Chapter 4. Frequently Asked Questions

Here are listed some frequently asked questions and the answers to them.

Why am I not able to give Mini-Commander keyboard focus?

This is a confusing problem which seems to have several reasons and which occurs only under certain conditions.

When you cannot give Mini-Commander keyboard focus at all then this could be a problem with you window manager. If this is true for you it would helpful if you write me a short mail and tell me what window manager you are using (name and version).

Sometimes it happens that you can give keyboard focus to Mini-Commander only for the first time. After this it is impossible to focus it again. Currently the reason for this bug is unknown. Some people believe this could be a panel bug.

Here is the description of the latter problem mentioned on the gnome buglist:

From: sopwith @ (Elliot Lee)
Subject: 1998-12-29 buglist
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 18:11:17 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: < >

	The Buglist

** mini-commander applet
After losing focus, cannot get focus back into the GtkEntry. I think this
is a GtkPlug/GtkSocket bug, not sure. [1998-12-29]
