Control-Enter after finishing entering some data into a cell sets the whole range of selected cells to that value. On a selection: Enter, COntrol Enter, Tab, Shift-Tab navigate trought the selected cells. Double clicking on a column division automatically adjusts the column size. Sheet drawing: 1. Selected background + white margin 2. Grids 3. CEll content If more than one sheet is selected changes take place on all sheets. Dates are stored as numbers with the format for the date. Today's date is inserted with Control-; Current tiem is inserted as Control-Shift+; The expression: ="5/12/94"-"3/5/98" yields 68 Date 1 is Jannuary 1, 1900 Texts can be used in a formula: ="Total for "& 1985 displays "Totals for 1985" Hard carriage returns are entered with alt-enter Automatic completion of names is done per column (looked backwards) Alt-down arrow pops up a list of available choices for the autofill * FORMULAS: Operators, cell references, values, worsheet functions, and names. Arrays: SUM({1,2,3}*4) gets converted to: SUM({1,2,3}*{4,4,4}) ** Operators *** Arithmetic +, -, /, *, % (percent, as in 20%) ^ Exponentiation *** Comparision =, <, >, <=, >= <> *** Text operator & Concatenates values and returns a string value *** Reference operator Range (colon) Produces one reference to all the cells between and includig the two references. Union (comma) Produces one reference that includes the two references Intersection (space) Produces on reference to cells common to the two references ** Wierd things ="1"+"2" yields 3, Excel does the converion to itegers ="A"&TRUE, Excel convers TRUE to a string: ATRUE ** Display Control-` Switches between computed formula display and actual formua display ** References $ is the absolute cell reference R[-2]C Two rows above, same column R[2]C[2] two column down, two right R2C2 Absolute reference to B2 R[-1] Entire row above the active cell R current row =Sheet4!D12+4 ='Miguel is a moron'!A1+2 ** Functions They can take any number of arguments X(number) They are documented The arguments are documented A wizard can be popped up to help with it *** Types Database and list management functions Date and time functions DDE and external functions Engineering functions Financial functions Information functons Logical functions Lookup and reference functions Math and trigonometric functions Statistical functions Text functions ** Errors ##### Result too big to fit in scell #DIV/0 Division by zero #N/A #NAME? #NULL! #NUM! #REF! #VALUE!