Table of contents for issues of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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Volume 1100, 1996
Volume 1101, 1996
Volume 1102, 1996
Volume 1103, 1996
Volume 1104, 1996
Volume 1105, 1996
Volume 1106, 1996
Volume 1107, 1996
Volume 1108, 1996
Volume 1109, 1996
Volume 1110, 1996
Volume 1111, 1996
Volume 1112, 1996
Volume 1113, 1996
Volume 1114, 1996
Volume 1115, 1996
Volume 1116, 1996
Volume 1117, 1996
Volume 1118, 1996
Volume 1120, 1996
Volume 1121, 1996
Volume 1122, 1996
Volume 1123, 1996
Volume 1124, 1996
Volume 1125, 1996
Volume 1126, 1996
Volume 1127, 1996
Volume 1128, 1996
Volume 1129, 1996
Volume 1130, 1996
Volume 1131, 1996
Volume 1132, 1996
Volume 1133, 1996
Volume 1134, 1996
Volume 1135, 1996
Volume 1136, 1996
Volume 1137, 1996
Volume 1138, 1996
Volume 1139, 1996
Volume 1140, 1996
Volume 1141, 1996
Volume 1142, 1996
Volume 1143, 1996
Volume 1144, 1996
Volume 1145, 1996
Volume 1146, 1996
Volume 1147, 1996
Volume 1148, 1996
Volume 1149, 1996
Volume 1150, 1996
Volume 1151, 1996
Volume 1152, 1996
Volume 1153, 1996
Volume 1154, 1996
Volume 1155, 1996
Volume 1156, 1996
Volume 1157, 1996
Volume 1158, 1996
Volume 1159, 1996
Volume 1160, 1996
Volume 1161, 1996
Volume 1162, 1996
Volume 1163, 1996
Volume 1164, 1996
Volume 1165, 1996
Volume 1166, 1996
Volume 1167, 1996
Volume 1168, 1996
Volume 1169, 1996
Volume 1172, 1996
Volume 1173, 1996
Volume 1174, 1996
Volume 1175, 1996
Volume 1176, 1996
Volume 1178, 1996
Volume 1179, 1996
Volume 1181, 1996
Volume 1183, 1996
Volume 1184, 1996
Volume 1185, 1996
Volume 1191, 1996

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1100, 1996

                   B. Pfitzmann   Digital Signature Schemes: General
                                  Framework and Fail-Stop Signatures . . . xvi + 396

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1101, 1996

               J. S. Fitzgerald   Two Industrial Trials of Formal
                                  Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           M. Van den Brand and   
             A. Van Deursen and   
                   P. Klint and   
                    S. Klusener   Industrial Applications of ASF+SDF . . . 9
                  A. Arnold and   
                   D. Begay and   
                    J.-P Radoux   The Embedded Software of an Electricity
                                  Meter: An Experience in Using Formal
                                  Methods in an Industrial Project . . . . 19
                   D. Mandrioli   Applying Research Results in the
                                  Industrial Environment: The Case of the
                                  TRIO Specification Language  . . . . . . 33
                  B. J. Kraemer   Using Heterogeneous Formal Methods in
                                  Distributed Software Engineering
                                  Education  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
                      S. Sankar   Introducing Formal Methods to Software
                                  Engineers Through OMG's CORBA
                                  Environment and Interface Definition
                                  Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
                    D. R. Smith   Toward a Classification Approach to
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
                     D. J. Howe   Semantic Foundations for Embedding HOL
                                  in Nuprl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
               A. Gavilanes and   
                   J. Leach and   
                       S. Nieva   Free Variable Tableaux for a Many Sorted
                                  Logic with Preorders . . . . . . . . . . 102
                   D. Kapur and   
                 M. Subramaniam   Automating Induction over Mutually
                                  Recursive Functions  . . . . . . . . . . 117
           A. E. Haxthausen and   
                       F. Nickl   Pushouts of Order-Sorted Algebraic
                                  Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
                  D. Ancona and   
                       E. Zucca   A Formal Framework for Modules with
                                  State  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
               R. Hennicker and   
                     C. Schmitz   Object-Oriented Implementation of
                                  Abstract Data Type Specifications  . . . 163
                     W. Fokkink   On the Completeness of the Equations for
                                  the Kleene Star in Bisimulation  . . . . 180
                   L. Aceto and   
               A. Ingolfsdottir   An Equational Axiomatization of
                                  Observation Congruence for Prefix
                                  Iteration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                   I. Ulidowski   Finite Axiom Systems for Testing
                                  Preorder and De Simone Process Languages 210
                       G. Berry   Constructive Semantics of Esterel: From
                                  Theory to Practice . . . . . . . . . . . 225
                  M. Marcus and   
                      A. Pnueli   Using Ghost Variables to Prove
                                  Refinement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
                       R. Fraer   Tracing the Origins of Verification
                                  Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
                E. P. Gribomont   Preprocessing for Invariant Validation   256
               M. Le Borgne and   
                H. Marchand and   
                  E. Rutten and   
                      M. Samaan   Formal Verification of SIGNAL Programs:
                                  Application to a Power Transformer
                                  Station Controller . . . . . . . . . . . 271
             J. A. Bergstra and   
                       P. Klint   The Discrete Time TOOLBUS  . . . . . . . 286
                 X. J. Chen and   
               F. Corradini and   
                    R. Gorrieri   A Study on the Specification and
                                  Verification of Performance Properties   306
                     M. Boreale   Symbolic Bisimulation for Timed
                                  Processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
                   Y. Isobe and   
                    Y. Sato and   
                      K. Ohmaki   Approximative Analysis by Process
                                  Algebra with Graded Spatial Actions  . . 336
                E. C. R. Hehner   Boolean Formalism and Explanations . . . 351
                   M. Marchiori   Proving Existential Termination of
                                  Normal Logic Programs  . . . . . . . . . 375
                 J. Harland and   
                     D. Pym and   
                    M. Winikoff   Programming in Lygon: An Overview  . . . 391
           M. R. K. Krishna Rao   Some Characteristics of Strong Innermost
                                  Normalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
                 J. L. Fiadeiro   On the Emergence of Properties in
                                  Component-Based Systems  . . . . . . . . 421
                       B. Paech   Algebraic View Specification . . . . . . 444
                  G. Bernot and   
                 S. Coudert and   
                     P. Le Gall   Towards Heterogeneous Formal
                                  Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
                   C. Baier and   
           M. Majster-Cederbaum   A Categorical Characterization of
                                  Consistency Results  . . . . . . . . . . 473
                        M. Broy   Algebraic Specification of Reactive
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
                   R. Grosu and   
                     K. Stoelen   A Model for Mobile Point-to-Point
                                  Data-flow Networks without Channel
                                  Sharing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
                      B. Jacobs   Coalgebraic Specifications and Models of
                                  Deterministic Hybrid Systems . . . . . . 520
               J. F. Groote and   
                  J. Van de Pol   A Bounded Retransmission Protocol for
                                  Large Data Packets . . . . . . . . . . . 536
                 R. Juellig and   
                Y. Srinivas and   
                         J. Liu   SPECWARE: An Advanced Environment for
                                  the Formal Development of Complex
                                  Software Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
                  M. Bidoit and   
                  C. Choppy and   
                      F. Voisin   ASSPEGIQUE0+: An Integrated
                                  Specification Environment Providing
                                  Inter-Operability of Tools . . . . . . . 555
                 K. Didrich and   
                   C. Gerke and   
               W. Grieskamp and   
                      C. Maeder   Towards Integrating Algebraic
                                  Specification and Functional
                                  Programming: the Opal System . . . . . . 559
                 R. Geisler and   
                    M. Klar and   
                   F. Cornelius   InterACT: An Interactive Theorem Prover
                                  for Algebraic Specifications . . . . . . 563
                      F. Voisin   A New Proof-Manager and Graphic
                                  Interface for the Larch Prover . . . . . 567
               N. Kawaguchi and   
                  T. Sakabe and   
                     Y. Inagaki   TERSE: a Visual Environment for
                                  Supporting Analysis, Verification and
                                  Transformation of Term Rewriting Systems 571
                   P. Klint and   
                     P. Olivier   The TOOLBUS Coordination Architecture: a
                                  Demonstration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
             A. Van Deursen and   
                   P. D. Mosses   ASD: The Action Semantic Description
                                  Tools  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
            A. Poetzsch-Heffter   Using Occurrence and Evolving Algebras
                                  for the Specification of Language-Based
                                  Programming Tools  . . . . . . . . . . . 583
                R. Buckland and   
                     M. Johnson   ECHIDNA: a System for Manipulating
                                  Explicit Choice Higher Dimensional
                                  Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
                  S. Melzer and   
                  S. Roemer and   
                     J. Esparza   Verification Using PEP . . . . . . . . . 591
                  A. Bouali and   
               A. Ressouche and   
                     V. Roy and   
                   R. De Simone   The FC2TOOLS Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
                 J. Harland and   
                     D. Pym and   
                    M. Winikoff   Programming in Lygon: a System
                                  Demonstration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
                  J. Bertot and   
                      Y. Bertot   CtCoq: a System Presentation . . . . . . 600
            F. W. Von Henke and   
                  M. Luther and   
                H. Pfeiffer and   
                       H. Ruess   The TYPELAB Specification and
                                  Verification Environment . . . . . . . . 604
                 B. Steffen and   
                T. Margaria and   
                 A. Classen and   
                       V. Braun   Incremental Formalization  . . . . . . . 608
              J. Souquieres and   
                        N. Levy   Proplane: a Specification Development
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
                       P. Parot   A Logic-Based Technology to Mechanize
                                  Software Components Reuse  . . . . . . . 616
                 W. Schulte and   
                 T. Schwinn and   
                   T. Vullinghs   TkGofer: a Functional GUI Library  . . . 621
                 S. Erdmann and   
                     I. Classen   Alpha --- A Class Library for a
                                  Metamodel Based on Algebraic Graph
                                  Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
                    D. Bert and   
                 R. Echahed and   
                         K. Adi   Resolution of Goals with the Functional
                                  and Logic Programming Language LPG:
                                  Impact of Abstract Interpretation  . . . 629
                R. Buendgen and   
                  W. Lauterbach   Combining Reductions and Computations in
                                  ReDuX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
                   S. Limet and   
                        P. Rety   Conditional Directed Narrowing . . . . . 637

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1102, 1996

                B. Boigelot and   
                   P. Godefroid   Symbolic verification of communication
                                  protocols with infinite state spaces
                                  using QDDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 K. L. McMillan   A conjunctively decomposed Boolean
                                  representation for symbolic model
                                  checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                  G. S. Avrunin   Symbolic model checking using algebraic
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
                 M. Pistore and   
                   D. Sangiorgi   A partition refinement algorithm for the
                                  $\lambda(?)$-calculus  . . . . . . . . . 38
                       C. Baier   Polynomial-time algorithms for testing
                                  probabilistic bisimulation and
                                  simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
                 I. Walukiewicz   Pushdown processes: games and model
                                  checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
               O. Kupferman and   
                    M. Y. Vardi   Module checking  . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
              E. A. Emerson and   
                 K. S. Namjoshi   Automatic verification of parameterized
                                  synchronous systems  . . . . . . . . . . 87
               S. K. Shukla and   
                 H. B. Hunt and   
              D. J. Rosenkrantz   HORNSAT, model checking, verification,
                                  and games  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
               E. M. Clarke and   
               S. M. German and   
                        X. Zhao   Verifying the SRT division algorithm
                                  using theorem proving techniques . . . . 111
                   H. Ruess and   
                 N. Shankar and   
                   M. K. Srivas   Modular verification of SRT division . . 123
                   D. Kapur and   
                 M. Subramaniam   Mechanically verifying a family of
                                  multiplier circuits  . . . . . . . . . . 135
                   C. N. Ip and   
                     D. L. Dill   Verifying systems with replicated
                                  components in Murcursive phi . . . . . . 147
                      M. Fujita   Verification of arithmetic circuits by
                                  comparing two similar circuits . . . . . 159
                   J. M. Rushby   Automated deduction and formal methods   169
                  A. Pnueli and   
                      E. Shahar   A platform for combining deductive with
                                  algorithmic verification . . . . . . . . 184
                    S. Graf and   
                       H. Saidi   Verifying invariants using theorem
                                  proving  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
                H. B. Sipma and   
                T. E. Uribe and   
                       Z. Manna   Deductive model checking . . . . . . . . 208
                N. Berregeb and   
                A. Bouhoula and   
                 M. Rusinowitch   Automated verification by induction with
                                  associative-commutative operators  . . . 220
                S. Tripakis and   
                      S. Yovine   Analysis of timed systems based on
                                  time-abstracting bisimulations . . . . . 232
               J. Bengtsson and   
         W. O. D. Griffioen and   
        K. J. Kristoffersen and   
                   K. G. Larsen   Verification of an audio protocol with
                                  bus collision using UPPAAL . . . . . . . 244
                  S. Campos and   
                    O. Grumberg   Selective quantitative analysis and
                                  interval model checking: verifying
                                  different facets of a system . . . . . . 257
                    A. Aziz and   
                  K. Sanwal and   
                 V. Singhal and   
                  R. K. Brayton   Verifying continuous-time Markov chains  269
              M. R. Greenstreet   Verifying safety properties of
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 277
               L. De Alfaro and   
                       Z. Manna   Temporal verification by diagram
                                  transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
                    S. Park and   
                     D. L. Dill   Protocol verification by aggregation of
                                  distributed transactions . . . . . . . . 300
                E. P. Gribomont   Atomicity refinement and trace reduction
                                  theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
                S. Bensalem and   
                Y. Lakhnech and   
                       H. Saidi   Powerful techniques for the automatic
                                  generation of invariants . . . . . . . . 323
                  H. Miller and   
                        S. Katz   Saving space by fully exploiting
                                  invisible transitions  . . . . . . . . . 336
            J.-C. Fernandez and   
                    C. Jard and   
                   T. Jeron and   
                        G. Viho   Using on-the-fly verification techniques
                                  for the generation of test suites  . . . 348
                  R. Nelken and   
                     N. Francez   Automatic translation of
                                  natural-language system specifications
                                  into temporal logic  . . . . . . . . . . 360
               O. Kupferman and   
                    M. Y. Vardi   Verification of fair transition systems  372
             G. J. Holzmann and   
                       D. Peled   The state of SPIN  . . . . . . . . . . . 385
                     D. L. Dill   The Murcursive phi verification system   390
              R. Cleaveland and   
                        S. Sims   The NCSU Concurrency Workbench . . . . . 394
              R. Cleaveland and   
                P. M. Lewis and   
               S. A. Smolka and   
                    O. Sokolsky   The Concurrency Factory: a development
                                  environment for concurrent systems . . . 398
                  D. Clarke and   
            H. Ben-Abdallah and   
                     I. Lee and   
                      H.-L. Xie   XVERSA: an integrated graphical and
                                  textual toolset for the specification
                                  and analysis of resource-bound real-time
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
                  P. Merino and   
                    J. M. Troya   EVP: integration of FDTs for the
                                  analysis and verification of
                                  communication protocols  . . . . . . . . 406
                    S. Owre and   
                   S. Rajah and   
               J. M. Rushby and   
                     N. Shankar   PVS: combining specification, proof
                                  checking, and model checking . . . . . . 411
                N. Bjoerner and   
                  A. Browne and   
                   E. Chang and   
                       M. Colon   STeP: deductive-algorithmic verification
                                  of reactive and real-time systems  . . . 415
               E. M. Clarke and   
             K. L. McMillan and   
                  S. Campos and   
         V. Hartonas-Garmhausen   Symbolic model checking  . . . . . . . . 419
               R. H. Hardin and   
                  Z. Har'El and   
                  R. P. Kurshan   COSPAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
              R. K. Brayton and   
              G. D. Hachtel and   
 A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and   
                     F. Somenzi   VIS: a system for verification and
                                  synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
                 K. D. Anon and   
               N. Boulerice and   
                   E. Cerny and   
                     F. Corella   MDG tools for the verification of RTL
                                  designs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
            J.-C. Fernandez and   
                 H. Garavel and   
                 A. Kerbrat and   
                     L. Mounier   CADP: a protocol validation and
                                  verification toolbox . . . . . . . . . . 437
                  A. Bouali and   
               A. Ressouche and   
                     V. Roy and   
                   R. De Simone   The FC2Tools set . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
                L. E. Moser and   
        P. M. Melliar-Smith and   
          Y. S. Ramakrishna and   
                       G. Kutty   The real-time graphical interval logic
                                  toolset  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
                 B. Steffen and   
                T. Margaria and   
                 A. Classen and   
                       V. Braun   The METAFrame '95 environment  . . . . . 450
                    F. Koob and   
                 M. Ullmann and   
                    S. Wittmann   Verification support environment . . . . 454
                D. Ambroise and   
                       B. Rozoy   MARRELLA: a tool for simulation and
                                  verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
                    G. Gonthier   Verifying the safety of a practical
                                  concurrent garbage collector . . . . . . 462
              C. Capellmann and   
                  R. Demant and   
           F. Fatahi-Vanani and   
              R. Galvez-Estrada   Verification by behavior abstraction: a
                                  case study of service interaction
                                  detection in intelligent telephone
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1103, 1996

                       D. Kapur   Rewrite-Based Automated Reasoning:
                                  Challenges Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                C. Kirchner and   
                   C. Lynch and   
                     C. Scharff   Fine-Grained Concurrent Completion . . . 3
                  A. Boudet and   
               E. Contejean and   
                      C. Marche   AC-Complete Unification and its
                                  Application to Theorem Proving . . . . . 18
                      J. Stuber   Superposition Theorem Proving for
                                  Abelian Groups Represented as Integer
                                  Modules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
                      M. Goebel   Symideal Gröbner Bases  . . . . . . . . . 48
                    T. Arts and   
                       J. Giesl   Termination of Constructor Systems . . . 63
              M. C. F. Ferreira   Dummy Elimination in Equational
                                  Rewriting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
                    B. Gramlich   On Proving Termination by Innermost
                                  Termination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
            J.-P. Jouannaud and   
                       A. Rubio   A Recursive Path Ordering for
                                  Higher-Order Terms in eta-Long ---
                                  Normal Form  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
                       R. Virga   Higher-Order Superposition for Dependent
                                  Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
                   M. Hanus and   
                    C. Prehofer   Higher-Order Narrowing with Definitional
                                  Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
                        G. Huet   Design of a Proof Assistant  . . . . . . 153
                      M. Vittek   A Compiler for Nondeterministic Term
                                  Rewriting Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 154
                    R. Bloo and   
                     K. H. Rose   Combinatory Reduction Systems with
                                  Explicit Substitution that Preserve
                                  Strong Normalisation . . . . . . . . . . 169
                      D. Kesner   Confluence Properties of Extensional and
                                  Non-Extensional lambda-Calculi with
                                  Explicit Substitutions . . . . . . . . . 184
                    R. Di Cosmo   On the Power of Simple Diagrams  . . . . 200
                S. Guerrini and   
                 S. Martini and   
                      A. Masini   Coherence for Sharing Proof Nets . . . . 215
           M. R. K. Krishna Rao   Modularity of Termination in Term Graph
                                  Rewriting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
                B. Gramlich and   
                    C.-P. Wirth   Confluence of Terminating Conditional
                                  Rewrite Systems Revisited  . . . . . . . 245
                    K. Madlener   Applications of Rewrite Techniques in
                                  Monoids and Rings  . . . . . . . . . . . 260
                       C. Lueth   Compositional Term Rewriting: An
                                  Algebraic Proof of Toyama's Theorem  . . 261
                     R. Treinen   The First-Order Theory of One-Step
                                  Rewriting is Undecidable . . . . . . . . 276
             M. Schmidt-Schauss   An Algorithm for Distributive
                                  Unification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
                 G. Senizergues   On the Termination Problem for One-Rule
                                  Semi-Thue Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 302
                  R. Curien and   
                    Z. Qian and   
                         H. Shi   Efficient Second-Order Matching  . . . . 317
                        J. Levy   Linear Second-Order Unification  . . . . 332
                  R. Fettig and   
                    B. Loechner   Unification of Higher-Order Patterns in
                                  a Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus with
                                  Finite Products and Terminal Type  . . . 347
                  F. Jacquemard   Decidable Approximations of Term
                                  Rewriting Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 362
                   M. Sakai and   
                      Y. Toyama   Semantics and Strong Sequentiality of
                                  Priority Term Rewriting Systems  . . . . 377
                 V. Van Oostrom   Higher-Order Families  . . . . . . . . . 392
                      F. Voisin   A New Proof Manager and Graphic
                                  Interface for the Larch Prover . . . . . 408
                R. Buendgen and   
                    C. Sinz and   
                      J. Walter   ReDuX 1.5: New Facets of Rewriting . . . 412
               E. Contejean and   
                      C. Marche   CiME: Completion Modulo E0*  . . . . . . 416
          M. T. Vandevoorde and   
                       D. Kapur   Distributed Larch Prover (DLP): An
                                  Experiment in Parallelizing a
                                  Rewrite-Rule Based Prover  . . . . . . . 420
              H. R. Walters and   
             J. F. T. Kamperman   EPIC: An Equational Language ---
                                  Abstract Machine and Supporting Tools    424
                N. Berregeb and   
                A. Bouhoula and   
                 M. Rusinowitch   SPIKE-AC: a System for Proofs by
                                  Induction in Associative-Commutative
                                  Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
             T. Hillenbrand and   
                    A. Buch and   
                      R. Fettig   On Gaining Efficiency in
                                  Completion-Based Theorem Proving . . . . 432

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1104, 1996

                   H. Ganzinger   Saturation-based theorem proving: Past
                                  successes and future potential . . . . . 1
                      T. Tammet   A resolution theorem prover for
                                  intuitionistic logic . . . . . . . . . . 2
                     D. Pym and   
                  E. Ritter and   
                      L. Wallen   Proof-terms for classical and
                                  intuitionistic resolution  . . . . . . . 17
                    A. Voronkov   Proof-search in intuitionistic logic
                                  with equality, or back to simultaneous
                                  rigid E-Unification  . . . . . . . . . . 32
                 A. Ireland and   
                       A. Bundy   Extensions to a generalization critic
                                  for inductive proof  . . . . . . . . . . 47
               J. Denzinger and   
                      S. Schulz   Learning domain knowledge to improve
                                  theorem proving  . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
                     M. Protzen   Patching faulty conjectures  . . . . . . 77
                   E. Melis and   
                     J. Whittle   Internal analogy in theorem proving  . . 92
                   T. Kolbe and   
                     C. Walther   Termination of theorem proving by reuse  106
                     C. Sengler   Termination of algorithms over
                                  non-freely generated data types  . . . . 121
             F. Giunchiglia and   
                A. Villafiorita   Absfol: a proof checker with abstraction 136
              C. Weidenbach and   
                   B. Gaede and   
                        G. Rock   Spass and Flotter version 0.42 . . . . . 141
                 C. Suttner and   
                   G. Sutcliffe   The design of the CADE-13 ATP system
                                  competition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
             H. Juergen Ohlbach   Scan --- Elimination of predicate
                                  quantifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
             H. Juergen Ohlbach   Scan --- Elimination of predicate
                                  quantifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
                        D. Wang   Geother: a geometry theorem prover . . . 166
                   D. Basin and   
                    S. Matthews   Structuring metatheory on inductive
                                  definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
                   O. Rasmussen   An embedding of Ruby in Isabelle . . . . 186
              P. V. Homeier and   
                   D. F. Martin   Mechanical verification of mutually
                                  recursive procedures . . . . . . . . . . 201
                  G. Felici and   
                 G. Rinaldi and   
                    K. Truemper   FasTraC: a decentralized traffic control
                                  system based on logic programming  . . . 216
                   X. Huang and   
                     A. Fiedler   Presenting machine-found proofs  . . . . 221
                    M. Baaz and   
           C. G. Fermueller and   
                  G. Salzer and   
                        R. Zach   MUltlog 1.0: towards an expert system
                                  for many-valued logics . . . . . . . . . 226
                  J. Bertot and   
                      Y. Bertot   CtCoq: a system presentation . . . . . . 231
                 S.-C. Chou and   
                  X.-S. Gao and   
                    J.-Z. Zhang   An introduction to geometry expert . . . 235
                    J. Schumann   SiCoTHEO: simple competitive parallel
                                  theorem provers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
                    D. S. Scott   What can we hope to achieve from
                                  automated deduction? . . . . . . . . . . 245
                 M. Hermann and   
                 P. G. Kolaitis   Unification algorithms cannot be
                                  combined in polynomial time  . . . . . . 246
                     Q. Guo and   
               P. Narendran and   
                  D. A. Wolfram   Unification and matching modulo
                                  nilpotence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
                    S. Vorobyov   An improved lower bound for the
                                  elementary theories of trees . . . . . . 275
                  H. Dieter and   
                     C. Sengler   INKA: the next generation  . . . . . . . 288
                  T. Schaub and   
                S. Bruening and   
                     P. Nicolas   XRay: a Prolog technology theorem prover
                                  for default reasoning: a system
                                  description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
               W. M. Farmer and   
              J. D. Guttman and   
           F. J. Thayer Fabrega   IMPS: an updated system description  . . 298
                 B. Beckert and   
                 R. Haehnle and   
                     P. Oel and   
                    M. Sulzmann   The tableau-based theorem prover 3T0AP,
                                  version 4.0  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
                   J. Zhang and   
                       H. Zhang   System description: generating models by
                                  SEM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
                    J. Harrison   Optimizing proof search in model
                                  elimination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
                 K. Sagonas and   
                   T. Swift and   
                   D. S. Warren   An abstract machine for fixed-order
                                  dynamically stratified programs  . . . . 328
                  C. Weidenbach   Unification in pseudo-linear sort
                                  theories is decidable  . . . . . . . . . 343
                      U. Martin   Theorem proving with group
                                  presentations: examples and questions    358
              A. Middeldorp and   
                  H. Ohsaki and   
                     H. Zantema   Transforming termination by
                                  self-labelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
               H. Ganzinger and   
                    U. Waldmann   Theorem proving in cancellative Abelian
                                  monoids (extended abstract)  . . . . . . 388
                    U. Egly and   
                        T. Rath   On the practical value of different
                                  definitional translations to normal form 403
                 S. Schmitt and   
                      C. Kreitz   Converting non-classical matrix proofs
                                  into sequent-style systems . . . . . . . 418
                 H. Schuetz and   
                     T. Geisler   Efficient model generation through
                                  compilation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
                  S. Linton and   
                  U. Martin and   
                 P. Proehle and   
                       D. Shand   Algebra and automated deduction  . . . . 448
                  D. Cyrluk and   
                 P. Lincoln and   
                     N. Shankar   On Shostak's decision procedure for
                                  combinations of theories . . . . . . . . 463
              T. Boy de la Tour   Ground resolution with group
                                  computations on semantic symmetries  . . 478
                 O. Roussel and   
                     P. Mathieu   A new method for knowledge compilation:
                                  the achievement by cycle search  . . . . 493
                  W. Snyder and   
                 J. G. Schmolze   Rewrite semantics for production rule
                                  systems: theory and applications . . . . 508
                       M. Fuchs   Experiments in the heuristic use of past
                                  proof experience . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
                   D. Kapur and   
                 M. Subramaniam   Lemma discovery in automating induction  538
                    P. Graf and   
                       C. Meyer   Advanced indexing operations on
                                  substitution trees . . . . . . . . . . . 553
               C. G. Fermueller   Semantic trees revisited: some new
                                  completeness results . . . . . . . . . . 568
             F. Giunchiglia and   
                  R. Sebastiani   Building decision procedures for modal
                                  logics from propositional decision
                                  procedures --- the case study of modal K 583
                  A. Nonnengart   Resolution-based calculi for modal and
                                  temporal logics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
              G. De Giacomo and   
                    F. Massacci   Tableaux and algorithms for
                                  propositional dynamic logic with
                                  converse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
                       H. Ruess   Reflection of formal tactics in a
                                  deductive reflection framework . . . . . 628
              D. McAllester and   
                    K. Arkoudas   Walther recursion  . . . . . . . . . . . 643
                       A. Felty   Proof search with set variable
                                  instantiation in the calculus of
                                  constructions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
                       C. Dixon   Search strategies for resolution in
                                  temporal logics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
                      G. Salzer   Optimal axiomatizations for
                                  multiple-valued operators and
                                  quantifiers based on semi-lattices . . . 688
                S. F. Luz-Filho   Grammar specification in categorical
                                  logics and theorem proving . . . . . . . 703
                        P. Graf   Path indexing for AC-theories  . . . . . 718
                      T. Nipkow   More Church--Rosser proofs (in
                                  Isabelle/HOL)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
              Tai Joon Park and   
                  A. Van Gelder   Partitioning methods for satisfiability
                                  testing on large formulas  . . . . . . . 748

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1105, 1996

                 F. Pichler and   
             H. Schwaertzel and   
                 R. Moreno-Diaz   Systems Science and Systems Technology:
                                  From Conceptual Framework to Applicable
                                  Solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                     G. J. Klir   Soft Computer-Aided System Theory and
                                  Technology (SCAST) . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                  B. P. Zeigler   Fundamental Systems Concepts: ``The
                                  Right Stuff'' for 21st Century
                                  Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
                   A. W. Wymore   SYNERGY: The Design of a Systems
                                  Engineering System, I  . . . . . . . . . 34
                        G. Hill   The Configuration of Complex Systems . . 46
               H. Praehofer and   
                  B. P. Zeigler   On the Expressibility of Discrete Event
                                  Specified Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 65
                      C. Joslyn   An Object-Oriented Architecture for
                                  Possibilistic Models . . . . . . . . . . 80
                 I. B. Tuerksen   Fuzzy Expert System Technology . . . . . 95
                  A. Benslimane   Deciding Boundedness for Systems of two
                                  Linear Communicating Finite State
                                  Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
                T. Tomiyama and   
                   Y. Umeda and   
                     T. Kidyama   A Framework for Knowledge Intensive
                                  Engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
                T. I. Oeren and   
               N. Ghasem-Aghaee   Multiparadigm (Knowledge-Based and
                                  Numerical) Continuous Simulation
                                  Environments: Architectural Issues . . . 151
                    M. Voss and   
                   G. Schweizer   A Development Methodology for Systems
                                  Engineering of Computer-Based Systems
                                  and its Environmental Support  . . . . . 161
                    C. Schaffer   An Approach to the Design of Complex,
                                  Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Systems  176
            J.-P. Corriveau and   
                     C. Hayashi   A Strategy for Realizing Traceability in
                                  an Object-Oriented Design Environment    191
               O. B. Toledo and   
            J. C. Q. Losada and   
             R. Moreno-Diaz and   
                     S. C. Sola   Towards a CAST Method for a Systematic
                                  Generation of Non-Orthogonal Complete
                                  Transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
                  M. Santos and   
                 S. Dormido and   
            A. P. De Madrid and   
                     F. Morilla   Tuning Fuzzy Logic Controllers by
                                  Classical Techniques . . . . . . . . . . 214
                    H. Ural and   
                        H. Zeng   Computer Aided Design of Protocol
                                  Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
                   E. Schmitter   Modelling, Analysis and Evaluation of
                                  Systems Architectures  . . . . . . . . . 241
                      R. Blasco   Systematic Strategy for Performance
                                  Prediction in Improvement of Parallel
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
                  F. Bustio and   
                P. Corcuera and   
                        E. Mora   Design and Implementation of Multimedia
                                  Environment for Simulation . . . . . . . 268
               D. M. Dubois and   
                 G. Resconi and   
                    A. Raymondi   TurboBrain: a Neural Network with Direct
                                  Learning Based on Linear or Non-Linear
                                  Threshold Logics . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
                 R. J. Duro and   
                  J. Santos and   
                   A. Sarmiento   GENIAL: An Evolutionary Recurrent Neural
                                  Network Designer and Trainer . . . . . . 295
                   O. Tanir and   
              V. K. Agarwal and   
                 P. C. P. Bhatt   DASE: An Environment for System Level
                                  Telecommunication Design Exploration and
                                  Modelling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
                 G. Oberlik and   
              S. Preishuber and   
                 A. M. Tjoa and   
                      R. Wagner   VOMDraw --- A Tool for Visual Object
                                  Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
                 F. Arcieri and   
                   M. Fossa and   
                    E. Nardelli   A Computer Aided System for Developing
                                  Graphical Telematic Applications . . . . 334
             C. F. Salviano and   
           M. A. Nascimento and   
                    M. M. Tanik   A Simple Approach to Improve the
                                  Abstraction Level of Object
                                  Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
        T. Mueller-Wipperfuerth   On the Integration of CAST.FSM into the
                                  VLSI Design Process  . . . . . . . . . . 363
           M. A. Nascimento and   
             C. F. Salviano and   
                    M. M. Tanik   Using Logic Programming to Test Module
                                  Specifications in Early Stages of
                                  Software Development . . . . . . . . . . 373
                Y. Takahara and   
                       N. Shiba   Systems Theory and Systems
                                  Implementation: Case of DSS  . . . . . . 388
                  G. K. Yeh and   
                 J. B. Burr and   
               K. K. Bagchi and   
                 A. M. Peterson   CASCADE: a Computer-Aided Tool for
                                  Low-Energy High-Performance Multi-DSP
                                  VLSI System Design . . . . . . . . . . . 409
                    J.-M. Thizy   Illustrating Constraint Programming
                                  Systems in Logistic Planning . . . . . . 423

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1106, 1996

                      M. Jampel   A Brief Overview of Over-Constrained
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 A. Borning and   
          B. Freeman-Benson and   
                      M. Wilson   Constraint Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . 23
                 E. Freuder and   
                     R. Wallace   Partial Constraint Satisfaction  . . . . 63
              S. Bistarelli and   
                 H. Fargier and   
               U. Montanari and   
                       F. Rossi   Semiring-Based CSPs and Valued CSPs:
                                  Basic Properties and Comparison  . . . . 111
                 F. Menezes and   
                    P. Barahona   Defeasible Constraint Solving  . . . . . 151
                        A. Wolf   Transforming Ordered Constraint
                                  Hierarchies into Ordinary Constraint
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
                      M. Jampel   A Compositional Theory of Constraint
                                  Hierarchies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
                 R. Wallace and   
                     E. Freuder   Heuristic Methods for Over-Constrained
                                  Constraint Satisfaction Problems . . . . 207
                     R. Wallace   Cascaded Directed Arc Consistency and
                                  No-Good Learning for the Maximal
                                  Constraint Satisfaction Problem  . . . . 217
                 N. Dendris and   
                L. Kirousis and   
               Y. Stamatiou and   
                    D. Thilikos   Partial Arc Consistency  . . . . . . . . 229
                   E. Gelle and   
                       I. Smith   Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with
                                  Conflict Management in Design  . . . . . 237
                  A. Sattar and   
                   A. Ghose and   
                      R. Goebel   Specifying Over-Constrained Problems in
                                  Default Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
                 N. Jussien and   
                  P. Boizumault   Implementing Constraint Relaxation over
                                  Finite Domains Using Assumption-Based
                                  Truth Maintenance Systems  . . . . . . . 265
             R. Weissschnur and   
               J. Hertzberg and   
                  H. W. Guesgen   Experiences in Solving Constraint
                                  Relaxation Networks with Boltzmann
                                  Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
                 F. Bouquet and   
                       P. Jegou   Solving Over-Constrained CSPs Using
                                  Weighted OBDDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1107, 1996

                  H. Konaka and   
                T. Tomokiyo and   
                   M. Maeda and   
                    Y. Ishikawa   Data Parallel Programming in the
                                  Parallel Object-Oriented Language OCore  1
                  F. Guidec and   
                 J.-M. Jezequel   Polymorphic Matrices in Paladin  . . . . 18
                    T. Baba and   
               T. Yoshinaga and   
                      T. Furuta   Programming and Debugging for Massive
                                  Parallelism: The Case for a Parallel
                                  Object-Oriented Language A-NETL  . . . . 38
                   K. Taura and   
                    A. Yonezawa   Schematic: a Concurrent Object-Oriented
                                  Extension to Scheme  . . . . . . . . . . 59
                 J.-M. Geib and   
                C. Gransart and   
                  C. Grenot and   
                       P. Merle   (Thread and Object)-Oriented Distributed
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
                K. L. Clark and   
                   F. G. McCabe   Distributed and Object Oriented Symbolic
                                  Programming in April . . . . . . . . . . 104
                 D. Caromel and   
                     Y. Roudier   Reactive Programming in Eiffel\slash . . 125
                D. Galmiche and   
                    E. Boudinet   Proofs, Concurrent Objects, and
                                  Computations in a FILL Framework . . . . 148
              J.-P. Bahsoun and   
                    S. Merz and   
                   C. Servieres   Modular Description and Verification of
                                  Concurrent Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 168
               C. Jacquemot and   
               O. S. Jensen and   
                      S. Carrez   Chorus/Cool: Chorus Object Oriented
                                  Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
                     R. Lea and   
                  Y. Yokote and   
                      J.-I Itoh   Adaptive Operating System Design using
                                  Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
                 M. Banatre and   
              Y. Belhamissi and   
                 V. Issarny and   
                       I. Puaut   Isatis: a Customizable Distributed
                                  Object-Based Runtime System  . . . . . . 219
               R. Guerraoui and   
               B. Garbinato and   
                     K. Mazouni   Lessons from Designing and Implementing
                                  GARF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
                K. Takashio and   
                 H. Shitomi and   
                      M. Tokoro   Design and Implementation of DROL
                                  Runtime Environment on Real-Time Mach
                                  Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
                  P. Darche and   
              P.-G. Raverdy and   
                    E. Commelin   ActNet: The Actor Model Applied to
                                  Mobile Robotic Environments  . . . . . . 273
              L. Bellissard and   
              S. B. Atallah and   
                 A. Kerbrat and   
                     M. Riveill   Component-Based Programming and
                                  Application Management with Olan . . . . 290
               M. Tsukamoto and   
                Y. Hamazaki and   
                T. Nishioka and   
                     H. Otokawa   The Version Management Architecture of
                                  an Object-Oriented Distributed Systems
                                  Environment: OZ++  . . . . . . . . . . . 310
                  Y. Tahara and   
                  F. Kumeno and   
                  A. Ohsuga and   
                     S. Honiden   Formal Semantics of Agent Evolution in
                                  Language Flage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1108, 1996

                     C. Frasson   Some Characteristics of Instructional
                                  Design for Industrial Training . . . . . 1
                 T. De Jong and   
                 H. Haertel and   
                   J. Swaak and   
               W. Van Joolingen   Support for Simulation-Based Learning:
                                  The Effect of Assignments in Learning
                                  about Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . 9
                        J. Self   Deconstructionist Student Models in the
                                  Computer-Based Learning of Science . . . 27
                       M. Vivet   Evaluating Educational Technologies:
                                  Evaluation of Teaching Material Versus
                                  Evaluation of Learning . . . . . . . . . 37
                P. Vanneste and   
               B. De Decker and   
             M. Chrzanowski and   
                  K. Warkentyne   The Use of Internet in Education . . . . 39
                  S. Giroux and   
                G. Paquette and   
                      J. Girard   Epiphyte Advisor Systems for
                                  Collaborative Learning . . . . . . . . . 42
              E. Gouarderes and   
                      S. Millet   Expertext Approach and Learning
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
                    S. X. Huang   On Content-Balanced Adaptive Testing . . 60
                 L. Jerinic and   
                    V. Devedzic   An Object-Oriented Shell for Intelligent
                                  Tutoring Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
                 C.-K. Looi and   
                      B. T. Tan   WORDMATH: a Computer-Based Environment
                                  for Learning Word Problem Solving  . . . 78
             C. Marquesuzaa and   
                 J. Meyranx and   
                     T. Nodenot   Towards Pedagogically Sound Learning
                                  Environments: The Specification Process  87
                T. Mengelle and   
                     C. Frasson   A Multi-Agent Architecture for an ITS
                                  with Multiple Strategies . . . . . . . . 96
               E. Nawarecki and   
                 G. Dobrowolski   Decentralized Computer Learning Systems
                                  Based on Autonomous Agent Approach . . . 105
           A. Neira Alvarez and   
             J. A. Lopez Brugos   Foundations of an Adaptive Tutoring
                                  System Based on Systemic Networks  . . . 114
                 T. Okamoto and   
                       A. Inaba   The Intelligent Discussion Supporting
                                  System under the Distributed Environment 123
                   A. Patel and   
                        Kinshuk   Applied Artificial Intelligence for
                                  Teaching Numeric Topics in Engineering
                                  Disciplines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132--140
               L. Pemberton and   
               S. Shurville and   
                     T. Hartley   Motivating the Design for a Computer
                                  Assisted Environment for Writers in a
                                  Second Language  . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
               J. P. Pernin and   
                 V. Gueraud and   
                     F. Coudret   An Experimental Environment for the
                                  Production of Pedagogical Simulations    149
              M. R. De Villiers   A Component-Based Interactive Practice
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
                 B.-H. Kang and   
                    P. Goodyear   Representations of Instructional Purpose
                                  in Courseware Requirements Engineering   167
                R. Lelouche and   
                    J.-F. Morin   The Formula: a Relation? Yes, but A
                                  Concept Too!!  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
                 R. Nkambou and   
                G. Gauthier and   
                     C. Frasson   CREAM-Tools: An Authoring Environment
                                  for Curriculum and Course Building in an
                                  Intelligent Tutoring System  . . . . . . 186
                F. Pescador and   
                     J. Arriaga   Authoring System for Reinforcement and
                                  Evaluation (SARE)  . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                   D. Ponta and   
              G. Da Bormida and   
                  G. Donzellini   Preliminary Student Evaluation of a CBL
                                  Course on Digital Systems Electronics    204
                  G. Parodi and   
                   D. Ponta and   
             A. M. Scapolla and   
                       M. Taini   Cooperative and Distance Learning in
                                  Electronics Using Internet . . . . . . . 213
                    F. Ruiz and   
                  M. Prieto and   
                  M. Ortega and   
                       J. Bravo   Cooperative Distance Learning with an
                                  Integrated System for Computer Assisted
                                  Laboratory Work  . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
        H. M. K. Warkentyne and   
                   I. Smith and   
                       E. Forte   Implementation and Evaluation of a WWW
                                  Multiple Choice Question Server  . . . . 228
                M. W. Forte and   
                E. McMurray and   
                   F. Simillion   Teaching Informatics with ARIANE: An
                                  Experimental Internet-Based Pedagogical
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
               F. Cambiotti and   
                  M. Parvis and   
                      U. Pisani   Multimedia Training and Remote Operating
                                  Laboratory: Innovative Solutions for
                                  Instrumentation and Electronic
                                  Measurements Courses . . . . . . . . . . 245
                J.-P. David and   
                   A. Cogne and   
                       A. Dutel   Hypermedia Exercises Prototyping and
                                  Modelising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
                J. Dospisil and   
                P. Marshall and   
                 E. Kendall and   
                      T. Polgar   Testbed for Measuring Multimedia
                                  Presentation Quality Disorders in
                                  Courseware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
               L. Farinetti and   
              A. R. Scarafiotti   Hypertexts as Educational Systems:
                                  Pedagogical Issues in Teaching and
                                  Learning Mathematical Problem Solving    270
                K. Hendrikx and   
                    J. Elen and   
                      H. Olivie   Structured Hypermedia Authoring: a
                                  Simple Tool for the Design and
                                  Implementation of Structured Hypermedia
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
                    S. Lara and   
              M. J. Perez-Luque   Designing Educational Multimedia . . . . 288
     J. M. Martinez-Jimenez and   
        P. Martinez-Jimenez and   
             F. Zafra-Lopez and   
             F. Casado-Revuelta   Design of a [sic] Windows Software for
                                  Elastic Field Simulation: Application to
                                  Visualisation and Animation of a
                                  Rectangular Piece in a Projection with a
                                  Load on the End  . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
                   N. Quang and   
                  L. Chiang and   
                   M. Garay and   
                      D. Garcia   A Hypermedia Intelligent Tutor for
                                  Mathematical Modelling Teaching  . . . . 306
          R. Villalba Lopez and   
        P. Martinez Jimenez and   
         A. Blanca Pancorbo and   
             E. Casado-Revuelta   Design of Software for the Simulated and
                                  Tutorized Study of Atomic Models Through
                                  the Use of Hypertext . . . . . . . . . . 313
             M. V. Belmonte and   
                  J. Berbel and   
                      R. Conejo   TEA: An Agrarian Economy Instructor
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
                    P. Brna and   
                      D. Duncan   The Analogical Model-Based Physics
                                  System: a Workbench to Investigate
                                  Issues in How to Support Learning by
                                  Analogy in Physics . . . . . . . . . . . 331
                A. M. Close and   
                  Y. A. Rzhanov   Seeing is Believing  . . . . . . . . . . 340
                   I. Cohen and   
               G. Edvinsson and   
                   R. Hsieh and   
                 C. Johannesson   FLIP: Flexible Learning in Physics and
                                  Mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
                 A. Del Rio and   
                   A. Rodriguez   $3$D-Schema: An Intuitive Model for
                                  Analog Circuits Instruction  . . . . . . 356
                     D. Donoval   Computer Aided Learning in
                                  Microelectronics Technology in Slovakia
                                  (State of the Art) . . . . . . . . . . . 365
              H. B. Haertel and   
                      M. Luedke   A Computer-Supported Course in Mechanics 381
              T. J. Rahilly and   
                 A. Saroyan and   
                   J. Greer and   
                   S. P. Lajoie   The InforMed Professor: Clinical
                                  Instruction of Breast Disease Diagnosis
                                  and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
               M. Ungureanu and   
                        S. Ioan   Computer Modelling and Simulation of the
                                  High Frequency Disturbing Processes for
                                  Low Voltage Consumers Applied in Power
                                  System Training and Education  . . . . . 399
               M. D. Valdes and   
                M. J. Moure and   
               L. Rodriguez and   
                     A. Del Rio   Interactive Practical Teaching of
                                  Digital Circuits Design by Means of
                                  Field Programmable Gate Arrays . . . . . 408
              S. E. Zaharia and   
                   S. Ungureanu   Interactive Learning Environment in
                                  Mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
                K. Baniulis and   
                   B. Tamulynas   Flexible Intelligent Environment for
                                  Tutoring and Assessing Learners  . . . . 424
           A. Bender-Oeberg and   
                       A. Edman   DLW --- A Learning Environment for Lake
                                  Water Diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
                V. Bersagol and   
            J.-L. Dessalles and   
                  F. Kaplan and   
                    J.-C. Marze   XMOISE: a Logical Spreadsheet to Elicit
                                  Didactic Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . 430
             D. Cabrol-Bass and   
               J.-P. Rabine and   
                   M. Rouillard   Learning Proton NMR Spectroscopy with
                                  Computers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
    M. Cuevas-Rubiño and   
      D. Gonzalez-Caballero and   
        P. Martinez-Jimenez and   
             E. Casado-Revuelta   Tutorized Simulated Study of RC, LR and
                                  LRC Circuits for Windows . . . . . . . . 436
                S. Dikareva and   
                     E. Dikarev   Interactive Knowledge Base for Designing
                                  New Technology Based Tutoring Systems    439
                  P. Fortet and   
              M. J. Bellido and   
                F. Sivianes and   
                   A. V. Medina   Multimedia System for Instruction and
                                  Learning Electronics . . . . . . . . . . 442
                    T. Fuji and   
                T. Tanigawa and   
                  M. Kozeni and   
                        M. Inui   Collaborative Learning Systems on the
                                  INTERNET with Case-Based Reasoning . . . 445
               T. Gavrilova and   
                E. Averbukh and   
                      A. Voinov   An Approach to Learning Software Based
                                  on Student Modelling . . . . . . . . . . 448
                     A. Goppold   The Leibinz TLSI: a Secondary Macro
                                  Programming Interface and Universal
                                  ASCII User Interface Shell for
                                  Hypermedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
          S. Hamar-Thibault and   
                       R. Hamar   A Hypermedia Presentation to Understand
                                  Interactions Between Electron and Solid
                                  --- Scanning Electron Microscope . . . . 454
              C. R. Huapaya and   
                    G. M. Arona   A Student Model in Numerical Analysis
                                  for an Actual Engineering Student  . . . 460
                      R. Luckin   Teaching Primary Science: a
                                  Psychologically Well-Grounded Approach   463
                  E. Millan and   
        A. Muñoz-Zea and   
     J. L. Perez-de-la-Cruz and   
               F. Triguero-Ruiz   GITE: Intelligent Generation of Tests    466
                  E. Millan and   
     J. L. Perez-de-la-Cruz and   
           F. Triguero-Ruiz and   
               L. Vazquez-Saenz   TUDER: An Intelligent Tutoring System
                                  for Symbolic Derivation  . . . . . . . . 469
           R. Rizo Aldeguer and   
            C. Muñoz and   
              O. Colomina Pardo   SBC-RX: Knowledge Based System for
                                  Radiodiagnosis and Training of
                                  Radiologists. The Teaching File Tool. A
                                  New Feature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
               W. A. Soares and   
            A. H. P. De Andrade   SIMFOT: a Software for Simulating
                                  Photoelastic Experiments . . . . . . . . 476

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1109, 1996

              Mihir Bellare and   
                Ran Canetti and   
                  Hugo Krawczyk   Keying Hash Functions for Message
                                  Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                   M. Atici and   
             Douglas R. Stinson   Universal Hashing and Multiple
                                  Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
              Tor Helleseth and   
               Thomas Johansson   Universal Hash Functions from
                                  Exponential Sums over Finite Fields and
                                  Galois Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
                Jacques Patarin   Asymmetric Cryptography with a Hidden
                                  Monomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
                Daniel R. Simon   Anonymous Communication and Anonymous
                                  Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
              Susan K. Langford   Weaknesses in Some Threshold
                                  Cryptosystems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
                 Serge Vaudenay   Hidden Collisions on DSS . . . . . . . . 83
                 Adam Young and   
                      Moti Yung   The Dark Side of Black-Box Cryptography,
                                  or: Should We Trust Capstone?  . . . . . 89
                 Paul C. Kocher   Timing Attacks on Implementations of
                                  Diffie--Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104--113
                    M. Naeslund   All Bits in $ a x + b \bmod p $ are Hard 114
              Mats Näslund   All Bits in $ a x + b \bmod p $ Are Hard 114
                  Dan Boneh and   
         Ramarathnam Venkatesan   Hardness of Computing the Most
                                  Significant Bits of Secret Keys in
                                  Diffie--Hellman and Related Schemes  . . 129--142
               Claus P. Schnorr   Security of 2$^t$-Root Identification
                                  and Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
            Rosario Gennaro and   
          Stanislaw Jarecki and   
              Hugo Krawczyk and   
                      Tal Rabin   Robust and Efficient Sharing of RSA
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--172
              Ronald Cramer and   
      Ivan Bjerre Damgård   New Generation of Secure and Practical
                                  RSA-Based Signatures . . . . . . . . . . 173
           Markus Jakobsson and   
                      Moti Yung   Proving Without Knowing: On Oblivious,
                                  Agnostic and Blindfolded Provers . . . . 186
                Shai Halevi and   
                  Silvio Micali   Practical and Provably-Secure Commitment
                                  Schemes from Collision-Free Hashing  . . 201
            Lars R. Knudsen and   
                    Willi Meier   Improved Differential Attacks on RC5 . . 216
       Paul C. van Oorschot and   
              Michael J. Wiener   Improving Implementable
                                  Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks by Orders of
                                  Magnitude  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
       Paul C. van Oorschot and   
              Michael J. Wiener   Improving Implementable
                                  Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks by Orders of
                                  Magnitude  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
                John Kelsey and   
             Bruce Schneier and   
                   David Wagner   Key-Schedule Cryptanalysis of IDEA,
                                  G-DES, GOST, SAFER, and Triple-DES . . . 237--251
                 Joe Kilian and   
                Phillip Rogaway   How to Protect DES Against Exhaustive
                                  Key Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
             Ueli M. Maurer and   
                    Stefan Wolf   Diffie--Hellman Oracles  . . . . . . . . 268
                  Dan Boneh and   
              Richard J. Lipton   Algorithms for Black-Box Fields and
                                  Their Application to Cryptography  . . . 283--297
          Antoon Bosselaers and   
       René Govaerts and   
                Joos Vandewalle   Fast Hashing on the Pentium  . . . . . . 298
                   Victor Shoup   On Fast and Provably Secure Message
                                  Authentication Based on Universal
                                  Hashing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
               R. J. Hughes and   
               G. G. Luther and   
               G. L. Morgan and   
             C. G. Peterson and   
                     C. Simmons   Quantum Cryptography over Underground
                                  Optical Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
                 Dominic Mayers   Quantum Key Distribution and String
                                  Oblivious Transfer in Noisy Channels . . 343
            James L. Massey and   
               Shirlei Serconek   Linear Complexity of Periodic Sequences:
                                  a General Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
                Paul Camion and   
                  Anne Canteaut   Generalization of Siegenthaler
                                  Inequality and Schnorr-Vaudenay
                                  Multipermutations  . . . . . . . . . . . 372
               Carlo Blundo and   
       Luiz A. Frota Mattos and   
             Douglas R. Stinson   Trade-offs Between Communication and
                                  Storage in Unconditionally Secure
                                  Schemes for Broadcast Encryption and
                                  Interactive Key Distribution . . . . . . 387
                  Stefan Droste   New Results on Visual Cryptography . . . 401
                      Anonymous   Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1110, 1996

                   S. Blazy and   
                       P. Facon   An Automatic Interprocedural Analysis
                                  for the Understanding of Scientific
                                  Application Programs . . . . . . . . . . 1
            M. A. Bulyonkov and   
                 D. V. Kochetov   Practical Aspects of Specialization of
                                  Algol-like Programs  . . . . . . . . . . 17
                 W.-N. Chin and   
                 S.-C. Khoo and   
                    P. Thiemann   Synchronization Analyses for Multiple
                                  Recursion Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 33
                  C. Consel and   
                  L. Hornof and   
                    F. Noel and   
                        J. Noye   A Uniform Approach for Compile-Time and
                                  Run-Time Specialization  . . . . . . . . 54
                       O. Danvy   Pragmatics of Type-Directed Partial
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
                      S. Draves   Compiler Generation for Interactive
                                  Graphics Using Intermediate Code . . . . 95
            J. P. Gallagher and   
                      L. Lafave   Regular Approximation of Computation
                                  Paths in Logic and Functional Languages  115
                  R. Glueck and   
                M. H. Soerensen   A Roadmap to Metacomputation by
                                  Supercompilation . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
                J. Hatcliff and   
                      R. Glueck   Reasoning about Hierarchies of Online
                                  Program Specialization Systems . . . . . 161
                      J. Hughes   Type Specialisation for the
                                  lambda-Calculus; or, A New Paradigm for
                                  Partial Evaluation Based on Type
                                  Inference  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
                    N. D. Jones   What Not to Do When Writing an
                                  Interpreter for Specialisation . . . . . 216
              J. Joergensen and   
                    M. Leuschel   Efficiently Generating Efficient
                                  Generating Extensions in Prolog  . . . . 238
                M. Leuschel and   
                     B. Martens   Global Control for Partial Deduction
                                  through Characteristic Atoms and Global
                                  Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
                A. Miniussi and   
                  D. J. Sherman   Squeezing Intermediate Construction in
                                  Equational Programs  . . . . . . . . . . 284
                 T. A. Mogensen   Evolution of Partial Evaluators:
                                  Removing Inherited Limits  . . . . . . . 303
             A. P. Nemytykh and   
              V. A. Pinchuk and   
                  V. F. Turchin   A Self-Applicable Supercompiler  . . . . 322
                 F. Nielson and   
                  H. R. Nielson   Multi-Level Lambda-Calculi: An Algebraic
                                  Description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
              A. Pettorossi and   
                    M. Proietti   A Comparative Revisitation of Some
                                  Program Transformation Techniques  . . . 355
              A. Pettorossi and   
                    M. Proietti   A Theory of Logic Program Specialization
                                  and Generalization for Dealing with
                                  Input Data Properties  . . . . . . . . . 386
                    T. Reps and   
                    T. Turnidge   Program Specialization via Program
                                  Slicing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
                    A. Sakharov   Specialization of Imperative Programs
                                  through Analysis of Relational
                                  Expressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
                     P. Sestoft   ML Pattern Match Compilation and Partial
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
                     M. Sperber   Self-Applicable Online Partial
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
                  V. F. Turchin   Metacomputation: Metasystem Transitions
                                  plus Supercompilation  . . . . . . . . . 481

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1111, 1996

              J. J. Alferes and   
               L. Moniz Pereira   Reasoning with Logic Programming . . . . xx + 326

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1112, 1996

                   H. Kolanoski   Application of Artificial Neural
                                  Networks in Particle Physics . . . . . . 1
                 H. P. Schwefel   Evolutionary Computation --- History,
                                  Status, and Perspectives . . . . . . . . 15
                  M. Abeles and   
                        Y. Prut   Temporal Structure of Cortical Activity  16
                    U. Ramacher   SEE-1 --- A Vision System for Use in
                                  Real World Environments  . . . . . . . . 17
                    P. Fromherz   Towards Integration of Nerve Cells and
                                  Silicon Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                 C. H. Anderson   Unifying Perspectives on Neuronal Codes
                                  and Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
                  D. I. Perrett   Visual Recognition Based on Coding in
                                  Temporal Cortex: Analysis of Pattern
                                  Configuration and Generalisation across
                                  Viewing Conditions without Mental
                                  Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
                   H.-B. Ji and   
                K.-S. Leung and   
                       Y. Leung   A Novel Encoding Strategy for
                                  Associative Memory . . . . . . . . . . . 21
          P. J. L. Adeodato and   
                   J. G. Taylor   Autoassociative Memory with high Storage
                                  Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
                  B. Graham and   
                    D. Willshaw   Information Efficiency of the
                                  Associative Net at Arbitrary Coding
                                  Rates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
               M. J. Nijman and   
                   H. J. Kappen   Efficient Learning in Sparsely Connected
                                  Boltzmann Machines . . . . . . . . . . . 41
              B. Schoelkopf and   
                  C. Burges and   
                      V. Vapnik   Incorporating Invariances in Support
                                  Vector Learning Machines . . . . . . . . 47
                A. Hoekstra and   
               S. A. Tholen and   
                  R. P. W. Duin   Estimating the Reliability of Neural
                                  Network Classifications  . . . . . . . . 53
               C. M. Bishop and   
                    C. S. Qazaz   Bayesian Inference of Noise Levels in
                                  Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
           A. Haemaelaeinen and   
                  L. Holmstroem   Complexity Reduction in Probabilistic
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
                   L. Sardo and   
                     J. Kittler   Asymptotic Complexity of an RBF NN for
                                  Correlated Data Representation . . . . . 71
                  S. Raudys and   
                       T. Cibas   Regularization by Early Stopping in
                                  Single Layer Perceptron Training . . . . 77
               S. M. Rueger and   
                       A. Ossen   Clustering in Weight Space of
                                  Feedforward Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
                        S. Boes   Learning Curves of On-line and Off-line
                                  Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
               D. M. J. Tax and   
                   H. J. Kappen   Learning Structure with Many-Take-All
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
               H. J. Kappen and   
                      P. Varona   Dynamic Feature Linking in Stochastic
                                  Networks with Short Range Interactions   101
             U. Hillenbrand and   
               J. L. Van Hemmen   Collective Dynamics of a System of
                                  Adaptive Velocity Channels . . . . . . . 107
                      O. Nelles   Local Linear Model Trees for On-Line
                                  Identification of Time-Variant Nonlinear
                                  Dynamic Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
                    G. Deco and   
                  B. Schuermann   Nonparametric Data Selection for
                                  Improvement of Parametric Neural
                                  Learning: a Cumulant-Surrogate Method    121
                K. Pawelzik and   
              K.-R. Mueller and   
                  J. Kohlmorgen   Prediction of Mixtures . . . . . . . . . 127
                  M. Kimura and   
                      R. Nakano   Learning Dynamical Systems Produced by
                                  Recurrent Neural Networks  . . . . . . . 133
                  A. Hyvaerinen   Purely Local Neural Principal Component
                                  and Independent Component Learning . . . 139
               R. P. Wuertz and   
                   W. Konen and   
                  K.-O Behrmann   How Fast can Neuronal Algorithms Match
                                  Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
                T. Hoffmann and   
                  J. M. Buhmann   An Annealed ``Neural Gas'' Network for
                                  Robust Vector Quantization . . . . . . . 151
                  J. Walter and   
                      H. Ritter   Associative Completion and Investment
                                  Learning Using PSOMs . . . . . . . . . . 157
               C. M. Bishop and   
                 M. Svensen and   
              C. K. I. Williams   GTM: a Principled Alternative to the
                                  Self-Organizing Map  . . . . . . . . . . 165
                A. Muñoz   Creating Term Associations Using a
                                  Hierarchical ART Architecture  . . . . . 171
                  T. Czernichow   Architecture Selection through
                                  Statistical Sensitivity Analysis . . . . 179
              P. Daigremont and   
               H. De Lassus and   
                  F. Badran and   
                      S. Thiria   Regression by Topological Map:
                                  Application on Real Data . . . . . . . . 185
                K. A. Marko and   
                J. V. James and   
             T. M. Feldkamp and   
                G. V. Puskorius   Signal Processing by Neural Networks to
                                  Create ``Virtual'' Sensors and
                                  Model-Based Diagnostics  . . . . . . . . 191
           R. M. L. Frenken and   
            C. M. Rozendaal and   
                 H. E. Dijk and   
                 P. C. Knoester   Development of an Advisory System Based
                                  on a Neural Network for the Operation of
                                  a Coal Fired Power Plant . . . . . . . . 197
               J. Angstenberger   Blast Furnace Analysis with Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
                  J. Bruske and   
                  M. Hansen and   
                   L. Riehn and   
                     G. Soremet   Adaptive Saccade Control of a Binocular
                                  Head with Dynamic Cell Structures  . . . 215
                 C. Versino and   
              L. M. Gambardella   Learning Fine Motion by Using the
                                  Hierarchical Extended Kohonen Map  . . . 221
               J. Laaksonen and   
                         E. Oja   Subspace Dimension Selection and
                                  Averaged Learning Subspace Method in
                                  Handwritten Digit Classification . . . . 227
                     M. Wolters   A Dual Route Neural Net Approach to
                                  Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion . . . . . 233
             M. Duempelmann and   
                    C. E. Elger   Separating EEG Spike-Clusters in
                                  Epilepsy by a Growing and Splitting Net  239
             K. Valkealahti and   
                         E. Oja   Optimal Texture Feature Selection for
                                  the Co-Occurrence Map  . . . . . . . . . 245
                   V. Blanz and   
              B. Schoelkopf and   
               H. Buelthoff and   
                      C. Burges   Comparison of View-Based Object
                                  Recognition Algorithms Using Realistic
                                  $3$D Models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
             H. Austermeier and   
                G. Hartmann and   
                      R. Hilker   Color-Calibration of Robot Vision System
                                  Using Self-Organizing Feature Maps . . . 257
            G. Acuña and   
                H. Jorquera and   
                       R. Perez   Neural Network Model for Maximum Ozone
                                  Concentration Prediction . . . . . . . . 263
                 T. Kohonen and   
                   S. Kaski and   
                   K. Lagus and   
                     T. Honkela   Very Large Two-Level SOM for the
                                  Browsing of Newsgroups . . . . . . . . . 269
                      Q. Ma and   
                 H. Isahara and   
                       H. Ozaku   Automatic Part-Of-Speech Tagging of Thai
                                  Corpus Using Neural Networks . . . . . . 275
               G. C. Cawley and   
                  S. R. Dorling   Reproducing a Subjective Classification
                                  Scheme for Atmospheric Circulation
                                  Patterns over the United Kingdom Using a
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
                 H. H. Yang and   
                       S. Amari   Two Gradient Descent Algorithms for
                                  Blind Signal Separation  . . . . . . . . 287
               H. De Lassus and   
              P. Daigremont and   
                  F. Badran and   
                      S. Thiria   Classification Rejection by Prediction   293
                  D.-H. Lee and   
                J. S. Payne and   
                 H.-G. Byun and   
                  K. C. Persaud   Application of Radial Basis Function
                                  Neural Networks to Odour Sensing Using a
                                  Broad Specificity Array of Conducting
                                  Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
               G. Heidemann and   
                 F. Kummert and   
                  H. Ritter and   
                     G. Sagerer   A Hybrid Object Recognition Architecture 305
              A. Buehlmeier and   
              G. Manteuffel and   
                M. Rossmann and   
                       K. Goser   Robot Learning in Analog Neural Hardware 311
                E. Littmann and   
                   A. Drees and   
                      H. Ritter   Visual Gesture Recognition by a Modular
                                  Neural System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
                  T. Maurer and   
            C. Von Der Malsburg   Tracking and Learning Graphs on Image
                                  Sequences of Faces . . . . . . . . . . . 323
               K. Fukushima and   
               Y. Yamaguchi and   
                       M. Okada   Neural Network Model Recalling Spatial
                                  Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
                M. A. Giese and   
                G. Schoener and   
                     H. S. Hock   Neural Field Dynamics for Motion
                                  Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
               R. E. Callan and   
                D. Palmer-Brown   Analytical Technique for Deriving
                                  Connectionist Representations of Symbol
                                  Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
              P. Wittenburg and   
               D. Van Kuijk and   
                    T. Dijkstra   Modeling Human Word Recognition with
                                  Sequences of Artificial Neurons  . . . . 347
                       M. Boden   A Connectionist Variation on Inheritance 353
               P. Kolinummi and   
           T. Haemaelaeinen and   
                 H. Klapuri and   
                       K. Kaski   Mapping of Multilayer Perceptron
                                  Networks to Partial Tree Shaped Parallel
                                  Neurocomputer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
           T. Haemaelaeinen and   
               P. Kolinummi and   
                       K. Kaski   Linearly Expandable Partial Tree Shape
                                  Architecture for Parallel Neurocomputer  365
            A. Demosthenous and   
                  J. Taylor and   
                     S. Smedley   A High-Speed Scalable CMOS Current-Mode
                                  Winner-Take-All Network  . . . . . . . . 371
                   M. Franz and   
                   R. Schueffny   An Architectural Study of a Massively
                                  Parallel Processor for Convolution-Type
                                  Operations in Complex Vision Tasks . . . 377
             A. Perez-Uribe and   
                     E. Sanchez   FPGA Implementation of an Adaptable-Size
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
                    D. Floreano   Extraction of Coherent Information from
                                  Non-Overlapping Receptive Fields . . . . 389
                  M. Brecht and   
                    A. K. Engel   Cortio-Tectal Interactions in the Cat
                                  Visual System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
               L. Martignon and   
                  K. Laskey and   
                 A. Schwarz and   
                      E. Vaadia   Detecting and Measuring Higher Order
                                  Synchronization Among Neurons: A
                                  Bayesian Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . 401
             M. Riesenhuber and   
                H.-U. Bauer and   
                      T. Geisel   Analyzing the Formation of Structure in
                                  High-Dimensional Self-Organizing Maps
                                  Reveals Differences to Feature Map
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
                K. Pawelzik and   
                H.-U. Bauer and   
                    F. Wolf and   
                      T. Geisel   Precise Restoration of Cortical
                                  Orientation Maps Explained by Hebbian
                                  Dynamics of Geniculocortical Connections 415
                  M. Andres and   
               O. Schlueter and   
                F. Spengler and   
                    H. R. Dinse   Modification of Kohonen's SOFM to
                                  Simulate Cortical Plasticity Induced by
                                  Coactivation Input Patterns  . . . . . . 421
             C. Piepenbrock and   
                  H. Ritter and   
                   K. Obermayer   Cortical Map Development Driven by
                                  Spontaneous Retinal Activity Waves . . . 427
                   H. Cruse and   
                C. Bartling and   
                    J. Dean and   
                  T. Kindermann   Simplifying Neural Networks for
                                  Controlling Walking by Exploiting
                                  Physical Properties  . . . . . . . . . . 433
             A. Schierwagen and   
                      H. Werner   Saccade Control through the Collicular
                                  Motor Map: Two-Dimensional Neural Field
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
              M. V. Tsodyks and   
                     H. Markram   Plasticity of Neocortical Synapses
                                  Enables Transitions between Rate and
                                  Temporal Coding  . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
               T. Wennekers and   
                        G. Palm   Controlling the Speed of Synfire Chains  451
            C. M. Privitera and   
                     L. Shastri   Temporal Compositional Processing by a
                                  DSOM Hierarchical Model  . . . . . . . . 457
                 A. Bertoni and   
              P. Campadelli and   
             M. Carpentieri and   
                      G. Grossi   A Genetic Model and the Hopfield
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
               D. O. Gorodnichy   Desaturating Coefficient for Projection
                                  Learning Rule  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
                     G. Sjoedin   Getting More Information out of SDM  . . 477
                   C. McCormack   Using a General Purpose Meta Neural
                                  Network to Adapt a Parameter of the
                                  Quickpropagation Learning Rule . . . . . 483
                  F.-L. Luo and   
                   R. Unbehauen   Unsupervised Learning of the Minor
                                  Subspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
                     M. Schmidt   A Unification of Genetic Algorithms,
                                  Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic: The
                                  GANNFL Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
             M. Hasenjaeger and   
                      H. Ritter   Active Learning of the Generalized
                                  High-Low-Game  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
                     M. Muselli   Optimality of Pocket Algorithm . . . . . 507
                   S. Young and   
                       T. Downs   Improvements and Extensions to the
                                  Constructive Algorithm CARVE . . . . . . 513
                    K. Arai and   
                      R. Nakano   Annealed RNN Learning of Finite State
                                  Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
              B. Freisleben and   
                       C. Hagen   A Hierarchical Learning Rule for
                                  Independent Component Analysis . . . . . 525
                    G. Zhou and   
                          J. Si   Improving Neural Network Training Based
                                  on Jacobian Rank Deficiency  . . . . . . 531
                    J. Biro and   
                  E. Halasz and   
                    T. Tron and   
                        M. Boda   Neural Networks for Exact Constrained
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
                 S. Kroener and   
                      R. Moratz   Capacity of Structured Multilayer
                                  Networks with Shared Weights . . . . . . 543
                        S. Boes   Optimal Weight Decay in a Perceptron . . 551
                 T.-Y. Kwok and   
                    D.-Y. Yeung   Bayesian Regularization in Constructive
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
              C. Santa Cruz and   
                  J. Dorronsoro   A Nonlinear Discriminant Algorithm for
                                  Data Projection and Feature Extraction   563
                  C. Browne and   
    J. De L. Pereira Castro and   
                     A. Storkey   A Modified Spreading Algorithm for
                                  Autoassociation in Weightless Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
             S. Schuenemann and   
               B. Michaelis and   
                    W. Schubert   Analysis of Multi-Fluorescence Signals
                                  Using a Modified Self-Organizing Feature
                                  Map  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
                  M. Koehle and   
                       D. Merkl   Visualizing Similarities in High
                                  Dimensional Input Spaces with a Growing
                                  and Splitting Neural Network . . . . . . 581
            S. Garcia-Salicetti   A Neural Lexical Post-Processor for
                                  Improved Neural Predictive Word
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
                M. A. Botto and   
         H. A. B. Te Braake and   
                 J. Sa Da Costa   Solving Nonlinear MBPC through Convex
                                  Optimization: A Comparative Study Using
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
                Y. Guermeur and   
                   P. Gallinari   Combining Statistical Models for Protein
                                  Secondary Structure Prediction . . . . . 599
             U. Pietruschka and   
                      R. Brause   Using RBF-Nets in Rubber Industry
                                  Process Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
                      T. Ziemke   Towards Autonomous Robot Control via
                                  Self-Adapting Recurrent Networks . . . . 611
                        E. Mael   A Hierarchical Network for Learning
                                  Robust Models of Kinematic Chains  . . . 617
                K. Yasuhara and   
                   H. A. Mallot   Context-Based Cognitive Map Learning for
                                  an Autonomous Robot Using a Model of
                                  Cortico-Hippocampal Interplay  . . . . . 623
                       S. Zadel   An Algorithm for Bootstrapping the Core
                                  of a Biologically Inspired Motor Control
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
          V. Ruiz De Angulo and   
                      C. Torras   Automatic Recalibration of a Space
                                  Robot: An Industrial Prototype . . . . . 635
                  D. Jancke and   
              A. C. Akhavan and   
                W. Erlhagen and   
                    M. A. Giese   Population Coding in Cat Visual Cortex
                                  Reveals Nonlinear Interactions as
                                  Predicted by a Neural Field Model  . . . 641
                    L. N. Kalia   An Analysis and Interpretation of the
                                  Oscillatory Behavior of a Model of the
                                  Granular Layer of the Cerebellum . . . . 655
                F. Mechsner and   
                        G. Palm   The Cerebellum as a ``Coupling Machine'' 661
              D. Durstewitz and   
                O. Guentuerkuen   The Possible Function of Dopamine in
                                  Associative Learning: a Computational
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
                  A. Riehle and   
                   S. Gruen and   
                 A. Aertsen and   
                      J. Requin   Signatures of Dynamic Cell Assemblies in
                                  Monkey Motor Cortex  . . . . . . . . . . 673
                  T. Wesarg and   
               B. Brueckner and   
                     C. Schauer   Modelling Speech Processing and
                                  Recognition in the Auditory System with
                                  a Three-Stage Architecture . . . . . . . 679
                 J. Triesch and   
            C. Von Der Malsburg   Binding --- A Proposed Experiment and a
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
                    M. Ohme and   
                 A. Schierwagen   A Reduced Model for Dendritic Trees with
                                  Active Membrane  . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
                S. Tavitian and   
                   T. Fomin and   
                    A. Loerincz   Stabilizing Competitive Learning During
                                  On-Line Training with an Anti-Hebbian
                                  Weight Modulation  . . . . . . . . . . . 697
                     G. Vaucher   Neuro-Biological Bases for
                                  Spario-Temporal Data Coding in
                                  Artificial Neural Networks . . . . . . . 703
                 M. Tsukada and   
                  T. Aihara and   
                   H. Saito and   
                        H. Karo   A Spatio-Temporal Learning Rule Based on
                                  the Physiological Data of LTP Induction
                                  in the Hippocampal CA1 Network . . . . . 709
                      T. Vetter   Learning Novel Views to a Single Face
                                  Image  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
             J. Vogelgesang and   
                   A. Cozzi and   
                 F. Woergoetter   A Parallel Algorithm Depth Perception
                                  from Radial Optical Flow Fields  . . . . 721
                       W. Konen   Comparing Facial Line Drawings with
                                  Gray-Level Images: A Case Study on
                                  PHANTOMAS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
                  A. Branca and   
              G. Convertino and   
                  E. Stella and   
                    A. Distante   Geometrically Constrained Optical Flow
                                  Estimation by an Hopfield Neural Network 735
                S. Cotofana and   
                 S. Vassiliadis   Serial Binary Addition with Polynomially
                                  Bounded Weights  . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
                 B. Granado and   
                       P. Garda   Evaluation of the Two Different
                                  Interconnection Networks of the CNAPS
                                  Neurocomputer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
                       N. Pican   Intrinsic and Parallel Performances of
                                  the OWE Neural Network Architecture  . . 755
                   M. Conti and   
                G. Guaitini and   
                   C. Turchetti   An Analog CMOS Neural Network with
                                  On-Chip Learning and Multilevel Weight
                                  Storage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
                M. Rossmann and   
                    T. Jost and   
                   K. Goser and   
                  A. Buehlmeier   Exponential Hebbian On-Line Learning
                                  Implemented in FPGAs . . . . . . . . . . 767
                J. S. Lange and   
                 H. Freiesleben   A Parameter-Free Non-Growing
                                  Self-Organizing Map Based upon
                                  Gravitational Principles: Algorithm and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
                  F. Anouar and   
                  F. Badran and   
                      S. Thiria   Topological Maps for Mixture Densities   833
                   R. Opara and   
                 F. Woergoetter   A Novel Algorithm for Image Segmentation
                                  Using Time Dependent Interaction
                                  Probabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
                M. Poetzsch and   
                  T. Maurer and   
                 L. Wiskott and   
            C. Von Der Malsburg   Reconstruction from Graphs Labeled with
                                  Responses of Gabor Filters . . . . . . . 845
                   O. Rehse and   
                M. Poetzsch and   
            C. Von Der Malsburg   Edge Information: a Confidence Based
                                  Algorithm Emphasizing Continuous Curves  851

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1113, 1996

               E. M. Clarke and   
                        X. Zhao   Word level model checking  . . . . . . . 1--1
                 V. Diekert and   
                    A. Muscholl   Code problems on traces  . . . . . . . . 2--17
                 A. Gibbons and   
                    M. Amos and   
                     D. Hodgson   Models of DNA computation  . . . . . . . 18--36
                   P. D. Mosses   Theory and practice of action semantics  37--61
                  M. Mukund and   
              P. S. Thiagarajan   Linear time temporal logics over
                                  Mazurkiewicz traces  . . . . . . . . . . 62--92
                    D. A. Peled   Partial order reduction: model-checking
                                  using representatives  . . . . . . . . . 93--112
                   J. B. Remmel   Nonmonotonic rule systems: forward
                                  chaining, constraints, and complexity    113--113
                D. Sannella and   
                    A. Tarlecki   Mind the gap! Abstract versus concrete
                                  models of specifications . . . . . . . . 114--134
                      J. Tiuryn   A sequent calculus for subtyping
                                  polymorphic types  . . . . . . . . . . . 135--155
                 V. A. Uspensky   Kolmogorov complexity: recent research
                                  in Moscow  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156--166
                    P. Balbiani   A modal logic for data analysis  . . . . 167--179
                 G. A. Baum and   
                M. F. Frias and   
             A. M. Haeberer and   
           P. E. Martinez Lopez   From specifications to programs: a
                                  fork-algebraic approach to bridge the
                                  gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180--191
               M. A. Bednarczyk   Logic of predicates with explicit
                                  substitutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192--205
                  R. Beigel and   
                 W. Gasarch and   
                  M. Kummer and   
                      G. Martin   On the query complexity of sets  . . . . 206--217
                    V. Bono and   
                M. Bugliesi and   
                     L. Liquori   A lambda calculus of incomplete objects  218--229
                 M. Boreale and   
                    L. Trevisan   Bisimilarity problems requiring
                                  exponential time . . . . . . . . . . . . 230--241
                A. De Bruin and   
           S. H. Nienhuys-Cheng   Linear dynamic Kahn networks are
                                  deterministic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242--254
                     X. Cai and   
                   T. Kloks and   
                     C. K. Wong   Shortest path problems with time
                                  constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255--266
              B. S. Chlebus and   
                  A. Czumaj and   
               L. Gasieniec and   
                     M. Kowaluk   Parallel alternating-direction access
                                  machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--478
               F. Corradini and   
                     M. Pistore   Specification and verification of timed
                                  lazy systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--290
                       S. Demri   A class of information logics with a
                                  decidable validity problem . . . . . . . 291--302
                A. Dessmark and   
                      A. Lingas   On the power of nonconservative PRAM . . 303--311
                      B. Durand   Self-similarity viewed as a local
                                  property via tile sets . . . . . . . . . 312--323
              K. Engelhardt and   
                W.-P. De Roever   Simulation of specification statements
                                  in Hoare logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324--335
                    Z. Esik and   
                     A. Labella   Equational properties of iteration in
                                  algebraically complete categories  . . . 336--347
                      H. Fernau   On unconditional transfer  . . . . . . . 348--359
                 D. Fotakis and   
                    P. Spirakis   (poly($ \log \log n $ ), poly ($ \log
                                  \log n $ ))-restricted verifiers are
                                  unlikely to exist for languages in NP    360--371
               L. Gasieniec and   
                E. Kranakis and   
                 D. Krizanc and   
                        A. Pelc   Minimizing congestion of layouts for ATM
                                  networks with faulty links . . . . . . . 372--381
                I. Glaister and   
                     J. Shallit   Polynomial automaticity, context-free
                                  languages, and fixed points of morphisms
                                  (extended abstract)  . . . . . . . . . . 382--393
                   U. Goltz and   
                    H. Wehrheim   Causal testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394--406
                      Z. Hu and   
                 H. Iwasaki and   
                    M. Takeichi   Construction of list homomorphisms by
                                  tupling and fusion . . . . . . . . . . . 407--418
             M. Kwiatkowska and   
                      G. Norman   Probabilistic metric semantics for a
                                  simple language with recursion . . . . . 419--430
      A. Maggiolo-Schettini and   
                   J. Winkowski   Dynamic graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431--442
                 S. Mantaci and   
                     A. Restivo   Equations on trees . . . . . . . . . . . 443--456
               E. Ohlebusch and   
                     E. Ukkonen   On the equivalence problem for E-pattern
                                  languages (extended abstract)  . . . . . 457--468
               W. Pawlowski and   
              P. Paczkowski and   
                  S. Sokolowski   Specifying and verifying parametric
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469--481
               R. Pliuskevicius   On saturation with flexible function
                                  symbols  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482--493
                C. Roessner and   
                  J.-P. Seifert   Approximating good simultaneous
                                  Diophantine approximations is almost
                                  NP-hard  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494--505
                     P. Seebold   On the conjugation of standard morphisms 506--516
                         H. Shi   A semantic matching algorithm: analysis
                                  and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 517--528
                   J. F. Sibeyn   Routing on triangles, tori and
                                  honeycombs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--541
             P. De la Torre and   
                      D. T. Kao   A uniform analysis of trie structures
                                  that store prefixing-keys with
                                  application to doubly-chained
                                  prefixing-tries  . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--553
                  A. Wabenhorst   On fairness in terminating and reactive
                                  programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554--565
                    T. Yamakami   Polynomial time samplable distributions  566--578
                       E. Zucca   From static to dynamic abstract
                                  data-types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--590

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1114, 1996

                    A. Bouhoula   A General Framework for Mechanizing
                                  Induction Using Test Set . . . . . . . . 1
                      M. Bulmer   Inductive Equational Reasoning . . . . . 13
                     G. I. Webb   Cost-Sensitive Specialization  . . . . . 23
                   X. Zhang and   
                       M. Numao   Efficient Multiple Predicate Learner
                                  Based on Fast Failure Mechanism  . . . . 35
                B. Raskutti and   
                       A. Beitz   Acquiring User Preferences for
                                  Information Filtering in Interactive
                                  Multi-Media Services . . . . . . . . . . 47
                    M. Zhao and   
                      C. Leckie   The Development of an Interactive Fault
                                  Diagnosis Expert System for
                                  Telecommunication Applications . . . . . 59
                  K. Ishino and   
                   K. Sugai and   
                   R. Mizoguchi   An Intelligent Education System Which
                                  Supports Scientific Thinking: Galileo
                                  --- Philosophy and Basic Architecture    71
                B. Raskutti and   
                    I. Zukerman   A Unified Approach to Handling
                                  Uncertainty During Cooperative
                                  Consultations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                V. Wuwongse and   
             E. Nantajeewarawat   Declarative Program Theory with Implicit
                                  Implication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
                    J. Debenham   Knowledge Decomposition: An Analysis . . 109
                      G. Stumme   The Concept Classification of a
                                  Terminology Extended by Conjunction and
                                  Disjunction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
                        A. Fall   Extending Partial Orders for Sort
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
               A. C. Restificar   An Update Procedure for A Probabilistic
                                  Deductive Database . . . . . . . . . . . 144
                  D. Zowghi and   
                A. K. Ghose and   
                      P. Peppas   A Framework for Reasoning About
                                  Requirements Evolution . . . . . . . . . 157
                  F.-L. Lai and   
                  J.-H. Lim and   
                    L. Ding and   
                      A.-H. Tan   An Application of Hierarchical Knowledge
                                  Integration in Hand-Written Form
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
                D. B. Hoang and   
                    M. R. James   AMI: a Model of Intelligence . . . . . . 181
                      S. Ohsuga   Symbol Processing by Non-Symbol
                                  Processor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
                A. E. Nicholson   Fall Diagnosis Using Dynamic Belief
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
              S. W. K. Chan and   
                    J. Franklin   Remembrance of Discourse Based on
                                  Textual Continuity: A Spreading
                                  Activation Network . . . . . . . . . . . 218
                  I. Thomas and   
                I. Zukerman and   
                  J. Oliver and   
                    B. Raskutti   Lexical Access Using Minimum Message
                                  Length Encoding  . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
                       M. Patel   Using Neural Nets to Investigate Lexical
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
                  A. C. M. Kwan   Validity of Normality Assumption in CSP
                                  Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
                         B. Liu   An Improved Generic Arc Consistency
                                  Algorithm and Its Specializations  . . . 264
                 J. Daalder and   
               P. W. Eklund and   
                      K. Ohmori   High-Level Synthesis Optimisation with
                                  Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 276
                Y. Kitamura and   
                   M. Ikeda and   
                   R. Mizoguchi   A Qualitative Reasoning Based on an
                                  Ontology of Fluid Systems and Its
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
                    S. Kato and   
                    H. Seki and   
                        H. Itoh   Parallel Cost-Based Abductive Reasoning
                                  for Distributed Memory Systems . . . . . 300
                  T. Washio and   
                      H. Motoda   A History-Oriented Envisioning Method    312
                    S. Jain and   
                      A. Sharma   Team Learning of Recursive Languages . . 324
                          T. Ho   Combining Views on Concepts in
                                  Unsupervised Concept Learning  . . . . . 336
               M. Cameron-Jones   The Complexity of Batch Approaches to
                                  Reduced Error Rule Set Induction . . . . 348
   Chowdhury Rahman Mofizur and   
                       M. Numao   Learning Simple Recursive Concepts by
                                  Discovering Missing Examples . . . . . . 360
             M. P. Bonacina and   
                      J. Hsiang   On Semantic Resolution with Lemmaizing
                                  and Contraction  . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
                    R. A. Girle   Tableaux for Expansion and Contraction   387
                       X. Huang   Translating Machine-Generated Resolution
                                  Proofs into ND-Proofs at the Assertion
                                  Level  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
                     B. Dai and   
                 D. A. Bell and   
                   J. G. Hughes   Evidential Temporal Representations and
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
                S. Melville and   
               G. Sutcliffe and   
                      D. Fraser   Using Artificial Neural Networks for
                                  Meteor-Burst Communications Trail
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
                   Boon Toh Low   Modeling Commonsense Rules in an
                                  Inference Network  . . . . . . . . . . . 435
                    H. Park and   
                     K. Lee and   
                    H. Byun and   
                         Y. Lee   Adaptive SEJONG-NET for On-Line Hangul
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
                     X. Luo and   
                       C. Zhang   A Unified Algebraic Structure for
                                  Uncertain Reasonings . . . . . . . . . . 459
             A. P. Courtney and   
                G. Antoniou and   
                      N. Y. Foo   Exten: a System for Computing Default
                                  Logic Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
                  D. Morley and   
                   L. Sonenberg   A Logic for Concurrent Events and Action
                                  Failure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
                 T. Konishi and   
                        Y. Itoh   Domain World Models Represented from
                                  Variable Viewpoints for ICAI Systems of
                                  High-School Chemistry  . . . . . . . . . 495
                R. B. Hung Kwok   Creating Theoretical Terms for
                                  Non-deterministic Actions  . . . . . . . 510
                R. B. Hung Kwok   Creating Theoretical Terms for
                                  Non-deterministic Actions  . . . . . . . 510
                G. Antoniou and   
              C. K. MacNish and   
                      N. Y. Foo   Conservative Expansion Concepts for
                                  Default Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
                   K. Ohara and   
               N. Babaguchi and   
                   T. Kitahashi   On Formation of Exception Hierarchy  . . 534
                A. K. Ghose and   
                      R. Goebel   Anytime Default Inference  . . . . . . . 546
                G. Antoniou and   
                 T. O'Neill and   
                     J. Thurbon   Studying Properties of Classes of
                                  Default Logics --- Preliminary Report    558
                    I. Noda and   
               H. Matsubara and   
                      K. Hiraki   Learning Cooperative Behavior in
                                  Multi-agent Environment --- A Case Study
                                  of Choice of Play-Plans in Soccer  . . . 570
                 S. W. Loke and   
                 A. Davison and   
                    L. Sterling   CIFI: An Intelligent Agent for Citation
                                  Finding on the World-Wide Web  . . . . . 580
                  Y. Murase and   
               H. Matsubara and   
                      Y. Hiraga   Automatic Making of Sokoban Problems . . 592
                 L. Cavedon and   
                         A. Rao   Bringing About Rationality:
                                  Incorporating Plans Into a BDI Agent
                                  Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
                  L.-F. Lee and   
                        A. Kean   An Architecture for Autonomous Flying
                                  Vehicles: a Preliminary Report . . . . . 613
                  Y. Segawa and   
                   H. Sakai and   
                   T. Endoh and   
                    K. Murakami   Face Recognition Through Hough Transform
                                  for Irises Extraction and Projection
                                  Procedures for Parts Localization ---
                                  for Facial Caricaturing System PICASSO   625
                  T.-W. Yoo and   
                       I.-S. Oh   Extraction of Face Region and Features
                                  Based on Chromatic Properties of Human
                                  Faces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
              M. Matsushita and   
                   M. Umano and   
                  I. Hatono and   
                      H. Tamura   A Fast Pattern-Matching Algorithm Using
                                  Matching Candidates for Production
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1115, 1996

                     J. F. Sowa   Processes and Participants . . . . . . . 1
                       R. Wille   Conceptual Structures of Multicontexts   23
                       P. Eades   Graph Drawing Methods  . . . . . . . . . 40
                     F. Lehmann   Big Posets of Participatings and
                                  Thematic Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
                     B. Stilman   Linguistic Geometry Tools Generate
                                  Optimal Solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . 75
                   H. Petermann   Natural Language Text Processing and the
                                  Maximal Join Operator  . . . . . . . . . 100
                G. Angelova and   
                   K. Bontcheva   DB-MAT: Knowledge Acquisition,
                                  Processing and NL Generation Using
                                  Conceptual Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . 115
                 T. Huibers and   
                   I. Ounis and   
                J.-P. Chevallet   Conceptual Graph Aboutness . . . . . . . 130
                  P. Martin and   
                       L. Alpay   Conceptual Structures and Structured
                                  Documents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
                    O. Guinaldo   Conceptual Graphs Isomorphism: Algorithm
                                  and Use  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
              J.-U. Moeller and   
                       D. Wiese   Editing Conceptual Graphs  . . . . . . . 175
                   B. Ghosh and   
                    V. Wuwongse   Computational Situation Theory in the
                                  Conceptual Graph Language  . . . . . . . 188
                  P. Oehrstroem   Existential Graphs and Tense Logic . . . 203
             H. S. Delugach and   
                    T. H. Hinke   Microanalysis: Acquiring Database
                                  Semantics in Conceptual Graphs . . . . . 218
                    J. Esch and   
                    R. Levinson   Propagating Truth and Detecting
                                  Contradiction in Conceptual Graph
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
                  E. Salvat and   
                  M.-L. Mugnier   Sound and Complete Forward and Backward
                                  Chainings of Graph Rules . . . . . . . . 248
                V. Wuwongse and   
                  Cao Hoang Tru   Towards Fuzzy Conceptual Graph Programs  263
                        A. Fall   Sparse Term Encoding for Dynamic
                                  Taxonomies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
                    J. J. Sarbo   Lattice Embedding  . . . . . . . . . . . 293
                      G. Stumme   Local Scaling in Conceptual Data Systems 308

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1116, 1996

                        J. Hall   Management of Telecommunication Systems
                                  and Services: Modelling and Implementing
                                  TMN-Based Multi-Domain Management  . . . xxi + 229

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1117, 1996

                     T. Hagerup   Allocating Independent Tasks to Parallel
                                  Processors: An Experimental Study  . . . 1
                  L. Oliker and   
                  R. Biswas and   
                   R. C. Strawn   Parallel Implementation of an Adaptive
                                  Scheme for $3$D Unstructured Grids on
                                  the SP2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
                W. Dearholt and   
                S. Castillo and   
                    G. Hennigan   Solution of Large, Sparse, Irregular
                                  Systems on a Massively Parallel Computer 49
               V. Deshpande and   
                M. J. Grote and   
                 P. Messmer and   
                      W. Sawyer   Parallel Implementation of a Sparse
                                  Approximate Inverse Preconditioner . . . 63
          U. V. Catalyuerek and   
                     C. Aykanat   Decomposing Irregularly Sparse Matrices
                                  for Parallel Matrix-Vector
                                  Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
                H. D. Simon and   
                        A. Sohn   Dynamic Spectral Partitioning  . . . . . 87
             I. T. Christou and   
                    R. R. Meyer   Fast Distributed Genetic Algorithms for
                                  Partitioning Uniform Grids . . . . . . . 89
              S. E. Dorward and   
             L. R. Matheson and   
                   R. E. Tarjan   Towards Efficient Unstructured Multigrid
                                  Preprocessing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
              O. Egeciouglu and   
                  A. Srinivasan   Domain Decomposition for Particle
                                  Methods on the Sphere  . . . . . . . . . 119
          C. T. H. Everaars and   
                       F. Arbab   Coordination of Distributed/Parallel
                                  Multiple-grid Domain Decomposition . . . 131
                      K. Yelick   Systems Support for Irregular Parallel
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
               J. A. Chandy and   
                  S. Parkes and   
                    P. Banerjee   Distributed Object Oriented Data
                                  Structures and Algorithms for VLSI CAD   147
                      Y. Yu and   
               O. H. Ibarra and   
                        T. Yang   Parallel Progressive Radiosity with
                                  Adaptive Meshing . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
                 G. C. Hunt and   
                   R. C. Nelson   Lineal Feature Extraction by Parallel
                                  Stick Growing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
               J. L. Traeff and   
               C. D. Zaroliagis   A Simple Parallel Algorithm for the
                                  Single-Source Shortest Path Problem on
                                  Planar Digraphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
             F. De Dinechin and   
                D. K. Wilde and   
              S. Rajopadhye and   
                     R. Andonov   A Regular VLSI Array for an Irregular
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                    T. R. Smith   Digital Libraries and Spatial
                                  Information Processing . . . . . . . . . 201
                 S. J. Fink and   
                S. B. Baden and   
                     S. R. Kohn   Flexible Communication Mechanisms for
                                  Dynamic Structured Applications  . . . . 203
                 T. F. Gonzalez   Multi-Message Multicasting . . . . . . . 217
             C. G. Diderich and   
                     M. Gengler   Synchronization as a Strategy for
                                  Designing Efficient Parallel Algorithms  229
              J. E. Moreira and   
                   K. Eswar and   
               R. B. Konuru and   
                     V. K. Naik   Supporting Dynamic Data and Processor
                                  Repartitioning for Irregular
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
               A. J. C. Bik and   
              H. A. G. Wijshoff   Simple Quantitative Experiments with a
                                  Sparse Compiler  . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
              G. H. Botorog and   
                      H. Kuchen   Using Algorithmic Skeletons with Dynamic
                                  Data Structures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
                 Y. Shinano and   
                  M. Higaki and   
                 R. Hirabayashi   An Interface Design for General Parallel
                                  Branch-and-Bound Algorithms  . . . . . . 277
                   R. Schreiber   Support for Irregular Computation in
                                  High Performance Fortran . . . . . . . . 285
                    V. Heun and   
                     E. W. Mayr   Efficient Dynamic Embedding of Arbitrary
                                  Binary Trees into Hypercubes . . . . . . 287
                   J. Watts and   
                 M. Rieffel and   
                      S. Taylor   Practical Dynamic Load Balancing for
                                  Irregular Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 299
                  M. Lamari and   
               W. F. De la Vega   The Module Allocation Problem: An
                                  Average Case Analysis  . . . . . . . . . 307
               N. H. Reimer and   
            S. U. Haenssgen and   
                    W. F. Tichy   Dynamically Adapting the Degree of
                                  Parallelism with Reflexive Programs  . . 313
                  M. Grigni and   
                       F. Manne   On the Complexity of the Generalized
                                  Block Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . 319
                   N. Melab and   
                  N. Devesa and   
             M. P. Lecouffe and   
                     B. Toursel   Adaptive Load Balancing of Irregular
                                  Applications IDA0* Applied to the
                                  15-Puzzle Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . 327
                 J. M. Cela and   
           J. C. Duersteler and   
                     J. Labarta   Manufacturing Progressive Addition
                                  Lenses Using Distributed Parallel
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
                R. Greenlaw and   
                      J. Machta   The Parallel Complexity of Randomized
                                  Fractals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1118, 1996

             S. Abdennadher and   
              T. Fruehwirth and   
                       H. Meuss   On Confluence of Constraint Handling
                                  Rules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--15
               M. S. Affane and   
                   H. Bennaceur   A Labeling Arc Consistency Method for
                                  Functional Constraints . . . . . . . . . 16--30
                D. Banerjee and   
                       J. Frank   Constraint Satisfaction in Optical
                                  Routing for Passive Wavelength-Routed
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--45
              R. J. Bayardo and   
                      R. Schrag   Using CSP Look-Back Techniques to Solve
                                  Exceptionally Hard SAT Instances . . . . 46--60
                C. Bessiere and   
                    J.-C. Regin   MAC and Combined Heuristics: Two Reasons
                                  to Forsake FC (and CBJ?) on Hard
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61--75
              W. Charatonik and   
                    A. Podelski   The Independence Property of a Class of
                                  Set Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . 76--90
             B. M. W. Cheng and   
               J. H. M. Lee and   
                    J. C. K. Wu   Speeding Up Constraint Propagation by
                                  Redundant Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . 91--103
                 C. K. Chiu and   
                 C. M. Chou and   
               J. H. M. Lee and   
                    H. F. Leung   A Constraint-Based Interactive Train
                                  Rescheduling Tool  . . . . . . . . . . . 104--118
                D. A. Clark and   
                   J. Frank and   
                 I. P. Gent and   
                   E. MacIntyre   Local Search and the Number of Solutions 119--133
                   D. Cohen and   
                 M. Gyssens and   
                     P. Jeavons   Derivation of Constraints and Database
                                  Relations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134--148
                   Y. Colombani   Constraint Programming: An Efficient and
                                  Practical Approach to Solving the
                                  Job-Shop Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--163
              H. El Sakkout and   
              M. G. Wallace and   
                  E. B. Richard   An Instance of Adaptive Constraint
                                  Propagation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164--178
                 I. P. Gent and   
               E. MacIntyre and   
                 P. Prosser and   
                    B. M. Smith   An Empirical Study of Dynamic Variable
                                  Ordering Heuristics for the Constraint
                                  Satisfaction Problem . . . . . . . . . . 179--193
                  J.-K. Hao and   
                       R. Dorne   Empirical Studies of Heuristic Local
                                  Search for Constraint Solving  . . . . . 194--208
                C. Holzbaur and   
                 F. Menezes and   
                    P. Barahona   Defeasibility in CLP(Q) through
                                  Generalized Slack Variables  . . . . . . 209--223
                   J. N. Hooker   Inference Duality as a Basis for
                                  Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 224--236
                  H. Hosobe and   
                S. Matsuoka and   
                    A. Yonezawa   Generalized Local Propagation: a
                                  Framework for Solving Constraint
                                  Hierarchies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--251
                  M. Jampel and   
              J.-M. Jacquet and   
                 D. Gilbert and   
                        S. Hunt   Transformations Between HCLP and PCSP    252--266
                 P. Jeavons and   
                   D. Cohen and   
                     M. Gyssens   A Test for Tractability  . . . . . . . . 267--281
                  S. Kepser and   
                   K. U. Schulz   Combination of Constraint Systems II:
                                  Rational Amalgamation  . . . . . . . . . 282--296
                  M. Koubarakis   Tractable Disjunctions of Linear
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--307
                 J. Larrosa and   
                    P. Meseguer   Exploiting the Use of DAC in MAX-CSP . . 308--322
                Hoong Chuin Lau   A New Approach for Weighted Constraint
                                  Satisfaction: Theoretical and
                                  Computational Results  . . . . . . . . . 323--337
               J. H. M. Lee and   
                H.-F. Leung and   
                      H.-W. Won   Towards a More Efficient Stochastic
                                  Constraint Solver  . . . . . . . . . . . 338--352
                  G. Pesant and   
                    M. Gendreau   A View of Local Search in Constraint
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353--366
                 M. C. R. Rojas   From Quasi-Solutions to Solution: An
                                  Evolutionary Algorithm to Solve CSP  . . 367--381
                       F. Rossi   Existential Variables and Local
                                  Consistency in Finite Domain Constraint
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382--396
                        P. Ruet   Logical Semantics of Concurrent
                                  Constraint Programming . . . . . . . . . 397--409
              D. Sam-Haroud and   
                 B. V. Faltings   Solving Non-Binary Convex CSPs in
                                  Continuous Domains . . . . . . . . . . . 410--424
                  T. Suzuki and   
                N. Kakinuma and   
                      T. Tokuda   An Experimental Comparison of Three
                                  Modified DeltaBlue Algorithms  . . . . . 425--435
                 C. Tinelli and   
                     M. Harandi   Constraint Logic Programming over Unions
                                  of Constraint Theories . . . . . . . . . 436--450
                      L. Urbina   Analysis of Hybrid Systems in CLP(R) . . 451--467
              L. Vandeurzen and   
                 M. Gyssens and   
                   D. Van Gucht   On Query Languages for Linear Queries
                                  Definable with Polynomial Constraints    468--481
                  R. J. Wallace   Analysis of Heuristic Methods for
                                  Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problems 482--496
                   M. Yokoo and   
                  T. Suyama and   
                      H. Sawada   Solving Satisfiability Problems Using
                                  Field Programmable Gate Arrays: First
                                  Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--509
                        J. Zhou   A Constraint Program for Solving the
                                  Job-Shop Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 510--524
                  P. Albers and   
                     J. Bellone   PSAP --- A Planning System for Aircraft
                                  Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525--526
                   S. A. Battle   Using Partial Arc Consistency in a
                                  Database Environment . . . . . . . . . . 527--528
                   M. Bouzoubaa   Functional Constraint Hierarchies in CLP 529--530
                M. Carlsson and   
                 B. Carlson and   
                    G. Ottosson   Towards an Open Finite Domain Constraint
                                  Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531--532
                 A. Chmeiss and   
                       P. Jegou   Efficient Constraint Propagation with
                                  Good Space Complexity  . . . . . . . . . 533--534
                   M. Dalal and   
                        Y. Feng   Anytime Temporal Reasoning: Preliminary
                                  Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535--536
                       F. Fages   From Constraint Minimization to Goal
                                  Optimization in CLP Languages  . . . . . 537--538
                   D. Frost and   
                     R. Dechter   Looking at Full Looking Ahead  . . . . . 539--540
                S. A. Grant and   
                    B. M. Smith   The Arc and Path Consistency Phase
                                  Transitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--542
                    W. Hellinck   Experiences with Combining Constraint
                                  Programming and Discrete Event
                                  Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543--544
                    K. Hirayama   Hill-Climbing with Local Consistency for
                                  Solving Distributed CSPs . . . . . . . . 545--546
              F. J. Juengen and   
                   W. Kowalczyk   Approximate Algorithms for Maximum
                                  Utility Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--548
                   E. Lamma and   
                   P. Mello and   
                      M. Milano   A Meta Constraint Logic Programming
                                  Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--550
                P.-P. Merel and   
                  Z. Habbas and   
                F. Herrmann and   
                      D. Singer   $N$-Ary Consistencies and
                                  Constraint-Based Backtracking  . . . . . 551--552
                  S. N'Dong and   
                M. Van Caneghem   Global Behaviour for Complex Constraints 553--554
                    I. Rish and   
                     R. Dechter   To Guess or to Think? Hybrid Algorithms
                                  for SAT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--556
                  V. Schaechter   A Local Simplification Scheme for cc
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--558
                G. Solotorevsky   From Evaluating Upper Bounds of the
                                  Complexity of Solving CSPs to Finding
                                  All the Solution of CSPs . . . . . . . . 559--560
            G. Solotorevsky and   
                   E. Gudes and   
                     A. Meisels   Modeling and Solving Distributed
                                  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (DCSPs) 561--562
                D. R. Smith and   
                 S. J. Westfold   Scheduling an Asynchronously Shared
                                  Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563--564
                      L. Urbina   The Generalized Railroad Crossing: Its
                                  Symbolic Analysis in CLP(R)  . . . . . . 565--567
              J. H. Y. Wong and   
                   K.-F. Ng and   
                    H.-F. Leung   A Stochastic Approach to Solving Fuzzy
                                  Constraint Satisfaction Problems . . . . 568--569
                G. L. Nemhauser   Branch-and-Price for Solving Integer
                                  Programs with a Huge Number of
                                  Variables: Methods and Applications  . . 570--570
                   D. Q. Goldin   Constraint Databases . . . . . . . . . . 571--571
                  H. G. Mairson   Complexity-Theoretic Aspects of
                                  Programming Language Design  . . . . . . 572--572

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1120, 1996

                 B.-L. Chen and   
                   M.-T. Ko and   
                      K.-W. Lih   Equitable and $m$-Bounded Coloring of
                                  Split Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
                     P. Rolland   Four Coloring for a Subset of Maximal
                                  Planar Graphs with Minimum Degree Five   6--17
                  Y. Matsui and   
                      T. Matsui   Enumeration Algorithm for the Edge
                                  Coloring Problem on Bipartite Graphs . . 18--26
                      W.-L. Hsu   On-Line Recognition of Interval Graphs
                                  in $ O(m + n \log n) $ Time  . . . . . . 27--38
                    C. Chen and   
                    C.-C. Chang   Connected Proper Interval Graphs and the
                                  Guard Problem in Spiral Polygons . . . . 39--47
                  H.-G. Yeh and   
                    G. J. Chang   Weighted Connected Domination and
                                  Steiner Trees in Distance-Hereditary
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48--52
                S. Bezrukov and   
                F. Kaderali and   
                    W. Poguntke   On Central Spanning Trees of a Graph . . 53--57
                     C. Lin and   
                  J.-J. Lin and   
                     T.-W. Shyu   Complete Bipartite Decompositions of
                                  Crowns, with Applications to Complete
                                  Directed Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 58--66
                  E. Bampis and   
                    P. Hell and   
             Y. Manoussakis and   
                   M. Rosenfeld   Finding an Antidirected Hamiltonian Path
                                  Starting with a Forward Arc from a Given
                                  Vertex of a Tournament . . . . . . . . . 67--73
                    M. Deza and   
                       T. Huang   Complementary l1-Graphs and Related
                                  Combinatorial Structures . . . . . . . . 74--90
                  K. Fukuda and   
                      A. Prodon   Double Description Method Revisited  . . 91--111
                    A. Deza and   
                    M. Deza and   
                      K. Fukuda   On Skeletons, Diameters and Volumes of
                                  Metric Polyhedra . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--128
                  Y. Caseau and   
                    F. Laburthe   Improving Branch and Bound for Jobshop
                                  Scheduling with Constraint Propagation   129--149
                   B. Klinz and   
                G. J. Woeginger   A New Efficiently Solvable Special Case
                                  of the Three-Dimensional Axial
                                  Bottleneck Assignment Problem  . . . . . 150--162
                        J. Jaam   Ramsey Numbers by Stochastic Algorithms
                                  with New Heuristics  . . . . . . . . . . 163--181
                   F. B. Chedid   On the Hybrid Neural Network Model for
                                  Solving Optimization Problems  . . . . . 182--193
                 M. Demange and   
                     V. Paschos   Constructive --- Non-constructive
                                  Approximation and Maximum Independent
                                  Set Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194--207
                  T. Takabatake   Weakly Greedy Algorithm and
                                  Pair-Delta-Matroids  . . . . . . . . . . 208--217
                  K. Marcus and   
                        A. Sebo   On Integer Multiflows and Metric
                                  Packings In Matroids . . . . . . . . . . 218--233
                   T. C. Hu and   
             J. D. Morgenthaler   Optimum Alphabetic Binary Trees  . . . . 234--243
                    P. Sole and   
                  J.-P. Tillich   Block Codes for Dyadic Phase Shift
                                  Keying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244--262
                      B. Patrou   Zigzag Codes and $Z$-Free Hulls  . . . . 263--274
               V. Bouchitte and   
                  A. Hilali and   
                   R. Jegou and   
                   J.-X. Rampon   Contiguity Orders  . . . . . . . . . . . 275--287
                  J. Bekesi and   
                G. Galambos and   
                U. Pferschy and   
                G. J. Woeginger   Worst-Case Analysis for On-Line Data
                                  Compression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288--300
              J.-C. Bermond and   
                  T. Kodate and   
                    S. Perennes   Gossiping in Cayley Graphs by Packets    301--315
                 T. Andreae and   
                  M. Noelle and   
                  C. Rempel and   
                   G. Schreiber   On Embedding $2$-Dimensional Toroidal
                                  Grids into de Brujn Graphs with Clocked
                                  Congestion One . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316--327
                F. Mossouni and   
                     C. Lavault   $N$-Cube String Matching Algorithm with
                                  Long Texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328--340
              H. Lennerstad and   
                    L. Lundberg   Combinatorics for Multiprocessor
                                  Scheduling Optimization and Other
                                  Contexts in Computer Architecture  . . . 341--347
                   R. Euler and   
                  L. Lemarchand   Some Applications of Combinatorial
                                  Optimization in Parallel Computing . . . 348--366
                  E. Bampis and   
             Y. Manoussakis and   
                       I. Milis   On the Parallel Complexity of the
                                  Alternating Hamiltonian Cycle Problem    367--377
               R. Petreschi and   
                    A. Sterbini   Threshold Graphs and Synchronization
                                  Protocols  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378--395
                       I. Milis   Task Assignment in Distributed Systems
                                  Using Network Flow Methods . . . . . . . 396--405
                    D. Nace and   
                     J. Carlier   Distributed Rerouting in DCS Mesh
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406--415

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1121, 1996

                A. Sanfeliu and   
                    R. Alquezar   Efficient Recognition of a Class of
                                  Context-Sensitive Languages Described by
                                  Augmented Regular Expressions  . . . . . 1
               B. J. Oommen and   
                  R. L. Kashyap   Optimal and Information Theoretic
                                  Syntactic Pattern Recognition for
                                  Traditional Errors . . . . . . . . . . . 11
               M. J. Castro and   
                 F. Casacuberta   The Morphic Generator Grammatical
                                  Inference Methodology and Multilayer
                                  Perceptrons: a Hybrid Approach to
                                  Acoustic Modeling  . . . . . . . . . . . 21
             J. C. Amengual and   
                       E. Vidal   Two Different Approaches for
                                  Cost-Efficient Viterbi Parsing with
                                  Error Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
                  H. Fernau and   
                      R. Freund   Bounded Parallelism in Array Grammars
                                  Used for Character Recognition . . . . . 40
              J.-A. Sanchez and   
               J.-M. Benedi and   
                 F. Casacuberta   Comparison Between the Inside-Outside
                                  Algorithm and the Viterbi Algorithm for
                                  Stochastic Context-Free Grammars . . . . 50
                    G. Agam and   
                    I. Dinstein   Generalized Morphological Operators
                                  Applied to Map-Analysis  . . . . . . . . 60
                    G. Cong and   
                       S. D. Ma   Derivatives in Scale Space . . . . . . . 70
               P. P. Jonker and   
                     O. Vermeij   On Skeletonization in $4$D Images  . . . 79
                A. Sperduti and   
                  D. Majidi and   
                     A. Starita   Extended Cascade-Correlation for
                                  Syntactic and Structural Pattern
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
                   A. Imiya and   
                Y. Fujiwara and   
                   T. Kawashima   A Metric of Planar Self-Similar Forms    100
                X. Y. Jiang and   
                       H. Bunke   Including Geometry in Graph
                                  Representations: a Quadratic-Time Graph
                                  Isomorphism Algorithm and Its
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
                  R. Wilson and   
                  E. R. Hancock   Hierarchical Discrete Relaxation . . . . 120
                M. S. Costa and   
                  L. G. Shapiro   Relational Indexing  . . . . . . . . . . 130
                   F. Quint and   
                       M. Sties   An Evidential Merit Function to Guide
                                  Search in a Semantic Network Based Image
                                  Analysis System  . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
             A. D. J. Cross and   
                  E. R. Hancock   Inexact Graph Matching with Genetic
                                  Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
                A. Sanfeliu and   
                       M. Sainz   Automatic Recognition of Bidimensional
                                  Models Learned by Grammatical Inference
                                  in Outdoors Scenes . . . . . . . . . . . 160
                 J. W. Wang and   
                 C. H. Chen and   
                      J. C. Luo   Signal Decomposition by Multiscale
                                  Learning Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . 170
                M. Nakagawa and   
                       L. V. Tu   Structural Learning of Character
                                  Patterns for On-Line Recognition of
                                  Hand-Written Japanese Characters . . . . 180
                    A. Amin and   
                A. Rajithan and   
                     P. Compton   Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters
                                  Using Induct Machine Learning  . . . . . 189
                M. Bollmann and   
                  B. Mertsching   Opponent Color Processing Based on
                                  Neural Models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
                  P. Perner and   
             T. B. Belikova and   
              N. I. Yashunskaya   Knowledge Acquisition by Symbolic
                                  Decision Tree Induction for
                                  Interpretation of Digital Images in
                                  Radiology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
                    L. Van Gool   Invariants and Fixed Structures Lead the
                                  Way to Change  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
             G. Sanniti di Baja   Representing Shape by Line Patterns  . . 230
                     B. Liu and   
                        P. Wang   Recognition of $3$D Objects from $2$D
                                  Images --- Some Issues . . . . . . . . . 240
               G. Borgefors and   
                I. Nystroem and   
             G. Sanniti di Baja   Surface Skeletonization of Volume
                                  Objects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
                V. Matsello and   
                 M. Schlesinger   Peculiarities of Structural Analysis of
                                  Image Contours Under Various Orders of
                                  Scanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
                     H. Nishida   A Structural Analysis of Curve
                                  Deformation by Discontinuous
                                  Transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
                M. Milanova and   
                 L. Nikolov and   
                       S. Fotev   Three Dimensional Computer Vision for
                                  Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
           F. R. Johannesen and   
                S. Raaschou and   
               O. V. Larsen and   
                  P. Juergensen   Using Weighted Minutiae for Fingerprint
                                  Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
             J. H. A. Sossa and   
          J. L. S. Diaz-de-Leon   Recognizing $2$-D Rigid and Non-Rigid
                                  Wire-Shapes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
                      K. Tombre   Structural and Syntactic Methods in Line
                                  Drawing Analysis: To Which Extent Do
                                  They Work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
                    D. Dori and   
                      L. Wenyin   Vector-Based Segmentation of Text
                                  Connected to Graphics in Engineering
                                  Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
                   M. Weiss and   
                        D. Dori   Automatic Resolution of Object Features
                                  from Engineering Drawings for $3$D
                                  Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
                   I. Pinto and   
                     H. Freeman   The Feedback Approach to Cartographic
                                  Areal Text Placement . . . . . . . . . . 341
                 J.-W. Chen and   
                      S.-Y. Lee   A Hierarchical Representation for the
                                  Reference Database of On-Line Chinese
                                  Character Recognition  . . . . . . . . . 351
                   J. Rocha and   
                    H. Fujisawa   Substructure Shape Analysis for Kanji
                                  Character Recognition  . . . . . . . . . 361
                    A. Amin and   
                 M. Bamford and   
                A. Hoffmann and   
                   A. Mahidadia   Recognition of Hand-Printed Chinese
                                  Characters Using Ripple Down Rules . . . 371
                A. Malaviya and   
                      R. Klette   A Fuzzy Syntactic Method for On-Line
                                  Handwriting Recognition  . . . . . . . . 381

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1122, 1996

              L. M. Adleman and   
                    M.-D. Huang   Counting Rational Points on Curves and
                                  Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields . . 1--16
                     K. Belabas   Computing Cubic Fields in Quasi-Linear
                                  Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17--26
                D. J. Bernstein   Fast Ideal Arithmetic via Lazy
                                  Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27--34
                R. P. Brent and   
      A. J. Van der Poorten and   
                 H. J. Te Riele   A Comparative Study of Algorithms for
                                  Computing Continued Fractions of
                                  Algebraic Numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . 35--48
                   H. Cohen and   
            F. Diaz y. Diaz and   
                     M. Olivier   Computing Ray Class Groups, Conductors
                                  and Discriminants  . . . . . . . . . . . 49--48
               J.-M. Couveignes   Computing $ \ell $-Isogenies Using the
                                  $p$-Torsion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59--66
                M. Daberkow and   
                    M. E. Pohst   On Computing Hilbert Class Fields of
                                  Prime Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67--74
                T. F. Denny and   
                     V. Mueller   On the Reduction of Composed Relations
                                  from the Number Field Sieve  . . . . . . 75--90
               D. S. Dummit and   
                    D. R. Hayes   Checking the $p$-adic Stark Conjecture
                                  Where $p$ Is Archimedean . . . . . . . . 91--98
         M. Elkenbracht-Huizing   A Multiple Polynomial General Number
                                  Field Sieve  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--114
                   S. Fermigier   Construction of High-Rank Elliptic
                                  Curves over $Q$ and $ Q(t) $ with
                                  Non-Trivial 2-Torsion  . . . . . . . . . 115--120
                   B. Fhlathuin   The Height on an Abelian Variety . . . . 121--132
                  C. Fieker and   
                    M. E. Pohst   $O$ Lattices over Number Fields  . . . . 133--140
                        D. Ford   Minimum Discriminants of Primitive
                                  Sextic Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--144
                    D. Ford and   
                       G. Havas   A New Algorithm and Refined Bounds for
                                  Extended GCD Computation . . . . . . . . 145--150
                        I. Gaal   Application of Thue Equations to
                                  Computing Power Integral Bases in
                                  Algebraic Number Fields  . . . . . . . . 151--156
                   J. Gebel and   
                  A. Pethoe and   
                   H. G. Zimmer   Computing S-Integral Points on Elliptic
                                  Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--172
                  M. Giesbrecht   Probabilistic Computation of the Smith
                                  Normal Form of a Sparse Integer Matrix   173--186
                      K. Lauter   Ray Class Field Constructions of Curves
                                  over Finite Fields with Many Rational
                                  Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--196
                     R. Lercier   Computing Isogenies in F2n . . . . . . . 197--212
                   S. Louboutin   A Computational Technique for
                                  Determining Relative Class Numbers of
                                  CM-Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213--216
                   J. McKee and   
                       R. Pinch   Old and New Deterministic Factoring
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--224
                S. M. Meyer and   
                 J. P. Sorenson   Efficient Algorithms for Computing the
                                  Jacobi Symbol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--240
                    G. Niklasch   The Number Field Database on the World
                                  Wide Web Server  . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--242
                      S. Paulus   An Algorithm of Subexponential Type
                                  Computing the Class Group of Quadratic
                                  Orders over Principal Ideal Domains  . . 243--258
                    M. E. Pohst   Computational Aspects of Kummer Theory   259--272
                M. E. Pohst and   
                   M. Schoernig   On Integral Basis Reduction in Global
                                  Function Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--282
                      B. Poonen   Computational Aspects of Curves of Genus
                                  at Least 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--306
                C. Roessner and   
                  J.-P. Seifert   The Complexity of Approximate Optima for
                                  Greatest Common Divisor Computations . . 307--322
                   R. Scheidler   Compact Representation in Real Quadratic
                                  Congruence Function Fields . . . . . . . 323--336
             O. Schirokauer and   
                   D. Weber and   
                       T. Denny   Discrete Logarithms: The Effectiveness
                                  of the Index Calculus Method . . . . . . 337--362
                       N. Smart   How Difficult Is It to Solve a Thue
                                  Equation?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--374
                       A. Stein   Elliptic Congruence Function Fields  . . 375--384
                    M. Tsfasman   Algebraic Geometry Lattices and Codes    385--390
                       D. Weber   Computing Discrete Logarithms with the
                                  General Number Field Sieve . . . . . . . 391--403

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1123, 1996

                      I. Foster   High-Performance Distributed Computing:
                                  The I-WAY Experiment and Beyond  . . . . 3
          P. Guerdoux-Jamet and   
                D. Lavenier and   
                  C. Wagner and   
                     P. Quinton   Design and Implementation of a Parallel
                                  Architecture for Biological Sequence
                                  Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
                   W. F. McColl   Universal Computing  . . . . . . . . . . 25
                        E. Rahm   Dynamic Load Balancing in Parallel
                                  Database Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
            S. T. Hackstadt and   
                   A. D. Malony   Distributed Array Query and
                                  Visualization for High Performance
                                  Fortran  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
               C. Clemencon and   
                    A. Endo and   
               J. Fritscher and   
                     A. Mueller   Annai Scalable Run-Time Support for
                                  Interactive Debugging and Performance
                                  Analysis of Large-Scale Parallel
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
               M. A. Ronsse and   
                  L. J. Levrouw   On the Implementation of a Replay
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
                  L. Brunie and   
                     O. Reymann   Concepts and Functionalities of the
                                  DOSMOS-Trace Monitoring Tool . . . . . . 74
                  T. Ludwig and   
               M. Oberhuber and   
                  R. Wismueller   An Open Monitoring System for Parallel
                                  and Distributed Programs . . . . . . . . 78
                R. Friedman and   
                  M. Goldin and   
               A. Itzkovitz and   
                    A. Schuster   Millipede: Easy Parallel Programming in
                                  Available Distributed Environments . . . 84
        J. K. Hollingsworth and   
                   B. P. Miller   An Adaptive Cost System for Parallel
                                  Program Instrumentation  . . . . . . . . 88
                 D. Badouel and   
                   T. Priol and   
                    L. Renambot   SVMview: a Performance Tuning Tool for
                                  DSM-Based Parallel Computers . . . . . . 98
            S. A. M. Talbot and   
              A. J. Bennett and   
                 P. H. J. Kelly   Cautious, Machine-Independent
                                  Performance Tuning for Shared-Memory
                                  Multiprocessors  . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
                G. Cabillic and   
                       I. Puaut   Dealing with Heterogeneity in Stardust:
                                  An Environment for Parallel Programming
                                  on Networks of Heterogeneous
                                  Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
                    K. Wolf and   
            O. Kraemer-Fuhrmann   An Integrated Environment to Design
                                  Parallel Object-Oriented Applications    120
                   A. Geist and   
                   W. Gropp and   
           S. Huss-Lederman and   
                   A. Lumsdaine   MPI-2: Extending the Message-Passing
                                  Interface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
                  I. Attali and   
                 D. Caromel and   
                  R. Guider and   
               A. L. Wendelborn   Optimizing Sisal Programs: a Formal
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
                  L. Nyland and   
                   J. Prins and   
                A. Goldberg and   
                       P. Mills   A Refinement Methodology for Developing
                                  Data-Parallel Applications . . . . . . . 145
             S. A. Crivelli and   
                   E. R. Jessup   Task Parallelism: What a Tool Can
                                  Provide and What Should Be Left to the
                                  User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
                  L. Prylli and   
                 B. Tourancheau   Efficient Block Cyclic Data
                                  Redistribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
                 F. Desprez and   
                   P. Ramet and   
                       J. Roman   Optimal Grain Size Computation for
                                  Pipelined Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . 165
                   D. Sueur and   
                 J.-L. Dekeyser   Dynamic Redistribution on Heterogeneous
                                  Parallel Computers . . . . . . . . . . . 173
                 C. Addison and   
                  T. Oliver and   
                  A. Sunderland   Supporting Distributed Sparse Matrix
                                  Objects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
                   M. Welsh and   
                    A. Basu and   
                  T. Von Eicken   Low-Latency Communication over Fast
                                  Ethernet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
              M. L. Fulgham and   
                      L. Snyder   A Comparison of Input and Output Driven
                                  Routers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                   J. Duato and   
                M. P. Malumbres   Optimal Topology for Distributed Shared
                                  Memory Multiprocessors: Hypercubes
                                  Again? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
                 D. G. Rice and   
        J. G. Delgado-Frias and   
              D. H. Summerville   A Pattern-Associative Router for
                                  Interconnection Network Adaptive
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
                 H. Bourdin and   
                A. Ferreira and   
                      K. Marcus   On Stack-Graph OPS-Based Lightwave
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
                    V. Heun and   
                     E. W. Mayr   A General Method for Efficient
                                  Embeddings of Graphs into Optimal
                                  Hypercubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
                      H. K. Dai   The Size Complexity of Strictly
                                  Non-blocking Fixed Ratio Concentrators
                                  with Constant Depth  . . . . . . . . . . 234
                       D. Barth   Bandwidth and Cutwidth of the Mesh of
                                  $d$-ary Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
           M. M. De Azevedo and   
             N. Bagherzadeh and   
                      S. Latifi   Variable-Dilation Embeddings of
                                  Hypercubes into Star Graphs: Performance
                                  Metrics, Mapping Functions, and Routing  247
             L. D. De Cerio and   
           M. Valero-Garcia and   
                    A. Gonzalez   Overlapping Communication and
                                  Computation in Hypercubes  . . . . . . . 253
                    M. Di Ianni   Efficient Delay Routing  . . . . . . . . 258
              C. Kaklamanis and   
                     D. Krizanc   Multipacket Hot-Potato Routing on
                                  Processor Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
                  M.-K. Kim and   
                    H. Yoon and   
                    S.-R. Maeng   A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for
                                  Proper Routing in Omega-Omega Network    278
                 C. Delorme and   
                     P. Panaite   Rubik Routing Permutations on Graphs . . 283
            S. Balakrishnan and   
                   F. Oezguener   The Effect of Flow Control and Routing
                                  Adaptivity on Priority-Driven Traffic in
                                  Multiprocessor Networks  . . . . . . . . 287
     F. Meyer auf der Heide and   
               K. Schroeder and   
                    F. Schwarze   Routing on Networks of Optical Crossbars 299
                 F. Petrini and   
                   M. Vanneschi   Latency and Bandwidth Requirements of
                                  Massively Parallel Programs: FFT as a
                                  Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
              J.-C. Bermond and   
            X. Muñoz and   
        A. Marchetti-Spaccamela   Induced Broadcasting Algorithms in
                                  Iterated Line Digraphs . . . . . . . . . 313
                    S. Perennes   Lower Bounds on Broadcasting Time of de
                                  Bruijn Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
                    C. Laforest   Gossip in Trees under Line-Communication
                                  Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
         V. V. Dimakopoulos and   
               N. J. Dimopoulos   Total Exchange in Cayley Networks  . . . 341
         V. V. Dimakopoulos and   
               N. J. Dimopoulos   Leaf Communications in Complete Trees    347
                  S. Fujita and   
                C. Laforest and   
                    S. Perennes   A Gossip Algorithm for Bus Networks with
                                  Buses of Limited Length  . . . . . . . . 353
          B. H. H. Juurlink and   
                  P. S. Rao and   
                   J. F. Sibeyn   Worm-Hole Gossiping on Meshes  . . . . . 361
                  O. Delmas and   
                    S. Perennes   Circuit-Switched Gossiping in
                                  $3$-Dimensional Torus Networks . . . . . 370
                    C. Lengauer   Automatic Parallelization and High
                                  Performance Compilers  . . . . . . . . . 377
                   A. Darte and   
                      F. Vivien   On the Optimality of Allen and Kennedy's
                                  Algorithm for Parallelism Extraction in
                                  Nested Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
                   D. Wilde and   
                  S. Rajopadhye   Memory Reuse Analysis in the Polyhedral
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
                       K. Okuda   Cycle Shrinking by Dependence Reduction  398
                 M. Jimenez and   
             J. M. Llaberia and   
               A. Fernandez and   
                    E. Morancho   A Unified Transformation Technique for
                                  Multilevel Blocking  . . . . . . . . . . 402
              J.-F. Collard and   
                      M. Griebl   Array Dataflow Analysis for Explicitly
                                  Parallel Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . 406
               M. C. Rinard and   
                    P. C. Diniz   Semantic Foundations of Commutativity
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
                 D. Barthou and   
              J.-F. Collard and   
                   P. Feautrier   Applications of Fuzzy Array Dataflow
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
                A. Eberhart and   
                          J. Li   Simplifying Communication Induced by
                                  Operations on Block-Distributed Arrays   428
           M. F. P. O'Boyle and   
                 R. W. Ford and   
                   A. P. Nisbet   Compiler Reduction of Invalidation
                                  Traffic in Virtual Shared Memory Systems 432
                       J. Knoop   Partial Dead Code Elimination for
                                  Parallel Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . 441
             C. G. Diderich and   
                     M. Gengler   Solving the Constant-Degree Parallelism
                                  Alignment Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . 451
                   M. Besch and   
                     H. W. Pohl   Topographic Data Mapping by Balanced
                                  Hypersphere Tesselation  . . . . . . . . 455
                 T. Brandes and   
                     F. Desprez   Implementing Pipelined Computation and
                                  Communication in an HPF Compiler . . . . 459
               M. Barreteau and   
                   P. Feautrier   Efficient Mapping of Interdependent
                                  Scans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
                  M. Griebl and   
                    C. Langauer   Classifying Loops for Space-Time Mapping 467
                  T. Cortes and   
                  S. Girona and   
                     J. Labarta   PACA: a Cooperative File System Cache
                                  for Parallel Machines  . . . . . . . . . 477
                J. A. Smith and   
              S. K. Shrivastava   A System for Fault-Tolerant Execution of
                                  Data and Compute Intensive Programs over
                                  a Network of Workstations  . . . . . . . 487
             A. D. Kshemkalyani   A Framework for Viewing Atomic Events in
                                  Distributed Computations . . . . . . . . 496
                 D.-K. Yoon and   
                   J.-L Gaudiot   Worker-Based Parallel Computing on PVM   506
                A. Rowstron and   
                        A. Wood   An Efficient Distributed Tuple Space
                                  Implementation for Networks of
                                  Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
                 J.- W. Lin and   
                      S.-Y. Kuo   A Highly Available Partition-Processing
                                  Protocol for Distributed Shared Memory
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
               J. Carretero and   
                   F. Perez and   
               P. De Miguel and   
                      F. Garcia   I/O Data Mapping in ParFiSys: Support
                                  for High-Performance I/O in Parallel and
                                  Distributed Systems  . . . . . . . . . . 522
             V. Cholvi-Juan and   
           J. M. Bernabeu-Auban   Correctness Proof for a Distributed
                                  Memory System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
                   J. M. Piquer   Distributed Shared Memory Based on Group
                                  Large Causality  . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
              R. Bordawekar and   
               A. Choudhary and   
                   J. Ramanujam   A Framework for Integrated Communication
                                  and I/O Placement  . . . . . . . . . . . 541
                      Z. Hu and   
                 H. Iwasaki and   
                    M. Takeichi   Formal Derivation of Parallel Program
                                  for $2$-Dimensional Maximum Segment Sum
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
                       Y. Jegou   The Migrating Tasks: An Execution Model
                                  for Irregular Codes  . . . . . . . . . . 563
                      F. Coelho   Discussing HPF Design Issues . . . . . . 571
                 W.-N. Chin and   
              J. Darlington and   
                         Y. Guo   Parallelizing Conditional Recurrences    579
                  H. Konaka and   
                    Y. Itoh and   
                T. Tomokiyo and   
                       M. Maeda   Adaptive Data Parallel Computation in
                                  the Parallel Object-Oriented Language
                                  OCore  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
               N. Rodriguez and   
                 C. Ururahy and   
           R. Ierusalimschy and   
                   R. Cerqueira   The Use of Interpreted Languages for
                                  Implementing Parallel Algorithms on
                                  Distributed Systems  . . . . . . . . . . 597
                      P. Au and   
              J. Darlington and   
                  M. Ghanem and   
                       Y.-K Guo   Co-ordinating Heterogeneous Parallel
                                  Computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
                      L. Moreau   Correctness of a Distributed-Memory
                                  Model for Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
                  H. Hosoya and   
               N. Kobayashi and   
                    A. Yonezawa   Partial Evaluation Scheme for Concurrent
                                  Languages and Its Correctness  . . . . . 625
                  R. Pandey and   
                   J. C. Browne   Support for Implementation of
                                  Evolutionary Concurrent Systems in
                                  Concurrent Programming Languages . . . . 633
                 L. V. Kale and   
               M. A. Bhandarkar   Structured Dagger: a Coordination
                                  Language for Message-Driven Programming  646
                  A. Bruell and   
                      H. Kuchen   TPascal --- A Language for Task Parallel
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
                      J. Lilius   OB(PN)2: An Object Based Petri Net
                                  Programming Notation . . . . . . . . . . 660
                   F. Arbab and   
                 C. L. Blom and   
               F. J. Burger and   
              C. T. H. Everaars   Reusable Coordinator Modules for
                                  Massively Concurrent Applications  . . . 664
                      O. Michel   Introducing Dynamicity in the
                                  Data-Parallel Language $ 8 1 / 2 $ . . . 678
                 A. Douglas and   
                 N. Roejemo and   
                C. Runciman and   
                        A. Wood   Astro-Gofer: Parallel Functional
                                  Programming with Co-ordinating Processes 686
                 P. Kefalas and   
                    I. Vlahavas   Multiple OR-Parallel Resolution:
                                  Meta-Level Control of Parallel Logic
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
                       J. Knopp   High Level Parallel Programming Based on
                                  Automatic Coordination . . . . . . . . . 704
              S. Breitinger and   
                  R. Loogen and   
           Y. Ortega-Mallen and   
            R. Peña-Mari   Eden --- The Paradise of Functional
                                  Concurrent Programming . . . . . . . . . 710
                      O. Michel   A Straightforward Translation of DOL
                                  Systems in the Declarative Data-Parallel
                                  Language $ 8 1 / 2 $ . . . . . . . . . . 714
              G. H. Botorog and   
                      H. Kuchen   Efficient Parallel Programming with
                                  Algorithmic Skeletons  . . . . . . . . . 718
              Y. Le Guyadec and   
                   E. Melin and   
                  B. Raffin and   
                      X. Rebeuf   A Loosely Synchronized Execution Model
                                  for a Simple Data-Parallel Language  . . 732
                  A. Shafarenko   A Nonannotative Approach to Distributed
                                  Data-Parallel Computing  . . . . . . . . 742
                   S. Russo and   
                    C. Savy and   
                   I. Jelly and   
                 P. Collingwood   Petri Net Modelling of PARSE Designs . . 752
                    F. Puntigam   Synchronization Expressed in Types of
                                  Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . 762
                     J. P. Wray   Laws of Data Parallel Assignment . . . . 770
             R. Peña and   
             L. A. Galán   Proving Progress Properties of non
                                  Terminating Programs under Fairness
                                  Assumptions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775--778
                   P. Ferragina   A Simple Parallel Dictionary Matching
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
                  A. Podehl and   
                  T. Rauber and   
                     G. Ruenger   Scalability and Granularity Issues of
                                  the Hierarchical Radiosity Method  . . . 789
                   J. F. Sibeyn   List Ranking on Interconnection Networks 799
                      E. Urland   Parallel Algorithm for Computing the
                                  Fragment Vector in Steiner Triple
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809
           A. S. Nepomniaschaya   Representation of the Gabow Algorithm
                                  for Finding Smallest Spanning Trees with
                                  a Degree Constraint on Associative
                                  Parallel Processors  . . . . . . . . . . 813
              Kam Hong Shum and   
                    S.-Y. R. Li   Runtime Support for Replicated Parallel
                                  Simulators of an ATM Network on
                                  Workstation Clusters . . . . . . . . . . 818
                  T. Rauber and   
                 G. Ruenger and   
                    C. Scholtes   Shared-Memory Implementation of an
                                  Irregular Particle Simulation Method . . 822
                 V. Boppana and   
                  P. Saxena and   
                P. Banerjee and   
                    W. K. Fuchs   A Parallel Algorithm for the Technology
                                  Mapping of LUT-Based FPGAs . . . . . . . 828
               F. Moussouni and   
                     C. Lavault   Distributed String Matching Algorithm on
                                  the $N$-cube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1124, 1996

                 F. Desprez and   
                   S. Domas and   
                 B. Tourancheau   Optimization of the ScaLAPACK LU
                                  Factorization Routine Using
                                  Communication/Computation Overlap  . . . 3
                      P. Arbenz   On Experiments with a Parallel Direct
                                  Solver for Diagonally Dominant Banded
                                  Linear Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
                  K. Murphy and   
                   M. Clint and   
                 M. Szularz and   
                      J. Weston   The Computation of Partial
                                  Eigensolutions on a Distributed Memory
                                  Machine Using a Modified Lanczos Method  22
                  J. Weston and   
                 M. Szularz and   
                   M. Clint and   
                      K. Murphy   The Parallel Computation of Partial
                                  Eigensolutions of Large Matrices on a
                                  Massively Parallel Processor . . . . . . 26
         M. J. Daydé and   
          J.-Y. L'Excellent and   
                 N. I. M. Gould   Preprocessing of Sparse Unassembled
                                  Linear Systems for Efficient Solution
                                  Using Element-by-element Preconditioners 34--43
                   T. Y. Li and   
                         X. Zou   Implementing the Parallel
                                  Quasi-Laguerre's Algorithm for Symmetric
                                  Tridiagonal Eigenproblems  . . . . . . . 44
                  T. Rauber and   
                     G. Ruenger   Comparing Task and Data Parallel
                                  Execution Schemes for the DIIRK Method   52
                       W. Huber   Numerical Turbulence Simulation on
                                  Different Parallel Computers Using the
                                  Sparse Grid Combination Method . . . . . 62
                  C. W. Kessler   Parallel Fourier-Motzkin Elimination . . 66
           V. N. Alexandrov and   
                       S. Lakka   Comparison of Three Monte Carlo Methods
                                  for Matrix Inversion . . . . . . . . . . 72
                      J. Rahola   Parallel Solution of the Volume Integral
                                  Equation of Electromagnetic Scattering   81
                   R. Graeb and   
                M. Guenther and   
                   U. Wever and   
                       Q. Zheng   Optimization of Parallel
                                  Multilevel-Newton Algorithms on
                                  Workstation Clusters . . . . . . . . . . 91
                    F. Jezequel   A Time and Space Parallel Algorithm for
                                  the Heat Equation: The Implicit
                                  Collocation Method . . . . . . . . . . . 97
                   L. Davis and   
              J.-M. Delosme and   
                    F. Catthoor   Parallel Image/Video Processing and
                                  Computer Arithmetic  . . . . . . . . . . 103
                C. T. Shock and   
                   C. Chang and   
                   L. Davis and   
                      S. Goward   A High Performance Image Database System
                                  for Remotely Sensed Imagery  . . . . . . 109
                   Y. Chung and   
                 V. K. Prasanna   An Asynchronous Parallel Algorithm for
                                  Symbolic Grouping Operations in Vision   123
                    N. Guil and   
                   E. L. Zapata   A Parallel Pipelined Hough Transform . . 131
                 E. Appiani and   
                   M. Corvi and   
               G. Garibotto and   
                      C. Coelho   High-Performance SAR-Image Formation and
                                  Post-Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
           G. Della Vecchia and   
                 R. Distasi and   
                   M. Nappi and   
                    D. Vitulano   A Parallel Implementation of Image
                                  Coding Using Linear Prediction and
                                  Iterated Functions Systems . . . . . . . 147
                         A. Uhl   Parallel Algorithms for Using
                                  Non-Stationary MRA in Image Compression  151
                  E. Antelo and   
             J. D. Bruguera and   
                    T. Lang and   
                    J. Villalba   High Radix CORDIC Rotation Based on
                                  Selection by Rounding  . . . . . . . . . 155
            A. Munk Nielsen and   
                   J.-M. Muller   On-Line Algorithms for Computing
                                  Exponentials and Logarithms  . . . . . . 165
            A. Munk Nielsen and   
                   J.-M. Muller   On-Line Algorithms for Computing
                                  Exponentials and Logarithms  . . . . . . 165
                     C. Frougny   Parallel and On-Line Addition in
                                  Negative Base and some Complex Number
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
              S. F. Oberman and   
                    M. J. Flynn   A Variable Latency Pipelined
                                  Floating-Point Adder . . . . . . . . . . 183--192
                M. A. Anuta and   
               D. W. Lozier and   
               N. Schabanel and   
                   P. R. Turner   Basic Linear Algebra Operations in SLI
                                  Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
                 T. Ikenaga and   
                       T. Ogura   CAM2: a Highly-Parallel $2$-D Cellular
                                  Automata Architecture for Real-Time and
                                  Palm-Top Pixel-Level Image Processing    203
                 D. Crookes and   
                T. J. Brown and   
                    Y. Dong and   
                    G. McAleese   A Self-Optimising Coprocessor Model for
                                  Portable Parallel Image Processing . . . 213
               K. Danckaert and   
                F. Catthoor and   
                      H. De Man   System-Level Memory Management for
                                  Weakly Parallel Image Processing . . . . 217
          W. F. J. Verhaegh and   
           P. E. R. Lippens and   
             E. H. L. Aarts and   
           J. L. Van Meerbergen   Multidimensional Periodic Scheduling:
                                  Model and Complexity . . . . . . . . . . 226
               L. De Coster and   
                  M. Engels and   
              R. Lauwereins and   
             J. A. Peperstraete   Global Approach for Compiled Bit-True
                                  Simulation of DSP Systems  . . . . . . . 236
                  V. Demian and   
                 F. Desprez and   
            H. Paugam-Moisy and   
                   M. Pourzandi   Parallel Implementation of RBF Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
             J. J. Dongarra and   
                     T. Hey and   
                  E. Strohmaier   Selected Results from the ParkBench
                                  Benchmark  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--254
         I. M. Boier Martin and   
                D. C. Marinescu   Exploiting Symmetry in Parallel
                                  Computations for Structural Biology  . . 255
                    K. Wolf and   
                    A. Mano and   
        S. Prata dos Santos and   
                 J.-M. Letteron   An Object-Oriented and Parallel
                                  Simulation of a Power-Plant  . . . . . . 259
                  P. Albers and   
                     J. Bellone   A Planning System for Aircraft
                                  Production with Parallel Constraint
                                  Logic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . 266
                  I. Turton and   
                    S. Openshaw   Modelling and Optimising Flows Using
                                  Parallel Spatial Interaction Models  . . 270
              P. B. Gibbons and   
                  Y. Matias and   
                V. Ramachandran   The Queue-Read Queue-Write Asynchronous
                                  PRAM Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
            P. D. MacKenzie and   
                V. Ramachandran   ERCW PRAMs and Optical Communication . . 293
                   V. Leppaenen   Goodness of Time-Processor Optimal PRAM
                                  Simulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
                A. Kautonen and   
               V. Leppaenen and   
                   M. Penttonen   Simulations of PRAM on Complete Optical
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
          M. V. Nibhanupudi and   
                B. K. Szymanski   Adaptive Parallelism in the
                                  Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Model  . . . . 311
                 J. M. Nash and   
                  P. M. Dew and   
                 J. R. Davy and   
                     M. E. Dyer   Implementation Issues Relating to the
                                  WPRAM Model for Scalable Computing . . . 319
                      A. Tiskin   The Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Random
                                  Access Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
          B. H. H. Juurlink and   
              H. A. G. Wijshoff   The E-BSP Model: Incorporating General
                                  Locality and Unbalanced Communication
                                  into the BSP Model . . . . . . . . . . . 339
         A. V. Gerbessiotis and   
               C. J. Siniolakis   Communication Efficient Data Structures
                                  on the BSP Model with Applications in
                                  Computational Geometry . . . . . . . . . 348
             P. De La Torre and   
                  C. P. Kruskal   Submachine Locality in the Bulk
                                  Synchronous Setting  . . . . . . . . . . 352
                      J. He and   
                  Q. Miller and   
                        L. Chen   Algebraic Laws for BSP Programming . . . 359
                A. Baeumker and   
                W. Dittrich and   
                   F. Meyer and   
                   A. Der Heide   Realistic Parallel Algorithms: Priority
                                  Queue Operations and Selection for the
                                  BSP0* Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
                  G. Verley and   
      J.-P Asselin De Beauville   Multilayer Perceptron Learning Control   377
                  I. Stoica and   
                  F. Sultan and   
                       D. Keyes   Evaluating the Hyperbolic Model on a
                                  Variety of Architectures . . . . . . . . 387
            A. J. C. Van Gemund   SPC: a Model of Parallel Computation . . 397
                    S. Gorlatch   Systematic Efficient Parallelization of
                                  Scan and Other List Homomorphisms  . . . 401
                   G. Hains and   
                     J. Mullins   Array Structures and Data-Parallel
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
                  R. Rangaswami   Compile-Time Cost Analysis for Parallel
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
                A. Formella and   
                  J. Keller and   
                       T. Walle   HPP: a High Performance PRAM . . . . . . 425
                    J. Kong and   
                         G. Lee   Relaxing the Inclusion Property in Cache
                                  Only Memory Architecture . . . . . . . . 435
              A. J. Bennett and   
             P. H. J. Kelly and   
             J. G. Refstrup and   
                S. A. M. Talbot   Using Proxies to Reduce Controller
                                  Contention in Large Shared-Memory
                                  Multiprocessors  . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
                   J. Risau and   
                 A. Mikschl and   
                        W. Damm   A RISC Approach to Weak Cache Coherence  453
               G. A. Betzos and   
                   P. A. Mitkas   $3$D Optoelectronic Computer
                                  Architectures for the Conjugate Gradient
                                  and Multigrid Benchmark Algorithms . . . 457
                 A. Mikschl and   
                       W. Datum   MSparc: a Multithreaded Sparc  . . . . . 461
                   A. Strey and   
                    N. Avellana   A New Concept for Parallel Neurocomputer
                                  Architectures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
                         D. Fey   Transformation of a $2$-D VLSI Systolic
                                  Adder Circuit in $3$-D Circuits Using
                                  Optical Interconnections . . . . . . . . 478
                C. Tumuluri and   
                A. N. Choudhary   Scalable Software Latency Hiding
                                  Schemes: Evaluation of the Poststore and
                                  Prefetch Options . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
                     S. Cho and   
                         G. Lee   Reducing Coherence Overhead in
                                  Shared-Bus Multiprocessors . . . . . . . 492
      P. Le Goueslier d'Argence   An Asymptotically Optimal Affine
                                  Schedule on Bounded Convex Polyhedric
                                  Domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
               F. Gasperoni and   
              U. Schwiegelshohn   List Scheduling in the Presence of
                                  Branches --- A Theoretical Evaluation    515
                  C. Rapine and   
                    D. Trystram   Iterative Approach for the Clustering
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
                 A. Benaini and   
                    D. Laiymani   Compile-Time Task Scheduling for
                                  Multi-Phase Programming  . . . . . . . . 535
                      C. Lahlou   Scheduling with Unit Processing and
                                  Communication Times on a Ring Network:
                                  Approximation Results  . . . . . . . . . 539
                 E. W. Mayr and   
                   H. Stadtherr   Efficient Parallel Algorithms for
                                  Scheduling with Tree Precedence
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
                   R. Calinescu   Bulk Synchronous Parallel Scheduling of
                                  Uniform Dags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
                      Z. Li and   
                  C. C. Kirkham   Generalized Multiprocessor Scheduling    563
                      H. Oh and   
                          S. Ha   A Static Scheduling Heuristic for
                                  Heterogeneous Processors . . . . . . . . 573
               A. Giannakos and   
               J.-C. Koenig and   
                      A. Munier   On the Cyclic Scheduling Problem with
                                  Small Communication Delays . . . . . . . 578
                 E. Naroska and   
              U. Schwiegelshohn   A New Scheduling Method for Parallel
                                  Discrete-Event Simulation  . . . . . . . 582
               P. Barcaccia and   
           M. A. Bonuccelli and   
                    M. Di Ianni   Minimum Length Scheduling of Precedence
                                  Constrained Messages in Distributed
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
                   W. Loewe and   
            J. Eisenbiegler and   
                  W. Zimmermann   Optimization of Parallel Programs on
                                  Machines with Expensive Communication    602
                 H.-L. Chen and   
                     C.-T. King   Eager Scheduling with Lazy Retry for
                                  Dynamic Task Scheduling  . . . . . . . . 611
                  B. Schnor and   
                   S. Petri and   
               H. Langendoerfer   Load Management for Load Balancing on
                                  Heterogeneous Platforms: a Comparison of
                                  Traditional and Neural Network Based
                                  Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
               R. B. Konuru and   
              J. E. Moreira and   
                     V. K. Naik   Application-Assisted Dynamic Scheduling
                                  on Large-Scale Multi-Computer Systems    621
               M. Backschat and   
              A. Pfaffinger and   
                      C. Zenger   Economic-Based Dynamic Load Distribution
                                  in Large Workstation Networks  . . . . . 631
                    K. Shen and   
                M. Hermenegildo   Flexible Scheduling for
                                  Non-Deterministic, And-parallel
                                  Execution of Logic Programs  . . . . . . 635
                    J.-L. Lanet   A Load Balancing Task Allocation Scheme
                                  in a Hard Real Time System . . . . . . . 640
               X. Martorell and   
                 J. Labarta and   
                 N. Navarro and   
                     E. Ayguade   A Library Implementation of the
                                  Nano-Threads Programming Model . . . . . 644
                L. Colombet and   
                      L. Desbat   Speedup and Efficiency of Large Size
                                  Applications on Heterogeneous Networks   653
                 J. Labarta and   
                  S. Girona and   
                  V. Pillet and   
                      T. Cortes   DiP: a Parallel Program Development
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
                   J. Simon and   
                  J.- M. Wierum   Accurate Performance Prediction for
                                  Massively Parallel Systems and Its
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
                   T. Cornu and   
                       M. Pahud   Contention in the Cray T3D Communication
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
              J. M. D. Hill and   
             P. I. Crumpton and   
                  D. A. Burgess   Theory, Practice, and a Tool for BSP
                                  Performance Prediction . . . . . . . . . 697
                     K. Joe and   
                      A. Fukuda   Applying the Semi-Markov Memory and
                                  Cache Coherence Interference Model to an
                                  Updating Based Cache Coherence Protocol  706
                 V. Vlassov and   
                 L.-E. Thorelli   Analytical Models of Multithreading with
                                  Data Prefetching . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
            M. J. Fernandez and   
                   M. Carro and   
                M. Hermenegildo   IDRA (IDeal Resource Allocation):
                                  Computing Ideal Speedups in Parallel
                                  Logic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . 724
                 M. Brilman and   
                 J.- M. Vincent   Estimation of the Throughput for some
                                  Stochastic Resources Sharing Systems . . 734
                  V. Sharma and   
               E. A. Varvarigos   Some Closed Form Results for Circuit
                                  Switching in a Hypercube Network . . . . 738
                 S. Wallace and   
                 N. Bagherzadeh   Instruction Fetching Mechanisms for
                                  Superscalar Microprocessors  . . . . . . 747
                 C.-M. Chen and   
                     C.-T. King   Designing Dynamic Two-Level Branch
                                  Predictors Based on Pattern Locality . . 757
                       O. Temam   Streaming Prefetch . . . . . . . . . . . 765
             E. M. C. Filho and   
         E. S. T. Fernandes and   
                       A. Wolfe   Functionality Distribution on a
                                  Superscalar Architecture . . . . . . . . 773
                  R. Potter and   
                      G. Steven   Investigating the Limits of Fine-Grained
                                  Parallelim in a Statically Scheduled
                                  Superscalar Architecture . . . . . . . . 779
                B. Goossens and   
                   Duc Thang Vu   On-Chip Multiprocessing  . . . . . . . . 789
                 U. Sigmund and   
                     T. Ungerer   Identifying Bottlenecks in a
                                  Multithreaded Superscalar Microprocessor 797
                      R. Lo and   
                    S. Chan and   
                 J. Dehnert and   
                       R. Towle   Aggregate Operation Movement: a Min-Cut
                                  Approach to Global Code Motion . . . . . 801
                     S. Schmidt   Global Instruction Scheduling --- A
                                  Practical Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 815
                     L. Winckel   Génération de micro-code parall\`ele pour
                                  la carte coprocesseur Rapid-2  . . . . . 819
                 F. Sanchez and   
                  J. Cortadella   RESIS: a New Methodology for Register
                                  Optimization in Software Pipelining  . . 824
               E. R. Altman and   
                      G. R. Gao   Optimal Software Pipelining Through
                                  Enumeration of Schedules . . . . . . . . 833
                  C.-H. Cho and   
                     J.-T. Wang   Triangular Grid Protocol: An Efficient
                                  Scheme for Replica Control with Uniform
                                  Access Quorums . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
                     M. Gesmann   Mapping a Parallel Complex-Object DBMS
                                  to Operating System Processes  . . . . . 852
                T. Devirmis and   
                      O. Ulusoy   A Transaction Model for Multidatabase
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862
                 M. Barrena and   
               J. Hernandez and   
             J. M. Martinez and   
                        A. Polo   Multi-dimensional Declustering Methods
                                  for Parallel Database Systems  . . . . . 866
            M. Spiliopoulou and   
                  J. C. Freytag   Modelling Resource Utilization in
                                  Pipelined Query Execution  . . . . . . . 872
                   G. Bozas and   
                M. Jaedicke and   
                   A. Listl and   
                   B. Mitschang   On Transforming a Sequential SQL-DBMS
                                  into a Parallel One: First Results and
                                  Experiences of the MIDAS Project . . . . 881
                  L. Brunie and   
                       H. Kosch   DPLGraphs --- A powerful Representation
                                  of Parallel Relational Query Execution
                                  Plans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
               O. Dikenelli and   
              M. O. Uenalyr and   
                   E. Ozkarahan   BLOCKER: a Variable and Multiattribute
                                  Declustering for Parallel Database
                                  Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892
             W. Krotz-Vogel and   
                     H.-C Hoppe   The PALLAS Portable Parallel Programming
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
                   M. Marrakchi   On Optimal Parallel Algorithm for
                                  Gaussian Elimination . . . . . . . . . . 907
                 A. E. Abdallah   Synthesis of Massively Pipelined
                                  Algorithms for List Manipulation . . . . 911

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1125, 1996

                    S. Agerholm   Translating Specifications in VDM-SL to
                                  PVS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--16
                S. Agerholm and   
                  I. Beylin and   
                      P. Dybjer   A Comparison of HOL and ALF
                                  Formalizations of a Categorical
                                  Coherence Theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . 17--32
                   D. Basin and   
                   S. Friedrich   Modeling a Hardware Synthesis
                                  Methodology in Isabelle  . . . . . . . . 33--50
                P. E. Black and   
                  P. J. Windley   Inference Rules for Programming
                                  Languages with Side Effects in
                                  Expressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--60
                  S. H. Brackin   Deciding Cryptographic Protocol Adequacy
                                  with HOL: The Implementation . . . . . . 61--76
                       H. Busch   Proving Liveness of Fair Transition
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--92
                  M. Butler and   
                  T. Laangbacka   Program Derivation Using the Refinement
                                  Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--108
                     G. Collins   A Proof Tool for Reasoning About
                                  Functional Programs  . . . . . . . . . . 109--124
           S. Coupet-Grimal and   
                    L. Jakubiec   Coq and Hardware Verification: a Case
                                  Study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--140
                    B. Dutertre   Elements of Mathematical Analysis in PVS 141--156
            D. Eisenbiegler and   
             C. Blumenroehr and   
                       R. Kumar   Implementation Issues About the
                                  Embedding of Existing High Level
                                  Synthesis Algorithms in HOL  . . . . . . 157--172
               A. D. Gordon and   
                      T. Melham   Five Axioms of Alpha-Conversion  . . . . 173--190
                      M. Gordon   Set Theory, Higher Order Logic or Both?  191--202
                    J. Harrison   A Mizar Mode for HOL . . . . . . . . . . 203--220
                    J. Harrison   Staalmarck's Algorithm as a HOL Derived
                                  Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--234
              M. R. Heckman and   
                   G. Zhang and   
               B. R. Becker and   
                   D. Peticolas   Towards Applying the Composition
                                  Principle to Verify a Microkernel
                                  Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--250
                    B. Heyd and   
                      P. Cregut   A Modular Coding of Unity in Coq . . . . 251--266
                     D. J. Howe   Importing Mathematics from HOL into
                                  Nuprl  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--282
              H. T. Kolyang and   
                  T. Santen and   
                       B. Wolff   A Structure Preserving Encoding of Z in
                                  Isabelle/HOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--298
                     M. Larsson   Improving the Result of High-Level
                                  Synthesis Using Interactive
                                  Transformational Design  . . . . . . . . 299--314
                    L. Laibinis   Using Lattice Theory in Higher Order
                                  Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--330
                D. Nazareth and   
                      T. Nipkow   Formal Verification of Algorithm W: The
                                  Monomorphic Case . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--346
                       C. Pusch   Verification of Compiler Correctness for
                                  the WAM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--362
                        B. Reus   Synthetic Domain Theory in Type Theory:
                                  Another Logic of Computable Functions    363--380
                       K. Slind   Function Definition in Higher Order
                                  Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381--398
                  A. Smaill and   
                       I. Green   High Order Annotated Terms for Proof
                                  Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399--414
                   S. Tahar and   
                      P. Curzon   A Comparison of MDG and HOL for Hardware
                                  Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--430
                      V. Zammit   A Mechanisation of Computability Theory
                                  in HOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431--446

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1126, 1996

             P. Baumgartner and   
                 U. Furbach and   
                    I. Niemelae   Hyper Tableaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                  H. De Nivelle   An Algorithm for Retrieval of Unifiers
                                  from Discrimination Trees  . . . . . . . 18
                 C. Bourely and   
             G. Defourneaux and   
                     N. Peltier   Building Proofs or Counterexamples by
                                  Analogy in a Resolution Framework  . . . 34
               A. Degtyarev and   
                    A. Voronkov   What you Always Wanted to Know About
                                  Rigid $ {E} $-Unification  . . . . . . . 50
                  A. Artosi and   
                 P. Benassi and   
             G. Governatori and   
                      A. Rotolo   Labelled Proofs for Quantified Modal
                                  Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
               F. M. Donini and   
                F. Massacci and   
                   D. Nardi and   
                      R. Rosati   A Uniform Tableaux Method for
                                  Nonmonotonic Modal Logics  . . . . . . . 87
               P. Froehlich and   
                   W. Nejdl and   
                   M. Schroeder   Design and Implementation of Diagnostic
                                  Strategies Using Modal Logic . . . . . . 104
                  F. Santos and   
                       J. Carmo   A Modal Action Logic Based Framework for
                                  Organization Specification and Analysis  119
               M. R. Genesereth   McCarthy's Idea  . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
              J. J. Alferes and   
           L. Moniz Pereira and   
             T. C. Przymusinski   Strong and Explicit Negation in
                                  Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Logic
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
                  J. Engelfriet   Only Persistence Makes Nonmonotonicity
                                  Monotonous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
                   K. Georgatos   Ordering-Based Representations of
                                  Rational Inference . . . . . . . . . . . 176
                    A. Mikitiuk   Semi-Representability of Default
                                  Theories in Rational Default Logic . . . 192
                      V. Ciorba   A Query Answering Algorithm for
                                  Lukaszewicz' General Open Default Theory 208
              J. Engelfriet and   
                V. W. Marek and   
                   J. Treur and   
                M. Truszczynski   Infinitary Default Logic for
                                  Specification of Nonmonotonic Reasoning  224
                G. Antoniou and   
             A. P. Courtney and   
                   J. Ernst and   
                 M. A. Williams   A System for Computing Constrained
                                  Default Logic Extensions . . . . . . . . 237
                      G. Smolka   The Oz Programming Model . . . . . . . . 251
                   C. Aravindan   An Abductive Framework for Negation in
                                  Disjunctive Logic Programming  . . . . . 252
                   S. Brass and   
                         J. Dix   Characterizing D-WFS: Confluence and
                                  Iterated GCWA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
                   V. Pedro and   
                    L. Monteiro   Modules and Specifications . . . . . . . 284
                    R. Kowalski   Logic Programming with Integrity
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
                  M. Enciso and   
            I. P. De Guzman and   
                       C. Rossi   Temporal Reasoning over Linear Discrete
                                  Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
               R. Pliuskevicius   Similarity Saturation for First Order
                                  Linear Temporal Logic with UNLESS  . . . 320
                     B. Bennett   Carving Up Space: Steps Towards
                                  Construction of an Absolutely Complete
                                  Theory of Spatial Regions  . . . . . . . 337
                P. Forcheri and   
               P. Gentilini and   
                  M. T. Molfino   Informational Logic for Automated
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
                M. Kaminski and   
                J. Makowsky and   
                     M. Tiomkin   Extensions for Open Default Theory via
                                  the Domain Closure Assumption  . . . . . 373
               C. Witteveen and   
                W. Van der Hoek   Revision and Updating Using a Back-up
                                  Semantics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
                 P. Besnard and   
                      T. Schaub   A Simple Signed System for
                                  Paraconsistent Reasoning . . . . . . . . 404

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1127, 1996

                    D. Kotz and   
                  N. Nieuwejaar   Flexibility and Performance of Parallel
                                  File Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                   P. Kwong and   
                    S. Majumdar   Study of Data Distribution Strategies
                                  for Parallel I/O Management  . . . . . . 12
                  R. Thakur and   
                   W. Gropp and   
                        E. Lusk   An Experimental Evaluation of the
                                  Parallel I/O Systems of the IBM SP and
                                  Intel Paragon Using a Production
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
                      H. Eberle   Switcherland --- A Scalable
                                  Interconnection Structure for
                                  Distributed Computing  . . . . . . . . . 36
                  F. Pucher and   
                      H. A. Huy   Performance Aspects of Virtual Circuit
                                  Connections over a Local ATM Network . . 50
                  E. Hausenblas   New Results of the Salzburg NTN-Method
                                  for the Radon Transform  . . . . . . . . 62
                 D. Brunner and   
                         A. Uhl   Parallel Computation of Optimal
                                  Parameters for Pseudo Random Number
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
             A. N. Wilschut and   
                J. Flokstra and   
                 P. M. G. Apers   Parallel Evaluation of Multi-join
                                  Queries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
                L. Bouganim and   
                D. Florescu and   
                   B. Dageville   Skew Handling in the DBS3 Parallel
                                  Database System  . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
                 P. Ciaccia and   
                    A. Veronesi   Dynamic Declustering Methods for
                                  Parallel Grid Files  . . . . . . . . . . 110
                N. Biscondi and   
                  L. Brunie and   
                   A. Flory and   
                       H. Kosch   Encapsulation of Intra-operation
                                  Parallelism in a Parallel Match Operator 124
                H. Pfneiszl and   
                      G. Kotsis   Synthetic Workload Generation for
                                  Parallel Processing Systems  . . . . . . 136
           D. Kranzlmueller and   
                 R. Koppler and   
                 S. Grabner and   
                     C. Holzner   Parallel Program Visualization with MUCH 148
                  K. S. Knudsen   Statement-Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
                     J. Aguilar   Heuristics to Optimize the Speed-Up of
                                  Parallel Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . 174
                   A. Spalt and   
                 S. Grabner and   
                     J. Volkert   Vectorization of Visualization
                                  Algorithms --- A Practical Example . . . 184
                N. Gubareny and   
                      A. Katkov   Parallel Chaotic Iterative Algorithms
                                  for Image Reconstruction with Limited
                                  Projection Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
                  G. Hausberger   Digital's TruCluster Architecture  . . . 208
                 J. M. Blum and   
             T. M. Warschko and   
                    W. F. Tichy   The ParaStation Project  . . . . . . . . 215
              N. Papakostas and   
        G. Papakonstantinou and   
                    P. Tsanakas   PPARDB \slash PVM: a Portable PVM Based
                                  Parallel Database Management System  . . 219
                   E. Szabo and   
                 I. Forgacs and   
                   C. Bates and   
                       I. Jelly   A New Language for Automatic Data
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
             L. Bellatreche and   
                     A. Simonet   Horizontal Fragmentation in Distributed
                                  Object Database Systems  . . . . . . . . 223
                A. Clematis and   
                V. Gianuzzi and   
                   G. Sacchetto   Implementing Snapshot Protocol for
                                  Message Based Communication Libraries    227
                    W. Amme and   
                   E. Zehendner   A/D Graphs --- A Data Structure for Data
                                  Dependence Analysis in Programs with
                                  Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
                  L. Halada and   
                       M. Lucka   A Partition Method for Solving Block
                                  Pentadiagonal Linear System on Intel
                                  Hypercube iPSC/860 . . . . . . . . . . . 231
           R. M. Palenichka and   
                   A. Y. Lutsyk   Parallel Image Processing by Using
                                  Homogeneous Computing Structures . . . . 233

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1128, 1996

                   W. Bibel and   
                    D. Korn and   
                  C. Kreitz and   
                     S. Schmitt   Problem-Oriented Applications of
                                  Automated Theorem Proving  . . . . . . . 1
                   M. Bronstein   0I0T --- A Strongly-Typed Embeddable
                                  Computer Algebra Library . . . . . . . . 22
                 C. Bourely and   
                     N. Peltier   DiscAtinf. A General Framework for
                                  Implementing Calculi and Strategies  . . 34
               A. Degtyarev and   
                    A. Voronkov   Equality Elimination for the Tableau
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
                  G. Barthe and   
                      H. Elbers   Towards Lean Proof Checking  . . . . . . 61
                    A. Buch and   
             T. Hillenbrand and   
                      R. Fettig   Waldmeister: High Performance Equational
                                  Theorem Proving  . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
                M. Numazawa and   
                M. Kurihara and   
                      A. Ohuchi   A Reflective Language Based on
                                  Conditional Term Rewriting . . . . . . . 65
                  G. Balestreri   Term Rewriting Systems: An
                                  $h$-Categorical Semantic . . . . . . . . 67
                    A. Paoluzzi   Generative Geometric Modeling in a
                                  Functional Environment . . . . . . . . . 79
                  W. Gehrke and   
                  C. Limongelli   Exploiting SML for Experimenting with
                                  Algebraic Algorithms: The Example of
                                  $p$-adic Lifting . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
                   P. S. Santas   Conditional Categories and Domains . . . 112
                     M. Gogolla   Parameterizing Object Specifications . . 126
              P. Ciancarini and   
                     C. Mascolo   Analyzing the Dynamics of a $ {Z} $
                                  Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
                 B. Amrhein and   
                   O. Gloor and   
                    W. Kuechlin   Walking Faster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
                    T. Jebelean   Integer and Rational Arithmetic on
                                  MasPar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
                  G. Cesari and   
                      R. Maeder   Parallel $3$-Primes FFT Algorithm  . . . 174
                R. Buendgen and   
                  M. Goebel and   
                    W. Kuechlin   A Master-Slave Approach to Parallel Term
                                  Rewriting on a Hierarchical
                                  Multiprocessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
              H. Haugeneder and   
                     D. Steiner   Multi-Agent Cooperation --- Concepts and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                        W. Weck   Document-Centered Presentation of
                                  Computing Software: Compound Documents
                                  Are Better Workspaces  . . . . . . . . . 198
              P. Ciancarini and   
                      S. Cimato   Animating a Non-executable Formal
                                  Specification with a Distributed
                                  Symbolic Language  . . . . . . . . . . . 200
              C. Limongelli and   
                 G. Malerba and   
                   M. Temperini   Uniform Representation of Basic
                                  Algebraic Structures in Computer Algebra 202
                  M. Kerber and   
                M. Kohlhase and   
                       V. Sorge   Integrating Computer Algebra with Proof
                                  Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
                  K. Hamann and   
                      J. Calmet   Structures for Symbolic Mathematical
                                  Reasoning and Computation  . . . . . . . 216
                    S. Matthews   Implementing FS0 in Isabelle: Adding
                                  Structure at the Metalevel . . . . . . . 228
                   G. Cioni and   
              A. Colagrossi and   
                   M. Temperini   An Approach to Class Reasoning in
                                  Symbolic Computation . . . . . . . . . . 240
                B. J. Dupee and   
                J. H. Davenport   An Intelligent Interface to Numerical
                                  Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
                    A. C. Hearn   Computer Algebra and the World Wide Web  263
                  A. Norman and   
                       J. Fitch   Interfacing REDUCE to Java . . . . . . . 271
                      G. Butler   Software Architectures for Computer
                                  Algebra: a Case Study  . . . . . . . . . 277
                  S. Dalmas and   
                 M. Gaetano and   
                      C. Huchet   A Deductive Database for Mathematical
                                  Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
                   M. Mthuk and   
                     F. Winkler   CASA --- A System for Computer Aided
                                  Constructive Algebraic Geometry  . . . . 297
                  S. Dalmas and   
                     M. Gaetano   Making Systems Communicate and
                                  Cooperate: The Central Control Approach  308
                M. Daberkow and   
                       A. Weber   A Database for Number Fields . . . . . . 320
                  G. Grivas and   
                  A. Palinginis   Compiling Residuation for a
                                  Multiparadigm Symbolic Programming
                                  Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
                    S. Gray and   
                  N. Kajler and   
                     P. S. Wang   Pluggability Issues in the Multi
                                  Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1129, 1996

                   S. Finne and   
                    S. P. Jones   Composing the User Interface with Haggis 1
                       P. Hudak   Haskote Music Tutorial . . . . . . . . . 38
                 J. Jeuring and   
                     P. Jansson   Polytypic Programming  . . . . . . . . . 68
                         P. Lee   Implementing Threads in Standard ML  . . 115
                     C. Okasaki   Functional Data Structures . . . . . . . 131
                C. Runciman and   
                     N. Roejemo   Heap Profiling for Space Efficiency  . . 159
       S. Doaitse Swierstra and   
                  L. Duponcheel   Deterministic, Error-Correcting
                                  Combinator Parsers . . . . . . . . . . . 184
       S. Doaitse Swierstra and   
                  L. Duponcheel   Deterministic, Error-Correcting
                                  Combinator Parsers . . . . . . . . . . . 184
                       M. Tofte   Essentials of Standard ML Modules  . . . 208

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1130, 1996

                    R. Burstall   Inductively Defined Relations  . . . . . 14
                   H. Ehrig and   
            M. Grosse-Rhode and   
                      U. Wolter   On the Role of Category Theory in the
                                  Area of Algebraic Specifications . . . . 17
                       T. Hoare   Unification of Theories: a Challenge for
                                  Computing Science  . . . . . . . . . . . 49
                   J. J. Homing   The Larch Shared Language: Some Open
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
                    P. Lescanne   The Lambda Calculus as an Abstract Data
                                  Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
                  M. Arrais and   
                 J. L. Fiadeiro   Unifying Theories in Different
                                  Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
                  M. Bidoit and   
                  C. Choppy and   
                      F. Voisin   Interchange Format for Inter-operability
                                  of Tools and Translation . . . . . . . . 102
                R. Buendgen and   
                  W. Lauterbach   Experiments with Partial Evaluation
                                  Domains for Rewrite Specifications . . . 125
                 S. Clerici and   
              R. M. Jimenez and   
                      F. Orejas   Class-Sort Polymorphism in Glider  . . . 143
                  E. Coscia and   
                      G. Reggio   Deontic Concepts in the Algebraic
                                  Specification of Dynamic Systems: The
                                  Permission Case  . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
                      G. Denker   Reification --- Changing Viewpoint but
                                  Preserving Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
                  R. Diaconescu   A Category-Based Equational Logic
                                  Semantics to Constraint Programming  . . 200
                M. Grosse-Rhode   Concurrent State Transformations on
                                  Abstract Data Types  . . . . . . . . . . 222
                  U. Hensel and   
                     D. Spooner   A View on Implementing Processes:
                                  Categories of Circuits . . . . . . . . . 237
             C. Hintermeier and   
                H. Kirchner and   
                   P. D. Mosses   Combining Algebraic and Set-Theoretic
                                  Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
               J. Kamperman and   
                     P. Walters   Minimal Term Rewriting Systems . . . . . 274
                    M. Klar and   
                 R. Geisler and   
                   F. Cornelius   InterACT: An Interactive Theorem and
                                  Completeness Prover for Algebraic
                                  Specifications with Conditional
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
             V. Kriauciukas and   
                     M. Walicki   Rewriting and Reasoning with
                                  Set-Relations II: The Non-ground Case
                                  Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
               B. Kristoffersen   Termination of Curryfied Rewrite Systems 322
                 P. Le Gall and   
                     A. Arnould   Formal Specifications and Test:
                                  Correctness and Oracle . . . . . . . . . 342
                     G. Malcolm   Behavioural Equivalence, Bisimulation,
                                  and Minimal Realisation  . . . . . . . . 359
                 T. Mossakowski   Using Limits of Parchments to
                                  Systematically Construct Institutions of
                                  Partial Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
                   N. Mylonakis   Behavioural Specifications in Type
                                  Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
                    P. Padawitz   Swinging Data Types: Syntax, Semantics,
                                  and Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
                   W. Pawlowski   Context Institutions . . . . . . . . . . 436
                    Z. Qian and   
             B. Krieg-Brueckner   Object-Oriented Functional Programming
                                  and Type Reconstruction  . . . . . . . . 458
                    A. Tarlecki   Moving Between Logical Systems . . . . . 478
                  F. Voisin and   
                      M. Bidoit   Modular Algebraic Specifications and the
                                  Orientation of Equations into Rewrite
                                  Rules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
                 P. Walters and   
                   J. Kamperman   A Model for I/O in Equational Languages
                                  with Don't Care Non-determinism  . . . . 522
                        D. Wolz   Tool Design for Structuring Mechanisms
                                  for Algebraic Specification Languages
                                  with Initial Semantics . . . . . . . . . 536

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1131, 1996

                    G. Wang and   
              M. W. Vannier and   
               E. McFarland and   
                   J. P. Heiken   GI Tract Unraveling in Volumetric CT . . 3
               T. Schiemann and   
                J. Nuthmann and   
                   U. Tiede and   
                   K. H. Hoehne   Segmentation of the Visible Human for
                                  High Quality Volume Based Visualization  13
                   B. Preim and   
                  A. Ritter and   
                  T. Strothotte   Illustrating Anatomic Models --- A
                                  Semi-Interactive Approach  . . . . . . . 23
                    K. Mori and   
             J.-I. Hasegawa and   
             J.-I. Toriwaki and   
                        H. Anno   A Fast Rendering Method Using the Tree
                                  Structure of Objects in Virtualized
                                  Bronchus Endoscope System  . . . . . . . 33
                     A. Law and   
                       R. Yagel   An Optimal Ray Traversal Scheme for
                                  Visualizing Colossal Medical Volumes . . 43
                 J.-J. Jacq and   
                        C. Roux   A Direct Multi-Volume Rendering Method.
                                  Application to Visual Assessment of
                                  $3$-D Image Registration Algorithms  . . 53
                 A. Manduca and   
             R. Muthupillai and   
              P. J. Rossman and   
                J. F. Greenleaf   Visualization of Tissue Elasticity by
                                  Magnetic Resonance Elastography  . . . . 63
               R. Hoogeveen and   
                  C. Bakker and   
                   M. Viergever   Accurate Vessel Depiction with Phase
                                  Gradient Algorithm in MR Angiography . . 69
                 R. Mullick and   
                   H. T. Nguyen   Visualization and Labeling of the
                                  Visible Human[TM] Dataset: Challenges
                                  and Resolves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
              J. E. Stewart and   
             W. C. Broaddus and   
                  J. H. Johnson   Rebuilding the Visible Man . . . . . . . 81
J. Terwisscha van Scheltinga and   
                   M. Bosma and   
                    J. Smit and   
                     S. Lobregt   Image Quality Improvements in Volume
                                  Rendering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
           R. P. Grzeszczuk and   
                C. A. Pelizzari   Real-Time Merging of Visible Surfaces
                                  for Display and Segmentation . . . . . . 93
               C. J. Holmes and   
               D. MacDonald and   
                 J. G. Sled and   
                     A. W. Toga   Cortical Peeling: CSF\slash Grey
                                  Matter/White Matter Boundaries
                                  Visualized by Nesting Isosurfaces  . . . 99
              R. Guillemaud and   
                       M. Brady   Enhancement of MR Images . . . . . . . . 107
                 J. Marquez and   
                     F. Schmitt   Radiometric Correction of Color
                                  Cryosection Images for Three-Dimensional
                                  Segmentation of Fine Structures  . . . . 117
                  L. Launay and   
             E. Maurincomme and   
                 P. Bouchet and   
                   J.-L. Mallet   $3$D Reconstruction of Cerebral Vessels
                                  and Pathologies from a Few Biplane
                                  Digital Angiographies  . . . . . . . . . 123
                  P. A. Kay and   
                 R. A. Robb and   
             D. G. Bostwick and   
                     J. J. Camp   Robust $3$-D Reconstruction and Analysis
                                  of Microstructures from Serial
                                  Histologic Sections, with Emphasis on
                                  Microvessels in Prostate Cancer  . . . . 129
              R. K.-S. Kwan and   
                A. C. Evans and   
                     G. B. Pike   An Extensible MRI Simulator for
                                  Post-Processing Evaluation . . . . . . . 135
            C. Brechbuehler and   
                   G. Gerig and   
                     G. Szekely   Compensation of Spatial Inhomogeneity in
                                  MRI Based on a Parametric Bias Estimate  141
             S. Schuenemann and   
               C. Rethfeldt and   
                 F. Mueller and   
                  K. Agha-Amiri   Analysis of Coupled Multi-Image
                                  Information in Microscopy  . . . . . . . 147
                  S. Gilles and   
                   M. Brady and   
                J. Declerck and   
                 J.- P. Thirion   Bias Field Correction of Breast MR
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
                Y. Masutani and   
                K. Masamune and   
                        T. Dohi   Region-Growing Based Feature Extraction
                                  Algorithm for Tree-Like Objects  . . . . 161
            M. J. McAuliffe and   
                  D. Eberly and   
              D. S. Fritsch and   
                   E. L. Chaney   Scale-Space Boundary Evolution
                                  Initialized by Cores . . . . . . . . . . 173
              W. A. Barrett and   
                E. N. Mortensen   Fast, Accurate, and Reproducible
                                  Live-Wire Boundary Extraction  . . . . . 183
                 A. Kelemen and   
                 G. Szekely and   
                H.-W. Reist and   
                       G. Gerig   Automatic Segmentation of Cell Nuclei
                                  from Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
                C. J. Bouma and   
              W. J. Niessen and   
           K. J. Zuiderveld and   
              E. J. Gussenhoven   Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms
                                  for Intravascular Ultrasound Images  . . 203
               B. C. Vemuri and   
                     Y. Guo and   
                  S. H. Lai and   
                  C. M. Leonard   Fast Algorithms for Fitting
                                  Multiresolution Hybrid Shape Models to
                                  Brain MRI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
                K. Kanazawa and   
                    M. Kubo and   
                    N. Niki and   
                       H. Satoh   Computer Aided Screening System for Lung
                                  Cancer Based on Helical CT Images  . . . 223
            D. Vandermeulen and   
               X. Descombes and   
                 P. Suetens and   
                     G. Marchal   Unsupervised Regularized Classification
                                  of Multi-Spectral MRI  . . . . . . . . . 229
                T. M. Buzug and   
                   J. Weese and   
               C. Fassnacht and   
                      C. Lorenz   Using an Entropy Similarity Measure to
                                  Enhance the Quality of DSA Images with
                                  an Algorithm Based on Template Matching  235
               M. S. Atkins and   
               B. T. Mackiewich   Automatic Segmentation of the Brain in
                                  MRI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
              M. Belohlavek and   
                 A. Manduca and   
              T. Behrenbeck and   
                   J. B. Seward   Image Analysis Using Modified
                                  Self-Organizing Maps: Automated
                                  Delineation of the Left Ventricular
                                  Cavity Boundary in Serial
                                  Echocardiograms  . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
                L. De Braal and   
                N. Ezquerra and   
                E. Schwartz and   
                    C. D. Cooke   Analyzing and Predicting Images Through
                                  a Neural Network Approach  . . . . . . . 253
          M. Alcañiz and   
                    V. Grau and   
                   C. Knoll and   
                     M. C. Juan   An Artificial Intelligence Approach for
                                  Automatic Interpretation of
                                  Maxillofacial CT Images  . . . . . . . . 259
             M. Bro-Nielsen and   
                     C. Gramkow   Fast Fluid Registration of Medical
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
              A. Rangarajan and   
               E. Mjolsness and   
                   S. Pappu and   
                     L. Davachi   A Robust Point Matching Algorithm for
                                  Autoradiograph Alignment . . . . . . . . 277
                    J. Zhao and   
           P. T. E. Roberts and   
        A. C. F. Colchester and   
              K. Holton-Tainter   Registration Updating Using Marker Pins
                                  in a Video Based Neurosurgical Guidance
                                  System (VISLAN)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
                    K. Rohr and   
               H. S. Stiehl and   
                R. Sprengel and   
                        W. Beil   Point-Based Elastic Registration of
                                  Medical Image Data Using Approximating
                                  Thin-Plate Splines . . . . . . . . . . . 297
              D. L. Collins and   
             G. Le Goualher and   
               R. Venugopal and   
                   A. Caramanos   Cortical Constraints for Non-Linear
                                  Cortical Registration  . . . . . . . . . 307
                    N. Hata and   
                W. M. Wells and   
                   M. Halle and   
                    S. Nakajima   Image Guided Microscopic Surgery System
                                  Using Mutual-Information Based
                                  Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
              J.-P. Thirion and   
                  G. Subsol and   
                        D. Dean   Cross Validation of Three Inter-Patients
                                  Matching Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
               T. Schormann and   
                    S. Henn and   
                      K. Zilles   A New Approach to Fast Elastic Alignment
                                  with Applications to Human Brains  . . . 337
          G. E. Christensen and   
                S. C. Joshi and   
                   M. I. Miller   Individualizing Anatomical Atlases of
                                  the Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
                     B. Kim and   
                 J. L. Boes and   
                 K. A. Frey and   
                    C. R. Meyer   Mutual Information for Automated
                                  Multimodal Image Warping . . . . . . . . 349
              C. Davatzikos and   
                M. Vaillant and   
                 S. Resnick and   
                   J. L. Prince   Morphological Analysis of Brain
                                  Structures Using Spatial Normalization   355
                    D. Dean and   
                 P. Buckley and   
            F. L. Bookstein and   
                      J. Kamath   Three Dimensional MR-Based Morphometric
                                  Comparison of Schizophrenic and Normal
                                  Cerebral Ventricles  . . . . . . . . . . 363
                  G. Subsol and   
              J.-P. Thirion and   
                      N. Ayache   Application of an Automatically Built
                                  $3$D Morphometric Brain Atlas: Study of
                                  Cerebral Ventricle Shape . . . . . . . . 373
                P. Thompson and   
                     A. W. Toga   Visualization and Mapping of Anatomic
                                  Abnormalities Using a Probabilistic
                                  Brain Atlas Based on Random Fluid
                                  Transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
                     H. Talhami   L-Systems for Three-Dimensional
                                  Anatomical Modelling: Towards a Virtual
                                  Laboratory in Anatomy  . . . . . . . . . 393
                      A. Kriete   Hierarchial Data Representation of Lung
                                  to Model Morphology and Function . . . . 399
                F. L. Bookstein   Visualizing Group Differences in Outline
                                  Shape: Methods from Biometrics of
                                  Landmark Points  . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
                  P. Marais and   
              R. Guillemaud and   
                  M. Sakuma and   
                   A. Zisserman   Visualising Cerebral Asymmetry . . . . . 411
          P. A. Freeborough and   
                      N. C. Fox   Assessing Patterns and Rates of Brain
                                  Atrophy by Serial Magnetic Resonance
                                  Imaging: a Segmentation, Registration,
                                  Display and Quantification Procedure . . 419
              C. Rossmanith and   
                 H. Handels and   
               S. J. Poeppl and   
                      E. Rinast   Characterisation and Classification of
                                  Brain Tumours in Three-Dimensional MR
                                  Image Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
               A. Zijdenbos and   
                A. C. Evans and   
                   F. Riahi and   
                     J. G. Sled   Automatic Quantification of Multiple
                                  Sclerosis Lesion Volume Using
                                  Stereotaxic Space  . . . . . . . . . . . 439
                      Y. Ge and   
               D. R. Stelts and   
                   D. J. Vining   $3$D Skeleton for Virtual Colonoscopy    449
                T. L. Faber and   
              J. M. Hoffman and   
                T. R. Henry and   
                    J. R. Votaw   Identifying Hypometabolism in PET Images
                                  of the Brain: Application to Epilepsy    457
                   C. Rocha and   
          J.-L. Dillenseger and   
                J.-L. Coatrieux   Multi-Array EEG Signals Mapped with
                                  Three Dimensional Images for Clinical
                                  Epilepsy Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
                   B. Bromm and   
                    E. Scharein   Visualisation of Pain by
                                  Magnetoencephalography in Humans . . . . 477
                H. R. Dinse and   
                   B. Godde and   
                  T. Hilger and   
                      G. Reuter   Visualization of Cat Auditory Cortical
                                  Functional Organization after Electrical
                                  Stimulation with a Multi-Channel
                                  Cochlear Implant by Means of Optical
                                  Imaging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
                  T. Poston and   
             W. L. Nowinski and   
                   L. Serra and   
                     B. C. Chua   The Brain Bench: Virtual Stereotaxis for
                                  Rapid Neurosurgery Planning and Training 491
      J. Van Cleynenbreugel and   
              K. Verstreken and   
                 G. Marchal and   
                     P. Suetens   A Flexible Environment for Image Guided
                                  Virtual Surgery Planning . . . . . . . . 501
          M. Alcañiz and   
                F. Chinesta and   
               C. Monserrat and   
                        V. Grau   An Advanced System for the Simulation
                                  and Planning of Orthodontic Treatments   511
                 R. Shahidi and   
                  V. Argiro and   
                   S. Napel and   
                        L. Gray   Assessment of Several Virtual Endoscopy
                                  Techniques Using Computed Tomography and
                                  Perspective Volume Rendering . . . . . . 521
                 M. Bro-Nielsen   Surgery Simulation Using Fast Finite
                                  Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
                   S. Cotin and   
              H. Delingette and   
                      N. Ayache   Real Time Volumetric Deformable Models
                                  for Surgery Simulation . . . . . . . . . 535
                   E. Keeve and   
                   S. Girod and   
                       B. Girod   Craniofacial Surgery Simulation  . . . . 541
                  P. A. Kay and   
                 R. A. Robb and   
                R. P. Myers and   
                     B. F. King   Creation and Validation of Patient
                                  Specific Anatomical Models for Prostate
                                  Surgery Planning Using Virtual Reality   547
             J. D. Bourland and   
                       Q. R. Wu   Use of Shape for Automated, Optimized
                                  $3$D Radiosurgical Treatment Planning    553
              D. L. G. Hill and   
        P. N. Poynter Smith and   
                C. L. Emery and   
                  P. E. Summers   MRI Guided Intranasal Flexible
                                  Micro-Endoscopy  . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
                   Q. H. Li and   
             H. J. Holdener and   
                L. Zamorano and   
                        P. King   Computer-Assisted Insertion of Pedicle
                                  Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
                     Q. Mei and   
               S. J. Harris and   
          F. Arambula-Cosio and   
                   M. S. Nathan   PROBOT --- A Computer Integrated
                                  Prostatectomy System . . . . . . . . . . 581
                   H. Fuchs and   
                   A. State and   
               E. D. Pisano and   
                  W. F. Garrett   Towards Performing Ultrasound-Guided
                                  Needle Biopsies from within a
                                  Head-Mounted Display . . . . . . . . . . 591
               C. Studholme and   
               J. A. Little and   
                G. P. Penny and   
                  D. L. G. Hill   Automated Multimodality Registration
                                  Using the Full Affine Transformation:
                                  Application to MR and CT Guided Skull
                                  Base Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1132, 1996

                       L. Bouge   The Data Parallel Programming Model: a
                                  Semantic Perspective . . . . . . . . . . 4
                R. S. Schreiber   An Introduction to HPF . . . . . . . . . 27
              S. G. Petiton and   
                        N. Emad   A Data Parallel Scientific Computing
                                  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
                      M. S. Lam   Current Status of the SUIF Research
                                  Project  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
                     J.-L Pazat   Tools for High Performance Fortran: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
              P. J. Hatcher and   
              R. D. Russell and   
                 S. Kumaran and   
                    M. J. Quinn   Implementing Data Parallel Programs on
                                  Commodity Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . 159
                      I. Foster   Task Parallelism and High-Performance
                                  Languages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
             J.-L. Dekeyser and   
                     P. Marquet   Supporting Irregular and Dynamic
                                  Computations in Data Parallel Languages  197
                      B. Lisper   Data Parallelism and Functional
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
                   L. Bouge and   
                 D. Cachera and   
              Y. Le Guyadec and   
                       G. Utard   Formal Validation of Data Parallel
                                  Programs: Introducting the Assertional
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1133, 1996

                   G. E. Seguin   The Algebraic Structure of Codes
                                  Invariant Under a Permutation  . . . . . 1
             J. P. Pedersen and   
                      D. Polemi   A Method of Combining Algebraic
                                  Geometric Goppa Codes  . . . . . . . . . 19
             T. A. Gulliver and   
                 V. K. Bhargava   Some Best Rate $ 1 / p $ Quasi-Cyclic
                                  Codes over GF(5) . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
              A. M. Youssef and   
                  S. E. Tavares   Information Leakage of a Randomly
                                  Selected Boolean Function  . . . . . . . 41
              N. D. Aakvaag and   
                  B. Lacaze and   
                   A. Duverdier   On the Use of Periodic Timebase
                                  Companding in the Scrambling of
                                  Stationary Processes . . . . . . . . . . 53
               A. Duverdier and   
                  B. Lacaze and   
                  N. D. Aakvaag   A Novel Approach to Spread Spectrum
                                  Communication Using Linear Periodic
                                  Time-Varying Filters . . . . . . . . . . 64
                     G. Battail   On Random-Like Codes . . . . . . . . . . 76
                 P. Guinand and   
                   J. Lodge and   
                       L. Papke   An Alternative Approach to the Design of
                                  Interleavers for Block ``Turbo'' Codes   95
               D. B. Gravel and   
                  G. Drolet and   
                    C. N. Rozon   Improved VLSI Design for Decoding
                                  Concatenated Codes Comprising an
                                  Irreducible Cyclic Code and a
                                  Reed--Solomon Code . . . . . . . . . . . 104
               R. C.-K. Lee and   
              F. R. Kschischang   Non-Minimal Trellises for Linear Block
                                  Codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
                M. Esmaeili and   
             T. A. Gulliver and   
                   N. P. Secord   Trellis Complexity of Linear Block Codes
                                  via Atomic Codewords . . . . . . . . . . 130
              H. Juergensen and   
              S. Konstantinidis   Error Corrections for Channels with
                                  Substitutions, Insertions, and Deletions 149
                D. Boudreau and   
                       Y. Viens   Reduced Complexity Soft-Output Maximum
                                  Likelihood Sequence Estimation of
                                  $4$-ary CPM Signals Transmitted over
                                  Rayleigh Flat-Fading Channels  . . . . . 164
               C. R. Nassar and   
                M. R. Soleymani   A Novel Receiver Structure for MPSK in
                                  the Presence of Rapidly Changing Phase   184
                C. D'Amours and   
                  A. Yongacoglu   Comparison of MFSK Variants for a Hybrid
                                  DS/FH-CDMA System in Rayleigh Fading . . 200
                     H. V. Poor   Finite-Field Wavelet Transforms  . . . . 225
               M. K. Mandal and   
            S. Panchanathan and   
                   T. Aboulnasr   Choice of Wavelets for Image Compression 239
                  E. Volden and   
                G. Giraudon and   
                     M. Berthod   Information in Markov Random Fields and
                                  Image Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
                  J. Gauvin and   
                  M. Doucet and   
                 D. Gingras and   
                   P. Chevrette   Coding of Image Data via Correlation
                                  Filters for Invariant Pattern
                                  Recognition: Some Practical Results  . . 269
              P. J. Gallant and   
                E. L. Morin and   
                  L. E. Peppard   Improving Myoelectric Signal Classifier
                                  Generalization by Preprocessing with
                                  Exploratory Projections  . . . . . . . . 278
                 S. X. Liao and   
                      M. Pawlak   Chinese Character Recognition via
                                  Orthogonal Moments . . . . . . . . . . . 296

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1134, 1996

                J. Rykowski and   
                     W. Cellary   Using Multiversion Object-Oriented
                                  Databases in CAD/CIM Systems . . . . . . 1
                   A. Yahia and   
                  L. Lakhal and   
                   R. Cicchetti   Building Inheritance Graphs in Object
                                  Database Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
                  O. Pastor and   
               V. Pelechano and   
                   B. Bonet and   
                       I. Ramos   An Object Oriented Methodological
                                  Approach for Making Automated
                                  Prototyping Feasible . . . . . . . . . . 29
               M. Annamalai and   
                A. Sundaram and   
                    B. Bhargava   A Color-Based Technique for Measuring
                                  Visible Loss for Use in Image Data
                                  Communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
                      S. Battle   Establishing Arc Consistency for
                                  Multiple Database Views  . . . . . . . . 49
                 A. Henrich and   
                   D. Daeberitz   Using a Query Language to State
                                  Consistency Constraints for Repositories 59
            H.-J. Appelrath and   
                H. Behrends and   
                  H. Jasper and   
                     O. Zukunft   Case Studies on Active Database
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
                  L. Becker and   
               A. Voigtmann and   
                 K. H. Hinrichs   Temporal Support for Geo-Data in
                                  Object-Oriented Databases  . . . . . . . 79
                  F. Casati and   
                    S. Ceri and   
                 B. Pernici and   
                       G. Pozzi   Deriving Active Rules for Workflow
                                  Enactment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
     F. De Ferreira Rezende and   
                       T. Baier   Employing Object-Based LSNs in a
                                  Recovery Strategy  . . . . . . . . . . . 116
                       E. Dogdu   Scheduling Adaptive Transactions in
                                  Real-Time Databases  . . . . . . . . . . 130
                  K.-Y. Lam and   
                 W.- C. Yau and   
                   V. C. S. Lee   Applying Similarity in Concurrency
                                  Control for Real-Time Database
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
                  R. Alhajj and   
                       F. Polat   View Maintenance in Object-Oriented
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
                   J. A. Bakker   Object-Orientation Based on Semantic
                                  Transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
                 C. Djeraba and   
                     K. Hadouda   Multimedia Scenes in a Database System   177
                H. Kitakami and   
                    Y. Mori and   
                     M. Arikawa   An Intelligent System for Integrating
                                  Autonomous Nomenclature Databases in
                                  Semantic Heterogeneity . . . . . . . . . 187
               D. Lucarella and   
                       A. Zanzi   A Graph-Oriented Data Model  . . . . . . 197
                  Y.-J. Lee and   
                  D.-M. Lee and   
                  S.-J. Ryu and   
                    C.-W. Chung   Controlled Decomposition Strategy for
                                  Complex Spatial Objects  . . . . . . . . 207
                   S. Greco and   
                  C. Mateis and   
                   E. Spadafora   The Complexity of Weak Unification of
                                  Bounded Simple Set Terms . . . . . . . . 224
                  S. J. Lim and   
                       Y.-K. Ng   A Formal Approach for Horizontal
                                  Fragmentation in Distributed Deductive
                                  Database Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
                  C. Collet and   
                     T. Coupaye   Composite Events in NAOS . . . . . . . . 244
              B. Eaglestone and   
                  R. Holton and   
                        L. Rold   GENREG: a Historical Data Model Based on
                                  Event Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
             X. C. Delannoy and   
                   C. Del Vigna   Binary Integrity Constraints Against
                                  Confidentiality  . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
            A. Papadopoulos and   
                  M. Vaitis and   
             D. Christodoulakis   Building Hypertext Interfaces to
                                  Existing Relational Databases  . . . . . 276
                  H.-C. Liu and   
              C. Chirathamjaree   An Efficient Join for Nested Relational
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
              A. Hameurlain and   
                      F. Morvan   Parallel Relational Database Systems:
                                  Why, How and Beyond  . . . . . . . . . . 302
                  J. Goeers and   
               K.-P. Lisson and   
             H.-G. Linde-Goeers   Experiences in Object-Oriented Modeling
                                  of a Real Database Application . . . . . 313
                    H. Shin and   
                       J. Chang   Signatures of Complex Objects for Query
                                  Processing in OODB . . . . . . . . . . . 323
               P. Hennessey and   
              M. T. Ibrahim and   
                  A. M. Fedorec   Formal Specification, Object Oriented
                                  Design, and Implementation of an
                                  Ephemeral Logger for Database Systems    333
                   V. Marik and   
              O. Stepankova and   
                    O. Flek and   
                        J. Kout   Cooperative Agents in DISCIM Environment 356
                   T. Miura and   
                      I. Shioya   Mining Type Schemes in Databases . . . . 369
               I. Nishizawa and   
                  A. Takasu and   
                      J. Adachi   A Query Processing Method for Integrated
                                  Access to Multiple Databases . . . . . . 385
                    P. Lang and   
                W. Obermair and   
                     M. Schrefl   Situation Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . 400
              J. Zimmermann and   
                H. Branding and   
             A. P. Buchmann and   
                     A. Deutsch   Design, Implementation and Management of
                                  Rules in an Acitve Database System . . . 422
               I. S. Thomas and   
                    A. C. Jones   OLAF: The GOAD Active Database
                                  Event/Rule Tracer  . . . . . . . . . . . 436
                 M. Wiedijk and   
             H. Afsarmanesh and   
              L. O. Hertzberger   Co-working and Management of Federated
                                  Information-Clusters . . . . . . . . . . 446
               R. Guenthoer and   
                   S. Jablonski   Transaction-Based Application
                                  Integration in Workflow Management
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
                    J. Tang and   
                    S.-Y. Hwang   Coping with Mismatched Semantics of
                                  Dependencies in Workflow Systems . . . . 467
                        B. Wang   The Design of an Integrated Information
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
                   A. Heuer and   
                     J. Kroeger   Query Optimization in the CROQUE Project 489
                      S. Na and   
                        S. Park   A Process of Fuzzy Query on New Fuzzy
                                  Object Oriented Data Model . . . . . . . 500
                     E. Pitoura   A Replication Schema to Support Weak
                                  Connectivity in Mobile Information
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
                    V. Puig and   
                    C. Oussalah   Constraints and Composite Objects  . . . 521
                L. Tininini and   
               A. Bezenchek and   
                   M. Rafanelli   A System for the Management of Aggregate
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
                   A. Heuer and   
                    A. Lubinski   Database Access in Mobile Environments   544
                      X. Du and   
                     Z. Liu and   
                       N. Ishii   Counting-Based Normalization for
                                  Multiple Linear Recursions . . . . . . . 554
                   T. Eiter and   
                   N. Leone and   
                       D. Sacca   Partial Semantics for Disjunctive
                                  Deductive Databases  . . . . . . . . . . 564
                 Z.-H. Tang and   
                G. Gardarin and   
                       V. Smahi   Optimizing Path Expressions Using
                                  Navigational Algebraic Operators . . . . 574
                  G. Kappel and   
                     M. Schrefl   Modeling Object Behavior: To Use Methods
                                  or Rules or Both . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
                  Y. H. Kim and   
                  M. S. Kim and   
                 S.-H. Kwon and   
                    C.-S. Jeong   The Object-Oriented Design of KROSS: An
                                  Object-Oriented Spatial Database System  603
              W. Winiwarter and   
                  O. Kagawa and   
                  Y. Kambayashi   Applying Language Engineering Techniques
                                  to the Question Support Facilities in
                                  VIENA Classroom  . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
                 T. Yoshida and   
                    M. Takizawa   Model of Mobile Objects  . . . . . . . . 623
             V. I. Wietrzyk and   
                   Y. Ramaswamy   Real-Time Transaction Scheduling in
                                  Database Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
                 V. I. Wietrzyk   Performance Evaluation of New Clustering
                                  Algorithm in Object-Oriented Database
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
                   N. Leone and   
                   P. Rullo and   
                   F. Scarcello   On the Computation of Disjunctive Stable
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
                    L. Wang and   
                    M. Wing and   
                   C. Davis and   
                      N. Revell   An Algebra for a Temporal Object Data
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
                  K. Tanaka and   
                  H. Higaki and   
                    M. Takizawa   Significant Checkpoint in Distributed
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
                          X. Wu   An Architecture for Interoperation of
                                  Distributed Heterogeneous Database
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
                   Y.-L. Lo and   
                  K. A. Hua and   
                  W. Tavanapong   Scheduling Queries for Parallel
                                  Execution on Multicomputer Database
                                  Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 698
                S.-Y. Hwang and   
               K. K. S. Lee and   
                     Y. H. Chin   Data Replication in a Distributed
                                  System: a Performance Study  . . . . . . 708
                  F. Coenen and   
                 B. Beattie and   
       T. J. M. Bench-Capon and   
                 M. J. R. Shave   An Ontology for Linear Spatial Reasoning 718
                J. Debenham and   
                    V. Devedzic   Designing Knowledge-Based Systems for
                                  Optimal Performance  . . . . . . . . . . 728
               S. P. Tolety and   
               U. Garimella and   
    P. E. Bandreddi Middile and   
                     S. P. Rana   Match Algorithm for a Real Time Expert
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
         S. Ghandeharizadeh and   
                         D. Kim   On-line Reorganization of Data in
                                  Scalable Continuous Media Servers  . . . 751
                       V. Kumar   Recovery in Main Memory Database Systems 769
           M. A. Nascimento and   
               M. H. Dunham and   
                     R. Elmasri   M-IVTT: An Index for Bitemporal
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
             L. Ballesteros and   
                       B. Croft   Dictionary Methods for Cross-Lingual
                                  Information Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 791
               F. C. Berger and   
                  P. Van Bommel   Personalized Search Support for
                                  Networked Document Retrieval Using Link
                                  Inference  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
                   L. Ounis and   
                J.-P. Chevallet   Using Conceptual Graphs in a
                                  Multifaceted Logical Model for
                                  Information Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 812
                  E. Ellmer and   
                  C. Huemer and   
                   D. Merkl and   
                      G. Pernul   Automatic Classification of Semantic
                                  Concepts in View Specifications  . . . . 824
                  M. Staudt and   
                 K. Von Thadden   A Generic Subsumption Testing Toolkit
                                  for Knowledge Base Queries . . . . . . . 834
                    N. Tran and   
                   D. P. Le and   
              B. Srinivasan and   
                        B. Sier   Performance Evaluation of Tree-Based
                                  Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
            A. Papadopoulos and   
                Y. Manolopoulos   Global Page Replacement in Spatial
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855
                    S. Sheu and   
                  K. A. Hua and   
                         Y. Cai   On the Optimality of Degree of
                                  Declustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
                H. Kitagawa and   
                N. Watanabe and   
                    Y. Ishikawa   Design and Evaluation of Signature File
                                  Organization Incorporating Vertical and
                                  Horizontal Decomposition Schemes . . . . 875
            E. Schweighofer and   
                 D. Scheithauer   The Automatic Generation of Hypertext
                                  Links in Legal Documents . . . . . . . . 889
                      A. Si and   
                    H. V. Leong   Query Processing and Optimization for
                                  Broadcast Database . . . . . . . . . . . 899
                 A. M. Tjoa and   
                   R. R. Wagner   Developments in the Database and Expert
                                  Systems Applications Domain  . . . . . . 915

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1135, 1996

                    F. Cristian   On the Semantics of Group Communication  1
                     N. Shankar   Unifying Verification Paradigms  . . . . 22
                 G. J. Holzmann   Formal Methods for Early Fault Detection 40
      A. Maggiolo-Schettini and   
                       A. Peron   Retiming Techniques for Statecharts  . . 55
              F. Maraninchi and   
                   N. Halbwachs   Compiling ARGOS into Boleean Equations   72
                     S. Paynter   Real-Time Mode-Machines  . . . . . . . . 90
            P. R. D'Argenio and   
                    E. Brinksma   A Calculus for Timed Automata  . . . . . 110
           J. Springintveld and   
                  F. Vaandrager   Minimizable Timed Automata . . . . . . . 130
                   P. K. Pandya   Weak Chop Inverses and Liveness in
                                  Mean-Value Calculus  . . . . . . . . . . 148
                    M. Fraenzle   Synthesizing Controllers from Duration
                                  Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
                 D. V. Hung and   
                    P. H. Giang   Sampling Semantics of Duration Calculus  188
                      H. Dierks   The Production Cell: a Verified
                                  Real-Time System . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
                K. Karsisto and   
                     A. Valmari   Verification-Driven Development of a
                                  Collision-Avoidance Protocol for the
                                  Ethernet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
          A. Choquet-Geniet and   
                  D. Geniet and   
                      F. Cottet   Exhaustive Computation of the Scheduled
                                  Task Execution Sequences of a Real-Time
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
                  R. Davoli and   
               F. Tamburini and   
                L.- A. Giachini   Scheduling Data Flow Programs in Hard
                                  Real-Time Environments . . . . . . . . . 263
                T. Janowski and   
                      M. Joseph   Dynamic Scheduling in the Presence of
                                  Faults: Specification and Verification   279
                     A. Mei and   
                Y. Igarashi and   
                     N. Shimizu   Efficient Broadcasting on Faulty Star
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
               A. Bouajjani and   
                Y. Lakhnech and   
                      S. Yovine   Model-Checking for Extended Timed
                                  Temporal Logics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
                      F. Pagani   Partial Orders and Verification of
                                  Real-Time systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 327
               R. M. Amadio and   
                         M. Dam   Toward a Modal Theory of Types for the $
                                  \lambda $-Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . 347
                       C. Dietz   Graphical Formalization of Real-Time
                                  Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
               J.-P. Katoen and   
                R. Langerak and   
                 D. Latella and   
                    E. Brinksma   On Specifying Real-Time Systems in a
                                  Causality-Based Setting  . . . . . . . . 385
                M. Westhead and   
               S. Nadjm-Tehrani   Verification of Embedded Systems Using
                                  Synchronous Observers  . . . . . . . . . 405
              F. S. De Boer and   
                     H. Tej and   
            W.-P. De Roever and   
                   M. Van Hulst   Compositionality in Real-Time Shared
                                  Variable Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . 420
                  S. Fowler and   
                    A. Wellings   Formal Analysis of a Real-Time Kernel
                                  Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
                   M. Biehl and   
                N. Klarlund and   
                       T. Rauhe   Mona: Decidable Arithmetic in Practice   459
                  A. Bouali and   
            J.-P. Marimorat and   
               R. De Simone and   
                        H. Toma   Verifying Synchronous Reactive Systems
                                  Programmed in ESTEREL  . . . . . . . . . 463
                   F. Huber and   
                 B. Schaetz and   
                 A. Schmidt and   
                       K. Spies   AutoFocus: a Tool for Distributed
                                  Systems Specification  . . . . . . . . . 467
                 R. K. Bawa and   
                    E. Encrenaz   A Tool for Translation of VHDL
                                  Descriptions into a Formal Model and its
                                  Application to Formal Verification and
                                  Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
                 M. Marrero and   
                      A. Suarez   EVGC: a Tool for Visualizing LOTOS
                                  Behavioural Specifications . . . . . . . 475

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1136, 1996

                   R. Sedgewick   Analysis of Shellsort and Related
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--11
                    A. Garg and   
                R. Tamassia and   
                       P. Vocca   Drawing with Colors  . . . . . . . . . . 12
             L. M. Kirousis and   
                E. Kranakis and   
                     D. Krizanc   Approximating the Unsatisfiability
                                  Threshold of Random Formulas . . . . . . 27
              U. Schwiegelshohn   Preemptive Weighted Completion Time
                                  Scheduling of Parallel Jobs  . . . . . . 39
                      J. Gergov   Approximation Algorithms for Dynamic
                                  Storage Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . 52
                    L. Trevisan   Positive Linear Programming, Parallel
                                  Approximation and PCP's  . . . . . . . . 62
             R. H. Moehring and   
           M. W. Schaeffter and   
                   A. S. Schulz   Scheduling Jobs with Communication
                                  Delays: Using Infeasible Solutions for
                                  Approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
                   S. Roura and   
                    C. Martinez   Randomization of Search Trees by Subtree
                                  Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
               P. Ferragina and   
               S. Muthukrishnan   Efficient Dynamic Method-Lookup in
                                  Object Oriented Languages  . . . . . . . 107
                       R. Raman   Priority Queues: Small, Monotone and
                                  Trans-dichotomous  . . . . . . . . . . . 121
                   A. Nolte and   
                    R. Schrader   Simulated Annealing and Its Problems to
                                  Color Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
                 S. Khuller and   
                 Y. J. Sussmann   The Capacitated $k$-Center Problem . . . 152
                      T. Fujito   A Unified Local Ratio Approximation of
                                  Node-Deletion Problem  . . . . . . . . . 167
                    S. Guha and   
                     S. Khuller   Approximation Algorithms for Connected
                                  Dominating Sets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
                  A. Frieze and   
                 W. Szpankowski   Greedy Algorithms for the Shortest
                                  Common Superstring that Are
                                  Asymptotically Optimal . . . . . . . . . 194
                 T. Tsukiji and   
                       F. Xhafa   On the Depth of Randomly Generated
                                  Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
                   A. Viola and   
                  P. V. Poblete   The Analysis of Linear Probing Hashing
                                  with Buckets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
                 D. Z. Chen and   
                    W. Chen and   
                    K. Wada and   
                   K. Kawaguchi   Parallel Algorithms for Partitioning
                                  Sorted Sets and Related Problems . . . . 234
                  A. Czumaj and   
                 P. Kanarek and   
              M. Kutylowski and   
                       K. Lorys   Fast Generation of Random Permutations
                                  via Networks Simulation  . . . . . . . . 246
               P. Ferragina and   
                      F. Luccio   On the Parallel Dynamic Dictionary
                                  Matching Problem: New Results with
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
           H. L. Bodlaender and   
                  B. De Fluiter   Parallel Algorithms for Series Parallel
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
                M. Leoncini and   
                 G. Manzini and   
                     L. Margara   Parallel Complexity of Householder QR
                                  Factorization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
                   J. Basch and   
                  L. Guibas and   
                 G. D. Ramkumar   Reporting Red-Blue Intersections Between
                                  Two Sets of Connected Line Segments  . . 302
                     H. Alt and   
                   U. Fuchs and   
                    G. Rote and   
                       G. Weber   Matching Convex Shapes with Respect to
                                  the Symmetric Difference . . . . . . . . 320
                E. M. Arkin and   
               Y.-J. Chiang and   
                    M. Held and   
              J. S. B. Mitchell   On Minimum-Area Hulls  . . . . . . . . . 334
           B. V. Cherkassky and   
                 A. V. Goldberg   Negative Cycle Detection Algorithms  . . 349
                   B. W. Watson   A New Regular Grammar Pattern Matching
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
            J. Kaerkkaeinen and   
                     E. Sutinen   Lempel--Ziv Index for $q$-Grams  . . . . 378
                R. Heckmann and   
                    T. Lengauer   Computing Upper and Lower Bounds on
                                  Textile Nesting Problems . . . . . . . . 392
                    N. Alon and   
                  J. Csirik and   
            S. Sevast'janov and   
              A. P. A. Vestjens   On-Line and Off-Line Algorithms for
                                  Vector Covering  . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
              D. Achlioptas and   
                 M. Chrobak and   
                        J. Noga   Competitive Analysis of Randomized
                                  Paging Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . . 419
                B. Awerbuch and   
                    Y. Azar and   
                    A. Fiat and   
                    S. Leonardi   On-Line Competitive Algorithms for Call
                                  Admission in Optical Networks  . . . . . 431
                P. N. Klein and   
                   H.-I. Lu and   
                R. H. B. Netzer   Race-Condition Detection in Parallel
                                  Computation with Semaphores  . . . . . . 445
              C. Kaklamanis and   
                    P. Persiano   Efficient Wavelength Routing on Directed
                                  Fiber Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
               I. Ben-Aroya and   
                D. D. Chinn and   
                    A. Schuster   A Lower Bound for Nearly Minimal
                                  Adaptive and Hot Potato Algorithms . . . 471
             G. Christopher and   
                  M. Farach and   
                    M. A. Trick   The Structure of Circular Decomposable
                                  Metrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
                A. Dessmark and   
                  A. Lingas and   
                A. Proskurowski   Faster Algorithms for Subgraph
                                  Isomorphism of $k$-Connected Partial
                                  $k$-Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
                 S. Arikati and   
                 D. Z. Chen and   
                 L. P. Chew and   
                         G. Das   Planar Spanners and Approximate Shortest
                                  Path Queries among Obstacles in the
                                  Plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
                 V. Auletta and   
                 D. Parente and   
                    P. Persiano   A New Approach to Optimal Planning of
                                  Robot Motion on a Tree with Obstacles    529
             A. Lopez-Ortiz and   
                   S. Schuierer   Generalized Streets Revisited  . . . . . 546
               C. Papadimitriou   Computational Aspects of Organization
                                  Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1137, 1996

               S.-E Bornscheuer   Rational Models of Normal Logic Programs 1
          S.-E. Bornscheuer and   
                      T. Seiler   Massively Parallel Reasoning about
                                  Actions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                   C. Aravindan   DisLoP: a Disjunctive Logic Programming
                                  System Based on PROTEIN Theorem Prover   19
                 M. Contzen and   
                     K. Moeller   Abstraction as a Heuristic to Guide
                                  Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                   J. Denzinger   Equational Theorem Proving Using
                                  Taxonomic Constraints  . . . . . . . . . 29
               J. Denzinger and   
                  M. Kronenburg   Planning for Distributed Theorem
                                  Proving: The Teamwork Approach . . . . . 43
               Truong Quoc Dung   A Revision of Dependency-Directed
                                  Backtracking for JTMS  . . . . . . . . . 57
             M. Ebersberger and   
                 J. Mueller and   
                       H. Stahl   A Compiler-Interpreter-System for
                                  Decoding the User's Intention Within a
                                  Speech Understanding Application . . . . 61
                  B. Fronhoefer   Cyclic Rules in Linear Connection Proofs 67
                   M. Fuchs and   
                     A. Abecker   Optimized Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers
                                  Using Generated Instances  . . . . . . . 71
            L. Garrido-Luna and   
                      K. Sycara   Towards a Totally Distributed Meeting
                                  Scheduling System  . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                       C. Habel   Representations as Basis of Cognitive
                                  Processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
              D. Hirschfeld and   
                     H.-D. Maas   Improving the Functionality of a
                                  Text-to-Speech System by Adding
                                  Morphological Knowledge  . . . . . . . . 103
                     H. H. Hoos   Solving Hard Combinatorial Problems with
                                  GSAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
                      D. Hutter   Using Rippling for Equational Reasoning  121
             J. Jablonowski and   
             W. Lukaszewicz and   
            E. Madalinska-Bugaj   Reasoning about Action and Change:
                                  Defeasible Observations and Actions with
                                  Abnormal Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
                    G. Kamp and   
                    P. Pirk and   
                H.- D. Burkhard   FALLDATEN: Case-Based Reasoning for the
                                  Diagnosis of Technical Devices . . . . . 149
                  W. Kasper and   
                  H.-U. Krieger   Integration of Prosodic and Grammatical
                                  Information in the Analysis of Dialogs   163
 Mieczyslaw Alojzy Klopotek and   
            S. T. Wierzchon and   
                 M. Michalewicz   Application of a Genetic Algorithm for
                                  Plausible Justification of Observations  175
         G. K. Kraetzschmar and   
                J. Schneeberger   Managing Multiple Contexts Efficiently   179
                A. Kuechler and   
                      C. Goller   Inductive Learning in Symbolic Domains
                                  Using Structure-Driven Recurrent Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
               G. Lakemeyer and   
                        W. Lang   Belief Revision in a Nonclassical Logic  199
                   H. Lange and   
                 R. Moeller and   
                     B. Neumann   Avoiding Combinatorial Explosion in
                                  Automatic Test Generation: Reasoning
                                  about Measurements is the Key  . . . . . 213
                    M. Lenz and   
                  H.-D Burkhard   Case Retrieval Nets: Basic Ideas and
                                  Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
                   T. Linke and   
                      T. Schaub   Putting Default Logics in Perspective    241
              A. Margelisch and   
                 B. Novotny and   
                      U. Reimer   EULE2: a Prototypical Knowledge-Based
                                  Decision Support System for the
                                  Performance of Office Tasks  . . . . . . 253
                       E. Melis   When to Prove Theorems by Analogy? . . . 259
                C.-H. Meyer and   
                     W. Roedder   Probabilistic Knowledge Representation
                                  and Reasoning at Maximum Entropy by
                                  SPIRIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
                 H. Niemann and   
                 V. Fischer and   
                  D. Paulus and   
                     J. Fischer   Knowledge Based Image Understanding by
                                  Iterative Optimization . . . . . . . . . 287
                      W. Oertel   Knowledge Organization Using the
                                  Development System FAENSY  . . . . . . . 303
                   J. Otten and   
                      C. Kreitz   A Uniform Proof Procedure for Classical
                                  and Non-Classical Logics . . . . . . . . 307
              D. Pacholczyk and   
                     G. Hunault   Qualitative Reasoning under Uncertainty
                                  with Symbolic Probabilities  . . . . . . 321
                 A. Radzikowska   Narratives with Concurrent Actions: The
                                  Mutual Exclusion Problem . . . . . . . . 327
                     S. Russell   Tools for Autonomous Agents  . . . . . . 331
                     U. Sattler   A Concept Language Extended with
                                  Different Kinds of Transitive Roles  . . 333
                     H. Scheich   Representation in Auditory Cortex  . . . 347
            K. Schnattinger and   
                        U. Hahn   A Terminological Qualification Calculus
                                  for Preferential Reasoning under
                                  Uncertainty  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
              W. Winiwarter and   
                  O. Kagawa and   
                  Y. Kambayashi   Syntactic Disambiguation by Using
                                  Categorial Parsing in a DOOD Framework   363
                  J. Wuertz and   
                     T. Mueller   Constructive Disjunction Revisited . . . 377

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1138, 1996

                    D. S. Scott   Symbolic Computation and Teaching  . . . 1
                   A. Bauer and   
                  E. Clarke and   
                        X. Zhao   Analytica --- An Experiment in Combining
                                  Theorem Proving and Symbolic Computation 21
                  G. Butler and   
                 P. Grogoho and   
                R. Shinghal and   
                     I. Tjandra   Document Recognition, Semantics, and
                                  Symbolic Reasoning in Reverse
                                  Engineering of Software  . . . . . . . . 38
                F. C. C. Dargam   Compromised Updates in Labelled
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
           E. Roanes-Lozano and   
                L. M. Laita and   
               E. Roanes-Macias   An Inference Engine for Propositional
                                  Two-valued Logic Based on the Radical
                                  Membership Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 71
                R. Dillmann and   
                   H. Friedrich   Programming by Demonstration: a Machine
                                  Learning Approach to Support Skill
                                  Acquisition for Robots . . . . . . . . . 87
                G. Reinhart and   
                  R. Diesch and   
                     M. R. Koch   Knowledge-Based Information Processing
                                  in Manufacturing Cells --- The Present
                                  and the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
                     A. G. Cohn   Calculi for Qualitative Spatial
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
                F. Benhamou and   
                L. Granvilliers   Combining Local Consistency, Symbolic
                                  Rewriting and Interval Methods . . . . . 144
                    R. Buendgen   Proof Transformation for Non-Compatible
                                  Rewriting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
                   C. Lynch and   
                    P. Strogova   PATCH Graphs: An Efficient Data
                                  Structure for Completion of Finitely
                                  Presented Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
                    B. J. Dupee   Measuring the Likely Effectiveness of
                                  Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
                     R. Rodosek   A New Approach on Solving
                                  3-Satisfiability . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
                        D. Wang   Geometry Machines: From Artificial
                                  Intelligence to Symbolic Mathematical
                                  Computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
                   J. Ueberberg   Interactive Theorem Proving and Finite
                                  Projective Planes  . . . . . . . . . . . 240
                      M. Joswig   Towards Modelling the Topology of
                                  Homogeneous Manifolds by means of
                                  Symbolic Computation . . . . . . . . . . 258
                   D. Bouhineau   Solving Geometrical Constraint Systems
                                  Using CLP Based on Linear Constraint
                                  Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
                    V. Sofronie   Towards a Sheaf Semantics for
                                  Cooperating Agents Scenarios . . . . . . 289
                V. Telerman and   
                     D. Ushakov   Data Types in Subdefinite Models . . . . 305
          N. Andrianarivelo and   
                W. Bousdira and   
                  J.- M. Talbot   On Theorem-proving in Horn Theories with
                                  Built-in Algebras  . . . . . . . . . . . 320
                        E. Eder   Backward Reasoning in Systems with Cut   339
                    J. A. Plaza   Soundness and Completeness versus
                                  Lifting Property . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
               A. Gavilanes and   
                   J. Leach and   
               P. J. Martin and   
                       S. Nieva   Reasoning with Preorders and Dynamic
                                  Sorts Using Free Variable Tableaux . . . 365

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1139, 1996

                 I. Alouini and   
                    C. Kirchner   Toward the Concurrent Implementation of
                                  Computational Systems  . . . . . . . . . 1
               A. Di Pierro and   
                     W. Drabent   On Negation as Instantiation . . . . . . 32
      M. Garcia de la Banda and   
            M. Hermenegildo and   
                    K. Marriott   Independence in Dynamically Scheduled
                                  Logic Languages  . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
                    F. Benhamou   Heterogeneous Constraint Solving . . . . 62
                   F. Fages and   
                        R. Gori   A Hierarchy of Semantics for Normal
                                  Constraint Logic Programs  . . . . . . . 77
            P. C. Oelveczky and   
                       O. Lysne   Order-Sorted Termination: The Unsorted
                                  Way  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
                   M. Marchiori   Unravelings and Ultra-properties . . . . 107
                      T. Suzuki   Standardization Theorem Revisited  . . . 122
           Z. Khasidashvili and   
                     J. Glauert   Discrete Normalization and
                                  Standardization in Deterministic
                                  Residual Structures  . . . . . . . . . . 135
                      L. Caires   A Language for the Logical Specification
                                  of Processes and Relations . . . . . . . 150
                    L. Brim and   
                 D. Gilbert and   
              J.-M. Jacquet and   
                   M. Kretinsky   A Process Algebra for Synchronous
                                  Concurrent Constraint Programming  . . . 165
                  D. Ancona and   
                       E. Zucca   An Algebraic Approach to Mixins and
                                  Modularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
              H. Fassbender and   
                      S. Maneth   A Strict Border for the Decidability of
                                  E-Unification for Recursive Functions    194
                   E. Marchiori   Prime Factorizations of Abstract Domains
                                  Using First Order Logic  . . . . . . . . 209
                       P. Volpe   Abstractions of Uniform Proofs . . . . . 224
              R. Giacobazzi and   
                     F. Ranzato   Complementing Logic Program Semantics    238
                R. Kennaway and   
             V. Van Oostrom and   
                 F.-J. De Vries   Meaningless Terms in Rewriting . . . . . 254
          M. C. F. Ferreira and   
                  D. Kesner and   
                        L. Puel   lambda-Calculi with Explicit
                                  Substitutions and Composition which
                                  Preserve ?-strong Normalization  . . . . 284--298
    J. M. Almendros-Jimenez and   
        A. Gavilanes-Franco and   
                  A. Gil-Luezas   Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic
                                  Programming with Polymorphic
                                  Order-Sorted Types . . . . . . . . . . . 299
                    D. Nazareth   Specifying Type Systems  . . . . . . . . 314
                    D. Nazareth   The Semantic Treatment of Polymorphic
                                  Specification Languages  . . . . . . . . 330

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1140, 1996

                    L. Meertens   Calculate Polytypically! . . . . . . . . 1
                       S. Kahrs   Limits of ML-Definability  . . . . . . . 17
                   G. Belle and   
                  C. B. Jay and   
                       E. Moggi   Functorial ML  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
                  P. Louvet and   
                      O. Ridoux   Parametric Polymorphism for Typed Prolog
                                  and lambda-Prolog  . . . . . . . . . . . 47
             J. Mateos-Lago and   
          M. Rodriguez-Artalejo   GOTA Algebras: a Specification Formalism
                                  for Inheritance and Object Hierarchies   62
      M. Garcia de la Banda and   
                   F. Bueno and   
                M. Hermenegildo   Towards Independent And-Parallelism in
                                  CLP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
                   G. Weyer and   
                 W. Winsborough   Annotated Structure Shape Graphs for
                                  Abstract Analysis of Prolog  . . . . . . 92
                     R. Bagnara   A Reactive Implementation of Pos Using
                                  ROBDDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
                 D. Parigot and   
                 G. Roussel and   
                 M. Jourdan and   
                       E. Duris   Dynamic Attribute Grammars . . . . . . . 122
                M. Leuschel and   
                  D. De Schreye   Logic Program Specialisation: How To Be
                                  More Specific  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
                  R. Glueck and   
              J. Joergensen and   
                 B. Martens and   
                M. H. Soerensen   Controlling Conjunctive Partial
                                  Deduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
            N. De Francesco and   
                     A. Santone   Unfold/Fold Transformations of
                                  Concurrent Processes . . . . . . . . . . 167
                   O. Danvy and   
                 R. Vestergaard   Semantics-Based Compiling: a Case Study
                                  in Type-Directed Partial Evaluation  . . 182
                    P. Thiemann   Implementing Memoization for Partial
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
                 G. W. Hamilton   Higher Order Deforestation . . . . . . . 213
                  C. W. Kessler   Scheduling Expression DAGs for Minimal
                                  Register Need  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
                  J. Freire and   
                   T. Swift and   
                   D. S. Warren   Beyond Depth-First: Improving Tabled
                                  Logic Programs through Alternative
                                  Scheduling Strategies  . . . . . . . . . 243
                          X. Li   Program Sharing: a New Implementation
                                  Approach for Prolog  . . . . . . . . . . 259
                    S. Gorlatch   Systematic Extraction and Implementation
                                  of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism  . . . 274
         L. A. Galán and   
                  C. Pareja and   
                 R. Peña   Functional Skeletons Generate Process
                                  Topologies in Eden . . . . . . . . . . . 289
                  T. Gehrke and   
                        M. Huhn   ProFun --- A Language for Executable
                                  Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
               M. Fernandez and   
                      I. Mackie   From Term Rewriting to Generalised
                                  Interaction Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
               M.-V. Aponte and   
                    R. Di Cosmo   Type Isomorphisms for Module Signatures  334
                    S. Ruggieri   Decidability of Logic Program Semantics
                                  and Applications to Testing  . . . . . . 347
                      E. Scholz   PIDGETS --- Unifying Pictures and
                                  Widgets in a Constraint-Based Framework
                                  for Concurrent Functional GUI
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
             F. Kamareddine and   
                        A. Rios   Generalized-Reduction and Explicit
                                  Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
         Z.- E.-A. Benaissa and   
                P. Lescanne and   
               K. Hoegsbro Rose   Modeling Sharing and Recursion for Weak
                                  Reduction Strategies Using Explicit
                                  Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
                       S. Lucas   Context-Sensitive Computations in
                                  Confluent Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 408
              P. J. Stuckey and   
                         V. Tam   Models for Using Stochastic Constraint
                                  Solvers in Constraint Logic Programming  423
                 P. Van Roy and   
                    M. Mehl and   
                 R. Scheidhauer   Integrating Efficient Records into
                                  Concurrent Constraint Programming  . . . 438
                         M. Liu   The LOL Deductive Database Programming
                                  Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
                       C. Fecht   An Efficient and Precise Sharing Domain
                                  for Logic Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 469
                      Z. Hu and   
                 H. Iwasaki and   
                    M. Takeichi   Cheap Tupling in Calculational Form  . . 471
                       S. Antoy   Needed Narrowing in Prolog . . . . . . . 473
                  G. Puebla and   
                M. Hermenegildo   Automatic Optimization of Dynamic
                                  Scheduling in Logic Programs . . . . . . 475
                     C. Schulte   Oz Explorer: a Visual Constraint
                                  Programming Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . 477

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1141, 1996

                   P.-M. Agapow   Computational Brittleness and the
                                  Evolution of Computer Viruses  . . . . . 2
                    L. Bull and   
                  T. C. Fogarty   Evolutionary Computing in Multi-Agent
                                  Environments: Speciation and
                                  Symbiogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                       M. Herdy   Evolution Strategies with Subjective
                                  Selection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                         H. Iba   Emergent Cooperation for Multiple Agents
                                  Using Genetic Programming  . . . . . . . 32
                       C. Jacob   Evolution Programs Evolved . . . . . . . 42
                      N. Jakobi   Encoding Scheme Issues for Open-Ended
                                  Artificial Evolution . . . . . . . . . . 52
                M. Murakawa and   
               S. Yoshizawa and   
                I. Kajitani and   
                      T. Furuya   Hardware Evolution at Function Level . . 62
                     J. Paredis   Coevolutionary Life-Time Learning  . . . 72
                   A. Ronge and   
                  M. G. Nordahl   Genetic Programs and Co-Evolution:
                                  Developing Robust General Purpose
                                  Controllers Using Local Mating in
                                  $2$-Dimensional Populations  . . . . . . 81
                   A. V. Spirov   Self-Assemblage of Gene Nets in
                                  Evolution via Recruiting of New Netters  91
                   A. S. Wu and   
                  R. K. Lindsay   A Survey of Intron Research in Genetics  101
              T. Asselmeyer and   
                 W. Ebeling and   
                        H. Rose   Analytical and Numerical Investigations
                                  of Evolutionary Algorithms in Continuous
                                  Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
                    H.-G. Beyer   On the Asymptotic Behavior of
                                  Multirecombinant Evolution Strategies    122
                   C. Hoehn and   
                      C. Reeves   Are Long Path Problems Hard for Genetic
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
                         H. Iba   Random Tree Generation for Genetic
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
                M. Jelasity and   
                       J. Dombi   Implicit Formae in Genetic Algorithms    154
                   A. Menon and   
                K. Mehrotra and   
                C. K. Mohan and   
                       S. Ranka   A Probabilistic Database Approach to the
                                  Analysis of Genetic Algorithms . . . . . 164
                    L. Molgedey   Mean Field Analysis of Tournament
                                  Selection on a Random Manifold . . . . . 174
             H. Muehlenbein and   
                       G. Paass   From Recombination of Genes to the
                                  Estimation of Distributions: I. Binary
                                  Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
             H. Muehlenbein and   
                J. Bendisch and   
                     H.-M Voigt   From Recombination of Genes to the
                                  Estimation of Distributions: II.
                                  Continuous Parameters  . . . . . . . . . 188
                    S. Rana and   
              L. D. Whitley and   
                    R. Cogswell   Searching in the Presence of Noise . . . 198
                    H. Rose and   
                 W. Ebeling and   
                  T. Asselmeyer   The Density of States --- A Measure of
                                  the Difficulty of Optimisation Problems  208
                     G. Rudolph   On Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms
                                  and Stochastic Mealy Automata  . . . . . 218
                     R. Salomon   The Influence of Different Coding
                                  Schemes on the Computational Complexity
                                  of Genetic Algorithms in Function
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
                   J. Sarma and   
                     K. De Jong   An Analysis of the Effects of
                                  Neighborhood Size and Shape on Local
                                  Selection Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . 236
              M. Schoenauer and   
                 Z. Michalewicz   Evolutionary Computation at the Edge of
                                  Feasibility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
                    D. Thierens   Dimensional Analysis of Allele-Wise
                                  Mixing Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
                       S. Voget   Gaussian Diffusion in a Simple Genetic
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
                H.-M. Voigt and   
                 H. Muehlenbein   Erroneous Truncation Selection --- A
                                  Breeder's Decision Making Perspective    276
                 T. Asveren and   
                     P. Molitor   New Crossover Methods for Sequencing
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
                 W. Banzhaf and   
             F. D. Francone and   
                      P. Nordin   The Effect of Extensive Use of the
                                  Mutation Operator on Generalization in
                                  Genetic Programming Using Sparse Data
                                  Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
               C. Bierwirth and   
             D. C. Mattfeld and   
                      H. Kopfer   On Permutation Representations for
                                  Scheduling Problems  . . . . . . . . . . 310
                A. E. Eiben and   
                C. A. Schippers   Multi-Parent's Niche: $n$-ary Crossovers
                                  on NK-Landscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
                 A. Ghozeil and   
                    D. B. Fogel   A Preliminary Investigation into
                                  Directed Mutations in Evolutionary
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
                 F. Herrera and   
                      M. Lozano   Heuristic Crossovers for Real-Coded
                                  Genetic Algorithms Based on Fuzzy
                                  Connectives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
                     C. Kappler   Are Evolutionary Algorithms Improved by
                                  Large Mutations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
                   M. Sebag and   
                  M. Schoenauer   Mutation by Imitation in Boolean
                                  Evolution Strategies . . . . . . . . . . 356
                P. D. Surry and   
                N. J. Radcliffe   Formal Algorithms + Formal
                                  Representations = Search Strategies  . . 366
                   F. Vavak and   
              T. C. Fogarty and   
                       K. Jukes   A Genetic Algorithm with Variable Range
                                  of Local Search for Tracking Changing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
                        J. Born   An Evolution Strategy with Adaptation of
                                  the Step Sizes by a Variance Function    388
                  P. Darwen and   
                         X. Yao   Every Niching Method has its Niche:
                                  Fitness Sharing and Implicit Sharing
                                  Compared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
                 I. R. East and   
                        J. Rowe   Effects of Isolation in a Distributed
                                  Population Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . 408
              R. Hinterding and   
             Z. Michalewicz and   
                  T. C. Peachey   Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for
                                  Numeric Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . 420
                  J. P. Pedroso   Niche Search: An Evolutionary Algorithm
                                  for Global Optimisation  . . . . . . . . 430
                J. E. Smith and   
                  T. C. Fogarty   Adaptive Parameterised Evolutionary
                                  Systems: Self Adaptive Recombination and
                                  Mutation in a Genetic Algorithm  . . . . 441
                  A. Turner and   
                   D. Corne and   
                 G. Ritchie and   
                        P. Ross   Obtaining Multiple Distinct Solutions
                                  with Genetic Algorithm Niching Methods   451
                   A. Tuson and   
                        P. Ross   Cost Based Operator Rate Adaption: An
                                  Investigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
                 P. Collard and   
                 C. Escazut and   
                      A. Gaspar   Genetic Algorithms and Relational
                                  Landscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
                  R. S. Forsyth   IOGA: An Instance-Oriented Genetic
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
       K. C. H. M. Van Kemenade   Explicit Filtering of Building Blocks
                                  for Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . 494
                    H. Kita and   
                Y. Yabumoto and   
                    N. Mori and   
                   Y. Nishikawa   Multi-Objective Optimization by Means of
                                  the Thermodynamical Genetic Algorithm    504
                    N. Mori and   
                    H. Kita and   
                   Y. Nishikawa   Adaption to a Changing Environment by
                                  Means of the Thermodynamical Genetic
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
                   I. C. Parmee   The Development of a Dual-Agent Strategy
                                  for Efficient Search Across Whole System
                                  Engineering Design Hierarchies . . . . . 523
              A. Schoneveld and   
             J. F. De Ronde and   
             P. M. A. Sloot and   
                 J. A. Kaandorp   A Parallel Cellular Genetic Algorithm
                                  Used in Finite Element Simulation  . . . 533
                 S. Tsutsui and   
                   A. Ghosh and   
                    Y. Fujimoto   A Robust Solution Searching Scheme in
                                  Genetic Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
              J. L. Bernier and   
              C. I. Herraiz and   
               J. J. Merelo and   
                      S. Olmeda   Solving Master Mind Using GAs and
                                  Simulated Annealing: a Case of Dynamic
                                  Constraint Optimization  . . . . . . . . 554
                     T. Blickle   Evolving Compact Solutions in Genetic
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
                D. Duvivier and   
                   P. Preux and   
                    E.-G. Talbi   Climbing up NP-Hard Hills  . . . . . . . 574
              C. M. Fonseca and   
                  P. J. Fleming   On the Performance Assessment and
                                  Comparison of Stochastic Multiobjective
                                  Optimizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
                   K. Lagus and   
                 I. Karanta and   
               J. Ylae-Jaeaeski   Paginating the Generalized Newspaper ---
                                  A Comparison of Simulated Annealing and
                                  a Heuristic Method . . . . . . . . . . . 594
               M. McIlhagga and   
                P. Husbands and   
                        R. Ives   A Comparison of Optimization Techniques
                                  for Integrated Manufacturing Planning
                                  and Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
               M. McIlhagga and   
                P. Husbands and   
                        R. Ives   A Comparison of Search Techniques on a
                                  Wing-Box Optimisation Problem  . . . . . 614
                    A. Neubauer   A Comparative Study of Evolutionary
                                  Algorithms for On-Line Parameter
                                  Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
                   T. Baeck and   
              H. Doernemann and   
                  U. Hammel and   
                 P. Frankhauser   Modeling Urban Growth by Cellular
                                  Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
                   F.-M. Dittes   Democratic Optimization for Discrete and
                                  Continuous Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 646
                  M. Dorigo and   
              L. M. Gambardella   A Study of Some Properties of Ant-Q  . . 656
                A. Ishiguro and   
                   T. Kondo and   
                Y. Watanabe and   
                    Y. Uchikawa   Immunoid: An Immunological Approach to
                                  Decentralized Behavior Arbitration of
                                  Autonomous Mobile Robots . . . . . . . . 666
                 M. Pelillo and   
                    I. M. Bomze   Parallelizable Evolutionary Dynamics
                                  Principles for Solving the Maximum
                                  Clique Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
                 G. Rudolph and   
                      J. Sprave   Significance of Locality and Selection
                                  Pressure in the Grand Deluge
                                  Evolutionary Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 686
               K.-P. Zauner and   
                      M. Conrad   Parallel Computing with DNA: Toward the
                                  Anti-Universal Machine . . . . . . . . . 696
                   B. Carse and   
                  T. C. Fogarty   Tackling the ``Curse of Dimensionality''
                                  of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
                                  Using a Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . 710
                  O. Cordon and   
                 F. Herrera and   
                      M. Lozano   A Three-Stage Method for Designing
                                  Genetic Fuzzy Systems by Learning from
                                  Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
               R. Drechsler and   
                 N. Goeckel and   
                      B. Becker   Learning Heuristics for OBDD
                                  Minimization by Evolutionary Algorithms  730
                   E. Galic and   
                    M. Hoehfeld   Improving the Generalization Performance
                                  of Multi-Layer-Perceptrons with
                                  Population-Based Incremental Learning    740
                   N. Hondo and   
                     H. Iba and   
                      Y. Kakazu   Robust GP in Robot Learning  . . . . . . 751
                   M. Iwata and   
                I. Kajitani and   
                  H. Yamada and   
                         H. Iba   A Pattern Recognition System Using
                                  Evolvable Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . 761
          S. W. Stepniewski and   
                    A. J. Keane   Topology Design of Feedforward Neural
                                  Networks by Genetic Algorithms . . . . . 771
          C. C. W. Sullivan and   
                     A. G. Pipe   An Evolution Strategy for On-line
                                  Optimisation of Dynamic Objective
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
                   F. Corno and   
                P. Prinetto and   
              M. Rebaudengo and   
                   M. S. Reorda   Exploiting Competing Subpopulations for
                                  Automatic Generation of Test Sequences
                                  for Digital Cicuits  . . . . . . . . . . 792
                   R. Dorne and   
                      J.-K. Hao   Constraint Handling in Evolutionary
                                  Search: a Case Study of the Frequency
                                  Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
             C. Hillermeier and   
                     J. Keppler   An Application of Genetic Algorithms and
                                  Neural Networks to Scheduling Power
                                  Generating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 811
                    J. Jakumeit   Evolutionary Algorithms for the
                                  Calculation of Electron Distributions in
                                  Si-MOSFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
                 C. Kappler and   
                   T. Baeck and   
             J. Heistermann and   
               A. Van Der Velde   Refueling of a Nuclear Power Plant:
                                  Comparison of a Naive and a Specialized
                                  Mutation Operator  . . . . . . . . . . . 829
                  J. Lienig and   
                   J. P. Cohoon   Genetic Algorithms Applied to the
                                  Physical Design of VLSI Circuits: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
              R. Rogenmoser and   
                 H. Kaeslin and   
                     T. Blickle   Stochastic Methods for Transistor Size
                                  Optimization of CMOS VLSI Circuits . . . 849
                V. Schnecke and   
                  O. Vornberger   An Adaptive Parallel Genetic Algorithm
                                  for VLSI-Layout Optimization . . . . . . 859
                    E. Alba and   
                    J. M. Troya   Genetic Algorithms for Protocol
                                  Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870
                 G. Bilchev and   
                      I. Parmee   Constraint Handling for the Fault
                                  Coverage Code Generation Problem: An
                                  Inductive Evolutionary Approach  . . . . 880
              B. Freisleben and   
                        P. Merz   New Genetic Local Search Operators for
                                  the Traveling Salesman Problem . . . . . 890
                      X. Hu and   
            G. W. Greenwood and   
               J. G. D'Ambrosio   An Evolutionary Approach to
                                  Hardware/Software Partitioning . . . . . 900
   K. C. H. M. Van Kemenade and   
        J. M. Van Den Akker and   
                      J. N. Kok   Evolutionary Air Traffic Flow Management
                                  for Large $3$D-problems  . . . . . . . . 910
                M. Munetomo and   
                   Y. Takai and   
                        Y. Sato   Genetic-Based Dynamic Load Balancing:
                                  Implementation and Evaluation  . . . . . 920
                G. Niemeyer and   
                     P. Shiroma   Production Scheduling with Genetic
                                  Algorithms and Simulation  . . . . . . . 930
              F. Schweitzer and   
                 W. Ebeling and   
                    H. Rose and   
                       O. Weiss   Network Optimization Using Evolutionary
                                  Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
                  M. Sipper and   
                   M. Tomassini   Co-evolving Parallel Random Number
                                  Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
                  T. Yamada and   
                      R. Nakano   Scheduling by Genetic Local Search with
                                  Multi-Step Crossover . . . . . . . . . . 960
           S. Beiersdoerfer and   
                 J. Schmitt and   
                   M. Sauer and   
                      A. Schulz   Finding the Conformation of Organic
                                  Molecules with Genetic Algorithms  . . . 972
                I. De Falco and   
            A. Della Cioppa and   
               R. Del Balio and   
                   E. Tarantino   Investigating a Parallel Breeder Genetic
                                  Algorithm on the Inverse Aerodynamic
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
                Y. Fujimoto and   
              M. Nishiguchi and   
                  K. Nomoto and   
                   K. Takahashi   An Evolutionary Design for $f$-Lenses    992
                   B. Gross and   
                  U. Hammel and   
                P. Maldaner and   
                       A. Meyer   Optimization of Heat Exchanger Networks
                                  by Means of Evolution Strategies . . . . 1002
                Dae Gyu Kim and   
                   D. Corne and   
                        P. Ross   Industrial Plant Pipe-Route Optimisation
                                  with Genetic Algorithms  . . . . . . . . 1012
        M. Gorges-Schleuter and   
                   W. Jakob and   
                 S. Meinzer and   
                      A. Quinte   An Evolutionary Algorithm for Design
                                  Optimization of Microsystems . . . . . . 1022
             R. A. Richards and   
                 S. D. Sheppard   A Learning Classifier System for
                                  Three-Dimensional Shape Optimization . . 1032

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1142, 1996

                   M. Weinhardt   Portable Pipeline Synthesis for FCCMs    1
                    C. Legl and   
                    K. Eckl and   
                       B. Wurth   Performance-Directed Technology Mapping
                                  for LUT-Based FPGAs --- What Role Do
                                  Decomposition and Covering Play? . . . . 14
                     W. Luk and   
                     S. Guo and   
                 N. Shirazi and   
                      N. Zhuang   A Framework for Developing Parametrised
                                  FPGA Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
                T. Miyazaki and   
                 A. Tsutsui and   
                   K. Ishii and   
                        N. Ohta   FACT: Co-evaluation Environment for FPGA
                                  Architecture and CAD System  . . . . . . 34
                J. Stohmann and   
                       E. Barke   An Universal CLA Adder Generator for
                                  SRAM-Based FPGAs . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
                 Y. Shibata and   
                 X.-P. Ling and   
                       H. Amano   An Emulation System of the WASMII: a
                                  Data Driven Computer on a Virtual
                                  Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
          R. W. Hartenstein and   
                  J. Becker and   
                       R. Kress   Custom Computing Machines vs.
                                  Hardware/Software Codesign: From a
                                  globalized point of view . . . . . . . . 65
                S. H.-M. Ludwig   The Design of a Coprocessor Board Using
                                  Xilinx's XC6200 FPGA --- An Experience
                                  Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
                   D. Smith and   
                      D. Bhatia   RACE: Reconfigurable and Adaptive
                                  Computing Environment  . . . . . . . . . 87
                     C. H. Dick   Computing $2$-D DFTs Using FPGAs . . . . 96
                    U. Ober and   
               H.-J. Herpel and   
                     M. Glesner   CAPpartx: Computer Aided Prototyping
                                  Partitioning for Xilinx FPGAs, a
                                  Hierarchical Partitioning Tool for Rapid
                                  Prototyping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
              D. W. Trainor and   
                    R. F. Woods   Architectural Synthesis and Efficient
                                  Circuit Implementation for Field
                                  Programmable Gate Arrays . . . . . . . . 116
                 C. Ebeling and   
            D. C. Cronquist and   
                    P. Franklin   RaPiD --- Reconfigurable Pipelined
                                  Datapath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
                  T. Suyama and   
                   M. Yokoo and   
                      H. Sawada   Solving Satisfiability Problems on FPGAs 136
                    C. Sanz and   
              L. De Zulueta and   
                  J. M. Meneses   FPGA Implementation of the
                                  Block-Matching Algorithm for Motion
                                  Estimation in Image Coding . . . . . . . 146
                   M. Braun and   
               J. Friedrich and   
                   T. Gruen and   
                     J. Lembert   Parallel CRC Computation in FPGAs  . . . 156
                 U. Meyer-Baese   Coherent Demodulation with FPGAs . . . . 166
                 S. Gehring and   
                      S. Ludwig   The Trianus System and Its Application
                                  to Custom Computing  . . . . . . . . . . 176
                  N. Lester and   
                        J. Saul   Logic Synthesis for FPGAs Using A Mixed
                                  Exclusive-/Inclusive-OR Form . . . . . . 185
               K. Tammemaee and   
                  M. O'Nils and   
                      A. Hemani   Flexible Codesign Target Architecture
                                  for Early Prototyping of CMIST Systems   193
                   K. Inoue and   
                  T. Kisuki and   
                   M. Okuno and   
                     E. Shimizu   ATTEMPT-1: a Reconfigurable
                                  Multiprocessor Testbed . . . . . . . . . 200
                  N. Janzen and   
                   F. J. Rammig   A Slow Motion Engine for the Analysis of
                                  FPGA-Based Prototypes  . . . . . . . . . 210
                     A. Hesener   Implementing Reconfigurable Datapaths in
                                  FPGAs for Adaptive Filter Design . . . . 220
                    T. Kean and   
                     B. New and   
                       B. Slous   A Fast Constant Coefficient Multiplier
                                  for the XC6200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
               A. Ditzinger and   
                       R. Remme   Key Issues for User Acceptance of FPGA
                                  Design Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
            B. L. Combridge and   
            P. S. Cornfield and   
                     S. Naunton   Reconfigurable DSP Demonstrators for the
                                  Development of Spacecraft Payload
                                  Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
                   S. Casselman   Reconfigurable Logic Based Fibre Channel
                                  Network Card With Sub 2 Micro-Second Raw
                                  Latency  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
                J. R. Haddy and   
                 D. J. Skellern   An Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
                                  Stream Demultiplexer and Switch  . . . . 260
                 M. Vasilko and   
                D. Ait-Boudaoud   Optically Reconfigurable FPGAs: Is this
                                  a Future Trend?  . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
                  Z. Salcic and   
                     B. Maunder   CCSimP --- An Instruction-level
                                  Custom-Configurable Processor for FPLDs  280
                 M. Vasilko and   
                D. Ait-Boudaoud   Architectural Synthesis Techniques for
                                  Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic . . . . 290
                  H. Eggers and   
                 P. Lysaght and   
                    H. Dick and   
                    G. McGregor   Fast Reconfigurable Crossbar Switching
                                  in FPGAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
                   G. Yasar and   
                  J. Devins and   
                Y. Tsyrkina and   
                 G. Stadtlander   Growable FPGA Macro Generator  . . . . . 307
                J. P. Heron and   
                    R. F. Woods   Architectural Strategies for
                                  Implementing an Image Processing
                                  Algorithm on XC6000 FPGA . . . . . . . . 317
                     G. Brebner   A Virtual Hardware Operating System for
                                  the Xilinx XC6200  . . . . . . . . . . . 327
                   A. Trost and   
                  R. Kuznar and   
                   A. Zemva and   
                        B. Zajc   An Experimental Programmable Environment
                                  for Prototyping Digital Circuits . . . . 337
                M. Gschwind and   
                     C. Mautner   Migration from Schematic-Based Designs
                                  to a VHDL Synthesis Environment  . . . . 346
                 A. Balboni and   
                     L. Valenti   ASIC Design and FPGA Design: a Unified
                                  Design Methodology Applied to Different
                                  Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
                 C. H. Dick and   
                      F. Harris   FIR Filtering with FPGAs Using
                                  Quadrature Sigma-Delta Modulation
                                  Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
                      K. Yi and   
                     C.-S. Jhon   A New FPGA Technology Mapping Approach
                                  by Cluster Merging . . . . . . . . . . . 366
                     L. Larsson   An EPLD Based Transient Recorder for
                                  Simulation of Video Signal Processing
                                  Devices in a VHDL Environment Close to
                                  System Level Conditions  . . . . . . . . 371
                 U. Meyer-Baese   Convolutional Error Decoding with FPGAs  376
               B. M. Rogina and   
                   K. Skala and   
                    B. Vojnovic   Metastability Characteristics Testing
                                  for Programmable Logic Design  . . . . . 381
                  K. Rowley and   
                       C. Lyden   Implementing Sigma Delta Modulator
                                  Prototype Designs on an FPGA . . . . . . 389
                 J. L. Ruiz and   
                 Y. Torroja and   
                   J. L. Garcia   Design of a VME Parametrized Library for
                                  FPGAs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
              G. Schumacher and   
                   B. Josko and   
                  G. Wagner and   
                    M. Radetzki   Development of a Telephone Answering
                                  Machine in a Lab --- FPGAs in Education  400
          V. Tchoumatchenko and   
               T. Vassileva and   
                   R. Ribas and   
                       A. Guyot   FPGA Design Migration  . . . . . . . . . 405
               S. Pillement and   
                  L. Torres and   
                  M. Robert and   
                      G. Cambon   Concurrent Design of Hardware/Software
                                  Dedicated Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 410
                 A. Touhafi and   
               W. Brissinck and   
                    E. F. Dirkx   The Implementation of a Field
                                  Programmable Logic Based Co-Processor
                                  for the Acceleration of Discrete Event
                                  Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
                   M. Weinhardt   Computing Weight Distributions of Binary
                                  Linear Block Codes on a CCM  . . . . . . 425

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1143, 1996

                   B. Carse and   
                  T. C. Fogarty   Fast Evolutionary Learning of Minimal
                                  Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
                                  Using a Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . 1
           H. M. Cartwright and   
                  J. A. Hopkins   Evolutionary Design of Synthetic Routes
                                  in Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                 H.-L. Fang and   
                    D. Come and   
                        P. Ross   A Genetic Algorithm for Job-Shop
                                  Problems with Various Schedule Quality
                                  Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
                P. Husbands and   
                   G. Jenny and   
               M. McIlhagga and   
                        R. Ives   Two Applications of Genetic Algorithms
                                  to Component Design  . . . . . . . . . . 50
                 P. Jonsson and   
                    J. Barklund   Characterizing Signal Behaviour Using
                                  Genetic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . 62
                    K. Lunn and   
                     C. Johnson   Spatial Reasoning with Genetic
                                  Algorithms --- An Application in
                                  Planning of Safe Liquid Petroleum Gas
                                  Sites  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
               J. F. Miller and   
                    P. Thompson   Restricted Evaluation Genetic Algorithms
                                  with Tabu Search for Optimising Boolean
                                  Functions as Multi-Level AND-EXOR
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                H. Pohlheim and   
                   P. Marenbach   Generation of Structured Process Models
                                  Using Genetic Programming  . . . . . . . 102
                        R. Poli   Genetic Programming for Feature
                                  Detection and Image Segmentation . . . . 110
                   S. Sandqvist   A Temporal View of Selection and
                                  Populations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
                   J. Smith and   
                  T. C. Fogarty   Evolving Software Test Data --- GA's
                                  learn Self Expression  . . . . . . . . . 137
          J. C. W. Sullivan and   
                     A. G. Pipe   Efficient Evolution Strategies for
                                  Exploration in Mobile Robotics . . . . . 147
                 G. Bilchev and   
                   I. C. Parmee   Learning the ``Next'' Dimension  . . . . 162
                  J. Branke and   
             H. C. Andersen and   
                     H. Schmeck   Global Selection Methods for Massively
                                  Parallel Computers . . . . . . . . . . . 175
                   D. Corne and   
             E. Collingwood and   
                        P. Ross   Investigating Multipoidy's Niche . . . . 189
   L. F. Gonzalez Hernandez and   
                    D. W. Corne   Evolutionary Divide and Conquer for the
                                  Set-Covering Problem . . . . . . . . . . 198
                R. Hoffmann and   
                      N. Waring   The Simulation of Localised Interaction
                                  and Learning in Artificial Adaptive
                                  Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
                R. J. Quick and   
        V. J. Rayward-Smith and   
                    G. D. Smith   The Royal Road Functions: Description,
                                  Intent and Experimentation . . . . . . . 223
                     R. Roy and   
                   I. C. Parmee   Adaptive Restricted Tournament Selection
                                  for the Identification of Multiple
                                  Sub-Optima in a Multi-Modal Function . . 236
                B. Sendhoff and   
                      M. Kreutz   Analysis of Possible Genome-Dependence
                                  of Mutation Rates in Genetic Algorithms  257
                P. D. Surry and   
                N. J. Radcliffe   Inoculation to Initialise Evolutionary
                                  Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
                   A. Tuson and   
                        P. Ross   Co-evolution of Operator Settings in
                                  Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 286
                   F. Vavak and   
                  T. C. Fogarty   A Comparative Study of Steady State and
                                  Generational Genetic Algorithms for Use
                                  in Nonstationary Environments  . . . . . 297

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1144, 1996

                   J. Ponce and   
                  M. Hebert and   
                   A. Zisserman   Report on the 1996 International
                                  Workshop on Object Representation in
                                  Computer Vision  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 M. Zerroug and   
                     R. Nevatia   From an intensity image to $3$-D
                                  segmented descriptions . . . . . . . . . 11
                    P. Sayd and   
                   M. Dhome and   
                    J.-M Lavest   Recovering generalized cylinders by
                                  monocular vision . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                    S. Carlsson   Combinatorial geometry for shape
                                  representation and indexing  . . . . . . 53
                C. Rothwell and   
                   J. Mundy and   
                     B. Hoffman   Representing objects using topology  . . 79
            E. Angelopoulou and   
             J. P. Williams and   
                    L. B. Wolff   Curvature based signatures for object
                                  description and recognition  . . . . . . 109
                 H.-Y. Shum and   
                  M. Hebert and   
                     K. Ikeuchi   On $3$D shape synthesis  . . . . . . . . 131
           J. J. Koenderink and   
            A. J. Van Doorn and   
                C. Christou and   
                   J. S. Lappin   Shape constancy in pictorial relief  . . 151
                S. K. Nayar and   
                      H. Murase   Dimensionality of illumination manifolds
                                  in appearance matching . . . . . . . . . 165
                 R. Epstein and   
               A. L. Yuille and   
                P. N. Belhumeur   Learning object representations from
                                  lighting variations  . . . . . . . . . . 179
                 A. R. Pope and   
                     D. G. Lowe   Learning appearance models for object
                                  recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
                  C. Schmid and   
                   P. Bobet and   
                 B. Lamiroy and   
                        R. Mohr   An image oriented CAD approach . . . . . 221
                   J. Mundy and   
                     A. Liu and   
                  N. Pillow and   
                   A. Zisserman   An experimental comparison of appearance
                                  and geometric model based recognition    247
                  T. Kanade and   
            P. J. Narayanan and   
                   P. W. Rander   Virtualized reality: being mobile in a
                                  visual scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
   A. R. J. François and   
                     G. Medioni   Generic shape learning and recognition   287
             N. Ayoung-Chee and   
                   G. Dudek and   
                   F. P. Ferrie   A hybrid approach to $3$D representation 321
              D. A. Forsyth and   
                   J. Malik and   
                M. M. Fleck and   
                   H. Greenspan   Finding pictures of objects in large
                                  collections of images  . . . . . . . . . 335
                  M. Wright and   
              A. Fitzgibbon and   
               P. J. Giblin and   
                   R. B. Fisher   Beyond the Hough transform: further
                                  properties of the R mapping and their
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
            K. N. Kutulakos and   
                  J. R. Vallino   Non-Euclidean object representations for
                                  calibration-free video overlay . . . . . 381

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1145, 1996

                       A. Aiken   Constraint-Based Program Analysis  . . . 1
                     F. Nielson   Semantics-Directed Program Analysis: a
                                  Tool-Maker's Perspective . . . . . . . . 2
                     B. Steffen   Property-Oriented Expansion  . . . . . . 22
                 S. Alstrup and   
            P. W. Lauridsen and   
                      M. Thorup   Generalized Dominators for Structured
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
                     M. Alt and   
               C. Ferdinand and   
                  F. Martin and   
                     R. Wilhelm   Cache Behavior Prediction by Abstract
                                  Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
             P. H. Andersen and   
                    C. K. Holst   Termination Analysis for Offline Partial
                                  Evaluation of a Higher Order Functional
                                  Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
              F. S. De Boer and   
              M. Gabbrielli and   
                 C. Palamidessi   Proving Correctness of Constraint Logic
                                  Programs with Dynamic Scheduling . . . . 83
                  R. Borgia and   
                  P. Degano and   
                  C. Priami and   
                        L. Leth   Understanding Mobile Agents via a
                                  Non-interleaving Semantics for Facile    98
              J. Brauburger and   
                       J. Giesl   Termination Analysis for Partial
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
              M. Bruynooghe and   
                  B. Demoen and   
               D. Boulanger and   
                    M. Denecker   A Freeness and Sharing Analysis of Logic
                                  Programs Based on a Pre-interpretation   128
                   M. Coppo and   
                 F. Damiani and   
                    P. Giannini   Refinement Types for Program Analysis    143
               L. Crnogorac and   
                A. D. Kelly and   
          H. Sòndergaard   A Comparison of Three Occur-Check
                                  Analysers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
                P. G. Emelianov   Analysis of the Equality Relations for
                                  the Program Terms  . . . . . . . . . . . 174
                   C. Fecht and   
                       H. Seidl   An Even Faster Solver for General
                                  Systems of Equations . . . . . . . . . . 189
                       R. Givan   Inferring Program Specifications in
                                  Polynomial-Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
                 M. Mueller and   
                   T. Glass and   
                  K. Stroetmann   Automated Modular Termination Proofs for
                                  Real Prolog Programs . . . . . . . . . . 220
                H. D. Pande and   
                    B. G. Ryder   Data-Flow-Based Virtual Function
                                  Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
                    R. Paterson   Compiling Laziness Using Projections . . 255
                  G. Puebla and   
                M. Hermenegildo   Optimized Algorithms for Incremental
                                  Analysis of Logic Programs . . . . . . . 270
                   J. Rehof and   
                 T. A. Mogensen   Tractable Constraints in Finite
                                  Semilattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
                    O. Roux and   
                        V. Rusu   Uniformity for the Decidability of
                                  Hybrid Automata  . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
                S. Schoenig and   
                     M. Ducasse   A Backward Slicing Algorithm for Prolog  317
                    G. Snelting   Combining Slicing and Constraint Solving
                                  for Validation of Measurement Software   332
                V. Trifonov and   
                       S. Smith   Subtyping Constrained Types  . . . . . . 349
                       A. Venet   Abstract Cofibered Domains: Application
                                  to the Alias Analysis of Untyped
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
                   M. Handjieva   STAN: a Static Analyzer for CLP(R) Based
                                  on Abstract Interpretation . . . . . . . 383
                A. D. Kelly and   
                K. Marriott and   
      H. Sòndergaard and   
                  P. J. Stuckey   Two Applications of an Incremental
                                  Analysis Engine for (Constraint) Logic
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
                 M. Mueller and   
                   T. Glass and   
                  K. Stroetmann   PAN --- The Prolog Analyzer  . . . . . . 387

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1146, 1996

                     M. Waidner   Development of a Secure Electronic
                                  Marketplace for Europe . . . . . . . . . 1
                         W. Mao   Light-Weight Micro-cash Payment for the
                                  Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
               J. Camenisch and   
                  U. Maurer and   
                     M. Stadler   Digital Payment Systems with Passive
                                  Anonymity-Revoking Trustees  . . . . . . 33
                  V. Atluri and   
                     W.-K Huang   An Authorization Model for Workflows . . 44
                      R. Sandhu   Role Hierarchies and Constraints for
                                  Lattice-Based Access Controls  . . . . . 65
               V. Nicomette and   
                    Y. Deswarte   A Multilevel Security Model for
                                  Distributed Object Systems . . . . . . . 80
S. De Capitani di Vimercati and   
                    P. Samarati   An Authorization Model for Federated
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
                  W. Farmer and   
                 J. Guttman and   
                      V. Swarup   Security for Mobile Agents:
                                  Authentication and State Appraisal . . . 118
                  N. Asokan and   
                  G. Tsudik and   
                     M. Waidner   Server-Supported Signatures  . . . . . . 131
                       S. F. Wu   Sleepy Network-Layer Authentication
                                  Service for IPSEC  . . . . . . . . . . . 146
                    J. Zhou and   
                    D. Gollmann   Certified Electronic Mail  . . . . . . . 160
                B. Schneier and   
                  J. Kelsey and   
                      J. Walker   Distributed Proctoring . . . . . . . . . 172--182
                 P. Bonatti and   
               M. L. Sapino and   
             V. S. Subrahmanian   Merging Heterogeneous Security Orderings 183
               S. Schneider and   
                A. Sidiropoulos   CSP and Anonymity  . . . . . . . . . . . 198
                   G. Wedel and   
                     V. Kessler   Formal Semantics for Authentication
                                  Logics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
                        V. Lotz   Threat Scenarios as a Means to Formally
                                  Develop Secure Systems . . . . . . . . . 242
                  A. Warner and   
                      Q. Li and   
                   T. Keefe and   
                         S. Pal   The Impact of Multilevel Security on
                                  Database Buffer Management . . . . . . . 266
                D. G. Marks and   
                   A. Motro and   
                     S. Jajodia   Enhancing the Controlled Disclosure of
                                  Sensitive Information  . . . . . . . . . 290
              L. V. Mancini and   
                         I. Ray   Secure Concurrency Control in MLS
                                  Databases with Two Versions of Data  . . 304
                      U. Maurer   Modelling a Public-Key Infrastructure    325
                  C. A. Meadows   Analyzing the Needham-Schroeder
                                  Public-Key Protocol: A Comparison of Two
                                  Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1147, 1996

                 D. M. Magerman   Learning grammatical structure using
                                  statistical decision-trees . . . . . . . 1
                    T. Knuutila   Inductive inference from positive data:
                                  from heuristic to characterizing methods 22
                 K. Apsitis and   
               R. Freivalds and   
             R. Simanovskis and   
                    J. Smotrovs   Unions of identifiable families of
                                  languages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
               C. De la Higuera   Characteristic sets for polynomial
                                  grammatical inference  . . . . . . . . . 59
                    J. M. Vilar   Query learning of subsequential
                                  transducers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
                M. R. Brent and   
               T. A. Cartwright   Lexical categorization: fitting template
                                  grammars by incremental MDL optimization 84
                C. Tillmann and   
                         H. Ney   Selection criteria for word trigger
                                  pairs in language modelling  . . . . . . 95
                  A. L. N. Fred   Clustering of sequences using minimum
                                  grammar complexity criterion . . . . . . 107
                  Y. Takada and   
                  T. Y. Nishida   A note on grammatical inference of
                                  slender context-free languages . . . . . 117
              J. M. Sempere and   
                         A. Fos   Learning linear grammars from structural
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
                R. Alquezar and   
                A. Sanfeliu and   
                       J. Cueva   Learning of context-sensitive language
                                  acceptors through regular inference and
                                  constrained induction  . . . . . . . . . 134
              C. Samuelsson and   
              P. Tapanainen and   
                 A. Voutilainen   Inducing constraint grammars . . . . . . 146
                 S. Deligne and   
                    F. Yvon and   
                      F. Bimbot   Introducing statistical dependencies and
                                  structural constraints in
                                  variable-length sequence models  . . . . 156
                  J. Gregor and   
                 M. G. Thomason   A disagreement count scheme for
                                  inference of constrained Markov networks 168
                   E. Vidal and   
                     D. Llorens   Using knowledge to improve $N$-gram
                                  language modelling through the MGGI
                                  methodology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
                      R. Blasig   Discrete sequence prediction with
                                  commented Markov models  . . . . . . . . 191
                    J. Ruiz and   
                      P. Garcia   Learning $k$-piecewise testable
                                  languages from positive data . . . . . . 203
              J. D. Emerald and   
          K. G. Subramanian and   
                   D. G. Thomas   Learning code regular and code linear
                                  languages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
                      P. Dupont   Incremental regular inference  . . . . . 222
                  R. Parekh and   
                     V. Honavar   An incremental interactive algorithm for
                                  grammar inference  . . . . . . . . . . . 238
                     D. Lorenzo   Inductive logic programming for discrete
                                  event systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
                   M. Golea and   
                M. Matsuoka and   
                  Y. Sakakibara   Stochastic simple recurrent neural
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
             R. C. Carrasco and   
              M. L. Forcada and   
                  L. Santamaria   Inferring stochastic regular grammars
                                  with recurrent neural networks . . . . . 274
                 F. Casacuberta   Maximum mutual information and
                                  conditional maximum likelihood
                                  estimation of stochastic regular
                                  syntax-directed translation schemes  . . 282
                 J. Y. Giordano   Grammatical inference using tabu search  292
                  J. Oncina and   
                     M. A. Varo   Using domain information during the
                                  learning of a subsequential transducer   301
           C. De la Higuera and   
                  J. Oncina and   
                       E. Vidal   Identification of DFA: data-dependent
                                  vs. data-independent algorithms  . . . . 313

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1148, 1996

                 C. M. Hoffmann   How Solid is Solid Modeling? . . . . . . 1
                     S. Fortune   Robustness Issues in Geometric
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                   L. J. Guibas   Implementing Geometric Algorithms
                                  Robustly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
                F. P. Preparata   Robustness in Geometric Algorithms . . . 23
                    M. J. Pratt   Applications of Computational Geometry
                                  in Mechanical Engineering Design and
                                  Manufacture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
              J. S. B. Mitchell   On Some Applications of Computational
                                  Geometry in Manufacturing and Virtual
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
                      D. Dobkin   Visualizing Geometric Algorithms ---
                                  State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
                      D. T. Lee   Geometric Algorithm Visualization,
                                  Current Status and Future  . . . . . . . 45
                    K. Mehlhorn   Position Paper for Panel Discussion  . . 51
                 M. H. Overmars   Designing the Computational Geometry
                                  Algorithms Library CGAL  . . . . . . . . 53
                    B. Chazelle   The Computational Geometry Impact Task
                                  Force Report: An Executive Summary . . . 59
                 P. W. Finn and   
                D. Halperin and   
              L. E. Kavraki and   
                   J.-C Latombe   Geometric Manipulation of Flexible
                                  Ligands  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
                  M. G. Prisant   Ray-Representation Formalism for
                                  Geometric Computations on Protein Solid
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
                 K. Daniels and   
               V. J. Milenkovic   Column-Based Strip Packing Using Ordered
                                  and Compliant Containment  . . . . . . . 91
                   J. Majhi and   
                   P. Gupta and   
                    R. Janardan   Computing a Flattest, Undercut-Free
                                  Parting Line for a Convex Polyhedron,
                                  with Application to Mold Design  . . . . 109
                  D. Dobkin and   
                   D. Gunopulos   Geometric Problems in Machine Learning   121
                   R. Basri and   
                      D. Jacobs   Matching Convex Polygons and Polyhedra,
                                  Allowing for Occlusion . . . . . . . . . 133
                 C.-K. Hung and   
                     D. Ierardi   Stably Placing Piecewise Smooth Objects  149
                     S. Fortune   A Beam-Tracing Algorithm for Prediction
                                  of Indoor Radio Propagation  . . . . . . 157
            B. W. Kernighan and   
                  C. J. Van Wyk   Extracting Geometric Information from
                                  Architectural Drawings . . . . . . . . . 167
                    R. Orti and   
                  F. Durand and   
                 S. Riviere and   
                       C. Puech   Using the Visibility Complex for
                                  Radiosity Computation  . . . . . . . . . 177
                   A. Fabri and   
             G.-J. Giezeman and   
                 L. Kettner and   
                     S. Schirra   The CGAL Kernel: a Basis for Geometric
                                  Computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
                 J. R. Shewchuk   Triangle: Engineering a $2$D Quality
                                  Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator 203--222

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1149, 1996

             A. M. Christie and   
                 A. N. Earl and   
              M. I. Kellner and   
                   W. E. Riddle   A Reference Model for Process Technology 3
               M. N. Nguyen and   
                     R. Conradi   Towards a Rigorous Approach for Managing
                                  Process Evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                     R. Conradi   SPIQ: a Revised Agenda for Software
                                  Process Support  . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
               J. Estublier and   
                        S. Dami   Process Engine Interoperability: An
                                  Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
            I. Z. Ben-Shaul and   
                 G. T. Heineman   A $3$-level Atomicity Model for
                                  Decentralized Process-Centered Software
                                  Engineering Environments . . . . . . . . 61
              D. Avrilionis and   
               N. Belkhatir and   
                   P.- Y. Cunin   Improving Software Process Modelling and
                                  Enactment Techniques . . . . . . . . . . 65
                W. Emmerich and   
                 A. Finkelstein   Do Process-Centred Environments Deserve
                                  Process-Centred Tools? . . . . . . . . . 75
            R. M. Greenwood and   
                     B. Warboys   Process Web --- Process Support for the
                                  World Wide Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
                  C. Basile and   
                 S. Calanna and   
                E. Di Nitto and   
                    A. Fuggetta   Mechanisms and Policies for Federated
                                  PSEEs: Basic Concepts and Open Issues    86
                     B. Snowdon   Active Models and Process Support  . . . 93
                 A. B. Kaba and   
                J.- C. Derniame   Modelling Processes for Change: Basic
                                  Mechanisms for Evolving Process
                                  Fragments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
                   M. M. Lehman   Laws of Software Evolution Revisited . . 108
                  S. Rahhal and   
                 N. H. Madhavji   Estimating the Effort of Implementing
                                  ISO 9001 in Software Organizations . . . 125
                       V. Gruhn   Configuration Management Support for
                                  Software Process Models  . . . . . . . . 132
                 O. Neumann and   
                 S. Sachweh and   
                    W. Schaefer   A High-Level Object-Oriented
                                  Specification Language for Configuration
                                  Management and Tool Integration  . . . . 137
                 K. Sherdil and   
                 N. H. Madhavji   Human-Oriented Improvement in the
                                  Software Process . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
               F. Van Latum and   
                    M. Oivo and   
                   B. Hoisl and   
                        G. Ruhe   No Improvement Without Feedback:
                                  Experiences from Goal-Oriented
                                  Measurement at Schlumberger  . . . . . . 167
                T. De Bunje and   
                  G. Engels and   
             L. Groenewegen and   
                        M. Heus   Towards Measurable Process Models  . . . 183
                D. E. Perry and   
                  A. Porter and   
                L. G. Votta and   
                     M. W. Wade   Evaluating Workflow and Process
                                  Automation in Wide-Area Software
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
             J.-M. Andreoli and   
              J.-L. Meunier and   
                      D. Pagani   Process Enactment and Coordination . . . 195
                   A. Cisse and   
                  M. S. Pimenta   Requirements Engineering Process as an
                                  Emergent Process . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
                  I. Alloui and   
                 S. Latrous and   
                     F. Oquendo   A Multi-Agent Approach for Modelling,
                                  Enacting and Evolving Distributed
                                  Cooperative Software Processes . . . . . 225
                    B. Nuseibeh   When Agents Clash  . . . . . . . . . . . 237
                       W. Hesse   Theory and Practice of the Software
                                  Process: a Field Study and Its
                                  Implications for Project Management  . . 241
                 P. Kawalek and   
                  D. G. Wastell   Organizational Design for Software
                                  Development: a Cybernetic Perspective    257
                      E. Ellmer   Extending Process-Centered Environments
                                  with Organizational Competence . . . . . 271
                 J. Turgeon and   
                 N. H. Madhavji   A Systematic, View-Based Approach to
                                  Eliciting Process Models . . . . . . . . 276
             A. A. J. Matsinger   Process Modelling and Measurements in an
                                  Industrial Environment . . . . . . . . . 285
                    P. Panaroni   Report on Deploying Process Technology
                                  on an Industrial Space Software Project  288
                M. A. Beims and   
                  L. B. Strader   Software Process Progress in a Dynamic
                                  Business Environment . . . . . . . . . . 289

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1150, 1996

                J.-C. Fabre and   
                    T. Perennou   Friends --- A Flexible Architecture for
                                  Implementing Fault Tolerant and Secure
                                  Distributed Applications . . . . . . . . 3
                   J. Bohne and   
                   R. Groenberg   Adaptable Fault Tolerance for
                                  Distributed Process Control Using
                                  Exclusively Standard Components  . . . . 21
                  D. Powell and   
                  M. Cukier and   
                       J. Arlat   On Stratified Sampling for High Coverage
                                  Estimations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
                 P. Furtado and   
                     H. Madeira   Fault Injection Evaluation of Assigned
                                  Signatures in a RISC Processor . . . . . 55
                       E. Fuchs   An Evaluation of the Error Detection
                                  Mechanisms in MARS Using
                                  Software-Implemented Fault Injection . . 73
                   M. Nelli and   
              A. Bondavalli and   
                   L. Simoncini   Dependability Modeling and Analysis of
                                  Complex Control Systems: An Application
                                  to Railway Interlocking  . . . . . . . . 93
                       P. Popov   The Effect of Interfailure Time
                                  Variability on the Software Reliability
                                  Growth Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
                  S. Draber and   
                  B. Eschermann   Dependability Evaluation of a Computing
                                  System for Traction Control of
                                  Electrical Locomotives . . . . . . . . . 129
                V. Santonja and   
                  M. Alonso and   
                  J. Molero and   
                  J. J. Serrano   Dependability Models of RAID Using
                                  Stochastic Activity Networks . . . . . . 141
                     U. Wildner   Compiler Assisted Self-checking of
                                  Structural Integrity Using Return
                                  Address Hashing  . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
              D. R. Avresky and   
               C. M. Cunningham   Single Source Fault-Tolerant
                                  Broadcasting for Two-Dimensional Meshes
                                  Without Virtual Channels . . . . . . . . 178
                   F. Corno and   
                P. Prinetto and   
              M. Rebaudengo and   
                M. Sonza Reorda   On-line Testing of an Off-the-shelf
                                  Microprocessor Board for Safety-critical
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
                M. Renovell and   
                     P. Huc and   
                    Y. Bertrand   The Logic Threshold Based Voting: a
                                  Model for Local Feedback Bridging Fault  205
                 D. Nikolos and   
                   H. T. Vergos   On the Yield of VLSI Processors with
                                  on-chip CPU Cache  . . . . . . . . . . . 214
                 A. Krasniewski   Design of Dependable Hardware: What BIST
                                  is most Efficient? . . . . . . . . . . . 233
               J. Sosnowski and   
                 A. Kusmierczyk   Pseudorandom Testing of Microprocessors
                                  at Instruction/Data Flow Level . . . . . 246
                    R. Ubar and   
                        M. Brik   Multi-Level Test Generation and Fault
                                  Diagnosis for Finite State Machines  . . 264
                 A. Arnould and   
                   B. Marre and   
                     P. Le Gall   Dynamic Testing from Bounded Data Type
                                  Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
                  S. Barbey and   
                   D. Buchs and   
                     C. Peraire   A Theory of Specification-Based Testing
                                  for Object-Oriented Software . . . . . . 303
            C. Bernardeschi and   
                A. Fantechi and   
                   S. Gnesi and   
                    G. Mongardi   Proving Safety Properties for Embedded
                                  Control Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
           F. J. N. Cosquer and   
                 P. Antunes and   
                   P. Verissimo   Enhancing Dependability of Cooperative
                                  Applications in Partitionable
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
              A. Mostefaoui and   
                      M. Raynal   Efficient Message Logging for
                                  Uncoordinated Checkpointing Protocols    353
               R. Guerraoui and   
                R. Oliveira and   
                     A. Schiper   Atomic Updates of Replicated Data  . . . 365
                  A. Postma and   
                 G. Hartman and   
                        T. Krol   Removal of all Faulty Nodes from a
                                  Fault-Tolerant Service by means of
                                  Distributed Diagnosis with Imperfect
                                  Fault Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
                 J. Altmann and   
               A. Pataricza and   
                  T. Bartha and   
                       P. Urban   Constraint Based System-Level Diagnosis
                                  of Multiprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . 403
              G. G. Berthet and   
               H. J. Nussbaumer   A Unified Theory for f1/f$2$-Diagnosable
                                  Communication Networks . . . . . . . . . 421

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1151, 1996

                  B. W. Lampson   How to Build a Highly Available System
                                  Using Consensus  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                     D. Ferrari   Distributed Admission Control Algorithms
                                  for Real-Time Communication  . . . . . . 18
             M. K. Aguilera and   
                       S. Toueg   Randomization and Failure Detection: a
                                  Hybrid Approach to Solve Consensus . . . 29
                 M. Borcherding   Levels of Authentication in Distributed
                                  Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
                      H. Attiya   Efficient and Robust Sharing of Memory
                                  in Message-Passing Systems . . . . . . . 56
         F. J. Torres-Rojas and   
                      M. Ahamad   Plausible Clocks: Constant Size Logical
                                  Clocks for Distributed Systems . . . . . 71
             M. Charpentier and   
                  M. Filali and   
                  P. Mauran and   
                      G. Padiou   Abstracting Communication to Reason
                                  about Distributed Algorithms . . . . . . 89
                    A. Basu and   
            B. Charron-Bost and   
                       S. Toueg   Simulating Reliable Links with
                                  Unreliable Links in the Presence of
                                  Process Crashes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
               H. Rodrigues and   
                       R. Jones   A Cyclic Distributed Garbage Collector
                                  for Network Objects  . . . . . . . . . . 123
                     P. Dickman   Incremental, Distributed Orphan
                                  Detection and Actor Garbage Collection
                                  Using Graph Partitioning and Euler
                                  Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
                 P. Fonseca and   
                     Z. Mammeri   A Framework for the Analysis of
                                  Non-Deterministic Clock Synchronization
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
                     A. Mei and   
                     F. Bao and   
                  Y. Hamada and   
                    Y. Igarashi   Optimal Time Broadcasting in Faulty Star
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
                   T. Eilam and   
                   S. Moran and   
                        S. Zaks   A Lower Bound for Linear Interval
                                  Routing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
                 G. Gambosi and   
                       P. Vocca   Topological Routing Schemes  . . . . . . 206
                  S. Fujita and   
                   M. Yamashita   Maintaining a Dynamic Set of Processors
                                  in a Distributed System  . . . . . . . . 220
                   C. Dwork and   
                  C.- T. Ho and   
                      R. Strong   Collective Consistency . . . . . . . . . 234
                    R. A. Bazzi   Planar Quorums . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
               R. Guerraoui and   
                     A. Schiper   ``Gamma-Accurate'' Failure Detectors . . 269
                    M. Moir and   
                    J. A. Garay   Fast Long-Lived Renaming Improved and
                                  Simplified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
                  M. Mizuno and   
                    H. Kakugawa   A Timestamp Based Transformation of
                                  Self-Stabilizing Programs for
                                  Distributed Computing Environments . . . 304
                  H. Attiya and   
                    S. Rajsbaum   The Combinatorial Structure of Wait-Free
                                  Solvable Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
                   S. Moran and   
                   L. Rappoport   On the Robustness of h0rm  . . . . . . . 344
               S. Chaudhuri and   
                     P. Reiners   Understanding the Set Consensus Partial
                                  Order Using the Borowsky-Gafni
                                  Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1152, 1996

                  M. A. Lee and   
                H. Esbensen and   
                    L. Lemaitre   The Design of Hybrid Fuzzy/Evolutionary
                                  Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms   1--20
               S. Nakanishi and   
                  A. Ohtake and   
                R. R. Yager and   
                      S. Ohtani   Structure Identification of Acquired
                                  Knowledge in Fuzzy Inference by Genetic
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21--34
               H. Ishibuchi and   
               T. Nakashima and   
                      T. Murata   A Fuzzy Classifier System That Generates
                                  Linguistic Rules for Pattern
                                  Classification Problems  . . . . . . . . 35--54
                  T. Nomura and   
                     T. Miyoshi   Numerical Coding and Unfair Average
                                  Crossover in GA for Fuzzy Rule
                                  Extraction in Dynamic Environments . . . 55--72
               T. Yoshikawa and   
               T. Furuhashi and   
                    Y. Uchikawa   Acquisition of Fuzzy Rules from DNA
                                  Coding Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--88
                    T. Aoki and   
                     T. Oka and   
                S. Hayakawa and   
                      T. Suzuki   Experimental Study on Acquisition of
                                  Optimal Action for Autonomous Mobile
                                  Robot to Avoid Moving Multiobstacles . . 89--103
         P. J. Costa Branco and   
                    N. Lori and   
                    J. A. Dente   New Approaches on Structure
                                  Identification of Fuzzy Models: Case
                                  Study in an Electro-Mechanical System    104--143
              A. Z. Kouzani and   
                  A. Bouzerdoum   A Generic Fuzzy Neuron and Its
                                  Application to Motion Estimation . . . . 144--171
                      A. Buller   Fizzy-Fuzzy Inferencing  . . . . . . . . 172--187
           E. Perez-Mithana and   
                    P. Ross and   
                      J. Hallam   Multi-layer Perceptron Design Using
                                  Delaunay Triangulations  . . . . . . . . 188--197
               M. Inuiguchi and   
                  T. Miyake and   
                  M. Sakawa and   
                   I. Shiromaru   A Genetic Algorithm for Planning Coal
                                  Purchase of a Real Electric Power Plant  198--214
                    H. De Garis   ``CAM-BRAIN'' ATR's Billion Neuron
                                  Artificial Brain Project --- A Three
                                  Year Progress Report . . . . . . . . . . 215--234

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1153, 1996

               M. W. Carter and   
                     G. Laporte   Recent Developments in Practical
                                  Examination Timetabling  . . . . . . . . 3
                 V. A. Bardadym   Computer-Aided School and University
                                  Timetabling: The New Wave  . . . . . . . 22
                        A. Wren   Scheduling, Timetabling and Rostering
                                  --- A Special Relationship?  . . . . . . 46
                E. K. Burke and   
              D. G. Elliman and   
                 P. H. Ford and   
                    R. F. Weare   Examination Timetabling in British
                                  Universities --- A Survey  . . . . . . . 76
                 A. Meisels and   
                   E. Gudes and   
                G. Solotorevsky   Employee Timetabling, Constraint
                                  Networks and Knowledge-Based Rules: a
                                  Mixed Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
                     V. Ram and   
                    C. Scogings   Automated Time Table Generation Using
                                  Multiple Context Reasoning with Truth
                                  Maintenance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
                   C. Cheng and   
                    L. Kang and   
                   N. Leung and   
                    G. M. White   Investigations of a Constraint Logic
                                  Programming Approach to University
                                  Timetabling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
                  C. Gueret and   
                 N. Jussien and   
              P. Boizumault and   
                       C. Prins   Building University Timetables Using
                                  Constraint Logic Programming . . . . . . 130
                       G. Lajos   Complete University Modular Timetabling
                                  Using Constraint Logic Programming . . . 146
                    M. Henz and   
                      J. Wuertz   Using Oz for College Timetabling . . . . 162
                     D. C. Rich   A Smart Genetic Algorithm for University
                                  Timetabling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
                   W. Erben and   
                     J. Keppler   A Genetic Algorithm Solving a Weekly
                                  Course-Timetabling Problem . . . . . . . 198
                      A. Erguel   GA-Based Examination Scheduling
                                  Experience at Middle East Technical
                                  University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
                   D. Corne and   
                        P. Ross   Peckish Initialisation Strategies for
                                  Evolutionary Timetabling . . . . . . . . 227
                E. K. Burke and   
               J. P. Newall and   
                    R. F. Weare   A Memetic Algorithm for University Exam
                                  Timetabling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
                B. Paechter and   
                 A. Cumming and   
               M. G. Norman and   
                     H. Luchian   Extensions to a Memetic Timetabling
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
                   R. C. Rankin   Automatic Timetabling in Practice  . . . 266
               T. B. Cooper and   
                 J. H. Kingston   The Complexity of Timetable Construction
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
                    D. De Werra   Some Combinatorial Models for Course
                                  Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
                    P. Ross and   
                   D. Corne and   
             H. Terashima-Marin   The Phase-Transition Niche for
                                  Evolutionary Algorithms in Timetabling   309
             J. P. Boufflet and   
                       S. Negre   Three Methods Used to Solve an
                                  Examination Timetable Problem  . . . . . 327
                J. Thompson and   
                 K. A. Dowsland   General Cooling Schedules for a
                                  Simulated Annealing Based Timetabling
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
                  V. Robert and   
                       A. Hertz   How to Decompose Constrained Course
                                  Scheduling Problems into Easier
                                  Assignment Type Subproblems  . . . . . . 364

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1154, 1996

                      J. Minker   Logic and Databases: a 20 Year
                                  Retrospective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
        L. V. S. Lakshmanan and   
                       N. Shiri   A Parametric Approach to Deductive
                                  Databases with Uncertainty . . . . . . . 61
         V. S. Subrahmanian and   
                        C. Ward   A Deductive Database Approach to
                                  Planning in Uncertain Environments . . . 83
                B. Kuijpers and   
               J. Paredaens and   
                  M. Sinits and   
             J. Van den Bussche   Termination Properties of Spatial
                                  Datalog Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
                  C. Martin and   
                      J. Sistac   Applying Transition Rules to Bitemporal
                                  Deductive Databases for Integrity
                                  Constraint Checking  . . . . . . . . . . 117
                R. Kowalski and   
                       F. Sadri   Towards a Unified Agent Architecture
                                  that Combines Rationality with
                                  Reactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
                 D. Laurent and   
                       C. Vrain   Learning Query Rules for Optimizing
                                  Databases with Update Rules  . . . . . . 153
                   C. Baral and   
                        J. Lobo   Formal Characterization of Active
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
              B. Ludaescher and   
                     W. May and   
                      G. Lausen   Nested Transactions in a Logical
                                  Language for Active Rules  . . . . . . . 197
                  A. Siebes and   
                    S. Tsur and   
                  J. Ullman and   
                      L. Vielle   Deductive Databases: Challenges,
                                  Opportunities and Future Directions  . . 225
              H. Jakobovits and   
                     D. Vermeir   R-Stable Models for Logic Programs . . . 233
                   T. Eiter and   
                   N. Leone and   
                       D. Sacca   The Expressive Power of Partial Models
                                  in Disjunctive Deductive Databases . . . 245
                   N. Leone and   
                   P. Rullo and   
                   F. Scarcello   Stable Model Checking for Disjunctive
                                  Logic Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
                   D. Boulanger   Analysis of Logic-Based Systems  . . . . 281
                  A. Spalka and   
                  A. B. Cremers   An Axiomatic Interpretation of
                                  Confidentiality Demands in Logic-Based
                                  Relational Databases . . . . . . . . . . 303
                      E. Pulido   Database Query Evaluation with the
                                  STARBASE Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
                 K. Sagonas and   
                   T. Swift and   
                   D. S. Warren   The Limits of Fixed-Order Computation    343
                    B. Kero and   
                        S. Tsur   The IQ System: a Deductive Database
                                  Information Lens for Reasoning about
                                  Textual Information  . . . . . . . . . . 367
                  G. Dobbie and   
                       R. Topor   Arithmetic and Aggregate Operators in
                                  Deductive Object-Oriented Databases  . . 387
                  A. Bonner and   
                       G. Mecca   Sequence Datalog: Declarative String
                                  Manipulation in Databases  . . . . . . . 399
                P. Asirelli and   
                   C. Renso and   
                      F. Turini   Language Extensions for Semantic
                                  Integration of Deductive Databases . . . 415
                   S. Greco and   
                  C. Mateis and   
                   E. Spadafora   Unification of Bounded Simple Set Terms
                                  in Deductive Databases . . . . . . . . . 435
                     L. Cabibbo   Expressiveness of Semipositive Logic
                                  Programs with Value Invention  . . . . . 457
                    F. Gire and   
                    H. K. Hoang   A More Expressive Deterministic Query
                                  Language with Efficient Symmetry-Based
                                  Choice Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . 475

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1155, 1996

                 J. Roberts and   
                   U. Mocci and   
                     J. Virtamo   Broadband Network Traffic: Performance
                                  Evaluation and Design of Broadband
                                  Multiservice Networks  . . . . . . . . . xxii + 584

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1156, 1996

                    G. A. Geist   Advanced Programming in PVM  . . . . . . 1
                A. Beguelin and   
                    V. Sunderam   Tools for Monitoring, Debugging, and
                                  Programming in PVM . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                      R. Hempel   The Status of the MPI Message-Passing
                                  Standard and Its Relation to PVM . . . . 14
                     S. Pokorny   A Comparison of Message-Passing
                                  Parallelization to Shared-Memory
                                  Parallelization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                    J. Roda and   
                 J. Herrera and   
                J. Gonzalez and   
                   C. Rodriguez   Practical Experiments to Improve PVM
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
                    M. Soch and   
                J. Trdlicka and   
                      P. Tvrdik   PVM, Computational Geometry, and
                                  Parallel Computing Course  . . . . . . . 38
                  P. Luksch and   
                   U. Maier and   
               S. Rathmayer and   
                    M. Weidmann   Parallelization of a State-of-the-Art
                                  Industrial CFD Package for Execution on
                                  Networks of Workstations and Massively
                                  Parallel Processors  . . . . . . . . . . 45
                K. Wechsler and   
                  M. Breuer and   
                       F. Durst   A Parallel Multigrid Method for the
                                  Prediction of Incompressible Flows on
                                  Workstation Clusters . . . . . . . . . . 53
                     M. May and   
                  T. Schiekofer   An Abstract Data Type for Parallel
                                  Simulations Based on Sparse Grids  . . . 59
                    V. Sunderam   The PVM System: Status, Trends, and
                                  Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
                  T. Ludwig and   
              R. Wismueller and   
                   M. Oberhuber   OCM --- An OMIS Compliant Monitoring
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
                  R. Wismueller   State Based Visualization of PVM
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
                 M. Kahlert and   
                   U. Wever and   
                       Q. Zheng   Workstation Cluster as a Parallel
                                  Hardware Environment for High
                                  Performance Computing  . . . . . . . . . 100
              N. Papakostas and   
        G. Papakonstantinou and   
                    P. Tsanakas   Using PVM to Implement PPARDB/PVM, a
                                  Portable Parallel Database Management
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
                  C. B. Suttner   SPTHEO --- A PVM-Based Parallel Theorem
                                  Prover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
                      A. Betten   Parallel Construction of Finite Solvable
                                  Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
                  J. Menden and   
                    G. Stellner   Proving Properties of PVM Applications
                                  --- A Case Study with CoCheck  . . . . . 134
                  P. Arbenz and   
                M. Billeter and   
                P. Guentert and   
                  P. Luginbuehl   Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Cray
                                  Clusters using the SCIDDLE-PVM
                                  environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
                 J. M. Cela and   
                  J. M. Alfonso   Parallelization of the SPAI
                                  Preconditioner in a Master-Slave
                                  Configuration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
                     J. Schuele   Parallel Lanczos Algorithm on a CRAY-T3D
                                  Combining PVM and SHMEM Routines . . . . 158
                      T. Huckle   PVM-Implementation of Sparse Approximate
                                  Inverse Preconditioners for Solving
                                  Large Sparse Linear Equations  . . . . . 166
               A. Blaszczyk and   
                    C. Trinitis   Experience with PVM in an Industrial
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
                 G. E. Fagg and   
               K. S. London and   
                 J. J. Dongarra   Taskers and General Resource Managers:
                                  PVM Supporting DCE Process Management    180--187
                  Z. Juhasz and   
                     D. Crookes   A PVM Implementation of a Portable
                                  Parallel Image Processing Library  . . . 188
                      M. Celino   Porting of an Empirical Tight-Binding
                                  Molecular Dynamics Code on MIMD
                                  Platforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
               H.-C. Dahmen and   
                 U. Glaeser and   
                 H. T. Vierhaus   Automatic Test Pattern Generation with
                                  Optimal Load Balancing . . . . . . . . . 205
                   E. Hirik and   
                       I. Exman   Parallel Crystal Growth for Chip
                                  Placement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
                   M. Bernaschi   Efficient Message Passing on Shared
                                  Memory Multiprocessors . . . . . . . . . 221
                 A. Touhafi and   
               W. Brissinck and   
                    E. F. Dirkx   Development of PVM Code for a Low
                                  Latency Switch Based Interconnect  . . . 229
                 J. M. Blum and   
             T. M. Warschko and   
                    W. F. Tichy   PSPVM: Implementing PVM on a High-Speed
                                  Interconnect for Workstation Clusters    235
                G. Haechler and   
                    H. Burkhart   Implementing the ALWAN Communication and
                                  Data Distribution Library Using PVM  . . 243
                   R. Ebner and   
                  A. Pfaffinger   Transformation of Functional Programs
                                  into Data Flow Graphs Implemented with
                                  PVM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
              B. A. Gennart and   
         J. Tarraga Gimenez and   
                   R. D. Hersch   Computer-Assisted Generation of PVM/C++
                                  Programs Using CAP . . . . . . . . . . . 259
                E. I. Levin and   
                  A. I. Zhmakin   Load Balancing for Computation of Steady
                                  Viscous Flows Using Adaptive
                                  Unstructured Grids . . . . . . . . . . . 270
                    C. Gold and   
              T. Schnekenburger   Using the ALDY Load Distribution System
                                  for PVM Applications . . . . . . . . . . 278
              M. S. Santana and   
              R. C. Santana and   
                P. S. Souza and   
                    S. S. Souza   Parallel Virtual Machine for Windows95   288
                      C. Bonnet   Using PVM in Wireless Network
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
                     A. Uhl and   
                   J. Haemmerle   Parallel Image Compression on a
                                  Workstationcluster Using PVM . . . . . . 301
                  T. Wagner and   
               C. Kueblbeck and   
                    C. Schittko   Genetic Selection and Generation of
                                  Textural Features with PVM . . . . . . . 305
                  A. Betten and   
                  A. Wassermann   00,1-Solutions of Integer Linear
                                  Equation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
          P. Theodoropoulos and   
                   G. Manis and   
                P. Tsanakas and   
            G. Papakonstantinou   Extending Synchronization PVM Mechanisms 315
                 J. M. Cela and   
              J. M. Alfonso and   
                     J. Labarta   PLS: a Parallel Linear Solvers Library
                                  for Domain Decomposition Methods . . . . 319
                     R. Alt and   
                  J. L. Lamotte   Parallel Integration Across Time of
                                  Initial Value Problems Using PVM . . . . 323
                    S. Veigneau   Distributed Computation of Ribbon
                                  Tableaux and Spin Polynomials  . . . . . 327
                 C. Anglano and   
                   L. Portinale   Parallel Model-Based Diagnosis Using PVM 331
                   F. Yuasa and   
                S. Kawabata and   
                T. Ishikawa and   
               D. Perret-Gallix   Running PVM-GRACE on Workstation
                                  Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
            M. A. Cavenaghi and   
                  R. Spolon and   
     J. E. M. Perea-Martins and   
                S. G. Domingues   Using PVM in the Simulation of a Hybrid
                                  Dataflow Architecture  . . . . . . . . . 343
                   M. Oberhuber   Managing Nondeterminism in PVM Programs  347
                        T. Ragg   Parallelization of an Evolutionary
                                  Neural Network Optimizer Based on PVM    351
               A. D'Acierno and   
                       S. Palma   On the Synergistic Use of Parallel Exact
                                  Solvers and Heuristic/Stochastic Methods
                                  for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems:
                                  a Study Case for the TSP on the Meiko
                                  CS-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1157, 1996

                  C. W. Bachman   Impact of Object Oriented Thinking on ER
                                  Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
             J. A. Makowsky and   
                    E. V. Ravve   Translation Schemes and the Fundamental
                                  Problem of Database Design . . . . . . . 5
                     H. Mannila   Schema Design and Knowledge Discovery    27
                  J. Biskup and   
                  R. Menzel and   
                   T. Polle and   
                       Y. Sagiv   Decomposition of Relationships Through
                                  Pivoting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
              J.-L. Hainaut and   
                 J.-M. Hick and   
               V. Englebert and   
                     J. Henrard   Understanding the Implementation of IS-A
                                  Relations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
                 D. Theodoratos   Deductive Object Oriented Schemas  . . . 58
      A. H. M. Ter Hofstede and   
             M. E. Orlowska and   
                   J. Rajapakse   Verification Problems in Conceptual
                                  Workflow Specifications  . . . . . . . . 73
                   P. Maret and   
                    J.-M. Pinon   Process Knowledge Modeling . . . . . . . 89
                       M. Steeg   The Conceptual Database Design Optimizer
                                  CoDO --- Concepts, Implementation,
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
              A. C. Bloesch and   
                   T. A. Halpin   ConQuer: a Conceptual Query Language . . 121
                      W. Clauss   Using Structural Recursion as Query
                                  Mechanism for Data Models with
                                  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
                       M. Altus   A Modular Design Strategy for a Flexible
                                  Graphical Database Design Environment:
                                  An Experimental Study  . . . . . . . . . 146
                   J. Ebert and   
                  A. Winter and   
                   P. Dahrn and   
                     A. Franzke   Graph Based Modeling and Implementation
                                  with EER/GRAL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
           M. W. W. Vermeer and   
                 P. M. G. Apers   On the Applicability of Schema
                                  Integration Techniques to Database
                                  Interoperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
                 I. Schmitt and   
                       G. Saake   Integration of Inheritance Trees as Part
                                  of View Generation for Database
                                  Federations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                L. Ekenberg and   
                 P. Johannesson   A Formal Basis for Dynamic Schema
                                  Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
                       D. Moody   Graphical Entity Relationship Models:
                                  Towards a More User Understandable
                                  Representation of Data . . . . . . . . . 227
                       R. Maier   Benefits and Quality of Data Modelling
                                  --- Results of an Empirical Analysis . . 245
                  E. Ortner and   
                  B. Schienmann   Normative Language Approach --- A
                                  Framework for Understanding  . . . . . . 261
                P. Assenova and   
                 P. Johannesson   Improving Quality in Conceptual
                                  Modelling by the Use of Schema
                                  Transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
         A. Soares Da Silva and   
           A. H. F. Laender and   
                M. A. Cassanova   An Approach to Maintaining Optimized
                                  Relational Representations of
                                  Entity-Relationship Schemas  . . . . . . 292
                Wai Yin Mok and   
                  D. W. Ernbley   Transforming Conceptual Models to
                                  Object-Oriented Database Designs:
                                  Practicalities, Properties, and
                                  Peculiarities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
              T. Topaloglou and   
                  J. Mylopoulos   Representing Partial Spatial Information
                                  in Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
              Jae Young Lee and   
                 R. Elmasri and   
                         J. Won   Specification of Calendars and Time
                                  Series for Temporal Databases  . . . . . 341
               K.-D. Schewe and   
                      B. Schewe   View-Centered Conceptual Modelling ---
                                  An Object Oriented Approach  . . . . . . 357
           I. Comyn-Wattiau and   
                       J. Akoka   Reverse Engineering of Relational
                                  Database Physical Schema . . . . . . . . 372
                      C. Soutou   Extracting $N$-ary Relationships Through
                                  Database Reverse Engineering . . . . . . 392
                     R. Kaschek   Inheritance as a Conceptual Primitive    406
                   A. Yahia and   
                  L. Lakhal and   
               R. Cicchetti and   
                   J.-P. Bordal   iO2: An Algorithmic Method for Building
                                  Inheritance Graphs in Object Database
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
                  F. Casali and   
                    S. Ceri and   
                 B. Pernici and   
                       G. Pozzi   Workflow Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . 438
               M. C. Norrie and   
                 A. Steiner and   
                A. Wuergler and   
                    M. Wunderli   A Model for Classification Structures
                                  with Evolution Control . . . . . . . . . 456
                E. Andonoff and   
                  G. Hubert and   
                 A. Le Parc and   
                     G. Zurfluh   Integrating Versions in the OMT Models   472

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1158, 1996

                      G. Barthe   Implicit Coercions in Type Systems . . . 1
                  G. Barthe and   
                    M. Ruys and   
                  H. Barendregt   A Two-Level Approach Towards Lean
                                  Proof-Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                  U. Berger and   
              H. Schwichtenberg   The Greatest Common Divisor: a Case
                                  Study for Program Extraction from
                                  Classical Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
                  I. Beylin and   
                      P. Dybjer   Extracting a Proof of Coherence for
                                  Monoidal Categories from a Proof of
                                  Normalization for Monoids  . . . . . . . 47
              J. Cederquist and   
                       S. Negri   A Constructive Proof of the Heine-Borel
                                  Covering Theorem for Formal Reals  . . . 62
                 T. Coquand and   
                       J. Smith   An Application of Constructive
                                  Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
                  C. Cornes and   
                    D. Terrasse   Automating Inversion of Inductive
                                  Predicates in Coq  . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                      P. Curmin   First Order Marked Types . . . . . . . . 105
                      P. Dybjer   Internal Type Theory . . . . . . . . . . 120
                     E. Gimenez   An Application of Co-inductive Types in
                                  Coq: Verification of the Alternating Bit
                                  Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
                     M. Hofmann   Conservativity of Equality Reflection
                                  over Intensional Type Theory . . . . . . 153
                 F. Honsell and   
                     M. Miculan   A Natural Deduction Approach to Dynamic
                                  Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
                   L. Magnusson   An Algorithm for Checking Incomplete
                                  Proof Objects in Type Theory with
                                  Localization and Unification . . . . . . 183
                    V. Padovani   Decidability of All Minimal Models . . . 201
              C. Paulin-Mohring   Circuits as streams in Coq: Verification
                                  of a Sequential Multiplier . . . . . . . 216
                       A. Ranta   Context-Relative Syntactic Categories
                                  and the Formalization of Mathematical
                                  Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
               M. Stefanova and   
                     H. Geuvers   A Simple Model Construction for the
                                  Calculus of Constructions  . . . . . . . 249
                  T. Tammet and   
                       J. Smith   Optimized Encodings of Fragments of Type
                                  Theory in First Order Logic  . . . . . . 265
                   J. Von Plato   Organization and Development of a
                                  Constructive Axiomatization  . . . . . . 288

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1159, 1996

        N. I. Karacapilidis and   
                D. Papadias and   
                   T. F. Gordon   An Argumentation Based Framework for
                                  Defeasible and Qualitative Reasoning . . 1
           A. T. C. Martins and   
                 M. Pequeno and   
                     T. Pequeno   Well-Behaved IDL Theories  . . . . . . . 11
             A. M. Monteiro and   
                      J. Wainer   Epistemic Conditional Logics . . . . . . 21
          J. H. M. Nogueira and   
              A. L. Furtado and   
               J. Y. P. Alcazar   A Hybrid Formal Theory of Plan
                                  Recognition and Its Implementation . . . 31
                     H. Farreny   Algorithms $ \rho $ for ?-standard State
                                  Graphs: Results About Termination and
                                  Admissibility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--50
                   L. Torgo and   
                        J. Gama   Regression by Classification . . . . . . 51
            E. E. Scalabrin and   
            L. Vandenberghe and   
              H. De Azevedo and   
               J.-P. A. Barthes   A Generic Model of Cognitive Agent to
                                  Develop Open Systems . . . . . . . . . . 61
                A. L. C. Bazzan   Coordination Among
                                  Individually-Motivated Agents: An
                                  Evolutionary Approach  . . . . . . . . . 71
            K. K. Bharadwaj and   
               N. M. Hewahi and   
                  M. A. Brandao   Adaptive Hierarchical Censored
                                  Production Rule-Based System: a Genetic
                                  Algorithm Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 81
               P. Spiessens and   
                   B. Manderick   Finding Optimal Representations using
                                  the Crossover Correlation Coefficient    91
                O. C. Lopez and   
               R. M. Barcia and   
                   O. Eyada and   
                 F. O. Gauthier   An Evolutionary Algorithm for
                                  Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
                                  and Multiple Execution Modes . . . . . . 101
                       J. Robin   Evaluating the Robustness and
                                  Scalability of Revision-Based Natural
                                  Language Generation  . . . . . . . . . . 111
                   F. A. Barros   Semi-Automatic Anaphora Resolution in
                                  Portable Natural Language Interfaces . . 121
         L. H. Machado Rino and   
                       D. Scott   A Discourse Model for Gist Preservation  131
             J. A. F. Leite and   
                  E. R. Hancock   Iterative Curve Organisation with the EM
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
                  H. Tagare and   
                   D. McDermott   Model-Based Pose Proposal for $2$-D
                                  Object Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . 151
          A. J. F. Da Silva and   
                    E. Oliveira   TARCA --- An Integrated System for
                                  Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiac
                                  Arrhythmias  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
                B. Malheiro and   
                    E. Oliveira   Intelligent Distributed Environmental
                                  Decision Support System  . . . . . . . . 171
             W. T. Da Silva and   
            P. A. D. De Rezende   Object-Oriented Algorithm for Combining
                                  Dichotomic Belief Functions  . . . . . . 181
          W. W. Vasconcelos and   
            M. A. T. Aragao and   
                    N. E. Fuchs   Automatic Bottom-Up Analysis and
                                  Transformation of Logic Programs . . . . 191
         A. De Melo Rezende and   
                      J. Wainer   A Temporal Extension to the Parsimonious
                                  Covering Theory  . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
              M. Roisenberg and   
              J. M. Barreto and   
                  F. M. Azevedo   Biological Inspirations in Neural
                                  Network Implementations of Autonomous
                                  Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
            N. M. Moussalle and   
              R. M. Viccari and   
                      M. Correa   Intelligent Tutoring Systems Modelled
                                  Through the Mental States  . . . . . . . 221
                      K. Hirota   Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic and Its
                                  Hardware Implementation  . . . . . . . . 231
                       M. Klein   Status and Challenges for Coordination
                                  Technology: An AI Perspective  . . . . . 232
            J. G. Pereira Lopes   Combining Natural Language Understanding
                                  and Information Retrieval for Flexible
                                  Hypertext Navigation . . . . . . . . . . 233
                      S. Sandri   Numerical Models for the Treatment of
                                  Imperfect Information in Knowledge-Based
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
              R. M. Viccari and   
                  L. M. Giraffa   Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Functional
                                  Approach $ \times $ Agents Approach  . . 235
                      A. Aamodt   The Case-Based Reasoning Paradigm:
                                  Perspective, Technology and Impacts  . . 236
                    B. Bredeweg   Qualitative Models for Interactive
                                  Articulated Learning Environments  . . . 237
          N. C. A. Da Costa and   
                    F. A. Doria   H-Computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
                   R. B. Fisher   Is Computer Vision still AI? . . . . . . 239
                      K. Hirota   Fuzzy Robotics and Fuzzy Image
                                  Understanding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
                    A. F. Rocha   Toward a Theory of Molecular Computing   241

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1160, 1996

                  L. G. Valiant   Managing complexity in neuroidal
                                  circuits (invited lecture) . . . . . . . 1
                E. Takimoto and   
                   Y. Sakai and   
                     A. Maruoka   Learnability of exclusive-or expansion
                                  based on monotone DNF formulas . . . . . 12
                     P. M. Long   Improved bounds about on-line learning
                                  of smooth functions of a single variable 26
                    A. Nakamura   Query learning of bounded-width OBDDs    37
              H. K. Buening and   
                    T. Lettmann   Learning a representation for
                                  optimizable formulas . . . . . . . . . . 51
             A. L. Oliveira and   
                     S. Edwards   Limits of exact algorithms for inference
                                  of minimum size finite state machines    59
                     P. Vitanyi   Genetic fitness optimization using
                                  rapidly mixing Markov chains (invited
                                  lecture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
               R. A. Baxter and   
                   J. J. Oliver   The kindest cut: minimum message length
                                  segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
              R. A. Pearson and   
                 E. K. T. Smith   Reducing complexity of decision trees
                                  with two variable tests  . . . . . . . . 91
                  V. Arvind and   
            N. V. Vinodchandran   The complexity of exactly learning
                                  algebraic concepts . . . . . . . . . . . 100
                A. F. Fahmy and   
                     R. S. Roos   Efficient learning of real time
                                  two-counter automata . . . . . . . . . . 113
                  N. Lavrac and   
               D. Gamberger and   
                      P. Turney   Cost-sensitive feature reduction applied
                                  to a hybrid genetic algorithm  . . . . . 127
                   S. Piramuthu   Effects of feature selection with
                                  Blurring' on NeuroFuzzy systems  . . . . 135
                  J. R. Quinlan   Boosting first-order learning (invited
                                  lecture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
               J. Baerzdins and   
                     U. Sarkans   Incorporating hypothetical knowledge
                                  into the process of inductive synthesis  156
                  L. Martin and   
                       C. Vrain   Induction of constraint logic programs   169
                N. Sugimoto and   
                  K. Hirata and   
                    H. Ishizaka   Constructive learning of translations
                                  based on dictionaries  . . . . . . . . . 177
                      J. Lu and   
                       J. Arima   Inductive logic programming beyond
                                  logical implication  . . . . . . . . . . 185
               D. Gamberger and   
                  N. Lavrac and   
                    S. Dzeroski   Noise elimination in inductive concept
                                  learning: a case study in medical
                                  diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
                 D. L. Dowe and   
               J. J. Oliver and   
                  C. S. Wallace   MML estimation of the parameters of the
                                  spherical Fisher distribution  . . . . . 213
                   S. Lange and   
                R. Wiehagen and   
                    T. Zeugmann   Learning by erasing  . . . . . . . . . . 228
                    S. Jain and   
                  E. Kinber and   
                    R. Wiehagen   On learning and co-learning of minimal
                                  programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
               T. Shinohara and   
                     H. Arimura   Inductive inference of unbounded unions
                                  of pattern languages from positive data
                                  (invited lecture)  . . . . . . . . . . . 256
           M. R. K. Krishna Rao   A class of Prolog programs inferable
                                  from positive data . . . . . . . . . . . 272
                    J. Case and   
                    S. Jain and   
                     F. Stephan   Vacillatory and BC learning on noisy
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
                A. Ambainis and   
                   R. Freivalds   Transformations that preserve
                                  learnability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
                      J. Viksna   Probabilistic limit identification up to
                                  ``small'' sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
                     G. Grieser   Reflecting inductive inference machines
                                  and its improvement by therapy . . . . . 325

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1161, 1996

            S. J. Mullender and   
                      P. Sijben   Quality of Service in Distributed
                                  Multimedia Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 G. Coulson and   
               D. G. Waddington   A CORBA Compliant Real-Time Multimedia
                                  Platform for Broadband Networks  . . . . 14
               P. Hellemans and   
               F. Steegmans and   
          H. Vanderstraeten and   
                     H. Zuidweg   Implementation of Hidden Concurrency in
                                  CORBA Clients  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
                      E. Grasso   Passing Objects by Value in CORBA  . . . 43
                    H. Schuster   Communication Middleware for Reliable
                                  Workflow Management Systems  . . . . . . 57
                M. Roantree and   
                  P. Hickey and   
                  A. Crilly and   
                      J. Murphy   Metadata Modelling for Healthcare
                                  Applications in a Federated Database
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
                  B. Dreier and   
                   A. Huber and   
                    M. Zahn and   
                        H. Karl   ReGTime --- Rent Gigaflops someTimes . . 84
                   H. Blair and   
                   H. Green and   
              S. J. Caughey and   
              S. K. Shrivastava   Structuring Call Control Software Using
                                  Distributed Objects  . . . . . . . . . . 94
             M. K. Durmosch and   
                C. Egelhaaf and   
                K.-D. Engel and   
                       P. Schoo   Design and Implementation of a
                                  Mulitmedia Communication Service in a
                                  Distributed Environment Based on the
                                  TINA-C Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . 108
        T. R. Tronco Fudoli and   
                        E. Najm   Exercise of TINA Concepts for a Video
                                  Broadcast Service over ATM Networks  . . 122
                 M. Leclerc and   
               T. Muessener and   
         C. Linnhoff-Popien and   
                    S. Lipperts   CORBA-Based Data Transfer for Financial
                                  Risk Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
               K. Zielinski and   
                   A. Uszok and   
                    M. Steinder   Crossing Technological Domains Using the
                                  Inter-ORB Request Level Bridge ---
                                  Preliminary Performance Study  . . . . . 148
               M. Radestock and   
                   S. Eisenbach   Coordination in Evolving Systems . . . . 162
              T. Kunkelmann and   
                  H. Vogler and   
                      S. Thomas   Interoperability of Distributed
                                  Transaction Processing Systems . . . . . 177
                H. Gruender and   
                       K. Geihs   Reuse and Inheritance in Distributed
                                  Object Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
                 D. Thissen and   
             C. Linnhoff-Popien   Finding Optimal Services within a CORBA
                                  Trader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
                 S. Mueller and   
           K. Mueller-Jones and   
              W. Lamersdorf and   
                          T. Tu   Global Trader Cooperation in Open
                                  Service Markets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
                    F. Caneschi   Analyzing Requirements Using ODP . . . . 228
              R. O. Sinnott and   
                   K. J. Turner   Specifying Multimedia Binding Objects in
                                  Z  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
                       D. Sidou   A Generic and Executable Model for the
                                  Specification and Validation of
                                  Distributed Behaviours . . . . . . . . . 258
                       O. Frick   Formal Description and Interpretation of
                                  Coordination Protocols for Teamwork  . . 275

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1162, 1996

            D. G. Feitelson and   
                     L. Rudolph   Towards Convergence in Job Schedulers
                                  for Parallel Supercomputers  . . . . . . 1
                      S. Hotovy   Workload Evolution on the Cornell Theory
                                  Center IBM SP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
                 J. Skovira and   
                    W. Chan and   
                    H. Zhou and   
                       D. Lifka   The EASY --- LoadLeveler API Project . . 41
                     M. Wan and   
                   R. Moore and   
                G. Kremenek and   
                      K. Steube   A Batch Scheduler for the Intel Paragon
                                  MPP System with a Non-contiguous Node
                                  Allocation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 48
                 J. Gehring and   
                       F. Ramme   Architecture-Independent
                                  Request-Scheduling with Tight
                                  Waiting-Time Estimations . . . . . . . . 65
                D. G. Feitelson   Packing Schemes for Gang Scheduling  . . 89
                    F. Wang and   
                  H. Franke and   
           M. Papaefthymiou and   
                    P. Pattnaik   A Gang Scheduling Design for
                                  Multiprogrammed Parallel Computing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
                    A. Hori and   
                  H. Tezuka and   
                Y. Ishikawa and   
                        N. Soda   Implementation of Gang-Scheduling on
                                  Workstation Cluster  . . . . . . . . . . 126
                  J. Pruyne and   
                       M. Livny   Managing Checkpoints for Parallel
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
               T. D. Nguyen and   
                 R. Vaswani and   
                    J. Zahorjan   Using Runtime Measured Workload
                                  Characteristics in Parallel Processor
                                  Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
               T. D. Nguyen and   
                 R. Vaswani and   
                    J. Zahorjan   Parallel Application Characteristics for
                                  Multiprocessor Scheduling Policy Design  175
               S.-H. Chiang and   
                      M. Vernon   Dynamic vs. Static Quantum-Based
                                  Parallel Processor Allocation  . . . . . 200
               J. D. Padhye and   
                    L. W. Dowdy   Dynamic versus Adaptive Processor
                                  Allocation Policies for Message Passing
                                  Parallel Computers: An Empirical
                                  Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
                   N. Islam and   
             A. Prodromidis and   
               M. S. Squillante   Dynamic Partitioning in Different
                                  Distributed-Memory Environments  . . . . 244
                     F. Bellosa   Locality Information Based Scheduling in
                                  Shared Memory Multiprocessors  . . . . . 271

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1163, 1996

                  A. K. Lenstra   Generating Standard DSA Signatures
                                  Without Long Inversion . . . . . . . . . 57--64
                      A. Miyaji   A Message Recovery Signature Scheme
                                  Equivalent to DSA over Elliptic Curves   1
                   I. Biehl and   
                   B. Meyer and   
                       C. Thiel   Cryptographic Protocols Based on
                                  Real-Quadratic A-Fields  . . . . . . . . 15
                R. Anderson and   
                    S. Vaudenay   Minding your p's and q's . . . . . . . . 26
                    M. Just and   
                    S. Vaudenay   Authenticated Multi-Party Key Agreement  36
                 K. S. McCurley   Cryptography and the Internet: Lessons
                                  and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
                  E. De Win and   
              A. Bosselaers and   
            S. Vandenberghe and   
                   P. De Getsem   A Fast Software Implementation for
                                  Arithmetic Operations in GF(20n) . . . . 65
                 L. Knudsen and   
                     B. Preneel   Hash Functions Based on Block Ciphers
                                  and Quaternary Codes . . . . . . . . . . 77
                      K. Nyberg   Generalized Feistel Networks . . . . . . 91
                  P. Hawkes and   
                    L. O'Connor   On Applying Linear Cryptanalysis to IDEA 105
                  C.-I. Fan and   
                      C.-L. Lei   A Multi-Recastable Ticket Scheme for
                                  Electronic Elections . . . . . . . . . . 116
                 M. Michels and   
                     P. Horster   Some Remarks on a Receipt-Free and
                                  Universally Verifiable Mix-Type Voting
                                  Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
                    J. Zhou and   
                    D. Gollmann   Observations on Non-repudiation  . . . . 133
          D. Bleichenbacher and   
                      U. Maurer   On the Efficiency of One-Time Digital
                                  Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
                     K. Sakurai   A Hidden Cryptographic Assumption in
                                  No-Transferable Identification Schemes   159
                      S. Tsujii   Electronic Money and Key Management from
                                  Global and Regional Points of View . . . 173
                  K. Kobara and   
                        H. Imai   Limiting the Visible Space Visual Secret
                                  Sharing Schemes and Their Application to
                                  Human Identification . . . . . . . . . . 185
                  U. Maurer and   
                        S. Wolf   Towards Characterizing When
                                  Information-Theoretic Secret Key
                                  Agreement Is Possible  . . . . . . . . . 196
                  V. Korjik and   
                     D. Kushnir   Key Sharing Based on the Wire-Tap
                                  Channel Type II Concept with Noisy Main
                                  Channel  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
                K. Kurosawa and   
                       T. Satoh   Generalization of Higher Order SAC to
                                  Vector Output Boolean Functions  . . . . 218
                    S. Chee and   
                     S. Lee and   
                     D. Lee and   
                   Soo Hak Sung   On the Correlation Immune Functions and
                                  Their Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . 232
                     M. Abe and   
                    E. Fujisaki   How to Date Blind Signatures . . . . . . 244
             D. Pointcheval and   
                       J. Stern   Provably Secure Blind Signature Schemes  252
                     D. M'Raihi   Cost-Effective Payment Schemes with
                                  Privacy Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . 266
                    A. Chan and   
                 Y. Frankel and   
               P. MacKenzie and   
                    Y. Tsiounis   Mis-representation of Identities in
                                  E-Cash Schemes and How to Prevent it . . 276
                 Y. Frankel and   
                Y. Tsiounis and   
                        M. Yung   ``Indirect Discourse Proofs'': Achieving
                                  Efficient Fair Off-Line E-cash . . . . . 286
                       J. Stern   The Validation of Cryptographic
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
              Seung Joo Kim and   
              Sung Jun Park and   
                    Dong Ho Won   Convertible Group Signatures . . . . . . 311
                   M. Mambo and   
                 K. Sakurai and   
                     E. Okamoto   How to Utilize the Transformability of
                                  Digital Signatures for Solving the
                                  Oracle Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
                 M. Michels and   
                     P. Horster   On the Risk of Disruption in Several
                                  Multiparty Signature Schemes . . . . . . 334
              W. Geiselmann and   
                    D. Gottmann   Correlation Attacks on Cascades of Clock
                                  Controlled Shift Registers . . . . . . . 346
                Sangjin Lee and   
             Seongtaek Chee and   
              Sangjoon Park and   
                    Sungmo Park   Conditional Correlation Attack on
                                  Nonlinear Filter Generators  . . . . . . 360
                 F. Chabaud and   
                       J. Stern   The Cryptographic Security of the
                                  Syndrome Decoding Problem for Rank
                                  Distance Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
                   J. Cowie and   
                  B. Dodson and   
  R. M. Elkenbracht-Huizing and   
                  A. K. Lenstra   A World Wide Number Field Sieve
                                  Factoring Record: on to 512 Bits . . . . 382

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1164, 1996

                K. Berquist and   
                    A. Berquist   Managing Information Highways  . . . . . 1

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1165, 1996

               J.-R. Abrial and   
                 E. Boerger and   
                   H. Langmaack   ABL: The Steam Boiler Case Study:
                                  Competition of Formal Program
                                  Specification and Development Methods    1--12
               M. Addibpour and   
                       E. Tyugu   AT: Structural Synthesis of Programs
                                  from Refined User Requirements
                                  (Programming Boiler Control in NUT)  . . 13--34
             C. Andriessens and   
                     T. Lindner   AL: Using FOCUS, LUSTRE, and Probability
                                  Theory for the Design of a Reliable
                                  Control Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--51
                 C. Beierle and   
                 E. Boerger and   
              I. Durdanovic and   
                    U. Glaesser   BBDGR: Refining Abstract Machine
                                  Specifications of the Steam Boiler
                                  Control to Well Documented Executable
                                  Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52--78
                  M. Bidoit and   
               C. Chevenier and   
                  C. Pellen and   
                   J. Ryckbosch   BCPR: An Algebraic Specification of the
                                  Steam-Boiler Control System  . . . . . . 79--108
                 R. Buessow and   
                       M. Weber   BW: a Steam-Boiler Control Specification
                                  with Statecharts and Z . . . . . . . . . 109--128
                  M. Butler and   
              E. Sekerinski and   
                        K. Sere   BSS: An Action System Approach to the
                                  Steam Boiler Problem . . . . . . . . . . 129--148
                  T. Cattel and   
                       G. Duval   CD: The Steam-Boiler Problem in Lustre   149--164
                 J. Cuellar and   
                  I. Wildgruber   CW1: The Steam Boiler Problem --- A TLT
                                  Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--183
                 J. Cuellar and   
                  I. Wildgruber   CW2: The Real-Time Behavior of the Steam
                                  Boiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184--202
                   G. Duval and   
                      T. Cattel   DC: Specifying and Verifying the
                                  Steam-Boiler Problem with SPIN . . . . . 203--217
              A. Gargantini and   
                    A. Morzenti   GM: TRIO Specification of a Steam Boiler
                                  Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218--232
               M.-C. Gaudel and   
                  P. Dauchy and   
                      C. Khoury   GDK: a Formal Specification of the
                                  Steam-Boiler Control Problem by
                                  Algebraic Specifications with Implicit
                                  State  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233--264
            T. A. Henzinger and   
                    H. Wong-Toi   HW: Using HyTech to Synthesize Control
                                  Parameters for a Steam Boiler  . . . . . 265--282
                   Y. Ledru and   
                    M.-L. Potet   LP: a VDM Specification of the
                                  Steam-Boiler Problem . . . . . . . . . . 283--317
                    G. Leeb and   
                       N. Lynch   LL: Proving Safety Properties of the
                                  Steam Boiler Controller  . . . . . . . . 318--338
                  F. Lesske and   
                        S. Merz   LM: Steam Boiler Control Specification
                                  Problem: a TLA Solution  . . . . . . . . 339--358
                      X. Li and   
                        J. Wang   LW: Specifying Optimal Design of a
                                  Steam-Boiler System  . . . . . . . . . . 359--378
            P. C. Oelveczky and   
             P. Kosiuczenko and   
                     M. Wirsing   OKW: An Object-Oriented Algebraic
                                  Steam-Boiler Control Specification . . . 379--402
                 M. Schenke and   
                     A. P. Ravn   SR: Refinement from a Control Problem to
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403--427
                 C. P. Schinagl   S: VDM Specification of the Steam-Boiler
                                  Control Using RSL Notation . . . . . . . 428--452
                    J. Vitt and   
                      J. Hooman   VH: Assertional Specification and
                                  Verification Using PVS of the Steam
                                  Boiler Control System  . . . . . . . . . 453--472
                  A. Willig and   
              I. Schieferdecker   WS: Specifying and Verifying the
                                  Steam-Boiler Control System with Time
                                  Extended LOTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473--492
                  A. Loetzbeyer   L: Simulation of a Steam-Boiler  . . . . 493--499
                   J.-R. Abrial   A Steam-Boiler Control Specification
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500--509

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1166, 1996

                     K. Keutzer   The Need for Formal Methods for
                                  Integrated Circuit Design  . . . . . . . 1
                 Y.-A. Chen and   
                  E. Clarke and   
                   P.-H. Ho and   
                 Y. Hoskote and   
                     T. Kam and   
                  M. Khaira and   
                J. O. Leary and   
                        X. Zhao   Verification of All Circuits in a
                                  Floating-Point Unit Using Word-Level
                                  Model Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--33
                      L. Arditi   BMDs Can Delay the Use of Theorem
                                  Proving for Verifying Arithmetic
                                  Assembly Instructions  . . . . . . . . . 34
                    K. Ravi and   
                   A. Pardo and   
              G. D. Hachtel and   
                     F. Somenzi   Modular Verification of Multipliers  . . 49
                P. S. Miner and   
                 J. F. Leathrum   Verification of IEEE Compliant
                                  Subtractive Division Algorithms  . . . . 64
                       H. Ruess   Hierarchical Verification of
                                  Two-Dimensional High-Speed
                                  Multiplication in PVS: a Case Study  . . 79
                F. J. Cantu and   
                   A. Bundy and   
                  A. Smaill and   
                       D. Basin   Experiments in Automating Hardware
                                  Verification Using Inductive Proof
                                  Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
                    A. Jain and   
                  K. Nelson and   
                   R. E. Bryant   Verifying Nondeterministic
                                  Implementations of Deterministic Systems 109
                D. M. Lewin and   
               D. H. Lorenz and   
                          S. Ur   A Methodology for Processor
                                  Implementation Verification  . . . . . . 126
                   D. Geist and   
                  M. Farkas and   
                 A. Landver and   
                Y. Lichtenstein   Coverage-Directed Test Generation Using
                                  Symbolic Techniques  . . . . . . . . . . 143
                R. B. Jones and   
             C.-J. H. Seger and   
                     D. L. Dill   Self-Consistency Checking  . . . . . . . 159
                      D. Cyrluk   Inverting the Abstraction Mapping: a
                                  Methodology for Hardware Verification    172
                 C. Barrett and   
                 D. L. Dill and   
                      J. Levitt   Validity Checking for Combinations of
                                  Theories with Equality . . . . . . . . . 187
               K. Schneider and   
                       T. Kropf   A Unified Approach for Combining
                                  Different Formalisms for Hardware
                                  Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
                  R. Hojati and   
                   A. Isles and   
             D. Kirkpatrick and   
                  R. K. Brayton   Verification Using Uninterpreted
                                  Functions and Finite Instantiations  . . 218
                    Z. Zhou and   
                    X. Song and   
                   S. Tahar and   
                       E. Cerny   Formal Verification of the Island Tunnel
                                  Controller Using Multiway Decision
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
              R. K. Brayton and   
              G. D. Hachtel and   
 A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and   
                     F. Somenzi   VIS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
                     N. Shankar   PVS: Combining Specification, Proof
                                  Checking, and Model Checking . . . . . . 257
                    J. Harrison   HOL Light: a Tutorial Introduction . . . 265
                    B. Bose and   
               M. Esen Tuna and   
                   V. Choppella   A Tutorial on Digital Design Derivation
                                  Using DRS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
                   B. Brock and   
                M. Kaufmann and   
                    J. S. Moore   ACL2 Theorems about Commercial
                                  Microprocessors  . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
                   R. Kumar and   
             C. Blumenroehr and   
            D. Eisenbiegler and   
                      D. Schmid   Formal Synthesis in Circuit Design --- a
                                  Classification and Survey  . . . . . . . 294
                M. Bickford and   
                      D. Jamsek   Formal Specification and Verification of
                                  VHDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
              N. Narasimhan and   
                      R. Vemuri   Specification of Control Flow Properties
                                  for Verification of Synthesized VHDL
                                  Designs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
               A. C. J. Fox and   
                   N. A. Harman   An Algebraic Model of Correctness for
                                  Superscalar Microprocessors  . . . . . . 346
              P. J. Windley and   
                    J. R. Burch   Mechanically Checking a Lemma Used in an
                                  Automatic Verification Tool  . . . . . . 362
                   J. X. Su and   
                 D. L. Dill and   
                  C. W. Barrett   Automatic Generation of Invariants in
                                  Processor Verification . . . . . . . . . 377
                E. M. Sentovich   A Brief Study of BDD Package Performance 389
                  C. Meinel and   
                    T. Theobald   Local Encoding Transformations for
                                  Optimizing OBDD-Representations of
                                  Finite State Machines  . . . . . . . . . 404
                    J. Jain and   
                 A. Narayan and   
                  C. Coelho and   
                   S. P. Khatri   Decomposition Techniques for Efficient
                                  ROBDD Construction . . . . . . . . . . . 419
                  T. Yoneda and   
                  H. Hatori and   
                A. Takahara and   
                   S.-I. Minato   BDDs vs. Zero-Suppressed BDDs: For CTL
                                  Symbolic Model Checking of Petri Nets    435
                D. Borrione and   
                H. Bouamama and   
                 D. Deharbe and   
                     C. Le Faou   HDL-Based Integration of Formal Methods
                                  and CAD Tools in the Prevail Environment 450

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1167, 1996

                      A. Zeller   Smooth Operations with Square Operators
                                  --- The Version Set Model in ICE . . . . 8
               B. Magnusson and   
                     U. Asklund   Fine Grained Version Control of
                                  Configurations in COOP\slash Orm . . . . 31
                 J. J. Hunt and   
                   K.-P. Vo and   
                    W. F. Tichy   An Empirical Study of Delta Algorithms   49
                     C. Seiwald   Inter-file Branching --- A Practical
                                  Method for Representing Variants . . . . 67
                     D. Tibrook   An Architecture for a Construction
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
                 R. Conradi and   
                 B. Westfechtel   Configuring Versioned Software Products  88
                    B. P. Munch   HiCoV: Managing the Version Space  . . . 110
                   J. Estublier   Work Space Management in Software
                                  Engineering Environments . . . . . . . . 127
                    D. E. Perry   System Compositions and Shared
                                  Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
                D. Belanger and   
                    D. Korn and   
                         H. Rao   Infrastructure for Wide-Area Software
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
                  J. Reuter and   
            S. U. Haenssgen and   
                 J. J. Hunt and   
                    W. F. Tichy   Distributed Revision Control via the WWW 166
                J. Micallef and   
                    G. M. Clemm   The Asgard System: Activity-Based
                                  Configuration Management . . . . . . . . 175
                    A. Auer and   
                     J. Taramaa   Experience Report on the Maturity of
                                  Configuration Management of Embedded
                                  Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
                   B. Gulla and   
                      J. Gorman   Experiences with the Use of a
                                  Configuration Language . . . . . . . . . 198
                      S. Kolvik   Introducing Configuration Management in
                                  an Organisation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
                     T. Lee and   
                  P. Thomas and   
                       V. Lowen   An Odyssey Towards Best SCM Practices:
                                  The Big Picture  . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
                        S. Dart   Best Practice for a CM Solution  . . . . 239
                      L. Bendix   Fully Supported Recursive Workspaces . . 256
                    I. Crnkovic   Experience of Using a Simple SCM Tool in
                                  a Complex Development Environment  . . . 262
                    P. Eilfield   Configuration Management as ``Glueware''
                                  for Development of
                                  Client/Server-Applications in
                                  Heterogeneous and Distributed
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
              D. Heimbigner and   
                     A. L. Wolf   Post-Deployment Configuration Management 272
                   S. A. MacKay   Change Sets Revisited and CM of Complex
                                  Documents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
                     A. Dix and   
                  T. Rodden and   
                 I. Sommerville   Modeling the Sharing of Versions . . . . 282

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1168, 1996

                  V. Aleven and   
                   K. D. Ashley   How Different Is Different? Arguing
                                  About the Significance of Similarities
                                  and Differences  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                R. J. Aarts and   
                       J. Rousu   Towards CBR for Bioprocess Planning  . . 16
                R. Bergmann and   
                       W. Wilke   On the Role of Abstraction in Case-Based
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
                 A. Bonzano and   
              P. Cunningham and   
                     C. Meckiff   ISAC: A CBR System for Decision Support
                                  in Air Traffic Control . . . . . . . . . 44
                 K. Boerner and   
                  E. Pippig and   
               E.-C. Tammer and   
                  C.- H. Coulon   Structural Similarity and Adaptation . . 58
             L. K. Branting and   
                   J. C. Lester   Justification Structures for Document
                                  Reuse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
                 B. Collins and   
                  P. Cunningham   Adaptation Guided Retrieval in EBMT: a
                                  Case-Based Approach to Machine
                                  Translation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
                J. Daengdej and   
                  D. Lukose and   
                    E. Tsui and   
                      P. Beinat   Dynamically Creating Indices for Two
                                  Million Cases: A Real World Problem  . . 105
                W. Dubitzky and   
               J. G. Hughes and   
                     D. A. Bell   Case Memory and the Behaviouristic Model
                                  of Concepts and Cognition  . . . . . . . 120
       C. Fernandez-Chamizo and   
      P. A. Gonzalez-Calero and   
          M. Gomez-Albarran and   
             L. Hernandez-Yanez   Supporting Object Reuse Through
                                  Case-Based Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . 135
                 A. K. Goel and   
                  J. W. Murdock   Meta-Cases: Explaining Case-Based
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
                 M. Grimnes and   
                      A. Aamodt   A Two Layer Case-Based Reasoning
                                  Architecture for Medical Image
                                  Understanding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
                  K. Hanney and   
                    M. T. Keane   Learning Adaptation Rules From a
                                  Case-Base  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
                          H. Ye   An Evolutionary Agent Model of
                                  Case-Based Classification  . . . . . . . 193
                        G. Kamp   Using Description Logics for Knowledge
                                  Intensive Case-Based Reasoning . . . . . 204
                    M. Lenz and   
             H.-D. Burkhard and   
                   S. Brueckner   Applying Case Retrieval Nets to
                                  Diagnostic Tasks in Technical Domains    219
                  L. Macedo and   
              F. C. Pereira and   
                   C. Grilo and   
                     A. Cardoso   Plans as Structured Networks of
                                  Hierarchically and Temporally Related
                                  Case Pieces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
                N. A. M. Maiden   The Transfer Problem in Analogical Reuse 249
               A. Micarelli and   
                   F. Sciarrone   A Case-Based System for Adaptive
                                  Hypermedia Navigation  . . . . . . . . . 266
      H. Muñoz-Avila and   
                     J. Huellen   Feature Weighting by Explaining
                                  Case-Based Planning Episodes . . . . . . 280
                  A. Napoli and   
                  J. Lieber and   
                      R. Curien   Classification-Based Problem-Solving in
                                  Case-Based Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . 295
              H. R. Osborne and   
                   D. G. Bridge   A Case Base Similarity Framework . . . . 309
                   E. Plaza and   
       R. Lopez de Mantaras and   
                    E. Armengol   On the Importance of Similitude: An
                                  Entropy-Based Assessment . . . . . . . . 324
                  J. Rahmer and   
                        A. Voss   Case-Enhanced Configuration by Resource
                                  Balancing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
                   J. Rousu and   
                    R. J. Aarts   Adaptation Cost as a Criterion for
                                  Solution Evaluation  . . . . . . . . . . 354
                   J. W. Schaaf   Fish and Shrink. A Next Step Towards
                                  Efficient Case Retrieval in Large-Scale
                                  Case Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
                 R. Schmidt and   
                  B. Heindl and   
                B. Pollwein and   
                       L. Gierl   Abstractions of Data and Time for
                                  Multiparametric Time Course Prognoses    377
                   B. Smyth and   
                  P. Cunningham   The Utility Problem Analysed: a
                                  Case-Based Reasoning Perspective . . . . 392
                   J. Surma and   
                B. Braunschweig   REPRO: Supporting Flowsheet Design by
                                  Case-Base Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . 400
                   H. Tirri and   
               P. Kontkanen and   
                  P. Myllymaeki   A Bayesian Framework for Case-Based
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
                        A. Voss   Principles of Case Reusing Systems . . . 428
               R. Weber-Lee and   
               R. M. Barcia and   
                 A. Martins and   
                  R. C. Pacheco   Using Typicality Theory to Select the
                                  Best Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
                   W. Wilke and   
                    R. Bergmann   Considering Decision Cost During
                                  Learning of Feature Weights  . . . . . . 460
                 Z. Zdrahal and   
                       E. Motta   Case-Based Problem Solving Methods for
                                  Parametric Design Tasks  . . . . . . . . 473
                 J. M. Barr and   
                  R. V. Magaldi   Corporate Knowledge Management for the
                                  Millennium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
              J.-L. Bouchet and   
           C. Eichenbaum-Voline   Case-Based Reasoning Techniques Applied
                                  to Operation Experience Feedback in
                                  Nuclear Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . 497
                      R. Heider   Troubleshooting CFM 56-3 Engines for the
                                  Boeing 737 --- Using CBR and Data-Mining 512
                       P. Klahr   Global Case-Base Development and
                                  Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1169, 1996

                    M. Broy and   
                     L. Lamport   The RPC-Memory Specification Problem ---
                                  Problem Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                    M. Broy and   
                    S. Merz and   
                       K. Spies   The RPC-Memory Case Study: a Synopsis    5
                   M. Abadi and   
                 L. Lamport and   
                        S. Merz   A TLA Solution to the RPC-Memory
                                  Specification Problem  . . . . . . . . . 21
               E. Astesiano and   
                      G. Reggio   A Dynamic Specification of the
                                  RPC-Memory Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 67
                        E. Best   A Memory Module Specification Using
                                  Composable High-Level Petri Nets . . . . 109
                    J. Blom and   
                     B. Jonsson   Constraint Oriented Temporal Logic
                                  Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
                        M. Broy   A Functional Solution to the RPC-Memory
                                  Specification Problem  . . . . . . . . . 183
                 J. Cuellar and   
                 D. Barnard and   
                       M. Huber   A Solution Relying on the Model Checking
                                  of Boolean Transition Systems  . . . . . 213
                    R. Gotzhein   Applying a Temporal Logic to the
                                  RPC-Memory Specification Problem . . . . 253
                      J. Hooman   Using PVS for an Assertional
                                  Verification of the RPC-Memory
                                  Specification Problem  . . . . . . . . . 275
                      H. Hungar   Specification and Verification Using a
                                  Visual Formalism on Top of Temporal
                                  Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
                N. Klarlund and   
                 M. Nielsen and   
                     K. Sunesen   A Case Study in Verification Based on
                                  Trace Abstractions . . . . . . . . . . . 341
                R. Kurki-Suonio   Incremental Specification with Joint
                                  Actions: The RPC-Memory Specification
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
               K. G. Larsen and   
                 B. Steffen and   
                       C. Weise   The Methodology of Modal Constraints . . 405
                      J. Romijn   Tackling the RPC-Memory Specification
                                  Problem with I/O Automata  . . . . . . . 437
                     K. Stoelen   Using Relations on Streams to Solve the
                                  RPC-Memory Specification Problem . . . . 477
                R. T. Udink and   
                      J. N. Kok   The RPC-Memory Specification Problem:
                                  UNITY + Refinement Calculus  . . . . . . 521

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1172, 1996

                    S. Orlowski   The Changing Face of Information
                                  Technology Security  . . . . . . . . . . 1
                T. Hardjono and   
                     J. Seberry   Replicating the Kuperee authentication
                                  server for increased security and
                                  reliability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
                      R. Taylor   Non-repudiation without public-key . . . 27
                         Y. Hah   Investigation of non-repudiation
                                  protocols  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
                S.-J. Hwang and   
                     C.-C Chang   A dynamic secret sharing scheme with
                                  cheater detection  . . . . . . . . . . . 48
                 A. Renvall and   
                        C. Ding   A nonlinear secret sharing scheme  . . . 56
                 A. Renvall and   
                        C. Ding   The access structure of some
                                  secret-sharing schemes . . . . . . . . . 67
                   C.-K. Wu and   
                      E. Dawson   On construction of resilient functions   79
                  E. Dawson and   
                          J. He   Another approach to software key escrow
                                  encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
                J. Pieprzyk and   
                 H. Ghodosi and   
                 C. Charnes and   
                R. Safavi-Naini   Cryptography based on transcendental
                                  numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
                        E. Troy   Breakthroughs in Standardization of IT
                                  Security Criteria  . . . . . . . . . . . 108
                    L. Chen and   
                D. Gollmann and   
                    C. Mitchell   Tailoring authentication protocols to
                                  match underlying mechanisms  . . . . . . 121
                      Y. Mu and   
                V. Varadharajan   On the design of security protocols for
                                  mobile communications  . . . . . . . . . 134
                        C. Boyd   A Framework for Design of Key
                                  Establishment Protocols  . . . . . . . . 146
                       J. Golic   On period of multipleted sequences . . . 158
                       J. Golic   Edit distance correlation attacks on
                                  clock-controlled combiners with memory   169
                  M. Mihaljevic   A faster cryptanalysis of the
                                  self-shrinking generator . . . . . . . . 182
       A. Baraani-Dastjerdi and   
                J. Pieprzyk and   
                R. Safavi-Naini   Modeling a multi-level secure
                                  object-oriented database using views . . 190
            V. Varadharajan and   
                       P. Allen   Support for joint action based security
                                  policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
                      R. Sandhu   Access Control: The Neglected Frontier   219
                 E. Jonsson and   
                   M. Andersson   On the quantitative assessment of
                                  behavioural security . . . . . . . . . . 228
               U. Gustafson and   
                 E. Jonsson and   
                    T. Olovsson   On the modelling of preventive security
                                  based on a PC network intrusion
                                  experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
                 M. Esmaili and   
            R. Safavi-Naini and   
                    J. Pieprzyk   Evidential reasoning in network
                                  intrusion detection systems  . . . . . . 253
                  C.-H. Lin and   
                 C.-T. Wang and   
                    C.-C. Chang   A group-oriented $ (t, n) $ undeniable
                                  signature scheme without trusted center  266
                 H. Ghodosi and   
                J. Pieprzyk and   
                 C. Charnes and   
                R. Safavi-Naini   Cryptosystems for hierarchical groups    275
               S. Bakhtiari and   
            R. Safavi-Naini and   
                    J. Pieprzyk   On selectable collisionful hash
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
               S. Bakhtiari and   
            R. Safavi-Naini and   
                    J. Pieprzyk   On password-based authenticated key
                                  exchange using collisionful hash
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
              B. Sadeghiyan and   
                    J. Mohajeri   A new universal test for bit strings . . 311
                      Y. Mu and   
                       Y. Zheng   An alternative model of quantum key
                                  agreement via photon coupling  . . . . . 320

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1173, 1996

                   W. Rucklidge   Efficient Visual Recognition Using the
                                  Hausdorff Distance . . . . . . . . . . . xiii + 178

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1174, 1996

                        D. Kahn   The History of Stenography . . . . . . . 1
                   E. Franz and   
                A. Jerichow and   
                 S. Moeller and   
                   A. Pfitzmann   Computer Based Steganography . . . . . . 7
                  T. Handel and   
                    M. Sandford   Hiding Data in the OSI Network Model . . 23
                    R. Anderson   Stretching the Limits of Steganography   39
                   B. Pfitzmann   Trials of Traced Traitors  . . . . . . . 49
                     Y. Desmedt   Establishing Big Brother Using Covert
                                  Channels and Other Covert Techniques . . 65
                 C. Meadows and   
                   I. Moskowitz   Covert Channels --- A Context-Based View 73
                M. Anderson and   
                       M. Ozols   Covert Channel Analysis for Stubs  . . . 95
                     I. Jackson   Anonymous Addresses and Confidentiality
                                  of Location  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
               H. Federrath and   
                A. Jerichow and   
                   A. Pfitzmann   MIXes in Mobile Communication Systems:
                                  Location Management with Privacy . . . . 121
              D. Goldschlag and   
                    M. Reed and   
                    P. Syverson   Hiding Routing Information . . . . . . . 137
                R. Anderson and   
                S. Vaudenay and   
                 B. Preneel and   
                      K. Nyberg   The Newton Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 151
               M. Burmester and   
                 Y. Desmedt and   
                    T. Itoh and   
                     K. Sakurai   A Progress Report on Subliminal-Free
                                  Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
                     S. Low and   
                   N. Maxemchuk   Modeling Cryptographic Protocols and
                                  their collusion analysis . . . . . . . . 169
                     I. Cox and   
                  J. Kilian and   
                T. Leighton and   
                     T. Shamoon   A Secure, Robust Watermark for
                                  Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
                   J. Smith and   
                    B. Comiskey   Modulation and Information Hiding in
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
                 J. Brassil and   
                    L. O'Gorman   Watermarking Document Images with
                                  Bounding Box Expansion . . . . . . . . . 227
                     G. Simmons   The History of Subliminal Channels . . . 237
                 K. Sakurai and   
                      Y. Yamane   Blind Decoding, Blind Undeniable
                                  Signatures, and Their Applications to
                                  Privacy Protection . . . . . . . . . . . 257
                        T. Aura   Practical Invisibility in Digital
                                  Communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
                  P. Davern and   
                       M. Scott   Fractal Based Image Steganography  . . . 279
                   D. Gruhl and   
                      A. Lu and   
                      W. Bender   Echo Hiding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
                    D. Aucsmith   Tamper Resistant Software  . . . . . . . 317
                       M. Blaze   Oblivious Key Escrow . . . . . . . . . . 335
                      T. Berson   Her Majesty's Orthography Service  . . . 345
                   B. Pfitzmann   Information Hiding Terminology . . . . . 347

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1175, 1996

                 R. Baeza-Yates   A Unified View to String Matching
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
     F. Meyer auf der Heide and   
                  C. Scheideler   Communication in Parallel Systems  . . . 16
                      V. Cahill   An Overview of the Tigger Object-Support
                                  Operating System Framework . . . . . . . 34
              P. Dechamboux and   
                D. Hagimont and   
                J. Mossiere and   
             X. Rousset de Pina   The Arias Distributed Shared Memory: An
                                  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
             J. Kleindienst and   
                  F. Plasil and   
                        P. Tuma   CORBA and Object Services  . . . . . . . 74
                     E. Horvitz   Decision-Theoretic Reasoning and the
                                  Human-Computer Interface: Advances in
                                  Embedded Intelligent Agents  . . . . . . 94
             M. H. Overmars and   
                     P. Svestka   Probabilistic Approaches to Motion
                                  Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
                        D. Roth   Learning in Order to Reason: The
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
                     J. Pokorny   Database Semantics in Heterogeneous
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
                K. Robinson and   
                  D. Mac Randal   Business Case Processing --- Rationale,
                                  Survey and Trends  . . . . . . . . . . . 143
                      A. Siebes   Data Mining and the KESO Project . . . . 161
                       G. Domik   Computer Visualization --- Concepts,
                                  Trends and Current Research  . . . . . . 178
                     L. Matyska   High Performance Computing --- The
                                  Computational Chemistry Perspective  . . 197
            H. A. Van der Vorst   Iterative Methods for Unsymmetric Linear
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
           M. Van den Brand and   
                   P. Klint and   
                     C. Verhoef   Core Technologies for System Renovation  235
                A. De Bruin and   
                       W. Pijls   Trends in Game Tree Search . . . . . . . 255
                    J. Dick and   
                   J. Loubersac   A Visual Approach to VDM . . . . . . . . 275
                       D. Harel   Statecharts: Past, Present and Future    285
                      S. Kutten   Scalable Fault Tolerance . . . . . . . . 286
                P. Asirelli and   
                   S. Gnesi and   
                    M. C. Rossi   A Deductive Database Support to the
                                  Specification of Concurrent Systems  . . 309
                D. Bednarek and   
                   P. Merta and   
               D. Obdrzalek and   
                      J. Yaghob   Interprocess Communication in the T4
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
                 E. Bertino and   
                D. Castelli and   
                      F. Vitale   A Formal Representation for State
                                  Diagrams in the OMT Methodology  . . . . 327
                 V. Brattka and   
                    P. Hertling   Feasible Real Random Access Machines . . 335
                   C. De Castro   Temporal Conversion Functions for
                                  Multitemporal Relational Databases . . . 343
                C. Gaibisso and   
                E. Nardelli and   
                    G. Proietti   An Output Sensitive Solution to the Set
                                  Union and Intersection Problem . . . . . 351
                  A. Gambin and   
                      S. Lasota   On the Semantics of Multistage
                                  Interconnection Networks . . . . . . . . 359
                      J. L. Han   Decision Trees, Knowledge Rules and Some
                                  Related Data Mining Algorithms . . . . . 369
                      A. Kucera   Regularity is Decidable for Normed BPA
                                  and Normed BPP Processes in Polynomial
                                  Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
                   S. Lucas and   
                      J. Oliver   A New Proposal of Concurrent Process
                                  Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
                   M. Marchiori   On the Specification of Visual
                                  Languages: Multisets as First-Class
                                  Citizens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
                    F. Mraz and   
                  M. Platek and   
                       J. Vogel   Restarting Automata with Rewriting . . . 401
               M. Rozloznik and   
                 Z. Strakos and   
                        M. Tuma   On the Role of Orthogonality in the
                                  GMRES Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
                     P. Ruzicka   Efficient Tree Pattern Unification . . . 417
                      P. Scholz   A Light-Weight Formalism for the
                                  Specification of Reactive Systems  . . . 425
                        J. Shao   Knowledge Discovery in Alarm Data
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
                        J. Sima   Aunt's Problem: Table Rounding . . . . . 441
                     I. Vovsova   A Seven-Head Dragon for Optimal Pattern
                                  Searching  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
                  T. Werner and   
                  V. Hlavac and   
               A. Leonardis and   
                      T. Pajdla   Choosing Reference Views for Image-Based
                                  Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
                    J. Zerovnik   Recognizing Graph Products and Bundles   467
                   J. Zizka and   
                  Z. Kratochvil   Genetic Algorithms-Based Creation of
                                  Fuzzy-Rule Bases for the Car Control . . 475
                     O. Zukunft   A Transaction Model for Mobile and
                                  Active Database Systems  . . . . . . . . 483

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1176, 1996

                     J. Francon   On recent trends in discrete geometry in
                                  computer science . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                   J. Zunic and   
                   D. M. Acketa   Least squares fitting of digital
                                  polynomial segments  . . . . . . . . . . 17
                     A. Vialard   Geometrical parameters extraction from
                                  discrete paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
                  Z. Aktouf and   
                G. Bertrand and   
                    L. Perroton   A three-dimensional holes closing
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
               G. Borgefors and   
                 G. Ramella and   
             G. Sanniti di Baja   Multiresolution representation of shape
                                  in binary images . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
           A. M. Bruckstein and   
                 R. J. Holt and   
                A. N. Netravali   Discrete elastica  . . . . . . . . . . . 59
                 W. Skarbek and   
                K. Ignasiak and   
                      M. Ghuwar   Fractal representation of planar shapes  73
                  A. E. Kaufman   Volume Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
                  A. Lenoir and   
              R. Malgouyres and   
                      M. Revenu   Fast computation of the normal vector
                                  field of the surface of a $3$-D discrete
                                  object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
                    P. Frey and   
                  H. Borouchaki   Finite element meshes by means of voxels 115
                Y. Kenmochi and   
                   A. Imiya and   
                    N. Ezquerra   Polyhedra generation from lattice points 127
                 J. Francon and   
              J.-M. Schramm and   
                      M. Tajine   Recognizing arithmetic straight lines
                                  and planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
                      C. Fiorio   A topologically consistent
                                  representation for image analysis: the
                                  Topological Graph of Frontiers . . . . . 151
                   R. Ayala and   
               E. Dominguez and   
              A. R. Frances and   
                    A. Quintero   Determining the components of the
                                  complement of a digital $ (n - 1)
                                  $-manifold in Z0n  . . . . . . . . . . . 163
                 L. Ibathez and   
              C. Hamitouche and   
                        C. Roux   Determination of discrete sampling grids
                                  with optimal topological and spectral
                                  properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
          J.-P. Braquelaire and   
                    L. Brun and   
                     A. Vialard   Inter-pixel Euclidean paths for image
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
                     G. Mathieu   Filling driven by contour marching . . . 205
                  A. Bretto and   
                       S. Ubeda   Hypergraph model of digital topology for
                                  grey level images  . . . . . . . . . . . 217
                D. Scellier and   
                J.-Y. Boire and   
                  C. Thouly and   
                    J. Maublant   Application of skeletonization
                                  algorithms for myocardial spect
                                  quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
                  E. Andres and   
                  C. Sibata and   
                     R. Acharya   Supercover $3$D polygons . . . . . . . . 237
                   J.-O Lachaud   Topologically defined iso-surfaces . . . 245
                     M. Fidrich   Iso-surface extraction in $4$D with
                                  applications related to scale space  . . 257
                F. Boumghar and   
                  S. Miguet and   
                    J.-M. Nicod   Complexity of discrete surfaces in the
                                  dividing-cubes algorithm . . . . . . . . 269
                      L. Tougne   Circle digitization and cellular
                                  automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
                E. Barcucci and   
               A. Del Lungo and   
                   M. Nivat and   
                     R. Pinzani   Reconstruction convex polyominoes from
                                  horizontal and vertical projections II   295
                      E. Andres   The Quasi-Shear Rotation . . . . . . . . 307
                   O. Devillers   Computational geometry and discrete
                                  computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
                G. Bertrand and   
                  R. Malgouyres   Some topological properties of discrete
                                  surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
                N. G. Sharp and   
                  E. R. Hancock   A statistical process for surface
                                  tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1178, 1996

              M. J. Atallah and   
                     D. Z. Chen   Applications of a Numbering Scheme for
                                  Polygonal Obstacles in the Plane . . . . 1
                   J. S. Turner   Multicast Communication in High Speed
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                     D. Bremner   Incremental Convex Hull Algorithms Are
                                  Not Output Sensitive . . . . . . . . . . 26
                   A. Efrat and   
                 O. Schwarzkopf   Separating and Shattering Long Line
                                  Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
               O. Devillers and   
                     M. J. Katz   Optimal Line Bipartitions of Point Sets  45
                  T. Fukuda and   
                Y. Morimoto and   
               S. Morishita and   
                    T. Tokuyama   Interval Finding and Its Application to
                                  Data Mining  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
          D. Fernandez-Baca and   
                   J. Lagergren   On the Approximability of the Steiner
                                  Tree Problem in Phylogeny  . . . . . . . 65
          M. M. Halldorsson and   
                      K. Tanaka   Approximation and Special Cases of
                                  Common Subtrees and Editing Distance . . 75
                    Y. Choi and   
                    Tak Wah Lam   Two-Dimensional Dynamic Dictionary
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                 A. Braezma and   
                 E. Ukkonen and   
                        J. Vilo   Discovering Unbounded Unions of Regular
                                  Pattern Languages from Positive Examples 95
                  T. K. Dey and   
                        J. Pach   Extremal Problems for Geometric
                                  Hypergraphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
                   A. Efrat and   
                     M. J. Katz   Computing Fair and Bottleneck Matchings
                                  in Geometric Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . 115
                 M. De Berg and   
               O. Devillers and   
             M. Van Kreveld and   
                 O. Schwarzkopf   Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two
                                  Convex Polygons Under Translations . . . 126
                  K. Hayase and   
                        H. Imai   OBDDs of a Monotone Function and of Its
                                  Prime Implicants . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
                    M.-S. Chaug   Algorithms for Maximum Matching and
                                  Minimum Fill-in on Chordal Bipartite
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
                S.-L. Perng and   
                   M.-T. Ko and   
                   C.-W. Ho and   
                      T.-S. Hsu   Graph Searching on Chordal Graphs  . . . 156
                         T. Uno   An Algorithm for Enumerating All
                                  Directed Spanning Trees in a Directed
                                  Graph  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
                   T. Kloks and   
                 H. Mueller and   
                     C. K. Wong   Vertex Ranking of Asteroidal Triple-Free
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
                 R. Niedermeier   Recursively Divisible Problems . . . . . 183
                E. Allender and   
                    K.-J. Lange   StUSPACE($ \log n $ ) contained within
                                  DSPACE($ \log_2 n / \log \log n $ )  . . 193
                    X. Zhou and   
                  S. Tamura and   
                   T. Nishizeki   Finding Edge-Disjoint Paths in Partial
                                  $k$-trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
                  T.-S. Hsu and   
                      M.-Y. Kao   Optimal Augmentation for Bipartite
                                  Componentwise Biconnectivity in Linear
                                  Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
              Ka Wong Chong and   
                    Tak Wah Lam   Towards More Precise Parallel
                                  Biconnectivity Approximation . . . . . . 223
                    A. Ambainis   The Complexity of Probabilistic versus
                                  Deterministic Finite Automata  . . . . . 233
                       B. Litow   Bounded Length UCFG Equivalence  . . . . 239
                  D. T. Lee and   
                     C. F. Shen   The Steiner Minimal Tree Problem in the
                                  lambda-geometry Plane  . . . . . . . . . 247
                S.-W. Cheng and   
                   N. Katoh and   
                       M. Sugai   A Study of the LMT-skeleton  . . . . . . 256
                Cao An Wang and   
                    F. Chin and   
                        Y.-F Xu   A New Subgraph of Minimum Weight
                                  Triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
             G. E. Pantziou and   
                 A. Roberts and   
                    A. Symvonis   Dynamic Tree Routing under the
                                  ``Matching with Consumption'' Model  . . 275
                M. E. Houle and   
                      G. Turner   Dimension-Exchange Token Distribution on
                                  the Mesh and the Torus . . . . . . . . . 285
                  J.-H. Lee and   
                 C.-S. Shin and   
                     K.-Y. Chwa   Directed Hamiltonian Packing in
                                  $d$-dimensional Meshes and Its
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
                E. Papadopoulou   $k$-Pairs Non-crossing Shortest Paths in
                                  a Simple Polygon . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
                  A. Lingas and   
                      V. Soltan   Minimum Convex Partition of a Polygon
                                  with Holes by Cuts in Given Directions   315
                 T. Hayashi and   
                  K. Nakano and   
                      S. Olariu   Efficient List Ranking on the
                                  Reconfigurable Mesh, with Applications   326
              M. Kutytowski and   
                   K. Lorys and   
              B. Oesterdiekhoff   Periodic Merging Networks  . . . . . . . 336
                     G. Wilfong   Minimizing Wavelengths in an All-Optical
                                  Ring Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
                  T.-H. Yeh and   
                  C.-M. Kuo and   
                  C.-L. Lei and   
                       H.-C Yen   Competitive Analysis of On-line Disk
                                  Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
                     J. Verriet   Scheduling Interval Ordered Tasks with
                                  Non-uniform Deadlines  . . . . . . . . . 366
                 K. Sakurai and   
                       Y. Zheng   Cryptographic Weaknesses in the Round
                                  Transformation Used in a Block Cipher
                                  with Provable Immunity Against Linear
                                  Cryptanalysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
                  T. Takagi and   
                       S. Naito   The Multi-variable Modular Polynomial
                                  and Its Applications to Cryptography . . 386
                  T.-S. Hsu and   
                    D. R. Lopez   Bounds and Algorithms for a Practical
                                  Task Allocation Model  . . . . . . . . . 397
                P. Fatouron and   
                    P. Spirakis   Scheduling Algorithms for Strict
                                  Multithreaded Computations . . . . . . . 407
              E. Feuerstein and   
                  A. S. De Loma   On Multi-threaded Paging . . . . . . . . 417
                  B. Ryabko and   
                      A. Fionov   A Fast and Efficient Homophonic Coding
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
                O. Watanabe and   
                   O. Yamashita   An Improvement of the Digital Cash
                                  Protocol of Okamoto and Ohta . . . . . . 436

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1179, 1996

                   F. Dehne and   
                     S. W. Song   Randomized Parallel List Ranking for
                                  Distributed Memory Multiprocessors . . . 1
                         F. Shi   Suffix Arrays for Multiple Strings: a
                                  Method for On-line Multiple String
                                  Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
                     H. Vollmer   Relations Among Parallel and Sequential
                                  Computation Models . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                   S. Greco and   
                       D. Sacca   The Expressive Power of
                                  ``Possible-is-Certain'' Semantics  . . . 33
               J. H. M. Lee and   
                H. F. Leung and   
              P. J. Stuckey and   
                   V. W. L. Tam   Using Stochastic Methods to Guide Search
                                  in CLP: a Preliminary Report . . . . . . 43
                   P. Tarau and   
                    V. Dahl and   
                        A. Fall   Backtrackable State with Linear Arline
                                  Implication and Assumption Grammars  . . 53
                     A. Tessier   Declarative Debugging in Constraint
                                  Logic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . 64
                    T. Park and   
                  S. B. Cho and   
                     H. Y. Yeom   An Improved Logging and Checkpointing
                                  Scheme for Recoverable Distributed
                                  Shared Memory  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
                     C. Sun and   
                    Y. Yang and   
                   Y. Zhang and   
                        D. Chen   Distributed Concurrency Control in
                                  Real-time Cooperative Editing Systems    84
                      H. Wu and   
                     W.-N. Chin   Variable Timestamp-Based Distributed
                                  Deadlock Detection and Resolution  . . . 96
                    S. Byun and   
                R. Kennaway and   
                       R. Sleep   Lambda-Definable Term Rewriting Systems  106
               C. A. Gunter and   
                T.-H. Ngair and   
                 D. Subramanian   Sets as Anti-Chains  . . . . . . . . . . 116
                 L. Liquori and   
                    G. Castagna   A Typed Lamda Calculus of Objects  . . . 129
                   P. Valarcher   Intensionality versus Extensionality and
                                  Primitive Recursion  . . . . . . . . . . 142
                    S. Vorobyov   On the Bounded Theories of Finite Trees  152
                  Y. Hamada and   
                     A. Mei and   
                     F. Bao and   
                    Y. Igarashi   Broadcasting in Star Graphs with
                                  Byzantine Failures . . . . . . . . . . . 162
                W.-S. Juang and   
                      C.-L. Lei   Blind Threshold Signatures Based on
                                  Discrete Logarithm . . . . . . . . . . . 172
                   T. Kaida and   
                  S. Uehara and   
                     K. Imamura   Computation of the $k$-Error Linear
                                  Complexity of Binary Sequences with
                                  Period 20n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
               V. Nicomette and   
                    Y. Deswarte   Symbolic Rights and Vouchers for Access
                                  Control in Distributed Object Systems    192
                   Z.-B. Xu and   
                      B.-T Yang   The Heuristics for the Constrained
                                  Multicast Routing  . . . . . . . . . . . 204
                          X. Yi   On Design and Analysis of a New Block
                                  Cipher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
                   T. Elrad and   
                   B. Sheen and   
                 N. V. Nastasic   CHESSBOARD: a Synergy of Object-Oriented
                                  Concurrent Programming and Program
                                  Layering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
                  G. Keller and   
                      M. Simons   A Calculational Approach to Flattening
                                  Nested Data Parallelism in Functional
                                  Languages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
                     R. Ramirez   Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
                                  in Tempo++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
                     O. Shivers   A Universal Scripting Framework or
                                  Lamda: The Ultimate ``little language''  254
                 M. Theissinger   Design and Application of a Light-Weight
                                  Persistency Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . 266
               I. A. Browne and   
                   Z. Manna and   
                    H. B. Sipma   Hierarchical Verification Using
                                  Verification Diagrams  . . . . . . . . . 276
                I. A. Hamid and   
                     F. Khendek   A Dynamic Evolution for the
                                  Specification of Distributed Systems . . 287
                S. Igarashi and   
                    M. Shio and   
               T. Shirogane and   
                    T. Mizutani   Formal Verification and Evaluation of
                                  Execution Time in the Envelope Theory    299
                R. Majumdar and   
             R. K. Shyamasundar   Design of Controllers for Linear Hybrid
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
                      X. Li and   
                     D. V. Hung   Checking Linear Duration Invariants by
                                  Linear Programming . . . . . . . . . . . 321
                        M. Carl   Conjunctive Vector Representations for
                                  Set Valued Feature Descriptions  . . . . 333
                 V. Chandru and   
                     S. Roy and   
                R. Subrahmanyam   Constructive Negation in Definite
                                  Constraint Logic Programs  . . . . . . . 335
                 H.-C. Chen and   
                     A. Lim and   
                    N. A. Warsi   Multilevel Master-Slave Parallel
                                  Programming Models . . . . . . . . . . . 337
                    S.-C Chuang   Improving the X.509 Protocol for ATM
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
                 F. K. Chan and   
                    J. Seng and   
                  L.-S. Ooi and   
                      J.-K. Tan   InterMUD Communications (IMC) Protocol
                                  with Extensions to VRMLise MultiUser
                                  Domains (MUDs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
                   K. Goshi and   
                   J. Cheng and   
                    K. Ushijima   ALPS-HI: An Annotated Logic Programming
                                  System with Hypothetical Implications    343
                      L. He and   
                    Y. Chao and   
                Y. Simajiri and   
                        H. Seki   Constructing More Relevant Models  . . . 345
                S. Igarashi and   
                T. Mizutani and   
               T. Shirogane and   
                        M. Shio   Formal Analysis for Continuous Systems
                                  Controlled by Programs . . . . . . . . . 347
                S. Kusakabe and   
                 K. Inenaga and   
               K. Nishimura and   
                     M. Amamiya   Implementation Tuning of a Dataflow
                                  Language on a Stock Parallel Machine
                                  with Visualization Tools . . . . . . . . 349
                      A. Li and   
                     O. Bukhres   Overall System for Secure Wireless
                                  Mobile Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
                 M. Mohania and   
                        G. Dong   Materialized View Adaptation in
                                  Distributed Databases  . . . . . . . . . 353
               E. Ravindran and   
                      S. C. Hui   Coupling Object-Orientation and
                                  Deduction --- A Modelling Perspective    355
                J. Thornton and   
                      A. Sattar   An Integer Programming-Based Nurse
                                  Rostering System . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
                       R. Voicu   Synthesizing Parallel Divide-and-Conquer
                                  Algorithms Using the List Interleave
                                  Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
                       D. Harel   Some Thoughts on Statecharts, 13 Years
                                  Later  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
                    J.-C. Bolot   End-to-end Behavior of the Internet:
                                  Measurements, Analysis, and Applications 362
                      G. Smolka   The Oz Programming Language and System   377
                J. D. Tygar and   
                  B. S. Yee and   
                     N. Heintze   Cryptographic Postage Indicia  . . . . . 378

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1181, 1996

                    D. Bjoerner   Semantics and Laws of Man-Made
                                  Infrastucture Systems  . . . . . . . . . 1
                       N. Wirth   The Language Lola, FPGAs, and PLDs in
                                  Teaching Digital Circuit Design  . . . . 2
                       W. Dosch   Calculating Digital Counters . . . . . . 21
                 A. A. Stepanov   Generic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . 40
                  A. V. Zamulin   Algebraic Semantics of the Oberon Target
                                  Machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
                C. H. A. Koster   The Making of Algol 68 . . . . . . . . . 55
                       B. Mayoh   Artificial Life and Pollution Control:
                                  Explorations of a Genetic Algorithm
                                  System on the Highly Parallel Connection
                                  Machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
               T. M. Yakhno and   
                   E. S. Petrov   Application of Subdefinite Models for
                                  Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems 80
                V. Telerman and   
                 V. Sidorov and   
                     D. Ushakov   Problem Solving in the Object-Oriented
                                  Technological Environment NeMo+  . . . . 91
                P. A. M. Seuren   What a Universal Semantic Interlingua
                                  Can and Cannot Do  . . . . . . . . . . . 101
               I. Kononenko and   
                     S. Sharoff   Understanding Short Texts with
                                  Integration of Knowledge Representation
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
               R. Freivalds and   
                    T. Zeugmann   Co-Learning of Recursive Languages from
                                  Positive Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
               B. Boutsinas and   
           S. Papadimitriou and   
                    G. Pavlides   Automatic Analysis, Verification and
                                  Synthesis of Rule-Based Real-Time
                                  Decision Making Systems with Machine
                                  Learning Assistance  . . . . . . . . . . 134
                       L. Czaja   Processes in Cause-Effect Structures . . 146
                    P. Bachmann   On the Power of Recursion in Dataflow
                                  Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
                    E. Trichina   Derivation of Explicitly Parallel Code
                                  from Declarative Program by
                                  Transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
                    N. Raja and   
             R. K. Shyamasundar   Actors as a Coordinating Model of
                                  Computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
           A. S. Nepomniaschaya   An Associative Version of the
                                  Prim-Dijkstra Algorithm and its
                                  Application to Some Graph Problems . . . 203
                M. F. Frias and   
                 G. A. Baum and   
                 A. M. Haeberer   Adding Design Strategies to Fork
                                  Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
                  V. F. Turchin   Supercompilation: Techniques and Results 227
             A. P. Nemylykh and   
                  V. A. Pinchuk   Program Transformation with Metasystem
                                  Transitions: Experiments with a
                                  Supercompiler  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
                  R. Glueck and   
                  J. Joergensen   Fast Binding-Time Analysis for
                                  Multi-level Specialization . . . . . . . 261
                N. D. Jones and   
                A. J. Glenstrup   BTA Algorithms to Ensure Termination of
                                  Off-Line Partial Evaluation  . . . . . . 273
                P. Thiemann and   
                     M. Sperber   Polyvariant, Expansion and Compiler
                                  Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
                  L. Mandel and   
                 M. V. Cengarle   The Disjunctive Constrained Lambda
                                  Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
               V. Ivannikov and   
              V. Zadorozhny and   
                R. Kossmann and   
                     B. Novikon   Efficient Metaobject Control Using
                                  Mediators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
                    W. Pree and   
               G. Pomberger and   
                     F. Kapsner   Framework Component Systems: Concepts,
                                  Design Heuristics, and Perspectives  . . 330
                J. H. Froehlich   Prototype of a Run-Time Adaptable,
                                  Object-Oriented System . . . . . . . . . 341
                V. K. Sabelfeld   The Tree Equivalence Problem for Linear
                                  Recursion Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . 350
                          L. Lu   A Mode Analysis of Logic: Programs by
                                  Abstract Interpretation  . . . . . . . . 362
                 T. A. Mogensen   A Semantics-Based Determinacy Analysis
                                  for Prolog with Cut  . . . . . . . . . . 374
             T. Frauenstein and   
               W. Grieskamp and   
                  P. Pepper and   
                    M. Suedholt   Communicating Functional Agents and
                                  Their Application to Graphical User
                                  Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
                    A. Voronkov   Merging Relational Database Technology
                                  with Constraint Technology . . . . . . . 409
             M. I. Dekhlyar and   
                 A. J. Dikovsky   On Homeostatic Behavior of Dynamic
                                  Deductive Data Bases . . . . . . . . . . 420
                  F. Afrali and   
            M. Gergatsoulis and   
                  M. Katzouraki   On Transformations into Linear Database
                                  Logic Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1183, 1996

                 W. Hibbard and   
                  D. T. Kao and   
                      A. Wierse   Scientific Data Modeling . . . . . . . . 3
                    D. Keim and   
                  J. P. Lee and   
           B. Thuraisingham and   
                 C. Wittenbrink   Supporting Interactive Database
                                  Exploration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                    U. Lang and   
               G. Grinstein and   
                 R. D. Bergeron   Visualization Related Metadata . . . . . 26
                      J. P. Lee   Views, Visualization and Databases . . . 37
               G. Grinstein and   
               B. Thuraisingham   Data Mining and Data Visualization . . . 54
               S. Mukherjea and   
                    J. D. Foley   Requirements and Architecture of an
                                  Information Visualization Tool . . . . . 57
                     W. Hibbard   Mathematical Structures of Data and
                                  Their Implications for Visualization . . 76
                  D. T. Kao and   
             R. D. Bergeron and   
            M. J. Cullinane and   
                    T. M. Sparr   Semantics and Mathematics of Scientific
                                  Data Sampling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
                     D. A. Keim   Enhancing the Visual Clustering of
                                  Query-Dependent Database Visualization
                                  Techniques Using Screen-Filling Curves   101
          C. M. Wittenbrink and   
                   E. Rosen and   
                    A. Pang and   
                    S. K. Lodha   Realtime Database Support for
                                  Environmental Visualization  . . . . . . 111
                  M. Neugebauer   Metalevel Database Programming and
                                  Visualization with POETView  . . . . . . 131
              R. E. Flanery and   
                   J. M. Donato   Large Scale Data Analysis Using AVS5 and
                                  POSTGRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
                      H. Davies   FAN --- An Array-Oriented Query Language 155
                    W. Schmeing   LadMan --- A Large Data Management
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
                   A. Aiken and   
                    J. Chen and   
                     M. Lin and   
                    M. Spalding   The Tioga-2 Database Visualization
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
                      A. Wierse   Collaborative Visualization Based on
                                  Distributed Data Objects . . . . . . . . 208

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1184, 1996

              R. C. Agarwal and   
            F. G. Gustavson and   
                      M. Zubair   Performance Tuning IBM RS/6000 POWER2
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 J. D. Andersen   Digital Image Processing: a 1996 Review  14
             S. S. Artemiev and   
                S. A. Gusev and   
                 O. G. Monakhov   Use of Parallel Computations for Account
                                  of Options by a Monte Carlo Method . . . 24
                   V. A. Barker   Wavelets and Differential Equations  . . 30
                  G. D. Billing   From First Principles to Industrial
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
            P. E. Bjoerstad and   
                   M. Dryja and   
                    E. Vainikko   Parallel Implementation of a Schwarz
                                  Domain Decomposition Algorithm . . . . . 46
            L. S. Blackford and   
                  A. Cleary and   
                  J. Demmel and   
                     I. Dhillon   Practical Experience in the Dangers of
                                  Heterogeneous Computing  . . . . . . . . 57
                  J. Brandt and   
                   I. Dimov and   
                K. Georgiev and   
                  J. Wasniewski   Coupling the Advection and the Chemical
                                  Parts of Large Air Pollution Models  . . 65
                 P. Brezany and   
                        M. Dang   Advanced Optimizations for Parallel
                                  Irregular Out-of-Core Programs . . . . . 77
                 P. Brezany and   
                T. A. Mueck and   
                    E. Schikuta   A Software Architecture for Massively
                                  Parallel Input-Output  . . . . . . . . . 85
                   A. Broda and   
                     W. Dzwinel   Spatial Genetic Algorithm and Its
                                  Parallel Implementation  . . . . . . . . 97
                       J. Brown   Addressing Algebra as a Tool for
                                  Parallel Program Development . . . . . . 107
                   J. Brown and   
                       M. Zagha   Optimizing the NAS BT Application for
                                  the POWER CHALLENGE array  . . . . . . . 117
                  S. Browne and   
                H. Casanova and   
                    J. Dongarra   Providing Access to High Performance
                                  Computing Technologies . . . . . . . . . 123--133
                   M. Bubak and   
                  W. Ciesla and   
                        K. Sowa   Parallel Object-Oriented Library of
                                  Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 135
                   M. Bubak and   
                  W. Funika and   
                   J. Moscinski   Monitoring of Performance of PVM
                                  Applications on Virtual Network Computer 147
              H. M. Buecker and   
                      M. Sauren   A Parallel Version of the Quasi-Minimal
                                  Residual Method, Based on Coupled
                                  Two-Term Recurrences . . . . . . . . . . 157
                 F. Cerioni and   
              M. Colajanini and   
               S. Filippone and   
                  S. Maiolatesi   A Proposal for Parallel Sparse BLAS  . . 166
                     J. Clausen   Parallel Search-Based Methods in
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
                K. Dackland and   
                  B. Kaagstroem   An Hierarchical Approach for Performance
                                  Analysis of ScaLAPACK-Based Routines
                                  Using the Distributed Linear Algebra
                                  Machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
                  E. Dillon and   
                  J. Guyard and   
                       G. Wantz   MeDLey: An Abstract Approach to Message
                                  Passing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
                J. Dongarra and   
                L. S. Blackford   ScaLAPACK Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . 204--215
          D. C. Dracopoulos and   
                        S. Kent   Bulk Synchronous Parallelisation of
                                  Genetic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . 216
                 I. S. Duff and   
                    J. A. Scott   Frontal Software for the Solution of
                                  Sparse Linear Equations  . . . . . . . . 227--238
                A. Esposito and   
                   L. Tarricone   Parallel Heuristics for Bandwidth
                                  Reduction of Sparse Matrices with IBM
                                  SP2 and Cray T3D . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
                   S. Filippone   Parallel Libraries on Distributed Memory
                                  Architectures: The IBM Parallel ESSL . . 247
                 S. Foresti and   
                    L. Zeng and   
                G. Gullberg and   
                     R. Huesman   Parallel Least Squares Estimates of
                                  $2$-D SPECT Image Reconstructions on the
                                  SGI Power Challenge  . . . . . . . . . . 256
                    B. Fornberg   The Prospect for Parallel Computing in
                                  the Oil Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
             P. Fragopoulou and   
                  O. H. Nielsen   Performance Evaluation and Modeling of
                                  Reduction Operations on the IBM RS/6000
                                  SP Parallel Computer . . . . . . . . . . 272
                  S. Fujino and   
                      R. Himeno   A Vectorization Technique for a Family
                                  of Finite Difference Formulae and Its
                                  Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . 284
                  D. Garcia and   
               F. J. Suarez and   
                  J. Garcia and   
                    J. M. Lopez   Parallel Simulation of Finishing Hot
                                  Strip Millsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
               J. M. Garcia and   
              J. L. Sanchez and   
                    P. Gonzalez   PEPE: a Trace-Driven Simulator to
                                  Evaluate Reconfigurable Multicomputer
                                  Architectures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
                    X. Geng and   
                    J. Zhao and   
                     Y. Yan and   
                          Y. Yu   Data Acquisition and Management in BEPC  312
                   A. Gupta and   
                   F. Gustavson   Fast Graph Partitioning and Its
                                  Application in Sparse Matrix Ordering    316
                   A. Gupta and   
            F. G. Gustavson and   
                   M. Joshi and   
                      S. Toledo   The Design, Implementation, and
                                  Evaluation of a Banded Linear Solver for
                                  Distributed-Memory Parallel Computers    328
            F. G. Gustavson and   
                       A. Gupta   A New Parallel Algorithm for Tridiagonal
                                  Symmetric Positive Definite Systems of
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
           M. G. Hackenberg and   
                 W. Joppich and   
                  S. Mijalkovic   An Environment for the Parallel Solution
                                  of Coupled Problems on Structured Grids  350
              J. A. J. Hall and   
              K. I. M. McKinnon   PARSMI, a Parallel Revised Simplex
                                  Algorithm Incorporating Minor Iterations
                                  and Devex Pricing  . . . . . . . . . . . 359
                       B. Hamma   Parallel Optimization of Interplanetary
                                  Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
               P. C. Hansen and   
                   S. H. Jensen   Filter Model of Reduced-Rank Noise
                                  Reduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
              D. F. Hegarty and   
              M. T. Kechadi and   
                   K. A. Dawson   On the Crossover Points for Dynamic Load
                                  Balancing of Long-Chained Molecules  . . 388
               V. Heuveline and   
                     M. Sadkane   Parallel Computation of Spectral
                                  Portrait of Large Matrices . . . . . . . 398
                   S. A. Inutin   Computer Parallel Modular Algebra  . . . 408
                  H. J. Kim and   
                  J. K. Lee and   
                      K. W. Rim   Parallel Operating System for MPP
                                  System: Design and Implementations . . . 413
                     Y. Kim and   
                        T. Feng   New Graph Model and Its Routing
                                  Algorithm for Rearrangeable Networks . . 423
                       A. Kiper   Modified Dorn's Algorithm with Improved
                                  Speed-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
                J. Kitowski and   
                K. Boryczko and   
                   J. Moscinski   Comparison of Two Short-Range Molecular
                                  Dynamics Algorithms for Parallel
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
                  J. Larsen and   
             T. Christensen and   
                   L. Frellesen   Parallelising Large Applications . . . . 450
           P. A. R. Lorenzo and   
                 A. Mueller and   
                Y. Murakami and   
                 B. J. N. Wylie   High Performance Fortran Interfacing to
                                  ScaLAPACK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
                   F. Manne and   
                    T. Soerevik   Partitioning an Array onto a Mesh of
                                  Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
            K. J. Maschhoff and   
                 D. C. Sorensen   PARPACK: An Efficient Portable Large
                                  Scale Eigenvalue Package for Distributed
                                  Memory Parallel Architectures  . . . . . 478
                         M. May   Parallel Distributed Representation of
                                  Sparse Grids Using Process Arrays  . . . 487
                   S. McKee and   
                P. Oliveira and   
                C. Aldridge and   
                    J. McDonald   Optimal Scheduling, Decomposition, and
                                  Parallelisation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
                   A. I. Meajil   An Implementation of a Tree-Based
                                  $N$-Body Algorithm on Message-Passing
                                  Architectures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
               A. I. Meajil and   
              T. El-Ghazawi and   
                    T. Sterling   A Quantitative Approach for
                                  Architecture-Invariant Parallel Workload
                                  Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
             O. G. Monakhov and   
                O. Y. Chunikhin   Parallel Mapping of Program Graphs into
                                  Parallel Computers by Self-Organization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
                        P. Naur   PARA'96 Conference Dinner Talk, 1996
                                  August 20  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
                   C. A. Nelson   Compiler Optimizations for Red-Black HPF
                                  Codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
                  L. Onesti and   
                    T. Soerevik   Parallelization of a Local Area Ocean
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
               T. Ostromsky and   
                 S. Salvini and   
              J. Wasniewski and   
                      Z. Zlatev   Parallel Solution of Sparse Problemns by
                                  Using a Sequence of Large Dense Blocks   555
                H. Oezaktas and   
                  M. Akguel and   
                    M. C. Pinar   The Parallel Surrogate Constraint
                                  Approach to the Linear Feasibility
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
             P. M. Pardalos and   
               L. Pitsoulis and   
               M. G. C. Resende   A Parallel GRASP for MAX-SAT Problems    575
                   J. W. Perram   Applications of HPCN in Manufacturing
                                  Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
                   A. Pinar and   
                     C. Aykanat   An Effective Model to Decompose Linear
                                  Programs for Parallel Solution . . . . . 592
                     S. Salvini   Numerical Libraries on Shared Memory
                                  Computers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
                 S. Salvini and   
                  J. Wasniewski   Linear Algebra Subprograms on Shared
                                  Memory Computers: Beyond LAPACK  . . . . 614
                     S. Skelboe   Integration of Partitioned Stiff Systems
                                  of Ordinary Differential Equations . . . 621
            J. N. Soerensen and   
           S. A. Kristensen and   
              L. K. Christensen   Direct and Large Eddy Simulations of
                                  Thermo-Convective Flows  . . . . . . . . 631
                  K. Suzaki and   
                  H. Tanuma and   
                  S. Hirano and   
                    Y. Ichisugi   Multi-tasking Method on Parallel
                                  Computers which Combines a Contiguous
                                  and Non-contiguous Processor
                                  Partitioning Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 641
                 M. Szularz and   
                  J. Weston and   
                   M. Clint and   
                      K. Murphy   A Highly Parallel Explicitly Restarted
                                  Lanczos Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 651
                  P. G. Thomsen   Dynamic Systems and Software . . . . . . 661
                    O. Tingleff   Parallel Implementations of Classical
                                  Optimization Methods . . . . . . . . . . 668
                    S. Toxvaerd   Computer Engineering of Complex Physical
                                  and Chemical Systems by Parallel
                                  Molecular Dynamics Computations  . . . . 676
        H. A. Van der Vorst and   
              G. L. G. Sleijpen   A Parallelizable and Fast Algorithm for
                                  Very Large Generalized Eigenproblems . . 686
                  R. Wcislo and   
                J. Kitowski and   
                   J. Moscinski   Parallelisation of a Code for Animation
                                  of Multi-object System . . . . . . . . . 697
                        T. Yang   Parallel Inner Product-Free Algorithm
                                  for Least Squares Problems . . . . . . . 710

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1185, 1996

                   E. Wilde and   
            P. Freiburghaus and   
                  D. Koller and   
                    B. Plattner   A Group and Session Management System
                                  for Distributed Multimedia Applications  1
               A. G. Waters and   
                 J. S. Crawford   Low-Cost ATM Multicast Routing with
                                  Constrained Delays . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                     M. Hofmann   Adding Scalability to Transport Level
                                  Multicast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
                 M. C. Chan and   
                J.-F. Huard and   
                A. A. Lazar and   
                      K.-S. Lim   On Realizing a Broadband Kernel for
                                  Multimedia Networks  . . . . . . . . . . 56
           D. G. Waddington and   
                 G. Coulson and   
                   D. Hutchison   Specifying QoS for Multimedia
                                  Communications within Distributed
                                  Programming Environments . . . . . . . . 75
                 T. Pfeifer and   
             R. Popescu-Zeletin   Generic Conversion of Communication
                                  Media for Supporting Personal Mobility   104
                     A. Almeida   A Framework for the Deployment of New
                                  Services Using Hypermedia Distributed
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
                 J. Quemada and   
               T. De Miguel and   
                 A. Azcorra and   
                       S. Pavon   ISABEL: a CSCW Application for the
                                  Distribution of Events . . . . . . . . . 137
                 H. Leopold and   
                        R. Hirn   The Bookshop Project: An Austrian
                                  Interactive Multimedia Application Case
                                  Study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
               M. Degermark and   
                        S. Pink   Issues in the Design of a New Network
                                  Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
                A. H. Sadka and   
                F. Eryurtlu and   
                   A. M. Kondoz   Source and Channel Coding for Mobile
                                  Multimedia Communications  . . . . . . . 183
       R. J. Huis in't Veld and   
              A.-N. Ladhani and   
           B. Van der Waaij and   
                    I. A. Widya   Developing a Conference Application on
                                  Top of an Advanced Signalling
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
           X. Garcia Adanez and   
              O. Verscheure and   
                  J.- P. Hubaux   New Network and ATM Adaptation Layers
                                  for Real-Time Multimedia Applications: a
                                  Performance Study Based on Psychophysics 216
         D. Bourges Waldegg and   
                   N. Lagha and   
                J.-P. Le Narzul   Multimedia Applications on a Unix SVR4
                                  Kernel: Performance Study  . . . . . . . 232
              O. Verscheure and   
                    J.-P Hubaux   Perceptual Video Quality and Activity
                                  Metrics: Optimization of Video Services
                                  Based on MPEG-2 Encoding . . . . . . . . 249

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 1191, 1996

            C. H. Papadimitriou   Planar Topological Queries . . . . . . . 1
                   V. Gaede and   
                     M. Wallace   An Informal Introduction to Constraint
                                  Database Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
             D. P. Miranker and   
              R. J. Bayardo and   
                   V. Samoladas   Query Evaluation as Constraint Search;
                                  An Overview of Early Results . . . . . . 53
                       D. Toman   Computing the Well-Founded Semantics for
                                  Constraint Extensions of Datalog . . . . 64
                    Y. Wang and   
                     B. Shi and   
                          Y. Qu   Decomposition and Lossless Join in
                                  Constraint Databases . . . . . . . . . . 80
                M.-S. Hacid and   
                  P. Marcel and   
                     C. Rigotti   A Rule-Based CQL for $2$-Dimensional
                                  Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
                  F. Afrati and   
              T. Andronikos and   
                  T. Kavalieros   On the Expressiveness of Query Languages
                                  with Linear Constraints; Capturing
                                  Desirable Spatial Properties . . . . . . 105
                B. Kuijpers and   
                       M. Smits   On Expressing Topological Connectivity
                                  in Spatial Datalog . . . . . . . . . . . 116
                 A. Brodsky and   
                    V. E. Segal   The C03 Constraint Object-Oriented
                                  Database System: An Overview . . . . . . 134
                 E. Bertino and   
                 B. Catania and   
                     S. Bressan   Integrity Constraint Checking in Chimera 160
                 H. Ibrahim and   
                 W. A. Gray and   
                  N. J. Fiddian   SICSDD: Techniques and Implementation    187
                      S. Alagic   A Temporal Constraint System for
                                  Object-Oriented Databases  . . . . . . . 208
                  A. Doucet and   
               M.-C. Fauvet and   
               S. Gancarski and   
                      G. Jomier   Using Database Versions to Implement
                                  Temporal Integrity Constraints . . . . . 219
                   P. Z. Revesz   Genomic Database Applications in DISCO   234
                       D. Toman   Constraint Databases and Program
                                  Analysis Using Abstract Interpretation   246
                   A. P. Sexton   Querying Indexed Files . . . . . . . . . 263
                    M. Freeston   On the Complexity of BV-tree Updates . . 282
                 S. Bressan and   
               A. P. Sexton and   
                     M. Wallace   Implementing Index Data Structures Using
                                  Constraint Logic Programming . . . . . . 294
                   P. Z. Revesz   Problem Solving in the DISCO Constraint
                                  Database System  . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
               T. M. Yakhno and   
                 S. Zilberfaine   Interval Domain Library for ECL0iPS0e
                                  and Its Application  . . . . . . . . . . 316
                   S. Nigam and   
                    K. C. Davis   A Semantic Query Optimization Algorithm
                                  for Object-Oriented Databases  . . . . . 329