/* classes: h_files */ #ifndef NUMBERSH #define NUMBERSH /* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE. * * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the GUILE library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ /* Software engineering face-lift by Greg J. Badros, 11-Dec-1999, gjb@cs.washington.edu, http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/gjb */ #include "libguile/__scm.h" #include "libguile/print.h" /* Immediate Numbers * * Inums are exact integer data that fits within an SCM word. * * SCM_INUMP applies only to values known to be Scheme objects. * In particular, SCM_INUMP (SCM_CAR (x)) is valid only if x is known * to be a SCM_CONSP. If x is only known to be a SCM_NIMP, * SCM_INUMP (SCM_CAR (x)) can give wrong answers. */ #define SCM_INUMP(x) (2 & (int)(x)) #define SCM_NINUMP(x) (!SCM_INUMP(x)) #ifdef __TURBOC__ /* shifts of more than one are done by a library call, single shifts are * performed in registers */ # define SCM_MAKINUM(x) ((((x)<<1)<<1)+2L) #else # define SCM_MAKINUM(x) (((x)<<2)+2L) #endif /* def __TURBOC__ */ /* SCM_SRS is signed right shift */ /* Turbo C++ v1.0 has a bug with right shifts of signed longs! * It is believed to be fixed in Turbo C++ v1.01 */ #if (-1==(((-1)<<2)+2)>>2) && (__TURBOC__ != 0x295) # define SCM_SRS(x, y) ((x)>>y) # ifdef __TURBOC__ # define SCM_INUM(x) (((x)>>1)>>1) # else # define SCM_INUM(x) SCM_SRS(x, 2) # endif /* def __TURBOC__ */ #else # define SCM_SRS(x, y) (((x)<0) ? ~((~(x))>>y) : (x)>>y) # define SCM_INUM(x) SCM_SRS(x, 2) #endif /* (-1==(((-1)<<2)+2)>>2) && (__TURBOC__ != 0x295) */ /* A name for 0. */ #define SCM_INUM0 ((SCM) 2) /* SCM_FIXABLE is non-0 if its long argument can be encoded in an SCM_INUM. */ #define SCM_POSFIXABLE(n) ((n) <= SCM_MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM) #define SCM_NEGFIXABLE(n) ((n) >= SCM_MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM) #define SCM_UNEGFIXABLE(n) ((n) <= -SCM_MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM) #define SCM_FIXABLE(n) (SCM_POSFIXABLE(n) && SCM_NEGFIXABLE(n)) /* SCM_INTBUFLEN is the maximum number of characters neccessary for the * printed or scm_string representation of an exact immediate. */ #ifndef SCM_CHAR_BIT # define SCM_CHAR_BIT 8 #endif /* ndef SCM_CHAR_BIT */ #ifndef SCM_LONG_BIT # define SCM_LONG_BIT (SCM_CHAR_BIT*sizeof(long)/sizeof(char)) #endif /* ndef SCM_LONG_BIT */ #define SCM_INTBUFLEN (5+SCM_LONG_BIT) /* SCM_FLOBUFLEN is the maximum number of characters neccessary for the * printed or scm_string representation of an inexact number. */ #define SCM_FLOBUFLEN (10+2*(sizeof(double)/sizeof(char)*SCM_CHAR_BIT*3+9)/10) /* Numbers */ #define SCM_INEXP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && (SCM_TYP16(x)==scm_tc16_flo)) #define SCM_CPLXP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && (SCM_CAR(x)==scm_tc_dblc)) #define SCM_REAL(x) (*(((scm_dbl *) (SCM2PTR(x)))->real)) #define SCM_IMAG(x) (*((double *)(SCM_CHARS(x)+sizeof(double)))) /* ((&SCM_REAL(x))[1]) */ #ifdef SCM_SINGLES #define SCM_REALP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && ((~SCM_REAL_PART & SCM_CAR(x))==scm_tc_flo)) #define SCM_SINGP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && (SCM_CAR(x)==scm_tc_flo)) #define SCM_FLO(x) (((scm_flo *)(SCM2PTR(x)))->num) #define SCM_REALPART(x) (SCM_SINGP(x)?0.0+SCM_FLO(x):SCM_REAL(x)) #else /* SCM_SINGLES */ #define SCM_REALP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && (SCM_CAR(x)==scm_tc_dblr)) #define SCM_REALPART SCM_REAL #endif /* SCM_SINGLES */ /* Define SCM_BIGDIG to an integer type whose size is smaller than long if * you want bignums. SCM_BIGRAD is one greater than the biggest SCM_BIGDIG. * * Define SCM_DIGSTOOBIG if the digits equivalent to a long won't fit in a long. */ #ifdef BIGNUMS # ifdef _UNICOS # define SCM_DIGSTOOBIG # if (1L << 31) <= SCM_USHRT_MAX # define SCM_BIGDIG unsigned short # else # define SCM_BIGDIG unsigned int # endif /* (1L << 31) <= USHRT_MAX */ # define SCM_BITSPERDIG 32 # else # define SCM_BIGDIG unsigned short # define SCM_BITSPERDIG (sizeof(SCM_BIGDIG)*SCM_CHAR_BIT) # endif /* def _UNICOS */ # define SCM_BIGRAD (1L << SCM_BITSPERDIG) # define SCM_DIGSPERLONG ((scm_sizet)((sizeof(long)*SCM_CHAR_BIT+SCM_BITSPERDIG-1)/SCM_BITSPERDIG)) # define SCM_BIGUP(x) ((unsigned long)(x) << SCM_BITSPERDIG) # define SCM_LONGLONGBIGUP(x) ((ulong_long)(x) << SCM_BITSPERDIG) # define SCM_BIGDN(x) ((x) >> SCM_BITSPERDIG) # define SCM_BIGLO(x) ((x) & (SCM_BIGRAD-1)) #endif /* def BIGNUMS */ #ifndef SCM_BIGDIG /* Definition is not really used but helps various function * prototypes to compile with conditionalization. */ # define SCM_BIGDIG unsigned short # define SCM_NO_BIGDIG # ifndef SCM_FLOATS # define SCM_INUMS_ONLY # endif /* ndef SCM_FLOATS */ #endif /* ndef SCM_BIGDIG */ #ifdef SCM_FLOATS #define SCM_NUMBERP(x) (SCM_INUMP(x) || (SCM_NIMP(x) && SCM_NUMP(x))) #ifdef SCM_BIGDIG #define SCM_NUM2DBL(x) (SCM_INUMP (x) \ ? (double) SCM_INUM (x) \ : (SCM_REALP (x) \ ? SCM_REALPART (x) \ : scm_big2dbl (x))) #else #define SCM_NUM2DBL(x) (SCM_INUMP (x) \ ? (double) SCM_INUM (x) \ : SCM_REALPART (x)) #endif #else #ifdef SCM_BIGDIG #define SCM_NUMBERP(x) (SCM_INUMP(x) || (SCM_NIMP(x) && SCM_NUMP(x))) #define SCM_NUM2DBL(x) (SCM_INUMP (x) \ ? (double) SCM_INUM (x) \ : scm_big2dbl (x)) #else #define SCM_NUMBERP SCM_INUMP #define SCM_NUM2DBL(x) ((double) SCM_INUM (x)) #endif #endif #define SCM_NUMP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && (0xfcff & (int)SCM_CAR(x))==scm_tc7_smob) #define SCM_BIGP(x) (SCM_NIMP(x) && SCM_TYP16S(x)==scm_tc16_bigpos) #define SCM_BIGSIGN(x) (0x0100 & (int)SCM_CAR(x)) #define SCM_BDIGITS(x) ((SCM_BIGDIG *)(SCM_CDR(x))) #define SCM_NUMDIGS(x) ((scm_sizet)(SCM_CAR(x)>>16)) #define SCM_SETNUMDIGS(x, v, t) SCM_SETCAR(x, (((v)+0L)<<16)+(t)) #ifdef SCM_FLOATS typedef struct scm_dblproc { char *scm_string; double (*cproc) (); } scm_dblproc; #ifdef SCM_SINGLES typedef struct scm_flo { SCM type; float num; } scm_flo; #endif typedef struct scm_dbl { SCM type; double *real; } scm_dbl; #endif extern SCM scm_exact_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_odd_p SCM_P ((SCM n)); extern SCM scm_even_p SCM_P ((SCM n)); extern SCM scm_abs SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_quotient SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_remainder SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_modulo SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_gcd SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_lcm SCM_P ((SCM n1, SCM n2)); extern SCM scm_logand SCM_P ((SCM n1, SCM n2)); extern SCM scm_logior SCM_P ((SCM n1, SCM n2)); extern SCM scm_logxor SCM_P ((SCM n1, SCM n2)); extern SCM scm_logtest SCM_P ((SCM n1, SCM n2)); extern SCM scm_logbit_p SCM_P ((SCM n1, SCM n2)); extern SCM scm_lognot SCM_P ((SCM n)); extern SCM scm_integer_expt SCM_P ((SCM z1, SCM z2)); extern SCM scm_ash SCM_P ((SCM n, SCM cnt)); extern SCM scm_bit_extract SCM_P ((SCM n, SCM start, SCM end)); extern SCM scm_logcount SCM_P ((SCM n)); extern SCM scm_integer_length SCM_P ((SCM n)); extern SCM scm_mkbig SCM_P ((scm_sizet nlen, int sign)); extern SCM scm_big2inum SCM_P ((SCM b, scm_sizet l)); extern SCM scm_adjbig SCM_P ((SCM b, scm_sizet nlen)); extern SCM scm_normbig SCM_P ((SCM b)); extern SCM scm_copybig SCM_P ((SCM b, int sign)); extern SCM scm_long2big SCM_P ((long n)); extern SCM scm_long_long2big SCM_P ((long_long n)); extern SCM scm_2ulong2big SCM_P ((unsigned long * np)); extern SCM scm_ulong2big SCM_P ((unsigned long n)); extern int scm_bigcomp SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern long scm_pseudolong SCM_P ((long x)); extern void scm_longdigs SCM_P ((long x, SCM_BIGDIG digs[])); extern SCM scm_addbig SCM_P ((SCM_BIGDIG *x, scm_sizet nx, int xsgn, SCM bigy, int sgny)); extern SCM scm_mulbig SCM_P ((SCM_BIGDIG *x, scm_sizet nx, SCM_BIGDIG *y, scm_sizet ny, int sgn)); extern unsigned int scm_divbigdig SCM_P ((SCM_BIGDIG *ds, scm_sizet h, SCM_BIGDIG div)); extern SCM scm_divbigint SCM_P ((SCM x, long z, int sgn, int mode)); extern SCM scm_divbigbig SCM_P ((SCM_BIGDIG *x, scm_sizet nx, SCM_BIGDIG *y, scm_sizet ny, int sgn, int modes)); extern scm_sizet scm_iint2str SCM_P ((long num, int rad, char *p)); extern SCM scm_number_to_string SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM radix)); extern int scm_floprint SCM_P ((SCM sexp, SCM port, scm_print_state *pstate)); extern int scm_bigprint SCM_P ((SCM exp, SCM port, scm_print_state *pstate)); extern SCM scm_istr2int SCM_P ((char *str, long len, long radix)); extern SCM scm_istr2flo SCM_P ((char *str, long len, long radix)); extern SCM scm_istring2number SCM_P ((char *str, long len, long radix)); extern SCM scm_string_to_number SCM_P ((SCM str, SCM radix)); extern SCM scm_makdbl SCM_P ((double x, double y)); extern SCM scm_bigequal SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_floequal SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_number_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_real_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_integer_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_inexact_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_num_eq_p SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_less_p SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_gr_p SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_leq_p SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_geq_p SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_zero_p SCM_P ((SCM z)); extern SCM scm_positive_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_negative_p SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_max SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_min SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_sum SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_difference SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern SCM scm_product SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern double scm_num2dbl SCM_P ((SCM a, const char * why)); extern SCM scm_divide SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM y)); extern double scm_asinh SCM_P ((double x)); extern double scm_acosh SCM_P ((double x)); extern double scm_atanh SCM_P ((double x)); extern double scm_truncate SCM_P ((double x)); extern double scm_round SCM_P ((double x)); extern double scm_exact_to_inexact SCM_P ((double z)); extern SCM scm_sys_expt SCM_P ((SCM z1, SCM z2)); extern SCM scm_sys_atan2 SCM_P ((SCM z1, SCM z2)); extern SCM scm_make_rectangular SCM_P ((SCM z1, SCM z2)); extern SCM scm_make_polar SCM_P ((SCM z1, SCM z2)); extern SCM scm_real_part SCM_P ((SCM z)); extern SCM scm_imag_part SCM_P ((SCM z)); extern SCM scm_magnitude SCM_P ((SCM z)); extern SCM scm_angle SCM_P ((SCM z)); extern SCM scm_inexact_to_exact SCM_P ((SCM z)); extern SCM scm_trunc SCM_P ((SCM x)); extern SCM scm_dbl2big SCM_P ((double d)); extern double scm_big2dbl SCM_P ((SCM b)); extern SCM scm_long2num SCM_P ((long sl)); extern SCM scm_long_long2num SCM_P ((long_long sl)); extern SCM scm_ulong2num SCM_P ((unsigned long sl)); extern long scm_num2long SCM_P ((SCM num, char *pos, const char *s_caller)); extern long_long scm_num2long_long SCM_P ((SCM num, char *pos, const char *s_caller)); extern unsigned long scm_num2ulong SCM_P ((SCM num, char *pos, const char *s_caller)); extern void scm_init_numbers SCM_P ((void)); #endif /* NUMBERSH */