!======================================================================= ! Tangle foo.web to produce foo.pas. Two change files are possible, the ! normal one, foo.tops20-changes, and an alternate one, ! foo.tops20-changes-xxx, where "-xxx" is specified as a parameter to ! this procedure. ! ! Usage: ! @DO --TANGLE FOO ! normal version ! @DO --TANGLE FOO,-BIG ! big version ! ! For TEX.WEB, TANGLE takes 102 sec on a DEC-20/60. ! ! NB: Do NOT USE THIS FILE for TEX.WEB. Use --TEX.MIC instead. ! ! [11-Apr-86] !======================================================================= TANGLE:: @tex:tangle *'a.web *'a.tops20-changes'b *'a.pas *'a.pool LOAD:: @load %"ERRORLEVEL:10 'A/SAVE/RUNAME:'A" /language:"'b" 'a.pas @delete 'a.pas,'a.rel