Master index for visible-language.bib

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: visible-language.bib
Version: 1.50
Date: 30 May 2024
Time: 07:21:59 MDT
Checksum: 40211 58227 268384 2713044 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE bibliography of the open-access journal, The Journal of Typographic Research (CODEN none, ISSN 0449-329X), (1967--1970), and an extensive, but incomplete, bibliography of its successor from 1971, Visible Language (CODEN VSLGAO, ISSN 0022-2224 (print), 2691-5529 (electronic)), published by The Case Western University Press, Cleveland, OH, USA, then by MIT Press, then by the Rhode Island School of Design, and now by the School of Design at the University of Cincinnati, OH, USA.

Publication began with volume 1, number 1, in January 1967, and there were four issues per annual volume from volumes 1 to 29 (1995). Volumes 30 (1996) to date have three issues per year. Issues are sometimes combined in print, and in one case, consecutive issues from two volumes appeared in one binding (volume 51 number 3 and volume 52 number 1).

Issues are sometimes assigned months, sometimes seasons, and sometimes have no apparent month or season, unless that was indicated on the journal covers. Regrettably, except for some PDF files from 2014 on, there are no cover images. Although some issues state a publication plan for specific months of the year, that schedule is often not adhered to.

The Web site for the journal (given below) says: ``Visible Language is the oldest peer-reviewed design journal.''

Entry Wrolstad:1976:EN reports the printing technologies used to produce the journals. There are a few colophons recorded here that may provide font and production information.

The journal has Web sites at
[no longer exists, but URLs are saved on]

Issues from the last year are available only to subscribers, and earlier issues are nominally freely accessible, but there are several problems recorded later in this section.

At version 1.50, the year coverage looked like this:

     1967 (  39)    1987 (  36)    2007 (  26)
     1968 (  50)    1988 (  29)    2008 (  37)
     1969 (  40)    1989 (  29)    2009 (  18)
     1970 (  52)    1990 (  28)    2010 (  25)
     1971 (  41)    1991 (  30)    2011 (  19)
     1972 (  46)    1992 (  22)    2012 (  24)
     1973 (  48)    1993 (  29)    2013 (  21)
     1974 (  40)    1994 (  34)    2014 (  27)
     1975 (  45)    1995 (  26)    2015 (  22)
     1976 (  46)    1996 (  30)    2016 (  31)
     1977 (  57)    1997 (  36)    2017 (  23)
     1978 (  40)    1998 (  29)    2018 (  13)
     1979 (  60)    1999 (  33)    2019 (  13)
     1980 (  52)    2000 (  24)    2020 (  10)
     1981 (  37)    2001 (  38)    2021 (  15)
     1982 (  51)    2002 (  31)    2022 (  11)
     1983 (  41)    2003 (  23)    2023 (   8)
     1984 (  42)    2004 (  17)    2024 (   2)
     1985 (  55)    2005 (  26)
     1986 (  49)    2006 (  22)

     Article:       1848

     Total entries: 1848

Unfortunately, the Web data for issue contents sometimes disagree with the articles, abbreviate or reorder author names, and fail to include links to smaller contributions near the start and end of each issue. Thus, the BibTeX entries in this file are certain to represent only a large subset of the publications in the two journals. Those deficiencies have been repaired in the complete coverage of the four volumes of The Journal of Typographic Research, but much work remains for the succeeding 50+ volumes of Visible Language.

In addition, single PDF files for complete issues are available at URLs of the form

At least 38, however, are missing, or have file protections that make them unreadable:

V12N3_1978_E.pdf V22N23_1988_E.pdf V22N2_1988_E.pdf V22N3_1988_E.pdf V23N1_1989_E.pdf V23N23_1989_E.pdf V24N34_1990_E.pdf V25N23_1991_E.pdf V26N12_1992_E.pdf V26N34_1992_E.pdf V27N12_1993_E.pdf V29N34_1995_E.pdf V38N1_2004_E.pdf V43N23_2009_E.pdf V43N2_2009_E.pdf V43N3_2009_E.pdf V45N12_2010_E.pdf V45N1_2011_E.pdf V45N2_2011_E.pdf V46N12_2012_E.pdf V46N1_2012_E.pdf V46N2_2012_E.pdf V49N12_2015_E.pdf V49N1_2015_E.pdf V49N2_2015_E.pdf V50N2_2016_E.pdf V51N2_2017_E.pdf V51N3521_2017_E.pdf V52N1_2018_E.pdf V52N2_2018_E.pdf V52N3_2018_E.pdf V53N1_2019_E.pdf V53N2_2019_E.pdf V53N3_2019_E.pdf V54N12_2020_E.pdf V54N1_2020_E.pdf V54N2_2020_E.pdf V54N3_2020_E.pdf

Their containing directories are read-protected, so it is impossible to list directory contents, in the hope of finding minor variations in file naming.

In addition, V8N1_1974_E.pdf has pages that are seriously disordered, and many other PDF files have jumbled, missing, repeated, or reversed pages. Comments preceding BibTeX entries for problem issues identify most of them.

The two journals are not in the JSTOR archive, so there are no freely accessible alternate sources of bibliographic data or article contents. I found mention of archives of the two journals in two commercial databases, but in the past, I have found the quality of those databases, and their search and retrieval capabilities, too poor to be reliable sources of bibliographic metadata.

Examination of several of the issue PDF files show flaws, including out-of-order pages, and missing pages. This problem is aggravated by the `design' of the journals that omits page numbers on many pages, fails to include year and month data in running footers in articles, and for some article PDF files, supplies them only in an awkward two-up format.

In the view of this bibliographer, the Web site design is an abject failure. In an attempt to sprinkle text around the screen like pages of an art magazine, the Web pages use Javascript, and have unpredictable names, making it impossible to fetch them automatically: each one has to be viewed in a Web browser and saved from there to HTML files. The Web pages feature popups that obscure the view of issue contents, and have scroll bars for issue selection that frequently fail to scroll.

No Web pages are available at the publisher Web site for volume 1 number 1, or for volume 1 number 2. However, based on URLs for full-text PDF files of later issues, I found that I could retrieve PDF files for the two missing issues, and then manually reconstruct BibTeX entries for their articles.

No DOI values are available for articles in these journals until v53 n3 (December 2020), and page ranges are mostly not recorded at the publisher Web site, although all articles are paginated. Thus, page ranges are missing in many of the entries in this file until a reliable secondary source of publication data can be located.

The page numbers given in entries for the four volumes of The Journal of Typographic Research have been supplied manually from visual inspection of the issue PDF files, and further validated by software than checks for page gaps and invalid page ranges. When article citations have been found, or PDF files of articles have been viewed, page ranges have been included in the BibTeX entries.

Yet more problems afflict assignment of correct page numbers to articles in these journal. Artwork, sometimes devoid of text, may surround articles, and it is then unclear whether it is merely a decorative page filler, or is intended to be part of the article.

Article order, author order, page numbers, and page ranges in the Web site files, and the journal issue table of contents, are often in disagreement with the actual articles. The bibliographer has tried hard to repair such errors, but it is likely that a few such discrepancies remain.

Numerous errors in the sources noted above have been corrected. Spelling has been verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell programs using the exception dictionary stored in the companion file with extension .sok.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are stored in publication order within each journal.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.