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The Maxima system is a version of the MIT Macsyma symbolic manipulation system. Maxima is built on top-of AKCL and is about 6.5MB in size. Just type to start it up. Then you'll see a greeting and the advice to type (run) to enter maxima top level. Through (run), three initialization files are also loaded into maxima: These files should begin with (in-package 'maxima) and be written in CL. The file maximarc.lsp is for modification of the maxima system. The other files are used by each user for other appropriate purposes when needed.

The man page on Maxima also gives information on the location of files and indicate other UNIX shell-level commands related to Maxima.

The UNIX command can be used to consult on-line documentation for maxima related to the given key word which can be a function, a variable or other related words. The graphics package SIG for displaying curves and surfaces through the X window system has been ported to Maxima. It also means that the free standing UNIX level command can be used to produce graphics from a graphics data file. The man page for xgraph has details.