% /usr/local/lib/tex/latex/tgrind.sty, Wed Jul 7 10:12:11 1993 % Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe % % This simple LaTeX style file allows .tex files produced by the % tgrind(1) utility to be included in LaTeX documents by the command % \tgrind{filename}. The output from this command will always fill % complete pages. \immediate\write16{tgrind version 1.00 <07 July 1993>} % % tgrindmac.tex uses three Plain TeX macros that are not used in % LaTeX, and uses \pageno which has another name in LaTeX. % \def \headline#1{} \def \footline#1{} \countdef \pageno = \count0 \let \folio = \relax % % Here is what the user needs to display a TeX file from tgrind: We % redefine \end to be a no-op so that the file need not be modified in % any way. % \def \tgrind #1{{\let \end = \relax \input{#1}}} % \endinput