/* GNOME GUI Library * Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jay Painter * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __GNOME_DIALOG_H__ #define __GNOME_DIALOG_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include BEGIN_GNOME_DECLS #define GNOME_DIALOG(obj) GTK_CHECK_CAST (obj, gnome_dialog_get_type (), GnomeDialog) #define GNOME_DIALOG_CLASS(klass) GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST (klass, gnome_dialog_get_type (), GnomeDialogClass) #define GNOME_IS_DIALOG(obj) GTK_CHECK_TYPE (obj, gnome_dialog_get_type ()) typedef struct _GnomeDialog GnomeDialog; typedef struct _GnomeDialogClass GnomeDialogClass; /* The vbox can be accessed directly; if you fool with anything else, you're on your own. */ struct _GnomeDialog { GtkWindow window; GtkWidget * vbox; GtkWidget * action_area; /* A button box, not an hbox */ GList *buttons; GtkAccelGroup * accelerators; unsigned int click_closes : 1; unsigned int just_hide : 1; gpointer padding; }; struct _GnomeDialogClass { GtkWindowClass parent_class; void (* clicked) (GnomeDialog *dialog, gint button_number); gboolean (* close) (GnomeDialog * dialog); }; /* GnomeDialog creates an action area with the buttons of your choice. You should pass the button names (possibly GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_*) as arguments to gnome_dialog_new(). The buttons are numbered in the order you passed them in, starting at 0. These numbers are used in other functions, and passed to the "clicked" callback. */ guint gnome_dialog_get_type (void); /* Arguments: Title and button names, then NULL */ GtkWidget* gnome_dialog_new (const gchar * title, ...); /* Arguments: Title and NULL terminated array of button names. */ GtkWidget* gnome_dialog_newv (const gchar * title, const gchar **buttons); /* For now this just means the dialog can be centered over its parent. */ void gnome_dialog_set_parent (GnomeDialog * dialog, GtkWindow * parent); /* Note: it's better to use GnomeDialog::clicked rather than connecting to a button. These are really here in case you're lazy. */ /* Connect to the "clicked" signal of a single button */ void gnome_dialog_button_connect (GnomeDialog *dialog, gint button, GtkSignalFunc callback, gpointer data); /* Connect the object to the "clicked" signal of a single button */ void gnome_dialog_button_connect_object (GnomeDialog *dialog, gint button, GtkSignalFunc callback, GtkObject * obj); /* Run the dialog, return the button # that was pressed or -1 if none. (this sets the dialog modal while it blocks) */ gint gnome_dialog_run (GnomeDialog *dialog); gint gnome_dialog_run_and_close (GnomeDialog *dialog); /* Set the default button. - it will have a little highlight, and pressing return will activate it. */ void gnome_dialog_set_default (GnomeDialog *dialog, gint button); /* Set sensitivity of a button */ void gnome_dialog_set_sensitive (GnomeDialog *dialog, gint button, gboolean setting); /* Set the accelerator for a button. Note that there are two default accelerators: "Return" will be the same as clicking the default button, and "Escape" will emit delete_event. (Note: neither of these is in the accelerator table, Return is a Gtk default and Escape comes from a key press event handler.) */ void gnome_dialog_set_accelerator(GnomeDialog * dialog, gint button, const guchar accelerator_key, guint8 accelerator_mods); /* Hide and optionally destroy. Destroys by default, use close_hides() to change this. */ void gnome_dialog_close (GnomeDialog * dialog); /* Make _close just hide, not destroy. */ void gnome_dialog_close_hides (GnomeDialog * dialog, gboolean just_hide); /* Whether to close after emitting clicked signal - default is FALSE. If clicking *any* button should close the dialog, set it to TRUE. */ void gnome_dialog_set_close (GnomeDialog * dialog, gboolean click_closes); /* Normally an editable widget will grab "Return" and keep it from activating the dialog's default button. This connects the activate signal of the editable to the default button. */ void gnome_dialog_editable_enters (GnomeDialog * dialog, GtkEditable * editable); /* Use of append_buttons is discouraged, it's really meant for subclasses. */ void gnome_dialog_append_buttons (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar * first, ...); void gnome_dialog_append_button (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar * name); void gnome_dialog_append_buttonsv (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar **buttons); /* Add button with arbitrary text and pixmap. */ void gnome_dialog_append_button_with_pixmap (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar * name, const gchar * pixmap); void gnome_dialog_append_buttons_with_pixmaps (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar **names, const gchar **pixmaps); /* Don't use this either; it's for bindings to languages other than C (which makes the varargs kind of lame... feel free to fix) You want _new, see above. */ void gnome_dialog_construct (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar * title, va_list ap); void gnome_dialog_constructv (GnomeDialog * dialog, const gchar * title, const gchar **buttons); END_GNOME_DECLS #endif /* __GNOME_DIALOG_H__ */