A TK OpenGL widget ================== Introduction: This is a preliminary release of my Tk OpenGL implementation. I've been fiddling with it for the last few months and it is now in what I should call a "useful and stable" condition. I am still at work on it and I should have most of the OpenGL functionality implemented in a few weeks more. The package has been tested under Linux (with Mesa) and on an IBM RS6000 workstation under AIX.3.2.5 (both with IBM OpenGL 1.0 and with Mesa). It requires Tcl v7.5 and Tk 4.1. Downloading: This package should be downloadable from the WWW on address http://aquarius.lcg.ufrj.br/~esperanc/tkogl.1.0.tar.gz or http://aquarius.lcg.ufrj.br/~esperanc/tkogl0.zip You can also take a look at the TkOGL home page at http://aquarius.lcg.ufrj.br/~esperanc/tkogl.html Compiling the package: A few Makefiles are included in the package (in the src directory): one for each architecture/operating system I had the opportunity to test. They are called Makefile.XXX, where XXX (hopefully) describes the intended architecture. Choose the file which most closely resembles your own system and rename it to Makefile. If you can't find a Makefile.XXX which is close enough to your platform/operating system combination, try using Makefile.generic. Edit the makefile to specify the various directories/configuration options of your development environment. Now, type 'make' to compile the package. If the make process is successful, you should now find in the src directory one of the following: (a) glwish, a Tcl/Tk windowing shell extended with the Tkogl package (Unix-based architectures). Copy this file to some place where your shell will be able to find it or put the src directory in your PATH (b) files Tkogl.dll and pkgIndex.tcl (PC/Windows 95/NT). These two files should be copied to any directory where wish41 looks for packages. I recommend putting them in directory Tcl/lib/tk4.1, where Tcl is the directory where you installed Tcl/Tk. I am aware that the process of compiling the package should have been made more automatic, but it is not one of my priorities right now. Someone with knowledge of other platforms and experience in porting Unix applications could possibly help me with that. Installing the precompiled package on PCs running Windows 95/NT: The distribution has a directory called win which contains a precompiled dynamic loadable library with the Tkogl package. Follow the instructions outlined in item (b) above. That directory also contains a copy of cw3220.dll, the runtime library of the Borland C++ compiler. You should copy this file to some place where Win95 will find it. I suggest using directory windows\system Documentation: There is postscript file (tkogl.ps) with a rudimentary documentation. It should be enough to get you going, though. Note: This file is out-of-date, but mostly accurate. I am in the process of revising them and will release them shortly. Also available are some demo scripts. After compiling the package, you can go to the demo directory and type, say, '../src/glwish quadricdemo.tcl' Call for help / comments: I'm accepting help from anyone who wishes to add/change features. Help with the documentation / sample programs / debugging is also appreciated. Please let me know if you find this package useful or if you have any suggestions for improvement. Legalese: I hereby place the source code included in this package in the Public Domain. I sincerely believe that I have not infringed anybody's copyright. Of course, I use Tcl/Tk / OpenGL / Mesa code, which have their own Copyright restrictions, which should be respected by anyone who wishes to use this package. Since I am no lawyer, can't afford one, and generally don't want to be bothered by them, I only ask users of this package to be respectful and mention the name of the author (me) in redistributing this code. Author: Claudio Esperanca (esperanc@cos.ufrj.br)