----------------------------- | PSTricks 97 contributions | ----------------------------- This directory contain contributions to the core of PSTricks. Current content is: - misc: the `pst-key' package from David Carlisle. It offer an interface between PSTricks and the standard `keyval' package (from David Carlisle too) to define and manage macro parameters. It must be added directly in a future version of the `keyval' package itself. It is used by some other contributions. - piechart: two shell+AWK scripts from Denis Girou. It allow to generate pie charts using some small data and parameters files. The capacities are very limited and it will be superceded in the future by the PstChart program (see http://www.tug.org/applications/PSTricks/PstChart). - pst-blur: the `pst-blur' package from Martin Giese. It allow to use "blurred" shadows for various PSTricks graphic objects, as opposite to the "hard" standard shadows offered by the "shadow" parameter. - pst-ghsb: the `pst-ghsb' package from Denis Girou. It allow to use gradients in the HSB color model. This subdirectory contain both source codes and test files. ** It is still in the distribution for compatibility reasons, but this package is considered today (September, 1998) as superceded by the `pst-slpe' from Martin Giese. Users of `pst-ghsb' are encouraged to migrate. ** - pst-gr3d: the `pst-gr3d' package from Denis Girou. It allow to draw various kinds of three dimensional grids. The documentation require the `fancyvrb' package available on: CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/supported/fancyvrb - pst-poly: the `pst-poly' package from Denis Girou. It allow to draw various kinds of polygons. This subdirectory contain both source code, documentation and test files. The documentation require the `fancyvrb' and `fvrb-ex' packages available on: CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/supported/fancyvrb - pst-slpe: the `pst-slpe' package from Martin Giese. Improved gradient mode (usage of fixed intermediate colors, HSV mode, "circular" gradients) -- Denis Girou and Sebastian Rahtz (updated September 16, 1998)