#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "integration.h" #include "util.c" #include "qc25c.c" int gsl_integration_qawc (gsl_function * f, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr) { double area, errsum; double result0, abserr0; double tolerance; size_t iteration = 0; int roundoff_type1 = 0, roundoff_type2 = 0, error_type = 0; int err_reliable; int sign = 1; double lower, higher; /* Initialize results */ *result = 0; *abserr = 0; if (limit > workspace->limit) { GSL_ERROR ("iteration limit exceeds available workspace", GSL_EINVAL) ; } if (b < a) { lower = b ; higher = a ; sign = -1 ; } else { lower = a; higher = b; } initialise (workspace, lower, higher); if (epsabs <= 0 && (epsrel < 50 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON || epsrel < 0.5e-28)) { GSL_ERROR ("tolerance cannot be acheived with given epsabs and epsrel", GSL_EBADTOL); } if (c == a || c == b) { GSL_ERROR ("cannot integrate with singularity on endpoint", GSL_EINVAL); } /* perform the first integration */ qc25c (f, lower, higher, c, &result0, &abserr0, &err_reliable); set_initial_result (workspace, result0, abserr0); /* Test on accuracy, use 0.01 relative error as an extra safety margin on the first iteration (ignored for subsequent iterations) */ tolerance = GSL_MAX_DBL (epsabs, epsrel * fabs (result0)); if (abserr0 < tolerance && abserr0 < 0.01 * fabs(result0)) { *result = sign * result0; *abserr = abserr0; return GSL_SUCCESS; } else if (limit == 1) { *result = sign * result0; *abserr = abserr0; GSL_ERROR ("a maximum of one iteration was insufficient", GSL_EMAXITER); } area = result0; errsum = abserr0; iteration = 1; do { double a1, b1, a2, b2; double a_i, b_i, r_i, e_i; double area1 = 0, area2 = 0, area12 = 0; double error1 = 0, error2 = 0, error12 = 0; int err_reliable1, err_reliable2; /* Bisect the subinterval with the largest error estimate */ retrieve (workspace, &a_i, &b_i, &r_i, &e_i); a1 = a_i; b1 = 0.5 * (a_i + b_i); a2 = b1; b2 = b_i; if (c > a1 && c < b1) { b1 = 0.5 * (c + b2) ; a2 = b1; } else if (c > b1 && c < b2) { b1 = 0.5 * (a1 + c) ; a2 = b1; } qc25c (f, a1, b1, c, &area1, &error1, &err_reliable1); qc25c (f, a2, b2, c, &area2, &error2, &err_reliable2); area12 = area1 + area2; error12 = error1 + error2; errsum += (error12 - e_i); area += area12 - r_i; if (err_reliable1 && err_reliable2) { double delta = r_i - area12; if (fabs (delta) <= 1.0e-5 * fabs (area12) && error12 >= 0.99 * e_i) { roundoff_type1++; } if (iteration >= 10 && error12 > e_i) { roundoff_type2++; } } tolerance = GSL_MAX_DBL (epsabs, epsrel * fabs (area)); if (errsum > tolerance) { if (roundoff_type1 >= 6 || roundoff_type2 >= 20) { error_type = 2; /* round off error */ } /* set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour at a point of the integration range */ if (subinterval_too_small (a1, a2, b2)) { error_type = 3; } } update (workspace, a1, b1, area1, error1, a2, b2, area2, error2); retrieve (workspace, &a_i, &b_i, &r_i, &e_i); iteration++; } while (iteration < limit && !error_type && errsum > tolerance); *result = sign * sum_results (workspace); *abserr = errsum; if (errsum <= tolerance) { return GSL_SUCCESS; } else if (error_type == 2) { GSL_ERROR ("roundoff error prevents tolerance from being achieved", GSL_EROUND); } else if (error_type == 3) { GSL_ERROR ("bad integrand behavior found in the integration interval", GSL_ESING); } else if (iteration == limit) { GSL_ERROR ("maximum number of subdivisions reached", GSL_EMAXITER); } else { GSL_ERROR ("could not integrate function", GSL_EFAILED); } }