amslatex.chg, last updated 5-Oct-1994 This is a list of significant changes in AMS-LaTeX, from the end user's perspective. Commands marked as "OBSOLETE" are retained but in native LaTeX2e mode they will give an on-screen warning at their first use. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% amstex package: ---Fixed certain numbering problems with alignat, xalignat*, equation*, multline ---Made \operatorname's robust ---General cleanup of documentation. Moved remarks regarding the conversion from amstex.tex to a separate file, amst-hst.tex. ---Added \ProvidesPackage command, used \RequirePackage instead of \input where appropriate, etc. ---Reworked error messages to use new LaTeX standard error format for packages and document classes. ---Moved the following rarely used commands to amsxtra package: \fracwithdelims, \accentedsymbol, `sup accents' (\sptilde, \sphat, etc), ---Moved variant definitions of \/, \slash to amsxtra.dtx. Italic correction command \/ should rarely be needed because users have font commands \textit, \textsl, etc. that automatically take care of the italic correction. ---Made \lcfrac, \rcfrac OBSOLETE. New syntax is \cfrac{...}{...} or \cfrac[l]{...}{...} to get left-positioned numerators or \cfrac[r]... for right-positioned numerators. ---Made \operatornamewithlimits OBSOLETE: new name is \operatorname*. ---Removed \oldnos command. Rarely used, and where needed standard LaTeX font mechanisms can be used. ---Changed mathchardef statements for cap Greek to be skipped if pre-existing definition of \Gamma is not the expected one (\mathchar"7000), to avoid overwriting nonstandard encoding definitions for the cap Greek. ---Added subequations environment, for example \begin{subequations}{a} ... \end{subequations} causes all numbered equation environments within that scope to be numbered (4.9a) (4.9b) (4.9c) etc. if the preceding numbered equation was 4.8. The argument can be a,A,i,I,1,f for the standard LaTeX numbering types: \alph, \Alph, \roman, \Roman, \arabic, \fnsymbol. A \label command immediately after \begin{subequations}{...} will produce a \ref of the parent number "4.9", not "4.9a". The counters used by the subequations environment are `parentequation' and `equation' and standard uses of \addtocounter, \setcounter, etc. are possible with those counter names. ---If the parent documentclass has equation numbers on the right, \usepackage{amstex} does not change them to the left. [Technical note: a documentclass that has `leqno' as the default should explicitly pass that option to the amstex package with \PassOptionsToPackage in order for it to be effective.] ---Added noamsfonts option, psamsfonts option (passed on to amsfonts package qv) ---Added support for fleqn option (thanks to David M. Jones) ---Added \adjusttag{...} for vertical adjustment to tag position (thanks to David M. Jones) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% amsfonts package: ---Removed \goth ---\newsymbol, \bold, \Bbb, \frak: all OBSOLETE, in favor of \DeclareMathSymbol, \mathbf, \mathbb, \mathfrak. Note that the syntax of \DeclareMathSymbol is different from that of \newsymbol; details are found in the LaTeX documentation (fntguide.tex or `The LaTeX Companion'). ---Added noamsfonts package option to suppress loading of AMS fonts msam, msbm, eufm. (The apparently useless statement \usepackage[noamsfonts]{amsfonts} does in fact have some useful effects, as things are currently arranged.) This means that if you don't need any symbols from those fonts, you can use the amstex package or the amsart,amsbook document classes without needing .tfm files from the AMSfonts package: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[noamsfonts]{amstex} or \documentclass[noamsfonts]{amsart} ---Added psamsfonts package option to force using different .fd files for msam, msbm, eufm fonts that do not assume tfm files are present for sizes 6,8,9 (as in the PS versions of the AMS fonts from Y&Y/Blue Sky) and to communicate *in the document file* the presence of this difference. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% amsart/amsbook: ---Made \rom OBSOLETE: now \textup should be used. ---Added \larger, \smaller and extended the range of font size commands to include \Small, \SMALL, \tiny, \Tiny (but not \TINY or \HUGE). ---Separated out theorem stuff to amsthm package, see below. ---Changed figure placement parameters to be more tolerant. ---Added 8pt, 9pt options (no adjustment of textwidth or margins is done in sizes other than 10pt; that is left in the hands of the author). ---Added nomath option to suppress loading of amstex package but still get AMS journal/book style. ---Added noamsfonts option, psamsfonts option (passed on to amsfonts package qv) ---`pf' and `pf*' environments are now OBSOLETE, see amsthm package description below. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% amsthm package ---Extends previous capabilities that were present in amsart/amsbook. Added \newtheorem* for unnumbered theorems, \newtheoremstyle for easy definition of a custom style. ---New `proof' environment with optional arg to serve instead of pf and pf*. Default QED symbol is now open square, flush right, instead of black square with 1em preceding space (following current style of AMS publications). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% amsintsm package ---Defines \diffl command (usage \diffl{x}) for printing differentials (differences of opinion exist about whether the d should be roman or italic; use of \diffl (`logical markup') allows it to be switched easily. Likewise \pdiffl (to automatically provide suitable preceding space) for partial differential. ---Defines \deriv, \pderiv for derivative fractions: \deriv{y}{x} produces the standard \frac{\diffl{y}}{\diffl{x}}. ---Changes \int to provide better user syntax and better control of spacing: \int[x,a,b]{...} is equivalent to old \int_a^b ...\diffl{x} If the dx needs to go into the numerator of a fraction, the differenial argument of \int can be left empty: \int[,a,b]{\frac{\diffl{x}}{1+x}} ---Changes \sum to provide better user syntax and better control of surrounding space: \sum[a,b]{...}