\begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{prime-number-theorem} Charles Louis Xavier~Joseph de~la Vall{\'e}e~Poussin. \newblock A strong form of the prime number theorem, 19th century. \bibitem{texbook} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock {\em The {{\TeX}book}}. \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1984. \bibitem{latex} Leslie Lamport. \newblock {\em {\LaTeX \rm:} {A} Document Preparation System}. \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1986. \bibitem{btxdoc} Oren Patashnik. \newblock {{\BibTeX ing}}. \newblock Documentation for general {\BibTeX} users, 8~February 1988. \bibitem{strunk-and-white} William Strunk, Jr. and E.~B. White. \newblock {\em The Elements of Style}. \newblock Macmillan, third edition, 1979. \bibitem{scribe} Unilogic, Ltd., Pittsburgh. \newblock {\em Scribe Document Production System User Manual}, April 1984. \newblock Chapter twelve and appendices E8 through E10 deal with bibliographies. \bibitem{van-leunen} Mary-Claire van Leunen. \newblock {\em A Handbook for Scholars}. \newblock Knopf, 1979. \end{thebibliography}