This is, produced by Makeinfo version 3.12a from guile-ref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Scheme Programming START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * guile-ref: (guile-ref). The Guile Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Guile Reference Manual Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) The Guile Reference Manual ************************** * Menu: Part I: Preliminaries * Introduction:: * Running Guile Interactively:: * Guile Scripts:: * Linking Programs With Guile:: * Writing Guile Modules:: Part II: Scheme Extensions Guile provides many features and extensions not present in standard Scheme: a module system, threads, a regular expression interface, and so on. Some other Scheme implementations provide these and similar features: we have endeavored to maintain compatibility with many of these systems. * Extensions to Scheme:: Guile supports many features not in R4RS. * SLIB:: Using the SLIB Scheme library. * Evaluation:: Running and evaluating code on the fly. * Lists:: Special list functions supported by Guile. * Data Structures:: Records, hash tables, etc. * Strings:: Special things about strings. * Characters:: New character names. * Property Lists:: Managing metainformation about Scheme objects. * Ports:: I/O in Scheme. * Bitwise Operations:: Logical AND, OR, NOT, and so on. * Regular Expressions:: Pattern matching and substitution. * Keywords:: Self-quoting, customizable display keywords. * Exceptions:: Signalling and handling fatal errors. * Modules:: Designing reusable code libraries. * Module Internals:: [FIXME: I think this should be a subnode of Modules. -twp] * Dynamic Linking from Marius:: * Dynamic Wind:: * Threads and Dynamic Roots:: * Reflection:: * Weak References:: * Garbage Collection:: * Configuration Data:: Version info, library directories, etc. * Internal Debugging Interface:: Part III: Unix Programming Guile may be used as a system programming language (for writing daemons, system tools, database clients or network interfaces). Guile's ``POSIX interface'' -- the code that permits you to use Unix system and library calls -- is described below. * Conventions:: Conventions employed by the POSIX interface. * Ports and File Descriptors:: Scheme ``ports'' and Unix file descriptors have different representations. * File System:: stat, chown, chmod, etc. * User Information:: Retrieving a user's GECOS (/etc/passwd) entry. * Time:: gettimeofday, localtime, strftime, etc. * Processes:: getuid, getpid, etc. * Signals:: sigaction, kill, pause, alarm, etc. * Terminals and Ptys:: ttyname, tcsetpgrp, etc. * Pipes:: Communicating data between processes. * Networking:: gethostbyaddr, getnetent, socket, bind, listen. * System Identification:: `uname' and getting info about this machine. * Locales:: setlocale, etc. * Expect:: Controlling interactive programs with Guile. * The Scheme shell (scsh):: The SCSH compatibility module has been made an add-on, so maybe it shouldn't be documented here (though it is nice to have a link from here to the Guile-scsh manual, if one exists). * Tcl/Tk Interface:: Part IV: Guile Extension Language All of the functions that make up the Guile interpreter can be found in the `libguile' library. You may link other programs with this library and thereby use Scheme as an extension language for those programs. This section of the manual describes how to do that. Using Scheme with C --- a Portable Interface * A Portable C to Scheme Interface:: * gh preliminaries:: * Data types and constants defined by gh:: * Starting and controlling the interpreter:: * Error messages:: * Executing Scheme code:: * Defining new Scheme procedures in C:: * Converting data between C and Scheme:: * Type predicates:: * Equality predicates:: * Memory allocation and garbage collection:: * Calling Scheme procedures from C:: * Mixing gh and scm APIs:: Using Scheme with C --- Guile's Low-Level Interface * Scheme data representation:: * Relationship between Scheme and C functions:: * I/O internals:: * libguile error handling:: * snarfing:: Appendices and Indices * Obtaining and Installing Guile:: * Reporting Bugs:: * Internals:: * debugger user interface:: * Concept Index:: * Procedure Index:: * Variable Index:: * Type Index:: OK, enough is enough. I can see that I'm not going to be able to fool you guys. I confess everything. You're right. It all _was_ an evil conspiracy. There really isn't a shred of merit in Tcl, or C++, or Perl, or C; there is not a single reason on earth why anyone should use any of these languages for any programming task. Scheme truly is the perfect language that solves every problem and combines the virtues of every other language. For years we've been plotting to trick programmers into using bad languages. Yes, I mean ``we''. Many many people have participated in this sinister plot, including Larry Wall, Dennis Ritchie, Bill Gates, the Bureau of ATF, most of the LAPD, and Mark Fuhrman (sorry you guys, but the truth has overwhelmed me so I've been forced to expose you). I feel just terrible at how I have set the programming world back, and I promise to be a good boy from now on. --- John Ousterhout  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Running Guile Interactively, Prev: Top, Up: Top Introduction ************ Guile is an interpreter for the Scheme programming language, packaged for use in a wide variety of environments. Guile implements Scheme as described in the Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (usually known as R4RS), providing clean and general data and control structures. Guile goes beyond the rather austere language presented in R4RS, extending it with a module system, full access to POSIX system calls, networking support, multiple threads, dynamic linking, a foreign function call interface, powerful string processing, and many other features needed for programming in the real world. Like a shell, Guile can run interactively, reading expressions from the user, evaluating them, and displaying the results, or as a script interpreter, reading and executing Scheme code from a file. However, Guile is also packaged as an object library, allowing other applications to easily incorporate a complete Scheme interpreter. An application can use Guile as an extension language, a clean and powerful configuration language, or as multi-purpose ``glue'', connecting primitives provided by the application. It is easy to call Scheme code from C code and vice versa, giving the application designer full control of how and when to invoke the interpreter. Applications can add new functions, data types, control structures, and even syntax to Guile, creating a domain-specific language tailored to the task at hand, but based on a robust language design. Guile's module system allows one to break up a large program into manageable sections with well-defined interfaces between them. Modules may contain a mixture of interpreted and compiled code; Guile can use either static or dynamic linking to incorporate compiled code. Modules also encourage developers to package up useful collections of routines for general distribution; as of this writing, one can find Emacs interfaces, database access routines, compilers, GUI toolkit interfaces, and HTTP client functions, among others. In the future, we hope to expand Guile to support other languages like Tcl and Perl by compiling them to Scheme code. This means that users can program applications which use Guile in the language of their choice, rather than having the tastes of the application's author imposed on them. This manual assumes you know Scheme, as described in R4RS. From there, it describes: Part I how to use Guile interactively and as an interpreter, how to link Guile into your own applications, and how to write modules of interpreted and compiled code for use with Guile, Part II Guile's extensions to the language described in R4RS, Part III how to call Guile from C code, and how to add new functions written in C to Guile, using C functions which (we hope) will also someday work with other Scheme interpreters, allowing you to write C code which will work with any of several Scheme systems, and Part IV further functions available to the C level which are specific to Guile, but provide more thorough access to Guile's internals. Finally, the appendices explain how to obtain the latest version of Guile, how to install it, where to find modules to work with Guile, and how to use the Guile debugger.  File:, Node: Running Guile Interactively, Next: Guile Scripts, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top Running Guile Interactively *************************** In its simplest form, Guile acts as an interactive interpreter for the Scheme programming language, reading and evaluating Scheme expressions the user enters from the terminal. Here is a sample interaction between Guile and a user; the user's input appears after the `$' and `guile>' prompts: $ guile guile> (+ 1 2 3) ; add some numbers 6 guile> (define (factorial n) ; define a function (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) guile> (factorial 20) 2432902008176640000 guile> (getpwnam "jimb") ; find my entry in /etc/passwd #("jimb" ".0krIpK2VqNbU" 4008 10 "Jim Blandy" "/u/jimb" "/usr/local/bin/bash") guile> `C-d' $  File:, Node: Guile Scripts, Next: Linking Programs With Guile, Prev: Running Guile Interactively, Up: Top Guile Scripts ************* Like AWK, Perl, or any shell, Guile can interpret script files. A Guile script is simply a file of Scheme code with some extra information at the beginning which tells the operating system how to invoke Guile, and then tells Guile how to handle the Scheme code. Before we present the details, here is a trivial Guile script: #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s !# (display "Hello, world!") (newline) * Menu: * The Top of a script file:: How to start a Guile script. * Invoking Guile:: The arguments Guile takes, in detail. * The Meta Switch:: Passing complex argument lists to Guile from shell scripts. * Scripting Examples:: Simple Guile scripts, explained.  File:, Node: The Top of a script file, Next: Invoking Guile, Up: Guile Scripts The Top of a script file ======================== The first line of a Guile script must tell the operating system to use Guile to evaluate the script, and then tell Guile how to go about doing that. Here is the simplest case: * The first two characters of the file must be `#!'. The operating system interprets this to mean that the rest of the line is the name of an executable that can interpret the script. Guile, however, interprets these characters as the beginning of a multi-line comment, terminated by the characters `!#' on a line by themselves. (This is an extension to the syntax described in R4RS, added to support shell scripts.) * Immediately after those two characters must come the full pathname to the Guile interpreter. On most systems, this would be `/usr/local/bin/guile'. * Then must come a space, followed by a command-line argument to pass to Guile; this should be `-s'. This switch tells Guile to run a script, instead of soliciting the user for input from the terminal. There are more elaborate things one can do here; see *Note The Meta Switch::. * Follow this with a newline. * The second line of the script should contain only the characters `!#' --- just like the top of the file, but reversed. The operating system never reads this far, but Guile treats this as the end of the comment begun on the first line by the `#!' characters. * The rest of the file should be a Scheme program. Guile reads the program, evaluating expressions in the order that they appear. Upon reaching the end of the file, Guile exits. The function `command-line' returns the name of the script file and any command-line arguments passed by the user, as a list of strings. For example, consider the following script file: #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s !# (write (command-line)) (newline) If you put that text in a file called `foo' in the current directory, then you could make it executable and try it out like this: $ chmod a+x foo $ ./foo ("./foo") $ ./foo bar baz ("./foo" "bar" "baz") $ As another example, here is a simple replacement for the POSIX `echo' command: #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s !# (for-each (lambda (s) (display s) (display " ")) (cdr (command-line))) (newline) -- procedure: command-line -- primitive: program-arguments Return a list of the command-line arguments passed to the currently running program. If the program invoked Guile with the `-s', `-c' or `--' switches, these procedures ignore everything up to and including those switches.  File:, Node: Invoking Guile, Next: The Meta Switch, Prev: The Top of a script file, Up: Guile Scripts Invoking Guile ============== Here we describe Guile's command-line processing in detail. Guile processes its arguments from left to right, recognizing the switches described below. For examples, see *Note Scripting Examples::. `-s SCRIPT ARG...' Read and evaluate Scheme source code from the file SCRIPT, as the `load' function would. After loading SCRIPT, exit. Any command-line arguments ARG... following SCRIPT become the script's arguments; the `command-line' function returns a list of strings of the form `(SCRIPT ARG...)'. `-c EXPR ARG...' Evaluate EXPR as Scheme code, and then exit. Any command-line arguments ARG... following EXPR become command-line arguments; the `command-line' function returns a list of strings of the form `(GUILE ARG...)', where GUILE is the path of the Guile executable. `-- ARG...' Run interactively, prompting the user for expressions and evaluating them. Any command-line arguments ARG... following the `--' become command-line arguments for the interactive session; the `command-line' function returns a list of strings of the form `(GUILE ARG...)', where GUILE is the path of the Guile executable. `-l FILE' Load Scheme source code from FILE, and continue processing the command line. `-e FUNCTION' Make FUNCTION the "entry point" of the script. After loading the script file (with `-s') or evaluating the expression (with `-c'), apply FUNCTION to a list containing the program name and the command-line arguments --- the list provided by the `command-line' function. A `-e' switch can appear anywhere in the argument list, but Guile always invokes the FUNCTION as the _last_ action it performs. This is weird, but because of the way script invocation works under POSIX, the `-s' option must always come last in the list. *Note Scripting Examples::. `-ds' Treat a final `-s' option as if it occurred at this point in the command line; load the script here. This switch is necessary because, although the POSIX script invocation mechanism effectively requires the `-s' option to appear last, the programmer may well want to run the script before other actions requested on the command line. For examples, see *Note Scripting Examples::. `\' Read more command-line arguments, starting from the second line of the script file. *Note The Meta Switch::. `--emacs' Assume Guile is running as an inferior process of Emacs, and use a special protocol to communicate with Emacs's Guile interaction mode. This switch sets the global variable use-emacs-interface to `#t'. This switch is still experimental. `-h, --help' Display help on invoking Guile, and then exit. `-v, --version' Display the current version of Guile, and then exit.  File:, Node: The Meta Switch, Next: Scripting Examples, Prev: Invoking Guile, Up: Guile Scripts The Meta Switch =============== Guile's command-line switches allow the programmer to describe reasonably complicated actions in scripts. Unfortunately, the POSIX script invocation mechanism only allows one argument to appear on the `#!' line after the path to the Guile executable, and imposes arbitrary limits on that argument's length. Suppose you wrote a script starting like this: #!/usr/local/bin/guile -e main -s !# (define (main args) (map (lambda (arg) (display arg) (display " ")) (cdr args)) (newline)) The intended meaning is clear: load the file, and then call `main' on the command-line arguments. However, the system will treat everything after the Guile path as a single argument --- the string `"-e main -s"' --- which is not what we want. As a workaround, the meta switch `\' allows the Guile programmer to specify an arbitrary number of options without patching the kernel. If the first argument to Guile is `\', Guile will open the script file whose name follows the `\', parse arguments starting from the file's second line (according to rules described below), and substitute them for the `\' switch. Working in concert with the meta switch, Guile treats the characters `#!' as the beginning of a comment which extends through the next line containing only the characters `!#'. This sort of comment may appear anywhere in a Guile program, but it is most useful at the top of a file, meshing magically with the POSIX script invocation mechanism. Thus, consider a script named `/u/jimb/ekko' which starts like this: #!/usr/local/bin/guile \ -e main -s !# (define (main args) (map (lambda (arg) (display arg) (display " ")) (cdr args)) (newline)) Suppose a user invokes this script as follows: $ /u/jimb/ekko a b c Here's what happens: * the operating system recognizes the `#!' token at the top of the file, and rewrites the command line to: /usr/local/bin/guile \ /u/jimb/ekko a b c This is the usual behavior, prescribed by POSIX. * When Guile sees the first two arguments, `\ /u/jimb/ekko', it opens `/u/jimb/ekko', parses the three arguments `-e', `main', and `-s' from it, and substitutes them for the `\' switch. Thus, Guile's command line now reads: /usr/local/bin/guile -e main -s /u/jimb/ekko a b c * Guile then processes these switches: it loads `/u/jimb/ekko' as a file of Scheme code (treating the first three lines as a comment), and then performs the application `(main "/u/jimb/ekko" "a" "b" "c")'. When Guile sees the meta switch `\', it parses command-line argument from the script file according to the following rules: * Each space character terminates an argument. This means that two spaces in a row introduce an argument `""'. * The tab character is not permitted (unless you quote it with the backslash character, as described below), to avoid confusion. * The newline character terminates the sequence of arguments, and will also terminate a final non-empty argument. (However, a newline following a space will not introduce a final empty-string argument; it only terminates the argument list.) * The backslash character is the escape character. It escapes backslash, space, tab, and newline. The ANSI C escape sequences like `\n' and `\t' are also supported. These produce argument constituents; the two-character combination `\n' doesn't act like a terminating newline. The escape sequence `\NNN' for exactly three octal digits reads as the character whose ASCII code is NNN. As above, characters produced this way are argument constituents. Backslash followed by other characters is not allowed.  File:, Node: Scripting Examples, Prev: The Meta Switch, Up: Guile Scripts Scripting Examples ================== To start with, here are some examples of invoking Guile directly: `guile -- a b c' Run Guile interactively; `(command-line)' will return `("/usr/local/bin/guile" "a" "b" "c")'. `guile -s /u/jimb/ex2 a b c' Load the file `/u/jimb/ex2'; `(command-line)' will return `("/u/jimb/ex2" "a" "b" "c")'. `guile -c '(write %load-path) (newline)'' Write the value of the variable `%load-path', print a newline, and exit. `guile -e main -s /u/jimb/ex4 foo' Load the file `/u/jimb/ex4', and then call the function `main', passing it the list `("/u/jimb/ex4" "foo")'. `guile -l first -ds -l last -s script' Load the files `first', `script', and `last', in that order. The `-ds' switch says when to process the `-s' switch. For a more motivated example, see the scripts below. Here is a very simple Guile script: #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s !# (display "Hello, world!") (newline) The first line marks the file as a Guile script. When the user invokes it, the system runs `/usr/local/bin/guile' to interpret the script, passing `-s', the script's filename, and any arguments given to the script as command-line arguments. When Guile sees `-s SCRIPT', it loads SCRIPT. Thus, running this program produces the output: Hello, world! Here is a script which prints the factorial of its argument: #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s !# (define (fact n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))) (display (fact (string->number (cadr (command-line))))) (newline) In action: $ fact 5 120 $ However, suppose we want to use the definition of `fact' in this file from another script. We can't simply `load' the script file, and then use `fact''s definition, because the script will try to compute and display a factorial when we load it. To avoid this problem, we might write the script this way: #!/usr/local/bin/guile \ -e main -s !# (define (fact n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))) (define (main args) (display (fact (string->number (cadr args)))) (newline)) This version packages the actions the script should perform in a function, `main'. This allows us to load the file purely for its definitions, without any extraneous computation taking place. Then we used the meta switch `\' and the entry point switch `-e' to tell Guile to call `main' after loading the script. $ fact 50 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 Suppose that we now want to write a script which computes the `choose' function: given a set of M distinct objects, `(choose N M)' is the number of distinct subsets containing N objects each. It's easy to write `choose' given `fact', so we might write the script this way: #!/usr/local/bin/guile \ -l fact -e main -s !# (define (choose n m) (/ (fact m) (* (fact (- m n)) (fact n)))) (define (main args) (let ((n (string->number (cadr args))) (m (string->number (caddr args)))) (display (choose n m)) (newline))) The command-line arguments here tell Guile to first load the file `fact', and then run the script, with `main' as the entry point. In other words, the `choose' script can use definitions made in the `fact' script. Here are some sample runs: $ choose 0 4 1 $ choose 1 4 4 $ choose 2 4 6 $ choose 3 4 4 $ choose 4 4 1 $ choose 50 100 100891344545564193334812497256  File:, Node: Linking Programs With Guile, Next: Writing Guile Modules, Prev: Guile Scripts, Up: Top Linking Programs With Guile *************************** The Guile interpreter is available as an object library, to be linked into applications using Scheme as a configuration or extension language. This chapter covers the mechanics of linking your program with Guile on a typical POSIX system. Parts III and IV of this manual describe the C functions Guile provides. Furthermore, any Scheme function described in this manual as a ``Primitive'' is also callable from C; see *Note Relationship between Scheme and C functions::. The header file `' provides declarations for all of Guile's functions and constants. You should `#include' it at the head of any C source file that uses identifiers described in this manual. Once you've compiled your source files, you can link them against Guile by passing the flag `-lguile' to your linker. If you installed Guile with multi-thread support (by passing `--enable-threads' to the `configure' script), you may also need to link against the QuickThreads library, `-lqt'. Guile refers to various mathematical functions, so you will probably need to link against the mathematical library, `-lm', as well. * Menu: * Guile Initialization Functions:: What to call first. * A Sample Guile Main Program:: Sources and makefiles.  File:, Node: Guile Initialization Functions, Next: A Sample Guile Main Program, Up: Linking Programs With Guile Guile Initialization Functions ============================== To initialize Guile, use this function: -- Function: void scm_boot_guile (int ARGC, char **ARGV, void (*MAIN_FUNC) (), void *CLOSURE) Initialize the Guile Scheme interpreter. Then call MAIN_FUNC, passing it CLOSURE, ARGC, and ARGV. MAIN_FUNC should do all the work of the program (initializing other packages, defining application-specific functions, reading user input, and so on) before returning. When MAIN_FUNC returns, call `exit (0)'; `scm_boot_guile' never returns. If you want some other exit value, have MAIN_FUNC call exit itself. `scm_boot_guile' arranges for the Scheme `command-line' function to return the strings given by ARGC and ARGV. If MAIN_FUNC modifies ARGC or ARGV, it should call `scm_set_program_arguments' with the final list, so Scheme code will know which arguments have been processed. `scm_boot_guile' establishes a catch-all error handler which prints an error message and exits the process. This means that Guile exits in a coherent way if a system error occurs and the user isn't prepared to handle it. If the user doesn't like this behavior, they can establish their own universal catcher in MAIN_FUNC to shadow this one. Why must the caller do all the real work from MAIN_FUNC? Guile's garbage collector assumes that all local variables which reference Scheme objects will be above `scm_boot_guile''s stack frame on the stack. If you try to manipulate Scheme objects after this function returns, it's the luck of the draw whether Guile's storage manager will be able to find the objects you allocate. So, `scm_boot_guile' function exits, rather than returning, to discourage you from making that mistake. One common way to use Guile is to write a set of C functions which perform some useful task, make them callable from Scheme, and then link the program with Guile. This yields a Scheme interpreter just like `guile', but augmented with extra functions for some specific application --- a special-purpose scripting language. In this situation, the application should probably process its command-line arguments in the same manner as the stock Guile interpreter. To make that straightforward, Guile provides this function: -- Function: void scm_shell (int ARGC, char **ARGV) Process command-line arguments in the manner of the `guile' executable. This includes loading the normal Guile initialization files, interacting with the user or running any scripts or expressions specified by `-s' or `-e' options, and then exiting. *Note Invoking Guile::, for more details. Since this function does not return, you must do all application-specific initialization before calling this function. If you do not use this function to start Guile, you are responsible for making sure Guile's usual initialization files, `init.scm' and `ice-9/boot-9.scm', get loaded. This will change soon.  File:, Node: A Sample Guile Main Program, Prev: Guile Initialization Functions, Up: Linking Programs With Guile A Sample Guile Main Program =========================== Here is `simple-guile.c', source code for a `main' and an `inner_main' function that will produce a complete Guile interpreter. /* simple-guile.c --- how to start up the Guile interpreter from C code. */ /* Get declarations for all the scm_ functions. */ #include static void inner_main (void *closure, int argc, char **argv) { /* module initializations would go here */ scm_shell (argc, argv); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { scm_boot_guile (argc, argv, inner_main, 0); return 0; /* never reached */ } The `main' function calls `scm_boot_guile' to initialize Guile, passing it `inner_main'. Once `scm_boot_guile' is ready, it invokes `inner_main', which calls `scm_shell' to process the command-line arguments in the usual way. Here is a Makefile which you can use to compile the above program. # Use GCC, if you have it installed. CC=gcc # Tell the C compiler where to find and -lguile. CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib # Include -lqt and -lrx if they are present on your system. LIBS=-lguile -lqt -lrx -lm simple-guile: simple-guile.o ${CC} ${CFLAGS} simple-guile.o ${LIBS} -o simple-guile simple-guile.o: simple-guile.c ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} simple-guile.c If you are using the GNU Autoconf package to make your application more portable, Autoconf will settle many of the details in the Makefile above automatically, making it much simpler and more portable; we recommend using Autoconf with Guile. Here is a `' file for `simple-guile', which Autoconf can use as a template to generate a `configure' script: AC_INIT(simple-guile.c) # Find a C compiler. AC_PROG_CC # Check for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB(m, sin) AC_CHECK_LIB(rx, regcomp) AC_CHECK_LIB(qt, main) AC_CHECK_LIB(guile, scm_boot_guile) # Generate a Makefile, based on the results. AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Here is a `' template, from which the `configure' script produces a Makefile customized for the host system: # The configure script fills in these values. CC=@CC@ CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ LIBS=@LIBS@ simple-guile: simple-guile.o ${CC} ${CFLAGS} simple-guile.o ${LIBS} -o simple-guile simple-guile.o: simple-guile.c ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} simple-guile.c The developer should use Autoconf to generate the `configure' script from the `' template, and distribute `configure' with the application. Here's how a user might go about building the application: $ ls configure* simple-guile.c $ ./configure creating cache ./config.cache checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) works... yes checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) is a cross-compiler... no checking whether we are using GNU C... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for sin in -lm... yes checking for regcomp in -lrx... yes checking for main in -lqt... yes checking for scm_boot_guile in -lguile... yes updating cache ./config.cache creating ./config.status creating Makefile $ make gcc -c -g -O2 simple-guile.c gcc -g -O2 simple-guile.o -lguile -lqt -lrx -lm -o simple-guile $ ./simple-guile guile> (+ 1 2 3) 6 guile> (getpwnam "jimb") #("jimb" "83Z7d75W2tyJQ" 4008 10 "Jim Blandy" "/u/jimb" "/usr/local/bin/bash") guile> (exit) $  File:, Node: Writing Guile Modules, Next: Extensions to Scheme, Prev: Linking Programs With Guile, Up: Top Writing Guile Modules *********************  File:, Node: Extensions to Scheme, Next: SLIB, Prev: Writing Guile Modules, Up: Top Extensions to Scheme ******************** The current ``standard'' for the Scheme language is the *Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme* (`r4rs'), and it is commonly referred to as R4RS. Most Scheme implementations conform to all the required features in R4RS as well as the optional ones. But most Scheme implementations go beyond R4RS in some ways, mostly because R4RS does not give specifications (or even recommendations) regarding some issues that are quite important in practical programming. [FIXME: hmm; what else goes in this chapter? we have chapters for just about everything. I'll put a reference to R4RS and leave it.] The Scheme language implemented in Guile is R4RS compliant, so R4RS is a valid document describing the basic Guile language. This part of the Guile Reference Manual describes the extensions to Scheme provided in Guile. In this chapter we describe some minor configurable differences from R4RS, mostly introduced to make eventual Emacs Lisp translation easier. Later chapters will introduce major extensions to Scheme. * Menu: * Guile options interface::  File:, Node: Guile options interface, Up: Extensions to Scheme Guile options interface ======================= Guile's behaviour can be modified by setting options. For example, is the language that Guile accepts case sensitive, or should the debugger automatically show a backtrace on error? Guile has two levels of interface for managing options: a low-level control interface, and a user-level interface which allows the enabling or disabling of options. Moreover, the options are classified in groups according to whether they configure _reading_, _printing_, _debugging_ or _evaluating_. * Menu: * General option interface:: * Reader options:: * Printing options:: * Debugger options:: * Evaluator options:: * Examples of option use::  File:, Node: General option interface, Next: Reader options, Up: Guile options interface General option interface ------------------------ We will use the expression `' to represent `read', `print', `debug' or `evaluator'. Low level ......... -- primitive: -options-interface -- primitive: read-options-interface [SOME-INT] -- primitive: print-options-interface [SOME-INT] -- primitive: evaluator-traps-interface [SOME-INT] -- primitive: read-options-interface [SOME-INT] [FIXME: I have just taken the comments for C routine scm_options that implements all of these. It needs to be presented better.] If scm_options is called without arguments, the current option setting is returned. If the argument is an option setting, options are altered and the old setting is returned. If the argument isn't a list, a list of sublists is returned, where each sublist contains option name, value and documentation string. User level .......... -- procedure: -options [arg] -- procedure: read-options [arg] -- procedure: print-options [arg] -- procedure: debug-options [arg] -- procedure: traps [arg] These functions list the options in their group. The optional argument ARG is a symbol which modifies the form in which the options are presented. With no arguments, `-options' returns the values of the options in that particular group. If ARG is `'help', a description of each option is given. If ARG is `'full', programmers' options are also shown. ARG can also be a list representing the state of all options. In this case, the list contains single symbols (for enabled boolean options) and symbols followed by values. [FIXME: I don't think 'full is ever any different from 'help. What's up?] -- procedure: -enable option-symbol -- procedure: read-enable option-symbol -- procedure: print-enable option-symbol -- procedure: debug-enable option-symbol -- procedure: trap-enable option-symbol These functions set the specified OPTION-SYMBOL in their options group. They only work if the option is boolean, and throw an error otherwise. -- procedure: -disable option-symbol -- procedure: read-disable option-symbol -- procedure: print-disable option-symbol -- procedure: debug-disable option-symbol -- procedure: trap-disable option-symbol These functions turn off the specified OPTION-SYMBOL in their options group. They only work if the option is boolean, and throw an error otherwise. -- syntax: -set! option-symbol value -- syntax: read-set! option-symbol value -- syntax: print-set! option-symbol value -- syntax: debug-set! option-symbol value -- syntax: trap-set! option-symbol value These functions set a non-boolean OPTION-SYMBOL to the specified VALUE.  File:, Node: Reader options, Next: Printing options, Prev: General option interface, Up: Guile options interface Reader options -------------- Here is the list of reader options generated by typing `(read-options 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. keywords #f Style of keyword recognition: #f or 'prefix case-insensitive no Convert symbols to lower case. positions yes Record positions of source code expressions. copy no Copy source code expressions. Notice that while Standard Scheme is case insensitive, to ease translation of other Lisp dialects, notably Emacs Lisp, into Guile, Guile is case-sensitive by default. To make Guile case insensitive, you can type (read-enable 'case-insensitive)  File:, Node: Printing options, Next: Debugger options, Prev: Reader options, Up: Guile options interface Printing options ---------------- Here is the list of print options generated by typing `(print-options 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. source no Print closures with source. closure-hook #f Hook for printing closures.  File:, Node: Evaluator options, Next: Examples of option use, Prev: Debugger options, Up: Guile options interface Evaluator options ----------------- Here is the list of print options generated by typing `(traps 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. exit-frame no Trap when exiting eval or apply. apply-frame no Trap when entering apply. enter-frame no Trap when eval enters new frame.  File:, Node: Debugger options, Next: Evaluator options, Prev: Printing options, Up: Guile options interface Debugger options ---------------- Here is the list of print options generated by typing `(debug-options 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. stack 20000 Stack size limit (0 = no check). debug yes Use the debugging evaluator. backtrace no Show backtrace on error. depth 20 Maximal length of printed backtrace. maxdepth 1000 Maximal number of stored backtrace frames. frames 3 Maximum number of tail-recursive frames in backtrace. indent 10 Maximal indentation in backtrace. backwards no Display backtrace in anti-chronological order. procnames yes Record procedure names at definition. trace no *Trace mode. breakpoints no *Check for breakpoints. cheap yes *Flyweight representation of the stack at traps.  File:, Node: Examples of option use, Prev: Evaluator options, Up: Guile options interface Examples of option use ---------------------- Here is an example of a session in which some read and debug option handling procedures are used. In this example, the user 1. Notices that the symbols `abc' and `aBc' are not the same 2. Examines the `read-options', and sees that `case-insensitive' is set to ``no''. 3. Enables `case-insensitive' 4. Verifies that now `aBc' and `abc' are the same 5. Disables `case-insensitive' and enables debugging `backtrace' 6. Reproduces the error of displaying `aBc' with backtracing enabled [FIXME: this last example is lame because there is no depth in the backtrace. Need to give a better example, possibly putting debugging option examples in a separate session.] guile> (define abc "hello") guile> abc "hello" guile> aBc ERROR: In expression aBc: ERROR: Unbound variable: aBc ABORT: (misc-error) Type "(backtrace)" to get more information. guile> (read-options 'help) keywords #f Style of keyword recognition: #f or 'prefix case-insensitive no Convert symbols to lower case. positions yes Record positions of source code expressions. copy no Copy source code expressions. guile> (debug-options 'help) stack 20000 Stack size limit (0 = no check). debug yes Use the debugging evaluator. backtrace no Show backtrace on error. depth 20 Maximal length of printed backtrace. maxdepth 1000 Maximal number of stored backtrace frames. frames 3 Maximum number of tail-recursive frames in backtrace. indent 10 Maximal indentation in backtrace. backwards no Display backtrace in anti-chronological order. procnames yes Record procedure names at definition. trace no *Trace mode. breakpoints no *Check for breakpoints. cheap yes *Flyweight representation of the stack at traps. guile> (read-enable 'case-insensitive) (keywords #f case-insensitive positions) guile> aBc "hello" guile> (read-disable 'case-insensitive) (keywords #f positions) guile> (debug-enable 'backtrace) (stack 20000 debug backtrace depth 20 maxdepth 1000 frames 3 indent 10 procnames cheap) guile> aBc Backtrace: 0* aBc ERROR: In expression aBc: ERROR: Unbound variable: aBc ABORT: (misc-error) guile>  File:, Node: SLIB, Next: Evaluation, Prev: Extensions to Scheme, Up: Top SLIB **** Before the the SLIB facilities can be used, the following Scheme expression must be executed: (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) `require' can then be used as described in *Note SLIB: (slib)Top. For example: (require 'format) (format "~8,48D" 10) * Menu: * JACAL::  File:, Node: JACAL, Up: SLIB JACAL ===== Jacal is a symbolic math package written in Scheme by Aubrey Jaffer. It is usually installed as an extra package in SLIB (*note Packages not shipped with Guile::.). You can use Guile's interface to SLIB to invoke Jacal: (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (slib:load "math") (math) For complete documentation on Jacal, please read the Jacal manual. If it has been installed on line, you can look at *Note Jacal: (jacal)Top. Otherwise you can find it on the web at  File:, Node: Evaluation, Next: Lists, Prev: SLIB, Up: Top Evaluation ********** This chapter describes Guile functions that are concerned with loading and evaluating Scheme code at run time. R4RS Scheme, because of strong differences in opinion among implementors, only provides a `load' function. There are many useful programs that are difficult or impossible to write without more powerful evaluation procedures, so we have provided some. [FIXME: This needs some more text on the difference between procedures, macros and memoizing macros. Also, any definitions listed here should be double-checked by someone who knows what's going on. Ask Mikael, Jim or Aubrey for help. -twp] -- primitive: procedure-documentation proc Return the documentation string associated with `proc'. By convention, if a procedure contains more than one expression and the first expression is a string constant, that string is assumed to contain documentation for that procedure. -- primitive: procedure->syntax proc [FIXME: Get documentation from SCM/SLIB.] -- primitive: procedure->macro proc [FIXME: Get documentation from SCM/SLIB.] -- primitive: procedure->memoizing-macro proc [FIXME: Get documentation from SCM/SLIB.] -- primitive: macro? obj Return `#t' if OBJ is a regular macro, a memoizing macro or a syntax transformer. -- primitive: macro-type obj Return one of the symbols `syntax', `macro' or `macro!', depending on whether OBJ is a syntax tranformer, a regular macro, or a memoizing macro, respectively. If OBJ is not a macro, `#f' is returned. -- primitive: macro-name -- primitive: macro-transformer -- primitive: promise? obj Return true if OBJ is a promise, i.e. a delayed computation (*note Delayed evaluation: ( evaluation.). -- primitive: copy-tree obj Recursively copy the data tree that is bound to OBJ, and return a pointer to the new data structure. `copy-tree' recurses down the contents of both pairs and vectors (since both cons cells and vector cells may point to arbitrary objects), and stops recursing when it hits any other object. -- primitive: eval exp Evaluate EXP, a list representing a Scheme expression, in the top-level environment. -- primitive: eval2 exp lookup Evaluate EXP, a Scheme expression, in the environment designated by LOOKUP, a symbol-lookup function. `(eval exp)' is equivalent to `(eval2 exp *top-level-lookup-closure*)'. -- primitive: local-eval! exp [env] Evaluate EXP in its environment. If ENV is supplied, it is the environment in which to evaluate EXP. Otherwise, EXP must be a memoized code object (in which case, its environment is implicit). -- primitive: defined? sym Return `#t' if SYM is defined in the top-level environment. -- primitive: read-and-eval! [port] Read a form from PORT (standard input by default), and evaluate it (memoizing it in the process) in the top-level environment. If no data is left to be read from PORT, an `end-of-file' error is signalled. -- primitive: primitive-load file Load FILE and evaluate its contents in the top-level environment. The load paths are not searched; FILE must either be a full pathname or be a pathname relative to the current directory. If the variable `%load-hook' is defined, it should be bound to a procedure that will be called before any code is loaded. See documentation for `%load-hook' later in this section. -- primitive: primitive-load-path file Search %LOAD-PATH for FILE and load it into the top-level environment. If FILE is a relative pathname and is not found in the list of search paths, an error is signalled. -- primitive: %search-load-path file Search %LOAD-PATH for FILE, which must be readable by the current user. If FILE is found in the list of paths to search or is an absolute pathname, return its full pathname. Otherwise, return `#f'. Filenames may have any of the optional extensions in the `%load-extensions' list; `%search-load-path' will try each extension automatically. -- Variable: %load-hook A procedure to be run whenever `primitive-load' is called. If this procedure is defined, it will be called with the filename argument that was passed to `primitive-load'. (define %load-hook (lambda (file) (display "Loading ") (display file) (write-line "...."))) => undefined (load-from-path "foo.scm") -| Loading /usr/local/share/guile/site/foo.scm.... -- Variable: %load-extensions A list of default file extensions for files containing Scheme code. `%search-load-path' tries each of these extensions when looking for a file to load. By default, `%load-extensions' is bound to the list `("" ".scm")'.