Master index for cacm1960.bib

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Symbols | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: cacm1960.bib
Version: 3.43
Date: 03 July 2024
Time: 13:13:32 MDT
Checksum: 16888 57794 217136 2213839 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is an ALMOST COMPLETE bibliography of the journal Communications of the ACM (CODEN CACMA2, ISSN 0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)), covering the decade 1960--1969.

The ACM maintains Web pages with journal tables of contents at:

At version 3.43, the year coverage looked like this:

     1957 (   1)    1976 (   4)    1995 (   0)
     1958 (   0)    1977 (   2)    1996 (   0)
     1959 (   4)    1978 (   2)    1997 (   2)
     1960 ( 157)    1979 (   0)    1998 (   0)
     1961 ( 249)    1980 (   0)    1999 (   1)
     1962 ( 317)    1981 (   0)    2000 (   1)
     1963 ( 309)    1982 (   1)    2001 (   0)
     1964 ( 258)    1983 (   1)    2002 (   0)
     1965 ( 226)    1984 (   0)    2003 (   0)
     1966 ( 310)    1985 (   4)    2004 (   0)
     1967 ( 221)    1986 (   0)    2005 (   0)
     1968 ( 189)    1987 (   0)    2006 (   0)
     1969 ( 187)    1988 (   1)    2007 (   1)
     1970 (   8)    1989 (   0)    2008 (   0)
     1971 (   3)    1990 (   0)    2009 (   1)
     1972 (   7)    1991 (   0)    2010 (   1)
     1973 (  10)    1992 (   1)    2011 (   0)
     1974 (   8)    1993 (   0)    2012 (   1)
     1975 (   4)    1994 (   0)

     Article:       2485
     Book:             2
     Manual:           1
     TechReport:       4

     Total entries: 2492

The size of the original cacm.bib file covering 1958--1996 became too large (about 4000 entries) for BibTeX and TeX to handle, so at version 1.44, it was split into cacm1950.bib, cacm1960.bib, cacm1970.bib, cacm1980.bib, and cacm1990.bib, each covering the decade starting with the year embedded in the filename. Version numbers for these files begin at 2.00.

Volumes from the 1990s average about 200 articles yearly, so a complete bibliography for this journal could contain more than 8000 entries from 1958 to 2000.

These bibliographies also include ACM Algorithms 1--492. For Algorithms 493--686, including Algorithm 568, published in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), see the companion bibliographies, toms.bib and toplas.bib.

All published Remarks and Corrigenda are cross-referenced in both directions, so that citing a paper will automatically generate citations for those Remarks and Corrigenda. Cross-referenced entries are duplicated in cacm19*.bib and toms.bib, so that each is completely self-contained.

Source code for ACM Algorithms from 380 onwards, with some omissions, is available via the Netlib service at, and

There is a World Wide Web search facility for articles published in this journal from 1959 to 1979 at

At version 3.00 of this file, data was merged in from the ACM Portal database, which has tables-contents and PDF files with searchable page images for all issues of the Communications of the ACM.

Unfortunately, those data have a disappointingly high error rate, with about a tenth of the entries containing one or more errors of author order, omission, spelling, and so on.

In addition, the common practice in this journal of splitting articles into disjoint pages means that final page numbers may be suspect.

Many short letters to the editor, certifications, errata, and remarks are absent from the ACM Portal tables-of-contents. They have been supplied when they were found in checks of the PDF page images, but it is certain that a few dozen remain to be discovered.

The ACM Portal data frequently fail to identify letters to the editor. Titles have been prefixed with Letter to the Editor when such omissions were found in the PDF page images, but many certainly remain to be repaired.

Still to be done is completion of full cross-referencing of algorithms with following certifications, comments, and remarks.

Most algorithms are marked with the Modified SHARE Classifications (Comm. ACM 11(2) 118 February 1968), reproduced here for convenient reference:

A1 Real Arithmetic, Number Theory A2 Complex Arithmetic B1 Trig and Inverse Trig Functions B2 Hyperbolic Functions B3 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions B4 Roots and Powers C1 Operations on Polynomials and Power Series C2 Zeros of Polynomials C5 Zeros of One or More Transcendental Equations C6 Summation of Series, Convergence Acceleration D1 Quadrature D2 Ordinary Differential Equations D3 Partial Differential Equations D4 Differentiation E1 Interpolation E2 Curve and Surface Fitting E3 Smoothing E4 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function F1 Matrix Operations, Including Inversion F2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrices F3 Determinants F4 Simultaneous Linear Equations F5 Orthogonalization G1 Simple Calculations on Statistical Data G2 Correlation and Regression Analysis G5 Random Number Generators G6 Permutations and Combinations G7 Subset Generators and Classifications H Operations Research, Graph Structures I5 Input--Composite J6 Plotting K2 Relocation M1 Sorting M2 Data Conversion and Scaling O2 Simulation of Computing Structure S Approximation of Special Functions\ldots{} Functions are Classified S01 to S22, Following Fletcher--Miller--Rosenhead, Index of Math. Tables Z All Others

Regrettably, the ACM Portal table-of-contents data for algorithm articles frequently drops the square-bracketed classification code that appeared in the title. These codes have been restored in scores of cases, but many omissions certainly remain to be repaired.

The initial draft of entries for 1981--1990 was extracted from the ACM Computing Archive CD ROM for the 1980s, with manual corrections and additions. Additions were then made from all of the bibliographies in the TeX User Group collection, from bibliographies in the author's personal files, from tables of contents information at, from Zentralblatt fur Mathematik Mathematics Abstracts at, from bibliographies at Internet host, and from the computer science bibliography collection on in /pub/bibliography to which many people of have contributed. The snapshot of this collection was taken on 5-May-1994, and it consists of 441 BibTeX files, 2,672,675 lines, 205,289 entries, and 6,375 <at>String{} abbreviations, occupying 94.8MB of disk space.

Numerous errors in the sources noted above have been corrected. Spelling has been verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell programs using the exception dictionary stored in the companion file with extension .sok.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in publication order within each journal, using bibsort -byvolume.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.