Version 0.4 =========== Communication gnomepager->fvwm2 works. Currently only desktop switch is implemented. No more need to have the compiled fvwm sources lying around. All necessary parts are included in here. Version 0.3 =========== Handles sticky windows. Version 0.2 =========== Implemented an enlightment simulation mode If your fvwm2rc contains the following line fvwm-pager HeadLess 0 4 (0 and 4 are the indices of the first and last desktop respectivly) the module is started without appearing in the panel. But, and that's the important thing, all properties are handled in the way the gnome-pager applets needs them. This means that you can use the gnome-pager applet and fvwm2 together. Don't forget to mark the panel window sticky in the fvwm2rc file. What's more important is that the dreaded IOR and panel cookie problems is not more relevant. Well, you loose some functionality with the gnome-pager (you can't switch desktops using the pager window, and you can't drag windows around). But it looks much nicer then my user interface. Version 0.1 =========== Reimplemented the pager to use a canvas instead of a drawing area. Now it's possible to move windows around. Theoretically it should also be possible to move the icons around, but this doesn't work now.