This is, produced by Makeinfo version 3.12a from guile-ref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Scheme Programming START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * guile-ref: (guile-ref). The Guile Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Guile Reference Manual Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.  File:, Node: Procedure Index, Next: Variable Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Procedure Index *************** This is an alphabetical list of all the procedures and macros in Guile. [[Remind people to look for functions under their Scheme names as well as their C names.]] * Menu: * %make-void-port: File Ports. * %package-data-dir: Configuration Data. * %read-delimited!: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * %read-line: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * %search-load-path: Evaluation. * *gh_scm2chars: Scheme to C. * *gh_scm2doubles: Scheme to C. * *gh_scm2floats: Scheme to C. * *gh_scm2longs: Scheme to C. * *gh_scm2newstr: Scheme to C. * *gh_scm2shorts: Scheme to C. * *gh_symbol2newstr: Scheme to C. * -disable: General option interface. * -enable: General option interface. * -options: General option interface. * -options-interface: General option interface. * -set!: General option interface. * accept: Network sockets. * access?: File System. * acons: Association Lists. * advance-dfa!: Rx Interface. * alarm: Signals. * append!: Lists. * array->list: Conventional Arrays. * array-contents: Conventional Arrays. * array-copy!: Conventional Arrays. * array-dimensions: Conventional Arrays. * array-equal?: Conventional Arrays. * array-fill!: Conventional Arrays. * array-for-each: Array Mapping. * array-in-bounds?: Conventional Arrays. * array-index-map!: Array Mapping. * array-map!: Array Mapping. * array-prototype: Uniform Array. * array-rank: Conventional Arrays. * array-ref: Conventional Arrays. * array-set!: Conventional Arrays. * array-shape: Conventional Arrays. * array? <1>: Conventional Arrays. * array?: Uniform Array. * ash: Bitwise Operations. * assoc: Association Lists. * assoc-ref: Association Lists. * assoc-remove!: Association Lists. * assoc-set!: Association Lists. * assq: Association Lists. * assq-ref: Association Lists. * assq-remove!: Association Lists. * assq-set!: Association Lists. * assv: Association Lists. * assv-ref: Association Lists. * assv-remove!: Association Lists. * assv-set!: Association Lists. * batch-mode?: Dynamic Roots. * bind: Network sockets. * bit-count: Bit Vectors. * bit-count*: Bit Vectors. * bit-extract: Bitwise Operations. * bit-invert!: Bit Vectors. * bit-position: Bit Vectors. * bit-set*!: Bit Vectors. * builtin-bindings: Symbols. * builtin-weak-bindings: Symbols. * c-clear-registered-modules: Dynamic Libraries. * c-registered-modules: Dynamic Libraries. * call-with-dynamic-root: Dynamic Roots. * call-with-input-string: String Ports. * call-with-new-thread <1>: Higher level thread procedures. * call-with-new-thread: Low level thread primitives. * call-with-output-string: String Ports. * catch: Exceptions. * cd: Processes. * chdir: Processes. * chmod: File System. * chown: File System. * close: Ports and File Descriptors. * close-all-ports-except: Ports and File Descriptors. * close-input-port: Closing Ports. * close-output-port: Closing Ports. * close-pipe: Pipes. * close-port: Closing Ports. * closedir: File System. * command-line: The Top of a script file. * compiled-regexp?: Rx Interface. * connect: Network sockets. * copy-file: File System. * copy-tree: Evaluation. * ctermid: Terminals and Ptys. * current-error-port: Port Operations. * current-time: Time. * debug-disable: General option interface. * debug-enable: General option interface. * debug-options: General option interface. * debug-set!: General option interface. * define-module: The Guile module system. * define-public: The Guile module system. * defined?: Evaluation. * delete: Lists. * delete!: Lists. * delete-file: File System. * delq: Lists. * delq!: Lists. * delv: Lists. * delv!: Lists. * dfa-continuable?: Rx Interface. * dfa-final-tag: Rx Interface. * dfa-fork: Rx Interface. * dimensions->uniform-array: Uniform Array. * doubly-weak-hash-table?: Weak References. * dup: Ports and File Descriptors. * dup->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. * dup->inport: Ports and File Descriptors. * dup->outport: Ports and File Descriptors. * dup->port: Ports and File Descriptors. * duplicate-port: Ports and File Descriptors. * dynamic-args-call <1>: Low level dynamic linking. * dynamic-args-call: Dynamic Libraries. * dynamic-call <1>: Low level dynamic linking. * dynamic-call: Dynamic Libraries. * dynamic-func <1>: Low level dynamic linking. * dynamic-func: Dynamic Libraries. * dynamic-link <1>: Low level dynamic linking. * dynamic-link: Dynamic Libraries. * dynamic-object? <1>: Dynamic Libraries. * dynamic-object?: Low level dynamic linking. * dynamic-root: Dynamic Roots. * dynamic-unlink <1>: Dynamic Libraries. * dynamic-unlink: Low level dynamic linking. * dynamic-wind: Dynamic Wind. * enclose-array: Conventional Arrays. * endgrent: User Information. * endhostent: Networking Databases. * endnetent: Networking Databases. * endprotoent: Networking Databases. * endpwent: User Information. * endservent: Networking Databases. * environ: Processes. * error: Exceptions. * eval: Evaluation. * eval-string: String Ports. * eval2: Evaluation. * evaluator-traps-interface: General option interface. * execl: Processes. * execle: Processes. * execlp: Processes. * expect: Expect. * expect-strings: Expect. * false-if-exception: Exceptions. * fchmod: File System. * fchown: File System. * fcntl: Ports and File Descriptors. * fdes->inport: Ports and File Descriptors. * fdes->outport: Ports and File Descriptors. * fdes->ports: Ports and File Descriptors. * fdopen: Ports and File Descriptors. * fflush: Ports and File Descriptors. * fileno: Ports and File Descriptors. * flush-all-ports: Ports and File Descriptors. * fn: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. * force-output: Ports and File Descriptors. * frame-arguments: Stacks and Frames. * frame-evaluating-args?: Stacks and Frames. * frame-next: Stacks and Frames. * frame-number: Stacks and Frames. * frame-overflow: Stacks and Frames. * frame-previous: Stacks and Frames. * frame-procedure: Stacks and Frames. * frame-procedure?: Stacks and Frames. * frame-real?: Stacks and Frames. * frame-source: Stacks and Frames. * frame?: Stacks and Frames. * fread: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * freopen: Ports and File Descriptors. * fseek: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * fstat: File System. * fsync: Ports and File Descriptors. * ftell: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * ftruncate: File System. * fwrite: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * gc: Garbage Collection. * gc-stats: Garbage Collection. * gensym: Symbols. * get-internal-real-time: Time. * get-internal-run-time: Time. * getcwd: Processes. * getegid: Processes. * getenv: Processes. * geteuid: Processes. * getgid: Processes. * getgr: User Information. * getgrent: User Information. * getgrgid: User Information. * getgrnam: User Information. * getgroups: Processes. * gethost: Networking Databases. * gethostbyaddr: Networking Databases. * gethostbyname: Networking Databases. * gethostent: Networking Databases. * getnet: Networking Databases. * getnetbyaddr: Networking Databases. * getnetbyname: Networking Databases. * getnetent: Networking Databases. * getpeername: Network sockets. * getpgrp: Processes. * getpid: Processes. * getppid: Processes. * getproto: Networking Databases. * getprotobyname: Networking Databases. * getprotobynumber: Networking Databases. * getprotoent: Networking Databases. * getpw: User Information. * getpwent: User Information. * getpwnam: User Information. * getpwuid: User Information. * getserv: Networking Databases. * getservbyname: Networking Databases. * getservbyport: Networking Databases. * getservent: Networking Databases. * getsockname: Network sockets. * getsockopt: Network sockets. * gettimeofday: Time. * getuid: Processes. * GH_ALLOW_INTS: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. * gh_append: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_append2: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_append3: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_append4: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_apply: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_assoc: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_assq: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_assv: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_bool2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_boolean_p: Type predicates. * gh_c: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_call0: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_call1: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_call2: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_call3: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_car: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_catch: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_cdr: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_char2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_char_p: Type predicates. * gh_chars2byvect: C to Scheme. * gh_cons: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * GH_DEFER_INTS: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. * gh_define: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_double2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_doubles2dvect: C to Scheme. * gh_doubles2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_enter: Starting and controlling the interpreter. * gh_eq_p: Equality predicates. * gh_equal_p: Equality predicates. * gh_eqv_p: Equality predicates. * gh_eval_file: Executing Scheme code. * gh_eval_str: Executing Scheme code. * gh_exact_p: Type predicates. * gh_floats2fvect: C to Scheme. * gh_get_substr: Scheme to C. * gh_inexact_p: Type predicates. * gh_ints2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_is_eq: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_is_equal: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_is_eqv: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_length: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_list: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_list_p: Type predicates. * gh_list_ref: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_list_tail: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_list_to_vector: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_load: Executing Scheme code. * gh_long2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_longs2ivect: C to Scheme. * gh_make_vector: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_member: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_memq: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_memv: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_new_procedure: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. * gh_null_p: Equality predicates. * gh_obj_length: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_pair_p: Type predicates. * gh_procedure_p: Type predicates. * gh_repl: Starting and controlling the interpreter. * gh_reverse: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_scm2bool: Scheme to C. * gh_scm2char: Scheme to C. * gh_scm2double: Scheme to C. * gh_scm2long: Scheme to C. * gh_scm2ulong: Scheme to C. * gh_set_car: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_set_car_x: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_set_cdr: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_set_cdr_x: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_set_substr: C to Scheme. * gh_shorts2svect: C to Scheme. * gh_str02scm: C to Scheme. * gh_str2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_string_equal_p: Equality predicates. * gh_symbol2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_symbol_p: Type predicates. * gh_throw: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_ulong2scm: C to Scheme. * gh_ulongs2uvect: C to Scheme. * gh_vector: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_vector_length: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_vector_p: Type predicates. * gh_vector_ref: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gh_vector_set: Calling Scheme procedures from C. * gmtime: Time. * hash: Hash Tables. * hash-create-handle!: Hash Tables. * hash-get-handle: Hash Tables. * hash-ref: Hash Tables. * hash-remove!: Hash Tables. * hash-set!: Hash Tables. * hashq: Hash Tables. * hashq-create-handle!: Hash Tables. * hashq-get-handle: Hash Tables. * hashq-ref: Hash Tables. * hashq-remove!: Hash Tables. * hashq-set!: Hash Tables. * hashv: Hash Tables. * hashv-create-handle!: Hash Tables. * hashv-get-handle: Hash Tables. * hashv-ref: Hash Tables. * hashv-remove!: Hash Tables. * hashv-set!: Hash Tables. * hashx-create-handle!: Hash Tables. * hashx-get-handle: Hash Tables. * hashx-ref: Hash Tables. * hashx-remove!: Hash Tables. * hashx-set!: Hash Tables. * hostent:addr-list: Networking Databases. * hostent:addrtype: Networking Databases. * hostent:aliases: Networking Databases. * hostent:length: Networking Databases. * hostent:name: Networking Databases. * inet-aton: Networking Databases. * inet-lnaof: Networking Databases. * inet-makeaddr: Networking Databases. * inet-netof: Networking Databases. * inet-ntoa: Networking Databases. * integer-expt: Bitwise Operations. * integer-length: Bitwise Operations. * intern-symbol: Symbols. * isatty?: Terminals and Ptys. * join-thread <1>: Higher level thread procedures. * join-thread: Low level thread primitives. * keyword-dash-symbol: Keywords. * keyword?: Keywords. * kill: Signals. * last-pair: Lists. * last-stack-frame: Stacks and Frames. * lchown: File System. * libguile-config-stamp: Configuration Data. * link: File System. * list->uniform-array: Uniform Array. * list->uniform-vector: Uniform Array. * list->weak-vector: Weak References. * list-cdr-ref: Lists. * list-cdr-set!: Lists. * list-copy: Lists. * list-head: Lists. * list-set!: Lists. * list-tail: Lists. * listen: Network sockets. * local-eval!: Evaluation. * localtime: Time. * lock-mutex <1>: Higher level thread procedures. * lock-mutex: Low level thread primitives. * logand: Bitwise Operations. * logbit?: Bitwise Operations. * logcount: Bitwise Operations. * logior: Bitwise Operations. * lognot: Bitwise Operations. * logtest: Bitwise Operations. * logxor: Bitwise Operations. * lseek: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * lstat: File System. * macro-name: Evaluation. * macro-transformer: Evaluation. * macro-type: Evaluation. * macro?: Evaluation. * main_prog: Starting and controlling the interpreter. * major-version: Configuration Data. * make-array: Conventional Arrays. * make-doubly-weak-hash-table: Weak References. * make-mutex <1>: Higher level thread procedures. * make-mutex: Low level thread primitives. * make-record-type: Records. * make-regexp: Regexp Functions. * make-shared-array: Conventional Arrays. * make-shared-substring: Shared Substrings. * make-soft-port: Soft Ports. * make-stack: Stacks and Frames. * make-struct: Structure Basics. * make-struct-layout: Structure Layout. * make-uniform-array: Uniform Array. * make-uniform-vector: Uniform Array. * make-vtable-vtable: Vtables. * make-weak-key-hash-table: Weak References. * make-weak-value-hash-table: Weak References. * make-weak-vector: Weak References. * match:count: Match Structures. * match:end: Match Structures. * match:prefix: Match Structures. * match:start: Match Structures. * match:string: Match Structures. * match:substring: Match Structures. * match:suffix: Match Structures. * minor-version: Configuration Data. * mkdir: File System. * mknod: File System. * mktime: Time. * move->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. * netent:addrtype: Networking Databases. * netent:aliases: Networking Databases. * netent:name: Networking Databases. * netent:net: Networking Databases. * nice: Processes. * object-address: Garbage Collection. * object-properties: Property Lists. * object-property: Property Lists. * open: Ports and File Descriptors. * open-fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. * open-file: File Ports. * open-input-file: File Ports. * open-input-pipe: Pipes. * open-output-file: File Ports. * open-output-pipe: Pipes. * open-pipe: Pipes. * opendir: File System. * pause: Signals. * pclose: Pipes. * pipe: Ports and File Descriptors. * popen: Pipes. * port->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. * port-column: Port Operations. * port-filename: File Ports. * port-line: Port Operations. * port-mode <1>: Ports and File Descriptors. * port-mode: File Ports. * port-revealed: Ports and File Descriptors. * primitive-exit: Processes. * primitive-fork: Processes. * primitive-load: Evaluation. * primitive-load-path: Evaluation. * primitive-move->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. * print-disable: General option interface. * print-enable: General option interface. * print-options: General option interface. * print-options-interface: General option interface. * print-set!: General option interface. * procedure->macro: Evaluation. * procedure->memoizing-macro: Evaluation. * procedure->syntax: Evaluation. * procedure-documentation: Evaluation. * procedure-properties: Property Lists. * procedure-property: Property Lists. * program-arguments: The Top of a script file. * promise?: Evaluation. * protoent:aliases: Networking Databases. * protoent:name: Networking Databases. * protoent:proto: Networking Databases. * putenv: Processes. * pwd: Processes. * quit: Dynamic Roots. * raise: Signals. * read-and-eval!: Evaluation. * read-delimited: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * read-delimited!: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * read-disable: General option interface. * read-enable: General option interface. * read-line: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * read-line!: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * read-only-string?: Read Only Strings. * read-options: General option interface. * read-options-interface: General option interface. * read-set!: General option interface. * readdir: File System. * readlink: File System. * record-accessor: Records. * record-constructor: Records. * record-modifier: Records. * record-predicate: Records. * record-type-descriptor: Records. * record-type-fields: Records. * record-type-name: Records. * record?: Records. * recv!: Network sockets. * recvfrom!: Network sockets. * redirect-port: Ports and File Descriptors. * regcomp: Rx Interface. * regexec: Rx Interface. * regexp->dfa: Rx Interface. * regexp-exec: Regexp Functions. * regexp-match?: Match Structures. * regexp-quote: Backslash Escapes. * regexp-substitute: Regexp Functions. * regexp-substitute/global: Regexp Functions. * regexp?: Regexp Functions. * release-port-handle: Ports and File Descriptors. * rename: File System. * rename-file: File System. * reset-dfa!: Rx Interface. * restore-signals: Signals. * reverse!: Lists. * rewinddir: File System. * rmdir: File System. * scm-error: Exceptions. * scm_boot_guile: Guile Initialization Functions. * scm_register_module_xxx: Compiled Code Modules. * scm_shell: Guile Initialization Functions. * select: Ports and File Descriptors. * send: Network sockets. * sendto: Network sockets. * serial-array-copy!: Conventional Arrays. * serial-array-map!: Array Mapping. * servent:aliases: Networking Databases. * servent:name: Networking Databases. * servent:port: Networking Databases. * servent:proto: Networking Databases. * set-batch-mode?!: Dynamic Roots. * set-current-error-port: Port Operations. * set-current-input-port: Port Operations. * set-current-output-port: Port Operations. * set-object-properties!: Property Lists. * set-object-property!: Property Lists. * set-port-column!: Port Operations. * set-port-filename!: File Ports. * set-port-line!: Port Operations. * set-port-revealed!: Ports and File Descriptors. * set-procedure-properties!: Property Lists. * set-procedure-property!: Property Lists. * setegid: Processes. * setenv: Processes. * seteuid: Processes. * setgid: Processes. * setgr: User Information. * setgrent: User Information. * sethostent: Networking Databases. * setlocale: Locales. * setnetent: Networking Databases. * setpgid: Processes. * setprotoent: Networking Databases. * setpw: User Information. * setpwent: User Information. * setservent: Networking Databases. * setsid: Processes. * setsockopt: Network sockets. * setuid: Processes. * setvbuf: Ports and File Descriptors. * shutdown: Network sockets. * sigaction: Signals. * sleep: Signals. * sloppy-member: Lists. * sloppy-memq: Lists. * sloppy-memv: Lists. * socket: Network sockets. * socketpair: Network sockets. * software-type: System Identification. * stack-id: Stacks and Frames. * stack-length: Stacks and Frames. * stack-ref: Stacks and Frames. * stack?: Stacks and Frames. * start-stack: Stacks and Frames. * stat: File System. * status:exit-val: Processes. * status:stop-sig: Processes. * status:term-sig: Processes. * strerror: Exceptions. * strftime: Time. * string->obarray-symbol: Symbols. * string-downcase!: String Fun. * string-index: String Fun. * string-match: Regexp Functions. * string-null?: String Fun. * string-rindex: String Fun. * string-upcase!: String Fun. * strptime: Time. * struct-ref: Structure Basics. * struct-set!: Structure Basics. * struct-vtable: Vtables. * struct-vtable?: Vtables. * struct?: Structure Basics. * substring-fill!: String Fun. * substring-move-left!: String Fun. * substring-move-right!: String Fun. * symbol-binding: Symbols. * symbol-bound?: Symbols. * symbol-fref: Symbols. * symbol-fset!: Symbols. * symbol-hash: Symbols. * symbol-interned?: Symbols. * symbol-pref: Symbols. * symbol-pset!: Symbols. * symbol-set!: Symbols. * symlink: File System. * sync: File System. * system: Processes. * tcgetpgrp: Terminals and Ptys. * tcsetpgrp: Terminals and Ptys. * throw: Exceptions. * times: Time. * tmpnam: File System. * trace: Trace. * transpose-array: Conventional Arrays. * trap-disable: General option interface. * trap-enable: General option interface. * trap-set!: General option interface. * traps: General option interface. * truncate: File System. * truncate-file: File System. * ttyname: Terminals and Ptys. * tzset: Time. * umask: Processes. * uname: System Identification. * uniform-array-read!: Uniform Array. * uniform-array-write: Uniform Array. * uniform-vector-fill!: Uniform Array. * uniform-vector-length: Uniform Array. * uniform-vector-read!: Uniform Array. * uniform-vector-write: Uniform Array. * unintern-symbol: Symbols. * unlink: File System. * unlock-mutex <1>: Low level thread primitives. * unlock-mutex: Higher level thread procedures. * untrace: Trace. * use-modules: The Guile module system. * utime: File System. * vector-move-left!: String Fun. * vector-move-right!: String Fun. * version: Configuration Data. * waitpid: Processes. * weak-key-hash-table?: Weak References. * weak-value-hash-table?: Weak References. * weak-vector: Weak References. * weak-vector?: Weak References. * write-line: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * yield <1>: Low level thread primitives. * yield: Higher level thread procedures.  File:, Node: Variable Index, Next: Type Index, Prev: Procedure Index, Up: Top Variable Index ************** This is an alphabetical list of all the important variables and constants in Guile. [[Remind people to look for variables under their Scheme names as well as their C names.]] * Menu: * %load-extensions: Evaluation. * %load-hook: Evaluation. * %load-path: Configuration Data. * F_OK: File System. * INADDR_ANY: Network sockets. * INADDR_BROADCAST: Network sockets. * INADDR_LOOPBACK: Network sockets. * INADDR_NONE: Network sockets. * internal-time-units-per-second: Time. * O_APPEND: Ports and File Descriptors. * O_CREAT: Ports and File Descriptors. * O_RDONLY: Ports and File Descriptors. * O_RDWR: Ports and File Descriptors. * O_WRONLY: Ports and File Descriptors. * R_OK: File System. * REG_EXTENDED: Rx Interface. * REG_ICASE: Rx Interface. * REG_NEWLINE: Rx Interface. * REG_NOTBOL: Rx Interface. * REG_NOTEOL: Rx Interface. * SCM_BOOL_F: Data types and constants defined by gh. * SCM_BOOL_T: Data types and constants defined by gh. * SCM_UNSPECIFIED: Data types and constants defined by gh. * SEEK_CUR: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * SEEK_END: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * SEEK_SET: Extended I/O (fseek and line read/write). * SIGHUP: Signals. * SIGINT: Signals. * W_OK: File System. * WNOHANG: Processes. * WUNTRACED: Processes. * X_OK: File System.  File:, Node: Type Index, Prev: Variable Index, Up: Top Type Index ********** This is an alphabetical list of all the important data types defined in the Guile Programmers Manual. * Menu: * SCM: Data types and constants defined by gh.