@FUNCTION=DAY @SYNTAX=DAY (serial_number) @DESCRIPTION=Converts a serial number to a day. Note that Gnumeric will perform regular string to serial number conversion for you, so you can enter a date as a string @SEEALSO=MONTH, TIME, NOW, YEAR @FUNCTION=LOWER @SYNTAX=LOWER(text) @DESCRIPTION=Returns a lower-case version of the string in @text @SEEALSO=UPPER @FUNCTION=LOG2 @SYNTAX=LOG2(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the base-2 logarithm of x. Performing this function on a string or empty cell returns an error. @SEEALSO=EXP, LOG10, LOG @FUNCTION=SECOND @SYNTAX=SECOND (serial_number) @DESCRIPTION=Converts a serial number to a second. The second is returned as an integer in the range 0 to 59 Note that Gnumeric will perform regular string to serial number conversion for you, so you can enter a date as a string @SEEALSO=HOUR, MINUTE, NOW, TIME @FUNCTION=ATAN @SYNTAX=ATAN(x) @DESCRIPTION=The ATAN function calculates the arc tangent of x; that is the value whose tangent is x.Return value is in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=TAN, COS, SIN, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=SINH @SYNTAX=SINH(x) @DESCRIPTION=The SINH function returns the hyperbolic sine of x, which is defined mathematically as (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2. x is in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=SIN, COS, COSH, TAN, TANH, DEGREES, RADIANS, EXP @FUNCTION=INT @SYNTAX=INT(b1, b2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=The INT function round b1 now to the nearest int. Where 'nearest' implies being closer to zero. Equivalent to FLOOR(b1) for b1 >0, amd CEIL(b1) for b1 < 0. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=FLOOR, CEIL, ABS @FUNCTION=SUM @SYNTAX=SUM(value1, value2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the sum of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. @SEEALSO=AVERAGE, COUNT @FUNCTION=CEIL @SYNTAX=CEIL(x) @DESCRIPTION=The CEIL function rounds x up to the next nearest integer. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=ABS, FLOOR, INT @FUNCTION=FACT @SYNTAX=FACT(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the factorial of x. ie, x! Performing this function on a string or empty cell returns an error @SEEALSO= @FUNCTION=HOUR @SYNTAX=HOUR (serial_number) @DESCRIPTION=Converts a serial number to an hour. The hour is returned as an integer in the range 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.) Note that Gnumeric will perform regular string to serial number conversion for you, so you can enter a date as a string @SEEALSO=MINUTE, NOW, TIME, SECOND @FUNCTION=MID @SYNTAX=MID(string, position, length) @DESCRIPTION=Returns a substring from @string starting at @position for @lenght characters. @SEEALSO=LEFT, RIGHT @FUNCTION=MONTH @SYNTAX=MONTH (serial_number) @DESCRIPTION=Converts a serial number to a month. Note that Gnumeric will perform regular string to serial number conversion for you, so you can enter a date as a string @SEEALSO=DAY, TIME, NOW, YEAR @FUNCTION=NOW @SYNTAX=NOW () @DESCRIPTION=Returns the serial number for the date and time at the time it is evaluated. Serial Numbers in Gnumeric are represented as follows:The integral part is the number of days since the 1st of January of 1900. The decimal part represent the fraction of the day and is mapped into hour, minutes and seconds For example: .0 represents the beginning of the day, and 0.5 represents noon @SEEALSO=TODAY, NOW @FUNCTION=MAX @SYNTAX=MAX(b1, b2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=MAX returns the value of the element of the values passed that has the largest value. With negative numbers considered smaller than positive numbers. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=MIN,ABS @FUNCTION=ATANH @SYNTAX=ATANH(x) @DESCRIPTION=The ATANH function calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x; that is the value whose hyperbolic tangent is x. If the absolute value of x is greater than 1.0, ATANH returns an error of 'atanh: domain error' Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=ATAN, TAN, SIN, COS, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=TIME @SYNTAX=TIME (hours,minutes,seconds) @DESCRIPTION=Returns a fraction representing the hour @SEEALSO=HOUR @FUNCTION=YEAR @SYNTAX=YEAR (serial_number) @DESCRIPTION=Converts a serial number to a year. Note that Gnumeric will perform regular string to serial number conversion for you, so you can enter a date as a string @SEEALSO=DAY, MONTH, TIME, NOW @FUNCTION=AND @SYNTAX=AND(b1, b2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=Implements the logical AND function: the result is TRUE if all of the expression evaluates to TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE. b1, trough bN are expressions that should evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. If an integer or floating point value is provided zero is considered FALSE and anything else is TRUE. If the values contain strings or empty cells those values are ignored. If no logical values are provided, then the error '#VALUE!' is returned. @SEEALSO=OR @FUNCTION=ACOSH @SYNTAX=ACOSH(x) @DESCRIPTION=The ACOSH function calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x; that is the value whose hyperbolic cosine is x. If x is less than 1.0, acosh() returns the error 'acosh - domain error' Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=ACOS, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=CLEAN @SYNTAX=CLEAN(string) @DESCRIPTION=Cleans the string from any non-printable characters. @SEEALSO= @FUNCTION=RADIANS @SYNTAX=RADIANS(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the number of radians equivalent to x degrees. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=PI,DEGREES @FUNCTION=LEFT @SYNTAX=LEFT(text[,num_chars]) @DESCRIPTION=Returns the leftmost num_chars characters or the left character if num_chars is not specified @SEEALSO=MID, RIGHT @FUNCTION=OR @SYNTAX=OR(b1, b2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=Implements the logical OR function: the result is TRUE if any of the values evaluated to TRUE. b1, trough bN are expressions that should evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. If an integer or floating point value is provided zero is considered FALSE and anything else is TRUE. If the values contain strings or empty cells those values are ignored. If no logical values are provided, then the error '#VALUE!'is returned. @SEEALSO=AND @FUNCTION=FLOOR @SYNTAX=FLOOR(x) @DESCRIPTION=The FLOOR function rounds x down to the next nearest integer. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=CEIL, ABS, INT @FUNCTION=AVERAGE @SYNTAX=AVERAGE(value1, value2,...) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the average of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. This is equivalent to the sum of the arguments divided by the count of the arguments. @SEEALSO=SUM, COUNT @FUNCTION=TAN @SYNTAX=TAN(x) @DESCRIPTION=The TAN function returns the tangent of x, where x is given in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=TANH, COS, COSH, SIN, SINH, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=MIN @SYNTAX=MIN(b1, b2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=MIN returns the value of the element of the values passed that has the smallest value. With negative numbers considered smaller than positive numbers. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=MAX,ABS @FUNCTION=TANH @SYNTAX=TANH(x) @DESCRIPTION= The TANH function returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, which is defined mathematically as sinh(x) / cosh(x). Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=TAN, SIN, SINH, COS, COSH, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=IF @SYNTAX=IF(condition,if-true,if-false) @DESCRIPTION=Use the IF statement to evaluate conditionally other expressions IF evaluates @condition. If @condition returns a non-zero value the result of the IF expression is the @if-true expression, otherwise IF evaluates to the value of @if-false @SEEALSO= @FUNCTION=UPPER @SYNTAX=UPPER(text) @DESCRIPTION=Returns a upper-case version of the string in @text @SEEALSO=LOWER @FUNCTION=SELECTION @SYNTAX=SELECTION(x) @DESCRIPTION=The SELECTION function returns a list with the values in the current mouse cursor. This is usually used to implement on-the-flight computation of values @SEEALSO= @FUNCTION=ABS @SYNTAX=ABS(b1) @DESCRIPTION=Implements the Absolute Value function: the result is to drop the negative sign (if present). This can be done for integers and floating point numbers. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=CEIL, FLOOR @FUNCTION=COSH @SYNTAX=COSH(x) @DESCRIPTION=The COSH function returns the hyperbolic cosine of x, which is defined mathematically as (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2. x is in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=COS, SIN, SINH, TAN, TANH, RADIANS, DEGREES, EXP @FUNCTION=NVARIANCE @SYNTAX = NVARIANVE(value1, value2, ...)@DESCRIPTION=Computes the variation of all the values and cells references in the argument list. This is equivalent to the sum of (value - average)^2, divided by the number of values. If you want it divided by N - 1 instead of N, use VARIANCE.@SEEALSO=AVERAGE, VARIANCE @FUNCTION=MINUTE @SYNTAX=MINUTE (serial_number) @DESCRIPTION=Converts a serial number to a minute. The minute is returned as an integer in the range 0 to 59 Note that Gnumeric will perform regular string to serial number conversion for you, so you can enter a date as a string @SEEALSO=HOUR, NOW, TIME, SECOND @FUNCTION=VARIANCE @SYNTAX = VARIANCE(value1, value2, ...)@DESCRIPTION=Computes the variation of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. This is equivalent to the sum of (value - average)^2, divided by the number of values minus 1. If you want it divided by N instead of N - 1, use NVARIANCE.@SEEALSO=AVERAGE, NVARIANCE @FUNCTION=PI @SYNTAX=PI() @DESCRIPTION=The PI functions returns the value of Pi as defined by M_PI. This function is called with no arguments. @SEEALSO= @FUNCTION=CHAR @SYNTAX=CHAR(x) @DESCRIPTION=Returns the ascii character reprensented by the number x. @SEEALSO=CODE @FUNCTION=EXACT @SYNTAX=EXACT(string1, string2) @DESCRIPTION=Returns true if string1 is exactly equal to string2 (this routine is case sensitive. @SEEALSO= @FUNCTION=ASIN @SYNTAX=ASIN(x) @DESCRIPTION=The ASIN function calculates the arc sine of x; that is the value whose sine is x. If x falls outside the range -1 to 1, ASIN fails and returns the error 'asin - domain error' Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=SIN, COS, ASINH, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=BIN2DEC @SYNTAX=BIN2DEC(x) @DESCRIPTION=The BIN2DEC function converts a binary number in string or number to its decimal equivalent. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=DEC2BIN @FUNCTION=EXP @SYNTAX=EXP(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the value of e(the base of natural logarithmns) raised to the power of x. Performing this function on a string or empty cell returns an error. @SEEALSO=LOG, LOG2, LOG10 @FUNCTION=ATAN2 @SYNTAX=ATAN2(b1,b2) @DESCRIPTION=The ATAN2 function calculates the arc tangent of the two variables b1 and b2. It is similar to calculating the arc tangent of b2 / b1, except that the signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result. The result is in Radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=ATAN, ATANH, COS, SIN, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=ACOS @SYNTAX=ACOS(x) @DESCRIPTION=The ACOS function calculates the arc cosine of x; that is the value whose cosine is x. If x falls outside the range -1 to 1, ACOS fails and returns the error 'acos - domain error'. The value it returns is in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=COS, SIN, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=DATE @SYNTAX=DATE (year,month,day) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the number of days since the 1st of january of 1900(the date serial number) for the given year, month and day. The day might be negative (to count backwards) and it is relative to the previous month. The years should be at least 1900 @SEEALSO=TODAY, NOW @FUNCTION=LOG10 @SYNTAX=LOG10(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the base-10 logarithm of x. Performing this function on a string or empty cell returns an error. @SEEALSO=EXP, LOG2, LOG @FUNCTION=DEGREES @SYNTAX=DEGREES(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the number of degrees equivalent to x radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=RADIANS, PI @FUNCTION=LEN @SYNTAX=LEN(string) @DESCRIPTION=Returns the length in characters of the string @string. @SEEALSO=CHAR, CODE @FUNCTION=STDEV @SYNTAX = STDEV(value1, value2, ...)@DESCRIPTION=Computes the standard deviation of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. This is equivalent to the square root of the variance. @SEEALSO=VARIANCE @FUNCTION=ASINH @SYNTAX=ASINH(x) @DESCRIPTION=The ASINH function calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x; that is the value whose hyperbolic sine is x. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=ASIN, SIN, COS, DEGREES, RADIANS @FUNCTION=RIGHT @SYNTAX=RIGHT(text[,num_chars]) @DESCRIPTION=Returns the rightmost num_chars characters or the right character if num_chars is not specified @SEEALSO=MID, LEFT @FUNCTION=COUNT @SYNTAX=COUNT(b1, b2, ...) @DESCRIPTION=Returns the total number of arguments passed. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. @SEEALSO=AVERAGE @FUNCTION=LOG @SYNTAX=LOG(x) @DESCRIPTION=Computes the natural logarithm of x. Performing this function on a string or empty cell returns an error. @SEEALSO=EXP, LOG2, LOG10 @FUNCTION=SIN @SYNTAX=SIN(x) @DESCRIPTION=The SIN function returns the sine of x, where x is given in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=COS, COSH, SINH, TAN, TANH, RADIANS, DEGREES @FUNCTION=TODAY @SYNTAX=TODAY () @DESCRIPTION=Returns the serial number for today (the number of days elapsed since the 1st of January of 1900) @SEEALSO=TODAY, NOW @FUNCTION=CODE @SYNTAX=CODE(char) @DESCRIPTION=Returns the ASCII number for the character char. @SEEALSO=CHAR @FUNCTION=COS @SYNTAX=COS(x) @DESCRIPTION=The COS function returns the cosine of x, where x is given in radians. Performing this function on a string or empty cell simply does nothing. This function only takes one argument. @SEEALSO=COSH, SIN, SINH, TAN, TANH, RADIANS, DEGREES