DVIDOC -- DVI to ASCII Print File Utility [05-Oct-86] The program DVIDOC will convert a DVI file into a ``DOC'' file for display on a terminal or line printer. It will put characters into the DOC file as close as possible to the positions specified by TeX, so without careful choice of font and spacing, characters will obliterate others. At Ohio State University where DVIDOC was developed, there is a font called DOC that works fairly well in this mode. To make use of it instead of the plain format's default roman, italic, slanted, bold, and typewriter fonts, make the first line in your TeX file `\input docmac', or run TeX like TeX \input docmac \input yourfile Remember that if you do it this way, the output files will have names ``docmac.*'' instead of ``yourfile.*''. Math mode with DVIDOC will not be very readable, because most of the font characters do not have ordinary ASCII counterparts. DVIDOC will prompt you for the names of the DVI file and the DOC file. These you should enter with their extensions. It then will ask you for five parameter values, one at a time. If you like the default values given in the prompts, you can reply to each question with just a carriage return. The prompts are for: (1) the page number at which DVIDOC should start translating, (2) the maximum number of pages that should be translated, (3) the number of characters per inch horizontally of the ultimate output device, (4) the number of characters per inch vertically of the output device, and (5) the magnification factor to apply. In response to the page number prompt, if you are using the plain format with no tricks, just type the decimal integer page number where you want translation to start. Actually, however, DVIDOC, will accept up to ten fields separated by periods. The fields may be integers or asterisks, and DVIDOC looks for the first page in the DVI file that has counter values that meet this specification. Integers must match exactly, and the asterisks are ``wild cards.'' The resolutions should be specified as explicit ratios of integers, such as ``10/1'' for 10 characters per inch. The magnification should be 1000 times the fraction you choose. Thus, a magnification of 2000 means increase all dimension by a factor of two. The last three prompts shoud be answered in the default if you are using docmac. Here is a PHOTO log of a sample DVIDOC session, using its own DVIDOC.DVI file. Only a single page is selected for output, the first time with default page resolution, and the second time with a higher resolution. Then TeX is run again using the docmac macros, and DVIDOC is run twice more. You can see by comparing these pairs of output that using ``\input docmac'' makes the result much more readable. [PHOTO: Recording initiated Mon 6-Oct-86 2:21PM] TOPS-20 Command processor 5(712) @ @ @ @ @ @dvidoc DVIFILE : dvidoc.dvi DOCFILE : dvidoc.dvidoc This is DVIDOC, TOPS-20 Version 1.1a Starting page (default=*): 13 Maximum number of pages (default=1000000): 1 Horizontal resolution in characters per inch (default=10/1): Vertical resolution in lines per inch (default=6/1): New magnification (default=0 to keep the old one): ' TeX output 1986.10.06:1357' Font 50: cmtex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 47: cmtt10---loaded at size 943718 DVI units (this font is magnified 144%) Font 46: cmr7---loaded at size 951451 DVI units (this font is magnified 207%) Font 36: cmti10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 29: cmtt10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 23: cmbx10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 18: cmex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 15: cmsy7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 12: cmsy10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 9: cmmi7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 6: cmmi10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 3: cmr7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 2: cmr8---loaded at size 524288 DVI units Font 1: cmr9---loaded at size 589824 DVI units Font 0: cmr10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Beginning of page 13 warning: |h|>30785869! warning: |h|>30785870! @type dvidoc.dvidoc x33 DVDOC READNGTHEFONTNFORMATON 13 33. ADVreadngprogrusuayworkwthont?esnsteofTFM?essDVIDOs atypcnthat respecFon?esshoudhowevecontaexactthsamecharacwdthdatathasoundn the corresponTFs.n addtoont?esusuayasocontathwdthofcharactnpxes,sncthe devcendependcharacwdthsoTFM?esargeneranoperecmutpesopxes. Thepxe-wdharracontanthnormatonwhenwdhk s thdevcendependwdthofsome characneDVIuntspxewdhk]s thcorresponwdthofthacharacneanactuont.The macrchapxe-wdhs seuptobeanaogotochawdh. de?nechapxewdh ()?pxe-wdh wdh-bas#]+chawdh-end hGobasntheoutbock10i+? pxewdh :arra0: maxwdhsof nege; factucharacwdthsnpxesg horcon:rea; fconveDVIunttohorzonpxesg vercon:re;lfconveDVIunttovertcpxesg ruehorcon:rea;fconverunmagn?eDVuntstpxesg ruevercon:re;lfconveunmagn?eDVIunttopxesg numeradenomnaor:nege; fstatconversratog mag:nege; fmagn?catactotmes1000g 34. TheoowngcodecomputpxewdthsbysmpyroundntheTFwdthstothnearenteger numbeofpxesbaseonthconversactohorconvthaconveDVIunttopxes. de?nehorzpxerou(#)?run(horconv?()+05) de?neverpxeroun()?runc(vecon?(#+ 05) hMovthewdthrom nwdh towdh,andappenpxewdh vaue3i? wdh-basnf? wdh-pr? on-bnf; f wp> 0then ork? wdh-prtowp?1 do begnwdh k]?n-wdh wdhk ;pxe-wdhk]? horpxeroun(wdhk); end Thscoseuen econ28. @ @! Notice that many characters are missing; they were overwritten @! by other characters whose positions rounded to the same row @! and column on the output page. @! @! Now let us repeat the exercise, using a higher resolution printer @ @dvidoc DVIFILE : dvidoc.dvi DOCFILE : dvidoc.dvidoc This is DVIDOC, TOPS-20 Version 1.1a Starting page (default=*): 13 Maximum number of pages (default=1000000): 1 Horizontal resolution in characters per inch (default=10/1): 16/1 Vertical resolution in lines per inch (default=6/1): 8/1 New magnification (default=0 to keep the old one): ' TeX output 1986.10.06:1357' Font 50: cmtex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 47: cmtt10---loaded at size 943718 DVI units (this font is magnified 144%) Font 46: cmr7---loaded at size 951451 DVI units (this font is magnified 207%) Font 36: cmti10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 29: cmtt10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 23: cmbx10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 18: cmex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 15: cmsy7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 12: cmsy10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 9: cmmi7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 6: cmmi10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 3: cmr7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 2: cmr8---loaded at size 524288 DVI units Font 1: cmr9---loaded at size 589824 DVI units Font 0: cmr10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Beginning of page 13 warning: |h|>30785869! warning: |h|>30785870! @type dvidoc.dvidoc x33 DVIDOC READING THE FONT INFO RM ATION 13 33. A DVI -readingprogram usually w orksw ithfont ?lesinstead ofTFM ?les,so DVIDOC i satypicalin that respect. Font ?lesshould, how ever, contain exactly the sam echaracter w idth data that is found in the corresponding TFM s.In addition, font?les usuallyalso contain the w idthsofcharacters in pixelssince the device-independent character w idthsof TFM ?lesare generallynot perfect m ultipleof pixe ls. T he pixelwidth array contains thisinform ation;w hen width[k] isthe device-independen t w idth ofsom e character in DVI units,pixelwidth [k]is the corresponding w idthof that character inan actualfont. T he m acro char-pixelwidth isset up to be analogous to char-width. de?ne char-pixelwidth(#) ? pixelwidth [width-base[#]+ char-width-end hG lobalsin the outerblock 10 i+ ? pixelwidth :array [0::m ax-widths ]of integer; factual character w idths,inpixelsg horiz-conv: real; fconverts DVI unitsto horizontalpixelsg vert-conv: real; fconverts DVI unitsto verticalpixelsg true-horizconv : rea; fconverts unm agni?ed DVI units topixelsg true-vertconv :real; fconverts unm agni?ed DVI units topixelsg num erator;denom inator :integer; fstated conversion ratiog m ag: integer; fm agni?cation factortim es1000g 34. T hefollow ingcode com putes pixelw idths by sim plyrounding theTFM w idthsto th e nearestinteger num ber of pixelsbased on theconversion factor horizconv thatconverts DVI units to pix els. de?ne horizpixelround (#) ? trunc (horizconv ? (#)+ 0:5) de?ne vertpixelround (#) ? trunc(vert-conv ? (#)+ 0:5) hM ove the w idthsfrom in-width to width, and append pixelwidth values 34i ? width-base[nf ]? width-ptr? font-bc[nf]; if wp > 0 then for k ? width-ptr to wp ? 1 do begin width [k]? inwidth [width[k]];pixelwidth[k]? horiz-pixelround (width[k]); end Thiscode isusedinsectio28. @pop [PHOTO: Recording terminated Mon 6-Oct-86 2:23PM] [PHOTO: Recording initiated Mon 6-Oct-86 2:49PM] TOPS-20 Command processor 5(712) @ @tex \input docmac \input dvidoc This is TeX, Tops-20 Version 1.1 (preloaded format=plain 86.8.19) (APS:DOCMAC.TEX.1) (APS:DVIDOC.TEX.6 (APS:WEBMAC.TEX.1) *1 [2] [3] *8 [4] [5] *13 [6] *15 [7] [8] [9] [10] *23 [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] *35 [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] *50 [23] [24] [25] [26] *60 [27] [28] *65 [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] *88 [38] *92 [39] [40] *95 [41] *98 [42] [43] *103 [44] *104 Index:[45] [46] [47] [48] Section names: [49] [50] Table of contents: (APS:CONTENTS.TEX.2) [1] (see the transcript file for additional information) Output written on APS:DOCMAC.DVI.1 (50 pages, 177392 bytes). Transcript written on APS:DOCMAC.LST.1. @ @ @dvidoc DVIFILE : docmac.dvi DOCFILE : dvidoc.dvidoc This is DVIDOC, TOPS-20 Version 1.1a Starting page (default=*): 17 Maximum number of pages (default=1000000): 1 Horizontal resolution in characters per inch (default=10/1): Vertical resolution in lines per inch (default=6/1): New magnification (default=0 to keep the old one): ' TeX output 1986.10.06:1449' Font 51: cmtex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 50: doc---loaded at size 902151 DVI units Font 47: cmtt10---loaded at size 943718 DVI units (this font is magnified 144%) Font 46: cmr7---loaded at size 951451 DVI units (this font is magnified 207%) Font 18: cmex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 15: cmsy7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 12: cmsy10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 2: cmr8---loaded at size 524288 DVI units Font 1: cmr9---loaded at size 589824 DVI units Font 0: cmr10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Beginning of page 17 warning: |h|>30785864! warning: |h|>30785868! @ @ @type dvidoc.dvidoc x33 DVDOC READNGTHEFONTNFORMATON 17 33. A DVI-reading program usually works with font files instead of TFM files, so DVIDOCis atypical in that respect. Font files should, however, contain exactly the same character width data that is found in the corresponding TFs. In addition, font files usually also contain the widths of characters in pixels, since the device-independent character widths of TFM files are generally not perfect multiples of pixels. The pixel-width array contains this information; when width[k] is the device-independent width of some character in DVIunits, pixelwidth[k] is the corresponding width of that character in an actual font. The macro charpixel-width is set up to be analogous to charwidth. define charpixel-width(#) ? pixelwidth [ widthbase[#]+char-width-end hGlobals in the outer block10i+? pixelwidth: array [0 ::max-widths] ofinteger; factual character widths, in pixelsg horizconv: real; fconverts DVI units to horizontal pixelsg vertconv: real; fconverts DVI units to vertical pixelsg truehoriz-conv: real; fconverts unmagnified DVIunits to pixelsg truevert-conv: real; fconverts unmagnified DVIunits to pixelsg numerator;denominator: integer; fstated conversion ratiog mag: integer; fmagnification factor times 1000g 34. The following code computes pixel widths by simply rounding the TFM widths to the nearest integer number of pixels, based on the conversion factor horizconv that converts DVI units to pixels. define horizpixel-round(#)? trunc(horizconv?(#)+0:5) define vertpixel-round(#)? trunc(vertconv?(#)+0:5) hMove the widths from inwidth to width, and append pixel-width values 3i? widthbase[nf] ? widthptr? fontbc[nf]; if wp> 0 then for k? width-ptrtowp ?1 do begin width[k]? in-width[width[k]]; pixelwidth[k] ? horizpixelround(width[k]); end Thscoseuen econ28. @ @ @dvidoc DVIFILE : docmac.dvi DOCFILE : dvidoc.dvidoc This is DVIDOC, TOPS-20 Version 1.1a Starting page (default=*): 17 Maximum number of pages (default=1000000): 1 Horizontal resolution in characters per inch (default=10/1): 16/1 Vertical resolution in lines per inch (default=6/1): 8/1 New magnification (default=0 to keep the old one): ' TeX output 1986.10.06:1449' Font 51: cmtex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 50: doc---loaded at size 902151 DVI units Font 47: cmtt10---loaded at size 943718 DVI units (this font is magnified 144%) Font 46: cmr7---loaded at size 951451 DVI units (this font is magnified 207%) Font 18: cmex10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 15: cmsy7---loaded at size 458752 DVI units Font 12: cmsy10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Font 2: cmr8---loaded at size 524288 DVI units Font 1: cmr9---loaded at size 589824 DVI units Font 0: cmr10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units Beginning of page 17 warning: |h|>30785864! warning: |h|>30785868! @ @ @ @ @ @type dvidoc.dvidoc x33 DVIDOC READING THE FONT INFO RM ATION 17 3 3 . A DVI - r e a d i n gp r o g r a mu s u a l l yw o r k s w i t h f o n t f i l e s i n s t e a d o f TFM f i l e s ,s o DVIDOC i s a t y p i c a li n t h a t r e s p e c t . F o n t f i l e s s h o u l d , h o w e v e r ,c o n t a i ne x a c t l yt h e s a m e c h a r a c t e w i d t h d a t a t h a t i s f o u n d i n t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n TFMs . I n a d d i t i o n , f o n t f i l e s u s u a l l ya l s o c o n t a i nt h e w i d t h s o f c h a r a c t e r i n p i x e l s , s i n c e t h e d e v i c e - i n d e p e n d ecnhta r a c t e w i d t h s o f TFM f i l e s a r e g e n e r a l l n o t p e r f e c tm u l t i p l e o f p i x e l s . T h e p i x e w i d t h a r r a y c o n t a i n st h i s i n f o r m a t i o n w h e n w i d t [ k] i s t h e d e v i c e - i n d e p e n d ewnitd t h o f s o m e c h a r a c t e ri n DVI u n i t s , p i x e lw-i d t [ k] i s t h e c o r r e s p o n d i w i d t h o f t h a t c h a r a c t e i n a n a c t u a lf o n t . T h e m a c r o c h a rp-i x e w i d t h i s s e t u p t o b e a n a l o g o u s t o c h a rw-i d t . d e f i n ec h a rp-i x e w i d t ( # ) ? p i x e lw-i d t h [ w i d t b a s e[ #] + c h a rw-i d t he-n d hG l o b a l si n t h e o u t e r b l o c k10i+ ? p i x e lw-i d t : a r r a y [ 0 : : m a xw-i d t h ] o f i n t e g e ; fa c t u a l c h a r a c t e w i d t h s ,i n p i x e l s g h o r i zc-o n : r e a ; fc o n v e r t DVI u n i t s t o h o r i z o n t apli x e l s g v e r tc-o n : r e a l; fc o n v e r t sDVI u n i t st o v e r t i c a lp i x e l s g t r u eh-o r i zc-o n : r e a ; fc o n v e r t u n m a g n i f i e DVI u n i t st o p i x e l s g t r u ev-e r tc-o n : r e a l; fc o n v e r t su n m a g n i f i eDVI u n i t s t o p i x e l s g n u m e r a t ; d e n o m i n a t : r i n t e g e;r fs t a t e d c o n v e r s i o r a t i o g m a g: i n t e g e;r fm a g n i f i c a t i ofna c t o rt i m e s 1 0 0 0 g 3 4 . T h e f o l l o w i n gc o d e c o m p u t e sp i x e l w i d t h sb y s i m p l yr o u n d i n g t h e TFM w i d t h s t o t h e n e a r e s ti n t e g e r n u m b e r o f p i x e l s , b a s e d o n t h e c o n v e r s i o f a c t o r h o r i zc-o n v t h a t c o n v e r t s DVI u n i t s t o p i x e l s . d e f i n eh o r i p i x e lr-o u n ( #) ? t r u n ( h o r i c o n v? ( #) + 0 : 5 ) d e f i n ev e r tp-i x e r o u n ( # ) ? t r u n ( v e r tc-o n v?( # ) + 0 : 5 ) hM o v e t h e w i d t h s f r o m i n w i d t h t o w i d t , a n d a p p e n dp i x e lw-i d t h v a l u e 34 i? w i d t b a s e[ n f] ? w i d t p t r ? f o n tb-c[ n f] ; i f w p > 0 t h e n f o r k ? w i d t p t r t o w p? 1 d o b e g i nw i d t [ k ] ? i nw-i d t h[ w i d t[hk] ] ; p i x e w i d t [ k ] ? h o r i p i x e lr-o u n ( w i d t [ k] ) ; e n d Thiscode isusedinsectio28. @pop [PHOTO: Recording terminated Mon 6-Oct-86 2:58PM]