* README for IBM Visualization Data Explorer for Symetric Multiprocessors  
* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1991-1997 
* All Rights Reserved. 
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
The information contained in this file consists of hints for using the 
Data Explorer SMP for symmetric multiprocessors. 
    To go directly to an item, search for the item number beginning 
    at the left margin. 
    1. The Partition module 
    2. Partitioning an already-partitioned field  
    3. The default amount of memory used 
    4. The default number of processors used 
    5. The difference between SMP and distributed  
1. The Partition module  
With Data Explorer SMP, the Partition module should be used to 
create a composite field from the imported data.  
Only if the data set is partitioned  
will Data Explorer SMP exploit the multiple processors available.   
Note that you can run partitioned data equally well on both 
uniprocessor and multiprocessor machines.  
2. Partitioning an already-partitioned field  
Once a field is partitioned it will not be repartitioned if it  
is passed through the Partition module again. Thus to maximize 
the use of the available processors, you may want  
to increase the number of partitions (the "n" paramter for  
Partition) from the default value if you will be operating on  
only a subset of the data later on. Note however, that over-partitioning 
a field leads to extra overhead. 
3. The default amount of memory used 
By default on a MP machine, less memory will be used than on 
a UP machine. This is under the assumption that other users 
may be more likely to be using an MP machine. The amount of 
memory used can be changed with the -memory command line option 
to dx.  Usage("memory",0) will show you how much memory is being  
4. The default number of processors used 
For an MP machine, if the number of processors (n) is 4 or greater, 
the default number of processors used is n/2, rounded down. If the 
number of processors is 2 or 3, then the default number of processors 
used is 2. The number of processors used can be changed with the 
-processors command line option to dx. 
5. The difference between SMP and distributed  
When you run parallel on an SMP machine, intramodule parallelism 
is used. For example, the Isosurface module will operate in 
parallel on different portions of a partitioned field. When 
you use the distributed method of execution, different modules 
run on different machines; for example, Isosurface might be 
running on one machine while MapToPlane is running on another. 
There is overhead involved with using distributed computation, as 
the data must be transferred between machines. 
The following trademarks apply to this information: 
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  
IBM Visualization Data Explorer is a registered trademark of International 
    Business Machines Corporation