This is, produced by Makeinfo version 3.12a from guile-ref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Scheme Programming START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * guile-ref: (guile-ref). The Guile Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Guile Reference Manual Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.  Indirect: 1002 50036 99996 146440 185996 230358 276096 304927  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top1002 Node: Introduction6405 Node: Running Guile Interactively9818 Node: Guile Scripts10714 Node: The Top of a script file11620 Node: Invoking Guile14421 Node: The Meta Switch17449 Node: Scripting Examples21417 Node: Linking Programs With Guile25140 Node: Guile Initialization Functions26562 Node: A Sample Guile Main Program29799 Node: Writing Guile Modules33669 Node: Extensions to Scheme33843 Node: Guile options interface35077 Node: General option interface35853 Node: Reader options38753 Node: Printing options39576 Node: Evaluator options39982 Node: Debugger options40456 Node: Examples of option use41525 Node: SLIB44014 Node: JACAL44404 Node: Evaluation45000 Node: Lists50036 Node: Data Structures53329 Node: Records53656 Node: Structures58060 Node: Structure Concepts58849 Node: Structure Layout60201 Node: Structure Basics63870 Node: Vtables65206 Node: Arrays68220 Node: Conventional Arrays68533 Node: Array Mapping75017 Node: Uniform Array76543 Node: Bit Vectors80877 Node: Association Lists and Hash Tables82157 Node: Dictionary Types82592 Node: Association Lists84437 Node: Hash Tables88741 Node: Strings92645 Node: String Fun93422 Node: Shared Substrings95752 Node: Read Only Strings98662 Node: Characters99996 Node: Property Lists101278 Node: Ports102668 Node: File Ports103625 Node: Soft Ports105563 Node: String Ports107228 Node: Closing Ports108360 Node: Port Operations109142 Node: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write)110746 Node: Bitwise Operations116063 Node: Regular Expressions119076 Node: Regexp Functions120338 Node: Match Structures125960 Node: Backslash Escapes128050 Node: Rx Interface132158 Node: Keywords136266 Node: Exceptions137991 Node: Modules140671 Node: Scheme and modules142219 Node: The Guile module system143016 Node: Module Internals145841 Node: First-class Variables146118 Node: First-class Modules146268 Node: Dynamic Libraries146440 Node: Dynamic Linking from Marius150171 Node: Low level dynamic linking152534 Node: Compiled Code Modules158195 Node: Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules161466 Node: Dynamic Wind166880 Node: Threads and Dynamic Roots168673 Node: Dynamic Roots169050 Node: Threads173205 Node: Low level thread primitives173903 Node: Higher level thread procedures175694 Node: Reflection177491 Node: eval177749 Node: Tag Values177833 Node: Weak References177929 Node: Garbage Collection181246 Node: Configuration Data181860 Node: Internal Debugging Interface183074 Node: Conventions183419 Node: Ports and File Descriptors185996 Node: File System198763 Node: User Information206957 Node: Time209967 Node: Processes214986 Node: Signals224273 Node: Terminals and Ptys227803 Node: Pipes229146 Node: Networking230183 Node: Networking Databases230358 Node: Network sockets238006 Node: System Identification247957 Node: Locales249346 Node: Expect249936 Node: The Scheme shell (scsh)254884 Node: Tcl/Tk Interface255837 Node: A Portable C to Scheme Interface256004 Node: gh preliminaries257589 Node: Data types and constants defined by gh258069 Node: Starting and controlling the interpreter259477 Node: Error messages264469 Node: Executing Scheme code264696 Node: Defining new Scheme procedures in C265909 Node: Converting data between C and Scheme268216 Node: C to Scheme268673 Node: Scheme to C270505 Node: Type predicates273272 Node: Equality predicates274646 Node: Memory allocation and garbage collection275861 Node: Calling Scheme procedures from C276096 Node: Mixing gh and scm APIs283127 Node: Scheme data representation283315 Node: Relationship between Scheme and C functions283522 Node: I/O internals284013 Node: libguile error handling284182 Node: snarfing288464 Node: Obtaining and Installing Guile288605 Node: The Basic Guile Package288995 Node: Packages not shipped with Guile290296 Node: Reporting Bugs292210 Node: Internals292575 Node: Symbols292973 Node: debugger user interface296354 Node: Single-Step297559 Node: Trace297672 Node: Backtrace299735 Node: Stacks and Frames299868 Node: Concept Index301278 Node: Procedure Index304927 Node: Variable Index343415 Node: Type Index345714  End Tag Table