echo off REM This batch file created by Mike Slifcak from the article which begins: REM --------------------------------------------------------------- REM From: katz@uwm-cs.UUCP ( Phil Katz) REM Newsgroups: comp.bugs.misc, REM Subject: Re: PKARC Serious Squash Bug REM Summary: PKXARC 3.5 bug fix REM Keywords: large binary files REM Date: 20 Sep 87 08:41:02 GMT REM Organization: U of Wi-Milw, College of Engineering REM REM ---------- Article deleted for brevity only ------------- echo on REM patch PKXARC squash bug with large binary files REM follow instructions to patch original files and create new REM working programs with only this patch applied. Other patches REM may be applied as needed. REM The file PKX35A35.EXE must be in the current directory. pause pkx35a35 makesfx echo e 1d0b 8b 3e c8 f4 80 3e d0 f5 0c 75 06 e8 a9 06 eb 1a 90 aa > debug.tmp echo w >> debug.tmp echo q >> debug.tmp debug < debug.tmp echo e 1c92 8b 3e aa f5 80 3e b2 f6 0c 75 06 e8 a8 06 eb 1a 90 aa > debug.tmp echo w >> debug.tmp echo q >> debug.tmp debug < debug.tmp echo e 112 8c f5 > debug.tmp echo e 16a4 8b 3e 2a f7 80 3e 24 f8 0c 75 06 e8 17 04 eb 1a 90 aa >> debug.tmp echo w >> debug.tmp echo q >> debug.tmp debug pksfx.pgm < debug.tmp erase debug.tmp erase echo The files PKXARC.COM, PKXARCJR.COM and PKSFX.PGM have been patched, echo and the file MAKESFX.COM has been deleted.