/***********************************************************************/ /* Open Visualization Data Explorer */ /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999 */ /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED */ /* This code licensed under the */ /* "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer" */ /***********************************************************************/ #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ $Source: /home/gda/dxcvs/dx/src/exec/hwrender/xgl/hwPlineDraw.c,v $ Most of strip construction is treated in the same way as with HP's Starbase API, especially for the vertex information. $Log: hwPlineDraw.c,v $ Revision 1.3 1999/05/10 15:45:39 gda Copyright message Revision 1.2 1999/05/03 14:06:42 gda moved to using dxconfig.h rather than command-line defines Revision 1999/03/24 15:18:36 gda Initial CVS Version Revision 1999/03/19 20:59:49 gda Initial CVS Revision 10.1 1999/02/23 21:02:13 gda OpenDX Baseline Revision 9.1 1997/05/22 22:33:29 svs Copy of release 3.1.4 code * Revision 8.0 1995/10/03 22:15:10 nsc * Copy of release 3.1 code * * Revision 7.0 1994/05/19 15:24:57 jrush * Initial version. * * Revision 7.1 1994/05/19 15:22:35 jrush * Checking in * * Revision 7.1 1994/04/21 15:34:29 tjm * Original version copied from hwPlineDraw.c * * Revision 1.1 94/04/21 15:33:57 tjm * Initial revision * \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "hwDeclarations.h" #include "hwPortXGL.h" #include "hwXfield.h" #include "hwPortLayer.h" #include "hwMemory.h" #include "hwTmesh.h" #include "hwCacheUtilXGL.h" #ifdef MJHDEBUG #define DebugMessage() \ { \ int i ; \ Xgl_pt Min, Max ; \ Xgl_pt_f3d min, max ; \ \ fprintf (stderr, "\n2D: %s", is_2d ? "yes" : "no") ; \ fprintf (stderr, "\nnumber of points: %d", xf->npositions) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "\nnumber of connections: %d", xf->origNConnections) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "\ncolors: 0x%x, color_map: 0x%x, dep on pos: %d", \ (int)fcolors, (int)color_map, xf->fcolorsDep == dep_positions) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "\nopacities: 0x%x, opacity_map: 0x%x, dep on pos: %d", \ (int)opacities, (int)opacity_map, \ xf->opacitiesDep == dep_positions) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "\nnormals: 0x%x, dep on pos: %d", \ (int)normals, xf->normalsDep == dep_positions) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "\nambient, diffuse, specular: %f %f %f", \ xf->attributes.front.ambient, \ xf->attributes.front.diffuse, \ xf->attributes.front.specular) ; \ \ \ min.x = min.y = min.z = +MAXFLOAT ; \ Min.pt_type = XGL_PT_F3D ; \ Min.pt.f3d = &min ; \ \ max.x = max.y = max.z = -MAXFLOAT ; \ Max.pt_type = XGL_PT_F3D ; \ Max.pt.f3d = &max ; \ \ if (is_2d) \ { \ min.z = max.z = 0 ; \ for (i=0 ; inpositions ; i++) \ { \ if (pnts2d[i].x < min.x) min.x = pnts2d[i].x ; \ if (pnts2d[i].y < min.y) min.y = pnts2d[i].y ; \ \ if (pnts2d[i].x > max.x) max.x = pnts2d[i].x ; \ if (pnts2d[i].y > max.y) max.y = pnts2d[i].y ; \ } \ } \ else \ for (i=0 ; inpositions ; i++) \ { \ if (points[i].x < min.x) min.x = points[i].x ; \ if (points[i].y < min.y) min.y = points[i].y ; \ if (points[i].z < min.z) min.z = points[i].z ; \ \ if (points[i].x > max.x) max.x = points[i].x ; \ if (points[i].y > max.y) max.y = points[i].y ; \ if (points[i].z > max.z) max.z = points[i].z ; \ } \ \ xgl_transform_multiply (TMP_TRANSFORM, \ MODEL_VIEW_TRANSFORM, PROJECTION_TRANSFORM) ; \ \ fprintf (stderr, "\nmin MC->VDC %9f %9f %9f -> ", min.x, min.y, min.z) ; \ xgl_transform_point (TMP_TRANSFORM, &Min) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "%9f %9f %9f", min.x, min.y, min.z) ; \ \ fprintf (stderr, "\nmax MC->VDC %9f %9f %9f -> ", max.x, max.y, max.z) ; \ xgl_transform_point (TMP_TRANSFORM, &Max) ; \ fprintf (stderr, "%9f %9f %9f", max.x, max.y, max.z) ; \ } #else /* MJHDEBUG */ #define DebugMessage() {} #endif /* MJHDEBUG */ int _dxfPlineDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldT *xf, int buttonUp) { Point *points = 0 ; struct p2d {float x, y ;} *pnts2d = 0 ; Vector *normals ; RGBColor *fcolors, *color_map ; Type type ; int rank, shape, is_2d ; float *opacities, *opacity_map ; char *cache_id ; tdmStripDataXGL *stripsXGL = 0 ; DEFPORT(portHandle) ; DPRINT("\n(_dxfPlineDraw") ; if(xf->colorsDep == dep_connections) return _dxfLineDraw(portHandle, xf, buttonUp); /* * Extract required data from the xfield. */ if (is_2d = IS_2D(xf->positions_array, type, rank, shape)) pnts2d = (struct p2d *) DXGetArrayData(xf->positions_array) ; else points = (Point *) DXGetArrayData(xf->positions_array) ; color_map = (RGBColor *) DXGetArrayData(xf->cmap_array) ; opacity_map = (float *) DXGetArrayData(xf->omap_array) ; if (DXGetArrayClass(xf->fcolors_array) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY) fcolors = (Pointer) DXGetArrayEntry(xf->fcolors, 0, NULL) ; else fcolors = (Pointer) DXGetArrayData(xf->fcolors_array) ; if (DXGetArrayClass(xf->opacities_array) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY) opacities = (Pointer) DXGetArrayEntry(xf->opacities, 0, NULL) ; else opacities = (Pointer) DXGetArrayData(xf->opacities_array) ; DebugMessage() ; /* set default attributes for surface and wireframe approximation */ xgl_object_set (XGLCTX, XGL_CTX_LINE_COLOR_SELECTOR, XGL_LINE_COLOR_VERTEX, XGL_3D_CTX_LINE_COLOR_INTERP, TRUE, 0) ; /* override above attributes according to color dependencies and lighting */ if (xf->colorsDep == dep_field) { /* * Field has constant color. Get color from context. */ CLAMP(&fcolors[0],&fcolors[0]) ; cache_id = "CpfPline" ; /* get line color from context */ xgl_object_set (XGLCTX, XGL_CTX_LINE_COLOR_SELECTOR, XGL_LINE_COLOR_CONTEXT, XGL_CTX_LINE_COLOR, &fcolors[0], NULL) ; } else { /* * Field has varying colors. Get colors from point data. */ cache_id = "CppPline" ; } DPRINT1("\n%s", cache_id) ; #if 0 /* may want this when we add transparent lines */ /* * Set up a simple 50% screen door approximation for opacities < 0.75. * We can't do opacity dep position or connection with this technique, * but constant opacity per field is adequate for many visualizations. * * USE_SCREEN_DOOR should only be true if we're using the GT through * the XGL 3.0 interface on Solaris; no other access to this effect is * provided by Sun. The GT with XGL 3.0 also provides alpha * transparency of some sort. It's not implemented here. */ xgl_object_set (XGLCTX, XGL_CTX_SURF_FRONT_FILL_STYLE, XGL_SURF_FILL_SOLID, NULL) ; if (opacities && USE_SCREEN_DOOR) if ((opacity_map? opacity_map[*(char *)opacities]: opacities[0]) < 0.75) xgl_object_set (XGLCTX, XGL_CTX_SURF_FRONT_FILL_STYLE, XGL_SURF_FILL_STIPPLE, XGL_CTX_SURF_FRONT_FPAT, SCREEN_DOOR_50, NULL) ; #endif if (stripsXGL = _dxf_GetTmeshCacheXGL (cache_id, xf)) { /* * Use pre-constructed xgl strips obtained from executive cache. */ register Xgl_pt_list *pt_list, *end ; DPRINT("\ngot strips from cache"); pt_list = stripsXGL->pt_lists ; end = &pt_list[stripsXGL->num_strips] ; for ( ; pt_list < end ; pt_list++) xgl_multipolyline (XGLCTX, NULL, 1, pt_list) ; } else { /* * Construct an array of xgl strips and cache it. */ register int vsize, fsize ; int v_cOffs, v_nOffs, vertex_flags, numStrips ; int *connections, (*strips)[2] ; Xgl_pt_list *xgl_pt_list ; DPRINT("\nbuilding new strips"); /* determine vertex types and sizes */ vsize = 3 ; fsize = 0 ; vertex_flags = XGL_D_3 | XGL_FLT | XGL_NFLG | XGL_NHOM | XGL_DIRECT ; if (fcolors && xf->colorsDep != dep_field) { /* vertex has 3 more floats to accomodate color */ v_cOffs = vsize ; vsize += 3 ; vertex_flags |= XGL__CLR ; } /* get strip topology */ connections = (int *)DXGetArrayData(xf->connections_array) ; strips = (int (*)[2])DXGetArrayData(xf->meshes) ; numStrips = xf->nmeshes ; /* allocate space for strip data */ stripsXGL = (tdmStripDataXGL *) tdmAllocate(sizeof(tdmStripDataXGL)); if (!stripsXGL) DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ; stripsXGL->pt_lists = 0 ; stripsXGL->facet_lists = 0 ; stripsXGL->num_strips = 0 ; /* allocate array of xgl point lists */ xgl_pt_list = stripsXGL->pt_lists = (Xgl_pt_list *) tdmAllocate(numStrips*sizeof(Xgl_pt_list)); if (!xgl_pt_list) DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ; for ( ; stripsXGL->num_strips < numStrips ; stripsXGL->num_strips++) { /* each iteration constructs and draws one xgl strip */ register float *clist, *flist ; register int i, dV, *pntIdx, numPnts ; /* get the number of points in this strip */ numPnts = strips[stripsXGL->num_strips][1] ; /* allocate coordinate list */ xgl_pt_list->pts.color_normal_f3d = (Xgl_pt_color_normal_f3d *) (clist = (float *) tdmAllocate(numPnts*vsize*sizeof(float))) ; if (!clist) DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ; /* get the sub-array of connections making up this strip */ pntIdx = &connections[strips[stripsXGL->num_strips][0]] ; /* copy vertex coordinates into clist */ if (is_2d) for (i=0, dV=0 ; iz = 0 ; } else for (i=0, dV=0 ; ibbox = NULL ; xgl_pt_list->num_pts = numPnts ; xgl_pt_list->pt_type = vertex_flags ; /* send strip to xgl, increment pointlist pointers */ xgl_multipolyline (XGLCTX, NULL, 1, xgl_pt_list++) ; } /* cache all strip data */ _dxf_PutTmeshCacheXGL (cache_id, xf, stripsXGL) ; } DPRINT(")") ; return OK ; error: _dxf_FreeTmeshCacheXGL((Pointer)stripsXGL) ; DPRINT("\nerror)") ; return ERROR ; }