/*************************************************************************** ns.c (libIDL namespace functions) Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Andrew T. Veliath This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id: ns.c,v 1.23 1999/02/24 03:21:23 andrewtv Exp $ ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rename.h" #include "util.h" static int is_inheritance_conflict (IDL_tree p); IDL_ns IDL_ns_new (void) { IDL_ns ns; ns = g_new0 (struct _IDL_ns, 1); if (ns == NULL) { yyerror ("IDL_ns_new: memory exhausted"); return NULL; } IDL_NS (ns).global = IDL_gentree_new (IDL_ident_hash, IDL_ident_equal, IDL_ident_new ("")); IDL_NS (ns).file = IDL_NS (ns).current = IDL_NS (ns).global; IDL_NS (ns).inhibits = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); IDL_NS (ns).filename_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); return ns; } static void filename_hash_free (char *filename, IDL_fileinfo *fi) { g_free (filename); g_free (fi); } void IDL_ns_free (IDL_ns ns) { assert (ns != NULL); g_hash_table_foreach (IDL_NS (ns).inhibits, (GHFunc)IDL_tree_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (IDL_NS (ns).inhibits); g_hash_table_foreach (IDL_NS (ns).filename_hash, (GHFunc) filename_hash_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (IDL_NS (ns).filename_hash); IDL_tree_free (IDL_NS (ns).global); g_free (ns); } #define IDL_NS_ASSERTS do { \ assert (ns != NULL); \ if (__IDL_is_parsing) { \ assert (IDL_NS (ns).global != NULL); \ assert (IDL_NS (ns).file != NULL); \ assert (IDL_NS (ns).current != NULL); \ assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NS (ns).global) == IDLN_GENTREE); \ assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NS (ns).file) == IDLN_GENTREE); \ assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NS (ns).current) == IDLN_GENTREE); \ } \ } while (0) int IDL_ns_prefix (IDL_ns ns, const char *s) { char *r; int l; IDL_NS_ASSERTS; if (s == NULL) return FALSE; if (*s == '"') r = g_strdup (s + 1); else r = g_strdup (s); l = strlen (r); if (l && r[l - 1] == '"') r[l - 1] = 0; if (IDL_GENTREE (IDL_NS (ns).current)._cur_prefix) g_free (IDL_GENTREE (IDL_NS (ns).current)._cur_prefix); IDL_GENTREE (IDL_NS (ns).current)._cur_prefix = r; return TRUE; } IDL_tree IDL_ns_resolve_this_scope_ident (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree scope, IDL_tree ident) { IDL_tree p, q; IDL_NS_ASSERTS; p = scope; while (p != NULL) { q = IDL_ns_lookup_this_scope (ns, p, ident, NULL); if (q != NULL) return q; p = IDL_NODE_UP (p); } return p; } IDL_tree IDL_ns_resolve_ident (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree ident) { return IDL_ns_resolve_this_scope_ident (ns, IDL_NS (ns).current, ident); } IDL_tree IDL_ns_lookup_this_scope (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree scope, IDL_tree ident, gboolean *conflict) { IDL_tree p, q; IDL_NS_ASSERTS; if (conflict) *conflict = TRUE; if (scope == NULL) return NULL; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (scope) == IDLN_GENTREE); /* Search this namespace */ if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended ( IDL_GENTREE (scope).children, ident, NULL, (gpointer)&p)) { assert (IDL_GENTREE (p).data != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (p).data) == IDLN_IDENT); return p; } /* If there are inherited namespaces, look in those before giving up */ q = IDL_GENTREE (scope)._import; if (!q) return NULL; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_LIST); for (; q != NULL; q = IDL_LIST (q).next) { IDL_tree r; assert (IDL_LIST (q).data != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_LIST (q).data) == IDLN_IDENT); assert (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_LIST (q).data) != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_LIST (q).data)) == IDLN_GENTREE); /* Search imported namespace scope q */ if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended ( IDL_GENTREE (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_LIST (q).data)).children, ident, NULL, (gpointer)&p)) { assert (IDL_GENTREE (p).data != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (p).data) == IDLN_IDENT); /* This needs more work, it won't do full ambiguity detection */ if (conflict && !is_inheritance_conflict (p)) *conflict = FALSE; return p; } /* Search up one level */ if (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_LIST (q).data)) == IDLN_INTERFACE && (r = IDL_ns_lookup_this_scope ( ns, IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_LIST (q).data), ident, conflict))) return r; } return NULL; } IDL_tree IDL_ns_lookup_cur_scope (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree ident, gboolean *conflict) { return IDL_ns_lookup_this_scope (ns, IDL_NS (ns).current, ident, conflict); } IDL_tree IDL_ns_place_new (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree ident) { IDL_tree p, up_save; gboolean does_conflict; IDL_NS_ASSERTS; p = IDL_ns_lookup_cur_scope (ns, ident, &does_conflict); if (p != NULL && does_conflict) return NULL; /* The namespace tree is separate from the primary parse tree, so keep the primary tree node's parent the same */ up_save = IDL_NODE_UP (ident); p = IDL_gentree_chain_child (IDL_NS (ns).current, ident); IDL_NODE_UP (ident) = up_save; if (p == NULL) return NULL; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (p) == IDLN_GENTREE); IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (ident) = p; assert (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (ident)) == IDL_NS (ns).current); /* Generate default repository ID */ IDL_IDENT_REPO_ID (ident) = IDL_ns_ident_make_repo_id (__IDL_root_ns, p, NULL, NULL, NULL); return p; } void IDL_ns_push_scope (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree ns_ident) { IDL_NS_ASSERTS; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (ns_ident) == IDLN_GENTREE); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (ns_ident).data) == IDLN_IDENT); assert (IDL_NS (ns).current == IDL_NODE_UP (ns_ident)); IDL_NS (ns).current = ns_ident; } void IDL_ns_pop_scope (IDL_ns ns) { IDL_NS_ASSERTS; if (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_NS (ns).current) != NULL) IDL_NS (ns).current = IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_NS (ns).current); } IDL_tree IDL_ns_qualified_ident_new (IDL_tree nsid) { IDL_tree l = NULL, item; while (nsid != NULL) { if (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data == NULL) { nsid = IDL_NODE_UP (nsid); continue; } assert (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data) == IDLN_IDENT); item = IDL_list_new (IDL_ident_new ( g_strdup (IDL_IDENT (IDL_GENTREE (nsid).data).str))); l = IDL_list_concat (item, l); nsid = IDL_NODE_UP (nsid); } return l; } char *IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring (IDL_tree ns_ident, const char *join, int levels) { IDL_tree l, q; int len, joinlen; char *s; int count = 0, start_level; if (levels < 0 || levels > 64) return NULL; if (ns_ident == NULL) return NULL; if (IDL_NODE_TYPE (ns_ident) == IDLN_IDENT) ns_ident = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (ns_ident); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (ns_ident) == IDLN_GENTREE); l = IDL_ns_qualified_ident_new (ns_ident); if (l == NULL) return NULL; if (join == NULL) join = ""; joinlen = strlen (join); for (len = 0, q = l; q != NULL; q = IDL_LIST (q).next) { IDL_tree i = IDL_LIST (q).data; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_LIST); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (i) == IDLN_IDENT); if (IDL_IDENT (i).str != NULL) len += strlen (IDL_IDENT (i).str) + joinlen; ++count; } if (levels == 0) start_level = 0; else start_level = count - levels; assert (start_level >= 0 && start_level < count); s = g_malloc (len + 1); if (s == NULL) { IDL_tree_free (l); return NULL; } s[0] = '\0'; for (q = l; q != NULL; q = IDL_LIST (q).next) { IDL_tree i = IDL_LIST (q).data; if (start_level > 0) { --start_level; continue; } if (s[0] != '\0') strcat (s, join); strcat (s, IDL_IDENT (i).str); } IDL_tree_free (l); return s; } int IDL_ns_scope_levels_from_here (IDL_ns ns, IDL_tree ident, IDL_tree parent) { IDL_tree p, scope_here, scope_ident; int levels; g_return_val_if_fail (ns != NULL, 1); g_return_val_if_fail (ident != NULL, 1); while (parent && !IDL_NODE_IS_SCOPED (parent)) parent = IDL_NODE_UP (parent); if (parent == NULL) return 1; if ((scope_here = IDL_tree_get_scope (parent)) == NULL || (scope_ident = IDL_tree_get_scope (ident)) == NULL) return 1; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (scope_here) == IDLN_GENTREE); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (scope_ident) == IDLN_GENTREE); for (levels = 1; scope_ident; ++levels, scope_ident = IDL_NODE_UP (scope_ident)) { p = IDL_ns_resolve_this_scope_ident ( ns, scope_here, IDL_GENTREE (scope_ident).data); if (p == scope_ident) return levels; } return 1; } /* If insertion was made, return true, else there was a collision */ static gboolean heap_insert_ident (IDL_tree interface_ident, GTree *heap, IDL_tree any) { IDL_tree p; assert (any != NULL); assert (heap != NULL); if ((p = g_tree_lookup (heap, any))) { char *newi; char *i1, *i2; char *what1 = "identifier", *what2 = what1; char *who1, *who2; IDL_tree q; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (p) == IDLN_IDENT); newi = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (interface_ident), "::", 0); i1 = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (p), "::", 0); i2 = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (any), "::", 0); q = p; while (q && (IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_IDENT || IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_LIST)) q = IDL_NODE_UP (q); assert (q != NULL); IDL_tree_get_node_info (q, &what1, &who1); q = any; while (q && (IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_IDENT || IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_LIST)) q = IDL_NODE_UP (q); assert (q != NULL); IDL_tree_get_node_info (q, &what2, &who2); yyerrorv ("Ambiguous inheritance in interface `%s' from %s `%s' and %s `%s'", newi, what1, i1, what2, i2); IDL_tree_error (p, "%s `%s' conflicts with", what1, i1); IDL_tree_error (any, "%s `%s'", what2, i2); g_free (newi); g_free (i1); g_free (i2); return FALSE; } g_tree_insert (heap, any, any); return TRUE; } static int is_visited_interface (GHashTable *visited_interfaces, IDL_tree scope) { assert (scope != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (scope) == IDLN_GENTREE); /* If already visited, do not visit again */ return g_hash_table_lookup_extended (visited_interfaces, scope, NULL, NULL); } static void mark_visited_interface (GHashTable *visited_interfaces, IDL_tree scope) { assert (scope != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (scope) == IDLN_GENTREE); g_hash_table_insert (visited_interfaces, scope, scope); } static int is_inheritance_conflict (IDL_tree p) { if (IDL_GENTREE (p).data == NULL) return FALSE; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (p).data) == IDLN_IDENT); if (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_GENTREE (p).data) == NULL) return FALSE; if (!(IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_GENTREE (p).data)) == IDLN_OP_DCL || (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_GENTREE (p).data) && IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_GENTREE (p).data))) == IDLN_ATTR_DCL))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } typedef struct { IDL_tree interface_ident; GTree *ident_heap; int insert_conflict; } InsertHeapData; static void insert_heap_cb (IDL_tree ident, IDL_tree p, InsertHeapData *data) { if (!is_inheritance_conflict (p)) return; if (!heap_insert_ident ( data->interface_ident, data->ident_heap, IDL_GENTREE (p).data)) data->insert_conflict = 1; } /* Return true if adds went okay */ static int IDL_ns_load_idents_to_tables (IDL_tree interface_ident, IDL_tree ident_scope, GTree *ident_heap, GHashTable *visited_interfaces) { IDL_tree q, scope; InsertHeapData data; assert (ident_scope != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (ident_scope) == IDLN_IDENT); scope = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (ident_scope); if (!scope) return TRUE; assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (scope) == IDLN_GENTREE); assert (IDL_GENTREE (scope).data != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_GENTREE (scope).data) == IDLN_IDENT); assert (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_GENTREE (scope).data) != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_GENTREE (scope).data)) == IDLN_INTERFACE); if (is_visited_interface (visited_interfaces, scope)) return TRUE; /* Search this namespace */ data.interface_ident = interface_ident; data.ident_heap = ident_heap; data.insert_conflict = 0; g_hash_table_foreach (IDL_GENTREE (scope).children, (GHFunc)insert_heap_cb, &data); /* If there are inherited namespaces, look in those before giving up */ q = IDL_GENTREE (scope)._import; if (!q) data.insert_conflict = 0; else assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (q) == IDLN_LIST); /* Add inherited namespace identifiers into heap */ for (; q != NULL; q = IDL_LIST (q).next) { int r; assert (IDL_LIST (q).data != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_LIST (q).data) == IDLN_IDENT); assert (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_LIST (q).data) != NULL); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_IDENT_TO_NS (IDL_LIST (q).data)) == IDLN_GENTREE); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (IDL_NODE_UP (IDL_LIST (q).data)) == IDLN_INTERFACE); if (!(r = IDL_ns_load_idents_to_tables (interface_ident, IDL_LIST (q).data, ident_heap, visited_interfaces))) data.insert_conflict = 1; } mark_visited_interface (visited_interfaces, scope); return data.insert_conflict == 0; } int IDL_ns_check_for_ambiguous_inheritance (IDL_tree interface_ident, IDL_tree p) { /* We use a sorted heap to check for namespace collisions, since we must do case-insensitive collision checks. visited_interfaces is a hash of visited interface nodes, so we only visit common ancestors once. */ GTree *ident_heap; GHashTable *visited_interfaces; int is_ambiguous = 0; if (!p) return 0; ident_heap = g_tree_new (IDL_ident_cmp); visited_interfaces = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); assert (IDL_NODE_TYPE (p) == IDLN_LIST); for (; p; p = IDL_LIST (p).next) { if (!IDL_ns_load_idents_to_tables (interface_ident, IDL_LIST (p).data, ident_heap, visited_interfaces)) is_ambiguous = 1; } g_tree_destroy (ident_heap); g_hash_table_destroy (visited_interfaces); return is_ambiguous; } /* * Local variables: * mode: C * c-basic-offset: 8 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: */