###################################################################*/ ## Image to Imlib raw rgb data Converter ##*/ ## ##*/ ## This software falls under the GNU Public License. Please read ##*/ ## the COPYING file for more information ##*/ ###################################################################*/ Requires ImageMagick's convert command for anything _but_ png. Currently the -n flag only has effect on png. For all other types dimensions are unsupported (not output) at this time. Sorry, but for now this is just a copy of the output with no options. Command line params: convertrgb [-e] [-o=fn|-a=fn|-s=sn] [-v=vn] inputfile [inputfile] ... -e, --efficient Use smallest format possible to save space -n, --nodim Suppress output of dimensions -o=[fn] Output to file named fn , default is .c extension to replace extension of inputfile -a=[fn] Like -o, but appends to file named fn -s=[sn] Suffix for output filename (eg: 'convertrgb -s=.rgb logo.png'sets output file to 'logo.rgb') -v=[vn] The variable name to use for the next image.