#include #include #include "ieee_utils.h" /* For the IEEE float format the bits are found from the following masks, sign = 0x80000000 exponent = 0x7f800000 mantisssa = 0x007fffff For the IEEE double format the masks are, sign = 0x8000000000000000 exponent = 0x7ff0000000000000 mantissa = 0x000fffffffffffff */ void gsl_ieee_float_to_rep (const float * x, gsl_ieee_float_rep * r) { int e, non_zero; union { float f; struct { unsigned char byte[4] ; } ieee ; } u; u.f = *x ; if (little_endian_p()) make_float_bigendian(&(u.f)) ; /* note that r->sign is signed, u.ieee.byte is unsigned */ if (u.ieee.byte[3]>>7) { r->sign = 1 ; } else { r->sign = 0 ; } e = (u.ieee.byte[3] & 0x7f) << 1 | (u.ieee.byte[2] & 0x80)>>7 ; r->exponent = e - 127 ; sprint_byte((u.ieee.byte[2] & 0x7f) << 1,r->mantissa) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[1],r->mantissa + 7) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[0],r->mantissa + 15) ; r->mantissa[23] = '\0' ; non_zero = u.ieee.byte[0] || u.ieee.byte[1] || (u.ieee.byte[2] & 0x7f); r->type = determine_ieee_type (non_zero, e, 255) ; } void gsl_ieee_double_to_rep (const double * x, gsl_ieee_double_rep * r) { int e, non_zero; union { double d; struct { unsigned char byte[8]; } ieee ; } u; u.d= *x ; if (little_endian_p()) make_double_bigendian(&(u.d)) ; /* note that r->sign is signed, u.ieee.byte is unsigned */ if (u.ieee.byte[7]>>7) { r->sign = 1 ; } else { r->sign = 0 ; } e =(u.ieee.byte[7] & 0x7f)<<4 ^ (u.ieee.byte[6] & 0xf0)>>4 ; r->exponent = e - 1023 ; sprint_nybble(u.ieee.byte[6],r->mantissa) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[5],r->mantissa + 4) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[4],r->mantissa + 12) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[3],r->mantissa + 20) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[2],r->mantissa + 28) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[1],r->mantissa + 36) ; sprint_byte(u.ieee.byte[0],r->mantissa + 44) ; r->mantissa[52] = '\0' ; non_zero = (u.ieee.byte[0] || u.ieee.byte[1] || u.ieee.byte[2] || u.ieee.byte[3] || u.ieee.byte[4] || u.ieee.byte[5] || (u.ieee.byte[6] & 0x0f)) ; r->type = determine_ieee_type (non_zero, e, 2047) ; } /* A table of character representations of nybbles */ static char nybble[16][5]={ /* include space for the \0 */ "0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111" } ; void sprint_nybble(int i, char *s) { char *c ; c=nybble[i & 0x0f ]; *s=c[0] ; *(s+1)=c[1] ; *(s+2)=c[2] ; *(s+3)=c[3] ; } void sprint_byte(int i, char *s) { char *c ; c=nybble[(i & 0xf0)>>4]; *s=c[0] ; *(s+1)=c[1] ; *(s+2)=c[2] ; *(s+3)=c[3] ; c=nybble[i & 0x0f]; *(s+4)=c[0] ; *(s+5)=c[1] ; *(s+6)=c[2] ; *(s+7)=c[3] ; } int determine_ieee_type (int non_zero, int exponent, int max_exponent) { if (exponent == max_exponent) { if (non_zero) { return GSL_IEEE_TYPE_NAN ; } else { return GSL_IEEE_TYPE_INF ; } } else if (exponent == 0) { if (non_zero) { return GSL_IEEE_TYPE_DENORMAL ; } else { return GSL_IEEE_TYPE_ZERO ; } } else { return GSL_IEEE_TYPE_NORMAL ; } }