All notable changes to metsymb will be documented in this file. The format is inspired from [Keep a Changelog]( This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [v1.2.0] ### Added: - [fpavogt, 2022-10-07] Added first design of Cl, Cm, Ch cloud symbols. - [fpavogt, 2022-10-07] Prepare the CTAN release (+ .gitattributes, doc cleanup) ### Fixed: ### Changed: - [fpavogt, 2022-10-10] Small modifications of the cloud genera symbols to match the cl-cm-ch design (radius, slope). ### Deprecated: ### Removed: ### Security: ## [v1.1.0] ### Added: - [fpavogt, 2022-09-10] Added dedicated (and unique) CHANGELOG. ### Changed: - [fpavogt, 2022-09-10] Moved glyph design from Fontforge to LaTeX/TikZ. - [fpavogt, 2022-09-10] Cleaned-up the documentation. ## [v1.0.0] ### Added: - [fpavogt, 2021-08-26] Initial version, with symbols of oktas and cloud genera.