#999 Data Explorer Information Messages #1000 opening file `%s' #1010 %d denormalized float values converted to 0, file `%s' #1020 %d NaN or Infinity values converted to 0, file `%s' #1030 old format file, please resave #1040 %d degenerate triangles found #1050 data mean used as default value, %g #1060 worker here [%d] #1070 requested %d, using %d processors #1080 only one processor allowed on this architecture #1090 cleaning up and exiting #1180 Dictionary 0x%08x, size %d, %slocking, freelist size %d #1190 %25s | %4s | %2s | %10s #1200 %25s | %4d | %2d | 0x%08x #1220 Queue %08x: items = %4d, local(%c), lock(%c) #1230 grabbed %08x #1240 Proc %d executed %d tasks and %d modules #1250 Stats (avg, min, max): (%g %d %d) tasks/proc #1260 (%g %d %d) modules/proc #1270 Proc %d loop execution: %d slave loop, %d master loop #1280 This function only supported when executive leak detection is enabled #2000 X window depth is %d bits #3999 Data Explorer Warning Messages #4000 %s contains no fields or only empty fields #4010 unspecified inputs were skipped #4014 no inputs specified; creating an empty %s #4016 no inputs specified; nothing appended to group #4018 creating a new group #4020 input is dimensionless and is not a 3D point; using default camera `to' point #4030 width ignored for perspective camera #4040 up vector in line with viewpoint #4041 up.X changed to %f #4042 up.Z changed to %f #4050 color map does not fully encompass data #4060 opacity map does not fully encompass data #4070 input is dimensionless object; using default glyph size #4080 all fields are empty; using default glyph size #4090 no data values in histogram range #4100 %s and %s are identical #4110 %s has been specified; %s assignment ignored #4200 scaling by 0; output will be a single point #4300 slab extends out of data, thickness set to %d #4301 slab %d extends out of data, thickness set to %d #4310 possible infinite loop detected #4320 streamline point limit exceeded #4330 unrecognized element type; connections not inverted #4340 delayed flag ignored for field with no data #4350 %s component for input %d doesn't match #4360 bad octal digit `%c' #4370 demoting a double to a float for operator %s #4380 data provided without origin, deltas or counts; empty field created #4400 importing a field with no `positions' component #4410 creating an array with uninitialized data #4412 irregularizing the `%s' component, which is %s #4414 `%s' component is not an array #4415 `%s' component has unusual `%s' attribute: `%s'. removing #4420 obsolete `height' keyword ignored #4430 interpolator objects cannot be exported #4440 private objects cannot be exported #4450 byte order in `format' statement ignored #4460 positions already defined by field name `locations' #4470 ignoring unsupported camera type #4480 ignoring unsupported light type #4490 ignoring extra `%s' statement #4500 idle too long (%d secs), exiting #4510 ExFindPID: pid %d not found in table #4520 %s number converted to floating point #4530 integer converted to floating point to avoid overflow #4540 invalid packet type #4550 %s truncated #4560 string not properly terminated #4570 %s number has no value #4580 invalid scientific notation #4590 %s: unknown command %d #4610 Invalid Executive Object: %x <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #4620 _dxf_EXO_delete: object %08x [%d] deleted too often #4630 assignment into NULL ignored #4640 attempt to add null macro #4650 module %s: removed - invalid use of ... #4652 module %s: removed - invalid execution name for Outboard module #4654 module %s: removed - invalid function entry point address #4660 fb wait: %s #4670 fb send: %s #4680 Reference to undefined variable: %s #4690 %s contains only NULL and/or invalid inputs #4700 %s reported an error, but returned non-null output %d #4710 %s returned an invalid object for output %d #4720 %d::%s internal error: module return value was not ERROR #4730 Function return %s ignored: %s #4732 Function does not return a value: %s #4740 Out of local memory in PK_IMPORT #4750 _graph: bad type = %d #4760 Expressions are currently limited to 16 leaves #4770 ExGraphAssignment: Unknown assignment type #4780 %s: Positional args after named args have been ignored. #4790 %s: Too many arguments to function #4800 %s: formal parameter '%s' not found #4810 %s: invalid value for attribute: instance #4820 %s: invalid value for attribute: cache #4830 Invalid value for output attribute: %s #4840 DXExecuteTaskGroup called while error code was set #4850 DXExecuteTaskGroup called while error message was set #4860 Module-level caching suppressed for %s as indicated by cache attribute. #4870 Frame buffer is in global memory #4880 face sort array (%d bytes) is too big for local memory #5000 HWrender: unable to render group member %d #5010 HWrender: clipping is not supported #5020 HWrender: unable to process all lights #5030 Unable to render software image #5040 Illegal light tool: '%s' (using Unlit) #5050 Illegal color tool: '%s' (using Cpf) #5060 Illegal draw tool: '%s' (using Bbox) #5070 cannot read number of render options in option file #5080 cannot read name for option %d, skipping rest of option file #5090 option %s (number %d) garbled #5100 only %d rendering passes allowed #5110 rendering pass name truncated #5120 pass density truncated #5130 unable to gather lights from group member %d #5140 unable to gather lights from clipped object #5150 unable to gather lights from clipping object #5160 unable to gather lights from screen object #5170 no pixels found in image #5180 Hardware unavailable: load module '%s/%s' not found #5182 Hardware unavailable: unable to load module '%s/%s. Is graphics library installed?' #5184 Hardware unavailable: could not bind symbols for '%s/%s' #5190 Only first %d lights are used #5195 Only first 8 lights are used #5200 Unable to compute bounding box #5210 No zbuffer; display results are unpredicatable #5220 Unsupported hardware; display results unpredictable #5230 The TIFF version number is not 42. #5240 Defaulting TIFF `%s' to %s #5250 TIFF field `%s' ignored. #5260 %s is no longer supported, please replace with %sLocal or %sGlobal #7999 Data Explorer Executive Messages #8000 %s set the error code, but did not return error #8010 %s returned error, but did not set the error code #8015 Module %s should be handled by the executive #8200 not PVS system; no pfs manager found #8210 usage: %s partition:dataset #8220 usage: pfsmgr [ ls part: | df | rm part:dataset ] #8230 no partitions defined #8240 no files on partition '%s' #8250 no wildcard characters allowed #8300 OS page space is low, terminating execution #8310 invalid executive command: %s #8312 missing parameter for %s #8320 Executive Run Queue empty with count > 0 #8330 DXAddLikeTasks: repeat <= 0 #8340 No open task group #8350 Task returned ERROR without calling DXSetError #8360 Executive out of memory #8370 module `%s' not found #8380 too many inputs specified for `%s', must be no more than %d #8381 too many outputs specified for `%s', must be no more than %d #8390 unnamed inputs cannot occur after named inputs, module `%s' #8391 unnamed outputs cannot occur after named outputs, module `%s' #8400 no input found with name `%s', module `%s' #8401 no output found with name `%s', module `%s' #9999 Data Explorer Library and Module Error Messages #10000 %s must be specified #10010 %s must be an integer #10011 %s must be of type integer #10012 %s must be an integer or a length %d integer list #10013 %s must be a list of %d %d-vectors or a field or group #10014 %s must be a %d-vector or a field or group #10020 %s must be a positive integer #10021 %s must be positive integers #10030 %s must be a non-negative integer #10040 %s must be an integer between %d and %d #10041 %s %d must be an integer between %d and %d #10050 %s must be an integer or integer list #10051 %s must be a string list or an integer list #10052 %s must be a list of strings or a list of 3-vectors #10060 %s must be an integer list #10070 %s must be either 0 or 1 #10071 %s must be either %d or %d #10075 %s must be either 0 or 1 or list containing only 0s and 1s #10076 %s must be either 0 or 1 or list of %d items containing only 0s and 1s #10080 %s must be a scalar value #10081 %s must be scalar or 1-vector #10085 %s must be a scalar or a length %d scalar list #10090 %s must be a positive scalar value #10100 %s must be a non-negative scalar value #10110 %s must be a scalar value between %d and %d #10111 %s must be a field or a 3-vector #10112 %s must be a field or a string #10120 %s must be a scalar value between %g and %g #10121 %s must be a scalar value greater than or equal to %g #10122 %s must be a scalar value greater than or equal to %d #10130 %s must be a scalar or scalar list #10140 %s must be a scalar list #10150 %s must be less than or equal to %g #10160 %s must be less than or equal to %d #10165 %s must be less than or equal to %s #10170 %s must be less than %g #10172 %s item %d must be less than %g item %d #10180 %s must be less than %d #10185 %s item %d must be less than %d item %d #10185 %s must be less than %s #10187 %s item %d must be less than %s item %d #10190 %s must be a field or a group #10191 %s must be a field #10192 %s must be a group #10193 %s must be a group or string list #10200 %s must be a string #10201 %s must be a string or string list #10202 %s must be a field, a scalar value between %f and %f, or a string #10203 %s must be one of: %s #10204 %s must be a string list of length %d #10205 %s must be a string list #10210 `%s' is not a valid string for %s #10211 %s must be one of the following strings: %s #10215 %s must be a scalar, vector or vector list #10220 %s must be a vector or vector list #10221 %s must be a vector #10230 %s must be a %d-vector #10231 %s must be a %d-vector or a %d-vector #10232 %s must be a scalar, string, vector or 2-D field #10240 missing %s component #10241 missing %s dependency attribute #10250 %s is missing %s component #10251 %s is dependent on missing %s component #10252 %s is not a field, or has no %s component #10255 %s component is missing the `%s' attribute #10256 %s component has an invalid `%s' attribute #10257 %s has no `%s' attribute #10258 %s has no `%s' component #10260 %s must be a value list #10261 %s must be a value #10270 %s must be a series #10280 %s must be a vector field #10282 %s must be a floating point vector field #10290 %s must be a vector series #10300 %s must be a 2D or 3D vector field #10302 %s must be a 2D or 3D floating point vector field #10310 %s does not match hierarchy of %s #10320 %s: unknown data type #10330 %s must be floating point #10331 %s must be 3D floating point #10332 %s must be 1D floating point #10333 %s must be 2D #10340 %s must be 2D or 3D #10341 %s must be 1D, 2D or 3D #10342 %s must be 3D #10350 %s must be 3D integer #10360 dependency of %s does not match dependency of %s #10370 %s must be %s #10371 %s must be %s %s #10372 %s must be %s %s or %s %s #10380 %s must be a numeric value #10381 %s must be a single numeric value #10390 %s must be a numeric value or string #10400 %s is dependent on %s but has a different number of elements #10410 unsupported element type: %s #10420 mismatching element dimensionality in composite field or multigrid #10430 invalid `what' parameter: %s #10440 cannot measure %s when element type is %s #10450 unable to determine dependency of %s component #10460 `%s' must be a 3D point or an object with dimensionality #10470 `%s' must be specified if `%s' is a 3D point #10480 unrecognized %s string #10500 %s must be a 3-vector or an object #10510 %s must be a string or a 3-vector #10511 %s must be scalar or vector #10520 %s must be a field or scalar value #10525 %s must be a positive integer or list of positive integers #10530 %s must be a positive integer or a %d-vector #10531 %s must be positive #10532 %s must be non-negative #10540 %s must be integer or float #10541 %s must be an integer or a vector #10550 %s must be a list of 3-vectors or a field #10560 %s must be a scalar value or object #10562 %s must be a scalar value or scalar list or object #10570 %s must be a field, 3-vector, or string #10580 %s must be a list of %d %d-vectors #10581 %s must be a list of %d %d-vectors or a list of %d %d-vectors #10590 %s must be %d integers #10600 %s not supported #10610 only regular connections for %s supported #10612 only regular positions for %s supported #10620 %s must be a positive integer or string #10630 %s must be a vector list or a field #10640 %s must be a scalar or a vector #10650 %s must be a non-negative integer or string #10660 %s must be a camera #10670 %s must be a 3-vector or a camera #10680 %s must be all numeric or all string; inputs %d and %d are not the same type #10700 `%s' attribute of `%s' component must be a string #10701 `%s' attribute of `%s' component must be a string or string list #10702 `%s' not a component of field (`%s' attribute of `%s' component) #10704 `%s' attribute of `%s' component is `%s'; should be `positions' or `connections' or `faces' #10706 `%s' is not an array (`%s' attribute of `%s' component) #10708 `%s' attribute mismatch; %d items in `%s', %d items in `%s' #10710 `%s' component must be type INT to `ref' another component #10712 `element type' attribute of `connections' component is `%s'; should be `%s' #10714 %d%s item in `%s' component (%d) is not between %d and %d #10720 error trying to run external filter `%s' #10722 error starting external filter `%s', or filter returned nothing #10730 contents of file `%s' not in DX format #10740 no named objects found in file #10742 no objects matched variable list #10746 no objects found in file #10760 %s must be linked to a corresponding %s #10762 SetLocal must be in the same macro as GetLocal #10764 %s must be set #10800 cannot open font %s #10802 font %s is invalid, font must be a group with 256 members #10804 font %s is invalid, font group members must be fields #10806 font %s is invalid, font member is missing required scalar `char width' attribute #10810 font %s is invalid, font group is missing required scalar `font ascent' attribute #10812 font %s is invalid, font group is missing required scalar `font descent' attribute #10814 font %s is invalid, font element type must be lines or triangles #10816 font %s is invalid, font positions must be 2D or 3D #10840 Number of fields indicated in '%s' statement does not equal previously specified number of fields #10841 Unknown, repeated or illegal parameter '%s' #10845 Neither '%s' nor '%s' statement is present in general import file #10846 '%s' statement can only be used with %s #10850 '%s' or '%s' empty #10855 '%s' on connections with record-interleaving only #10856 '%s' cannot be dependent on connections #10860 '%s' statement (%s) is too large #10862 '%s' statement contains unrecognized specifier,%s #10865 '%s' statement is missing specifier #10870 cannot determine '%s' value for field %d in '%s' statment #10871 Missing '%s' value for field %d in '%s' statement #10873 '%s' requires decimal number #10875 '%s' or '%s' must preceed '%s' statement #10877 Missing 1st number in '%s' statement #10878 Missing position type in '%s' statement #10879 Position value #%d in '%s' statement must be decimal number, got '%s' #10880 Number of positions specified with '%s' statement does not match the number of dimensions #10882 '%s' statement cannot be used with '%s' statement #10885 '%s' must be last #10886 '%s' string missing last '\"' #10887 '%s' string is too long #10890 Escaping a non-octal digit '%c' #10891 Escaping value '%o' too large for byte value #10895 '%s' statement missing '=' #10896 '%s' keyword not found #10898 Reached end-of-file '%s' #10899 Reached end-of-line %s #10900 Field '%s' not found in import file #10901 start and end cannot be greater than number of series elements #10903 cannot open %s '%s' #10905 Value %d does not fit in type %s #10906 Cannot convert ascii string %s #10907 Cannot parse ascii %s value from '%s' #10910 Skipping (%s) header failed #10911 Seeking to offset %d in binary file failed #10913 Cannot change majority of data for fields with %d dimensions #10920 Too many items in the list #10925 min and max, or data required to use '%s' %s #11000 %s as a 3-vector and %s must be specified, since %s is a 3-vector #11001 connections type %s requires 3 dimensional positions #11002 connections type %s requires 2 or 3 dimensional positions #11003 connections type %s requires %d dimensional positions #11004 connections type %s requires %d vertices per connection #11010 %s and %s cannot be equal #11012 %s and %s must be equal #11020 %s has a bad bounding box #11040 volumetric field %s must be specified, since %s is a surface #11050 all inputs are NULL #11060 missing name or position for object %d #11065 object %d must be specified #11070 series position for object %d must be a scalar value #11075 series positions must be monotonic #11080 name for object %d must be a string #11085 name %d is invalid, group already contains a `%s' member #11087 object %d is invalid, input must be a field #11088 object %d named `%s' is invalid, input must be a field #11090 member type does not match group type #11100 %s is a bad %s map: missing data or positions #11110 %s is a bad color map: data must be 3-vector #11120 %s is a bad opacity map: data must be scalar #11130 %s is a bad %s map: positions must be 1-dimensional #11140 for irregular positions, %s must be specified #11150 %s must be category real #11151 %s must be type int #11152 %s must be type float #11160 number of %s (%d) not equal to product of %s (%d) #11161 number of %s (%d) not equal to %s (%d) #11162 number of %s (%d) not equal to %s (%d) or %s (%d) #11170 invalid syntax for %s #11180 invalid output device %s #11190 format %s requested; does not match input %d #11220 %s greater than %s #11230 no data falls between %g and %g #11250 %s must be dependent on either positions or connection #11251 %s must be dependent on positions #11260 %s component already exists #11270 no value specified for attribute %s #11310 group has no members #11320 group has no members with name %s #11330 %s is not a group #11340 group only has members 0-%d #11350 group only has member 0 #11360 dimension is %d, connections for %s have only dimensions 0-%d #11361 dimension is %d, positions for %s have only dimensions 0-%d #11362 %s must be of dimensionality %d or %d #11363 %s must be %d-dimensional #11364 %s must be %d-dimensional floating point #11365 dimension list has %d items, positions have %d dimensions #11370 %s = %d is greater than dimensionality of %s #11380 %s is an invalid connections type #11381 invalid object encountered during traversal #11382 connections components must be type integer and category real #11383 positions components must be type float and category real #11385 `ref' components must be scalar and type integer and category real #11390 %s exceeds maximum dimensionality %d #11400 %s has invalid dimensionality; does not match %s #11401 %s must be a vector which matches %s #11450 Object internal consistency failure. Use the Verify module. #11500 ProcessParts: worker output cannot equal input when called with copy #11510 ProcessParts: worker output must equal input when called with nocopy #11520 ProcessParts: args is NULL but size is nonzero #11530 ProcessParts: Impossible parent #11600 Unknown image type #11610 Field is not a valid X image #11620 Depth %d not supported, trying alternatives #11630 Invalid X format: '%s' #11640 Unable to allocate all colors, approximating #11650 available X colors differ from desired colors by as much as %d/256 #11660 generic groups and series cannot be displayed #11670 arranged special-format images not supported #11680 out of color table entries #11690 X Error: %s #11700 Cannot open X display '%s' #11710 image size %dx%d exceeds address space #11712 transposed images not supported, standard deltas are {[0,1],[1,0]} #11713 %s size is less than that of largest image. Using %d #11714 Image field does not have 2-d regular positions #11716 Image field does not have 2-d regular connections #11718 Image field does not have 3-d float colors #11720 Unable to find acceptable X visual #11730 Cannot create colormap on X display '%s' #11740 Cannot create translation on X display '%s' #11750 zero-size image #11760 color '%s' not recognized #11770 The TIFF initial offset is greater than file length. #11772 TIFF file header must start with 0x4949 or 0x4D4D #11774 Required TIFF field `%s' is missing #11776 TIFF field `%s' has bad type. #11778 TIFF field `%s' has bad size setting. #11780 TIFF field `%s' must be %s #11788 GIF decoding error #11790 floating point exception: overflow, underflow, or divide by zero #11792 GIF encoding error #11794 GIF signature must ge GIF87a or GIF89a #11800 C standard library call, %s, returns error #11810 Input %d used in expression and supplied as NULL #11811 clear color is appropriate only for background #11812 mixed delayed and direct colors are not supported #11813 number of colors must match number of annotation objects if number of annotation objects is greater than 1 #11815 corners parameter must either be 2 vectors or be an object with a bounding box #11816 given glyph must have triangle connections #11817 normals are invalid for 2D positions #11818 %s is an unknown glyph type #11819 %s contains no non-empty fields #11820 Inputs must be of same length #11821 delayed option only valid for unsigned byte data #11822 zero length %s vector #11823 %s must be a vector list or vector field which matches %s #11824 no colormap values between min and max #11825 %s must be a single vector of type %s which matches %s #11826 %s must match %s #11827 %s cannot be specified for %s #11828 %s must be a vector or vector list which matches %s #11829 %s is of unrecognized type #11830 The structure of inputs must match #11831 degenerate %s #11832 for %s, %s must be a single value #11833 for %s, %s must be %d values #11834 second set of plot lines required if %s is specified #11835 plot corners contain zero area #11836 all connections are degenerate #11838 invalid %s #11839 more than one color specified for colors parameter; this requires a list of objects to color #11840 Positions arrays do not match #11841 %s does not match object hierarchy #11842 %s is incompatible with %d-dimensional %s #11850 No appropriate interpolation method available #11851 1-D maps must be monotonic #11860 %s must be positive for log plot #11870 missing object or component name for statistics #11880 cannot compute statistics for %s component #11890 object must be field or array to compute statistics #11900 cannot compute statistics on this data %s #11905 cannot compute statistics; no valid items found #11910 cannot convert an empty array #11920 input must be an Array object #11930 operator %d unknown #11940 incorrect types for operator %s #11945 incorrect number of arguments, %d expected #11950 error promoting value to float #11960 demoting a double to a float for operator %s #11970 shape requested bigger than object rank #11980 shape index must be of type int #11985 conditional expression must be type int #11986 then and else terms of conditional expression must match #11990 element %d with value %d cannot be converted to byte #11991 element %d with value %u cannot be converted to byte #11992 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to byte #11993 element %d with value %d cannot be converted to short #11994 element %d with value %u cannot be converted to short #11995 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to short #11996 element %d with value %d cannot be converted to int #11997 element %d with value %u cannot be converted to int #11998 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to int #11999 element %d with value %d cannot be converted to unsigned byte #12000 element %d with value %u cannot be converted to unsigned byte #12001 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to unsigned byte #12002 element %d with value %d cannot be converted to unsigned short #12003 element %d with value %u cannot be converted to unsigned short #12004 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to unsigned short #12005 element %d with value %d cannot be converted to unsigned int #12006 element %d with value %u cannot be converted to unsigned int #12007 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to unsigned int #12008 element %d with value %g cannot be converted to float #12010 attempting to select element %d from a %d-vector #12020 attempt to divide by 0 in the %d data element #12030 raising a negative number to a fractional power in element %d #12040 taking square root of negative number in data element %d #12050 taking logarithm of non-positive number in data element %d #12060 arcsin of a number greater than 1 or less than -1 in element %d #12061 arccos of a number greater than 1 or less than -1 in element %d #12070 input index %d must be less than %d #12080 hex value not representable as a 32 bit integer: %s #12081 octal value not representable as a 32 bit integer: %s #12082 decimal value not representable as a 32 bit integer: %s #12085 float value not representable in single precision: %s #12090 unknown built in function `%s' #12091 undefined variable `%s' #12095 illegal character in expression `%c' #12100 parse error: %s #12110 cannot post components that contain references #12120 cannot convert elements of type `%s' to type `%s' #12130 cannot apply %s to %s object #12140 memory area corrupted #12150 no filter named '%s' applicable to a %d-dimensional field #12153 invalid application of %d-dimensional filter to %d-dimensional input #12160 only one of %s allowed #12210 length of '%s' is too large #12215 format '%s' is not supported on the PVS disk array #12220 format '%s' is only supported on the PVS disk array #12225 format indicated by '%s' is not supported on the PVS disk array #12230 format indicated by '%s' is only supported on the PVS disk array #12235 requested format is not supported #12238 unrecognized format '%s' #12240 cannot open file '%s' in current directory or DXDATA path #12245 cannot open file '%s' or '%s' in current directory or DXDATA path #12247 cannot open file '%s' in current directory or %s path #12248 cannot create file '%s' #12249 error writing file '%s' #12250 supplied %s does not match Size file data #12255 Size file data indicates %s must be in the range %d..%d #12260 start greater than end (%d>%d) #12265 Size file is missing, 'width' and 'height' must be specified #12270 cannot position to frame %d in file %s #12275 attempt to read %d sized image #12280 cannot read (h=%d x w=%d) sized image from file #12285 error during memcpy() #12290 cannot read (h=%d x w=%d) sized image from file ('.%c'). #12295 not supported on this architecture #12300 image file does not contain frame %d #12305 `partition:name' not valid on this architecture #12310 '%s' and '%s' have incompatible classes #12315 '%s' is not a compatible %s #12320 '%s' is not an image #12325 no pixels found in image #12330 image sizes do not match (%dx%d)!=(%dx%d) #12335 '%s' has wrong class #12340 '%s' has wrong size #12345 size of dimension %d in %s grid (%d) does not match %s grid (%d) #12350 origin of dimension %d in %s grid (%f) does not match %s grid (%f) #12355 delta of dimension %d in %s grid ([%f %f]) does not match %s grid ([%f %f]) #12999 Data Explorer Hardware Rendering Messages #13000 out of memory #13005 atom %s doesn't exist #13010 object type %d not implemented #13020 unable to alloc points #13030 no points array #13040 %s line %d #13050 %s component has %d items, expecting %d #13060 %s component is missing #13070 bad or missing element type #13100 bad lines #13110 bad normals #13120 bad opacities #13130 bad triangles #13140 bad quadrilaterals #13150 bad cube volume #13155 cubes connections must have dimensionality 3 #13160 bad tetra volume #13165 use colors and not front/back colors for volumes #13170 unknown connection type #13180 bad faces #13190 no loops #13200 no edges #13210 bad transformation #13220 bad clip object #13230 bad camera #13240 bad screen object #13250 display string %s #13260 cannot allocate cache id #13270 cannot allocate render globals #13280 cannot open X display #13290 cannot cache tdm globals #13300 cannot set cache entry for tdm globals #13310 cannot allocate winName #13320 cannot allocate options string #13330 cannot allocate density string #13340 graphics window destroyed #13350 unable to set up for rendering #13360 'render every' attribute must be greater than 0 #13370 could not allocate render pass options #13380 unknown rendering option %s #13380 unknown antialiasing option #13390 cannot allocate render option table #13400 cannot allocate hostName #13410 cannot allocate type string #13420 unable to create default distant light #13430 unable to create default ambient light #13440 unable to define default lights #13450 light gathering not implemented for class %d #13460 invalid transformation #13470 bad clip #13480 bad screen object #13490 X Error: %s #13500 no image received for rendering #13510 invalid image received #13520 could not get image size #13530 unable to get camera resolution #13540 unable to get image resolution #13550 cannot read saveunder #13560 cannot create graphics window #13570 cannot find top level UI shell #13580 UI client message protocol failed #13590 'camera' input is not a camera #13600 accessing background color from camera #13610 bad throttle value #13620 throttle value must be non-negative #13630 'where' parameter is bad #13640 bad rendering mode #13650 no object specified #13660 where parameter must be no longer than %d characters #13670 Hardware rendering is unavailable #13675 Hardware rendering is unavailable on host '%s' #13680 Hardware rendering can only be performed on local host '%s' #13690 gethostname failed #13700 DISPLAY environment variable '%s' is invalid #13710 display needs :0 #13720 cannot open display '%s' #13730 zoom too close; camera caused numerical overflow #13740 attempt to redefine light 0 #13750 invalid light #13751 unknown light type #13760 bad options file #13770 cannot create GL window #13780 cannot find GL window #13790 cannot allocate backing store #13800 invalid image #13810 unknown image rendering option #13820 unknown DrawTool #13830 unknown ColorTool #13840 invalid display or window information #13850 unable to propagate invalid positions to connections #13860 unable to create handle to invalid connection data #13870 unable to find mesh neighbors #13880 cannot render objects of class %s #13890 too many clip planes specified, clip object ignored #13900 clip planes deleted too often #13910 incompatible versions, %s requires newer %s #13920 incompatible versions, HW load module is out of date #13930 view angle is less than 0.001 degrees: display results unpredictable #13940 view angle is too small: will use minimum of 0.001 degrees instead