Preface to the alpha release of GNOME

Table of Contents
What is GNOME
Obtaining and installing GNOME

Dear GNOME enthusiast,

This document accompanies the alpha release of GNOME, shipped in May of 1998. At this time GNOME is an interesting and useful suite of programs, but it is under very active development. This means that you will find many programs which are incomplete and some bugs which you would not expect from a mature product.

Having said this, GNOME is already today an exciting product, and many of its programs are quite useful.

What is GNOME

NOTE: If you tire of explanations and just want to get going with GNOME in a practical way, please skip the rest of this preface and read Chapter 1 immediately.

GNOME is a project which endeavors to provide a complete, consistent, state of the art and free user environment for UNIX systems. This includes:

There are many more facets to GNOME, and much information can be found at the GNOME web page.

GNOME is a GNU project, was started in 1997, and has developed very quickly. GNOME can be thought of as an acronym standing for GNU Network Object Model Environment.