static void compute_moments (double par, double * cheb); static int dgtsl (size_t n, double *c, double *d, double *e, double *b); struct fn_fourier_params { gsl_function *function; double omega; }; static double fn_sin (double t, void *params); static double fn_cos (double t, void *params); static void qc25f (gsl_function * f, double a, double b, gsl_integration_qawo_table * wf, size_t level, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); static void qc25f (gsl_function * f, double a, double b, gsl_integration_qawo_table * wf, size_t level, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc) { const double center = 0.5 * (a + b); const double half_length = 0.5 * (b - a); const double omega = wf->omega ; const double par = omega * half_length; if (fabs (par) < 2) { gsl_function weighted_function; struct fn_fourier_params fn_params; fn_params.function = f; = omega; if (wf->sine == GSL_INTEG_SINE) { weighted_function.function = &fn_sin; } else { weighted_function.function = &fn_cos; } weighted_function.params = &fn_params; gsl_integration_qk15 (&weighted_function, a, b, result, abserr, resabs, resasc); return; } else { double *moment; double cheb12[13], cheb24[25], chebmo[25]; double result_abs, res12_cos, res12_sin, res24_cos, res24_sin; double est_cos, est_sin; double c, s; size_t i, j; gsl_integration_qcheb (f, a, b, cheb12, cheb24); if (level < wf->i) { /* already in the cache */ moment = wf->chebmo + 25 * level; } else { moment = chebmo; compute_moments (par, moment); /* cache the moments if we can */ if (level < wf->n) { /* fill in any intervening moments */ for (i = wf->i ; i < level; i++) { compute_moments (par, wf->chebmo + 25*i); } /* copy the moments for the current level into the cache too */ for (j = 0; j < 25; j++) { wf->chebmo[25 * level + j] = moment[j]; } wf->i = level + 1 ; } } res12_cos = cheb12[12] * moment[12]; res12_sin = 0 ; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { size_t k = 10 - 2 * i; res12_cos += cheb12[k] * moment[k]; res12_sin += cheb12[k + 1] * moment[k + 1]; } res24_cos = cheb24[24] * moment[24]; res24_sin = 0 ; result_abs = fabs(cheb24[24]) ; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { size_t k = 22 - 2 * i; res24_cos += cheb24[k] * moment[k]; res24_sin += cheb24[k + 1] * moment[k + 1]; result_abs += fabs(cheb24[k]) + fabs(cheb24[k+1]); } est_cos = fabs(res24_cos - res12_cos); est_sin = fabs(res24_sin - res12_sin); c = half_length * cos(center * omega); s = half_length * sin(center * omega); if (wf->sine == GSL_INTEG_SINE) { *result = c * res24_sin + s * res24_cos; *abserr = fabs(c * est_sin) + fabs(s * est_cos); } else { *result = c * res24_cos - s * res24_sin; *abserr = fabs(c * est_cos) + fabs(s * est_sin); } *resabs = result_abs * half_length; *resasc = GSL_DBL_MAX; return; } } static double fn_sin (double x, void *params) { struct fn_fourier_params *p = (struct fn_fourier_params *) params; gsl_function *f = p->function; double w = p->omega; double wx = w * x; double sinwx = sin(wx) ; return GSL_FN_EVAL (f, x) * sinwx; } static double fn_cos (double x, void *params) { struct fn_fourier_params *p = (struct fn_fourier_params *) params; gsl_function *f = p->function; double w = p->omega; double wx = w * x; double coswx = cos(wx) ; return GSL_FN_EVAL (f, x) * coswx ; } static void compute_moments (double par, double *chebmo) { double v[28], d[25], d1[25], d2[25]; const size_t noeq = 25; const double par2 = par * par; const double par4 = par2 * par2; const double par22 = par2 + 2.0; const double sinpar = sin (par); const double cospar = cos (par); size_t i; /* compute the chebyschev moments with respect to cosine */ double ac = 8 * cospar; double as = 24 * par * sinpar; v[0] = 2 * sinpar / par; v[1] = (8 * cospar + (2 * par2 - 8) * sinpar / par) / par2; v[2] = (32 * (par2 - 12) * cospar + (2 * ((par2 - 80) * par2 + 192) * sinpar) / par) / par4; if (fabs (par) <= 24) { /* compute the moments as the solution of a boundary value problem using the asyptotic expansion as an endpoint */ double an2, ass, asap; double an = 6; size_t k; for (k = 0; k < noeq - 1; k++) { an2 = an * an; d[k] = -2 * (an2 - 4) * (par22 - 2 * an2); d2[k] = (an - 1) * (an - 2) * par2; d1[k + 1] = (an + 3) * (an + 4) * par2; v[k + 3] = as - (an2 - 4) * ac; an = an + 2.0; } an2 = an * an; d[noeq - 1] = -2 * (an2 - 4) * (par22 - 2 * an2); v[noeq + 2] = as - (an2 - 4) * ac; v[3] = v[3] - 56 * par2 * v[2]; ass = par * sinpar; asap = (((((210 * par2 - 1) * cospar - (105 * par2 - 63) * ass) / an2 - (1 - 15 * par2) * cospar + 15 * ass) / an2 - cospar + 3 * ass) / an2 - cospar) / an2; v[noeq + 2] = v[noeq + 2] - 2 * asap * par2 * (an - 1) * (an - 2); dgtsl (noeq, d1, d, d2, v + 3); } else { /* compute the moments by forward recursion */ size_t k; double an = 4; for (k = 3; k < 13; k++) { double an2 = an * an; v[k] = ((an2 - 4) * (2 * (par22 - 2 * an2) * v[k - 1] - ac) + as - par2 * (an + 1) * (an + 2) * v[k - 2]) / (par2 * (an - 1) * (an - 2)); an = an + 2.0; } } for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) { chebmo[2 * i] = v[i]; } /* compute the chebyschev moments with respect to sine */ v[0] = 2 * (sinpar - par * cospar) / par2; v[1] = (18 - 48 / par2) * sinpar / par2 + (-2 + 48 / par2) * cospar / par; ac = -24 * par * cospar; as = -8 * sinpar; if (fabs (par) <= 24) { /* compute the moments as the solution of a boundary value problem using the asyptotic expansion as an endpoint */ size_t k; double an2, ass, asap; double an = 5; for (k = 0; k < noeq - 1; k++) { an2 = an * an; d[k] = -2 * (an2 - 4) * (par22 - 2 * an2); d2[k] = (an - 1) * (an - 2) * par2; d1[k + 1] = (an + 3) * (an + 4) * par2; v[k + 2] = ac + (an2 - 4) * as; an = an + 2.0; } an2 = an * an; d[noeq - 1] = -2 * (an2 - 4) * (par22 - 2 * an2); v[noeq + 1] = ac + (an2 - 4) * as; v[2] = v[2] - 42 * par2 * v[1]; ass = par * cospar; asap = (((((105 * par2 - 63) * ass - (210 * par2 - 1) * sinpar) / an2 + (15 * par2 - 1) * sinpar - 15 * ass) / an2 - sinpar - 3 * ass) / an2 - sinpar) / an2; v[noeq + 1] = v[noeq + 1] - 2 * asap * par2 * (an - 1) * (an - 2); dgtsl (noeq, d1, d, d2, v + 2); } else { /* compute the moments by forward recursion */ size_t k; double an = 3; for (k = 2; k < 12; k++) { double an2 = an * an; v[k] = ((an2 - 4) * (2 * (par22 - 2 * an2) * v[k - 1] + as) + ac - par2 * (an + 1) * (an + 2) * v[k - 2]) / (par2 * (an - 1) * (an - 2)); an = an + 2.0; } } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { chebmo[2 * i + 1] = v[i]; } } static int dgtsl (size_t n, double *c, double *d, double *e, double *b) { /* solves a tridiagonal matrix A x = b c[1 .. n - 1] subdiagonal of the matrix A d[0 .. n - 1] diagonal of the matrix A e[0 .. n - 2] superdiagonal of the matrix A b[0 .. n - 1] right hand side, replaced by the solution vector x */ size_t k; c[0] = d[0]; if (n == 0) { return GSL_SUCCESS; } if (n == 1) { b[0] = b[0] / d[0] ; return GSL_SUCCESS; } d[0] = e[0]; e[0] = 0; e[n - 1] = 0; for (k = 0; k < n - 1; k++) { size_t k1 = k + 1; if (fabs (c[k1]) >= fabs (c[k])) { { double t = c[k1]; c[k1] = c[k]; c[k] = t; }; { double t = d[k1]; d[k1] = d[k]; d[k] = t; }; { double t = e[k1]; e[k1] = e[k]; e[k] = t; }; { double t = b[k1]; b[k1] = b[k]; b[k] = t; }; } if (c[k] == 0) { return GSL_FAILURE ; } { double t = -c[k1] / c[k]; c[k1] = d[k1] + t * d[k]; d[k1] = e[k1] + t * e[k]; e[k1] = 0; b[k1] = b[k1] + t * b[k]; } } if (c[n - 1] == 0) { return GSL_FAILURE; } b[n - 1] = b[n - 1] / c[n - 1]; b[n - 2] = (b[n - 2] - d[n - 2] * b[n - 1]) / c[n - 2]; for (k = n ; k > 2; k--) { size_t kb = k - 3; b[kb] = (b[kb] - d[kb] * b[kb + 1] - e[kb] * b[kb + 2]) / c[kb]; } return GSL_SUCCESS; }