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Maintaining AKCL and Maxima

The main directory on the Warp is /usr/local/maxima and the akcl subdirectory is used to make a working akcl system first. Then maxima can be make with the simple `make' in the maxima subdirectory.

The akcl installation guide in the main directory has details of making akcl. The README file in maxima subdirectory details the procedure for making maxima itself. The various man pages also helps.

Our plan is to locate local contributions under the kent subdirectory. This directory contains a Makefile which controls all of the makefiles in the subdirectories there. And, this main Makefile is activated by the makefile in maxima/maxima. See the makefiles in the kent subdirectories for examples of how to compile your own contributions and to install objects/executables to work with maxima.

The makefile in the maxima/src directory defines the macro OBJ, the .o files to be compiled in that directory. If any file is superseded by the kent enhancements, its name can be commented out from the OBJ definition.

The maxima/src/max_ext.lisp file defines the autof functions and any permanent autoload functions can be added here.

The maxima/unixport/makefile defines object files to be loaded into raw_maxima which is then used to make the final maxima system. Object files to be (or not to be) loaded into raw_maxima are controlled here. Also, any file loaded into raw_maxima are also later initialized in the file sys_maxima.c. Therefore, addition/deletion of files in the makefile and the sys_maxima.c must be made together.

The modifications to these makefiles must be made with care. See comments by pwang in the various makefiles for examples.