package extensions.awt; import java.awt.*; import*; import*; class EditFrameExitAdapter extends Action { public final void run() { ((EditFrame)forward).exit(); } } /* class EditFrameEditMenuAdapter implements ActionProtocol { public final void action(Component forward, Event evt, Object what) { EditFrame ef = (EditFrame) forward; ef.deliverEvent(new Event((TextArea)(ef.fta), System.currentTimeMillis(),Event.MOUSE_UP, 1,1,0,Event.META_MASK)); } } */ class EditFrameGotoAdapter extends Action { public final void run() { EditFrame ef = (EditFrame) forward; PromptDialog pd = new PromptDialog(ef,"Go to Line: ",10);; if (pd.okClicked() && pd.response != null) try { ef.gotoRow(Integer.parseInt(pd.response)); } catch (Throwable t) { new DialogExtended(ef,t); } } } /** Basic Text Editor Frame * @version 1.0.2 * @author John Webster Small */ public class EditFrame extends FrameExtended implements Cloneable { private FileTextArea fta; private Label statusLine; private MenuItemAction saveMI; private MenuItemAction saveAsMI; public boolean constructorUserCanceled = false; /** Launch a FileDialog to open a file upon construction. */ public final static int OPEN = FileTextArea.OPEN; /** Launch a FileDialog to open a file for browsing a file upon construction. */ public final static int BROWSE = FileTextArea.BROWSE; /** Indicates a new file event. */ public final static int NEW_FILE = FileTextArea.NEW_FILE; /** Default EditFrame width. */ public final static int WIDTH = 500; /** Default EditFrame height. */ public final static int HEIGHT = 270; /** Exit the edit frame. */ void exit() { destroy(); } /** Set title indicating browse mode with an "!" */ public void setTitle(String title) { super.setTitle((fta.isEditable()?" ":"!")+title); } /** Implements a universal observer interface. */ public boolean update(Object anySubject, Object what) { if (anySubject == fta) { setTitle((String)what); switch (fta.event) { case FileTextArea.BROWSE: saveMI.disable(); saveAsMI.disable(); break; case FileTextArea.NEW_FILE: case FileTextArea.OPEN: case FileTextArea.SAVE: saveMI.enable(); saveAsMI.enable(); break; } } return true; } private void init() { destroyMayBlock = true; setFont(new Font("Courier",Font.PLAIN,14)); if (fta == null) this.fta = new FileTextArea(this); // browse mode set! add("Center",fta); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); Menu m = new Menu("File"); m.add(new MenuItemAction("New",fta.newAdapter())); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Browse ...",fta.browseAdapter())); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Open ...",fta.openAdapter())); m.add(saveMI = new MenuItemAction("Save",fta.saveAdapter())); m.add(saveAsMI = new MenuItemAction("Save As ...",fta.saveAsAdapter())); m.addSeparator(); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Exit",new EditFrameExitAdapter())); mb.add(m); m = new Menu("Edit"); m.add(new MenuItem("Click right mouse button over text area for clipboard menu")); m.addSeparator(); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Insert file",fta.insertFileAdapter())); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Append file",fta.appendFileAdapter())); m.addSeparator(); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Bookmark",fta.bookmarkAdapter())); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Go to bookmark",fta.gotoBookmarkAdapter())); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Goto Line",new EditFrameGotoAdapter())); mb.add(m); m = new Menu("Search"); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Find ...",fta.showFindDialogAdapter())); m.add(new MenuItemAction("Replace ...",fta.showReplaceDialogAdapter())); mb.add(m); setMenuBar(mb); resize(WIDTH,HEIGHT); update(fta,fta.getFile().getName()); requestFocus(); } private void copyInit(FileTextArea fta) { this.fta = new FileTextArea(this,fta); init(); } /** Construct an EditFrame for editing. */ public EditFrame() { init(); } /** Copy initializer constructor. */ public EditFrame(EditFrame ef) { copyInit(ef.fta); } /** Construct an EditFrame with the supplied * text. * @param text initial text */ public EditFrame(String text) { fta = new FileTextArea(this,text); init(); } /** Construct an EditFrame. * @param f file to edit * @param readOnly is the user allowed to modify * @param promptUser allow user to modify file requested */ public EditFrame(File f, boolean readOnly, boolean promptUser) { fta = new FileTextArea(this,f,readOnly,promptUser); init(); } /** Clone this EditFrame along with its contents. * The cloned EditFrame is in browse (read only) mode */ public Object clone() { return new EditFrame(this); } /** Hide this window save any changes if required to. * An interaction dialog appears if the dirty bit is set. */ public void destroy() { if (fta.saveFile(this,true,false)) super.destroy(); } /** Causes the focus to shift to the TextArea. */ public void requestFocus() { fta.requestFocus(); } /** Causes the focus to shift to the TextArea. */ public void show() {; requestFocus(); } /** Refresh contents from file. */ public void refresh() { fta.refresh(); } /** Save to file if modified. * @param parent frame requesting the save */ public void save(Frame parent) {; } /** Save to file if modified. * @param parent frame requesting the save * @param dirtyPrompt allow user to cancel save */ public boolean save(Frame parent, boolean dirtyPrompt) { return fta.saveFile(parent,dirtyPrompt,false); } /** @return true if the contents have been modified */ public boolean dirty() { return fta.dirty(); } /** Return flag indicating whether or not the user * canceled opening file in constructor. */ public boolean userCanceled() { return fta.userCanceled; } /** Return text string. */ public String getText() { return fta.getText(); } /** Return File. */ public FileExtended getFile() { return fta.getFile(); } /** Return last FileTextArea event. * @see extensions.awt.FileTextArea#event */ public int getEvent() { return fta.event; } /** * Position cursor. Top-left is 0. * @pos linear position of cursor */ public void gotoPos(int pos) { fta.gotoPos(pos); } /** * Position cursor. Top-left is (1,1) * @param row cursor row * @param col cursor column */ public void gotoRC(int row, int col) { fta.gotoRC(row,col); } /** * Position cursor at the start of row. * Top line is row 1. * @param row cursor row */ public void gotoRow(int row) { fta.gotoRow(row); } /** Start an EditFrame application assuming the * first command line parameter is a file to be * edited if supplied. */ public static void main(String[] args) { EditFrame ef; exitOnDestroyAll = true; if (args.length > 0) ef = new EditFrame(new File(args[0]),false,false); else ef = new EditFrame();; } }