WHERE TO GET IT Software written by members of the section is freely available to anyone. Reposting on other archives is encouraged. The code is furnished in source form and as DOS and Macintosh executables. Readers with Internet access and a browser might note the following web site addresses: University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Home Page: http://utmdacc.mdacc.tmc.edu/ Department of Biomathematics Home Page: http://odin.mdacc.tmc.edu/ Available Software: http://odin.mdacc.tmc.edu/anonftp/ Our code can also be obtained by anonymous ftp to odin.mdacc.tmc.edu. The index is on file ./pub/index. Our statistical code is also posted to statlib after some delay. Statlib can be accessed at: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/ See in particular: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/general/Utexas/ The code is also archived at many other sites (at their option). Use your favorite search engine to find one close to you.