9.1 Add some directory to your PATH

The procedure for this is different between Windows 95 and NT:

Windows 95
Edit your autoexec.bat. In this file should be a line starting with PATH= and followed by a list of directories separated by ;. Please add the directory with the executables in this line. After this, this line could look as follows: set

Windows NT 4.0
Click left on Start –> Settings –> Control Panel. Now the window with the control panel icons opens. Double click on System. The System Properties window opens. Click on the tab Environment. Now you can change the environment variables for your user account Note: There are also displayed the environment settings for the system. Normally, you can't change the system variables unless you have administrator rights on your machine. If you want to change the PATH for all users, you will have to contact your system administrator or be the system administrator yourself–in the later case you should know what you are doing.

If there is already a PATH setting for your user account, left click on PATH. In the field Variable appears PATH while the field Value shows the current setting of PATH as a list of directories separated by ;. Add the directory where the executables are located (e.g. c:\Local\TeX\bin\win32). If there isn't a PATH variable for your user account, symply click in the field Variable and type in PATH, click in the field Value and type in the directory with the executables. Important: Click on the Apply button before clicking Ok, otherwise the changes to PATH won't apply to your system. Be careful when changing the environment settings.

9.2 Generate PDF files from my LaTeX files ?

You have 2 tools to do this:

  1. PDFTeX which is a modified TeX engine that writes PDF instead of DVI files,
  2. Dvipdfm which takes your DVI files and convert them to PDF.

9.3 Generate HTML files from my LaTeX files ?

The TeX4ht converter is provided. Its use is documented in the Web Companion Book.