NTG's MAPS 11 (1993)


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Gerard van Nes (editor)
MAPS 93.2, Dutch/English, MAPS 11, 1993 (NTG), pp. 1-227
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Jos Winnink
Opening 11e NTG bijeenkomst 10 juni 1993, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 1-6
keywords: verslag, ledenvergadering
abstract: Verslag bijeenkomst 19 november 1992; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG-jaarvergadering; Rondvraag en Sluiting; Voordrachten: `Van font tot boek'; Volgende bijeenkomsten
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Het weten waard, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 7-8
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 9-10
keywords: voorzitter
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Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 11
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Johannes Braams
Concept begroting 1994, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 12-13
keywords: begroting
abstract: !!
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NTG's Listserver TEX-NL, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 14-16
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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NTG's Fileserver TEX-NL, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 17-23
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
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Jules van Weerden
TEX-NL archief, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 24
keywords: TEX-NL
abstract: Deze bijdrage beschrijft de sinds kort aanwezige beschikbaarheid van het TEX-NL archief op het internet. Zowel inzage is mogelijk in een subject-lijst als in de TEX-NL e-mails zelf.
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George Greenwade
INFO-TeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 25-27
keywords: !!
abstract: This article is a adaption of the message send to new users on the INFO-TeX distribution list. It describes some additional features of the LISTSERV (including some other mailing lists) and the additional FILESERV facillity.
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Frans Goddijn, Henk de Haan
FGBBS zes maanden later, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 28-35
keywords: FGBBS, Bulletin Board System, LittleComm, Silver Express, offline reading, Fidonet, Internet
abstract: Henk de Haan en Frans Goddijn geven een uitleg over de werkzaamheden aan FGBBS. Nadat een directory met boeken op disk was gewist, werd de LaTeX-bibliotheek van FGBBS belangrijk uitgebreid. Er werd voor bezoekers een mogelijkheid geschapen om zowel in fidonet als Internet berichten te lezen en te schrijven. Ook een systeem voor offline reading werd aangelegd.
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John Timmerman
Spoorboekje voor het inloggen op FGBBS met LittleComm, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 36-40
keywords: FGBBS, LittleComm, data communicatie
abstract: Zoals uit het kopje al blijkt, ga ik er hier vanuit dat je nog niet veel ervaring hebt met datacommunicatie, en dat je hebt gekozen voor het gebruik van LittleComm. LittleCommspoort je vlug, veilig en voordelig door het fascinerende land van de datacommunicatie. door hem gebruikte setup.
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Christina Thiele
Greetings from TUG, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 41-42
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Kees van der Laan
NTG's Lustrum, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 43-51
keywords: 4TeX, BBS, cooperation NLUUG, cooperation CyrTUG
abstract: NTG's youth in context is depicted, with a wink to the future.
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Huib van Krimpen
Ik ben een leek en vrij van pijnlijk weten, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 52-56
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Kees van der Laan
TUG '93, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 57-59
keywords: LaTeX companion, LaTeX2.09, NTS project, Y&Y scalable outline fonts, Adobe's Acrobat and PDF, CTAN, conference, TUG, Aston
abstract: This report contains the main issues as perceived by the author. The idea is to get the flavor and my view of the good items across, at the expense of completeness.
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Kees van der Laan
TUG Board of Directors, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 60-61
keywords: BoD TUG, conference planning, long-range planning, public relations, TeXnical council, exchange of TUGboat and bulletins of LUGs
abstract: The following are the loosely formulated issues as perceived by me. For more preciseness the reader is referred to the (approved) minutes.
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Kees van der Laan
CyrTUG '93 and some more, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 62-66
keywords: CyrTUG, conference, cyrillics and TeX, MIR publishers
abstract: The first open CyrTUG meeting with a few participants from abroad. A rich touristic program next to the usual issues: courses, and special attention to the national TeX problems.
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Kees van der Laan
What is TeX and METAFONT all about?, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 67-87
keywords: AMS-TeX, education, electronic publishing, (La)TeX, METAFONT, (encapsulated) PostScript, SGML, hypertext
abstract: A survey of TeX, its flavours, and its twin sister METAFONT, within the context of Electronic Publishing, is given.
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Piet van Oostrum
Gebruik en Management van TeX in een Unix omgeving, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 88-102
keywords: !!
abstract: Een TeX systeem op een Unix systeem omhelst tegenwoordig veel meer dan alleen het gelijknamige programma. Een goed geïntegreerde werkomgeving is mogelijk voor het produceren van een veelzijdig scala aan documenten. We bespreken de structuur van het TeX systeem, de gangbare hulpmiddelen en pakketten eromheen, zoals printer drivers, previewers, font beheer, grafische pakketten, bibliografiebeheer, index beheer, spelling controle e.d. Verder besteden we aandacht aan de beheers- en installatie aspecten ervan, zowel voor een stand-alone systeem als voor een client-server omgeving met eventueel heterogene systemen.
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Geoffrey Tobin
METAFONT for Beginners, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 103-110
keywords: !!
abstract: This is not a tutorial on METAFONT. It is an attempt to describe how some of the pitfalls in running the program may, hopefully, be avoided.
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Robert Best
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 111-114
keywords: !!
abstract: Deze cursus is een vervolg op die in MAPS 93.1. Na een inleiding in het eerste hoofdstuk werden toen in de volgende hoofdstukken behandeld: Boxen, METAFONT en PostScript, Figuren en een vreemd alfabet, en tot slot INITEX en INIMF. In deze bijdrage vervolgen we met hoofdstuk 6: het maken van een mooie brief, niet via `boxen' in TeX maar m.b.v. LaTeX. In hoofdstuk 7 bekijken we de `artikel-stijl', waarschijnlijk de meest gebruikte vorm van TeX. Dat leidt tot een vergelijking van TeX en LaTeX. En tot een alternatief: TeXsis. Deze cursus is een herdruk van een serie artikelen in het blad ST uitgegeven door Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
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Bobby Bodenheimer
Frequently Asked Questions, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 115-125
keywords: FAQ, frequently asked questions, comp.text.tex
abstract: This article contains answers to some frequently asked questions on comp.text.tex. Please don't ask these questions again, as they've been answered many times before. Note that Guoying Chen (chen-guo@spunky.cs.nyu.edu) posts the monthly document Supplementary TeX Informationto this newsgroup containing other information and software relevant to TeX users but beyond the scope of this article.
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Eberhard Mattes
Frequently Asked Questions about emTeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 126-127
keywords: FAQ, frequently asked questions
abstract: This is an edited version of a document called emTeX-user Frequently Asked Questions. Eberhard Mattes sent this document on october 3rd, 1993 to the emtex-user list. In the community of dutch TeX-users emTeX is widely spread. So questions to the list are probably also valuable for many emTeX-users without direct access to the list.
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Wietse Dol
Frequently Asked Questions about 4TeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 128-130
keywords: !!
abstract: In this note I have gathered some frequently asked questions and remarks. Most of the questions and answers were proposed in Dutch, so I tried to translate them into English. Blame me for (m)any bad English.
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Philippe Vanoverbeke
Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 131-132
keywords: !!
abstract: Hier volgt opnieuw een selektie uit de NTG TEX-NL discussielijst. Er werden enkele (korte) items uitgelicht uit de onderwerpen die aan bod gekomen zijn tussen juni en september 1993.
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George Greenwade
The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN), English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 133-140
keywords: CTAN, archives, FTP
abstract: This paper outlines the concept, development, and use of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) -- a network-accessible archive for files related to the TeX family of document processing. The CTAN is a coordinated effort among consenting well-known archive sites which provides quick identification and retrieval files in a consistent manner from hosts on different continents, thereby reducing overall network load and increasing speed of retrieval. Moreover, it provides users with a parallel archive structure between hosts with holdings which are generally synchronized to within 30 hours of one another. This is achieved by routinely mirroring one another's holdings, as well as mirroring other archives to maintain an up-to-date collection of files.
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Phons Bloemen
4allTeX: NTG's TeX voor MS-DOS, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 141-154
keywords: emTeX, 4TeX, distributie
abstract: Presentatie van het 4allTeX floppypakket. Opgezet als een TeX-installatie samengepakt op 1 HD floppy, uitbreidbaar met `hapklare' brokken in de vorm van extra floppies. Het geheel is gebaseerd op het emTeX pakket van Eberhard Mattes, en het 4TeX-pakket.
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Phons Bloemen
Shells for TeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 155-159
keywords: 4TeX, TeXShell, user interfaces
abstract: This is a review of two `shell' programs for emTeX, the PC-TeX implementation of Eberhard Mattes. The `shells' provide an integrated development environment for making TeX documents. The two `shells' presented here are TeXSHELL by Jürgen Schlegelmilch, and 4TeX by Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach and Maarten van der Vlerk.
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Wietse Dol
Some notes about TeX and MS-Windows, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 160-162
keywords: !!
abstract: Many people know about TeX compilers and TeX utilities for the MS-DOS PC. However, in the world of WINDOWS there is a lack of knowledge. This note is intended to inform people who like to run TeX under WINDOWS and want all the good stuff that WINDOWS and TeX offers.
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Roger Hunter
A Future for TeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 163-166
keywords: !!
abstract: The future of TeX is invisibility. The role of TeX should be similar to that of the microprocessor in a PC. The microprocessor is the heart of the system, but is completely invisible except for the sticker which says `intel inside.' TeX must be made invisible with appropriate front-ends. These front-ends should emphasize the manipulation of content over appearance and reverse the trend toward WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interfaces with their emphasis on manipulation of appearance. Content-oriented interfaces provide far greater user productivity than WYSIWYG systems, and TeX is the ideal basis for such systems.
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Philippe Vanoverbeke
Scientific Word,... een eerste indruk, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 167-170
keywords: !!
abstract: Eind 1992 kreeg ik een beta-versie van Scientific Word in de bus. Dhr. Kruger was toen zo vriendelijk om mij dit pakket toe te sturen ter evaluatie. Hierna volgt het rapport(je) met mijn bevindingen dat ik hem destijds toestuurde. Zonder twijfel is het product inmiddels verder geëvalueerd en zijn mijn bevindingen dan ook hoogswaarschijnlijk niet echt meer `up to date'.
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Wietse Dol
The ease of including graphics in TeX documents using 4TeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 171-176
keywords: !!
abstract: In this paper we will show how 4TeX can be used to incorporate graphics in TeX documents. Using 4TeX it not only becomes easy to include graphics in TeX files, but also makes it possible to preview and print TeX documents (including graphics) on any machine and any printer. For inserting graphics in TeX documents, 4TeX uses the style file figures.sty, the shareware programs TEXCAD and GRAPHIC WORKSHOP, and the freeware programs: HP2XX, BM2FONT,PCLTOMSP, and GHOSTSCRIPT. All these programs are discussed and we also discuss how 4TeX uses the strength of these programs to incorporate graphics in TeX documents.
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Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, Alexander Samarin
Customizing LaTeX lists, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 177-184
keywords: !!
abstract: In this article, which is part of the third chapter of our forthcoming book `A LaTeX Companion', we take a look at LaTeX's list environments. First the various parameters and commands controlling the standard LaTeX lists, enumerate, itemize,anddescription, are discussed. Then the general list environment is introduced and we tell you how to build custom layouts by varying the values of the parameters controlling this environment.
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Johannes Braams
An update on the babel system, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 185-186
keywords: !!
abstract: This article describes the changes that have been made to the babel system, since the article describing the system appeared in TUGboat Volume 12, number 2. This article announces the release of a new version of the babel system.
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Piet Tutelaers
Herziene afbreekpatronen voor het Nederlands, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 187-190
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Donald Arseneau
Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 191-193
keywords: !!
abstract: Editor's note: This description of an unusual macro file, shapepar.sty, is taken from the documentation; the full style file can be found in CTAN archives.
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Marek Rycko, Boguslaw Jackowski
TeX from \indent to \par, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 194-198
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Rob de Jeu
LaTeX at WKAP in Dordrecht, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 199-200
keywords: !!
abstract: In this article, I will explain a couple of things about the use of LaTeX at Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers (WKAP), a scientific publisher in Dordrecht. WKAP came into existence in the '80s after the merger between D. Reidel Publishing Company, Martinus Nijhoff and Dr W. Junk. Each year, WKAP publishes approximately 200 scientific journals and about 500 books (in reality, 200 scientific journal titles translates into some 1200 journal issues).
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Philippe Vanoverbeke
TeX en braille... een illusie?, Dutch, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 201-204
keywords: !!
abstract: Ongetwijfeld zal bovenstaande titel menig NTG-lid de wenkbrauwen doen fronsen...: Typografie, laat staan TeX, is nu wel het laatste wat wij in verband brengen met onze blinde medemens. In de volgende paragrafen zal ik pogen te verklaren waarom ik TeX als een mogelijk hulpmiddel zie voor de produktie van (eenvoudige) documenten in braille.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Bibliography -- a generic approach, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 205-210
keywords: literature database, bibliography, plain TeX, macro writing, education
abstract: A new and flexible approach to maintaining and using a bibliography database within (All)TeX is provided.
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Kees van der Laan
Matrix icons via LaTeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 211-212
keywords: matrix icons, LaTeX, picture environment, macro writing, education
abstract: Some macros for typesetting matrix icons are provided, based upon LaTeX's picture environment, which don't need coordinate awareness: just the (dimensionless) sizes of the `boxes.'
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Wlodek Bzyl, Tomasz Przechlewski
An application of literate programming: creating a format for the bulletin of the Polish TUG, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 213-215
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Mary Dyson
Teaching Typography -- The Didot Project, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 216-218
keywords: !!
abstract: This paper briefly outlines the Didot project on teaching digital typography. A key issue, namely the nature of the interaction between computer and design specialists, is discussed and related to the type of material that could be included in a curriculum for digital typography. Teaching methods and material that have been developed in this area are outlined and an evaluation of one of these methods is described.
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Chris Rowley, Frank Mittelbach
Announcement LaTeX2e -- A New Version of LaTeX, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 219-220
keywords: !!
abstract: LaTeX2e is a new, standard version of LaTeX-prepared and supported by the LaTeX3 Project Team.
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Nico Poppelier
Review of recent LaTeX books, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 221-222
keywords: !!
abstract: Reviews of `A Guide to LaTeX, Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users' (Helmut Kopka and Patrick Daly), `LaTeX Line By Line, Tips and Techniques for Document Processing' (Antoni Diller).
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Michael Ferguson
The Technical Council and Special Interest Working Groups, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 223
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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Mary Dyson
Call for papers: TEP'94 & TUG'94, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 224-225
keywords: call for papers, TEP, TUG, Darmstadt, Santa Barbara
abstract: call for papers for TEP'94 and for TUG'94.
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Table of Contents TUGboat, English, MAPS 11, 1993, pp. 226-227
keywords: !!
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.
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1740 AJ Schagen
The Netherlands
E-mail: ntg@ntg.nl

Last modified: Fri Apr 3 15:31:43 MDT 1998 by: Piet van Oostrum