SITE supported command This ftp server supports the following SITE command: INDEX To access this feature, type QUOTE SITE INDEX and the complete listing of the directory tree which is accessible to anonymous ftp users (which is in the file /INDEX) is searched for that string of text. The listing is terminated following the first 18 `hits', so please be as specific as possible when selecting your to search for. The string is a extended regular expression for the GNU implementation of the UNIX egrep utility, so wildcards are available for the SITE INDEX command (in general, a wildcard within a regular expression meaning "any number of characters, including null" is ".*"). Casing of your command, including the search string, does not matter. Examples: quote site index pkz204g would return every occurrence (up to the first 18) of the string "pkz204g" within the index of files. quote site index disk.*fli would return every occurrence of the string "disk" followed by the string "fli". quote site index dvijep|dvialw would return matches for either dvijep or dvialw.