zhivko Nedev   An algorithm for finding a nearly
                                  minimal balanced set in $\mathbb{F}_p$   2259--2267
         William Y. C. Chen and   
               Ernest X. W. Xia   The ratio monotonicity of the
                                  Boros--Moll polynomials  . . . . . . . . 2269--2282
                  Eric Bach and   
              Dominic Klyve and   
           Jonathan P. Sorenson   Computing prime harmonic sums  . . . . . 2283--2305
               Hugo Chapdelaine   Computation of $p$-units in ray class
                                  fields of real quadratic number fields   2307--2345
                 Nils Bruin and   
                  Michael Stoll   Two-cover descent on hyperelliptic
                                  curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2347--2370
          Raimundas Vidunas and   
            Alexander V. Kitaev   Computation of highly ramified coverings 2371--2395
            Grigor Grigorov and   
               Andrei Jorza and   
            Stefan Patrikis and   
           William A. Stein and   
                 Corina Tarnita   Computational verification of the Birch
                                  and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for
                                  individual elliptic curves . . . . . . . 2397--2425
             S. C. Coutinho and   
       Marcos da Silva Ferreira   Algebraic solutions of Jacobi equations  2427--2433
    I. Jiménez Calvo and   
                 J. Herranz and   
                 G. Sáez   A new algorithm to search for small
                                  nonzero $|x^3-y^2|$ values . . . . . . . 2435--2444
                Daniel B. Szyld   Book review: \em The matrix eigenvalue
                                  problem: GR and Krylov subspace methods  2445--2446

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 80, Number 275, July, 2011

          Anders Björn and   
                    Hans Riesel   Table errata 2 to ``Factors of
                                  generalized Fermat numbers'' . . . . . . 1865--1866

Mathematics of Computation
Volume 84, Number 292, 2015

         Cornelius Greither and   
Xavier-François Roblot and   
              Brett A. Tangedal   Corrigendum to ``The Brumer--Stark
                                  conjecture in some families of
                                  extensions of specified degree'' . . . . 955--957