NTG's MAPS 8 (1992)


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Gerard van Nes (editor)
MAPS 92.1, Dutch/English, MAPS 8, 1992 (NTG), pp. 1-150
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Gerard van Nes, Jos Winnink
Verslag, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 1-4
keywords: verslag, ledenvergadering
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 2 mei 1991; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Rondvraag; NTG presentaties: `Fun with TeX'; Sluiting.
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TeX kalender & Glossary & Aanschaf TeX boeken, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 5
keywords: kalender, glossary, boeken
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Werkgroepen NTG, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 6
keywords: werkgroepen
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
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Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 7
keywords: voorzitter
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Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1991, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 8-10
keywords: jaarverslag
abstract: In 1991 ging de NTG zijn 4e jaar van bestaan in. Wederom verschenen er een tweetal MAPS (Minutes & APpendiceS), twee NTG bijeenkomsten vonden plaats met een groeiend aantal lezingen, bestuursverkiezingen werden voor het eerst gehouden, een gecombineerd NTG/TUG lidmaatschap werd mogelijk, de samenwerking met Wiskundig Nederland kreeg gestalte, en er werd verdere aandacht besteed aan de continuering en acceptatie van de NTG.
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Johannes Braams
Financieel verslag NTG 1991, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 11-12
keywords: financieel verslag
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NTG's listserver TEX-NL, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 13-15
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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NTG's fileserver TEX-NL, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 16-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
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Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Review Urban's `An introduction to LaTeX', English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 23-24
keywords: education, review, `An introduction to LaTeX'
abstract: Review of Michael Urban's `An introduction to LaTeX'
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Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Addendum `Publiceren met LaTeX', English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 25-30
keywords: education, `Publiceren met LaTeX'
abstract: Addendum `Publiceren met LaTeX'
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Erik-Jan Vens
WG 4: Fonts: Met schuine en begerige ogen, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 31-32
keywords: werkgroepen, fonts
abstract: `Peremesjtsjenije', Een verhaal van nette armoei.
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Jos Winnink
WG 7: PC-zaken, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 33-34
keywords: werkgroepen, PC, MS-DOS, Atari
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
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Daniel Taupin
MusicTeX; using TeX to write polyphonic or instrumental music, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 35-52
keywords: typeseting music
abstract: MusicTeX is a set of TeX macros to typeset polyphonic, orchestral or polyphonic music.
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Theo Jurriens
Dating with TeX, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 53-56
keywords: typeseting dates
abstract: Three TeX-coded algorithms are given for performing tricks with dates.
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Kees van der Laan
Dag van het Document (verslag ITI-TNO informatiedag), Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 57-58
keywords: document, opslag en retrieval, ITI-TNO
abstract: Een verslag van de dag van het document. Centraal stond de problematiek: opslag en retrieval van documenten. Interessant waren het begrip bibliotheek zonder muren, en de intelligente auteursomgevingen. Het dilemma ten aaanzien van het centrale theam is: moeten wij alles bewaren of selecteren en vergeten? Ook het forum kwam hier niet uit. Er was een beurs met een 20-tal stands.
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Gerard van Nes
Molecuul Muis Manuscript (verslag KNCV symposium), Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 59-62
keywords: chemie, electronisch publiceren, KNCV
abstract: Op 18 oktober 1991 werd door de sectie Computertoepassingen van de KNCV (Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging) een symposium m.b.t. chemische tekstverwerking georganiseerd. Naast een algemene introductie over `Electronisch Publiceren', kregen zowel de Apple Macintosh als MS-DOS geïnteresseerden (chemici) de huidige mogelijkheden van het verwerken van chemische teksten voorgeschoteld. Het pakket TeX kwam in een laatste lezing naar voren. De duidelijk geslaagde dag werd bezocht door een kleine honderd deelnemers, inclusief een tiental leveranciers. Vele (leerzame) demonstraties, zowel tijdens de lezingen, als ook tussen de lezingensessies door, zorgden mede voor een duidelijk overzicht.
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David Salomon
An introduction to TeX -- part I course David Salomon --, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 63-80
keywords: introduction
abstract: !!
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Joachim Schrod
The Components of TeX, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 81-86
keywords: components of TeX
abstract: TeX needs a great amount of supplementary components (files and programs) of which the meaning and interaction often is unknown. This paper explains the components of the kernel system TeX that are visible for the TeX user and their relations.
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Frank Mittelbach
LaTeX 3 project, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 87-90
keywords: LaTeX3
abstract: !!
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Nelson Beebe
LaTeX Editing support, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 91-114
keywords: LaTeX, editing, Emacs
abstract: The structured markup of LaTeX can be easy to read and understand, but tedious to type. Its syntax of environment groups bears a strong resemblance to the begin/end groups of the Algol family of computer programming languages, which can be described by rigorous grammars that in turn permit the automatic construction of lexical analyzers and parsers, and structured editors to support programming in those languages. This article describes a powerful facility for the preparation of LaTeX documents using the Emacs text editor.
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Victor Eijkhout
Prolegomena toward a font selection scheme, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 115-116
keywords: !!
abstract: Most users of plain TeX do not get very sophisticated in their use of fonts. Often they resort to declaring all used fonts explicitly with \font. There are some obvious disadvantages to that: it is not possible to switch a whole document in a simple way to a different typeface, or to a different size. As a result, I've seen such phenomena as an article with an abstract in 8 or 9 point, but where the formulas were still in 10 point, or pages of `magnified' type where the lines were cramped, because the \baselineskip was not increased with the type size. The need for a good font selection scheme is thus quite obvious, but the implementation of one is not.
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Theo Jurriens
From observation to publication, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 117-120
keywords: !!
abstract: This article describes the use of TeX in publishing observations of variable stars observed by Dutch amateur-astronomers. The observations are published in the journal `Variabilia' and in the so-called Reports. In the latter the observations, collected in several years, are published and submitted to the professional astronomer. It includes tables and light-curves: plot of the changing magnitude of the star versus time. In creating the light-curves: PICTeX is used. In preparing the files for PICTeX simple TeX-coding is used for manipulating the data.
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Kees van der Laan
FIFO and LIFO incognito, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 121-124
keywords: FIFO, LIFO
abstract: FIFO, first-in-first-out, and LIFO, last-in-last-out, are well-known techniques for handling sequences. In TeX macro writing they are abundant but are not easily recognized as such. TeX templates for FIFO and LIFO are given and their use is illustrated.
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Kees van der Laan
Tower of Hanoi, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 125-127
keywords: towers of Hanoi
abstract: Another version of programming `The Tower of Hanoi' in TeX is provided. No nodding knowledge of Lisp is required; just plain TeX. There is no restriction on the number of disks, apart from the installed limits of TeX. Generalized disks can be moved as well.
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Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Crosswords via TeX, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 128-132
keywords: crosswords, \halign, WYSIWYG, education, macro writing, plain TeX
abstract: A macro is provided for typesetting crosswords via (plain) TeX, or any TeX, which allows \halign use. The specification of the crossword information can be done in the WYSIWYG way, and does not require \halign markup, just the data.
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Theo Jurriens
Ladies & LaTeX -- II, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 133-134
keywords: !!
abstract: In dit artikel wordt mijn ervaring als LaTeX-docent, vraagbaak voor secretaresses beschreven. Er zijn twee bronnen van problemen: organisatie en TeX-techniek.
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Nico Poppelier, Amy Hendrickson
Book reviews, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 135-138
keywords: book reviews, SGML
abstract: Reviews of `LaTeX for Everyone' (Jane Hahn), `Practical SGML' (Eric van Herwijnen), `TeX by Topic, A TeXnician's Reference' (Victor Eijkhout).
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Kees van der Laan
Spivak's Oeuvre, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 139-142
keywords: LAMSTeX
abstract: Spivak's `The Joy of TeX' and `LAMSTeX -- The Synthesis' are discussed.
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TUGboat, Table of Contents, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 143-144
keywords: TUGboat
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 12.3, 12.4 and 13.1.
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Tijdschriften zusterverenigingen, Dutch, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 145-146
keywords: tijdschriften
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Jiri Vesely
EuroTeX92 announcement, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 147-148
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, announcement, Prague
abstract: Announcement of the EuroTeX'92 conference.
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David Salomon
`Insights in TeX' course, English, MAPS 8, 1992, pp. 149-150
keywords: course
abstract: This advanced course, with no hands-on, is aimed at those TeX and/or LaTeX users who are ready for a deeper insight into the TeXnigma. An extra one-day introductory course can be organized for inexperienced users, if there is enough demand.
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Last modified: Fri Apr 3 15:31:32 MDT 1998 by: Piet van Oostrum