* * README for IBM Visualization Data Explorer for Data General AViiON * * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1991-1997 * All Rights Reserved. * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * * The information contained in this file consists of hints for using the system, help with functions that may not be apparent, and last minute updates to the existing documentation. It is advisable to review this file any time Data Explorer updates are applied. ======================================================================== CONTENTS To go directly to an item, search for the item number beginning at the left margin. This README intentionally left blank ======================================================================== The following trademarks apply to this information: IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. IBM Visualization Data Explorer is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation DGC is a trademark of the Data General Corporation.