------------------------------------------- | pst-poly: PSTricks package for polygons | | | | Version 1.4 (July 9, 1997) | | Denis Girou | ------------------------------------------- * Install pst-poly.sty and pst-poly.tex in one of your TeX input directories * The documentation is in doc-poly.tex in this directory. There are also some test files: t-poly{1,2,3,4}.tex in this directory. * This application is interesting because it offer a simple and very powerful interface to draw various kinds ofregular polygons. But it's also a very pedagogical example of how to buid "high level objects" above PSTricks existing ones. See my talk at TUG'95 for details and another example (on http://www.tug.org/applications/PSTricks/TUG95-PSTricks_4.ps.gz). It also use the `keyval' mechanism in place of the original PSTricks one. * FILES: - README : this file - pst-poly.sty: LaTeX style file for polygons (just LaTeX wrapper) - pst-poly.tex: TeX style file for polygons - doc-poly.tex: documentation file - doc-poly.bib: BibTeX bibliography for the documentation file - doc-poly.bbl: formatted bibliography for the documentation file - t-poly1.tex : test file (variation of RPolyNbSides and RPolyOffset) - t-poly2.tex : test file (variation of RPolyIntermediatePoint) - t-poly3.tex : test file (variation of epicycloides) - t-poly4.tex : test file (variation of node definitions) * Other files required to print the documentation and test files: - pst-key.tex : Interface between PSTricks and the KeyVal package (rewritten version from mine by David Carlisle) In pstricks/contrib/misc - fancyvrb.sty: `fancyvrb' package In CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/supported/fancyvrb - fvrb-ex.sty : Style file to show result of examples with verbatim code (based on the `fancyvrb' package). In CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/supported/fancyvrb/contrib - hbaw.sty : Style file to enrich text. Black and white version. (in fvrb-ex.dtx) - url.sty : Style file to typeset conveniently URLs (by Donald Arseneau) In CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/other/misc * CHANGES: - V. 1.4 (98/07/09) Define `PolyRotation' parameter as a real number and not as an angle, to allow to use \degrees before to draw a polygon (reported by Denis Girou ) - V. 1.3 (98/02/06) Rename `PsPicture' parameter to `PstPicture' for consistancy **WARNING** This is an incompatible change! - V. 1.2 (97/06/27) First public release -- Denis Girou (updated July 9, 1998)