Entry Bench-Capon:EPODD-2-4-231 from epodd.bib

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BibTeX entry

  author =       "Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon and Paul E. Dunne",
  title =        "Some computational properties of a model for
                 electronic documents",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "231--256",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/epodd.bib",
  abstract =     "Differing types of documents exhibit varying
                 structures. These may arise, at one level, because of
                 the material comprising the text -- thus textbooks will
                 be organized differently from research papers -- and at
                 a lower level as a result of the layout conventions by
                 which the text is formatted. These structuring regimes
                 may be seen as defining a set of constraints which a
                 document within a specific class must satisfy. In this
                 paper we examine the model recently proposed in
                 Reference \cite{Koo} which is used for representing and
                 modifying electronic documents. This employs simple
                 graph grammars as a means of translating changes in the
                 document structure into modifications to the computer
                 representation. The aim of this approach is to provide
                 computer support which will allow the appropriate
                 structural conventions to be preserved while the
                 document is being edited. We consider the following
                 problem with this method: given a set of `constraints'
                 which the document must satisfy and a collection of
                 rules prescribing how the document representation may
                 be modified, how does one prove that {\em only\/}
                 documents which obey the constraints can be generated
                 by repeated applications of the rules? We describe one
                 way in which this question can be more precisely
                 formulated and call this the {\em consistency
                 checking\/} problem. It is shown that, in general, this
                 problem cannot be solved. We then outline how, for
                 practical applications, the consistency checking
                 problem may be solved for certain special cases.",
  keywords =     "Document models, Graph modification systems,
                 Electronic documents",

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