November 22 1994. What is Klone? Klone is an experimental language to experiment in real-world (real problems), but on a small scale (small scrips), how a script language (here based on Wool, the lisp-like dialect found in the GWM X11 window manager) could benefit from the new breed of Object-Oriented languages with prototypes (such as SELF, etc...) Klone is a Common-Lisp base, on which we will try novel approaches on OO design, or how to incorporate novel OO concepts from other languages. The "Lisp" level base is quite stable, but the OO layer will evolve wildly. And as this time, this OO layer isn't even in this distrib! Licence conditions: In order to restrict Klone use to academic usage, you are NOT ALLOWED to incorporate its code into a commercial product. You are free to toy with it personally, though.