IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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IBM Visualization Data Explorer
Programmer's Reference

Version 3 Release 1 Modification 4


Table of Contents

About This Book
Chapter 1. Overview
Chapter 2. Writing a Simple Module
Chapter 3. Module Builder
Chapter 4. What you need to know about Data Explorer to write a Module
Chapter 5. Working with Data
Chapter 6. Working with Positions
Chapter 7. Working with Connections
Chapter 8. Importing Data
Chapter 9. Using the Pick Structure
Chapter 10. Writing Modules for a Parallel Environment
Chapter 11. Making a Module Work
Chapter 12. Working with Data Model Objects
Chapter 13. System Services
Chapter 14. Data Processing
Chapter 15. Geometric Objects
Chapter 16. Rendering
Chapter 17. DXLink Developer's Toolkit
Appendix A. Data Explorer Libraries
Appendix B. Data Explorer Data Model Library: DXlite Routines
Appendix C. Data Explorer Library Routines
Chapter 18. Glossary


  1. Data Explorer architecture
  2. The Hello Module in a Visual Program
  3. The Hello Module with a String Interactor in a Visual Program
  4. Module Builder Dialog Box
  5. Worker Routine: Example1_worker
  6. Worker Routine. Example2_worker
  7. Worker Routine. Example3_worker
  8. Parts of a Group
  9. Order of Vertices in Connection Elements
  10. Transformation of Coordinates
  11. Types of Connections and Positions
  14. Data Explorer architecture

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