The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

Alphabetically Indexed CTAN Edition

Section G


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/g-brief/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

A document class for LaTeX2e. Serves for formatting formless letters in german or english language. Latest recorded version is 2.4. See also akletter, brief, dinbrief, and envlab. (20 Feb 1998)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/gb4e/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Government Binding styles. (16 May 1996)


CTAN:fonts/genealogy Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

A simple compilation of the genealogical symbols found in the `wasy' and `gen' font. Essentially adda the male and female symbols to Knuth's `gen' font. It avoids loading two fonts when you need only genealogical symbols. (31 May 1996)


Included in the TeXLive distribution

Miscellaneous small files for all formats, specific to the TeXLive CDROM. (16 May 1996)


CTAN:help/greek/gentl-gr/ Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

A translation of Doob's Gentle Introduction to TeX into Modern Greek. A PostScript file is also included. (10 Feb 1998)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/geometry PDF Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

A package which allows LaTeX2e users to customise page layout (page sizes) using an easy and flexible user interface. For example \geometry{body={6.5in,8.75in}, top=1.2in, left=2cm, nohead}. This is an update of the now superseded pagesize package. Latest recorded version is 1.08. See also vmargin, typearea, a4, and a4wide. (11 Sep 1997)


CTAN:macros/latex209/contrib/geomsty/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Provides: inclusion of PostScript figures, and of TeX text within figures; automatic creation of index entries and cross-references where appropriate; no need to worry about fragile commands in almost all situations; greater versatility in defining theorem-like environments; proofing aids such as version numbers and a running index. (26 Feb 1998)


CTAN:language/german/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Style for German typography. (16 May 1996)


CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/germbib Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

German variants of standard BibTeX styles. (12 Apr 1997)


CTAN:support/ghostscript/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Freely available PostScript interpreter. Available on many platforms and also useful for conversion from PostScript to other formats. Latest recorded version is 4.01. (20 May 1997)


CTAN:info/gleitobjekte/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

The script of a tutorial held at the November 1997 DANTE meeting. Topics covered include floats and their placement, captions, inclusion of graphics, lettering of graphics, layout of tables and large amounts of numerical data. (17 Feb 1998)


CTAN:support/glosstex Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

GlossTeX is a tool for the automatic preparation of glossaries, lists of acronyms and sorted lists in general for use with LaTeX and MakeIndex. GlossTeX combines the functionality of acronym, nomencl and GloTeX and provides some new features. Various binaries are available in the bin subdirectory. (25 Feb 1998)


CTAN:language/hyphenation/gnhyph Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

A preliminary, experimental set of hyphenation patterns for the new German orthography (``neue deutsche Rechtschreibung'') currently being introduced. Documentation (in German only) is provided within the file. Latest recorded version is beta 20. (3 Mar 1998)


CTAN:graphics/gnuplot/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Generate almost any type of chart you wish and save it in LaTeX format or as EPS (or in any of a dozen other formats).



A package to faciliate the use of gnuplot pslatex output in LaTeX. (30 May 1996)


CTAN:fonts/go Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Fonts and macros for typesetting go games. (12 Apr 1997)


CTAN:fonts/gothic Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Gothic and ornamental initial fonts by Yannis Haralambous. (12 Apr 1997)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/bosisi/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

This package combines the tools of the graphic, subfigure and float packages in a way that makes their use simpler and more robust. The Figure environment (capitalized!) differs from the standard LaTeX figure environment with the addition of a mandatory argument to specify the caption and an optional argument used as a label. These ensure that the \label command appears after the \caption command to avoid possible errors. The commands \graphfile and \graphfile have the additional advantage that the picture will be automatically centered along the horizontal direction. (10 Feb 1998)


CTAN:macros/latex/packages/graphics/ Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

The primary LaTeX package for the support of the inclusion of graphics generally produced with other tools. This package aims to give a consistent interface to including the file types that are understood by your printer driver. For documentation see grfguide. See also graphicx. (1 Nov 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex/packages/graphics/ Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante teTeX TeXLive

Better support for graphics. Builds upon the graphics package. For documentation see grfguide. (12 Jun 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex/base/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante teTeX

For producing graph paper.


CTAN:fonts/cm/utilityfonts/gray/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Fonts for gray scales (16 May 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex/packages/graphics/ PDF Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Guide to using graphics in LaTeX, including documentation on various packages including color and graphicx. (11 Jun 1997)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/grfpaste/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Provides an mechanism to include fragments of dvi files with the graphicx package: you can use \includegraphics to include dvi files. It requires the dvipaste program. (23 Feb 1998)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/other/grnumalt/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

A package which implements a numbering system used in ancient Athens, producing the `Athenian' numeral for any positive arabic numeral. The package can be used as a means to provide alternative counters. (23 Feb 1998)


CTAN:fonts/utilities/gsftopk/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Primarily intended for use with xdvi and dvips, this utility allows the use of PostScript fonts with xdvi. Latest recorded version is 1.11. (12 Nov 1996)